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List of Content................................................................................................................i

Chapter I Introduction...................................................................................................1

A. Background of the Problem................................................................................1

b. Problem of the Research.....................................................................................4

1. Identification of the Problem..........................................................................4

2. Limitation of the Problem...............................................................................5

3. Formulation of the Problem............................................................................5

c. Objective and Significant of the Research.........................................................6

1. Objective of the Research...............................................................................6

2. Significant of the Research.............................................................................6

d. The Reason of Choosing the Title......................................................................7

e. The Definitions of the Terms..............................................................................7

Chapter II Literature Review.........................................................................................9

a. Theoretical Framework.......................................................................................9

1. Simple Past Tense...........................................................................................9

2. Narrative Text...............................................................................................12

3. Translation....................................................................................................14

4. The Correlation between the Students’ Past Tense Mastery and their

Ability in Translating Narrative Text...................................................................18

b. Relevant Research............................................................................................20

c. Operational Concept.........................................................................................23

D. The Assumption and Hypothesis of the Research............................................24

Chapter III Method of the Research ...........................................................................25

A. Research Design...............................................................................................26

B. Location and Time of the Research..................................................................26

C. Subject and Objective of the Research.............................................................26

D. Population and Sample of the Research...........................................................27

1. Population.....................................................................................................27

2. Sample...........................................................................................................27

E. Technique of Data Collection...........................................................................28

F. Validity and Reliability of the Test..................................................................30

1. Validity of the Test.......................................................................................30

2. Reliability of the Test....................................................................................31

G. Technique of Data Analysis.............................................................................31




A. Background of the Problem

Translation studies is a field of study that deals with the theory,

description, and application of translation, because it examines translation

both as an interlingua transfer, and as an intercultural communication,

translation studies can also be described as an inter-discipline which touches

on other diverse fields of knowledge, including comparative literature,

cultural studies, gender studies, computer science, history, linguistics,

philosophy, rhetoric, and semiotics. According to Larson (1984) in meaning

based translation states translation consists of studying the lexicon,

grammatical structure, communication situation and cultural context of the

source language, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, then

reconstructing the same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical

structure which appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context.

According to Nida and Taber (1974) state translating consists of

reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the

source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of


The students can be said to have a good translation ability if there is

no mistake in grammar, spelling, and using vocabulary found in their

translation. This statement is in line with Rochayah Machali’s translation

capacity scoring table. Rochayah Machali divided the capacity of students’

translation into 5 categories (almost perfect, very good, good, enough,

worst) based on how much the students make a mistake in grammar, idiom,

spelling, and using vocabulary. The fewer mistake the better their

translation. A written form is the media used in translating as in translating a

narrative text. Translating narrative text means translating a story into the

text. The story tells about a fairy tale or legend that happened in the past

time. This text purposes to amuse the readers. It retells past stories and uses

past tense.

According to Azar (1989) the narrative texts use past tense

particularly the simple past tense as the verbs that express activities in the

texts as a clarification simple past tense is defined as the activities or

condition started and ended at a particular time in the past. Past tense

explains a form of a verb used to describe an action in the past to ease them

to achieve success in order to translate narrative texts from Indonesian into


On the other hand, translation is not an easy activity. Some issues

happen in translation such as: first, some students said that studying tense is

difficult, especially past tense. Some students felt difficult to understand,

apply and build sentences with the right tense. It can be seen from students’

translations. So that, some students are not able to produce a good

translation. Second, some students do not interest in translating sentences.

Third, the students are lazy to open the dictionary, which can be a big

influence in learning English especially in translation. The last is the

students is still lack of vocabularies so that they hard to understand the

English text.

Based on a preliminary study at the 4th Semester of English

Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim

Riau the researcher found that the students have some problems in

translating a text. English Education Department of State Islamic University

of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau as the major of English also has the translation

course. The students are provided with (IQF) Indonesia Qualification

Framework with bloom taxonomy level 6 in teaching English. The

translation learning is started at the fourth semester with 4 credits. The first

problem that appears is the students are still lack of vocabularies. When the

students translate a text, they have to pay attention to some words to get the

meaning of the point in the sentences. Then, based on that’s words, the

students get the meaning of the sentence which will help the students in

translating the text. But, most of the students do not have the proper

vocabulary to translate the text. The students also do not understand about

the language structure which is being a big obstacle in translating a text.

