RTH Atma Jaya - Boq-Spesifikasi Teknis Special Lighting

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Halaman Depan Kampus Atmajaya Semanggi, Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan



26 APRIL 2024

Project: RTH Unika Atma Jaya

Area/Location: DKI Jakarta
Issue Date: 26/04/2024
Revision No./Date: -

Drawing No. Fix. Ref. Manufacturer Options Fixture Type Fixture Description Trim Color Angle Wattage Color Temp Bulb/Lumen Total Load

Pedestrian Post Top, head diameter 700 mm, head height 625 mm, total height with pole 4000
Pedestrian Post Top
PTW30-01 4 pcs Ligman, Unilamp, Centralite mm, pedestal max. 50 mm from FFL; Lamp Fixture LED, 45W, 5822 lm, 4000K (neutral white), Black 119x147 45 4000 5822 180
asymmetric 119 x 147 degree light beam, IP66 min.

Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 10W, 850 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
XSLM30-01 6 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 24 10 3000 850 60
degree light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.
Mounted Bollard with Lamp; LED, 15W, 900 lm, 3000K (warm white), 360 degree light beam,
XBLW30-01 7 pcs LEDS C4, Unilamp, Centralite Customised Bollard Black 360 15 3000 900 105
diameter 156 mm, height 870 mm, Black Trim, IP65 min.

Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1344 lm output lumen: 935 lm, 4000K
DLW40-01 1 pcs Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite Downlight White 34 10 4000 935 10
(natural white), 34 degree light beam, 73x76 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.

Mounted Wall Lamp; LED, 8 W, 438 lm, 2700K (warm white), 90 x 60 degree light beam, Bronze
XWLA30-01 2 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Ligman Mounted Wall Lamp Bronze asymmetric 8 2700 438 16
finish color, IP65 min.
SUB TOTAL 371,00
Pedestrian Post Top, head diameter 700 mm, head height 625 mm, total height with pole 4000
Pedestrian Post Top
PTW30-01 14 pcs Ligman, Unilamp, Centralite mm, pedestal max. 50 mm from FFL; Lamp Fixture LED, 45W, 5822 lm, 4000K (neutral white), Black 119x147 45 4000 5822 630
asymmetric 119 x 147 degree light beam, IP66 min.

Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 10W, 850 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
XSLM30-01 32 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 24 10 3000 850 320
degree light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.

Mounted Bollard with Lamp; LED, 15W, 900 lm, 3000K (warm white), 360 degree light beam,
XBLW30-01 52 pcs LEDS C4, Unilamp, Centralite Customised Bollard Black 360 15 3000 900 780
diameter 156 mm, height 870 mm, Black Trim, IP65 min.
In-Ground Recessed Uplight; LED, 7W, 459 lm, 2700K (warm white), 27 degree light beam,
XULN30-01 20 pcs LEDS C4, Unilamp, Centralite Customised Bollard Stainless Steel 27 7 2700 459 140
diameter 58 mm, Stainless Steel, IP66, IK10
In-Ground Light; LED, 4W, 104-112lm, 3000K, 90 degree light beam, diameter 218 mm, Grey
XSTA30-02 12 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman In-Ground Light Grey Doff 90 4 3000 112 48
Doff Color, IP66 min.
Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1280 lm output lumen: 891 lm, 3000K (warm
DLW30-01 5 pcs Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite Downlight White 34 10 3000 891 50
white), 34 degree light beam, 73x76 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.

Suspended Tube Lamp with Housing; LED, 16W, 2100 lm, 4000K (natural white), 110 degree
TLW40-01 6 pcs Centralite, LEDS C4, Philips Tubelamp White 110 16 4000 2100 96
light beam, 1170x43x52 mm, White Color, IP20; add suspend cable if needed (as drawn)

Mounted Downlight; LED, 11W, 1144 lm, 3000K (warm white), 38 degree light beam,Dark Grey
XDLW30-01 12 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Unilamp Mounted Downlight Dark Grey 38 11 3000 1144 132
finish color, IP44 min.

