Brainsalt Products Catalog 2019
Brainsalt Products Catalog 2019
Brainsalt Products Catalog 2019
Product Catalog
Product Catalog
B7 Series Software
Software Platform of B7 Audio and Video Server
B7 Series Server
Uncompressed Media Servers
Digital Signage
Create and Distribute Content to Screens
Key Technologies of
Media Based Attractions
Introducing our Products and their KEY Features
Everything under Control: CONDUCTOR
Conductor with Show
Controllers and I/O Modules
Most media based attractions require running effects synchronous
to video playback. BRAINSALT created a truly incredible solution
called Conductor. Interfacing through our ProCommander show
controllers and Pro I/O Modules nearly anything can be controlled
in the real world. Conductor provides an easy to use interface and
supports various different programming interfaces like keyboard,
mouse, joystick, midi faders with force feedback and game
controllers. Any slider or button of the interfaces can be mapped to
any recording channel and output and programming can be done
in real-time. Conductor can also control a BRAINSALT video server
cluster during programming. The server system will follow drags
of the locator in Conductor, giving the designer and programmers
the power to quickly seek, play and adjust motion or effects while
seeing media playing on the screen.
Realtime or Standalone
All of our Show Controllers and I/O Modules can operate
“live” - receiving updates over network from a video server or
programmer’s laptop. Alternatively to this realtime operation
mode, final shows can be exported to a flash storage to be used
with our ProCommander show controllers in standalone mode.
Those shows can either run in loop or can be triggered by external
inputs or timecode. Multiple shows can run parallel, merged
together through merge modes. Complete scenes of a dark
ride or preshow elements can be realized with such standalone
controllers. For example a preshow element with stereo audio and
DMX light can be played from our ProCommander 2. Just connect
loudspeakers to the amplified outputs and your DMX cable.
B7 Series Software
Software Platform of B7 Audio and Video Server
The heart of all BRAINSALT video servers. Either as Standalone
instance, as Controller or Time Code Player in a cluster,
Playmaker makes sure your show is running and pixels are played
perfectly to the screen. Support for most common movie and
audio formats is integrated. BRAINSALT’s uncompressed formats
guarantee pixel perfect playback.
B7 Series Software
Most advanced 3D mapping tool with the ability to project on
any screen or object. Easy marker-based projector calibration to
math the 3D scene to real world. Dynamic blending and warping
for projection on moving screens and objects. Compatible with
our camera based Auto Alignment system Calibrator.
B7 Series Software
Media Manager
Load audio and video media to BRAINSALTs pixel perfect
uncompressed single frames formats. Compose playlists from
frame sequences and audio files that can be played as movies
with Playmaker. Supports content slicing for server clusters.
Rapid deployment of singe frames to a server cluster for real-
time content review.
Graphical, timeline based effect and show programming.
Artnet, Udp, RS232, Multichannel Audio devices. DMX, Analog,
Digital, Relay and Servo outputs through BRAINSALT PRO I-O
devices. Artnet and DMX monitoring and recording. Realtime
programming through mouse, keyboard, MIDI, joystick,
gamepads or similar. Frame accurate with BRAINSALT server or
standalone operation.
Timeline Editing Live Recording and Timeline Editing Multi Channel Audio with Volume Control
Conductor is a timeline based show programming software Live Recording and Timeline Editing
that visualizes every numeric output (any analog, digital You can map and record an external devices like mouse, keyboard,
or DMX output) through a curve. Commands can be placed joystick, MIDI faders and game controllers to any or multiple
along the timeline in commands channels. A numeric channels and program your show in real-time. Punch In/Out can be
set per group - you decide to record to all or single channels. Input
channel can have different interpolation modes: step,
values can be scaled or inverted and you can define ease-in and
linear or curve. Just add control points by double clicking -out times for devices with no force feedback, to avoid any jumps
into to channel, edit value and time by dragging the point in the recording data.
or enter accurate values through the quick edit command.
If you need to interface with hardware, you can use
BRAINSALT’s network connected ProCommander or Pro Keyframe Sliders
I-O devices. Although ProCommanders can be used as As an alternative to direct point manipulation, the keyframe sliders
solid state controllers, they are also capable to operate in allow you to jump from point to point and adjust the value of the
real-time together with Conductor and they provide various point with the slider
output types from one device. Pro I-O devices with DMX,
analog, digital, relay or servo outputs are available. Any
number of Pro Commanders and Pro I-O devices can be Multi Channel Audio with Volume Control
used. Load and route audio to up to 16 audio channels. Volume
envelopes can be put to every audio file.
