AN 25 Trace H2O in Electronic Grade Gases
AN 25 Trace H2O in Electronic Grade Gases
AN 25 Trace H2O in Electronic Grade Gases
This application note discusses how Tiger Optics' ultra-trace of computing power to process the input from cameras and
moisture analyzers help semiconductor manufacturers ensure sensors in real-time; and the necessary high-performance
purity of their bulk gases. We take a look at the drivers for the processors must be both reliable and power-efficient.
semiconductor industry pushing analyzer performance to
The Demand for Higher-Quality Gases and Better Analytics
new heights, and we show how Tiger's latest H2O analyzer,
the HALO KA Max H2O, meets this challenge by reaching To meet the challenges of these new applications, the
unprecedented levels of detection sensitivity and speed of semiconductor industry's International Roadmap for Devices
response. and Systems (IRDS)¹ outlines manufacturing quality as one
key aspect; therefore, semiconductor device manufacturers
Modern Applications Propelling Semiconductor are implementing more stringent control into all aspects of
Manufacturing the manufacturing process, from the cleanroom environment
The semiconductor market is seeing a new era of and the wafer processing tools to the raw materials used for
innovation, with new applications fueling demand for production, many of which are gases. Consequently, improved
advanced semiconductor devices that put more stringent gas quality control is one of the most important measures that
requirements on reliability, power handling capability and are employed by semiconductor fabs to increase yields and
power consumption, while packing more functionality into reduce failure rates.
a smaller package and decreasing technology nodes. Among With the need to monitor and ensure stricter and more
these demanding applications are increasingly more powerful consistent gas quality comes a demand for more sensitive
smartphones and tablets that aim—at the same time—to and accurate analytical technologies. At the same time, speed
improve battery life. More recently, automotive sensor systems, of response has become more important as well, as fab
the Internet of Things (IoT), the next generation of wireless operators rely heavily on real-time process control to increase
communication (5G), and smart power grids have emerged throughput.
as applications with enormous expansion potential over the Tiger Optics has been serving the semiconductor industry
coming years and decades. Future self-driving vehicles (as since its inception in 2001 with its array of laser-based moisture
illustrated in Figure 1), for instance, require massive amounts analyzers. In many state-of-the-art semi fabs, Tiger’s Cavity
Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) analyzers are the gold
standard for ensuring quality of the major bulk gases that are
used in the manufacturing process, which are typically N2,
CDA, O2, H2, Ar, and He. With H2O as one of the most critical gas
impurities, Tiger’s analyzers serve a crucial role in the fab due to
their ultimate sensitivity, fast speed of response, and excellent
A Sticky Situation—The Difficulty of Trace H2O Detection
H2O is a high priority for gas quality control in a fab, as it is
very destructive to processes and one of the most difficult
contaminants to avoid due to its prevalence. From an analytical
point of view, moisture detection in gases tends to be a difficult
task owing to the molecule's tendency to stick to surfaces. For
analytical techniques that rely on physical interaction with the
H2O molecule, it is therefore very hard to achieve fast speed
of response. Furthermore, detection limit requirements are
stringent for semiconductor device manufacturing, ranging
from low-part-per-billion (ppb) levels down to well into the
Fig. 1 Artistic illustration of a future self-driving vehicle.
limit) in all of the major semi bulk gases. This new performance
benchmark makes the HALO KA Max the new flagship among
Tiger’s line of trace moisture analyzers (shown in Figure 3).
To illustrate the HALO KA Max’s excellent baseline
performance, Figure 4 shows a reading in dry N2 over an 18-
hour timeframe (black trace). The measurement demonstrates
the HALO KA Max’s capability to measure comfortably below
100 ppt, which actually challenges the ability of most sampling
systems to achieve such a low H2O level. Even more impressive
is the analyzer’s precision at near-zero levels (measured as
1σ), which is only 12 ppt in this example. The HALO KA Max’s
guaranteed specifications call out a precision at zero of
40 ppt in N2 and as low as 10 ppt in He. For comparison, the
Fig. 3 Tiger Optics’ lineup of trace moisture analyzers red trace shows the baseline performance of the HALO KA,
which also demonstrates excellent performance well below
HALO KA H2O—The State-of-the-Art Moisture Analyzer 1 ppb, exhibiting a measurement precision (1σ) of 74 ppt with a
for Modern Semi Fabs. Most advanced semiconductor fabs guaranteed precision specification of 100 ppt in N2.
employ Tiger Optics' CRDS trace H2O analyzers as the preferred The key to the HALO KA Max's excellent detection limit is
technology to comply with SEMI F112 standard. The analyzer of its entirely new electronic and optical platform, allowing the
choice for many fabs is the HALO KA H2O (Figure 2, left). With analyzer to operate with lower measurement noise. In addition,
a detection limit of 300 ppt in N2 (specified as 3σ over a 24- however, the new platform has more computing power, an
hour period) and even lower in other bulk gases, the KA fits the optimized flow path, and improved wetted materials, allowing
needs of most advanced semiconductor fabs. In addition, the also for enhanced speed of response. This is important for
HALO KA saves significant space in the analyzer rack compared preserving the analyzer’s real-time detection capability when
to the competition, since two analyzers fit within one 19” slot. In approaching low-ppt H2O levels. Moisture dry-down time
addition to high performance and reliability, the HALO KA also increases exponentially with lower concentrations. At some
delivers fabs considerable savings in operating cost, with no point, the analyzer's speed of response would become too
requirements for maintenance, field calibration or spare parts. slow to be useful for real-time process control. The HALO KA
HALO KA Max H2O—Tiger’s New Flagship H2O Analyzer. Tiger Max’s optimized design allows it to exhibit a speed of response
Optics' new HALO KA Max (Figure 2, right) is an ideal choice at ppt to ppb levels that other instruments only achieve at
for electronic gas makers and semiconductor manufacturers much higher concentrations. Figure 5 illustrates this fact
requiring detection limits for H2O below 100 ppt. This next- impressively by simulating a process control situation with
generation analyzer touts both lower detection limits and faster a 1 ppb control limit and occasional H2O spikes of only a few
speed of response. It is Tiger Optics’ first moisture analyzer parts per billion (denoted by the orange markers). Not only does
that offers a detection limit of 100 ppt (3σ/24h or dry-down the HALO KA Max’s sensitivity pick up even the smallest spike
Fig. 4 HALO KA Max baseline reading in dry N2 over 18 hours showing Fig. 5 Demonstrating the HALO KA Max’s response to moisture spikes
consistent performance below 100 ppt of moisture. at low ppb levels with a simulated process control limit of 1 ppb.
¹IEEE Standards Association, International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IRDS),
²SEMI International Standards, SEMI F112-0613 - Test Method for Determination of Moisture Dry-Down Characteristics of Surface-
Mounted and Conventional Gas Delivery Systems by Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CRDS),