LED Strip with External

LED Strip Light for Outdoor; LED 10 W/m, 900 lm/m, 3000K (warm white), 120 degree light
XLLW30-03 113 m Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4 Frame Cover for Silicone 120 5 3000 450 565
beam, black doff finish color for external cover + diffused acrylic, IP44 min.
Mounting under Beam


dikalikan 2 bangunan)
Mounted Downlight; LED, 11W, 1144 lm, 3000K (warm white), 38 degree light beam,Dark Grey
XDLW30-01 18 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Unilamp Mounted Downlight Dark Grey 38 11 3000 1144 198
finish color, IP44 min.

LED Strip with External

LED Strip Light for Outdoor; LED 10 W/m, 900 lm/m, 3000K (warm white), 120 degree light
XLLW30-03 240 m Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4 Frame Cover for Silicone 120 5 3000 450 1200
beam, black doff finish color for external cover + diffused acrylic, IP44 min.
Mounting under Beam

SUB TOTAL 4.159,00


Pedestrian Post Top, head diameter 700 mm, head height 625 mm, total height with pole 4000
Pedestrian Post Top
PTW30-01 27 pcs Ligman, Unilamp, Centralite mm, pedestal max. 50 mm from FFL; Lamp Fixture LED, 45W, 5822 lm, 4000K (neutral white), Black 119x147 45 4000 5822 1215
asymmetric 119 x 147 degree light beam, IP66 min.

LED Strip Light for Outdoor; LED 5 W/m, 450 lm/m, 3000K (warm white), 120 degree light beam,
LED Strip with U-channel
XLLW30-02 - m Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4 aluminium silver gray color (u-channel), IP65 min.; u-channel low profile 20x20 mm (length Silicone 120 5 3000 450 -
and Acrylic cover
various as drawn) with bracket and frosted acrylic cover

Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 10W, 850 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
XSLM30-01 18 m Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 24 10 3000 850 180
degree light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.

Mounted Bollard with Lamp; LED, 15W, 900 lm, 3000K (warm white), 360 degree light beam,
XBLW30-01 15 pcs LEDS C4, Unilamp, Centralite Customised Bollard Black 360 15 3000 900 225
diameter 156 mm, height 870 mm, Black Trim, IP65 min.

SUB TOTAL 1.620,00

Pedestrian Post Top, head diameter 700 mm, head height 625 mm, total height with pole 4000
Pedestrian Post Top
PTW30-01 - pcs Ligman, Unilamp, Centralite mm, pedestal max. 50 mm from FFL; Lamp Fixture LED, 45W, 5822 lm, 4000K (neutral white), Black 119x147 45 4000 5822 -
asymmetric 119 x 147 degree light beam, IP66 min.
Mounted Downlight; LED, 11W, 1144 lm, 3000K (warm white), 38 degree light beam,Dark Grey
XDLW30-01 15 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Unilamp Mounted Downlight Dark Grey 38 11 3000 1144 165
finish color, IP44 min.

Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 10W, 850 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
XSLM30-01 - pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 24 10 3000 850 -
degree light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.


Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1181 lm output lumen: 616 lm, 3000K (warm
DLN30-01 20 pcs Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite Downlight White 16 10 3000 616 200
white), 16 degree light beam, 85x105 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.

Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1280 lm output lumen: 891 lm, 3000K (warm
DLW30-01 11 pcs Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite Downlight White 34 10 3000 891 110
white), 34 degree light beam, 73x76 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.

Suspended Tube Lamp with Housing; LED, 16W, 2100 lm, 4000K (natural white), 110 degree
TLW40-01 12 pcs Centralite, LEDS C4, Philips Tubelamp White 110 16 4000 2100 192
light beam, 1170x43x52 mm, White Color, IP20; add suspend cable if needed (as drawn)

Mounted Downlight; LED, 11W, 1144 lm, 3000K (warm white), 38 degree light beam,Dark Grey
XDLW30-01 17 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Unilamp Mounted Downlight Dark Grey 38 11 3000 1144 187
finish color, IP44 min.


Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1344 lm output lumen: 935 lm, 4000K
DLW40-01 13 pcs Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite Downlight White 34 10 4000 935 130
(natural white), 34 degree light beam, 73x76 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.
Mounted Downlight; LED, 23W, 2832 lm, 4000K (natural white), 38 degree light beam,Dark Grey
XDLW40-01 46 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Unilamp Mounted Downlight Dark Grey 38 23 4000 2832 1058
finish color, IP44 min.

SUB TOTAL 2.042,00

Pedestrian Post Top, head diameter 700 mm, head height 625 mm, total height with pole 4000
Pedestrian Post Top
PTW30-01 6 pcs Ligman, Unilamp, Centralite mm, pedestal max. 50 mm from FFL; Lamp Fixture LED, 45W, 5822 lm, 4000K (neutral white), Black 119x147 45 4000 5822 270
asymmetric 119 x 147 degree light beam, IP66 min.

Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 10W, 850 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
XSLM30-01 21 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 24 10 3000 850 210
degree light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.
Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 15 W, 1350 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
XSLM30-02A 3 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 24 15 3000 1350 45
Step Lightlight beam, diameter
Horizontal; LED, 7W, 105 mm3000K,
530lm, length360
Dark Grey finish color,
248x119x236 mm, IP65 min.
Grey Doff
XSTA30-01 16 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Steplight Horizontal Grey Doff asymmetric 7 3000 530 112
Color, IP65 min.
In-Ground Light; LED, 4W, 104-112lm, 3000K, 90 degree light beam, diameter 218 mm, Grey
XSTA30-02 26 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman In-Ground Light Grey Doff 90 4 3000 112 104
Doff Color, IP66 min.
Mounted Bollard with Lamp; LED, 15W, 900 lm, 3000K (warm white), 360 degree light beam,
XBLW30-01 6 pcs LEDS C4, Unilamp, Centralite Customised Bollard Black 360 15 3000 900 90
diameter 156 mm, height 870 mm, Black Trim, IP65 min.
LED Strip Flexible with LED Strip Flexible Light for Outdoor; LED 7.5 W/m, 600 lm/m, 3000K (warm white), 120 degree
XLLW30-01 - m Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4 Silicone 120 8 3000 600 -
bracket light beam, bracket u-channel for holding LED Strip, IP65 min.

Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 10W, 850 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
XSLM30-01 4 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 24 10 3000 850 40
degree light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.

Step Light Horizontal; LED, 7W, 530lm, 3000K, 360 light beam, 248x119x236 mm, Grey Doff
XSTA30-01 81 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Steplight Horizontal Grey Doff asymmetric 7 3000 530 567
Color, IP65 min.
In-Ground Recessed Uplight; LED, 7W, 459 lm, 2700K (warm white), 27 degree light beam,
XULN30-01 12 pcs LEDS C4, Unilamp, Centralite Customised Bollard Stainless Steel 27 7 2700 459 84
diameter 58 mm, Stainless Steel, IP66, IK10

Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1181 lm output lumen: 616 lm, 3000K (warm
DLN30-01 26 pcs Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite Downlight White 16 10 3000 616 260
white), 16 degree light beam, 85x105 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.

Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1344 lm output lumen: 935 lm, 4000K
DLW40-01 7 pcs Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite Downlight White 34 10 4000 935 70
(natural white), 34 degree light beam, 73x76 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.

Suspended Tube Lamp with Housing; LED, 16W, 2100 lm, 4000K (natural white), 110 degree
TLW40-01 9 pcs Centralite, LEDS C4, Philips Tubelamp White 110 16 4000 2100 144
light beam, 1170x43x52 mm, White Color, IP20; add suspend cable if needed (as drawn)

LED Strip Light for Outdoor; LED 5 W/m, 450 lm/m, 3000K (warm white), 120 degree light beam,
LED Strip with U-channel
XLLW30-02 20 m Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4 aluminium silver gray color (u-channel), IP65 min.; u-channel low profile 20x20 mm (length Silicone 120 5 3000 450 100
and Acrylic cover
various as drawn) with bracket and frosted acrylic cover


Mounted Spotlight for Object Uplighting; LED 35 W, 2962 lm, 3000K (warm white), 47 degree
XSLW30-01 5 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 47 35 3000 2962 175
light beam, diameter 130 mm length 216 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.

