XI Chemistry 2015
XI Chemistry 2015
XI Chemistry 2015
Time: 3Hrs PRLIMINARY EXAMINATION 2015 Total marks: 85
SECTION “A” – (MCQs – Multiple Choice Questions)
Q.1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options. (17 Marks)
i. When gaseous anions and cations are brought closer, the energy involved is
(a) Electron affinity (b) Lattice Energy (c) Ionization Energy (d) Electro Negativity
ii. The molecules which 64gm SO2 contains are
(a) 1.02 x 1023 (b) 2.04 x 1023 (c) 3.06 x 1023 (d) 6.02 x 1023
iii. Faraday’s experiment indicates, the existence of
(a) Positron (b) Electron (c) Proton (d) X-rays
iv. The Molecular mass of Na₂CO₃ is
(a) 100 a.m.u (b) 102 a.m.u (c) 104 a.m.u (d) 106 a.m.u
v. If pH of a solution is zero, the nature of solution will be
(a) Acidic (b) Amphoteric (c) Neutral (d) Basic
vi. The bonds present in one molecule of ethane (C₂H₄) are
(a) Four Sigma two pi (b) Five Sigma one pi (c) Five pi one Sigma (d) Two Sigma four pi
vii. The bond distance between Carbon-Carbon Single bond (C-C) is
(a) 1.34 A° (b) 1.54 A° (c) 1.20 A° (d) 1.24 A°
viii. The integar part of logarithm is called
(a) Characteristic (b) Base (c) Mantissa (d) Power
ix. The rate of diffusion of C₃H₈ and CO₂ are the same because
(a) They are gases (b) Both contain Carbon (c) Their Molecular (d) C₃H₈ is an Organic
Mass are same Compound
x. The colour of light depends upon its
(a) Wave length (b) Velocity (c) Source (d) None
xi. Which atomic orbital is always involved in sigma bonding?
(a) s-Orbital (b) t-Orbital (c) d-Orbital (d) p-Orbital
xii. In hydrogen halides, which of the following possess the largest ionic character?
(a) HCl (b) HBr (c) HI (d) HF
xiii. Which of the compound has Sp2 hybridization
(a) NH₃ (b) C₂H₄ (c) C₂H₂ (d) H₂O
xiv. The molecular formula of Vitamin “C” is C₆H₈O₆. Its empirical formula is
(a) C₂H₃O₂ (b) C₃H₄O₃ (c) CH₂O (d) CHO₂
xv. Bohr’s model of atom is contradicted by
(a) Rutherford’s Atomic (b) Heisenberg’s (c) Pauli’s exclusion (d) Plank’s quantum
Model Uncertainty Principle Principle Theory
xvi. Cabon dioxide (CO₂) molecule has zero dipole moment because its structure is
(a) Linear (b) Tetrahedron (c) Angular (d) Triangular
xvii. The value of “Kc” is independent of
(a) Initial concentration (b) Pressure (c) Volume (d) Catalyst
of reactants
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vi. Write the electronic configuration for the ground state Na (Z = 11) and Mg+2 (Z = 12).
vii. Give scientific reasons for the following
A falling drop of a liquid is always spherical.
Ionization potential of oxygen is smaller than that of Nitrogen.
Honey is more viscous than water.
Zinc dust when reacted with HCl produces hydrogen at a faster rate than a big piece of Zinc.
viii. Find the equilibrium constant for the reaction N₂(g) + O₂(g) ↔ 2NO(g) at 2000°C is the initial concentration of N₂ and
O₂ are 10 moles/dm3.
ix. Calculate the mass of ZnSO₄, the volume of H₂ and the number of molecules of H₂ which will be produced by reacting
163.5gm of Zn with H₂SO₄, at S.T.P. (Atomic Masses: Zn = 65.4, S = 32, O = 16, H = 1).
x. Differentiate between Isomorphism and polymorphism.
xi. Write down five properties of each Alpha (α), Beta (β), Gamma (γ) rays.
xii. Will PbCrO₄ precipitate from a solution mixing 200cm(3) of 2.5 x 10⁻⁴ M Pb(NO₃) and 600cm(3) of 1.5 x 10⁻⁸ M
xiii. State and explain Gram’s Law of diffusion.
xiv. What do you understand the term Hybridization? Discuss Sp3, Sp2 and Sp hybridization with examples.
xv. Write short notes on following (Any Two)
Viscosity Surface Tension
Electron Affinity Hydration
Common Ion Effect Buffer Solution
xvi. Find the molarity of 0.5gm of NaOH in 250cm3 of aqueous solution.
----------------------------------------------------------BEST OF LUCK-------------------------------- ------------------------
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