Students Conduct and Disciplinary Code 2022 - 0
Students Conduct and Disciplinary Code 2022 - 0
Students Conduct and Disciplinary Code 2022 - 0
Section 1: Preamble
WHEREAS the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala in R P No. 435/2003
(Sojan Francis Vs M G University 2003 (2) KLT 582) has directed all the
Universities in Kerala to lay down appropriate rules and regulations to
enforce discipline in the Campus which will be binding on all the students
studying in the University.
And whereas the University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition
and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and students
in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations, 2015 directs higher
educational institutions (HEIs) to appropriately subsume the spirit of the
regulations in the policy and regulations on prevention and prohibition of
sexual harassment against the employees and students and modify the
ordinances and rules of the HEIs in consonance with the requirements of
the regulations therein.
And in view of the stipulations contained in the Sexual Harassment of
Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
(Act No. 14 of 2013),
The Senate of the NIT Calicut hence in its 87th meeting held on 14 July,
2022 decided to modify the Students’ Conduct and Disciplinary Code
invariably dependent for the cause of maintaining order and discipline in
the Campus facilitating advancement of the very objective of the Institute.
Rules and regulations are therefore meant to mark the contours of this
needed order and discipline. It is necessary that the Institute should
cultivate higher values of honesty, integrity, responsibility, mutual respect
for persons and property and respect for human rights among its students.
In order to achieve this, the Student community should necessarily
practice these values and see that the rules envisaged in this code are
strictly followed so that their conduct will be in conformity with and
supportive of and conducive to the Institute’s objectives and its cherished
Section 4: Applicability of the Code
The Code shall be applicable to all the students admitted to the Institute
and including any academic programme, activity or event conducted by
the Institute. It is the responsibility and duty of each and every student to
become acquainted with all the provisions of the Code. It is presumed that
every student from the date of his/her admission to the Institute to any
academic programme/ activity/event has knowledge of this Code. All
Students coming within the above categories are required to strictly
adhere to this Code as a condition of their admission to the Institute and
this Code would be binding on and enforceable against them or any
among them.
Section 5: Responsibilities of the Students
It shall be the responsibility of the students
1) To read, become familiar with and adhere to this Code and any
amendment brought to this Code.
2) Being ambassadors of the institute, students shall behave and
conduct themselves in the institute campus, hostels and premises in
a dignified and courteous manner showing due respect to the fellow
students, authorities and all employees of the Institute including
contractual staff and visitors to campus.
3) To follow decent and formal dressing manners.
4) To foster and maintain a vibrant academic, intellectual, cultural and
social atmosphere which is consistent with the objectives of the
5) To access all educational opportunities and benefits available at the
Institute and make good use of them to prosper academically and
develop scientific temper.
6) To respect the laws of the country, human rights and to conduct in a
responsible and dignified manner at all times.
7) To respect the cultural and social values nurtured and followed by
People of this Country.
8) To report any violation of this Code to the functionaries under this
Section 6: Behavior of the Students
1) Groupism of any kind that would distort the harmony in the
campus is not permitted.
2) Students are expected to spend their free time in the
Library/Reading Room. They shall not loiter along the verandahs
or crowd in front of the offices or the Campus roads. Students
should refrain from sitting on places such as parapets, stairs,
footpaths etc.
3) NITC is a smoking free, alcohol free and narcotics free campus.
4) Students shall not use mobile phones in Classrooms, Library,
Examination Halls, Laboratories and Computer centres without
the permission of the authorities. They may use such gadgets
judiciously in other academic areas like in Faculty rooms,
Department offices, corridors etc.
5) Students shall not indulge in any undesirable and indecent
behavior including physical intimacy of sexual nature and should
abstain from Public Display of Affection (under the purview of
Section 294 of the IPC) within the campus and shall maintain
highest standards of discipline.
6) Students shall refrain from all activities considered as ragging
which is a criminal offence.
7) Possession or consumption of narcotic drugs, tobacco, alcohol
and other intoxicating substances are strictly prohibited in the
campus and the hostels.
8) Students are prohibited from indulging in anti-institutional, anti-
national, anti- social, communal, immoral or political
expressions and activities within the Campus and hostels.