Mounted Spotlight for Object Uplighting; LED 20W, 1650 lm, 3000K (warm white), 46 degree
XSLW30-02 17 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 46 20 3000 1650 340
light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185,Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.

Mounted Downlight; LED, 23W, 2832 lm, 4000K (natural white), 38 degree light beam,Dark Grey
XDLW40-01 6 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Unilamp Mounted Downlight Dark Grey 38 23 4000 2832 138
finish color, IP44 min.

SUB TOTAL 2.749,00


Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 10W, 850 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
XSLM30-01 24 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 24 10 3000 850 240
degree light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.

Step Light Horizontal; LED, 7W, 530lm, 3000K, 360 light beam, 248x119x236 mm, Grey Doff
XSTA30-01 12 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Steplight Horizontal Grey Doff asymmetric 7 3000 530 84
Color, IP65 min.
In-Ground Light; LED, 4W, 104-112lm, 3000K, 90 degree light beam, diameter 218 mm, Grey
XSTA30-02 44 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman In-Ground Light Grey Doff 90 4 3000 112 176
Doff Color, IP66 min.
Mounted Wall Lamp; LED, 8 W, 438 lm, 2700K (warm white), 90 x 60 degree light beam, Bronze
XWLA30-01 6 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Ligman Mounted Wall Lamp Bronze asymmetric 8 2700 438 48
finish color, IP65 min.

SUB TOTAL 548,00

Area Parkir Motor

Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1344 lm output lumen: 935 lm, 4000K
DLW40-01 2 m Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite Downlight White 34 10 4000 935 20
(natural white), 34 degree light beam, 73x76 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.

Pedestrian Post Top, head diameter 700 mm, head height 625 mm, total height with pole 4000
Pedestrian Post Top
PTW30-01 3 pcs Ligman, Unilamp, Centralite mm, pedestal max. 50 mm from FFL; Lamp Fixture LED, 45W, 5822 lm, 4000K (neutral white), Black 119x147 45 4000 5822 135
asymmetric 119 x 147 degree light beam, IP66 min.
Mounted Downlight; LED, 11W, 1144 lm, 3000K (warm white), 38 degree light beam,Dark Grey
XDLW30-01 1 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Unilamp Mounted Downlight Dark Grey 38 11 3000 1144 11
finish color, IP44 min.

Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 10W, 850 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
XSLM30-01 14 pcs Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman Spotlight Dark Grey 24 10 3000 850 140
degree light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.
In-Ground Recessed Uplight; LED, 7W, 459 lm, 2700K (warm white), 27 degree light beam,
XULN30-01 2 pcs LEDS C4, Unilamp, Centralite Customised Bollard Stainless Steel 27 7 2700 459 14
diameter 58 mm, Stainless Steel, IP66, IK10

Interior Lobby Gedung B

Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1344 lm output lumen: 935 lm, 4000K
DLW40-01 7 pcs Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite Downlight White 34 10 4000 935 70
(natural white), 34 degree light beam, 73x76 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.
Recessed Downlight; LED, 30W, 3540 lm, 4000K (natural white), 29 degree light beam, diameter
DLW40-02 20 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Endo Lighting Downlight White 29 30 4000 3540 600
170x170 mm height 175 mm, Dark Grey Finish Color, IP24 min.
Mounted Wall Lamp; LED, 25 W, 2150 lm, 3000K (warm white), 18 x 18 degree light beam (UP &
WLA30-01 43 pcs LEDS C4, Centralite, Ligman Mounted Wall Lamp Bronze asymmetric 8 2700 438 344
DOWN), Bronze finish color, IP65 min.

