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Cee Paramedical Memory Based Question Paper With Answers 2078 In Help For Entrance.


1. Which of the following historical man first used fire?

(A) Java man (B) Peking man
(C) Australopithecus (D) Neanderthal man
2. If an unfertilized ovum of frog is prickled with a micro needle, it will
(A) Die immediately
(B) Survive but remain undivided
(C) Start dividing
(D) Develop into a tadpole at a faster rate
3. Vitamin B12 is also known as
(A) Cyanocobalamin (B) Tocopherol
(C) Nicotinamide (D) Thiamine
4. Which is false?
(A) Mammalia: Chordata (B) Cestoda: Platyhelminthes
(C) Polyplacophora: Mollusca (D) Ciliata: Porifera
5. Histamine & Heparin are produced by:
(A) Mast cell (B) Monocytes (C) Neutrophils (D) Basophils
6. Symmetry present in Earthworm is
(A) Bilateral (B) Radial (C) Biradial (D) Circular
7. Succus entericus is
(A) Intestinal juice (B) Abdominal juice
(C) Salivary juice (D) Pancreatic juice
8. Chloragogen cell is analogous to
(A) Liver of higher animals (B) Lungs of higher animals
(C) Kidney of higher animals (D) Spleen of higher animals
9. All of the following are types or neuroglia of CNS except
(A) Oligodendrocyte (B) Schwann cells (C) Microglia (D) Astrocyte
10. Rhizopoda belongs to
(A) Porifera (B) Coelenterate
(C) Protists (D) Platyhelminthes
11. Dorsal pores in earthworm starts form
(A) 7/8 segment (B) 9/10 segment
(C) 11/12 segment (D) 4/5 segment
12. Which of the following cells are phagocytic found in liver?
(A) Granulocytes (B) Dust cells (C) Monocyte (D) Kupffer's cells
13. All of the following types of teeth are present in frog except:
(A) Homodont (B) Polyphyodont (C) Thecodont (D) Acrodont
14. Transplantation of organs between genetically different individual of same
species is called
(A) Allograft (B) Isograft (C) Autograft (D) Xenograft
15. Carbonic anhydrase is found in
(A) WBC (B) RBC (C) Platelets (D) Tissue fluid
16. Renal portal system of frog is significant in
(A) Supplying extra blood to kidneys
(B) Drawing blood from kidneys
(C) Quick short circuit for elimination of nitrogenous wastes
(D) Quick short circuit for elimination of fats
17. In which stage of development, blastopore is found?
(A) Gastrula (B) Blastula (C) Morula (D) 8 Celled stage
18. Female mosquito are only blood sucking; male mosquito does not transmit
malaria parasite because
(A) It lacks blood sucking mouth parts
(B) It catches fever
(C) It is too small to carry parasite
Cee Paramedical Memory Based Question Paper With Answers 2078 In Help For Entrance.

(D) The parasite is killed in its stomach.

