Chapter 9

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Visuals excel at

conveying complex
information succinctly
and efficiently

Efficiency of Charts, graphs, and

Information Delivery other visual aids can
communicate trends,
procedures, and
emotions more
effectively than words

Visuals have a magnetic

effect on audiences,
Attention-Grabbing capturing and retaining
attention more
effectively than text

The Power of Images

visuals serve as a
Appeal to Diverse universal language that
Audiences transcends linguistic
and cultural barriers

Visual elements not

only convey factual
Connotative Meaning information but also
evoke connotative
meanings and emotions

visual symbolism may

vary across cultures,
with colors and symbols
Cultural Sensitivity
holding different
connotations in
different contexts

Digital technology has

democratized visual
Technological design and production,
Advancements making it accessible to
everyday business

As audience skills and

The Visual Evolution In expectations evolve,
Business Changing Audience
visual communication is
Communication Skills and Expectations
becoming increasingly

Visual literacy
encompasses the ability
to create effective
Rise of Visual Literacy
images and interpret
visual information

Maintain visual
parallelism by ensuring
consistency in design
elements across visuals

Emphasize differences
Contrast by using contrasting
colors, shapes, or sizes

Achieve balance in
Understanding Visual visuals either through
Communication Balance formal symmetry or
informal distribution of

Visual Design Principles

Ensure that visually
dominant elements
Emphasis accurately represent
the most important

Adhere to generally
accepted design rules
Convention and conventions to
maintain clarity and

Keep visuals simple and

focused on conveying
information rather than
showcasing creativity

Anticipate how
different audience
members might
Consider all
interpret your visuals,
considering their
biases, beliefs, and

Ensure that visuals are

accompanied by
sufficient background
Provide context
information to help
audiences interpret
them accurately

Be transparent and
honest by not obscuring
Avoid hiding negative or minimizing negative
information information that
contradicts your

Resist the temptation

to exaggerate or
Avoid exaggeration oversell information
that supports your
Ethics of Visual
While visuals simplify
complex information,
be cautious not to
Avoid oversimplification oversimplify situations
to the point of
misleading your

Refrain from implying

Avoid implying
relationships in visuals
causation without
without providing
concrete evidence to
support them

Steer clear of emotional

manipulation or
Avoid emotional
coercion in visuals, as
this can be seen as

When aggregating data

for charts, graphs, or
Exercise caution in data tables, consider the
aggregation impact of your
Identify areas of your decisions on the
message that may Complexity and message conveyed
appear complex or open Misinterpretation
to misinterpretation
Tables typically consist
of vertical columns and
Evaluate whether Standard Parts horizontal rows, with
certain parts of your headings along the top
message might seem and side
dull or uninteresting
when presented only in
text form Adjust font size and
column/row spacing
appropriately to
Look for connections Font and Spacing accommodate a
between ideas that may Connections Between significant amount of
not be immediately Ideas information without
obvious in text format sacrificing readability

Determine if there is a Keep tables on

significant amount of presentation slides
numeric data or factual Numeric Data and simple and easy to
content that may be Factual Content Simplicity for grasp at a glance, as
difficult to digest in Presentations detailed information
paragraph form may be challenging for
audiences to read from
Identifying Points to
the screen
Assess whether the Illustrate
main idea of your
message might not Main Idea Visibility Use common,
stand out effectively in understandable units
text alone Units and Labels (e.g., dollars,
percentages) and
clearly identify them
Visuals should convey
information clearly and
effectively, especially Label column headings
when verbal Tables clearly, and use
descriptions are subheadings if
challenging Column Headings
necessary to provide
additional context or
Visuals can provide
supporting details
without detracting from Use lines, extra space,
the main message, Complete or alternating colors to
enhancing the separate columns or
comprehensiveness of Visual Separation
rows and enhance
your communication readability, especially in
complex tables

Use visuals to condense

complex information, Include totals or
reducing the need for Five Cs averages of columns or
lengthy explanations rows when relevant to
and making your Totals and Averages
provide a
message more succinct comprehensive
overview of the data

