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LM Health 9 Week 2

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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Montessori, Inc.

16–22 Camdas Subdivision, Baguio City


WEEK 2 (November 9-13, 2020)
I. Subject Matter:
Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse
Lesson 2: Substance Use and Abuse

II. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates an understanding of the dangers of substance use and abuse
on the individual, family, and community
III. Performance Standard: The learner shares responsibility with community members through participation
in collective action to prevent and control substance use and abuse.
IV. Learning Competencies
Through this Learning Module, you are expected to:
1. discuss risk and protective factors in substance use and abuse (H9S-llb-16);
2. correct myths and misconceptions about substance use and abuse (H9S-IId-19);
3. analyze situations for the use and non-use of psychoactive substances (H9S-IIb-17); and
4. complete the given activity.

V. Institutional Values
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Montessori develops Carmelian learners who have a strong moral and intellectual
VI. Learning Activities
Wednesday (November 11, 2020)

A. Introduction of Topic
Lesson 2 gives different risks and protective factors in substance use, abuse, and drug dependence. Risk
factors are those that contribute to drug abuse. Protective factors prevent drug use.
B. Lesson Discussion
Risk and Protective Factors for Drug Use, Misuse, Abuse, and Dependence
The use, misuse, and abuse of drugs are the result of various factors surrounding a person. These factors
either increase or decrease the possibility of a person to use drugs.
Risk factors are those influences that increase the chances of using, misusing, and abusing drugs. Protective
factors, on the other hand, are those influences that decrease the chances of using, misusing, and abusing
drugs. According to studies, protective factors counterbalance the negative effects of risk factors. It is
important to understand that it does not necessarily mean that several risk factors present to make a
person highly susceptible to drug use, misuse, and abuse. Protective factors even if few may be enough to
work against the risk factors, more so if there are several of these protective influences. These factors are
composed of influences in different domains of life.

Below are the risk and protective factors in the use, misuse, and abuse of drugs:
PERSONAL (Early Aggressive Behavior vs. Self-control)

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Risk Factors Protective Factors
 Use of drugs at an early age Self-control behavior
 Risk-taking behavior Good reasoning skills
 Experimentation  Excellent social skills
 Poor social skills and interaction Positive interaction with people
 Childhood problems Sense of belonging
 Feelings of isolation

FAMILY (Weak Parental Guidance vs. Strong Parental Guidance)

Risk Factors Protective Factors
 History and patterns of drug use Good communication with people
 Attitudes toward drug use  Positive family relationship
 Poor parenting and child-rearing  Clear and consistent family rules
 Inconsistent family rules  Strong family values
 Poor family values  The positive expectation of a child’s success
 Poor family ties in family, school, and community
 Reliance on the family for emotional support

PEERS AND FRIENDS (Substance Abuse vs. Academic Excellence)

Risk Factors Protective Factors
 Association with peers and friends known Association with peers and friends who do not
to use gateway drugs (cigarettes and use gateway drugs
alcohol)  Formation of friendships
 Preference to stay with peers and friends  Reliance on friends for emotional support
than with family  Inviting friends at home to know the family

SCHOOL (Availability of Drugs vs. Strong Anti-Drug Policies)

Risk Factors Protective Factors
 Poor academic performance  Good to excellent academic performance
 Lack of commitment to studies  Joins extra-curricular activities and school
 Poor attendance in school organizations
 Involvement in fights and conflicts  Shows interest in attending classes

COMMUNITY (Poverty vs. Strong Community Relationship)

Risk Factors Protective Factors
 Easy access to gateway drugs  Strong community relationships
 Poor community organization and  Active and positive community programs,
neighborhood relationship projects and activities for the youth
 Poor implementation of community laws  The positive attitude which combats drug use
 Negative attitudes which favor drug use  Strong community advocacy against

Common Myths and Misconceptions on Drug Misuse and Abuse

People give several reasons for taking drugs. Some believe that these drugs can make them feel and look
good. Certain drugs of abuse produce pleasure or euphoria.
Euphoria is the high sensation of feeling good and extremely relaxed. Euphoria is a sensation brought about
by the chemical reactions of the neurotransmitters in the brain. Thus, drugs affect your brain process.
Continuous and prolonged drug use has a very bad effect on a person. It can alter his behavior, and his
mental, physical, and psychological condition. Most importantly, drug dependence results in drug abuse,
drug tolerance, problems with society and law, withdrawal symptoms, severe health problems, poor quality
of life, and eventually death.
You must understand that it is not easy to know and feel the effects of drugs on the body. Effects are not
always the same as drug users. A small amount of a substance may create a feeling of pleasure to a person
but the same amount may cause restlessness, stress, or even immediate death to another person. It is
important to remember that each individual’s brain capacity and function and total body chemistry are
different from other persons, thus we have different reactions to drugs and substances.

Myths and Misconceptions about Drugs of Abuse

Myths and Misconceptions Facts about Drugs of Abuse
Drugs of abuse improve Drugs of abuse shut down proper brain functioning.
memory. Certain drugs stimulate the brain but do not help improve
memory. Most drug users claim they think better and
clearly after taking drugs but tests on performance and
cognition have proven that they have performed worst.
Drugs of abuse do not improve memory.
Drugs of abuse help in the Certain drugs of abuse stimulate the production of
digestion of food. stomach acids. Constant exposure to higher than normal
acid level damages stomach linings which can result in an
Drugs of abuse do not help in the digestion of food.
Certain drugs of abuse remove shyness and inhibition. In
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Drugs of abuse make a person bold and psychology, normal inhibition prohibits a person to do
brave. unacceptable things, thoughts, and desires. Normal
inhibition includes not taking other people’s things, not
crossing a busy street, and knowing what is right from
wrong. The temporary courage brought about by taking
drugs is a dangerous one as it makes a drug user lose
normal judgment which is part of the person’s normal
Drugs of abuse place a user in a dangerous and
life-threatening situation.
People who take drugs usually have Most people who take drugs take them not because they
problems. have problems, but simply because they like the
“pleasurable” effect of the drug.
Licit drugs are safer. Alcohol and tobacco are more damaging to a person’s
health in terms of developing chronic diseases, as
compared to some illegal drugs. However, it is more
difficult to get illegal drugs because they are prohibited.
People who take caffeine, alcohol, and People who use these substances are drug users. These
tobacco/cigarettes are not drug users. substances are categorized as “gateway drugs”. These
substances can kill if they are taken in high dosages.
Peddlers or pushers are the ones who mostly Most of the time, individuals who got addicted to illegal
supply drugs to first-time users. drugs got their first drug from a friend, from someone
whom they look up to, or from someone whom they owe.

For additional information, you may read pages 351-355 of your textbook.

C. Practice Activities

Task 2: Upgrade
Due date: November 18, 2020 (Wednesday afternoon)
Answer Upgrade- Letter A and B only on page 355 of your textbook

VII. References
Abanto, J.C. & Dela Cruz, M.S. (2018). Practical Mapeh 9. Diwa Learning System Inc.

Website Links
DepEd k-12 Manuals. (2016). Grade 9 learner’s module and teacher’s guide.
Barrio, J. (2015 November 29). Health 9-lm-draft-3.24.2015. https://www.slideshare.net/jillianbarrio/health-
Risk Factors and Protective Factors. (October 2003). http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/preventing-

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