Bab 1-3
Bab 1-3
Bab 1-3
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1442 H/ 2021 M
List of Content................................................................................................................i
Chapter I Introduction...................................................................................................1
a. Theoretical Framework.......................................................................................9
2. Narrative Text...............................................................................................12
3. Translation....................................................................................................14
4. The Correlation between the Students’ Past Tense Mastery and their
b. Relevant Research............................................................................................20
c. Operational Concept.........................................................................................23
D. The Assumption and Hypothesis of the Research............................................24
A. Research Design...............................................................................................26
1. Population.....................................................................................................27
2. Sample...........................................................................................................27
structure which appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context.
translation into 5 categories (almost perfect, very good, good, enough,
worst) based on how much the students make a mistake in grammar, idiom,
spelling, and using vocabulary. The fewer mistake the better their
narrative text. Translating narrative text means translating a story into the
text. The story tells about a fairy tale or legend that happened in the past
time. This text purposes to amuse the readers. It retells past stories and uses
past tense.
particularly the simple past tense as the verbs that express activities in the
condition started and ended at a particular time in the past. Past tense
explains a form of a verb used to describe an action in the past to ease them
happen in translation such as: first, some students said that studying tense is
apply and build sentences with the right tense. It can be seen from students’
Third, the students are lazy to open the dictionary, which can be a big
students is still lack of vocabularies so that they hard to understand the
English text.
Riau the researcher found that the students have some problems in
of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau as the major of English also has the translation
translation learning is started at the fourth semester with 4 credits. The first
problem that appears is the students are still lack of vocabularies. When the
students translate a text, they have to pay attention to some words to get the
meaning of the point in the sentences. Then, based on that’s words, the
students get the meaning of the sentence which will help the students in
translating the text. But, most of the students do not have the proper
vocabulary to translate the text. The students also do not understand about
especially the tenses will give an impact on the meaning of the words. In the
case of translating the narrative text, the simple past tense has a big
influence. The words that use simple past tense express the event in the past
time. But, the students still do not have a good understanding of simple past
tense. They do not know how to build a sentence in past tense form. Next,
the students are difficult to understand the content of the text. It is because
they do not understand the diction which is used in that text. The last
problem in translation is a text that the researcher got from the preliminary
research is the technology advance. Besides having the positive side, the
technology advance also having the negative side. One of that negative side
is the students are lazy to work on something by their self. The students can
to translate the text using translating tools which make their vocabulary do
not increase. Those situations make some students difficult to translate the
2. Limitation of the Problem
needs to limit and focus on the correlation between the students’ past
Riau ?
C. Objective and Significance of the Research
Kasim Riau.
conduct a research
especially for the students and the lecturer of the 4th semester of
past tense mastery and translating narrative text.
d. The add references for other next researchers having the same
1. Correlation
determine the tendency or pattern for two (or more) variables or two 7
2. Past Tense
According to Frank (1972) states that past tense indicates definite time
research, past tense is the expressions that use to express the event in
3. Translation ability
capacity implies the students’ ability during the time spent substitution
4. Narrative Text
event directly. In this research narrative text is the text that is tells a true
A. Theoretical Framework
past is the basic form of past tense in English. The time of the
action can be in the recent past or the distant past and action
Whereas Cook and Sutter (1980) write the past tense is action or
the used of the past form to refer to past events. While Djuhari
(2009) stated that past tense is found in some texts and one of them
problems that happen and the ways to solve them. There are many
kinds of narrative text contents such as, fairy tale, imagination and
b. The Form of Simple Past Tense
research, there are two forms of the simple past tense. They are
past tense.
1) Verbal Sentence
a) Positive Sentence
the second form of the verb. The regular verb form of simple
irregular past form is not modified by adding (ed), but they are
The Example :
b) Negative Sentence
is changed again into the first form of the verb or the
The Example:
c) Interrogative Sentence
sentence is:
The Example :
- Did she buy book yesterday?
2) Nominal Sentence
be as follows:
Am : Was
Is : Was
Are : Were
a) Positive Sentence
b) Negative Sentence
c) Interrogative Sentence
2. Narrative Text
text is a kind of fairy tale story that has one or more problems to be
Narrative texts entertain the readers with difficult problems in the
kind of text which the contents tell a fictive story happened in the
past time. The goal of this text is to entertain the readers. Narrative
text can be fable, legend, and folktale stories. In the text, there is a
1) Orientation
2) Complication
the trigger.
3) Resolution
2) Adverb of time (once upon a time, one day, etc)
5) Action verbs are the verbs that show an action. (killed, dug,
walked, etc)
3. Translation
a. Definition of Translation
meaning of text into another language I how the author intended
above that translation was not only translating the language but also
the translator should transfer the meaning of the text, the reader
b. Process of Translation
whereas the media of interpretation use an oral discourse. People
1) Textual Level
the writers’ peculiar slant on it is.
3) Cohesive Level
4) Naturalness Level
kind of situation.
c. Types of Translation
readers an effect as close as possible to that got on the original
follow the form of the source language and are known as literal
parts of his translation in very natural form and then in other parts
at the specific time in the past. It explains frequent activities and has
become the primary moment in the previous time. The simple past tense
Translation can be defined as a diversion of a text in source
skill where the translator’s identity can be reflected into his opinion.
