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Part 1. Development and Evaluation of
Uniform-Pressure Anti-G Suits

AD-A185 658
Roy W. W.
Robert Krutz, Jr.,M.S.E.E.
Thompson, Ph.D.
Arnold G. Krueger
Emily M. Gause, M.S.

Life Sciences Division I.TIC

Technology Incorporated
San Antonio, TX 78216 " 1. 1581.ip."

April 1987

Final Report for Period 1 April 1981 - 31 July 1985

Approved for public release; distribution Is unlimited.

Prepared for


Human Systems Division (AFSC)
Brooks Air Force Base, TX 78235-5301
, *'

67 10 6 144
~ ~:-Q~" -

This final report was submitted by the Life Sciences Division, Technology
Incorporated, 300 Breesport, San Antonio, TX 78216, under contract
F33615-81-C-G600, job order 7930-14-42, with the USAF School of Aerospace
Medicine, Human Systems Division, AFSC, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas.
Larry J. Meeker (USAFSAM/VNS) was tne Laboratory Project Scientist-in-Charge.

When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any
purpose other than in connection with a definitely Government-related procure-
ment, the United States Government incurs no responsibility nor any obligation
whatsoever. The fact that the Government may have formulated or in any way
supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data, is not to be
regarded by implication, or otherwise in any manner construed, as licensing
the holder, or any other person or corporation; or as conveying any rightc or
permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may in any
way be related thereto.
The voluntary informed consent of the subjects used in this research was
obtained in accordance with AFR 169-3.
The Office of Public Affairs has reviewed this report, and it is releas-
able to the National Technical Information Service, where it wi)l be,
available to the general public, including foreign nationals.

This report has been reviewed and is approved for publication.


Project Scientist Supervisor

F . DAVIS, Colonel, USAF, MC



U n~classi fled , FRP R
OCCLSSIFCATINIDONGRAINGApproved for public release; distribution
Tecttnology Incorporated
Life Sciences Division
K ahppuca~)
USAF School of Aerospace Medicine CVNS)

Dc (City, State, and ZIP Code1) 7b. .ADORES S(City, State, anld ZIP Code)
300 Brteeport Human Systems Division (AFSC)
Antonio. TX
Sa3San 78216 Brooks Air Force Base, TX 78235-5301
ORGANIZATION adpCoe(if applicable) F336 15-81-(-0600


62202 F 17930 14 142
'I. TITLE (In'2"do Security classification)
of-Uniform-~Pressure Anti-G Suits

Krutz, Robert W., Jr.;i Thompson, Roy W.; Krueger, !Arnold G.; n Gause,2.mi'y M'.
Final FRO ý41o810,J 1987 April15

17, CC.SATI C~ODES 18. UBJECT TERMS (Continshe)r.-vorle if rn~cessary ao identify by block number)
FIELD GROUP I SBCpýW!,L-Ife Support, AntiaG Suit, UJnifor ~ressure Suit,
17,1 17
06 Multic-iýZpstan Suit, Reticulated Foam Suit, Skin Pressure
IIMeasureffientji PP Ace: ?-A rit,#.ccj- e~ RA~ ~T)&V 76DL 00A W C r,
11 _
19.'~STRCT(Continue on roversa if necessar'y and identify by bibck number) r*~'~
5'PRC r~

A knpressure measuring device tias designed and fabricated to measure pressure actually
applied to the lower bcdy duritg,, anti-G 3uit inflation. This device was used with a
variety of devyclopmerital uvifor*,t~pessure antia suits; basketweave, multipleeipstan, and
reticuliatedtrfbam suit designs were evaluated. kle-sulti iudicated that owing to engiLneering
incompatibilities involving weight, bulk, sizing, fittin~g- and ef~ective precaure loss
attribul~able to friction between the, interdligitized tapes, the canstan approach i4 not al
F practical solution to. developing a uniform-pressure ant;;; g'arment. ...The reticulated-foam
approach shows promise because of a tendency to retain its original shgpe when pressurized
to high pressures. Further development of anti 4lesig9Tis recommended;


Larry J. Meeker C52Y563
DO FORM '473, 94 MAR 33 APR edition maý. be used until exhausted. SECURITY CLASIF~ATION OF 'HIS PAGE_
All other edition, .jre obsolete.


INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
OBJECTIVES . .. .. .... . . .... . . .. . . . . . °

EQUIPMENT AND PROCEDURES . .................... 3

Equipment . .. .. .... . . . .. . . ... 3

Task 1 - Skin Pressure Measurement . ..........

. . 3

Liquid-filled Test Bladder. . ... .. ...... .. 3

Pneunfati, Switch Skin Pressure Tracking Syste..., .... 3
Pneumatic Control Device . . . * * . ....... , 3
Electronic Control Device . . . . . .. . . . 5

Procedures . .. . . . . . 5
RESULTS*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Task 1- Skin Pressure Measurement. . . ......... . . . 6

Liquid-filled Test Bladder. . . . . . . . .. 7

Pneumatic Switch Skin Pressure Tracking System. . ... . . . . 10
Assembly ond Calibration of Skin Pressure Measurement System. 13

Task 2 - Uniform Pressure Anti-G Suit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Standard Capatan Suit Modification .............. 20

Multple eCapstan
Suit . n...
.. 1.......
Basketweave Configuration . 0 0..t. ..... .... 23
Comparison of Multi-Capstan Configurations. ....... . 24
Multiple Capstan UP Suit Design. . ......... .... 24
Multiple Capstan Suit Testing ... . ...... 26
Reticulated Foam Anti-G Suit.. . . . ... . .. . 30
DISCUSSION .................... 33
Task 2 - Unifo-m Pressure Anti-G Suit,.............. 33 3
Multiple Capstan Suit Evaluation . . . . ......... . 34
Reticulated Foam Anti-G Suit . . . . . . . . . 35

CONCLUSIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 35


. l 4Lr
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . *' • • 37





1. Skin Pressure Measurement System . ........ . . 3

2. Pneumatic Switch Skin Pressure Tracking System. . . . . . . 4

3. Multi-channel Skin Pressure Measurement System

Pneumatic Control Device ......... . .4......

4. Pneumatic Control Device Schematic ............. 5

5. Multi-channel Skin Pressure Measurement System

Electronic Control Device (Front View) . . . ....... 6

6. Electronic Control Device (Top View) . . . ........ 7

7. Electronic Control Device Chassis Schematic . . . . . . . . 8

3. Pneumatic Pressure Interface . . . . . . . . ....... 10

9. Skin Pressvre Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 11

10. Subject 2 Switch Pressure (Front, Rear, Inside,

Outside, and Calf) vs. Capstan Pressure .......... 12

11. Skin Pressure Measurement System . . . .......... 13

12. Pressure Switch Control Circuit . . . . . . ........ 14

13. Pressure Switch Calibration Fixture . . .......... 16

14. Calibration (Bag) Pressure vs. Switch Pressure

(Abdumen, Thigh, Calf) ................... 16

15. Error of Predicted Skin Pressure Compared to

Observed Skin Pressure. .................. 17

16. Bag Pressure vs. Switch Pressure (Abdomen,

Thigh, Calf) at 1 G . . . 18


17. Bag Pressure vs. Switch Pressure (Abdomen,

Thigh, Calf) at 5 G . ..... . . ... ... .. .... 18

18. Bag Pressure vs. Switch Pressure (Aboomen,

Thigh, Calf) at 10 G. . . . . * . • • . • . • a • . a • s

19. Bag Pressure vs. Switch Pressure (Abdomen,

Thigh, Calf) at all G Levels. . .0. . . . . . . . . *
. .. 19

20. Ratio (K) Pressure Regulator. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

21. Manikin Skin Pressure Under a Low-Pressure

Capstan Section .................... 22

22. Skin Pressure Under Low-Pressure Capstan

Section on Uniform Radius . . . ............... 22

23. Manikin Skin Pressure Under a Multiple

Capstan Section in a Basketweave Configuration.. . . . . . 23

24. Skin Pressure Comparison of Low-Pressure

Capstan and Basketweave Multicapstans . . . . . . . . . . . 24

25. Multiple Capstan Uniform Pressure Anti-G Suit . . . . . .. 25

B-1. Schematic Layout of Outline Proposals for an In-house Fa-

cility for the Modification and Production of Developmen-
tal Aircrew Personal Protective Equipment .......... 47



1. Summary of Specific ALSRAD Tasks Performed.

on Contract F33615-81-C-0600 . . , . . .. . *. . . . ... 2

2. Electronics Control Device Pin Assignment. . .0. . . . . . 9

3. Pressure Ratio and Capstan Diameter Calculated for
Continuous Adjustment of Multiple Capstan UP Sait. . . . . 27
4. Pressure Ratio (h) Ranges Produced by Adjust3ent of
Capstan Diameter for Multiple Capstan UP Suit........ 28

5. Anti-G Suit Rate of Inflation . . . . . . ........ 32

B-1. Preliminary Cost Estimate . ........ . . . . . . . 46


Part 1. Development and Evaluation of Uniform-Pressure Anti-G Suits


The Crew Technology Division of the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine (U3AF-
SAM/VN) is rtsponsible for developing, testing, breadboarding, evaluating, and
recommending methods of protecting aiworews against hazardous effects of high-G
environments, and for preventing possible cumulative effects of exposure to
acute, chronic, and repetitive high-G conditions over the career-spans of indi-
vidual aircrew members.

Technological advances which improve physiological tolerance to high sus-

tained G (HSG) lead to expanded operational limits as well r3 to increased
protection of personnel. Modern high-performance fighter aircraft are capable
of achieving ever-increasing sustained acceleration profiles. The ability of
the human body to withstand this acceleration has become the critical factor
determining the limits of modern air weapons systems capabilities. This
problem of human tolerance to the G levels associated with the new acceleration
profiles has reemphasized the need for improved pilot protection techniques.
The use of the anti-G suit, as the primary source for increased G-tolerance
protection, has been reexamined by USAFSAM. Potential design improvements to
existing anti-G suits, as well as possible new suit design concepts, have been
developed and evaluated within the scope of this project.