19. Eyes of vertebrates and eyes of cephalopod possess same function of vision but
these organisms do not bear a close phylogeny. This concept is
(A) Homologous organ due to convergent evolution
(B) Homologous organ due to divergent evolution
(C) Analogous organ due to convergent evolution
(D) Analogous organ due to divergent evolution
20. A man on the stone becomes imbalanced but he is able to balance himself. Which
part is used in balancing?
(A) Semicircular canal (B) Sacculus & Utriculus
(C) Cochlea (D) Middle ear
21. Infective stage of plasmodium in human is
(A) Trophozoite (B) Sporozoite (C) Signet stage (D) Rosette stage
22. Which is true fish?
(A) Jelly fish (B) Cuttle fish (C) Silver fish (D) Dog fish
23. Myelin sheath is formed by
(A) Nissl's granules (B) Muscle cells (C) Schwann cells (D) Axon
24. Conduction velocity is maximum in
(A) SA node (B) Bundle of his (C) Purkinje fibers (D) AV node
25. Reduced ear is found in which adaptation?
(A) Cursorial (B) Scansorial (C) Fossorial (D) Arboreal
26. Which is correct among the following?
(A) Human is ancestor of monkey (B) Dryopithecus is first bipedal man
(C) Human and apes have same ancestor (D) Australopithecus used clothes
27. Which is false?
(A) Lizard → Uricotelic (B) Whale → Ammonotelic
(C) Bird → Uricotelic (D) Man → Ureotelic
28. Which of the following organ size evolution decreases with age?
(A) Thymus (B) Pineal gland (C) Pituitary gland (D) Gonads
29. T-lymphocytes mature in
(A) Bone marrow (B) Thymus (C) Thyroid (D) Pancreases
30. BCG is used to prevent
(A) Cancer (B) Typhoid (C) Tuberculosis (D) Diphtheria
31. Which of the following is not a true amphibian?
(A) Salamander (B) Toad (C) Frog (D) Tortoise
32. Tree frog is
(A) Hyla (B) Toad (C) Rhacophorus (D) Phrynosoma
33. Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between:
(A) Mammal and amphibian (B) Amphibians and reptiles
(C) Reptiles and mammals (D) Reptiles and birds
34. If the level of iodine decreases tadpole in larva then,
(A) Metamorphosis increases (B) Metamorphosis decreases
(C) Tadpole remains as it is (D) Tadpole becomes giant tadpole
35. Angiotensinogen is converted into angiotensin by
(A) Androgen (B) Aldosterone (C) ACE (D) Renin
36. Pleura is a covering of:
(A) Heart (B) Spleen (C) Lungs (D) Liver
37. What is the (Hb0₂) oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve is?
(A) Sigmoid (B) J-shaped (C) Hyperbola (D) Parabola
38. P wave in ECG shows
(A) Ventricular depolarization (B) Atrial depolarization
(C) Ventricular repolarization (D) Atrial repolarization
39. The prolonged effect of smoking is
(A) Emphysema (B) Encephalopathy
(C) Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (D) Hodgkin Disease
Cee Paramedical Memory Based Question Paper With Answers 2078 In Help For Entrance.

40. HIV invades

(A) T-lymphocytes (B) B-lymphocytes (C) Erythrocytes (D) Thrombocytes

41. Horse shoe shaped embryo sac and curved ovule is said to be
(A) Campylotropous (B) Amphhitropous
(C) Orthothropous (D) Anatropous
42. Which ion plays role in opening and closing of stomata?
(A) K+ ions (B) Na+ ions (C) Mg² ions (D) Ca+2 ions
43. Bacteria respire with the help of:
(A) Mesosome (B) Cytoplasm (C) Mitochondria (D) Chloroplast
44. What is the shape of pyramid of biomass in pond ecosystem?
(A) Erect (B) Inverted (C) Spindle (D) No shape
45. Largest archegonia is found in
(A) Bryophytes (B) Pteridopytes (C) Gymnosperm (D) Angiosperm
46. Pneumatophores are found in
(A) Marshy and saline vegetation (B) Xerophytes
(C) Mesophytes (D) Epiphytes
47. The movement of water through selectively permeable membrane is
(A) Diffusion (B) Osmosis (C) Imbibition (D) Plasmolysis
48. Synapsis occurs in
(A) Leptotene (B) Zygotene (C) Diplotene (D) Pachytene
49. X-linked recessive disorder is
(A) Hemophilia (B) Hypertrichosis
(C) Turner syndrome (D) Down's syndrome
50. What happens in meiotic division?
(A) Four daughter cells formed with same character
(B) Two daughter cells formed with same character
(C) Four daughter cells formed with different character
(D) Two daughter cells formed with different character
51. What is the ratio of tall and dwarf different character in F2-generation?
(A) 3:1 (B) 1:1 (C) 9:3:3:1 (D) 9:7
52. Which is formed during transcription of DNA?
(A) m-RNA (B) Amino acid (C) Protein (D) Nitrogen bases
53. Primary cell wall contains?
(A) Cellulose (B) Pectic compound
(C) Certain polysaccharides (D) All of these
54. Nutrient formed in which of the following process?
(A) Krebs cycle (B) Calvin cycle (C) Urea cycle (D) C2 cycle
55. Relationship between fungi and algae is
(A) Mutualism (B) Commensalism (C) Predation (D) Ammensalism
56. Elater of Marchantia is
(A) Haploid (B) Diploid (C) Triploid (D) Tetraploid
57. Semi-autonomous organelle is
(A) Chloroplast (B) Endoplasmic reticulum
(C) Golgi bodies (D) Ribosomes
58. Vascular bundle in which xylem and phloem are joined together is
(A) Conjoint (B) Collateral (C) Radial (D) Closed
59. Pollen is transferred to the stigma of same flower is
(A) Autogamy (B) Geitonogamy (C) Allogamy (D) Xenogamy
60. Late blight of potato is caused by:
(A) Phytopthora (B) Synchytrium
(C) Albugo candida (D) Fusarium moniliformis
61. Which of the following is dominant forest type in tropical region?
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(A) Shorea robusta (B) Oaks (C) Acer (D) Cedar