Kanopi Gedung B

LED Strip with External

LED Strip Light for Outdoor; LED 10 W/m, 900 lm/m, 3000K (warm white), 120 degree light
XLLW30-03 142 m Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4 Frame Cover for Silicone 120 5 3000 450 710
beam, black doff finish color for external cover + diffused acrylic, IP44 min.
Mounting under Beam

SUB TOTAL 2.044,00

GRAND TOTAL 13.533,00


Project: RTH Unika Atma Jaya

Area/Location: DKI Jakarta
Issue Date: 26/04/2024

Approx. Color
Fix. Ref. Manufacturer Options Fixture Type Fixture Description Trim Color Angle Wattage Bulb/Lumen Total Load
Qty. Temp

Pedestrian Post Top, head diameter 700 mm, head height 625 mm, total height with pole 4000
Ligman, Unilamp, Pedestrian Post Top
Post Top PTW30-01 54 pcs mm, pedestal max. 50 mm from FFL; Lamp Fixture LED, 45W, 5822 lm, 4000K (neutral white), Black 119x147 45 4000 5822 2.430,00
Centralite Lighting
asymmetric 119 x 147 degree light beam, IP66 min.

Unilamp, Centralite, Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 10W, 850 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
Spotlight for Tree XSLM30-01 119 pcs Spotlight Dark Grey 24 10 3000 850 1.190,00
Ligman degree light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.
Unilamp, Centralite, Mounted Spotlight with Stake for Tree Uplighting; LED 15 W, 1350 lm, 3000K (warm white), 24
Spotlight for Sculpture XSLM30-02A 3 pcs Spotlight Dark Grey 24 15 3000 1350 45,00
Ligman degree light beam, diameter 105 mm length 185 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.
Unilamp, Centralite, Mounted Spotlight for Object Uplighting; LED 35 W, 2962 lm, 3000K (warm white), 47 degree light
Spotlight Wide Degree XSLW30-01 5 pcs Spotlight Dark Grey 47 35 3000 2962 175,00
Ligman beam, diameter 130 mm length 216 mm, Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.
Unilamp, Centralite, Mounted Spotlight for Object Uplighting; LED 20W, 1650 lm, 3000K (warm white), 46 degree light
Spotlight Wide Degree XSLW30-02 17 pcs Spotlight Dark Grey 46 20 3000 1650 340,00
Ligman beam, diameter 105 mm length 185,Dark Grey finish color, IP65 min.

Unilamp, Centralite, Step Light Horizontal; LED, 7W, 530lm, 3000K, 360 light beam, 248x119x236 mm, Grey Doff Color,
Step Light Horizontal XSTA30-01 109 pcs Steplight Horizontal Grey Doff asymmetric 7 3000 530 763,00
Ligman IP65 min.
Unilamp, Centralite, In-Ground Light; LED, 4W, 104-112lm, 3000K, 90 degree light beam, diameter 218 mm, Grey Doff
In-Ground XSTA30-02 82 pcs In-Ground Light Grey Doff 90 4 3000 112 328,00
Ligman Color, IP66 min.

LEDS C4, Unilamp, Mounted Bollard with Lamp; LED, 15W, 900 lm, 3000K (warm white), 360 degree light beam,
Bollard Light XBLW30-01 80 pcs Customised Bollard Black 360 15 3000 900 1.200,00
Centralite diameter 156 mm, height 870 mm, Black Trim, IP65 min.

LEDS C4, Unilamp, In-Ground Recessed Uplight; LED, 7W, 459 lm, 2700K (warm white), 27 degree light beam, Stainless
In-Ground Uplight XULN30-01 34 pcs Customised Bollard 27 7 2700 459 238,00
Centralite diameter 58 mm, Stainless Steel, IP66, IK10 Steel

LEDS C4, Centralite, Mounted Wall Lamp; LED, 8 W, 438 lm, 2700K (warm white), 90 x 60 degree light beam, Bronze
Mounted Wall Lamp XWLA30-01 8 pcs Mounted Wall Lamp Bronze asymmetric 8 2700 438 64,00
Ligman finish color, IP65 min.