The principal overall objectives of work performed on contract F33615-

81-C-0600 have been: (1) to perform research, development, testing, and
evaluation (RDT&E) aimed at improving performance of anti-G suits, including
modification of existing designs and development of new designs; (2) to perform
research on mechanisms and management of decompression sickness (DCS); (3) to
develop, manage, and maintain physiological data bases relevant to decompression
sickness and acceleration effects (reported separately as USAFSAM-TR-86-37);
(4) to develop a computer model for measurement of stress on a pilot's head and
neck caused by above-the-neck life support equipment at G; (5) to update UtAFSAM
human centrifuge graphics; and (6) to compare, performance of current and
prototype anti-G valves.

To accomplish these overall objectives, we designed a number of discrete

re3earch tasks. These tasks are summarized, and task relationship. to overall
objective is indicated in Table 1. Results of efforts on each of these tasks
have been described in a final report, of which this is Part 1. Part 1 details
work performed relevant to objective (1): RDT&E directed toward improvement of
performance of anti-G suits.
ON CONTRACT F33615-81-C-0600

Task Description Report


Anti.r. Suit Perfo~rmajjce

I RDT&E and fabrication of a skin pressure measuring system 1

2 RDT&E of uniform pressure anti-G suit 1

Decomgression Sickness Research

3 Research on mechanisms and management of DCS

3.1 R&D of bends-screening index for crew selection,

high-altitude/space missions 2

3.2 Research on decompression sickness model systems 2

3.3 Definition of minimum for zero-breathe pressure 2

3.4 7.8 psi study 2

PhWstilogical Data Base Systearn

4 Development/management of repositories for acceleration

and decompression sickness research data
Pilot H1adlNeck Stress

5 Development of computer model for measurement of stress on

pilot's head/neck for above-the-neck aircrew life support

Human CentrifuAe Graphics Systems

6 Updating of USAFSAM human centrifuge graphics 3

Antj-Q Valve T&E

7 Comparison of current and prototype anti-G valve performance 4

* Published separately as USAFSAM-TR-86-37

** Laformal report to Contract Monitor



Task 1 - Skin Pressure Measurement

Liquid-filled Test Bladder - A small liquid-filled test bladder that was

continuously mon'tored with a pressure transducer was used in preliminary
studies. The measurement system is shown schematically in Figure 1 . The test
bladder was the crucial element of this system. A oladder extracted from an
infant blood pressure cuff (W. A. Baum Co., Inc., Copiauge, New York) was used.
The system was liquid volume-senitive and initial experiments indicated 1.5 ml
eater to be optimal for the required measurements.

Haind Oerated
OYNTA /Flow Regulators

anti-G sAir

Test 2400
ee r o
equale sRecorder


|Pressure Dr,

nheentob/j, ti i th tier'ie omk maueet hsojc
Ftoure w. Skin pressure measurement system.

Pneumatic Switch Skin Pressure Trackvni Scste1 - The Pneumatic SwCtvh Skin
Pressure Traikin System
a (PSSPTS) is shown schema, cally in Frlure 2.
element Of the system is & flat, pneumatically actuated switch which The focial
is placed
under the antf-G suit. Air pressure in the swpt holds
ic nhe circuit open until
equaled or exceeded by the applied skin pressure. This technique is an adapta-
tion of on* reviewed earlier (5). The original technique, howeve 'r, had a seri-
ou3 inherent objection in the time required to make a measurement. hsojQ
tion Was overcome by automating the entý:,•e system

Pneumatic Control Device - The Pneumatic Control Device (PCD) J3 shown in

Figure 3. Th13 uhassis contains solenoids, flow controls, and associated
plumbing for all three pr03aurt switches. The pneumatic and electric schematic
fcr the PCD is shown in Figure 4.


plea r Flowur


LoPofef cut-of

Figusre 2.PPrtcewthainp~suercigsstem.

ulti-hannl skn presuremeasremsuetsse

Figure l dkne03ice.takn ytm


I i



Figure 4. Pneumatic control device sahematic.

Electronic Control Device - The electronic control circuitry and ampli-

fiers for the skin pressure measurement system are contained in the Electronic
Control Device (ECD) (FM#1S. 5 and 6).

The chassis schematic is shown in Figure Y. The transducer plugs (i.e., Ti

through TS, Fig. 7) are attached to the 3 Statham P23Db pressure transducers
mounted in the pressure transducer housing (not shown). The 3 printed circuit
board connectors (ie., VB1 through VB3) provide a mechanical interface with the
pressure switch control oirouit boards. The solenoid oonneoto (SOL) interfaces
with the PCD, while the function of the pressure switch (PRESS SW), alternating
current power (AC), direct current power (DC), and output., connectors is self-
explanatory. The function of each connector pin is shown in Table 2.


'evelopment of procedures was integral to the development of the systems

described here. Procedures for each system are therefore described in the
appropriate subsection of the Results section.

Ftigure 5. Multi-channel skin pressure *ea5s3rOt~*tt syst.em
electronic control device (front view).

Task 1 - Skin Pressure eas.urement

An anti-G suit functions by applyinig pressure directly to the akin t~o

counteract gravitational forces, Therefore, to evaluate performance of an
anti..G suit, it is essential to verify and meseure the actua1 transfer of pies-
sure from suit to skin.
Technology uncorporated conducted exhaustive studies of skin pressure meaa-
urements under a capstan suit in an earlier progare (d). For this work, strain
gages were mounted as force gages and the data enpirically converted to appro-
priate pounds per square inch (psi) readings. While this technique provided
useful data, it possessed several disadvantages. The most serious problem was
the indirect measurement and interference with the measured environment.


Figure 6. Electronic control device (top view).

Liquid-filled Test Bladder

disadvantages. This revised technique is an adaptation of the approach de-

scriled in a similat" study performed for National Aeronautics and Space
A revised skin pressure measuring technique was developed to overcome the.e
Administration (NASA) hy General Electric Co. (3). In this previous study, a
small pneumatic bladder was inflated until pressure equalization was detected
and the test bladder pressure recorded. However, it was suggested that the time
required by this sampling approach might make human testing very uncomfortable,
especially at high suit pressures.

Several sources of error were encountered in development of this technique.

First, the liquid-filled bladder technique will generally a.easur2 the minimum
pressure exerted on the bladder, excluding obstructions and over-filled cond-
itions. In those cases where the perpendicular pressure on the test bladder is
not unaform, such as along the edge of a suit bladder, the higher pressure will
force the liquid beneath it into a lower pressure area. The resulting liquid
pressure will tend to assume the same pressure as that exerted in the lower
pres3Jre area.

Second, the liquid 6ladder technique does tend to measure higher pressure as
the volume of water in the bladder is increased. This phenomenon has been dubbed
the "tenting effect" and is represented in Figure 8 at point C. In this Case,
the fluid in the bladder increases its interference with the measured environ-
ment by elevating the suit bladder surface. When enough tension occurs in the
suit bladder skin, there is a tendency to bridge between points, leaving a void
as shown at point C (Fig. 8). The fluid pressure on the suit blta.der skin over
the voided area produces a resultant force which is translated to the test

n 7

Connector Pin Function

T 1,2,3 A + Signal
B,- Signal,

D GrounO
E Open
VB 1,2,3 1 Pressure XDCR + signal
2 Pressure XDCR - signal
3 Pressure signal out
4 Pressure switch (415 VDC)
5 Pressure switch return
6 + 15 VDC CVCC)
V 15 VDC (VEE)
8 Instrument ground
9 open
10 Open
11 115 VAC hot (Blk)
12 115 VAC rtn (Wht)
PRESS SW A Pressure switch (+15 VDC)I
B Pressure switch #1 return
C Pressure switch 02 return
D Pressure switch #3 return

AC 1 115 VAC common (Wht)

2 115 VAC hot (blk)9
3 Ground (ORN)
DC A + 15 VDC
B -15VDC
C Ground
Output A Pressure signal #1 output
B Pressure signal 02 output
C Pressure signal #3 output
D Ground-

Sol 1 So'lenoid #1 control

I oeod#
3Ioeod# oto


• ' ,. ~~MANIKIN"" " '"

Figure 8. Pneumatic pressure interface.

bladder by suit bladder skin tension. Point D represents a special case of the
"tenting" effect (Fig. $). In this case, the opposing surface (i.e., the
manikin) changes are sharp enough to cause bridging. This special case is
important when considering the uniformity.of pressure distribution along and
around the limb.

Pneumatic Switch Skin Pressure Tracking System

Another skin pressure measuring technique was subsequently developed which

resulted in improved measurements. This technique was the Pneumatic Switch Skin
Pressure Tracking System (PSSPTS).

The PSSPTS technique has the advantage of minimizing the "tenting" effect
described previously. The switch construction consists of two wires attached to
two sections of polyurethane-impregnated nylon taffeta (anti-G suit bladder
material). The taffeta sections are sealed at the edges to create' a small
bladder. When the bladder is completely deflated, two wires touch, closing a

The PSSPTS performs two simultaneous functions. First, it automatically

inflates the anti-G suit. Second, it automatically tracks skin pressure by
repetitiously inflating and deflating the pneumatic switch section. When the,,
circuit is initiated, the anti-G suit inflation is started at a controlleA rate
which results in inflation to maximum pressure in 30 s. A special circuit
monitors the suit pressure, and at a preset suit pressure level (i.e., 8 psig or
40 p31g), automatically stops suit inflation and starts suit deflation.....

Skin pressure measuremer.nts Z-e made by automatically inserting a bolus of
air into the switch each time the switch circuit is, closed. When the cirnult
opens, the pressure is released at an adjustable+ rate. Each time the applied
and the
skin pressure equals internal switch pressure, tfe switch circuit closes
cycle is repeated.

