10 11648 J Ajtab 20180402 12
10 11648 J Ajtab 20180402 12
10 11648 J Ajtab 20180402 12
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Received: April 10, 2018; Accepted: April 26, 2018; Published: May 19, 2018
Abstract: In today's competitive market place, it's harder than ever to attract a consumer's attention. It's estimated that the
average consumer spends less than a second scanning shelves, and in that time, will make a decision on whether or not to
purchase any given product. The discipline of package design focuses on producing a container that will get noticed. By
skillfully teaming colorful graphics, a unique shape, or any other eye-arresting method, the package designer is a key player in
any company's marketing effort. No matter how beneficial the product inside the container may be, unless a consumer decides
to pick it up, that product will never get tested. Moreover, many studies indicate that consumers have high motivation to pay
for Packaging related to energy efficient products. Subsequently; the pristine packaging color-coded, which designed by
professionals to be the silent salesman of the brand, undoubtedly, has considerable impact on the purchasing decision. The
objective of this study is to determine the impact of packaging on customer’s buying behavior. Data have been collected
through a questionnaire and analyzed using the SPSS software. Furthermore, a sample of 200 respondents has been utilized to
indicate that design packaging has a critical role to play in the consumption of products in Lebanon. Additionally, the results of
the study reflected that packaging, especially, Color and Wrapping Design play a vital role in the decision buying process of
the consumer.
Keywords: Economic Effect, Packaging, Buying Behavior, Purchasing Decision, Independent and Dependent Variables,
measuring the effect of packaging design on buying behavior. for data analysis. Moreover, the SPSS software is used to
Random Sampling has been used to collect data from the describe, summarize, and measure central tendency (average)
respondents. Primary data was collected for this paper via a and dispersion. And finally, The Pearson's correlation is used
systematic and structured questionnaire, which was divided to find correlation between the variables.
into three sections:
1. Section A: designed to assess the respondents’ attitudes 5. Results
and opinions regarding their satisfaction level. This
series of questions was rated on a Likert scale of five It is believed that 60-70% of all buying choices are made
anchors i.e.; (1) strongly Agree, (2) Agree, (3) Neutral, in the store. The packaging is the last point of
(4) Disagree, and (5) strongly Disagree. communication between a product and a consumer. Hence,
2. Section B: designed to assess the respondents’ packaging is one of the most vital points of interaction with
demographics in order to understand their background the consumer. Normally, consumers relate packaging with
to analyze the motives behind their answers. the quality of the product and such a correlation impacts the
purchasing behavior. Therefore, companies should invest in
4.5. Data Processing and Analysis the packaging to deliver the epic brand image in the buyer’s
The questionnaires are coded using a specific code for mind. Researchers evidenced such artistic features like color,
each variable, and the variables are going to be entered into brightness and design impacts, when the customer’s eyes
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Table 1. Buying Behavior.
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