B7 Series Software
Use our Conductor Full Edition for show creation and programing. If just playout of an existing show together with Playmaker on our video
servers is needed, you can use the “Play” edition.
Full Play
Max. ProCommander per showfile unlimited unlimited
Max. Pro I/O modules as ProCommander slaves per showfile unlimited unlimited
Max. standalone Pro I/O modules per showfile unlimited unlimited
DMX recording √ ×
DMX output unlimited unlimited
Artnet recording √ ×
Artnet devices in Conductor √ √
Input controller for programing √ ×
C# script channels, custom plugins √ √
Import and export CSV files, import Open-Hex files √ ×
Sync to external timecode (possible inputs: Pro Commander, LTC √ Playmaker only
reader on computer, Playmaker on video server
Remote control of Conductor through UDP commands √ Playmaker only
Saving enabled √ ×
Auto Alignment with 3 Cameras Unaligned Image Auto Alignment in Progress Aligned Image
B7 Series Software
System Tools
BRAINSALT video servers are running a write protected,
embedded operating system. Tools for EDID Management and
EDID Emulation, Gen lock Watchdog and 4K Output Mode setup
are installed. During boot these tools automatically set the
correct display layout and system settings to guarantee proper
Embedded OS
BRAINSALT Video Servers are using an embedded Operation
System. This allows to write protect the system files and system
settings to avoid unexpected modifications during operation. If
3rd party software must be installed, the write protection can be
temporarily disabled during setup.
EDID Management
Our EDID Manager allows to read the currently connected EDIDs,
modify them and override the outputs with emulated EDIDs.
During system startup and even on video load (if change of output
frequency is necessary to match to video’s frame rate) the EDIDs
are automatically loaded. Thus, regardless what happens on the
servers output, it will always provide a signal with the timings
specified in the emulated EDID.
4K Output Mode
4K Projektors usually are feed in quadrant or column mode. Both
modes can be set and are automatically setup on startup.
B7 Series Server
B7 Series Server
Uncompressed 4:4:4, high resolution, high framerate, high
bitdepth - the key features of our B7 Series Servers. 2K, 3K and
4K DP 1.4 or HD-BaseT outputs, redundant fans, swappable or
redundant PSU, acoustic and visual alarm, touch screen for basic
setup, monitoring over network (full specs on next page)
Naming Convention / Type specifications. Please contact us for full server list and options
B7 P 4K 3 60 R 3 0 0 1 .8
Range: Max. Max. Channel: Max. FPS: PSU: Audio Card: Capture Timecode Genlock Max.
E..Entry Channel Entry 2K: 4@30FPS 30 F..Fixed 0..None Input Input Input: Content
P..Pro Resolution: Entry 2K-T: 6@30FPS 60 S..Swapable 1..Analog 8 0..None 0..None 0..None Length
Entry 2K: 3@60FPS 120 R..Redundant 2..ADAT 32 1..1x DVI 1..LTC 1..Genlock
2K Min.
3K Entry 4K: 2@30FPS 3..MADI 64 2..1x HDMI 2.0 2..TCO LTC Input
4K Entry 4K-T: 3@30FPS 5..AES 16 3..1x DP 1.2
Entry 4K: 1@60FPS 7..Dante 64
Pro 2K: 6@30FPS 8..Dante Virtual
Pro 2K: 6@60FPS
Pro 4K: 6@30FPS
Pro 4K: 3@60FPS
Pro 4K: 1@120FPS
Add T for HDBase-T
Add TD for Distance
A16 AD/DA Converter
B7 Series Audio Converter
• BNC 1 x input, 1 x output
• 75 Ohm termination
• 1 x Wordclock, rising edge
• Sync generator frequencies: 24, 25, 30, 48, 50, 60, 72, 75, 90, 96,
100, 120 Hz
Headphone Output
• Independent channel
• Select any mono or stereo source
• Select one of 5 mixes of all inputs and outputs
• Digital volume control
A32 AD/DA Converter
B7 Series Audio Converter
Power Supply
• 2 x input jacks with screw lock for redundant power voltage
supervision, warning message on screen when PSU input fails
• 2 x power supply included, 12V, 3A
Show Controllers and I/Os
Solid State and Network Connected
for Show Controllers
Graphical, timeline based effect and show programming for
ProCommander and Pro I-O Series show controller and I/Os.
Export shows to ProCommander show controller. Artnet and DMX
monitoring and recording. Real-time programming
through mouse, keyboard, MIDI, joystick, gamepads or similar.