LEDS C4, Centralite, Mounted Downlight; LED, 11W, 1144 lm, 3000K (warm white), 38 degree light beam,Dark Grey
Mounted Downlight XDLW30-01 63 pcs Mounted Downlight Dark Grey 38 11 3000 1144 693,00
Unilamp finish color, IP44 min.
LEDS C4, Centralite, Mounted Downlight; LED, 23W, 2832 lm, 4000K (natural white), 38 degree light beam,Dark Grey
Mounted Downlight XDLW40-01 52 pcs Mounted Downlight Dark Grey 38 23 4000 2832 1.196,00
Unilamp finish color, IP44 min.

LED Strip Flexible with LED Strip Flexible Light for Outdoor; LED 7.5 W/m, 600 lm/m, 3000K (warm white), 120 degree light
Exterior LED STRIP XLLW30-01 - m Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4 Silicone 120 7,5 3000 600 0,00
bracket beam, bracket u-channel for holding LED Strip, IP65 min.
LED Strip Light for Outdoor; LED 5 W/m, 450 lm/m, 3000K (warm white), 120 degree light beam,
LED Strip with U-channel
Exterior LED STRIP XLLW30-02 20 m Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4 aluminium silver gray color (u-channel), IP65 min.; u-channel low profile 20x20 mm (length various Silicone 120 5 3000 450 100,00
and Acrylic cover
as drawn) with bracket and frosted acrylic cover
LED Strip with External
LED Strip Light for Outdoor; LED 10 W/m, 900 lm/m, 3000K (warm white), 120 degree light beam,
Exterior LED STRIP XLLW30-03 495 m Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4 Frame Cover for Silicone 120 5 3000 450 2.475,00
black doff finish color for external cover + diffused acrylic, IP44 min.
Mounting under Beam

Endo Lighting, Philips, Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1344 lm output lumen: 935 lm, 4000K (natural
Recessed Downlight DLW40-01 30 pcs Downlight White 34 10 4000 935 300,00
Centralite white), 34 degree light beam, 73x76 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.
LEDS C4, Centralite, Endo Recessed Downlight; LED, 30W, 3540 lm, 4000K (natural white), 29 degree light beam, diameter
Mounted Downlight DLW40-02 20 pcs Downlight White 29 30 4000 3540 600,00
Lighting 170x170 mm height 175 mm, Dark Grey Finish Color, IP24 min.
Endo Lighting, Philips, Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1280 lm output lumen: 891 lm, 3000K (warm
Recessed Downlight DLW30-01 16 pcs Downlight White 34 10 3000 891 160,00
Centralite white), 34 degree light beam, 73x76 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.
Endo Lighting, Philips, Recessed Downlight; LED, 10W, lightsource lumen: 1181 lm output lumen: 616 lm, 3000K (warm
Recessed Downlight DLN30-01 46 pcs Downlight White 16 10 3000 616 460,00
Centralite white), 16 degree light beam, 85x105 mm, White Trim, IP24 min.

LEDS C4, Centralite, Mounted Wall Lamp; LED, 25 W, 2150 lm, 3000K (warm white), 18 x 18 degree light beam (UP &
Mounted Wall Lamp WLA30-01 43 pcs Mounted Wall Lamp Bronze asymmetric 8 2700 438 344,00
Ligman DOWN), Bronze finish color, IP65 min.

Suspended Tube Lamp with Centralite, LEDS C4, Suspended Tube Lamp with Housing; LED, 16W, 2100 lm, 4000K (natural white), 110 degree light
TLW40-01 27 pcs Tubelamp White 110 16 4000 2100 432,00
Housing Philips beam, 1170x43x52 mm, White Color, IP20; add suspend cable if needed (as drawn)


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Post-top Pedestrian Lighting Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 45 W, 5822 lm, 4000 K, 70 deg.