Visuals should highlight

connections between Document the source of
ideas, illustrating the data, similar to a
relationships and Source Documentation text footnote, to
enhancing maintain transparency
understanding and credibility

Consider whether Tables can contain

visuals will make your numerals, text,
message more Content Variety
Compelling symbols, or other
persuasive, engaging, factual information
or interesting for the
In a line chart showing
trends, the vertical axis
a graphical (y-axis) represents the
representation of a amount being
process, illustrating the Axis Representation measured, while the
sequence of events horizontal axis (x-axis)
from start to finish typically represents
Flowcharts time or another
particularly helpful in
illustrating processes
with decision points, Line charts allow you to
loops, and other compare two or more
complexities Comparison of Data
sets of data by plotting
them on the same chart

illustrates the
hierarchical structure of Line charts often
an organization, prompt questions about
depicting the positions, future trends. While
units, or functions and Line Charts
predicting the future is
their interrelationships risky, you can use
forecasting tools in
Future Predictions
Organization Charts spreadsheet software,
provide a visual
such as linear
representation of the
regression or trend line
functions, to project
hierarchy, showing
future trends based on
reporting relationships,
past data
departmental structure,
and lines of authority
within an organization Avoid distorting data in
ways that could mislead
your audience. Be
visual tools used in
transparent about the
Ethical Considerations methods used for
communication to
forecasting and
convey spatial
acknowledge the
limitations of such
relationships, and data
variation of line charts
that show cumulative
Location and Distance

Selecting Visuals for

Points of Interest Presenting
Surface Charts all the lines add up to
Information, Concepts, the top line,
Maps and Ideas
Geographic Data representing the total
Key Functions

helps illustrate changes

Cumulative Effect
Market Analysis in the composition of
something over time,
such as how sales to
Logistics and Planning individual market
segments contribute to
overall sales
Site Selection

specialized type of bar

Market Planning chart, to track progress
Visual Media
Logistics Optimization visually represent
Gantt charts
project schedules,
showing tasks,
Marketing Campaigns
deadlines, and progress
over time
Progress Tracking
indispensable tools in
business useful for managing
communication, and monitoring project
offering diverse means timelines and resource
to convey information allocation

depict quantities
Drawing Capabilities
through the height or
Creating Professional
length of their bars
Image Processing
Portrayal of Quantities
changes in one item
over time, indicate the
Choosing Between
composition of several
Diagrams and
Selecting Visuals for items over time
Photographs Illustrations, Diagrams,
Presenting Data
and Photographs

Grouped Bar Charts

Basic Image Processing
Effective Use

Deviation Bar Charts

Communication Value

Bar charts Segmented Bar Charts

Copyright and
Types of Bar Charts (Stacked Bar Charts)

Combination Bar and

Technical Illustrations
Line Charts

Visual Instructions
Paired Bar Charts

Product Representation
align the bars vertically
or horizontally, show
Data Visualization both positive and
Creativity in Design
negative quantities, or
arrange them in various
Clearly define the orders
purpose of your video
message and identify Purpose and Scope
the scope of topics to be portray data using
addressed symbols instead of
words or numbers

Visualize the scenes to
be captured by the Scene Composition number or length of
camera symbols indicates the
relative value of each
Plan camera positions
carefully for each shot, Pictograms
considering wide, offer novelty and a
Camera Placement more visual message,
medium, and close-up
angles based on the but can be harder to
desired impact read if not designed