ý.sta charts of skin pressure measurements (Fig. 9) record a ramp funcition

representing the G-suit pressure, and a saw-tooth shaped trace cf internal
switch pressure. The minimum values of the saw-tooth curve represent the
pressure at which equalizatio.4 of switch pressure and skini pressure resulted
sw±'rch closure (Fig. 9).





t iEMt t EI CAt


:: . •/ O (PER•T I0N OUTPUT

+ ,.. ~Figure 9. Skin pressure switch. ..


- ~tz~m • x-II~ wmi IimASSEMLY

Data obtained from a typical PSSPTS experiment are displayed in Figure 10.

Sampling points were:

C - right lower leg front

F - right upper leg front or top
I - right upper leg inside
0 - right upper leg outside
R - right upper leg rear or bottom



-C 6

Kiue .Sbj10 wthprsue(rn, er nie

@2U@@ C C C C C c
0 5 S S 20 2 30 33ad

Figure 10. Subject 2 switch pressure (front, rear, inside,

outside and calf) vs. capstan pressure.

Evaluation of prototype anti-G garments during Phase II employed a three-

channel skin pressure measurement system. The design of this system was based
upon the pneumatic switch concept, developed and prototyped during Phase I.
This three-channel design allowed simultaneous measurement and recording of
three different skin pressure loci on a test subject in the gondola under
elevated G conditions. The three switches were attached to the test subject by
means of adhesive tape before donning of the G-suit. Once the subject was
seated in the gondola, prqumatic and electrical connections of each switch were
made with the calibrated control system hardware in the gondola (Figs. 11 and
12). This system provided a continuous record of abdominal, thigh, and calf
skin pressures.

A pressure switch calibration fixture war designed and constructed. This

fixture is a specially formed bladder of urethane-coated nylon oxford fabric,
designed to apply pressure to the switch with direct and uniform distribution of

- -7 I





Figure 11. Skin pressure measurement system.

[=ESAssembly and Calibration of Skin Pressure Measuremeni•

Each skin pressure switch was assigned a


number and
___ __


electrical lead and air hose associated with that switch was also labeled with
the switch number. Each switch was assigned to a specific solenoid, transducer,
and control circuit channel. Connection points for all related electrical and
pneumatic hook-ups in the gondola were correspondingly labeled with the
appropriate channel number. Each channel output was assigned to a specific
amplifier, sll, ring, and recorder channel. Once the system was set up, changes
incomponent channel assignments were avoided.
For prerun calibration of the system, each traiasducer was plumbed in such a
manner as to allow application of a calibrated air pressure from the Datametrics
elctonc anometer. Each transducer/recorder channel (in,2uding C-suit pres-
sure transducer) was zeroed and calibrated against 0 and 10 psig (full range),
respectively. An intermediate pressure of 5 psig was i.sed as a linearity check.
each transducer/recorder channel was zeroed and ,calibrated, the transducer
m valve was switched from the manometer back to its assij~ned pressure switch.


00 --
% -- 790 >

0 14V

,/ ;20 K

P-OUT 3 >

- 5.5 M SP-K

GN D > .LN

A/CC) Ii2


Figure 12. Pressure switch control circuit.

Each pressure switch was calibrated under dynamic conditions, preceded by a

standard prerun transducer/recorder calibration. The pressure switch calibra-
tion fixture was connected to the standard anti-G valve in the gondola. Pres-
sure switch No. 1 was then inserted into the fixture and securely placed in the
gondola seat. After accomplishing the proper adjustment of feed and bleed
rates, switch and fixture were exposed to a variety of acceleration profiles.
These profiles included a 0.1 G s-L onset ramp, a 0.5 0 s-1 onoet •, and a 1
G s- onset ramp up to 9 0. Furthermore, the switch rode a 5-mmn SACl4-2 jiro-
file. This procedure was repeated for switches IHos. 2 and 3. .
I -. ..

Data from each switch were recorded, identified, transcribed into tables,
entered into computer reference files, and plotted to show switch pressu'e vs.
fixture (i.e., suit) pressure. Each profile was evaluated for linearity &nd
bias. In event of a switch failure, a replacement switch was calibrated as

Switch placement was as follows:

Switch no. Location

Abdomen - anterior surface at

umbilical plane and inferior to

2 Right thigh - anterior surface,

midway between knee and crotch

3 Left calf - posterior surface at

maximum diameter.

The skin pressure measurement system was packaged Into three chassis,
suitable for use in the USAFSAM human centrifuge.

Considerable effort was expended to assure that the pressure switch system
accurately measured actual pressure applied to the subject's skin. One factor
influencing skin pressure which was difficult to control during calibration, was
the radius of the surface to which pressure is applied. This problem was solved
with development of a calibration fixture (Fig. 13). This fixture is inflated
slowly, presenting a nearly ideal (i.e., uniform fluid) pressure envelope around
the pressure switch. The fixture design was intended to eliminate radius and
tenting effects, allowing characteristics of the pressure switch and system to
be identified. This design allowed other )hysizal effects of skin pressure
application to be evaluated.

A plot of switch pressure data from all three pressure switches vs. cali-

bration fixture pressure yields a linear relationship (Fig. 14). A reasonable
prediction of skin pressure can b derived from the equation of the line
p 0.95X + 0.71

where Y represents actual skin pressure and X represents pressure in the switch.
Figure 15 is a scatter plot of error magnitude and frequency between actual
values observed and values predicted by this equation. It appears that skin
pressure may be predicted within + 0.2 psig 90% of the time.

The effect of G-level on switch pressure was then examined. For each of
three different G-levels (+1 Gz, +5 Gz, and +10 G ), three runs for each switch
were undertaken. These data are shown in Figures 16 through 19. We predicted
that there would be no significant differences in switch pressure for different
G-levels, because of the orientation of the measuring devices witW respect to


Figure 13. Pris*ure switch calibration fixture.



ac 7

*t a-

a., l i ! . , ..--

L i IQ

Figure 14. CaliDr• t•lon (bag) pressur9 vs. switch pressure

(abdomen, th:ih, calf).
t I

.2 + I I
A. 2 1 A 2 1 2 11 1 .

$ * 1 1 22 11 11 1 221322 2 .
I o 2 2 it 1 121 1 211 1122 21
0 0 + 12 121111 1411323 212 4
U 1 2 2
A1 1 121 111 2 1 1
A :12 1 1 211 11111 12121
L 111 1 11 2211 2
* 11 2 1 it 1 21
-.2 1 2 2 1

* LI

.e 4p

• 1
. .. .. .. ,
.,. + ,, + , , . , + . ... . . . ...

1. 250 3.730 4,250 6.750

0 2,500 3.000 7,500 10. 00


Figure 15. Error of predicted skin pressure compared

to observed skin pressure.

gravitoinertial force. Using BMDP statistical program P3D, independent t-tests

and +1 G2 and -10 G2, Non* of pressures
performed between switch at +1 G%03st3
these statistical and +5 G , +5 Sný
indilated G and +10 G ,
differences in Switch pressure for the different G-lev*13.

r-levels t(196) value p


1 Gz x 5 Gz 0.32 > .05

5 G2 x 10 Gz 0.79 > .05

1 Gz x 10 G 0.48 > .05

Results of these statistical analyses support the hypothesis that the range
of G-levels investigated does not affect switch pressure.


- 7 S


21 1 2 3 9


Figure 16. Bag pressure vs. sWitch pressure (abdomen,

thigh, calf) at I G.


0. 6

3 0'

1 3 4 79 1


Figure 17. Bag pressure vs. sWitch pressure (abdomen,

thigh, calf) at 5 G.


I Im

O2r4 . . 7 I , ..

Figure 18. Bag pressure vs. switch pressure (abdomen,

thigh, calf) at 10 G.


U 4

a. S1)a sZ6Zees



Figure 19. Bag pres-sure vs, switch pressure (abdomen,

thigh, calf) at all G levels.

Task 2 - Uniform Pressure Anti-G Suit

A study by Shaffstall and Burton (4) indicated that a uniform pressurt suit
(UPS) would ". . . increase both Straining G-tolerances and relaxei +G
tolerances. We estimate that, in comparison with the five bladder suit, the Uf
suit provided an improvement in relaxed tolerance of at least +1.4 G . .
That same report defined a UPS as one ". . . which applies preasurl evenly
around the circumference of the leg . • ." The suit used in that study used the
pneumatic lever, or capstan, principle for application of pressure to legs and
pelvic region.

Development of a new anti,.; suit based on the uniform pressure (UP) concept
was initially approached by modification of existing capstan (pn3umatic lever)
designs. Subsequently development .f a unique technique, reticulated foam, was
initiated for uniform pressure application.

The pneumatic lever suit is an old concept; it has undergone RDT&E for
approximately 35 years. Although improved G-performance capabilities hav" been
demornstrated for such a suit, several disadvantages have prevented its accept-
.ance as standard USAF equipment. Most of these disadvantages involve pilot
comfort. The pneumatic lever design was also rejected by NASA (2) as a viable
approach because of poor pilot. acceptance. Our approach to a UPS design,
therefore, considered both favorable and unfavorable aspects of present
pneumatic lever designs.

Initial guidelines established for conduct of this RDT&E project were:

1. Don't reinv~ent the wheel.

A limited review of literature on anti-G suit
research over the last 40 years wa& undertaken to
avoid duplication of effort, and to gain insight
into desirable characteristics of a UPS.

2. Document physical parameters reported to be associated

with im;roved UP anti-G suit performance by review
of literature of previous pneumatic lever and
five-bladder suit tests; and actual measurement of
physical parameters involved (skin pressure).

3. Develop new suit concepts. This effort was desighed

to incorporate major advantages of pneumatic lever
and bladder type G suits while circumventing
prominent disadvantages of each.