62. Monoclonal antibodies are produced from hybrid cells called as hybridomas. The
cells fused to obtain these hybridoma cells are
(A) B-lymphocytes and myeloma cells
(B) Lymphoma cells and bone marrow cells
(C) T-lymphocytes and myeloma cells
(D) B-lymphocytes and carcinoma cells
63. Antheridia are found in
(A) Marchantia (B) Red algae (C) Brown algae (D) Green algae
64. Plants growing in sea areas don't have annual rings due to
(A) there is climatic variation
(B) there is no marked climatic variation
(C) there is enough moisture in the atmosphere
(D) soil is sandy
65. If you know that the base-sequence of one strand is AATTCG, the sequence of the
complementary strand must be
66. In which of the family, trees are not found?
(A) Brassicaceae (B) Solanaceae (C) Fabaceae (D) Asteraceae
67. Most stable ecosystem is
(A) Pond (B) Forest (C) Desert (D) Ocean
68. Pyramid of energy of ecosystem is
(A) Always upright (B) Spindle shaped (C) inverted (D) None
69. If there are 4 chromosomes in Prophase-I then the number of chromosomes in
Anaphase-II is
(A) 2 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 1
70. If there is cross between hybrid tall and dwarf parents, it is
(A) Test cross (B) Back cross (C)Out cross (D) Criss cross
71. Female diploid and male plant tetraploid after pollination between them,
polyploid of endosperm formed is?
(A) Hexaploid (B) Pentaploid (C) Tetraploid (D) Diploid
72. Restriction endonuclease is used as
(A) Molecular scissor to cut DNA (B) DNA ligase
(C) DNA polymerase (D) Helicase
73. Which plants have vascular bundle system?
(A) Pteridophyte (B) Bryophytes (C) Algae (D) Fungi
74. The hereditary character is determined by gene. It helps in synthesis of
(A) Protein (B) Chromosome (C) DNA (D) Allele
75. Endosperm of angiosperm is
(A) Haploid (B) Diploid (C) Triploid (D) Tetraploid
76. Pieces of plant tissue used in tissue culture is called
(A) Explant (B) Inoculant (C) Somaclone (D) Clone
77. Algae are classified on the basis of
(A) Color pigment (B) Gametophyte (C) Sporophyte (D) Embryo
78. Industrial area doesn't have
(A) Moss (B) Lichen (C) Fungi (D) Algae
79. At the time of germination of Zygospore in
(A) All haploid nuclei are functional (B) One haploid nucleus is functional
(C) Diploid nucleus does not divide (D) Diploid nucleus divides mitotically
80. Reticulate chloroplast is found in
(A) Ultothrix (B) Spirogyra
(C) Oedogonium (D) Chlamydomonas
81. Radioactive noble gas is
(A) Radon (B) Xenon (C) Krypton (D) Helium
82. Bakelite is formed by polymerization of
Cee Paramedical Memory Based Question Paper With Answers 2078 In Help For Entrance.