Value and Challenges

Ensure adequate
lighting for quality Lighting may convey a less
Step 1: Preproduction professional tone
compared to
straightforward bar
Use external charts
microphones instead of
built-in ones to capture
Sound Used to compare
clear audio. Lavaliere
microphones are ideal several entities on two
for recording speakers variables, such as
revenue and profit
Plan the video in terms Scatter Diagram (XY
of discrete shots rather Diagram)
Shot List One variable is plotted
than one continuous
recording along the x-axis
(horizontal) and
another along the y-
Gather secondary shots, axis (vertical)
known as B-roll, to
enhance visual interest B-roll Material
and transitions in the Expands upon the
final product scatter diagram by
incorporating a third
Frame each shot
considering what the Similar to a scatter
camera should focus on Careful Shot Framing diagram, with one
Bubble Diagram
and what should be variable plotted along
excluded from the the x-axis and another
frame along the y-axis. In
addition, the size of
each data point
Keep the camera steady (bubble) represents the
throughout each shot value of the third
to avoid shaky footage, Maintain Camera variable
which can be Stability
uncomfortable for
viewers compare entities or
Step 2: Production alternatives based on
three or more variables
Alongside planned B-
roll shots, remain alert Producing Business
for additional scenes or Capture B-roll Footage Videos Each variable is
Radar Diagrams
images that could represented by a spoke
enhance the final video extending from a
central point, creating a
polygon with as many
Refrain from using sides as there are
special effects available variables
Avoid Camera Special
in the camera or
camera apps during
filming visualize the relative
sizes of parts within a
Transfer your video
footage from your
recording device to your Transfer and Load Pie Charts A circular "pie" is
computer and load it Footage divided into sectors,
into your chosen video with each sector
editing software representing a
proportion of the
Review your footage to
identify the best shots
Evaluate and Organize refers to the process of
to include and those
that can be discarded representing data
visually to aid in
Use cut-and-paste patterns, trends, and
techniques to arrange relationships within
your footage in the large datasets
Arrange Footage
desired order, crafting a
cohesive and engaging
narrative aims to overcome the
limitations of
conventional charts and
Integrate B-roll footage Data Visualization graphs, which can
and images to add become cluttered with
Incorporate B-roll
visual interest and a limited number of
context to your video data points and may
not effectively convey
complex relationships
Add transitions among data points
between video
segments, such as fades Step 3: Postproduction
Apply Transitions
or blends, to create Large Data Handling
smooth transitions
between scenes
Characteristics Interactive Capabilities

Ensure that the main

audio track is Flexible Representation
Synchronize Audio
synchronized with the
Follow Design Principles

Develop introductory
Familiarize Yourself
and concluding
Create Intros and with Software
sequences that include
Outros Creating Visuals
branding elements like
logos and website URLs Use Templates

Insert text titles,

Match Style to Context
subtitles, and other
graphical elements as
Add Text and Graphics
needed to convey Use visuals strategically
information or to enhance your
highlight key points message without
overwhelming the text
Maintaining a Balance
Export the finalized Between Illustrations
Generate Distributable and Words
video in a format Ensure that the space
suitable for distribution occupied by visuals
does not disrupt the
flow of the text

Refer to visuals by
number in the text,
especially if they are
not self-explanatory

Referencing Visuals
Number tables and
figures separately, and
use a clear and
consistent numbering

Integrating Visuals with

Position visuals near
the text they illustrate
to allow readers to
consult both
Placing Visuals

Avoid bunching several

visuals in the same
location whenever

Use titles to identify the

content and purpose of
visuals, along with the
label and number used
for reference

Writing Titles, Captions,

and Legends
Choose between
descriptive and
informative titles,
Producing and ensuring consistency
Integrating Visuals throughout the

Check for typographical

errors, inconsistent
color treatment,
confusing symbols, and
misaligned elements
Is the visual accurate?

Ensure that information

in visuals and text
aligns correctly

Provide full citation for

visuals based on other
people's research,
information, and ideas
Is the visual properly
Verifying the Quality of
Anticipate audience
Your Visuals
questions or concerns
and address them with
additional information

Ensure that visuals do

not hide necessary
information, imply
conclusions, or
manipulate audience
emotions in coercive
Is the visual honest?

Step back and verify

that your visuals
communicate truthful
messages that
accurately represent
the data or information

Understand audience
needs and the
Careful Planning circumstances in which
people will be using
their devices

Utilize display tools

specifically designed for
Visual Media on Mobile Use of Mobile-Friendly
mobile devices to
Devices Display Tools
ensure optimal viewing

Recognize that screen

space is limited on
Optimization for Screen
mobile devices, so
prioritize essential

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