Standard Capstan Suit Modification

A major objection to the "standard" capstan anti-G suit described by

Shaffstall and Burton (4) is the requirement for two pressure (0-10 psig and
0-50 psig) sources. An obvious modification to that system would be a device
that would create a second pressure profile from the first. The approach taken
here was to locate a passive proportional pressure regulator available comer-
cially. A mark%, search was undertaken by querying a broad croas-section of

appropriate manufacturers. Each letter briefly explained the application
desired, and included a drawing similar to Figure 20. Several manufacturers
responded with offers to develop such a device; however, none indicated any
similar device already in manufacture. This concept was not pursued any

Low High
Source Source
Pressure PrQssure
I haustj 'Ehaust) A

High Low
Pressure _Pressure
Sensing Sensing
Port Port
[(K)P3 (v


Figure 20. Ratio (K) pressure regulator.

Multiple Capstan Suit

The multiple capstan breadboard allowed for six capstan tubes. The design
was intended to provide a one-to-one pressure transfer (i.e., 1 psig skin
pressure for 1 psig capstan pressure).

Each capstan tube had a diameter of 2.8 cm (1.1 in.) at 1 psig when mounted
on a manikin with a thigh circumference of 50.8 cm (20 in.) and diameter 16.5 cm
(6.5 in.).
Skin pressures resulting from this system are shown in Figure 21. Data from
locations directly under the capstan tubes (front of leg) and from the back of
the leg, exhibited approximately one-half theoretically expected magnitudes.
Data from locations on interior and exterior thighs were from one-eighth to
one-fifth expected theoretical values. This effect was first attributed to
local radius effects, so a separate test was run using a uniform radius (i.e.,
mounting the test section on a cylinder). Results of tnis test are shown in
Figure 22. In this case, limb diameter was 14.29 cm (5.625 in.) and capstan
tube diameter was 3.18 cm (1.25 in.) for a theoretical capstan skin pressure
ratio of 4.5. indicating that skin pressures on the inside and outside are still

11p i• R It R
t4p F ItpP


o.~i ,P It

F ao
O. lIR 0 0O0

It0O i

F 0
I NI 0.It It 1

? 0m

aZ F

10 1


" "5 it S 0 0

=r It I t.
) It 0 a
:Fi Ite
@sr F RR I I
1 lp It I i

"oI Io

to is IIO AS -O345- - -40


22. Skin pressure under low-pressure Capstan section on uniform radius.

Basketweave Configuration

The original multiple capstan concept used al"basketweave" configuration, so

a test of this configuration was undertaken. The design of the multiple capstan
test section allowed reversible conversion to a basketweave configuration with
minimal effort. Results of tests of this configuration on the manikin are shown
in Figure 23.


-j F
SS F F 1 0
UF F 0 0 *00
4 F F

2 3 V
FV0 R R Ro

F R p
3 ~F
ao S 35 Z0 25 3o 35 40

Figure 23. Manikin skin pressure under a multiple capstan

section in a basketweave configuration.

Comparison of test results between the basketweave and low-pressure Capstan

design was inhibited by an inherent configuration difference. The basketweave
configuration deforms individual capstan tubes into an oval shape, while other
capstan configurations yield cylinders. No effective technique was available to
measure the effective radius of the basketweave capstans. As a result,- no
empirical measure of the theoretical skin pressure (i.e., capstan to limb ratio)
in a basketweave test is available. Assuming a cylindrical set of capstans, of
the same size used for multiple capstan tests (same equipment used for both
tests), the theoretical capstan to skin pressure ratio was 5.82:1. Obviously,
the skin pressure measured at the front of the manikin thigh exceeds this value
by some 70%. This higher skin pressure is especially surprising when the
frictional losses observed in the low-pressure capstan tests are considered.

Careful inspection of the test section during the tests revealed an explana-
rion for the higher skin pressures. The test section was fitted tightly around.
the manikin and even at full inflation pressure, the capstans were significantly

flattened by the interdigitized tapes. As a result, the capstan cross-section
appeared more like ellipses than circles; thus, the effective radius of each.
capstan bearing on the interdigitized tapes is significantly lengthened.

Comparison of Multi-Capstan Configurations

A separate experiment was undertaken to compare the basketweave and multiple..

capstan configurations, while minimizing effects of local topography. ;n this
experiment, the test section was placed over a cylindrical base and a 500-ml
Travenol bag filled with approximately 100 ml water was used to measure pressure
under the suit. The objective of this test was to measure normalized pressure
over a large area. Skin pressures were coi•sistently higher at all :capstan pres-
sures for the multiple (low-pressure) capstan :qonfiguration than for the basket-
weave configuration (Fig. 24) .

U2 I. .

11 to 21,

= II



i * I , 3 . I

CAPSRn, PREssuRE (Ps103

F 2 Front or top (under capstans) of low-pressure capstan

R s Rear or bottom (opposite capstans) of low-pressure capstan
T Top or front (under capetans) of basketweave
B a Bottom or rear (opposite capstans) of baskitweave

Figure 24. Skin pressure comparison of low-pressure capstan

and basketweave multi cap3tans.

Multiple Capstan UP Suit Design

A review of the anthropametry of present centrifuge subject panel members

revealed that the most commonly used G-suit sizes were medium-Pegular and

small-lon g (in approximat~ely equal nuabers). The subcontractor (ILC Space
5y~st.ems) for .hi eff ort wAs 'therefore instructed to build one medium-regular
and one. sMall-long multiple capstan UP suit. Figure 25sosa poinofa
ILC dtawing of the proposed'design.


WWLMN 0hft

25. IW~tWutpecpsa nfrmpesr at- ut

A sample~~~~~~~W
set ofcluain wsdvlM ortemdu-eglrsi
~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~IO
IL.C~ s iiawasi acltosi
intutdt ll ae. Te ai r
cipl ofthecalulatonswastha th sui wold e cntiuousy ajusabl fo

(ortwo iaudrie 2o. Muthe pclf) rneo

CaThestamenior ratioa
r shuldbta. lal

for top and bottoir of calf and thigh.

Limb-to-Capstan Pressure Ratio was calculated by the relationship:

R zX ~ NDal
P 0


D a Diameter of capstan
D Diameter of limb
N a Number of capstans
P0 s Pressure in capstan
P, : Pressure in limb
Ru Pressure ratio x P:1 '

Data in Table 3 were developed, using this relationship. These data show
that for a maximum limb diameter of 20.22 am (7.96 in.) and a minimum diameter
of 17.37 cm (6.84 in.), corresponding to a maximum upper thigh circumference of
63.5 cm (25 in.) and a minimum circumference of 54.61 cm (21.5 in.) for a
medium-regular suit size, continuous adjustment could be achieved with a capstan
diameter adjustment range from 2.79 cm (1.1 in.) to 4.45 cm (1.75 in.) (Table
3). This capstan diameter adjustment range should have ;roduced a pressure
ratio adjustment range from 0.35 to 1.3, which should have been suffim.ient for
test purposes. This range also established a requirement for approximately 5.08
cm (2 in.) of suit circumference adjustment to accommodate the capstan diameter
changes over and above the 8.89 cm (3.5 in.) circumference adjustment required
for the medium-regular size variation. A capstan adjustment range of 2.79 cm
(1.1 in.) to 4.45 cm (1.75 in.) was calculated to provide the actual pressure
ratio ranges shown in Table 4.

Multiple Capstan Suit Testing

Initial Plans were to conduct multiple capstan suit runs with a variety of
capstan pressure to skin pressure ratios to determine the ratio which afforded
the greatest +G tolerance/endurance. We discovered early in the testing
program, however, that calculated capstan to skin pressure ratios could not be
achieved;, with the capstans set for a 1:1 pressure transfer only a 4:1 pressure
transfer was actually attained.

A single capstan anti-G concept has been extensively assessed in the past.
Most studies pointed out advantages of this concept over standard anti-G suits
in regard to comfort and/or +G. protection. The studies also pointed out severe
operational deficiencies, such as the requirement for two pressure sources, one
for the capstan and one for the abdominal bladder.

The multiple capstan approach would eliminate one of the more profound
problems of the single capstan design: the need for two pressure sources. In
an effort to determine once and for all whether the multiple capstan approach
could be used for an operational anti-G suit, we attempted to attain the
greatest possible pressure transfer from the capstans to the subject's skin. A
total of 32 centrifuge runs were conducted. Twenty-seven runs were conducted


Values are P :1Pa


Number of aapstans

6 5 4I 3 2
max min max min max min fmex min max mi

Maximum thigh diameter (D ) a 20.22 am (7.96 in.)

(Circumference a 63.5 am (25 in.))

1.32 1.10 1.10 .88 .88 .66 .66 .144 .44 .28
1.7T5 1.46 1.75 1.- 1.75 1.31 1.75 1.17 1.75 1.1

Minimum thigh diameter (DI) • 17.37 am (6.84 in.)

(Circumference 254.61 am (21.5 in.))

1.53 1.28 1.28 1.02 1.02 .77 .77 .51 .51 .32
1.75 1.46' 175 1T.4 1.775 1.73-2 1.75 1.16 1.75 1.1

Ra P1 2 ND0
Pc D

P1 2 Pressure in limb (thigh)

P a Pressure in capstan
N a Number of capstans

Da Diameter of capstan
D1 z Diameter of limb

Medium-regular suit size assumed.


Number of capstanx

6 4 3 2
max min max min max min max min max min

Maximum thigh diameter (DI) : 20.22 am (7.96 in.)

(Circumference a 63.5 cm (25 in.))

.32 .83 1.1A .69 .88 .55 .66 .41 .44 .28

Minimum thigh diameter (D1 ) a 17.37 cm (6.84 in.)

(Circumference : 54.61 cm (21.5 in.))

S3 .96 1.28 .80 1.02 .64 .77 .48 .51 .32

P. NDa

P1 ssure in limb (thigh)

PC a Pressure in capstan
N a Number of capstans
Do a Diameter of capstan
D1 a Diameter of limb

Medium-regular suit size assumed.

with subjects wearing the standard CSU-13B/P suit, and 5 runs with the multiple
capstan suit. Skin pressure data were collected on 15 runs. The runs with the
standard anti-G suit were conducted to establish and maintain a reliable +Gz
simulated air combat maneuver endurance level among our subjects.