(A) Phenol and formaldehyde (B) Alcohol and acetaldehyde

(C) Phenol and acetaldehyde (D) Alcohol and formaldehyde
83. Nessler's reagent is used to detect
(A) PH3 (B) NH3 (C) SO2 (D) Cl₂
84. Universal gas constant "R" is equal to
(A) 8.31 JK-1 mol-1 (B) 2 JK-¹ mol-1 (C) 8.31 JK mol (D) 2 JK mol
85. What happens when primary alcohols are oxidized?
(A) Forms aldehyde (B) Forms ketone
(C) Forms halide (D) Forms ether
86. Which of the following undergoes Cannizzaro reaction?
87. Which of the following reacts with ammonical AgNO3 solution?
(A) Ethyne (B) Ethylene (C) But-2-yne (D) Ethane
88. Aqua-regia is a mixture of
(A) 3 HNO3 + HCI (B) 3 HCl + HNO3
(C) 2 HNO3 + HCI (D) 2 HCI + HNO3
89. Peptide bond found in
(A) Lipid (B) Carbohydrate (C) Proteins (D) Fats
90. Inulin is related to
(A) Protein (B) Fructose (C) Starch (D) Lipid
91. Oxidation of carbon in C12H22011 is
(A) +6 (B) +4 (C) +12 (D) 0
92. If rate is increased by double when its reactant becomes 4 times, what is order of
(A) half order (B) 1st order (C) zero order (D) 2nd order
93. Molecular formula of ester is
94. Metal containing dye which gives fabric color?
(A) Vat dye (B) Azo dye (C) Mordant dye (D) Acidic dye
95. Benzaldehyde in presence of conc. NaOH gives redox reaction, which is known as
(A) Cannizzaro reaction (B) Aldol reaction
(C) Perkin reaction (D) Claisen condensation
96. Per nitric acid is
(A) HCIO4 (B) HNO4 (C) CCl4 (D) HCIO3
97. Zn-Hg amalgam used the reduction
(A) Clemmensen's reduction (B) Wolf Kishner reduction
(C) Rosenmund reduction (D) Sabatier-Senderens reduction
98. Ground state of fluorine is
(A) 1s²2s²2p5 (B) 1s²2s²2p (C) 1s² 2s²2p 3s² (D) 2s²2p4
99. Phosphorescence shown by
(A) Red P (B) White P (C) Black P (D) Crystal P
100. Bauxite is an ore of
(A) Mercury (B) Silver (C) Aluminum (D) Iron
101. Fullerene is an allotrope of carbon having shape is
(A) football shape (B) ring shape (C) circle shape (D) plane
102. 20 ml of 0.001 M AgNO3 solution added to one liter of 0.002 M K₂CrO4 solution will
there be any precipitation? Ksp Ag₂Cr04 = 2.4 * 10-2
(A) ppt forms (B) no ppt. forms (C) KIP=Ksp (D) None
103. The mass of 66 cc of CnH2n+2 gas at NTP is 0.18 g. Find out the molecular formula
this gas.
(A) C4H10 (B) C5H12 (C) C6H14 (D) C3H8
104. The unit of rate constant for first order reaction is
(A) sec-1 (B) mol sec-1 (C) mol2 sec2 (D) mol-1 sec
105. The number of atoms present in 3 moles of SO₂ is
(A) 9 x 6 x 1023 (B) 3 x 6 x 1023 (C) 6 x 1023 (D) 5 x 6 x 1023
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106. IUPAC name (CH3)2CH COOH