Timeline Editing Live Recording Multi Channel Audio With Volume Control
Conductor is a timeline based show programming software that Multi Channel Audio With Volume Control
visualizes every numeric output (any analog, digital or DMX output) Load and route audio up to 16 audio channels. Volume envelopes
through a curve. Commands can be placed along the timeline can be put to every audio file.
in commands channels. A numeric channel can have different
interpolation modes: step, linear or curve. Just add control
points by double clicking into channel, edit value and time by
Artnet & DMX Recording
dragging the point or enter accurate values through the quick edit
Record and monitor up to 16 Artnet universes at once or one
universe through Pro I-O DMX interface and assign the recorded
data to any Artnet or Pro I-O DMX output device. The recorded data
can also be extracted for editing. Recording is synchronized either
Live Recording and Timeline Editing through Artnet timecode or can be triggered by the first changing
You can map and record external devices like mouse, keyboard, DMX channel or by hitting a button.
joystick, MIDI faders and game controllers to any or multiple
channels and program your show in real-time. Punch In/Out can be
set per group - you decide to record to all or single channels. Input
Offline Editing
values can be scaled or inverted and you can define ease-in and
Import video and have a frame accurate preview for offline editing,
-out times for devices with no force feedback, to avoid any jumps
if your final show should run synchronous to video.
in the recording data.
Keyframe Sliders
As an alternative to direct point manipulation, the keyframe sliders
allow you to jump from point to point and adjust the value of the
point with the slider.
Show Controllers and I/Os
We offer different versions to meet project requirements and budget. Please contact us for details.
ConductorPro Conductor
Editions for ProCommander Show Controller Full Show Control
and Creation
Show Controller and I/Os
Show Controller and I/Os
The ProCommanders are solid-state show controllers with a Both, ProCommanders and Pro I-O Modules can be accessed
flash memory card slot. Different shows can be stored on a card through our show programming software Conductor. Alternatively
and either run automatically, triggered by an external event or to run shows live from Conductor on a BRAINSALT video server,
scheduled at a specific time. The ProCommanders can be daisy Conductor allows to upload show data to ProCommander show
chained with one or multiple Pro I-O Modules - just add modules for controllers. Shows on a ProCommander can be set to loop on
every interfaces you need. power-up, be triggered internally by other timelines (digital or
analog inputs), wait to sync with incoming SMPTE timecode or
simply begin from a UDP command.
ProCommander Series
The ProCommander Series features solid-state show
controllers built for playback of synchronous audio,
animation, lighting, and mechanical action. The flexible
architecture options and open control protocols allow
inspired attractions to be designed without hardware
ProCommander 2/3
Features Hardware
• 16 digital outputs at 48VDC/500mA • Power requirements: 36 W, 12V - 24V
• 16 digital inputs OR 8 digital and 8 analog • External power supply: 100V - 240V, 24V output
• 3 x RS-232 serial ports • Operating temperature range 0°C - 40°C (32°F - 104°F)
• 512 channels of DMX output • Operating relative humidity range 8% - 80% (non-condensing)
• On-board ethernet • Dimensions (WxHxD): 16.5 x 4.6 x 10.5 cm
• 4 x servo outputs • Shipping dimensions (WxHxD): 18 x 8,5 x 28 cm
• User replaceable chipsets • Weight: 1.2 kg
• Mounts in 1/2 rack space
• Battery, solar and charging capable
• 8 x high powered relays optional
• IR remote control available
• High powered on-board class-D stereo amp
• Integrated DMX merger with LTP, HTP modes
• Integrated MicroSD storage for audio/timeline data
Show Controller and I/Os
ProCommander PHX
Features Hardware
• Polyphonic audio layering • Power requirements: 36 W, 12V - 24V
• Dual-zone support • External power supply: 100V - 240V, 24V Output
• UDP audio mix control • Operating temperature range 0°C - 40°C (32°F - 104°F)
• SMPTE timecode in & out • Operating relative humidity range 8% - 80% (non-condensing)
• Real time clock & scheduler • Dimensions (WxHxD): 16.5 x 4.6 x 10.5 cm
• 16 digital outputs at 48VDC/500mA • Shipping dimensions (WxHxD): 18 x 8,5 x 28 cm
• 16 digital inputs • Weight: 1.2 kg
• 2 x RS-232 serial ports (1 RS-485 capable with adapter)
• 512 channels of DMX input
• 512 channels of DMX output
• On-board ethernet
• PNP positive driver optional
• 8 x high powered relays optional
• IR remote control available
• 4-channel line out through RCA connectors
• 4-channel integrated amplifier
• Integrated DMX merger with LTP, HTP modes
• Integrated MicroSD storage for audio/timeline data