Problems were encountered with suit fit and an inetfficient webbing system.
The best approach to overcoming these problems appeared to be custom-fitting of
the suit and a new webbing system which minimized friction between tapes and
entanglement. To this end, Technology Incorporated made the following recom-
1. Have ILC optimize design of the webbing network, fit during seated
posture, and size and placement of abdominal bladder;

2. Have three subjects custom-fitted in the optimized suit;

3. Gather +G tolerance and endurance data on the 3 custom-fitted

subjects for comparison with the standard anti-G suit using the
same centrifuge profile currently in use. If the USAFSAM
"centrifuge was being modified, use an alternate centrifuge
facility; and

4. Continu. centrifuge runs for the 5 subjects presently on the

study to ensure that a reliable baseline endurance was established
and maintained; and to measure the maximum +G endurance that
could be achieved with the present suit fittea for maximal
pressure transfer.

Mean G-tolerance times for 3 subjects riding the 4.5 to +7 G profile-to-

fatigue indicated that optimally fitted, the multiple capstan sAit increased
G-time tolerance approximately 60% over the standard suit. Six subjects rode
the centrifuge in support of the multiple capstan protocol; however, because of
repeated suit failures only 3 subjects underwent rides wearing the multiple
capstan suit. One subject had a run of 880 3 duration wearing the multiple
capstan suit, and another had a run of 784 s duration. In both instances,
G-time tolerances were over 100% greater than those achieved from their best
rides in the standard cutaway suit.

Because of the *ignificant loss in applied pressure during transfer from

capstans to skin, a subcontract was awarded to ILC Space Systems, Houston,
Texas, to determine the cause of this pressure loss and to design a webbing
"network for maximal pressure transfer. The resulting report concluded that:
the mockup which Technology Incorporated had submitted was more efficient than
the prozotype multiple capstan suit. £fficiencies in excess of 70% could be

Leg clearances were measured in the F-16 and F-15 cockpit mockups at USAFSAM
to determine the availability of room inside the foot wells for the use of
capstans on legs of the anti-G suit. This evaluation was done with a 60th per-
centile subject. The evaluation suggested that only .64 cm (.25 in.) of room
was available on either side of the leg in the F-16 cockpit in the absence of
the suit, resulting in only 20.32 cm (8 in.) available for application Of the
capstan concept across the top of the thigh. In the F-ý15 cockpit, this was
Increased to approximately 33.02 cm (13 in.) due to the increased leg room of
3.493 cm (1.375 in.) on either side of the leg,

In an attempt to ascertain the 0easibility of the multiple capstan concept

within present and future airframes, we constructed a matrix with existing data
an availability of space and input/output 'pressure ratios with the capstan
concept (.Table 3). This matrix ±naluded the number and size of capstans that
were feasible within this environment. The calculations were based on two
assumptions, First, the only space available for capstans in the present
aircraft is 20.32 cm (S in.) on top of the thigh. Second, the rtlationship
between the number or size o- capstans and friction was not included. The
exclusion of the friction term is possible since friction would only decrease
11he feasibility of the concept beyond that which would be obtained in the ideal
situation. Therefore, if the suit was to b. determined as not feasible, then
the real situation would be even less feasible in the aircraft.

Reticulated Foam Anti-G Suit

The problems of weight, bulk, and sizing of the multiple capstan suit
contributed to a lack of acceptance of this suit design. Technology Incorpo-
rated turned to an alternate UPS design concept, reticulated foam, &s an
approach to further research and development of lower body uniform pressur-

Reticulated foam retains its shape regardless of the pressurization level,

thus forming a progressively more rigid "cylinder" as the +G level is increased
and more counterpressure is applied to balance the 4.ncreasihg hydrostatic load.
This suggests that as long as the cockpit accommodates the pilot initially, it
would also accommodate his anti-G suit under full pressurization. This suit
appeared to offer structural sLability under loading, has a low pressurization
volume, hence is easily inflated, and initially exhibits an extremely high
pressure-transfer ratio. The suit consists of an open-celled polyester foam
surrounded by a urethane-coated nylon bladder type material. When this material
was bonded together and wrapped around the leg, it transmitted a minimum of 80%
of the input pressure directly to the leg. This foam has withstood forces well
beyond those expected to be encountered in the aircraft. These facts, coupled
to the low-pressurization volume and sizing ease, made the reticulated foam suit
an attractive alternative to the multiple capstan approach.

A subcontract was let to ILC Space Systems to study materials, adhesives,

and bonding techniques and to provide a preliminary design for a reticulated
foam anti-G suit.

Anti-G suit thigh sections were also designed and fabricated as a part of
this ILC effort. The foam selected and built into the thigh section: demon-
strated that it could withstand internal pressures of greater than 28 psi
without forming aneurysms (weakened areas) in the foam. Thigh sections were
subsequently evaluated by Technology Incorporated on a -manikin leg using our
skin pressure measuring system to record pressure transferred from the suit to
the surface of the manikin. Pressures measured on the manikin thigh averaged
approximately 80% of those measured in the reticulated fopm thigh section. Skin
pressures equal to those in the reticulatad foam thigh .-ection were recorded in
many areas. Points showing the least pressure transfer were under the creases
formed when the section was wrapped around the thigh, and under indentations in

the hard polyurethane covering. By comparison, only a 25% pressure transfer
efficiency was achieved with the multiple Capstan s3it.

Development of the reticulated foam anti-G suit was divided into two phases
with fabrication (Phase 1) subcontracted to ILC Dover. Phase I ended with the
delivery of 3 thigh sections which showed promise for future developtient, The
thigh sections were tested by Technology Inioorporated for applied pressure, fill
time, and material integrity. Phase 11 consisted of fabrication, test, and
evaluation of complete anti-G suits made from reticulated iam. Covering
materials were a urethane-coated Kevlar for the outer restraint layer. Suits
were constructed to be worn under a flight suit and sized to fit the 5th to the
95th percentile in the medium-regular size range.
Configuration of each suit was modular. Suits differed in the thigh and
calf sections in that one was of 1.27-cm (0.5-in.), 80 psi foam bonded to both
inner and outer layers. The double-sided bonding of this suit limited inward
expansion of the suit and encased the legs in a rigid cylinder.
The second suit Was manufactured with a 0.64-om (0.25-in.) foam bonded to

the outer layer only. This alt transferred to the skin, as a minimum, the
pressure supplied by the anti-G valve (i.e., a 1:1 ratio).

Abdominal bladders provided with the suits also differ as to construction

aaid operation. One bladder was configured similar to the bladder used in the
prese0rt CSU-13B/P anti-G suit, which presses into the abdomen. The second
abdominal bladder had reticulated foam bonded to both outer and inner covers and
thut. allowed only limited inward travel of the bladder, presenting the wearer
with a rigid platform with which to strain against. The abdominal bladders were
interchangeable so that each configuration of thigh/calf modmle could be tested
with each type of abdominal bladder. One additional suit Was to be manufactured
during this effort which incorporated the best features of each concept.

Manikin testing of both the "bladder" and "cylinder" G-suits was conducted
concomitantly with the human centrifuge testing. Inflation rates were measured
for beth the reticulated foam (REF) suits Iand the standard five-bladder suit
(CSU-13B/P). Rates of inflation (psig 3 ) to 5 psig of ,he 3 suits were
compared, and are shown in Table 5.

In verification of the slow filling time for the REFB, both subjects who
have worn the suit during human centrifuge runs have complained that the abdom-
inal bladder was still filling after they had reached a high +G plateau. The
Cause of this slow filling time is probably a combination of the small inside
diameter, 0.64 cm (0.25 in.), of the tubes supplying the bladders and the larger
volume of the REFB suit, compared to the standard CSU-13B/P suit.

Manikin tests with the REFC suit, which incorporated the platform-design
abdominal bladder in its initial configuration, revealed, that thi. bladder
failed at the heat-sealed rib under static tests to 5 psig. The 1.27-cm (0.5
in.) foam thigh/otlf bladders and platform design abdominal bladder had been
fitted to the manikin and fill times to 5 psai were being recorded when failure

We notified ILC, Dover and a new abdominal bladder was fabricated. The
thigh/calf bladders of 1..7-cm (0.5 in.) roam bonded to both sides were also

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Suit Bladder

Abdominal Thigh Calf

REF cylinder
(REFC) 9.5 10.0 10.5
CSU-13B/P 11.0 11.0 11.0

REF bladder
(REFB) 141.0 14.5 141.0

returned for 311ing adjustment, required to optimally fit the suit to an

experienced test subject. A close-fitting suit was mandatory if the full anti-G
benefit were to be attained.

Two subjects wore the REFB suit during runs on the human centrifgie. Both
subjects complained of pain around the knees. Pain was accompanied by
considerable p~techiation in one of the subjects.

Subjects complained of discomfort induced by the large 3ize of the REFB

abdominal bladder. We, therefore, had the subjects trace the area of the
abdomen they wanted the bladder to cover; the areas traced were in close
agreement with one another. Since one of these subjects was probably the most
experienced high-G rider on the centrifuge panel, these recommendations were
considered worthy for Incorporation into future designa.

Final determination of the optimal configuration of a bladder was not made

because of: (1) lack of available centrifuge time due to higher priorities such
as Tactical Air Command (TAC) training and Technical Library Services Section
(TLSS) evaluation, and (2) lack of trained subjects to fit the suits.

A brief summary of findings from work with both the multiple capstan and
reticulated foam anti-G suits is included as Appendix A. This paper entitled
"Current Research and Development of Anti-G Suits" was ao-authored by Drs. Krutz
and Darrah. This paper was also presented at the 1983 SAFE Symposium in San
Antonio, Texas, and subsequently published in Hazard Prevention (May/June 1985).