(A) 2 methyl propanoic acid (B) 2-methyl butanoic acid
(C) Propanoic acid (D) Butanoic acid
107. Reduction of nitrobenzene by sodium arsenite alkaline medium gives
(A) Azobenzene. (B) Hydroxyazobenzene
(C) Azoxybenzene (D) Aniline
108. Aldol condensation reaction is given by:
(A) CH3CHO (B) Phenol (C) HCHO (D) CH3CH2OH
109. Acidic hydrogen present
(A) Ethene (B) Ethane (C) Ethyne (D) Propane
110. HX is treated with unsaturated alkene to form alkyl halide. This is an example of
(A) Electrophilic addition reaction (B) Nucleophilic addition reaction
(C) Electrophilic substitution reaction (D) Free radical reaction
111. Marshall’s acid is
(A) H2S2O7 (B) H2S2O8 (C) H2S05 (D) H2SO4
112. Baking powder contains
(A) Citrate (B) Tartrate (C) Oxalate (D) Fumarate
113. Neutron was discovered by
(A) Chadwick (B) Thomson (C) Rutherford (D) E. Goldstein
114. The mole fraction of solute in 2.5 molal aqueous solution is
(A) 0.043 (B) 4.3 (C) 0.135 (D) 0.231
115. Ratio of rate of diffusion of oxygen and hydrogen ion is
(A) 1/4 (B) 8 (C) 2 (D) 16
116. Strongest force is present in
(A) atom (B) nucleus (C) electron (D) mass
117. CaCO3 in water is
(A) Solution (B) Colloid (C) Suspension (D) Gel
118. In Rutherford experiment, many alpha particles went un-deflected due to
(A) Atom contains large empty space (B) Nucleus centrally located
(C) Repulsion by electron (D) Repulsion by neutron
119. The ionization energy of Hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Then, ionization energy of He+
in first excited state is
(A) 3.4 eV (B) 54.4 eV (C) 13.6 eV (D) 1.5 eV
120. Which is not used in salt bridge?
(A) KCl (B) NH4NO3 (C) KNO3 (D) Na2CO3

121. The activity of radioactive substance becomes 1/16th of its initial value in 4 hours.
The half-life of the radioactive substance is
(A) 1 hr. (B) 2 hr. (C) 4 hr. (D) 8 hr.
122. Which of the following is shown by both light and sound?
(A) Beats (B) Interference (C) Newton's rings (D) None.
123. When glass is immersed in water. In order to make glass fully invisible, it should
(A) absorbs all light falling on it (B) have refractive index one
(C) behave as perfect reflector (D) refractive index same with the water
124. Cut off wavelength of x-ray depends upon?
(A) Accelerating voltage only
(B) Both accelerating voltage material of target
(C) both filament accelerating voltage
(D) filament current only
125. In SHM, the period of oscillation of mass M suspended from a spring is 1 second,
then time period of the oscillation of mass 4 M will be
(A) 2 sec (B) ½ sec (C) ¼ sec (D) 4 sec
126. Loudness and pitch depend upon
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(A) Intensity and frequency respectively (B) Intensity both

(C) Frequency both (D) Size of sound producing body
127. Number of electrons travelled per second if we apply 1 µ Ampere current is
(A) 5/8 × 10-13 per second (B) 5/8 × 1013 per second
(C) 8/5 × 10 per second
-13 (D) 8/5× 1013 per second
128. When condensation is done, temperature of surrounding
(A) increases (B) decreases
(C) doesn't change (D) may increase or decrease
129. Magnification of a telescope can be increased by increasing:
(A) Focal length of the objective lens (B) Focal length of the eye piece
(C) Length of telescope (D) All
130. If Bulk modulus is 3 times modulus of rigidity, then what is the Young's modulus
of elasticity?
(A) 10Y=27ր (B) 27Y=10 ր (C) 9Y=5 ր (D) 5Y=9 ր
131. The resistance of 20 cm length of wire is 5 ohms. When the wire is stretched to 40
cm length, the new resistance becomes
(A) 10 ohm (B) 20 ohm (C) 40 ohm (D) 2.54 ohm
132. The range of wavelength of UV rays is
(A) 100-400 nm (B) 400-800 nm (C) 200-600 nm (D) 500-900 nm
133. Ram stood between mirrors kept parallel to each other with their reflecting
surfaces facing each other, then his images will be theoretically equal to
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 16 (D) Infinity
134. The critical angle is greater for red or violet light?
(A) Cred > Cviolet (B) Cred < Cviolet (C) Cred = Cviolet (D) None
135. In an equilateral triangle prism, the angle of minimum deviation for a certain
wavelength is 40, the corresponding angle of incidence is
(A) 50⁰ (B) 45° (C) 40° (D) 30°
136. Quark combination of neutron is
(A) udd (B) uud (C) uuu (D) ddd
137. Which has the most penetrating power?
(A) Alpha (B) Gamma (C) Beta (D) Neutrons
138. Dimension of coefficient of viscosity is
(A) [M²L-IT-2] (B) [ML-IT-¹] (C) [M³L²T³] (D) [ML³T]
139. In P type semiconductor, Silicon is doped with,
(A) Gallium (B) Germanium (C) Phosphorus (D) Arsenic
140. An AC circuit has resistance 3Ω and reactance 4Ω. Calculate Impedance.
(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 5/2 (D) 7/2
141. If a ball is attached to a string and whirled in a vertical circle then the velocity at
the lowest point is
(A) √5 𝑔𝑟 (B) √𝑔𝑟 (C) √2 𝑔𝑟 (D) √𝑔𝑟/2
142. If radius of 1st Bohr's orbit is 0.53 Å then radius of second Bohr's orbit is:
(A) 4 x 0.53 Å (B) 2 x 0.53 Å (C) 5 x 0.53 Å (D) 8 x 0.53 Å
143. If neutron have the quark of up and own then neutrons decomposes to give
electron, neutrino and ........?
(A) pion (B) proton (C) neutrino (D) taunt
144. The ionization energy of the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Following Bohr's theory,
the energy corresponding to a transition between second & third orbit is:
(A) 1.9 eV (B) 2.5 eV (C) 10.2 eV (D) 0.9 eV
145. The maximum voltage is obtained when two capacitor having capacitance 3μF and
8µF are connected in:
(A) Parallel (B) Series
(C) Parallel with resistance (D) Series with resistance
146. The work done in carrying an electron from points A to B in an electric field is
1600 J. The potential difference between A & B will be:
(A) 1022 volt (B) 10-19 volt (C) 10-23 volt (D) 1024 volt
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147. When mercury is kept in a glass, then meniscus is