Besides, grammar is also an important aspect of translation. The grammar

especially the tenses will give an impact on the meaning of the words. In the

case of translating the narrative text, the simple past tense has a big

influence. The words that use simple past tense express the event in the past

time. But, the students still do not have a good understanding of simple past

tense. They do not know how to build a sentence in past tense form. Next,

the students are difficult to understand the content of the text. It is because

they do not understand the diction which is used in that text. The last

problem in translation is a text that the researcher got from the preliminary

research is the technology advance. Besides having the positive side, the

technology advance also having the negative side. One of that negative side

is the students are lazy to work on something by their self. The students can

find something by online. It also happens in translating. The students prefer

to translate the text using translating tools which make their vocabulary do

not increase. Those situations make some students difficult to translate the


Based on explanation above, the researcher is interested in carrying

out a research entitled: “The Correlation between Students’ Past Tense

Mastery and their Ability in Translating Narrative Text of the 4th

Semester at English Education Department of State Islamic University

of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau”

B. Problem of the Research

1. Identification of the Problem

a. How is the students’ past tense mastery?

b. How is the students’ ability in translating narrative texts?

c. Does students’ past tense mastery influence the students’ ability in

translating narrative texts?

2. Limitation of the Problem

After identifying the problem stated above, thus, the researcher

needs to limit and focus on the correlation between the students’ past

tense mastery and their ability in translating narrative texts Indonesian

into English at 4th semester of English Education Department of State

Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau .

3. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the explanation of background of the study, there are

some problems which can be identified in this field of study:

a. How is past tense mastery at 4th semester of English Education

Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim

Riau ?

b. How is ability in translating narrative texts at 4th semester of

English Education Department of State Islamic University of

Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau ?

c. Is there any significant correlation between students’ past tense

mastery and their ability in translating narrative texts at 4th

semester of English Education Department of State Islamic

University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau ?

C. Objective and Significance of the Research

1. Objective of the Research

a. To investigate the score of students’ past tense mastery of the 4th

semester of English Education Department of State Islamic

University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau .

b. To investigate the score of students’ ability in translating narrative

texts of the 4th semester of English Education Department of State

Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

c. To know correlation between students’ interest in game activity

and their vocabulary mastery of the 4th semester of English

Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif

Kasim Riau.

2. Significance of the Research

a. Research is hopefully supporting to the writer as a researcher in

term of learning as novice researcher, especially in learning how to

conduct a research

b. The research findings are expected to be useful and valuable,

especially for the students and the lecturer of the 4th semester of

English Education Department of State Islamic University of

Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau to be consideration for their future

teaching learning English process.

c. The research findings are also expected to be positive and valuable

information especially for those who are concerned in the field of

past tense mastery and translating narrative text.

d. The add references for other next researchers having the same

problem of the writer.

e. Finally these research findings are also expected to be practical and

theoretical information to development the theories on language


D. The Reason of Choosing the Title

There are some reasons why the researcher is interested in carrying

out this research. The reasons are as follows:

1. The title of the research is relevant with the researcher status as

a student of English Education Department.

2. The title of this research is not yet investigated by other previous


3. The location of the research facilitates the researcher in

conducting the research.

E. The Definitions of the Terms

1. Correlation

According to Creswell (2012) correlation is a statistical test to

determine the tendency or pattern for two (or more) variables or two 7

sets of data to vary consistently. In this research, correlation refers to a

connection between students’ past tenses mastery and their ability in

translating narrative texts.

2. Past Tense

According to Frank (1972) states that past tense indicates definite time

terminating in the past, whether a time word is given or not. In this

research, past tense is the expressions that use to express the event in

the past time.

3. Translation ability

According to Catford in Budianto and Fardhani, (2010) “Translation is

the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent

textual material in another language”. In this research, translation

capacity implies the students’ ability during the time spent substitution

of literary material in English by identical printed material in

Indonesian that deliberate by their center and last grade of Translation


4. Narrative Text

Keraf (2007) stated that narrative is a discourse which try to tell an

event or story as if as the reader or listener look and experience that

event directly. In this research narrative text is the text that is tells a true

story or fiction, gives an account of one or more experiences.