Narrative text is a kind of fairy tale story that has one or more
the readers. Narrative texts entertain the readers with difficult problems
in the story and the ways to solve them (Sudarwati, 2006). Narrative
text is a kind of text which the contents tell a fictive story happened in
the past time. The goal of this text is to entertain the readers. Narrative
text can be fable, legend, and folktale stories. In the text, there is a
text that tells about the fictive story that happen in the past time. It
means the students should use the simple past tense to write a narrative
text. So, the students’ past tense mastery has correlation with their
ability in translate the narrative text. This statement in line with Azar
(1989) the narrative texts use past tense particularly the simple past
ended at a particular time in the past. Past tense explains a form of a
B. Relevant Research
plagiarism from other research, in this research the researcher takes some
Marita Safitri (2014) entitles “The Correlation between the Students’ Past
the data she used 2 tests were administered. They were grammatical test and
translation test. In the grammatical test, multiple choice tests were used,
narrative text into English. This research focused on students’ past tense
mastery and their ability in translating narrative text . It can be seen that the
result of was 0.772. The value in 5% was 0.355 and in 1% was 0.456. So,
the result showed that there was a significant correlation between the
students’ past tense mastery and their ability in translating narrative texts.
research used the correlation method, with the analysis of product moment.
Based on the analyzed of the data it can be concluded there was a low
Mastery in Simple Past Tense and their Ability in Translating Past Narrative
PalangkaRaya. In this study, the writer used quantitative research and the
design of this study is correlation design, design is use to find out whether
there is correlation. The result of the study showed that there was positive
correlation between simple past tense and translating past narrative text. The
value of rxy 0.575 so that Ha was accepted and Ho was refused. Based on
df was found 0.404 < 0.575 > 0.515, so, it meant that there was
Zainuddin Hasibuan entitles “Students’ Problems in Translating Narrative
approach and research design as a case study. The result of this study is
many problems of translating in narrative text. There are: the students had
structure, the students had many obstacle with English pattern that was
different with Indonesian pattern, the students used the media when they got
when they were learning, because they did not master of many vocabularies.
narrative text. The data were collected by using record video of mobile
narrative text from English into Indonesia. The highest number of students’
clause (15,4%). The fifth difficulty is attribute (8,2%) and the last is
in translating narrative text from English into Indonesia is tense, not
with theoretical this research. The similarities are about the variable and
C. Operational Concept
concept used to clarify the theories used in this research in order to avoid
a. The students are able to use adverb of time in the simple past tense.
of simple past tense.
a. The Assumption
In this research, the researcher assumes that the higher the students’
past tense mastery, the better their ability in translating narrative text.
b. The Hypothesis
Based on the assumption above, the researcher formulated the
hypothesis as follows:
A. Research Design
method is used to find out the correlation between two variables. In this
determine the tendency or pattern for two (or more) variables or two sets of
located at H.R. Soebrantas Panam street No.155, Kampar, Riau. The time of
1. The subject of this research will be the 4th semester students of English
Kasim Riau.
2. The object of this research will be the correlation between the students’
D. Population and Sample of the Research
1. Population
Table 3.1
2. Sample
2012). There are some techniques to take the sample for a research. To
the will use the simple random sampling to get the sample. According
as cited in Bella, (2019) that “if the total population is more than
100, it is better to take 25% or more”. In this research the sample size
Table 3.2
namely past tense mastery test and translation test. According to Arikunto
one’s skills, intelligence, ability or talent. It implies that test is one of the
For the past tense mastery, the researcher will use the multiple-
Multiple-choice tests are the popular way of testing in that they are easy to
score and they are easy to design. In this research the instrument of variable
concept of variable x and every indicator has 5 questions. The test was used
Table 3.3
The Blue Print of Past Tense Mastery Test
NO Indicator Questions
1 The students are able to use adverb time in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
the simple past tense
2 The students are able to use positive form 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
in verbal sentence of simple past tense
3 The students are able to use negative form 11, 12, 13, 14,
in verbal sentence of simple past tense 15
4 The students are able to use interrogative 16, 17, 18, 19,
form in verbal sentence of simple past tense 20
5 The students are able to use positive form 21, 22, 23, 24,
in non-verbal sentence of simple past tense 25
6 The students are able to use negative form 26, 27, 28, 29,
in non-verbal sentence of simple past tense 30
7 The students are able to use interrogative 31, 32, 33, 34,
form in non-verbal sentence of simple past 35
language into English based on the theme given. In this case, the text that
Table 3.4
(2013) described that construct validity means the validity related to the
instrument, the researcher used SPSS 20 program for windows.
dependable so that the test can be measured through the scores given.
The researcher tried to measure the reliability of the test through the
raters who give different scores. To find the reliability, the researcher
numeric data from a large number of people using instruments with preset
ability in translating narrative text, the data will be analyzed by using SPSS
r xy =N ∑ xy−¿¿ ¿
r xy : Correlation coefficient
∑ x : The sum of score in simple past tenses test
∑ x 2 : The sum of the square score in simple past tenses test
∑ y : The sum of score to write test
∑ y2 : The sum of square total score to write test
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