ICT Standard Deviation Projection
ICT Standard Deviation Projection
ICT Standard Deviation Projection
In trading, standard deviation projections can be used to identify potential targets for trades.
One way to do this is by recognizing price action that indicates a potential manipulation leg. This includes a short-term high/low and a price break through that high/low before coming back down/up and shifting structure bearish/bullish.
From there, we can draw a Fib from the high/low to the low/high and use it to project out our targets.
Once you have identified potential targets, it's important to look for areas of liquidity that can serve as potential targets. Ideally, you want to look for the 2 to 2.5 standard deviations as a target, as well as the fourth standard deviation. Look
for areas where there is a PD array or area of liquidity that lines up in those areas to take profit.
It's important to have targets to aim for when entering and exiting positions. One such target is the 2 to 2.5 standard deviation, which is significant because it represents a move that is statistically unlikely to occur. Another potential target is
the 4 standard deviation, which is even less likely to occur.
To identify these targets, traders often use PD arrays to identify areas of liquidity for taking profit. These arrays help to identify where buyers and sellers are likely to be active, which can be useful for predicting price movements.