Q 2
Q 2
Q 2
Can you
find any examples of censorship, propaganda, secrecy or regulation in
Pakistan? (10 marks)
Media :
Communication channels through which news entertainment, education, data, or
promotional messages are disseminated is known as media. Media includes
every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium
suchas Newspaper Magazines Television Radio Billboards Direct
mail Telephone Fax and Internet. Media is a very powerful change agent.
What we see in the television largely influences our beliefs and in turn, this also
affects our behavior and how we turn out as a person. Media the fourth pillar of
state. Power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent.
Controls the minds of the masses. Informative bridge between governing bodies
and general public. Helps to form opinions and make judgments regarding
various issues.
Types of Media :
Print media :
lightweight, portable, disposable publications printed on paper.
Electronic media :
Media that use electronics or electromechanical energy for audience. New age
media electronic communication that involves the use of computer technology.
Pakistan television corporation came into being under the Ayub ministry of
information headed by Ubaid ur Rehman with NEC joint khan’s venture
collaboration Era. In Ayub Khan’s Era On November 26, 1964 the first official
television station PTV commenced transmission broadcasts from LAHORE
brought under the In Zia. Television wascampaign, Heavy Islamalization the ul
censorship was exercised on of media to safeguard the glory Haq’s Islam. In Zia
ul Haq’s Era Ban on “daily musawaat” which was critical of martial law regime
In response to the ban on the daily musawaat the Pakistan Federal Union of
Journalists protested and launched a campaign of hunger strike.
M E D I A Purpose Of Media :
Due to Media, people in foreign countries are constrained to think that Pakistan
is full of ill-cultured and fraudulent people. Responsibility of Media should be
to broadcast the right news without crushing the image of the nation.
Destructive Media :