Task 2 - Uniform Pressure Anti-G Suit

Several important points were observed with respect to this anti-G suit
concept. First* the multiple capstan produced almost twice the skin pressure
produced by the basketweave configuration design. Second, the front and rear
(top and bottom) pressure tracked closely, implying that the majority of pres-
sure losses occurred in the capstan/interdigitized tape sections, rather than
along the skin surface. Third, the response was linear and repeatable, implying
that the nonlinearity and scattering seen in other experiments is due to local
topology and edge effects rather than inherent flaws in the system.

The multiple capstan configuration had the same inherent comfort disad-
Ventage as the standard capstan. The amount of "slack" allowable around a limb
was even reduced (i.e., the smaller capstan circumference provides less slack
when inflated). This slack might be significantly relieved by changing from 6
capstans to 3 or 4, but at the expense of Increased interference in the cockpit,
since their diameter would be proportionally increased.

The multiple capstan also has an inherently increased resistance to limb

diametar enlargement. Resistance to enlargement comes from friction between
interdigitized tapes, and resilienfce in the capstan bladder opposing reduction
in capstan size (i.e., to allow enlargement of limb volume). Resistance is
multiplied in the multiple capstan approach due to the identical mechanics which
multiply the force applied to the limb.

The multiple capstan approach had an excellent potential for gradient pres-
sure application. That gradient may be locally aad regionally controlled. For
example, using 6 tubes, 1 tube might run the entire length from waist-to-ankle
similar to the conventional capstan. A second tube would run the length from
groin-tu-ankle along the lipper interior gradient of the leg. Four other
bladders would be spread between these two, around both upper- and lower-leg

The sec.ond effort, jus3 mentioned, was to elucidate which features of the
modified capstan suit set it. apart from the CSU-13 B/P. Among those distinctive
features, we hoped to find an explanation of its improved performance. The
following observations appear to be significant.
First, capstan suits apply pressure over the maximum possible surface areas.
From an engineering point of view, this is an efficient and desirable way to
accomplish the physiological o&als of G-protection. Efficiency is defined here
in terms of the magnitude of skin pressure per square inch which is required to
accomplish a given increase in peripheral resistance of the vascular tree.

This observation points to the second distinctive feature of the modified

capstan suit: the remarkably low skin pressures observed. Actual skin pres-
sures measured under the modified capstan suit are generally less than 30% of
what we would predict from radius effects and comparably less than those
measured beneath the CSU-13 B/P zfor a given G-situation. This phenomenon must
surely contribute to G-endurance during air combat maneuver (ACM) profiles. The
amount of distress that a test subject must endure would be predictably less if

a given amount of vascular compression can be accomplished with significantly
less applied force per square inch.

The third noteworthy feature of the modified capstan suit was the design of
the abdominal bladder. 3pealfiaally, the abdominal bladder was built in such a
manner as to restrict its ultimate growth. Anyone who has worn a CSU-13 B/P
G-suit inflated to 8 psi will testify to the amount of effort required to
counteract the sensation of being squeezed into two pieces at the abdomen.
Rather than augment the M-1 straining maneuver, we surmised the stress imposed
upon the subject at these pressures may, In fact, impair his straining.

Multi•le Capstan Suit Evl Hation

There were several probable reasons for the lower than expected pressure
transfer encountered in testing the Multiple Capstan suit, Suit fit unquestion-
ably played an important role; i.e., to most efficiently apply pressure to the
skin using the capstan concept, the suit must be tight fitting. Ideally, the
suit should be custom fitted for each individual. The 5 subjects in this study
required a medium-regular suit according to data furnished in the 1979 ANRL
anthropometric study (1). The one suit available was extreaely difficult to
individually size, requiring several hours per subject; and even then, a
completely correot fit was not attained.

Some of the problems with suit fitting were due to the wide range of subject
sizes covered in the six-size tariff proposal for anti-G suits. Unfortunately,
the multiple capstan anti-G suit is, in reality, not an anti-G suit, but rather
a partial pressure suit. From pressure transfer considerations, a better fit
could probably be achieved with the twelve-size tariff, Furthermore, if the
suit had been constructed like a partial pressure suit (with excess fabric In
the seat), the problem experienced with the suit riding up in front and down in
back when the subject was seated, could have been prevented. There was not
enough take-up in the laces controlling capstan diameter size W14en the suit was
comfortably fitted to the subjects. Conceivably, there were subjects in the
mediumz-regular size range whom the suit would have optimally fit; however, we
did not find them among the subjects available to us.

Another area qf the multiple capstan suit which definitely had a negative
effect on pressure transfer was the webbing network. There was excess friction
between the interdigitized tapes and probably entanglement of the tapes under
the capstans.
It was difficult to correlate the increased G-tite tolerance attained from
wearing the multiple capstan suit with any measured parameter. Certainly the
skin pressures were much less and there did not appear to be a significant
difference in the uniformity of circumferential pressure application between the
capstan and standard anti-G suit. Nevertheless, the significant increases In
G-time tolerance achieved in the Shaffstall-Burton study (4) and the increases
in G-level tolerance reported In previous studies with "uniform pressure"
concepts are valid data and the mechanism for the observed increases should be

One obvious reason for the apparent superiority of the multiple capstan suit
is the application of counterpressure to a larger area of the legs. This

uniform pressure would prevent the pooling of blood in areas which are not
counterpressurized by the standard anti-G suit.

Analysis suggested that even with the ideal conditions for performance and
fit of the anti-G suit, a 25% pressure transfer ratio would be obtained. There-
fore, it appeared that the multiple capstan concept was not the most physically
effective way to apply uniform pressure to the body. We found ro solid engi-
neering approach for increasing this transfer ratio. Furthermore, the problems
of weight, bulk, sizing, and fitting would still have to be solved before the
suit would be an acceptable item of life-support equipment.

The multiple capstan research reported here reaffirmed previous findings

that uniform pressure over the lower body yields greater +G endurance time than
the same amount of bladder pressure in the standard five-bladder suit. It is
significant that the increased +tz endurance times were achieved with only a
fraction nf the applied skin pressure, and at approximately the same heart
rates. •

Reticulated Foam Anti-G Suits

Although no firm conclusions can be drawn, two situations are apparent which
will impact future reticulatec foam anti-G suit designs:

1. Significant diaphragm support is required from the G-suit, even for

highly trained subjects, in order to "get on top" when undergoing
simulated air combat maneuvers (SACMs) in the centrifuge. This*
indicates that the optimal abdominal bladder configuration lies
somewhere between a "platform" bladder and the enlarged standard
design bladder (i.e., perhapb the standard anti-G suit abdominal

2. The pressure exerted by the thigh and calf bladders of the

"bladder" reticulated-foam, uniform pressure modules produces
petechiae and pain during +G exposure in unpressurized areas
(e.g.0, behind knees).

It is essential that studiea be conducted to determine an optimal abdominal

bladder design since the protection afforded by this component of the anti-G
suit is most essential during rapid-onset accelerations. The bladder must help
to maintain heart-eye distance during +G onset and not contribute to fatigue
during sustained +G by causing pain from too much abdominal compression.
Optimal leg pressurization requires further investigation; although high
pres 'res appear desirable during G-onset, the discomfort produced in unpres-
suri areas may contribute to fatigue during prolonged G exposure.


For the last four decades, numerous attempts have been made to improve on
the increased G-tolerance afforded by the standard cutaway five-bladder anti-G
suit. The results of this research have indicated that G-tolerance, which is
defined as the maximum G-leval which can be attained, is indeed separate from
G-endurance, or sustained performance at a given (-level(s) once attained. To

attain a higher level, the extreme importance of the abdominal bladder has been
demonstrated. Also the relatively greater importance of leg counterpressure
(albeit a low pressure), once the G-level was reached and sustained performance
is desired, was demonstrated.

Comparison of the multiple capstan suit with the standard CSU-13 B/P design
was undertaken in an effort to better understand reasons for the superior per-
formance of the capstan suit when G-endurance is considered. Capstan suits
apply pressure over the maximum possible surface areas, resulting in improved
efficiency in magnitude of skin pressura per square inch needed to accomplish a
given increase in peripheral resistance of the vascular tree. For a given
amount of vascular compression realized, capstan suits produce significantly
lower skin pressures per unit of surface area than does the CSU-13 B/P suit.
This phenomenon may contribute to increased G-endurance during ACM profiles. We
initially thought that the abdominal bladder design of the modified capstan suit
offered advantages over that of the CSU-13 B/P suit; the bladder was built in
such a manner as to restrict its ultimate growth reducing the sensation of being
excessively squeezed in the abdominal region. This idea proved not to be the
case and the necessity of diaphragm support during high-onset rate G was demon-

Problems encountered with the multiple capstan suit involved difficulties in

fitting a one-size suit to various individual subjects. The one suit available
was extrememly difficult to individually size, requiring several hours per sub-
ject; and even then a completely correct fit could not be attained. (Ideally,
anti-G suits should be custom fitted for each individual.) These problems
resulted in lower-than-expected pressure transfers observed in testing the suit.
Another area which also contributed to reduction of pressure transfer was the
webbing network; there was excess friction between interdigitized tapes, and
probably entanglement of tapes under the capstans.

Even with ideal conditions for performance and fit of the multiple capstan
anti-G suit, a .25% pressure transfer ratio would be obtained. It, therefore,
appeared that the multiple capstan concept was not the most effective way to
apply uniform pressure to the body. Furthermore, problems of weight, bulk,
sizing, and fitting would still have to be solved before the suit would be an
acceptable item of life-support equipment.

Studies of the reticulated foam anti-G suit outlined several areas requiring
further development before this type of suit can be fully evaluated. First,
significant diaphragm support is presently required, even for highly trained
subjects. This concept indicates that the optimal abdominal bladder configu-
ration lies somewhere between a "platform" bladder and the enlarged standard
design bladder (i.e., perhaps the standard anti-G suit abdominal bladder). This
UPS concept provides uniform pressure in a suit which does not expand to any
appreciable degree during inflation to high pressure, and therefore is compat-
ible with the limited space in the F-16 between the center console and leg
restraints. This fact argues well for its continued development.