Accessories : Pole Lighting; total Height 4 mtr with light head PTW30-01

Diameter : 700 mm Head Height: 625 mm Pole Height : 4000 mm

Colour/Specification : Dark Grey

Others : IP66

Manufactures : Ligman, Unilamp, Centralite

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No :Linear Wall Washer Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 12 W/m, 855 lm/m, 3000 K, 15 x 15 deg.

Accessories : Mounted to bracket and frosted acrylic cover XRLM30-01

Dimension : 35x35 mm Length : 300 mm

Colour/Specification : Alumunium

Others : IP65

Manufactures : TRAXON, LEDS C4, Centralite

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Spotlight Mounted with Stake Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 10 W, 850 lm, 3000 K, 24 deg.

Accessories : Stake for Mounting in Soil XSLM30-01

Length : 105 mm Width : 185 mm Height : 241 mm

Colour/Specification : Black

Others : IP66 min.

Manufactures : Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Spotlight Mounted with Stake Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 15 W, 1350 lm, 3000 K, 24 deg.

Accessories : Stake for Mounting in Soil XSLM30-02

Length : 130 mm Width : 216 mm Height : 220 mm

Colour/Specification : Black

Others : IP65

Manufactures : Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Spotlight Mounted with Bolt Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 15 W, 1350 lm, 3000 K, 24 deg.

Accessories : Stake for Mounting in Soil XSLM30-02A

Length : 130 mm Width : 216 mm Height : 220 mm

Colour/Specification : Dark Grey

Others : IP65

Manufactures : Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Spotlight Mounted with Bolt Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 35 W, 2962 lm, 3000 K, 47 deg.

Accessories : Anti-glare louvre XSLW30-01

Length : 130 mm Width : 216 mm Height : 220 mm

Colour/Specification : Dark Grey

Others : IP65

Manufactures : Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others

Anti-glare Louvre

PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Spotlight Mounted with Bolt Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 20 W, 1650 lm, 3000 K, 46 deg.

Accessories : - XSLW30-02

Diameter : 105 mm Width : 185 mm Height : 185 mm

Colour/Specification : Dark Grey

Others : IP65

Manufactures : Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : HORIZONTAL STEP LIGHT Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 7,0 W, 530 lm, 3000 K, Asym

Accessories : Resessed Box XSTA30-01

Length : 248 mm Width : 82 mm Depth : 119 mm

Colour/Specification : Dark Grey

Others : IP65

Manufactures : Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : In-Ground Luminaire Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 4,0 W, 104-112 lm, 3000 K, 90 degree

Accessories : XSTA30-02

Diameter : 218 mm Height : 217mm

Colour/Specification : Similar with floor finish (Wood)

Others : IP65

Manufactures : Unilamp, Centralite, Ligman

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Mounted Bollard Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 15 W, 900 lm, 3000 K, 360 deg.

Accessories : XBLW30-01

Length : 150 x 150 mm Downlight Diameter : 100 mm Height : 700 mm

Colour/Specification : Black doff

Others : IP65

Manufactures : LEDS C4, Unilamp, Centralite

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : In-Ground Recessed Uplight Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 7 W, 459 lm, 2700 K, 27 deg.

Accessories : - XULN30-01

Diameter : 58 mm Height : 90 mm

Colour/Specification : Black doff

Others : IP66 min., IK10, Cable Connector IP67 min.,

Manufactures : LEDS C4, Unilamp, Centralite

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Mounted Downlight Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 8 W, 438 lm, 2700 K, 90 x 60 deg.

Accessories : - XWLA30-01

Diameter : 100 x 100 mm Height : 81 mm

Colour/Specification : Bronze Color

Others : IP65

Manufactures : LEDS C4, Centralite, Ligman

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Mounted Downlight Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 11 W, 1144 lm, 3000 K, 38 deg.