(A) Concave upward (B) Concave downward
(C) Convex upward (D) Convex downward
148. If the change in K.E. is 4%, then momentum changes by:
(A) 2% (B) 8% (C) 6% (D) 1%
149. Escape velocity for earth is 11 km/s. If satellite is launched at 45° with horizontal,
then would be: escape velocity
(A) 11 km/s (B) 11√3 km/s (C) 11 / √3 km/s (D) 11.2 km/s
150. A body is moving in circular path with uniform motion then which correct?
(A) Path is periodic & SHM (B) Neither periodic nor SHM
(C) Is SHM but not periodic (D) Is periodic but not SHM
151. A train of mass "m" is moving with velocity "v" making an angle "Ɵ" with
horizontal straight line then power delivered is?
(A) mgv cos Ɵ (B) mgv sin Ɵ (C) 2 mg cos Ɵ (D) mv cos Ɵ
152. At absolute zero temperature, the black body........
(A) doesn't radiates (B) maximally radiates
(C) radiation is quadrupled (D) radiation doubles
153. Which is incorrect?
(A) Isothermal = Temperature constant
(B) Adiabatic = Heat and temperature constant
(C) Isochoric = Volume constant
(D) Isobaric = Pressure constant
154. If 420 J is lost by 20 g of water, what is the change in temperature?
(A) 10oC (B) 5oC (C) 20oC (D) 25oC
155. When refrigerator works between 0 degree Celsius and room temperature of 27
degrees Celsius then coefficient of performance of refrigerator is
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 17 (D) 12
156. Soft iron is used to make the core of the transformer because of its
(A) Low Coercivity and Low Retentivity (B) Low Coercivity and High Retentivity
(C) High Coercivity and Low Retentivity (D) High Coercivity and High Retentivity
157. If the change in current per second is 1 A/sec then Emf induced in a coil will be
equal to
(A) Magnetic field (B) Flux (C) Self-Inductance (D) Permittivity
158. If 10 m long potentiometer wire has resistance 20 ohm and is connected with 10-
ohm external resistance in series and battery of emf 3 volt. The potential gradient
across the wire will be
(A) 0.02 v/m (B) 0.2 v/m (C) 10 v/m (D) 0.5 v/m
159. A coil of area 0.04 m2 having 1000 turns is suspended perpendicularly to a
magnetic field of magnitude 5 * 10-5 Wb/m2. If it is rotated through 180o about an
axis passing through one of its diameter in 0.1 second. Calculate average induced
Emf in it.
(A) 4 × 10-2 V (B) 20 V (C) 400 V (D) 4 × 10-4 V
160. Super conductor have
(A) infinite conductance (B) large conductance
(C) small conductance (D) No conductance

