Chapter 25 - Urinary System - Class Outline
Chapter 25 - Urinary System - Class Outline
Chapter 25 - Urinary System - Class Outline
▪ Performs excretion: Separates metabolic waste from
Adrenal gland
the blood and eliminates the waste from the body in
urine. Kidney
Peritoneum L1
tissue: Hilum
▪ Filtration membrane:
o Capillary endothelium: fenestrated
o Basement membrane: proteoglycan gel
o Filtration slits in between podocyte foot processes that surround glomerulus
o Collectively they hold back cells and plasma proteins
Layers of Wall
▪ Mucosa
o Lined with transitional epithelium.
▪ Muscularis
o Inner longitudinal and outer circular layer of smooth
o In lower region of ureter: Additional longitudinal layer.
▪ Adventitia
o Fibrous connective tissue binds ureters to surrounding
Urinary Bladder
▪ Stores urine. Figure 25.11
▪ Muscular sac
▪ Inferior to peritoneum
▪ Rugae: temporary folds in empty
o Flatten when bladder fills.
▪ Highly distensible organ.
▪ 800 ml capacity
▪ Trigone
o Floor of the bladder. Triangular region
o defined by the orifices of the ureters
and urethra. No rugae present.
Layers of Wall
Urinary Bladder
▪ Mucosa
o Lined by transitional epithelium.
o Epithelium thins when stretched.
o Designed for extensibility and water impermeability.
o Umbrella cells: Dome-shaped superficial cells in non-distended bladder.
Urinary Bladder
▪ Called the detrusor muscle.
▪ Three layers of smooth muscle:
o Inner: Thin longitudinal layer.
o Middle: Thick circular layer.
o Outer: Thin longitudinal layer.
▪ Adventitia: covers all but superior region.
▪ Serosa: covers superior region.
▪ Transports urine away from bladder out of the body.
▪ In females:
o 3 – 4 cm in length.
o Lined by transitional epithelium near bladder.
o Lined by stratified squamous near external orifice.
o Pseudostratified in other regions.
▪ In males:
o18 cm in length.
o Lined by transitional epithelium near bladder.
o Stratified squamous near external orifice.
oAreas of stratified columnar and pseudostratified
columnar in between.
o Three regions
▪ In both sexes, a thickened region of
detrusor muscle near urethra retains
urine in bladder.