9) Politically based students’ and other organizations or outfits are
not allowed in the Campus. Students are strictly prohibited from
organizing, attending or participating in any activity or agitation
sponsored by politically based organizations.
10) Students shall not deface, disfigure, damage or destroy or cause
any loss in any manner to public, private or Institute properties.
11) Unauthorized entry of outsiders into the campus as well as
hostels is strictly prohibited. Without specific permission of the
authorities, students shall not bring outsiders to the Institute or
12) No one shall bring, distribute or circulate unauthorized notices,
pamphlets, leaflets etc., within the Campus or hostels. The
possession, distribution or exhibition of any item by any means
which is per se obscene is prohibited.
13) No student shall exhibit banners, flags, boards etc., inside the
campus, gates, and buildings or on the compound walls without
the written permission of the authorities.
14) No student shall collect money either by request or by coercion
from others within the campus or hostels
15) The Institute being a temple of learning and an exclusive
academic zone, nobody shall respond to any call for any form
of strike, procession or agitation including slogan shouting,
dharna, burning in effigy or indulge in any act which may harm
the peaceful atmosphere of the Institution and shall eschew
from violence in the Campus and hostels and even outside.
16) Engaging in gherao, keeping under captivity or illegally
confining any official of the Institute is prohibited.
17) No student shall exert undue influence on fellow students.
18) Possession or usage of weapons, explosives or anything that
causes injury/ damage to the life and limb or body of any
human being or property is prohibited.
19) No motorized vehicles are permitted within the campus without
the prior permission of the authorities.
20) No student shall enter or leave the classroom/examination halls
when the session/exam is in progress without the permission of
the teacher.
21) Students charged with criminal offence or under suspension
shall not enter the Institute Campus without the permission of
the competent authority.
22) Any case of criminal activity or violation of law and order in
the Institute Campus will be reported to the police.
23) Maintaining the pristine beauty/cleanliness of the campus is the
responsibility of the students. Hence, littering the campus
including classrooms, laboratories, library, office spaces,
hostels, and free spaces should be strictly avoided.
24) Any student who is persistently insubordinate, is repeatedly or
willfully mischievous, is guilty of fraud or malpractice in
connection with examinations or who, in the opinion of the
competent authority, is likely to have an unwholesome
influence on his/ her fellow students, will be removed from the
25) Any conduct which leads to lowering the esteem of / defames
the institute either inside or outside the campus is strictly
26) No student shall refuse to identify oneself and shall produce
their valid institute ID card when demanded by college officials
like faculty, non-teaching staff, security personnel and any
authorized individual.
27) Students shall not access any unauthorized part of the institute
like open terraces of all the buildings and secluded areas of the
campus without the prior permission of the authorities.
28) Students shall follow digital etiquette strictly conforming to the
IT Policies of the Government of India on social media usage.
They shall not make a photographic or video record of anyone
in the Campus with the intention of harming/defaming the
individual/ institute. The storing, sharing, and/or distributing
such records/videos/contents with the aforesaid intention will
attract strict disciplinary action.
29) NIT Calicut is a sexual-harassment free zone. Students shall
not involve in any kind of acts which amounts to sexual
harassment towards fellow students, authorities and all
employees of the Institute including contractual staff and
visitors to campus.
The CAMPUS is defined according to The UGC (Prevention,
prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women
employees and students in Higher Educational Institutions)
Regulations, 2015 as -Location or the land on which a Higher
Educational Institution (HEI) and its related institutional
facilities like libraries, laboratories, lecture halls, residences,
toilets, halls, student centres, hostels, dining halls, stadiums,
park like settings, parking areas and other amenities like health
centres, canteens, bank counters etc., are situated and also
includes extended campus and covers within its scope, places
visited as a student of the HEI including transportation
provided for the purpose of commuting to and from the
institution, the locations outside the institutions on field trips,
internships, study tours, excursions, short term placements,
places used for camps, cultural festivals, sports meets, and such
other activities where a person is participating in the capacity
of an employee/ student of the HEI.