A. Theoretical Framework

1. Simple Past Tense

a. Definition of Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterit, is used

to talk about a completed action in a time before now. The simple

past is the basic form of past tense in English. The time of the

action can be in the recent past or the distant past and action

duration is not important. According to frank (1972), the past tense

indicates time terminating in the past, whether is given or not.

Whereas Cook and Sutter (1980) write the past tense is action or

states that usually is given occurred or complicated in the past.

According to Collin (2003) stated that past tense is a tense

used to describe actions or events which took place in the past or

the used of the past form to refer to past events. While Djuhari

(2009) stated that past tense is found in some texts and one of them

is a narrative text. The aim of narrative text is to entertain the

readers. In the narrative text, the primary characteristics are the

problems that happen and the ways to solve them. There are many

kinds of narrative text contents such as, fairy tale, imagination and


b. The Form of Simple Past Tense

According to Murphy (2004), there are five forms or five

types of irregular verbs will be taught to the students. In this

research, there are two forms of the simple past tense. They are

verbs and nominal sentences structures or patterns in the simple

past tense.

1) Verbal Sentence

a) Positive Sentence

In this sentence, the verb that is used as the predicate is

the second form of the verb. The regular verb form of simple

past tense is modified by adding (ed) at the end of the verb

with particular characteristics. While some verbs which have

irregular past form is not modified by adding (ed), but they are

changed to be particular form.

The formula of this sentence is:

Subject + Second Verb Form (V2) +


The Example :

- I borrowed book in library

- I studied last night

b) Negative Sentence

In negative statement, the second form of the verb

is changed again into the first form of the verb or the

infinitive form. The verb is preceded by (did not). The

verb (did) is the second form of do or does. It is used for

all subjects. The formula of this sentence is:

Subject + did + not + Verb 1+


The Example:

- I did not borrow book in library

- I did not study last night

c) Interrogative Sentence

The interrogative sentence is the sentence which is

used to ask question. Interrogative is derived from the verb

interrogate that means to ask. The formula of interrogative

sentence is:

Did + Subject + Verb I + Complement

The Example :
- Did she buy book yesterday?

- Did I eat noodle last night?

2) Nominal Sentence

In non-predicate verb sentences, be is function as the

verb. The first form of be is changed to be the second form of

be as follows:

Am : Was

Is : Was

Are : Were

a) Positive Sentence

The Formula: Subject + Was/ Were + Complement

- I was tired yesterday

- We were hungry last night

b) Negative Sentence

The Formula: Subject + was/ were + not + Complement

- I was not tired yesterday

- We were not hungry last night

c) Interrogative Sentence

The Formula: was/ were + subject + Complement

- Were you tired yesterday?

- Was your brother hungry last night?

2. Narrative Text

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text which is telling about what happened

in the past. Narrative text is focusing on specific participants which

tell an interesting story. According to Sudarwati (2006), narrative

text is a kind of fairy tale story that has one or more problems to be

solved in the text. It has a primary goal. It is to interest the readers.

Narrative texts entertain the readers with difficult problems in the

story and the ways to solve them.

Furthermore, Purwanti (2013) stated that narrative text is a

kind of text which the contents tell a fictive story happened in the

past time. The goal of this text is to entertain the readers. Narrative

text can be fable, legend, and folktale stories. In the text, there is a

conflict or problem followed with the solving.

b. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text

1) Orientation

In this opening paragraph the narrator tells the audience who is

in the story, when it is happening, where it is happening, and

what is going on.

2) Complication

This is the part of story where the narrator tells about

something that will begin in a chain of events. These events

will affect one or more of the characters. The complication is

the trigger.

3) Resolution

In this part of the narrative the complication is sorted out or

problem is solved. The purpose of narrative text is to amuse or

entertain the reader with the story.

c. Language Feature of Narrative Text

1) Past tense (killed, drunk, etc)

2) Adverb of time (once upon a time, one day, etc)

3) Time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)

4) Specific character, the character of the story is specific, not

general. (Cinderella, Snow White, Alibaba, etc)

5) Action verbs are the verbs that show an action. (killed, dug,

walked, etc)

6) Direct speech, it is to make the story lively. (Snow White said,

”My name is Snow White”). The direct speech uses present


3. Translation

a. Definition of Translation

Translation is the communication of meaning from one

language (source language) to another language (target language).