Finally, it is paramount to point out that an inordinate amount of time was

consumed when anti-G suit modifications were dictated as a result of human
centrifuge evaluations. Several months were lost during each modification since
there are no known builders of life-support equipment In this country with
dedicated R&D facilities. Normal production-line equipment fabrication had to

be interrupted to meet our needs, during which time the size requirements
changed for our human centrifuge volunteer subject panel. New subjects had to
be selected and trained during a time-consuming process.

These studies have once again confirmed the urgent need for an in-house
facility at USAFSAM to both fabricate and modify prototype life-support
equipment. An outline for such a facility is included as Appendix B.


1. Alexander, M., J. T. McConville, and I. Tebbetts. Revised height/weight

sizing prograZs for protective flight garments. AMRL-TR-79-28, April
2. Booker, C. Letter report concerning comparisons of experimental and proto-
type multiple capstan suits with respect to pressure loss, Project
Engineer, Space Shuttle Personal Equipment, NASA Johnson Space Center,
Houston, TX, 1981.
3. Gauldin, E., and H. Cast. Space Shuttle Program Hypotensive Garments for
National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Design/Sizing Study.
General Electric Co., NASA Contract NAS9-13867.
4. Shaffstall, R. M., and R. R. Burton. Evaluation of a uniform pressure
anti-G suit concept. AsMA preprints, pp. 96-97, 1980.
5. Thompson, R. W., L. J. Meeker, G. L. Wilson, A. G. Krueger and P. E. Love.
Engineering test and evaluation during high G, Vol. III: Anti-G suits.
SAM-TR-78-12, Jun. 1978.


By Robert W. Krutz, Jr. Ph.D.
and Mark I. Darrah, Ph.D.
Technology Incorporated
Life Sciences Division, San Antonio, TX 78216

ABSTRACT bladder configuration has been uniform lower body pressuriza-

The +G, loads which modem fighter aircraft generate are don (2.3y. This concept may offer significant increases in pro-
rapidly approaching man's tolerance limits. Efforts being made tection by incorporating upiform longitudinal and circumferen-
inthe R&D community to combat these ever-increasing G-Ioads tial pressurization to dependent areas of the body rather than the
include new and improved anti;0 suits. This paper discusses same pressure applied to scattered areas, e.g.. the standard anti-'
such an effort using lower body uniform pressure to support the G suit. Presumably. uniform pressurization lessens the degree of
cardiovascular system during the high+G, stress. Two conv .pts blood pooling as seen with the standard 5-bladder suit under hih
were examined viz.. multiple capstans to uniformly tighten the sustained +G,. Attempts to utilize this concept have included a
G-suit fabric around the leg and reticulated foam to evenly trans- modified CSU-4/P suit (2) ard. more recently, a riodifled cap-
fer pressure from the suit to the skin. stan suit (3). While each of these concepts has produced in-
The prototype multiple capstan suit was tested atd evaluated creases in +G 6tolerance and/or endurance. du.velopment has not
un the United States Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine been pursued ecause of signifcant engineering incompatabil-
(USAFSAM) human centrifuge. +GI, tolerance/endurance lim- aties.
its were measured in subjects wearing the multiple capstan suit Two recent approaches to a uniform pre¢ure anti-G garment
and compared to those achieved with the standard CSU- I 3B/P have been the multiple capstan suit to uniformly tighten thie suit
anti-G suit. Bulk and ease of donning were assessed as well as fabricaround the leg and reticulated foam toevenlytransferpres-
compatibility with the F-IS and F- 16 cockpits. sure from the suit to the skin.
An open-celled reticulated foam was the basis for the other
uniform pressure anti-G suit concept. The foam provides uni-
form pressure distribution with minimal suit expansion during MULTIPLE CAPSTAN SUIT
pressurization. Prototype reticulated foam anti-G suit thigh sec. The aultiple capstan suit was an attempt to circumvent a
tions have been assessed and preliminary results indicate that significant engineering problem encountered by Shaffstall and
high skin pressure transfer ratios are attained. Burton (3) in the development of a modified capstan suit. Al-,
though they found a significant increase in +0, endurance. viz.
INTRODUCTION 133%. during simulated air combat maneuvers (SACM). ,le
The +G, protection afforded by the standard aati-0Garment/ need for two pressure sources, one for the abdominal bladder and
valve was adequate up to the advent of the F- 15. F- 16. and F- 18. one for the capstans, precluded further development. Thus. one
These aircraft have ushered in a new high-G environment in of the primary concerns in the development of the multiple cap.
which man's tolerance limit is being severely tested. This hasdic- stan suit was establishing a single pressure source. This was
wtted an intensive effort to increase tolerance limits. A major part achieved by utilizing six capstans for the calf. Cal-ulations sug-
of this endeavor is to determine if a new anti-G suit can be jested that if the summatiot, cindividu•ldiameters resulted in a
developed which will offer a significant increase in +(3, tol- diameter equal to that of the thigh, a 1:1 poessure transfer from
erance/endurance compatible with pilot acceptance. -the suit to the thighs would be achieved, However, resultant skin
Sincethe early 1940"s. anti-G garments have been used to aug. pressures u measured by pneama-:,- . vttwhes were IS0%of that
ment straining maneuvers in providing protection against +G, recorded in the capstans. This ineiacieney was attributed to
induced blackout. One of the earliest garments employed the use several factors including friction between the tapes, friction be-
of water to counterbalance 0-induced increases in hydrostatic tween the suit materials and skin. and tape entanlement.
pressure. A variety of approaches usingpneumatic bladders were In an attempt to achieve the greate;t possible skin pressure
to be in
attempt a gradient pressure
to provide approach. whi(.hwas
appeared transfer
fort limitratio,
physiological &hisconcept esser- and prior to the run,
the capstans the allowed
were suit was totilhte,•ed
exp.c.d to the corn-
tinliy abandoned after studies on the Mayo Clinic centrfuge (1) without reaching maxima l diameter tt peak capstan pressures (8
found that a single pressure garment with five interconnected psi). This resulted in a pressure transfer efficiency of approx.
pneumatic bladders provided equivalent protection. Aithough imately 50%. A limited number of"best fit" suit runs using the
the S-bladder configu ration has undergone many alteration&over SACM profile on the USAFSAM human centrifuge demon-
the years (i.e.. it has been made to be over and under the flying strated +0- endurances similar to those achieved bý Shadastill
coveralls, and incorporated into the flying coverlUs), the basic and Burton using hte modified capstan suit (3). Thesedtata ap-
concept has remained unchanged for four decades and continues pear to indicate that the moitiple capstan suit. if pptimally fitted.
to be the anti-G suit preferred by pilots. provides substantial increases in +0, endurance when corn-
The most promising antia- suit concept to evolve since the 5- pared to the standard anti-O suit. However, weight, thermal load.
INS 9.... 25"3
sizing. and fitting problems are significant detriments to fur- 2. Krutz. R.W,.Jr., and R.R. Burton. 1974. The effect of uni-
ther development. form lower body pressurization on +02 tolerance and protec-
tion. Aerospace Medical Association Meeting reprints,
An open-celled reticulated foam has been developed as an 3. Shaffstall, R.M. and LR. Burton. 1980. Evaluation of it
alternate uniform przssure anti-G suit concept concomitantly uniform pressure anti-0 suit concepts. Aerospai.. Medical
with the multiple capstan suit. This foam provides uniform pres- Arsciation Meeting reprints. Anaheim, CA.
sure distribution with minimal suit expansion during pressuriza-
tion and essentially forms a*"steel cylinder" to encase the thighs FOOTNOTE: The volurtary informed consent of all subjects
and calves, thereby preventing blood pooling during exposure to wa bandi codac ihAR193
+G, acceleration. Thf. only factor presently limiting foam thick- wsotie nacrac ihFR193
ness isthe adhesive used to secure the foam to the inner and outer
layers ofthe suit and the foam porosiiy. Suit thickness shc'ud per- ABOUT THE AUTH-OR~
mit use of the foam anti.G suit in even -he most space-limited Dr. Robert W.Krutz. Jr. isa Research Physiologist forTachnology
cockpits. e.g., the F-16. Prototype reticulated foam anti-G suit incorporated, Life Sciences Division. inSan Antonio. Texas. He is
thigh sections have been assessed and preliminary results indi- currently e3ponisible far. the research and development of anti-G
-ate increased pressure transfer efficiencies, i.e. apoitey Suits,for the lJ.& AIr 06Gc at the School Of Aerospace Medicine.
300b of the suit pressure is transferred to the skin as opposed to BrooksAFS Taesa. Hereceived (Pharmacy) from the
te mltile
25-5%.napsan University of Mississippi and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees (Physiol-
Or. Kkitz has over 20 years of experience in military life support
CONCLU'S'ON . culoment design. development and operational testing. Specifl-
Uniform lower body pressurization appears to offer tht- most caiiy his military research has included -6G. protective methods. .
promise for improving -1G, tole r~nce.NMult ipe capstans and oxygen breathing systems and chemical doTenae equioment. Or,
reticulated fomaetetoms
foamarethe ~vomostrecnt
pproche to olvng. Krutz is an Associate Follow of the Aerospace Medical Associa-
eetapocst ovn ilon.
the engineering incomp-atibilities seen in previous attenp~s 4~
develop this, Concept foe use in fightet-type aircrrnfL Significant Or. Mork 1.Darrah isemployed asa biomedical Engineer with the.
an ulk
siing trnsfr poblntsinhren in Life Sciences Division of Technology Incorporated inSan Antonio. siing tanser roben~ i Rerec-i
ulk prssue Texas He ispresenitly under contract to the Aerospace Research
the multiple capstan argue against further development. Reic ranchof the Schoolof Medicine at rooksAFB Texas. tostudy the
ulated foamr may offer a significant breakthrough in 0-suit tech- effects of head/neckc loading in the high +iG,environment of to-
nology as a possible method for uniform pressurization without day's high performance aircraft.
rolmseconerdwith othter concepts.
may fth Dr. Darrah received a59.S. degree (1975) in Biology froin Del-
f th prblem Valley College inPennsylvania and his M.S. (1979) and Ph.D.
REFRNE sity. His research has been centered on cardiovascular dyna-nics
1. Hallenbeck, G.A. 1946. Design and use of anti-G suits and and muscuiar Contractility inthe exercise environment. Dr. Darreh
their activating valves in World War 11. AAFR Tech Re. is a member of IEEE and the Aerospace Medical Association
port 5433. (LSSES).

