問題探究1 便利商店展店術

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問題探究 Question Inquiry

便利商店展店術 Convenience Store Expansion Strategy

1980 年全臺第一家 7-ELEVEN 出現在臺北市,40 多年來便利超商的服務內容推

等功能,提供食衣住行育樂的服務,緊密扣連民眾日常生活。根據 2023 年 12
月底的統計,臺灣超商密度為全球第 2,平均每 1,703 人就有 1 間便利超商,僅
次於韓國的每 897 人就有 1 間。 臺灣超商還有成長空間嗎?各大連鎖品牌又該
In 1980, the first 7-ELEVEN store opened its doors in Taipei City. Over the past 40
years, convenience stores have continuously evolved, expanding their services to
include groceries, banking, postal services, bakeries, coffee shops, snack bars, and
photocopying. Today, they cater to people's diverse daily needs, ranging from
essentials like food and clothing to transportation and entertainment. According to
statistics as of December 2023, Taiwan ranks second globally in convenience store
density, with an average of one store for every 1,703 people. This is second only to
South Korea, where there is one for every 897 people. Is there still room for growth
for Taiwan's convenience store industry? How should major chain brands expand their

01 界定問題 Defining the Issue

認識對手、認識自己 Knowing the Competition, Knowing Oneself

臺灣前 4 大連鎖便利超商的總數已經超過 13,700 家,數量雖然很多,但比起韓

The total number of the top four chain convenience stores in Taiwan has exceeded
13,700, indicating potential for growth compared to South Korea. In such densely
distributed areas, how should convenience stores further expand their presence?

1. 臺灣 4 大便利超商的總體店數仍逐年增長。根據圖 1-16 所示,2015 ~ 2023 年

The number of convenience stores of the top four chains in Taiwan continues to grow
year by year. According to Figure 1-16, which store experienced the largest increase
in the number between 2015 and 2023?

圖 1-16 4 大連鎖便利超商店數變化
Figure 1-16 Changes in the Number of Top Four Chain Convenience Stores
2. 某便利超商研發部門人員提出展店問題:「哪些地點周遭潛在消費者達 2,000
The research and development department of a certain convenience store chain raised
a question: "Where are there over 2,000 potential customers nearby but no
convenience stores have been established yet?" Identify which of the four major
traditions of geography this question relates to. (Please check)

□空間分布 Spatial Tradition

□人地互動 Man-Land Tradition
□區域研究 Area Studies Tradition
□地球科學 Earth Science Tradition

02 觀察與資料分析 Observation and Data Analysis

情報即戰力 Intelligence is Power

系統」(Point of Sale,POS 系統),結帳時店員掃描貨品條碼,記錄消費品項,
成一筆筆包含:where、when、who、what、why 的銷售記錄。每一門市平均每
天可收集 7 ∼ 800 筆的銷售記錄,累積下來形成所謂的大數據(big data),其中蒐
Information is crucial for decision-making. Convenience store counters are often
equipped with multifunctional Point of Sale (POS) systems. During checkout, cashiers
scan product barcode(條碼) to record purchases and input additional details such as
the consumer's gender and age. This information, along with store location and
weather, forms sales records describing the where, when, who, what, and why of
every transaction. Each store collects 700 to 800 records daily, contributing to the
accumulation of what we call “big data”(大數據). We can analyze this data on time,
location, product quantities and categories to provide operational management and
guide purchasing decisions. Here are some examples:

秘笈 1:在工作日位於市中心商業區的門市,上班族的午餐會選擇「好帶走、
方便食用」的餐點,則會有 100 個便當、30 盒涼麵的需求。
Tip 1: On workdays, office workers tend to choose “easy-to-grab” and convenient
meals for lunch. Therefore, convenience stores in the central business district may
have a demand for 100 lunchboxes and 30 servings of cold noodles.

秘笈 2:東北角海岸旁的門市,在冬天寒流來襲時的清晨時分,因為許多釣客
會以白吐司作為魚餌,白吐司需求量達 30 條。
Tip 2: During cold winter mornings, stores along the northeast coast experience
increased demand for white bread, as many anglers(釣客) use it as bait, resulting in a
need for 30 loaves(條).
秘笈 3:夏天午後的海邊,當氣溫每高於平均值 1°C,遊客對於冰品的需求將會
增加 20%。
Tip 3: During summer afternoons at the seaside, for every 1°C increase in
temperature, there is a 20% increase in demand for ice cream from tourists.