Translation refers to written information, whereas interpretation

refers to spoken information. The purpose of translation is to

convey the original tone and intent of a message, taking into

account cultural and regional differences between source and target

languages. Besides that, translation is a mental activity in which a

meaning of given linguistic discourse is rendered from one

language to another. It is the act of transferring the linguistic

entities from one language in to their equivalents in to another


According to Newmark (1988) translation is rendering the

meaning of text into another language I how the author intended

the next. Newmark gave more explanation from his statement

above that translation was not only translating the language but also

the translator should transfer the meaning of the text, the reader

knew about the authors’ intention.

According to Catford (1974), translation is the replacement

of textual material in one language source language by equivalent

textual material in another language target language. In line with

Bell (1991) states that translation is a representation of a text in one

language by a 20 representation of an equivalent text in second

language. The word “translation” has three distinguishable


1) Translating: the process (to translate; the activity rather

than the tangible object).

2) A translation: the work of the process of translating (i.e.

the translated text).

3) Translation: the abstract concept which encompasses

both the process of translating and the work of that


b. Process of Translation

In the theory of translation, there are translation and

interpretation. Interpretation and translation is almost same, but the

difference is the media to use. Translation uses the text written,

whereas the media of interpretation use an oral discourse. People

distinguish translation is the written language, and translation in

spoken language called interpretation. Translation process can be

interpreted as a series of activities done by translators when the

translators transfer message from the source language into the

target language. Translation process can also be interpreted as a

system of activities in translating activity.

Newmark (1988) in Aisyah (2015) mentions the process of

translation dicided into textual level, referential level and cohesive

level, and naturalness level.

1) Textual Level

Textual level is the base level in translation. The base

level is a text. A translator can make certain

conversations and transpose the SL grammar (clauses

and groups) into their “ready” TL equivalent. This level

mentioned as a literal translation of the SL into the TL.

It only focuses the key point on textual level is only on

the translating lexical unit on correct grammar of target


2) The Referential Level

Referential level is finding where the word refers to. It

means students’ have to decide, summarily and

continuously, what it is about, what it is in aid of, what

the writers’ peculiar slant on it is.

3) Cohesive Level

Cohesive level follows both the structure and the

moods of the text. The structure on a cohesive level is

the connective that usually procceding from known

information (theme) to the fresh information (theme).

Mood can show as a dialectical factor moving between

positive and negative, emotive and neutral. It means

tracing th thread of a text through its value-laden and

value- free passages, object or noun, adjective or

qualities may express which.

4) Naturalness Level

Naturalness level is that your translation makes sense;

that it reads naturally, in ordinary language, the

common grammar, idioms and words that meet that

kind of situation.

c. Types of Translation

According to Newmark (1981) distinguished the varieties of

translation into two types based on the translation approach used in

producing the target text; semantic translation, which attempted to

give, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the

second language, the exact contextual meaning, and

communicative translation which attempted to produce on its

readers an effect as close as possible to that got on the original

sense of readers. Semantic translation focused on the researcher

and source language; communicative translation focused on the

reader and target language.

According to Larson (1998) explains that there are two

main kinds of translations. One is form-based which attempts to

follow the form of the source language and are known as literal

translations. The other one is meaning-based translation which

makes every effort to communicate the meaning of the source

language text in the natural forms of the receptor language, also

called idiomatic translation. Larson (1998) says ’it is not easy to

consistently translate idiomatically. A translator may express some

parts of his translation in very natural form and then in other parts

fall back into a literal form. Translations fall on a continuum from

very literal, to literal, to modified literal, to near idiomatic, and then

may even move to be unduly free.

4. The Correlation between the Students’ Past Tense Mastery and

their Ability in Translating Narrative Text

Simple past tense is used to express some actions that happened

at the specific time in the past. It explains frequent activities and has

become the primary moment in the previous time. The simple past tense

describes activities that were completed at a specific time before the

present (Barry, 2002).

Translation can be defined as a diversion of a text in source

language (SL) with an equivalent text in target language (TL). It is a

skill where the translator’s identity can be reflected into his opinion.

Translation is a creative process that always gives a freedom or choice

to the translator (Catford, 1965 & Hartono, 2009).