coauthor's) name. work address and phone

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The complexity of current airorew life-support equipment, or personal pro-

tective equipment (PPE), and the many factors which have to be considered during
design of such equipment, dictate extensive and progressive RDT&E phhses during
which detailed design criteria are established and evaluated. A major problem
in design and development of this equipment 1s achievement of an optimum balance
between equipment performance and its subjective acceptability when integrated
into the cockpitI cabin, or Mission environment. Progress toward this Optimum
balance depends upon incorporation of continuing feedback from human subjects
testing the equipment and from USAF personnel evaluating test results and design
modification options for incorporation of the feedback.
Requirement specifications for items of aircrew PPE rarely, if ever, specify
in detail the means by which the many important and often conflicting require-
ments shall be met. Even where there is a full understanding and appreciation
of all requirements by the selected development contractor, past experience has
indicated the inevitable need for a progression of preprototype models of equip-
.ment, each of which has to be fully evaluated to provide guidance for further
developmental progression. In many instances, the modifications required to
necessary support production facilities and appropriate expertise are available.

Currently, provision Of such facilities and expertise rests primarily with

the contractor. Drawbacks to this arrangement include serious limitations with
respect to onsite working space and basic laboratory facilities available, and
the fact that contractor personnel assigned to this task Must be selected on the
basis of other expertise and must devote full time to defined project tasks.I
Productivity rates, production Costs, and qual~ity control of items produced
could be enhanced if in-house laboratory facilities and a minimal number of
Ltrained personnel were available to fabricate pre-prototype models of PPE for
RDT&E. Another major advantage of such an in-house facility would be reduction
of dead times occurring between evaluation, redesign, incorporation of design
changes, and reevaluation. Overall, greater economies in RDT&E time and Costs
of PPE items would be realized.

The proposed in-house laboratory facilities would provide capabilities Oft

a) Rapidly effecting modifications to contractor's developmental
* equipment where such equipment falls short of specific test
standard requirements. In-house modified PPE items would serve as
models for industry to process development.

b) Exploring ideas to establish important design criteria before

involvement by industry.

c, Producing laboratory prototype equipment to serve as models for
industrial production.

d) Exploring sizing requirements for PPE items to develop commercial

production specifications.

In the longer term, the proposed facility would provide a pool of in-house
expertise in detailed design and fabrication of aircrew PPE. Such expertise
would enhance significantly the extent of detailed design guidance available to

Typical tasks which could be undertaken in the proposed in-house facility


a) Construction of, or modification to, all forms of pressurized

bladder and pressure holding garments. Examples are G-protective
garments, full and partial pressure suits, and jerkins or waist-
coats. Typical work on G-protective garments might be: explor-
ation of means of providing full lower torso and limb coverage
incorporating mobility features at knee joints and possibly at
waist, groin, and thigh joints; exploration of basic sizing
criteria and means of restricting pressurized bu'lk and "as-worn"
pressurized volume; exploration of means of providing rapid
adjustment of torso and limb girth of anti-G suits to allow for
seasonal or operational changes of aircrew protective clothing
such as chemical defense undergarments; and investigation of
"low-friction" lacing systems to facilitate constant and readily
repeatable initial tensioning of limb girth adjustment of outer
constraint layer.

b) Construction of, or modification to, all forms of below-the-neck

nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) protective equipment and
protective hoods associated with respirator use.

c) Validation of basic ideas for improvement of current generation

chemical defense (CD) respirators.



One person who is familiar with all forms of aircrew PPE, PPE design, oper-
ation, test, and servicing requirements would be involved in hands-on fabrica-
tion of items. This person would also act as supervisor of the laboratory and
all lab personnel. Knowledge of basic garment pattern drafting techniques,
garment construction, and sizing techniques, including use of adhesives and
polymeric materials for pressure garment application is required. The ability
to interpret ideas submitted by scientific and technical staff and to translate
basic ideas to the equipment production stage is essential. A basic knowledge
of fabric and allied materials properties,as well as associated test.procedures,
is desirable.

Two persons who are experienced in machine sewing of precision garments are
required. The ability to interpret clothing patterns and garment assembly
instructional data, to cut component pattern parts to precision templates and
to construct complete garments to instructions and/or sealed samples. This
work involves use of adhesives in the construction of pressure-holding garments
and willingness to undertake this type of work is essential. Experience in use
of adhesives for garment construction is desirable although on-the-job training
will be provided.

Space and Equipment

a) A laboratory space approximately 13.72 m x 6.71 m x 3.05 m (45 ft
by 22 ft by 10 ft) high is required to house essential equipment.
b) Natural lighting (windows) on at least one wall of the facility is

a) Space should be air conditioned; the need for humidity control

should be considered.
d) Good artificial lighting throughout the space is required, with
supplemental lighting in discrete work areas.
e) Consideration should be given to the provision and proper location
of doors to meet emergency fire evacuation requirements.

f) Laboratnry should be sufficiently isolated from adjacent office

and 1 .. ratory areas to ensure that the noise of the heavy-duty
sewing machines etc., is not a disturbance factor.

Support Services
a) Electrical power adequate for-lighting and equipment operation (to
be determined).
b) Hot and cold water supply (and drainage) for lab sink, wash basin,
and shower unit.
a) C•,.'~rezsed e.., medical grade) supply with appropriate regulators
for garment test inflation.

d) Oxygen supply to appropriate test cabinets/panels.

e) Telephone ser,.
Furnishings and Fixtures

a) Changing and shower cubicles (one each) with clothing locker.

b) Large laboratory sink with adjacent drain board.

a) Lavatory and towel dispenser.

d) Metal solvent cabinet for storage of flammable chemicals.

e) Fabric layout table, approximately 4.57 m x 1.37 m (15 ft by

4.5 ft), with Formica (or equivalent) surface.

f) Glueing table and fume exhaust arrangement; table with inert

impermeable suriace, approximately 2.43 m x 1.22 m (8 ft by 4 ft),
located under a flexible-duct fume extraction system.

g) Cabinets for pattern storage.

h) Racking for storage of rolls of fabric.

i) Garment storage racks.

J) Office area for supervisor/technician.

k) Appropriately located fire extinguishers.

Plant Machinery

a) Standard and special-.urpose sewing machines. Types and numbers

of machines remain to be defined; however, requirements include:
an overlook machine, a blindstitch machine, and light- and
heavy-duty flat-bed -ewing machines. All machines will require
motors, stands, and illumination.

b) Laboratory vacuum-forming machine with capability of forming

deep-draw itQms such as respirator visors from polycarbonate and
similar polymeric sheet material of up to 0.24 cm (3/32 in.)

c) Radio frequency (RF) welding machine (tentative).

d) Press-stud assembly. punch or machine with appropriate dies.

Miscellaneous Expendable Supplies

Anticipated expendable supplies required for initial operation of labora-

tory facility are:

Stock of relevant fabrics

Heat cutting/sealing boards

Heat cutting/sealing "knives"

Tailor's shears, pinkin& shears

Measuring tapes, rules, Tailor's T-squares,

set squares, French curves

Line-length measuring wheel

Set of standard drawing instruments

Variety of adhesives and solvents

Adhesive applicators and brushes; adhesive containers

Adhesive seam rollers

Wood block and head formers to support adhesive work

Sealing tapes, webbings, special-purpose tapes

Selection of press-studs, buckles, connectors, etc.

Range of hole punches for fabrics

Thread and sewing wax

Stock of standard and gas-tight fasteners (zippers, Velcro)

Garment-service supply connectors, spouts

Rolls of pattern card, standard drawing paper

Pattern-transfer "pricking" wheel

Tailor's chalk, French chalk

A preliminary estimate of costs is based on the assumption that appropriate
laboratory space (approximately 13.72 m x 6.71 m x 3.05 m (45 ft by 22 ft by
10 ft high)), with adequate air conditioning; water, electrical and clean air
supplies, and oxygen services is available onsite. A detailed analysis of
estimated costs for set-up of the proposed laboratory facility is attached
(Table B-1); a schematic diagram of the laboratory is also N-aze-hed (Fig. 8-1).


Budget item Cost


Sewing machines
4 heavy-duty, spertalized machines 6,000
motors, support stands, lights

Vacuum-forming machine 12,000

RF welding machine and installation 15,000

Fabric layout/cutting table 500

Glueing table and fume exhaust system 2,100

Solvent storage cabinet 1,000

Pattern storage cabinet 150

Racks for storage of fabric rolls 150

Racks for storage of garments 150

Changing cubicle - construction, installation 200

Plumbing purchase, installation

(sink, shower, drainage) 800

Electrical power - supply, installation 1,500

Clean air - supply, piping, regulators, etc. 500

Oxygen - supply, piping, instrumented control panel 1,000

Supervisor's office area equipment 200

Expendable supplies
includes 25-m rolls Of 10 fabric stocks 4,500

Approximate Total $45,750


e %4jr
M C. I.A'te7. TO A
Ph / IPAS6&
1ra~~ %T ~

I...I II ,.'.t

Figure B-1. Schematio layout of outline proposals for an in-house facility for
the modification and production of developmental aircrew personal
protective equipment.

m lb




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