Accessories : - XDLW30-01

Diameter : 120 x 120 mm Height : 125 mm

Colour/Specification : Dark Grey

Others : IP44

Manufactures : LEDS C4, Centralite, Unilamp

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Mounted Downlight Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 23 W, 2832 lm, 4000 K, 38 deg.

Accessories : - XDLW40-01

Diameter : 170 x 170 mm Height : 175 mm

Colour/Specification : Dark Grey

Others : IP44

Manufactures : LEDS C4, Centralite, Unilamp

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : LED Strip Flexible for Outdoor Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 7,5 W/m, 600 lm/m, 3000K, 120 deg.

Accessories : bracket u-channel for holding LED Strip flex in place XLLW30-01

Length : various as drawn Dimension : 8 x 8 mm

Colour/Specification : -

Others : IP65 min., Cable Connector IP67 min.

Manufactures : Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : LED Strip for Outdoor and Backlight Mirror Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 5,0 W/m, 450 lm/m, 3000K, 120 deg.

u-channel low profile silicone 20x20 mm (length various as drawn) with bracket and frosted acrylic
Accessories :

Length : various as drawn Dimension : 6x12 mm

Colour/Specification : Alumunium

Others : IP65

Manufactures : Centralite, Luci, LEDS C4

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : LED Strip for Outdoor and Backlight Mirror Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 10,0 W/m, 900 lm/m, 3000K, 120 deg.

Accessories : external frame cover with diffused acrylic XLLW30-03

Length : various as drawn Dimension : 91x105 mm

Colour/Specification : Alumunium

Others : IP44 min.

Manufactures : Centralite, Ligman, LEDS C4

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Reccesed Downlight Wide Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 10 W, lightsource lumen: 1344 lm, 4000 K, 34 deg.

output lumen: 935 lm
Accessories : - DLW40-01

Diameter : 73 mm Height : 76 mm

Colour/Specification : -

Others : IP24, CRI>80

Manufactures : Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Mounted Downlight Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 30 W, 3540 lm, 4000 K, 29 deg.

Accessories : - DLW40-02

Diameter : 135 mm Height : 120 mm

Colour/Specification : Dark Grey

Others : IP24, CRI>80

Manufactures : LEDS C4, Centralite, Endo Lighting

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Reccesed Downlight Wide Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 10 W, lightsource lumen: 1280 lm, 3000 K, 34 deg.

output lumen: 891 lm
Accessories : - DLW30-01

Diameter : 73 mm Height : 76 mm

Colour/Specification : -

Others : IP24, CRI>80

Manufactures : Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Reccesed Downlight Narrow Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 10 W, lightsource lumen: 1181 lm, 3000 K, 16 deg.

output lumen: 616 lm
Accessories : - DLN30-01

Diameter : 85 mm Height : 105 mm

Colour/Specification : -

Others : IP24, CRI>80

Manufactures : Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Reccesed Downlight Narrow Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 10 W, lightsource lumen: 1242 lm, 4000 K, 16 deg.

output lumen: 648 lm
Accessories : - DLN40-01

Diameter : 85 mm Height : 105 mm

Colour/Specification : -

Others : IP24, CRI>80

Manufactures : Endo Lighting, Philips, Centralite

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Mounted Downlight Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 25 W, 2150 lm, 2700 K, 18 x 18 deg.

Accessories : - WLA30-01

Diameter : 102 x 102 mm Height : 218 mm

Colour/Specification : Bronze Color

Others : IP65

Manufactures : LEDS C4, Centralite, Ligman

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others


PROJECT NAME : RTH Unika Atma Jaya

DATE : 14/04/2024
CCT Ref : Various

Luminaire Type / Model No : Suspended Tube Lamp with Housing Type Fitting

Lamp Type : LED, 16 W, 2100 lm, 4000 K, 110 deg.

Accessories : - TLW40-01

Length : 1170 mm Width : 43 mm Height : 52 mm

Colour/Specification : -

Others : IP20

Manufactures : Centralite, LEDS C4, Philips

Notes : Each Light Fitting should be delivered as complete working model

Notes / Remarks / Drawings / Dimensions / Others

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