Narrative text is a kind of fairy tale story that has one or more

problems to be solved in the text. It has a primary goal. It is to interest

the readers. Narrative texts entertain the readers with difficult problems

in the story and the ways to solve them (Sudarwati, 2006). Narrative

text is a kind of text which the contents tell a fictive story happened in

the past time. The goal of this text is to entertain the readers. Narrative

text can be fable, legend, and folktale stories. In the text, there is a

conflict or problem followed with the solving (Purwanti,

2013).Narrative texts have some kinds of stories such as legend, fairy

tale and others story.

Based on the statement above it is clear that narrative text is a

text that tells about the fictive story that happen in the past time. It

means the students should use the simple past tense to write a narrative

text. So, the students’ past tense mastery has correlation with their

ability in translate the narrative text. This statement in line with Azar

(1989) the narrative texts use past tense particularly the simple past

tense as the verbs that express activities in the texts as a clarification

simple past tense is defined as the activities or condition started and

ended at a particular time in the past. Past tense explains a form of a

verb used to describe an action in the past to ease them to achieve

success in order to translate narrative texts from Indonesian into


B. Relevant Research

According to Syafi’i (2015), relevant research is required to observe

some previous researcher conducted by other researchers in which their

researches are relevant with the research we are conducting. To avoid

plagiarism from other research, in this research the researcher takes some

relevant researches that have been investigated by previous researchers

dealing with the analysis on students’ errors in understanding simple past

tense in narrative text.

The first relevant with this research is a research conducted by

Marita Safitri (2014) entitles “The Correlation between the Students’ Past

Tense Mastery And their Ability in Translating Narrative Text”. The

participant is students eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Pagelaran. In collecting

the data she used 2 tests were administered. They were grammatical test and

translation test. In the grammatical test, multiple choice tests were used,

while in translation test, each student was asked to translate a kind of

narrative text into English. This research focused on students’ past tense

mastery and their ability in translating narrative text . It can be seen that the

result of was 0.772. The value in 5% was 0.355 and in 1% was 0.456. So,

the result showed that there was a significant correlation between the

students’ past tense mastery and their ability in translating narrative texts.

The second relevant with this research is a research conducted by

Yesnida Parmi, Pipit Rahayu, Ummi Rasyidah (2015) entitles “The

Correlation between Past Tense Mastery and Students’ Translating in

Narrative Text Skill at Grade Eleventh Of SMAN 3 Rambah Hilir”. This

research used the correlation method, with the analysis of product moment.

Based on the analyzed of the data it can be concluded there was a low

correlation between past tense mastery and students’ translating narrative

text skill at grade Eleventh of SMA N 3 Rambah Hilir. The correlation of

“rxy” product moment was 0,137.

The next is relevant thesis with this research is a research conducted

by Ika Rachmawati (2015) entitles “The Correlation between Students’

Mastery in Simple Past Tense and their Ability in Translating Past Narrative

Text at the Eleventh Graders Of Sma Muhammadiyah- 1 Palangkaraya”.

The participant is students eleventh graders of SMA Muhammadiyah - 1

PalangkaRaya. In this study, the writer used quantitative research and the

design of this study is correlation design, design is use to find out whether

there is correlation. The result of the study showed that there was positive

correlation between simple past tense and translating past narrative text. The

value of rxy 0.575 so that Ha was accepted and Ho was refused. Based on

df was found 0.404 < 0.575 > 0.515, so, it meant that there was

average/moderately correlation but correlation was positive.

Another research that is relevant with this research conducted by

Zainuddin Hasibuan entitles “Students’ Problems in Translating Narrative

Text in Iain Lhokseumawe”. The participant is students of college at State

Islamic Institut of Lhokseumawe. This research used descriptive qualitative

approach and research design as a case study. The result of this study is

many problems of translating in narrative text. There are: the students had

lack of vocabulary, the students had difficulties in understanding the English

structure, the students had many obstacle with English pattern that was

different with Indonesian pattern, the students used the media when they got

difficulties in finding the meaning of word, the students were confused

when they were learning, because they did not master of many vocabularies.

And the last research by Basariya Pasaribu, Herman, David Togi

Hutahaean (2020) entitles “students’ difficulties in translating narrative text

from English into Indonesia at grade VIII of SMPN 9 Pematangsiantar”.

The participant is students of grade eight students of SMP Negeri 9

Pematangsiantar. The instrument of the research of this research was

narrative text. The data were collected by using record video of mobile

phone then to be analyzed the result of students’ translation and correction.