161. B, C, E, G, K, M,?
(A) N (B) O (C) P (D) Q
162. Nepal: Rupee: Malaysia:?
(A) Dinar (B) Bath (C) Rial (D) Ringget
163. In a certain code language ‘Ti Fu Ya’ means ‘I do medicine’, ‘Ru Ki Fu’ means ‘You
do politics’ and ‘Pi Yan Ru’ means politics is bad. Now say which of the following is
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(A) Ti (B) Yan (C) Ya (D) None

164. Complete the series.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

165. The average temperature for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday was 28°C The average for
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was 29°C If the temperature on Wednesday was
30°C, what was the temperature on Sunday?
(A) 27°C (B) 28°C (C) 29°C (D) 30°C
166. In the series 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, ... what will be 15th term?
(A) 110 (B) 98 (C) 103 (D) 105
167. Fill it.
13 54 ?
7 45 32
27 144 68

(A) 36 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 6

168. Minimum number of balls move to flip the triangle is

(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7

169. Insert the missing character from the given option.
A ? I
Cee Paramedical Memory Based Question Paper With Answers 2078 In Help For Entrance.

(A) E (B) D (C) F (D) G

170. Statement:
i. Conflicts in mind create tension.
ii. Resolution of conflict leads to good mental health.
1. One becomes very healthy and strong by resolving one’s conflicts.
ii. Freedom from conflicts leads to good mental health.
(A) Only conclusion (1) follows.
(B) Only conclusion (ii) follows.
(C) Neither conclusion (i) nor (ii) follow.
(D) Both conclusion (i) and (ii) follow.
171. Choose the number pair 1 group which is different from others?
(A) 11, 29 (B) 18, 43 (C) 13, 32 (D) 15, 37
172. Arrange in sensible order.
1. Population 2. Poverty 3. Unemployment 4. Disease 5. Death
(A) 32145 (B) 23451 (C) 45321 (D) 13245
173. From the given Venn diagram find the number of female experience teacher but
not in PG.
F = Female Experience, T = Teacher, P = PG.

5 8 3

4 1


(A) 4 (B) 9 (C) 6 (D) 8

174. Nakul is taller than Nabin but not taller as Lokendra. Kamesh is shorter than
Nakul but taller than Netra. Who among them is the shortest?
(A) Nakul (B) Nabin (C) Netra (D) Can't be determined
175. In a group of persons, 70% of the person are male and 30% of the person are
married. If two seventh of males are married, what fraction of the females is
(A) 2/7 (B) 2/3 (C) 1/3 (D) 3/7
176. In one house, there are 50 hens, 45 goats, 8 camels and some man to look after
them. If the number of legs more than number of heads by 214. Find the number
of man.
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 5
177. Count Triangle and Square.

(A) 40 and 8 (B) 40 and 10 (C) 44 and 10 (D) 44 and 8

178. ROME : FNPS :: COME : ?
Cee Paramedical Memory Based Question Paper With Answers 2078 In Help For Entrance.

179. Light is seen at interval of 13 second. If first light is seen at 1 hour 54 min 50
second, then up to 3 hours, 17 min and 49 second, how many times light is seen?
(A) 576 (B) 384 (C) 724 (D) 872
180. 6:13:32: …….: 130
(A) 76 (B) 74 (C) 69 (D) 65