The act of sexual harassment could be any of the following:
(i) Any unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of
sexual nature;
(ii) Demand or request for sexual favours.
(iii) Making sexually coloured remarks.
(iv) Physical contact and advances
(v) Showing pornography
Any violation of the code of conduct against Sexual
Harassment of Women employees/ students will invite
extremely strict institute level punishment and/or police action.
Punishment at institute level can be in the form of:
(i) warning
(ii) written apology
(iii) undergoing compulsory counselling sessions and
community service.
(iv) imposition of fines
(v) withholding stipend/ scholarship /placement services
(vi) adverse entries in the conduct certificate
(vii) expulsion from the hostel/institute
2) Suspension
A student may be suspended from the Institute for violation of any
of the provisions of this Code. The period of suspension and
conditions, if any, shall be clearly indicated in the communication
addressed to the student. The student shall lose his/her attendance
for the suspended period.
3) Restitution
Restitution implies reimbursement in terms of money and/or
services to compensate for personal injury or loss,
damage/disfiguration to property of the Institute or any property
kept in the premises of the Institute in any manner. The
students/group of students may be asked to compensate for the loss
that has been caused to any person or property of the Institute or
any property kept in the premises of the Institute due to the act of
vandalism perpetrated by the students. The students/group of
students shall also be liable to put in their service to restore any loss
or damage caused to any property and thereby bringing it to its
original form if it is possible
4) Forfeiture
Caution deposit of any student engaged in any prohibited behavior
shall be forfeited.
5) Expulsion
This is the extreme form of disciplinary action and shall be resorted
to only in cases where stringent action is warranted. Expulsion is
the permanent dismissal of a student from the Institute. Such a
student will not be eligible for readmission to any of the courses of
this Institute.
envisaged under section 7(II) of this Code to the Director. The
Presiding officer ICC shall have the power to recommend to the
Director, imposition of sanctions as envisaged under section 6(30) of
this Code. The Head of the Departments/ Presiding officer ICC /
Faculty Advisors/Chief Warden/ Wardens of Hostels while taking
any action as envisaged in the code shall do so in an impartial manner
and see to it that the sanction imposed/proposed is commensurate
with the gravity of the prohibited behavior. Any lapse on the part of a
teacher /Warden to report any instance of violence and misconduct
on the part of the students shall be reported to the Director by the
respective Head of the Departments/Chief Warden. The Wardens of
Hostels shall be responsible for maintaining strict discipline and
decorum in the hostel. He/she shall specifically see to it that the
inmates of the hostel do not involve themselves in violation of any
clause under Section 6 of this Code.
2) Deans
Any authority of the Institute with delegated powers shall have the
power to visit/inspect any premises, buildings or any property of the
Institute when there is a genuine doubt that any act of prohibited
behavior is taking place and can take any lawful actions to curb such
behavior. The HODs/ Faculty Advisors/Chief Warden/ Wardens of
Hostels shall report to the Dean (Students’ Welfare) any instances of
prohibited behavior, who in turn shall bring it to the notice of the
Director. The Dean (Students’ Welfare) shall forward the
recommendations from the HODs/ Chief Warden to impose a major
sanction under Section 7(II) of this Code to the Director after noting
his observations. The Dean (Students’ Welfare) can also suo moto
recommend action against any student/students indulging in
prohibited behavior which is brought to his/ her notice.
3) Director
The Director shall be the ultimate authority in imposing major
sanctions as envisaged under Sections 6(30) and 7(II) against the
students for acts of prohibited behavior. The Director may at his
discretion and depending on the merit of each case, entertain appeals
from student/students aggrieved by the action of any authority of the
the power and duty to call the Police immediately with the
concurrence of the Director when there is a threat to Law and Order
situation in the Campus and also when there is a genuine
apprehension that any incident of rioting, vandalism or any other act
prohibited by law is likely to take place. The Deans/ HoDs/ Presiding
officer ICC / Chief Warden shall in such a case give a detailed report
to the Director. The Director/ Deans/ HoDs/ Presiding officer ICC /
Chief Warden can also arrange for video recording of the entire
situation and take requisite actions through police and other
concerned authorities.