The research finding showed that students were difficulties in translating

narrative text from English into Indonesia. The highest number of students’

difficulty is tense (32%). The second most difficulties faced by students is

sentence (25,4%). The third difficulty is phrase (16,6%). The fourth is

clause (15,4%). The fifth difficulty is attribute (8,2%) and the last is

indefinite article (2,4%). It can be concluded that students have difficulties

in translating narrative text from English into Indonesia is tense, not

sentence, phrase, clause, attribute, and indefinite article.

Based on the relevant research above, there are some similarities

with theoretical this research. The similarities are about the variable and

research method. Meanwhile, the differences are about the operational

concept, school location and the value of r count in the result.

C. Operational Concept

Operational concepts are derived from related theoretical concepts

on all of the variables that should be practically and empirically operated in

an academic writing as quoted on Syafi’i (2015). Operational concept is the

concept used to clarify the theories used in this research in order to avoid

misunderstanding in this research. This research deals will correlation

between two variables.

They are: Variable X is the students’ mastery of simple past tenses.

Variable Y is the students’ ability to translate the narrative text.

1. The indicator of simple past tense (variable X) related to Betty and

Stacy (2006, p.213), as follows :

a. The students are able to use adverb of time in the simple past tense.

b. The students are able to use positive form in verbal sentence of

simple past tense.

c. The students are able to use negative form in verbal sentence of

simple past tense.

d. The students are able to use interrogative form in verbal sentence

of simple past tense.

e. The students are able to use positive form in non-verbal sentence of

simple past tense.

f. The students are able to use negative form in non-verbal sentence

of simple past tense.

g. The students are able to use interrogative form in non-verbal

sentence of simple past tense.

2. According to Rochayah Machali (2009), regarding the focus of the

study, In scoring the students’ translation capacity, the researcher will

use the indicator as below:

a. The students are able to translate narrative text by using grammar


b. The students are able to translate narrative text by using idiom


c. The students are able to translate narrative text by using spelling


d. The students are able to translate narrative text by using vocabulary


D. The Assumption and Hypothesis of the Research

a. The Assumption

In this research, the researcher assumes that the higher the students’

past tense mastery, the better their ability in translating narrative text.

b. The Hypothesis

Based on the assumption above, the researcher formulated the

hypothesis as follows:

Ho: There is a significant correlation between students’ past tense

mastery and their ability in translating narrative text.

Ha: There is no significant correlation between students’ past tense

mastery and their ability in translating narrative text.



A. Research Design

The method used in this research will be correlation method. This

method is used to find out the correlation between two variables. In this

research, it will be students’ past tense mastery and students’ ability in

translating narrative texts.

According to Creswell (2012) correlation is a statistical test to

determine the tendency or pattern for two (or more) variables or two sets of

data to vary consistently.

B. Location and Time of the research

The location of this research will be at English Education

Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. It is

located at H.R. Soebrantas Panam street No.155, Kampar, Riau. The time of

this research will be on March-May 2021.

C. Subject and Objective of the Research

1. The subject of this research will be the 4th semester students of English

Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif

Kasim Riau.

2. The object of this research will be the correlation between the students’

past tense mastery and their ability in translating narrative text.

D. Population and Sample of the Research

1. Population

The population of this research will be the whole students of

fourth semester of English Education Department of State Islamic

University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. The total of the population

consist of 111 students with 4 classes. It will be divided depend on the

class. The A class consist of 28 students, the B class consist of 28

students, the C class consist of 27 students, and the D class consist of 28

students. The total numbers of the students as follow:

Table 3.1

The Population of 4th Semester of English Education Department

of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

No Class Population
1 A 28
2 B 28
3 C 27
4 D 28
Total 111

2. Sample

In quantitative research, a target of population (or sampling

frame) is a group of individuals with some common defining

characteristics that the researcher can identify and study (Cresswell,

2012). There are some techniques to take the sample for a research. To

get the sample by a right technique is important, because it will be

related with the sample you got. In a research, a representative sample

is very important to reach the purpose of the research. In this research

the will use the simple random sampling to get the sample. According

to Gay, (2012) simple random sampling is the process of selecting

a sample in such a way that all individuals in the defined population

have an equal and independent chance of selection for the sample.