-( + REMOTE1-8/RELAY1-8 REMOTE9-16 LS1 LS2
RELAY 1-8 PWM1-8
ProCommander ES
Features Hardware
• A full universe of DMX512 output • Power requirements: 36 W, 12V - 24V
• 8x digital in • External power supply: 100V - 240V, 24V output
• 8x digital out • Operating temperature range 0°C - 40°C (32°F - 104°F)
• Stereo out • Operating relative humidity range 8% - 80% (non-condensing)
• High powered on-board class-D stereo amp • Dimensions (WxHxD): 10.6 x 4.1 x 10.9 cm
• Network ready • Shipping dimensions (WxHxD): 18.5 x 6 x 25 cm
• On-board ethernet • Weight: 0.8 kg
• Mounts in 1/4 rack space
• Integrated MicroSD storage for audio/timeline data
• High power mofset transistor
Technical Highlights
• Network jack for UDP messaging and show file uploads
• Play up to 6 timelines (1 audio playback stream concurrently) to
allow management of a variety of tasks around your exhibit
• Powerful class-D amplifier provides in place amplification
throughout the exhibit space
-( +
Show Controller and I/Os
Features Hardware
• Full universe of 512 DMX channels • Power requirements: 36 W, 12V - 24V
• 3 pin and 5 pin XLR output connector • External power supply: 100V - 240V, 24V output
• 5 pin XLR input • Operating temperature range 0°C - 40°C (32°F - 104°F)
• DMX recording • Operating relative humidity range 8% - 80% (non-condensing)
• DMX merging (HTP, LTP, ADD, change & combine) • Dimensions (WxHxD): 10.6 x 4.1 x 10.9 cm
• Selectable DMX frame rate from 10fps to 44fps • Shipping dimensions (WxHxD): 18.5 x 6 x 25 cm
• Display of 16 selectable DMX channels in alpha numeric display
-( +
Features Hardware
• 32 open collector digital channels outputs • Power requirements: 36 W, 12V - 24V
• Up to 400mA per channel • External power supply: 100V - 240V, 24V output
• Available with NPN (negative) or PNP (positive) output driver • Operating temperature range 0°C - 40°C (32°F - 104°F)
• Display of ON/OFF status of the outputs • Operating relative humidity range 8% - 80% (non-condensing)
• DMX read in for DMX to digital out conversion (via ArtNet) • Dimensions (WxHxD): 10.6 x 4.1 x 10.9 cm
• Overvoltage protection • Shipping dimensions (WxHxD): 18.5 x 6 x 25 cm
• Short circuit protection with PNP driver output • Weight: 0.8 kg
• 48V/500mA output driver
Show Controller and I/Os
Features Hardware
• 8x relay outputs • Power requirements: 36 W, 12V - 24V
• 48V/3A switching load • External power supply: 110V - 240V, 24V output
• Display of ON/OFF status of the outputs • Operating temperature range 0°C - 40°C (32°F - 104°F)
• DMX read in for DMX to relay conversion (via ArtNet) • Operating relative humidity range 8% - 80% (non-condensing)
• Dimensions (WxHxD): 10.6 x 4.1 x 10.9 cm
Common Features for Pro I-O Modules • Shipping dimensions (WxHxD): 18.5 x 6 x 25 cm
• Ethernet connection • Weight: 0.8 kg
• USB connection
• ArtNet support
• RS485 in/out for daisy chain connection
• 19” rack mount adapter available
• Din-rail mount available
-( +
PRO I-O Analog 8
Features Hardware
• 8x 0-10V analog outputs • Power requirements: 36 W, 12V - 24V
• Up to 300mA per output channel • External power supply: 100V - 240V, 24V output
• 50mA output driver • Operating temperature range 0°C - 40°C (32°F - 104°F)
• On screen level display for each output • Operating relative humidity range 8% - 80% (non-condensing)
• DMX read in for DMX to analog conversion (via ArtNet) • Dimensions (WxHxD): 10.6 x 4.1 x 10.9 cm
• Short circuit protection • Shipping dimensions (WxHxD): 18.5 x 6 x 25 cm
• Weight: 0.8 kg
Common Features for Pro I-O Modules
• Ethernet connection
• USB connection
• ArtNet support
• RS485 in/out for daisy chain connection
• 19” rack mount adapter available
• Din-rail mount available
- �+
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Show Controller and I/Os
Features Hardware
• 16x digital inputs • Power requirements: 36 W, 12V - 24V
• Onboard storage for ASCII scripting • External power supply: 110V - 240V, 24V output
• Send serial or network messages to any network device • Operating temperature range 0°C - 40°C (32°F - 104°F)
• Operating relative humidity range 8% - 80% (non-condensing)
Common Features for Pro I-O Modules • Dimensions (WxHxD): 10.6 x 4.1 x 10.9 cm
• Ethernet connection • Shipping dimensions (WxHxD): 18.5 x 6 x 25 cm
• USB connection • Weight: 0.8 kg
• ArtNet support
• RS485 in/out for daisy chain connection
• 19” rack mount adapter available
• Din-rail mount available
-( +
PIN 1-8: INPUT 1-8; PIN 9: PS+; PIN10:GND PIN 1-8: INPUT 1-8; PIN 9: PS+; PIN10:GND
1 10 1 10
Digital Signage
Create and Distribute Content to Screens
Digital Signage
Our Presenter Software enables you to compose and distribute
content to screens easily. Simply draw regions on your desktop
and put videos, slideshows, webpages, video capture, ticker and
clock into their playlist. When done editing, schedule playback
and distribute either locally or via BRAINSALT CMS Cloud to
internet connected Presenter Players.
