Group1 - Meeting7 - Assessing Listening
Group1 - Meeting7 - Assessing Listening
Group1 - Meeting7 - Assessing Listening
Presented by: Nurfita Sari
Vahra Dilla Az-Zahra
Azzahra Nanda Islami
Lectured by: Dr. Ismail Petrus, M.A. & Prof. Diemroh Ihsan, M.A., Ph.D
Observing The performance of Four Skills
Things that we can observe during listening as the receptive
skill are process and product. So, one important principle for
assessing a learner’s competence is to consider the fallibility
of the result of a single performance, such as a teacher to
triangulate your measurements (Invisible and Audible)
The importance of listening XX
B. Dialogue Paraphrase
Responsive Listening
A. Appropriate Response to a question
Make sure the blanks are items with high information loads
that can’t be predicted.
2. Information
is a technique used to improve students
listening comprehension where learners
reproduce the message they hear in a new
form, for example when they listen and
respond by ordering a set of pictures,
completing a map, drawing a picture or
completing a table.
2. Information Transfer
Multiple-picture-cued selection : test-taker will listen to short story, they
are expected to know the event of the story and arranged them.
2. Information Transfer
Single-pictures-cued verbal multiple questions
In TOEIC, one single photograph is presented to the test taker, who then
hear four different statement and must choose one of the four to ndescribe
the photograph.
Information Transfer
Chart filling
3. Sentence
After listening to a recording of a
sentence, students repeat the sentence.
Extensive Listening
Extensive Listening (EL) is defined as a language teaching
and learning approach that encourages language learners to
be exposed to a large amount of easily comprehensible
and enjoyable materials presented in the target language
over an extended period. (Nation & Newton, 2009)
Extensive Listening
Something to consider:
How do we distinguish listening performance realm cognitive processing?
1. Dictation
Scoring criteria:
● Spelling error only, but the word appears to have been heard
● Spelling and/or obvious misrepresentation of a word, illegible word
● Grammatical error (I can’t do it / I can do it )
● Skipped word or phrases
● Permutation of words
● Additional words not in the original
● Replacement of a word with inappropriate synonym
1. Dictation
Dictation refers to the process
of transcribing spoken text. The
teacher, will read out (dictate)
a passage of text while another
person, for example the
students, will write down what
is being said as accurately as