To determine the sample size as explained by Arikunto (2013)

as cited in Bella, (2019) that “if the total population is more than

100, it is better to take 25% or more”. In this research the sample size

will be 25% from population.

Table 3.2

Determining Sample Size

No Class Population Sample
1 A 28 x 25% 7
2 B 28 x 25% 7
3 C 27 x 25% 7
4 D 28 x 25% 7
Total 28

E. Technique of Data Collection

In this research, the researcher will use a test as an instrument

namely past tense mastery test and translation test. According to Arikunto

(2010) test is the number of questions or exercises or other tool to measure

one’s skills, intelligence, ability or talent. It implies that test is one of the

ways to collecting information which is conducted by questions to degree


For the past tense mastery, the researcher will use the multiple-

choice with four options ; a, b, c and d. Thornbury (2002) states that

Multiple-choice tests are the popular way of testing in that they are easy to

score and they are easy to design. In this research the instrument of variable

x consist of 35 questions created based on 7 indicators in operational

concept of variable x and every indicator has 5 questions. The test was used

to measure the students’ tenses mastery.

Table 3.3
The Blue Print of Past Tense Mastery Test
NO Indicator Questions
1 The students are able to use adverb time in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
the simple past tense
2 The students are able to use positive form 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
in verbal sentence of simple past tense
3 The students are able to use negative form 11, 12, 13, 14,
in verbal sentence of simple past tense 15
4 The students are able to use interrogative 16, 17, 18, 19,
form in verbal sentence of simple past tense 20
5 The students are able to use positive form 21, 22, 23, 24,
in non-verbal sentence of simple past tense 25
6 The students are able to use negative form 26, 27, 28, 29,
in non-verbal sentence of simple past tense 30
7 The students are able to use interrogative 31, 32, 33, 34,
form in non-verbal sentence of simple past 35

The translating test will be given to measure the students’ translating

ability. In translating, the students should translate text from Indonesia

language into English based on the theme given. In this case, the text that

will be translated by the students is narrative text.

Table 3.4

The translation score

Category Score Indicator
The translation is 86-90 (A) The translation is
almost perfect almost equal to original
text. There are no
mistake in grammar,
spelling and using
The translation is very 76-85 (B) There are no mistake in
good using vocabulary, there
are any grammar and
spelling mistake but not
The translation is 65-75 (C) There are grammar and
good idiom mistakes but not
more than 15% from all
texts. There are any
mistakes in spelling.
The translation is 46-60 (D) There are grammar and
enough idiom mistakes but not
more than 25% from all
texts. There are any
mistakes in uncommon

The translation is 20-45 (E) There are grammar and

worse idiom mistakes more
than 25% from all texts.
Adopted by Rochayah Machali

F. Validity and Reliability of the Test

1. Validity of the Test

In this research, the research will use construct validity. Siregar

(2013) described that construct validity means the validity related to the

ability of instrument to measure the concept being measured. Non test

instrument which is used to measure attitude includes in construct

validity. According to Riduwan (2010) to analyze the validity of the test

instrument, the researcher used SPSS 20 program for windows.

2. Reliability of the Test

Brown (2003) mentioned that a reliable test is consistent and

dependable so that the test can be measured through the scores given.

The researcher tried to measure the reliability of the test through the

rater reliability, specifically in inter-rater reliability. There will two

raters who give different scores. To find the reliability, the researcher

uses the SPSS 20 application.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

For the technique of data analysis, the researcher will use a

quantitative analysis. According to David Nunan (2008), quantitative

research describes a research problem through a description of trends or a

need for an explanation of the relationship among variables by collecting

numeric data from a large number of people using instruments with preset

questions and responses. In order to find out whether there is a significant

contribution between students’ simple past tense mastery and students

ability in translating narrative text, the data will be analyzed by using SPSS

20 version with pearson product- moment correlation coefficient (r)

technique by using the following formula:

r xy =N ∑ xy−¿¿ ¿


r xy : Correlation coefficient

N : The number of students/subjects participating in the test

∑ x : The sum of score in simple past tenses test
∑ x 2 : The sum of the square score in simple past tenses test
∑ y : The sum of score to write test
∑ y2 : The sum of square total score to write test

∑ xy : The sum of multiple of score from simple past tenses test a

writing test in each number.


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