IKS Language and Linguistics
IKS Language and Linguistics
IKS Language and Linguistics
q What is Language?
Lingua → Langage → Language
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q Conveying thoughts.
q Concepts and their relations.
q Speaker encodes the information of concepts and relations into words
q Listener has to decode the information encoded by the speaker to get
the knowledge of the thoughts.
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1. Language
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1. Humans
2. Animals
3. Machine
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Human Language
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Animal Language
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Machine Language
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Natural Language
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Language, Grammar and Computers
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About Linguistics
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Purpose of Linguistics
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Core Branches of Linguistics
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Pāṇini and his contribution to Linguistics
q Standardization of Sanskrit
q Generative Approach
q Morphological Generation and Analysis
q Concept of Kāraka
q Synchronic Approach
q Influence of Aṣṭādhyāyī on other languages
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Contributions of Nyāyaśāstra to Linguistics
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Word Meaning
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Primary Meaning (Abhidā)
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Secondary Meaning (Lakśaṇā)
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Suggestive Meaning (Vyañjanā)
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Necessary Conditions for Verbal Cognition
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Contributions of Mīmāmsāśāstra to Linguistics
There are two main branches of Mimamsa: Purva Mimamsa and Uttara
Mimamsa (later Mimamsa), also known as Vedanta.
Main concepts of Purva Mimamsa
q Karmakanda
q Smriti and Vedas
q Concept of Dharma
Main concepts of Uttara Mimamsa
q Brahman
q Atman
q Maya
q Moksha
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Maxims(Nyaya) from Mīmāmsāśāstra
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