Content Editing The live preview mode shows your composition and gives you
Presenter runs on Windows 7.0 Operating System or later. Content the possibility to adjust your layout in real-time. Once editing
editing can be done on any PC running Windows 7 or later. If you is done, you can preview the entire composition. After creating
purchase a Presenter Player, you get one license for an “editing one or multiple compositions, you create a schedule for them as
station” (for example your office PC) for free. preparation for content distribution.
Supported Media
• Video: MPEG1, MPEG2, H.264, AVC
• Images: PNG (including transparency), JPG, BMP, GIF, TGA, TIFF
• Webpages including Flash
• Static Ticker and RSS feeds
• Analog and digital clock
• Database access through C# live scripting function
Presenter Player
Presenter Passive Cooling
• Passive cooled player, no fans
• Player hardware including Windows 8 Embedded 64 bit
• Up to 4K output resolution, up to 4K@30 FPS media playback
• BRAINSALT Presenter Software installed, license key installed
• Passive cooling, 80 GB SSD, 2 x miniDP, 1 x Lan, 1 x audio, 4 x
USB, 1 x COM, 0 x WLAN (Optional), 0 x bluetooth (optional), Vesa
mount, external power supply 100-240V, 65W
• 200 x 150 x 47 mm (DxWxH)
• Operating 0°C ~ +50°C, Storage -20°C ~ +70°C
• Player hardware including Windows 7 Embedded
• BRAINSALT Presenter Software installed, license key installed
• Active fan, 30 GB SSD, 1 x mini DP, 1 x mini HDMI 1.4a, Lan, 4 x
USB, 1 x stereo audio, Vesa mount, external power supply 100V
- 240V; 65W, Windows Embedded Standard 7.0 64 bit, 115 x 115 x
50 mm
Presenter Pro 2, 4 or 6
• Player hardware including Windows 7 Embedded
• BRAINSALT Presenter or Presenter Pro Software installed,
license key installed
• 2, 4 or 6 channel DisplayPort outputs, up to 2560x1600@60 or
3840x1080 each output
• Adapter to 4K HDMI 2.0 available
• 400W power supply 100V-240V
• 9”, 3U Rackmount chassis
Digital Signage
User management
Users with different access levels and access nodes can be
created. As example: a media creation user might only have the
right to upload new content and set that active to a certain group,
while an administrative user can move players to different groups,
remote connect to it and change the group topology.
Remote access
The CMS server also acts as a repeater for remote connections to
a player connected through the internet. If an administrator wants
to log into a player, the player is actively opening a remote control
session to the CMS server and the remote control session is routed
through the CMS server to the software on the administrator’s
computer. That way, router and firewall at the player’s end do not
need to be specially configured.
• CMS software, 3U rackmount, redundant fans and power supply,
hardware raid controller, 2 x 1 GBit NIC, 10 TB Raid 5, Windows
Web Server 2008, Microsoft SQL Server, 6 Core 2.66 Ghz, 12GB
Ram, 30 GB system SSD
• Country of origin: Austria, Customs tariff number: 84718000
Brainsalt Media GmbH
Bockgasse 2b [email protected]
4020 Linz/Austria +43 732 890141-0, F:15