181. Pharmacodynamics is
(A) Study of what the body does to the drug
(B) Study of what the drug does to the body
(C) Study of drug
(D) Art and science of preparing drug
182. Which of the following is not pro-drug?
(A) Levodopa (B)Enalapril (C) Becampicilin (D) Ampicillin
183. Universal antidote is
(A) KMnO4 (B) PAM
(C) Water (D) Activated charcoal
184. Major side effect of INH is
(A) Headache (B) Anaphylactic shock
(C) Peripheral neuropathy (D) Constipation
185. Gold therapy is used is
(A) Arthritis (B) Migraine
(C) Mania (D) None of above
186. One thousand Nano gram is equal to
(A) 1 gram (B) 1 microgram
(C) 1 kg (D) centigram
187. The concentration of sucrose in simple syrup (BP) is
(A) 85% w/w (B) 60.70% w/w
(C) 66.70% w/w (D) 40.74% w/w
188. Tween 20 is a
(A) deflocculant (B) Lipophilic surfactant
(C) Hydrophilic surfactant (D) Preservative
189. The procedure adopted for preparation of emulsion is/are
(A) wet gum method (B) bottle method
(C) dry gum method (D) all of above
190. The liquid oral preparation drought is taken as
(A) multiple dose (B) single dosage
(C) fixed dose (D) none
191. Traditional machine was defined by WHO in……….
(A) 1975 AD (B) 1976 AD
(C) 1977 AD (D) 1978 AD
192. Which of the following is not included in Tridosha?
(A) Vata (B) Pitta
(C) Kapha (D) Rasa
193. Which of the following does not have astringent action?
(A) Catechu (B) Tannic Acid
(C) Asoka bark (D) Opium
194. Stomatal index is
(A) E/E+S (B) S/E+S
(C) E+S/E (D) E+S/S
195. Most commonly used method for extraction of volatile oils is
(A) Steam Distillation (B) Expression
(C) Enfleurage (D) Extraction
196. Black water fever is related to
Cee Paramedical Memory Based Question Paper With Answers 2078 In Help For Entrance.

(A) Typhoid fever (B) malaria fever

(C) Rheumatic fever (D) Q- fever
197. Lipase is present in
(A) Saliva (B) Bile
(C) Gastric juice (D) Pancreatic juice
198. Which of the following is not an important antenatal investigation?
(A) Urine analysis (B) Hb estimation
(C) VDRL (D) X-ray abdomen
199. The definitive host for echinococcosis is:
(A) Dog (B) Man
(C) Sheep (D) Cattle
200. Which of the following is the largest vertebra?
(A) L2 (B) L3
(C) L4 (D) L5
Cee Paramedical Memory Based Question Paper With Answers 2078 In Help For Entrance.

1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C
11. C 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. A 19. C 20. B
21. B 22. D 23. C 24. C 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C
31. D 32. A 33. D 34. B 35. D 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. A 40. A
41. B 42. A 43. A 44. B 45. A 46. A 47. B 48. B 49. A 50. C
51. A 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. A 56. B 57. A 58. A 59. A 60. A
61. A 62. A 63. A 64. B 65. D 66. A 67. D 68. A 69. A 70. A
71. A 72. A 73. A 74. A 75. D 76. A 77. A 78. B 79. B 80. C
81. A 82. A 83. B 84. A 85. A 86. C 87. A 88. B 89. C 90. B
91. D 92. A 93. B 94. C 95. A 96. B 97. A 98. A 99. B 100. C
101. B 102. A 103. A 104. A 105. A 106. A 107. C 108. A 109. B 110. A
111. B 112. B 113. A 114. A 115. A 116. B 117. C 118. A 119. C 120. D
121. A 122. B 123. D 124. A 125. A 126. A 127. B 128. C 129. A 130. A
131. B 132. A 133. D 134. A 135. A 136. A 137. B 138. B 139. A 140. A
141. A 142. A 143. B 144. A 145. B 146. A 147. C 148. A 149. A 150. D
151. A 152. A 153. B 154. B 155. B 156. B 157. C 158. B 159. A 160.A
161. D 162. D 163. D 164. B 165. A 166. C 167. C 168. B 169. A 170. B
171. C 172. B 173. D 174. D 175. B 176. D 177. C 178. B 179. B 180. C
181. B 182. D 183. D 184. C 185. A 186. B 187. C 188. B 189. D 190. B
191. B 192. D 193. D 194. B 195. A 196. B 197. D 198. D 199. A 200. D

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