Quiz 2 Solution

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Quiz 2

Duration: 10 minutes

All questions carry 1 mark except Q9 and Q10. Q9 and Q10 carry 1.5 marks each.
Show questions in each section on the same page.

Section A
From the voice of the customers, the management has set a target to assure a waiting
time not more than 11 minutes to the patients visiting the clinic. If the mean waiting
time is 10 minutes (SD=0.5 mins), then
1. Fraction defective is ______ (Ans: 0.02275)
USL 11
Process mean 10
Process SD 0.5

Fraction defective 1-NORM.DIST(11,10,0.5,TRUE) = 0.02275

The fraction of defective containers produced by this process is estimated by finding

the area to the right of USL.
2. Is the process centered?
1. Yes
2. No
Ans: b (Since process mean is off the target)
In case of two-sided or bilateral tolerances, nominal value is taken as the target. In case
of unilateral tolerances, it’s implicit to consider for lower the better type and higher the
better type of characteristics zero and infinity as targets respectively, which is not
practical. Hence, desired process mean is taken as 11-3sigma=9.5 (in this case) so that
the process becomes capable. The current process mean is off the target and hence, its
not centered. After centering the process, find the desired SD and reduced the variation
to make it a six-sigma process.

This question will not be considered in evaluation. It’s given to provoke the thought
process. It’s so practical to have these types of characteristics when you deal with real-
world problems.

Section B
3. Robust design refers to designing goods and services that:
a. make the most efficient use of the available resources.
b. create a competitive advantage for the organization in the market.
c. are insensitive to variation in manufacturing processes and when consumers use
d. are the least costly to produce.
Ans: c
4. At six sigma quality, we expect ___ defectives ppm when process at target
1. 2700 ppm
2. 0.002 ppm
3. 3.4 ppm
4. None of the above
Ans: b
=1-(NORM.S.DIST(6,1)-NORM.S.DIST(-6,1))= 0.000000001973 =
0.000000001973× 10 = 0.001973 ppm
5. At six sigma quality, we expect ___ defectives ppm at 1.5sigma off the target
1. 2700 ppm
2. 0.002 ppm
3. 3.4 ppm
4. None of the above
Ans: c
=1-(NORM.S.DIST(6-1.5,1)-NORM.S.DIST(-6-1.5,1))= 0.000003398=3.4 ppm
6. _____ is a test or series of tests that enables the experimenter to compare two or
more methods to determine which is better or determine levels of controllable
factors to optimize the yield of a process or minimize the variability of a response
a. Designed experiment
b. Hypothesis testing
c. Kurtosis
d. Regression
Ans: a
7. An experiment that evaluates the effect of two temperatures (100 and 200 degrees
F) and two reaction times (45 and 95 minutes) on process yield has _____ possible
combinations (treatments) to test.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
Ans: b
(100 , 45), (100,95), (200,45), (200,95) are the four different treatments under which
experiments have to be conducted.

Section C
8. If the specification limits set for maintaining thickness of a metal plate are LSL =
2.70 mm and USL = 2.80 mm and if the process mean is at 2.76 mm standard
deviation is 0.0085, then sigma level is almost at
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
Ans: d
9. If a metal plate has thickness less than LSL is scrapped, what is the scrap
percentage? ________ Ans: 0.000000000084%
10. If a metal plate has thickness more than USL is reworked, what is the rework
percentage? _________ Ans: 0.0001263851%
USL 2.8
LSL 2.7
Process mean 2.76
Process SD 0.0085
K 5.882352941 =(2.8-2.7)/(2*0.0085)
scrap 0.00000000000084 0.000000000084%
Rework 0.00000126385133 0.0001263851%

Section D
Source DF SS MS F F crit
Tensile strength 3 382.79 127.6 19.61 3.1
Error 20 130.17 6.51
Total 23 512.96

11. How many levels?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Ans: d
Degree of freedom for tensile strength shows 3 (no. of levels -1). No. of levels=4
12. How many repetitions or observations per treatment?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
e) 6
Ans: e
Degree of freedom for Total shows 23 (no. of observations -1). So total number of
observations is 24. So, number of repetitions must be 24/4=6
13. Is the factor significant?
a) Yes
b) No
Ans: a
F(calculated) > F(Tabulated). So the factor is significant.
14. Is the model adequate?
a) Yes
b) No
Ans: b
Error contribution is 25%.

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