1. 上述 3 則管理祕笈是利用長期資料歸納出來的結果。下列表格已示範第一條
5W1H 的哪個面向?請摘錄相關文字填寫於表格中。

These tips mentioned above are the results of long-term data analysis. The following
table demonstrates the first tip. Please read and analyze the content of the other two
tips to determine their respective correlations with the 5W1H aspects of the decision-
making process. Please excerpt relevant text to fill in the table.
The three cool tips we talked about come from looking at lots of data over time.
Here's the first tip in the table. Take a look at the other two tips and see how they fit
into the decision-making process. Can you find where they talk about who, what,
when, where, or why?

秘笈 1 秘笈 2 秘笈 3
Where(何地) 市中心商業區
Central Business
When(何時) 工作日的中午時段
Noon on weekdays
Who(何人) 上班族
Office workers
What(東西) 便當、涼麵
Lunchboxes, cold
Why(為什麼) 好帶走、方便食用
“easy-to-grab” and
convenient to eat

2. 分析結果所產生的資訊,通常需要透過適合的圖表來呈現,便於使用者擷取
資訊重點,進一步進行決策判斷。請判斷下列 4 種資訊,分別適合以哪一圖表

The information generated from the analysis results usually needs to be presented
through suitable charts, making it easier for users to extract key information and
further make decision judgments. Please determine which chart format is suitable for
each of the following 4 types of information and match them accordingly.
The information from the analysis usually needs to be shown with suitable charts, so
users can easily understand and make decisions. Please match the following 4 types of
information with the appropriate chart format.

資訊 Information 統計圖表 Statistical Graphics

一天 24 小時某門市的消費者人數 柱狀圖 Bar Chart
各個類別商品銷售金額,占總營業額 圓餅圖 Pie Chart
各縣市門市數量多寡 折線圖 Line Chart
顧客滿意度調查結果 5 個面向:「便 雷達圖 Radar Chart
"Store's 24-hour consumer count"
"Sales proportion by product category"
"Store count by county/city"
"Customer satisfaction survey results: Convenience, Cleanliness, Staff Friendliness,
Product Availability, Price Competitiveness"
"Store's daily consumer count"
"Sales breakdown by product type"
"Number of stores per county/city"
"Customer satisfaction survey on: Convenience, Cleanliness, Staff Friendliness,
Product Availability, Price Competitiveness"

03 問題討論 Discussion
Decision Making and Action: Suppose you want to franchise a convenience store and
need to select a location for a new store. Please conduct the following analysis and
formulate business strategies based on the chosen site.
Decision Making in Business: Imagine you're considering opening a franchise
convenience store and must pick a location for your new venture. Now, let's analyze
the chosen site and devise strategies for running the business effectively.

便利超商的地點位置 (例如:學校、夜市、住宅區、風景區等)
Convenience Store Location (e.g., school, night market, residential area,
scenic spot, etc.)

主要客群分析 (e.g., office workers, students, etc.)

Target Market Analysis
來客較為集中的時間 (例如:早上、中午、晚上等)
熱賣商品類別可能為何 (例如:冷/熱飲、糖果零食、生活用品
如何增加營業額、提升經營效率 (例如:店裡人力安排配置、促銷計畫等)

Analysis of primary customer groups:

Peak hours of customer visits: (e.g., morning, noon, evening, etc.)
Potential hot-selling product categories: (e.g., cold/hot beverages, snacks, daily
necessities, etc.)
Strategies to increase sales and enhance operational efficiency: (e.g., staffing
arrangements, promotional plans, etc.)

Store location: (e.g., school, night market, residential area, scenic spot)
Target customer analysis: (e.g., office workers, students)
Peak visitor times: (e.g., morning, noon, evening)
Popular product categories: (e.g., beverages, snacks, daily necessities)
Methods to boost sales and improve efficiency: (e.g., staff scheduling, promotions)
CH1 便利商店展店術
P.20:01 界定問題
2. ✔空間分布
P.21、22:02 觀察與資料分析
1. (二審修改待通過)
祕笈 1 祕笈 2 祕笈 3
Where 市中心商業區 東北角海岸 海邊

When 工作日的中午時段 冬天清晨 夏天午後

Who 上班族 釣客 遊客

What 便當、涼麵 白吐司 冰品

why 好帶走、方便食用 可以作為魚餌 天氣熱


P.23:03 問題討論
便利商店的地點位置 市中心商業區
主要客群分析 白領上班族
來客較為集中的時間 早上 8-9 點上班時間;中午 12-1 點午餐時間
熱賣商品類別可能為何 早上:三明治、御飯團;中午:便當、涼麵
如何增加營業額、提升經營效率 因應白領上班族,提供多樣、高質感的早午餐

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