Vilela 2007
Vilela 2007
Vilela 2007
The Intisar ‘D’ reservoir is a carbonate reef of Paleocene The Intisar “D” reef reservoir is a carbonate bioherm reef
origin with no appreciable flow barrier. This is an under of Paleocene origin and which lies within Concession
saturated reservoir with an oil of 40 °API and solution 103, where seismic operations were begun in 1967; It is
gas oil ratio of 595 SCF/STB. The reservoir, having 452 located in the east-central part of the Great Socialist
ft of net pay, is at a datum of 9,000 ftSS with an initial Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah (see Figure 1), 220
OOIP of 1.76 billion stock tank barrels and initial miles (354 Km) south of Benghazi and 525 (845 Km)
reservoir pressure of 4,257 psia. east-southeast of Tripoli and it is part of the prolific Sirte
A series of very successful reservoir management Basin. Intisar ‘A’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ belong to the same
strategies have been applied in order to optimize and concession 103; Intisar ‘A’ was first discovered in April
increase the production capacity and reserves. So far 1967 with first well A1 at a well depth of 9,417 ft; the
69.2 % (1.2 MMSTB) of OOIP has been recovered third exploratory well drilled in concession 103
mainly due to implementation of an EOR project. discovered Intisar ‘C’ in September 1967 and fourth well
discovered Intisar ‘D’ .
From the commencement of production in 1969 up to
1981, Intisar ‘D’ was under bottom water injection for
reservoir pressure maintenance and crestal hydrocarbon
gas injection for pressure maintenance, gas
conservation and enhanced oil recovery; then water
injection was halted, but gas injection has been
continued successfully until now. Against common
knowledge, oil recovery to gas (immiscible) was more
effective than water flooding.
It was discovered in October 1967 with the completion of to get into contact with oil left behind after waterflooding (Sor
Well D1 which encountered the oil-bearing Upper to water injection). When GOC reached the location of WOC
Paleocene carbonate reservoir at a depth of 8,946 ft and at 1981, the tertiary process commenced; according to
the WOC at 9,834 ft with 888 ft of gross productive reservoir simulation model and some log measurement tertiary
interval1,2,3. recovery began between years 2002-2003 in different reservoir
The reservoir contains under-saturated oil of 40º API
and the Original Oil In Place (OOIP) has been estimated Table 1 list the 103D reservoir parameters and PVT
as 1.76 billion stock tank barrels. There is no evidence of Properties.
flow barriers inside this volumetric reservoir of
homogeneous properties with average porosity of 22% Initial Reservoir Pressure, psig 4257
and average permeability of 200mD. The reservoir Saturation Pressure, psig 2224
thickness ranges from 250 ft to 1,000 ft. In a plan view Solution GOR, SCF/STB 595
Intisar ‘D’ looks circular with a diameter of 3 miles (see Oil Viscosity at initial pressure, cp 0.46
Figure 2). Initial Bo RB/STB 1.315
Reservoir Temperature, F 226
Oil gravity, °API 40
Average horizontal permeability, mD 200
Average net porosity, percent 22
Rock compressibility, vol/vol/psi 3.5 x 10-6
Water compressibility, vol/vol/psi 3.6 x 10-6
Well Completions
Development wells drilled in Intisar ‘D’ were normally
completed with 9 5/8-in. casing set at or near the top of the
reef. Below that point the completions differ according to the
purpose of the well. Most producing wells have been
completed by drilling 500 to 700 ft of 8 ½-in. open hole below
the 95/8-in. casing shoe. In the 1970’s and 1980’s, 7-in. and 5-
Figure 2. Structural Map
in liner were run in producers to control GOR.
For water injection wells completions vary according to
Discovery and Development
whether the well is a surface or a dump flood injector. In
The field development began in June 1968 and was completed
surface injectors an 81/2-in. hole was drilled from the 95/8-in.
in May 1970 with the drilling of 36 wells, 13 producers, 16
casing shoe to a point about 100 ft above the oil-water contact.
water injectors and 7 gas injectors. Most of the wells were
Seven-inch liner is cemented at that depth and a 6-in. hole is
completed openhole with 9 5/8-in casing just penetrating
drilled another 300 ft to the base of the reef porosity. Upper
porosity at the top of the structure. Water injection was
dump flood injectors are completed like surface injectors
implemented at the bottom of the reservoir and started in
except for the additional perforations in water source beds
March 1969 while crestal gas injection began in January 1970,
above the reef. The lower dump flood injection well
when the first of the four 40,000-hp gas-turbine driven
completion differs in that an 81/2-in. hole is drilled completely
centrifugal compressors was commissioned, each capable of
through the reef to the base of the underlying Heira shale.
injecting 250 MMSCF/D of gas at a surface injection pressure
Seven-inch liner is set at this point, and a 6-in. hole is drilled
of about 3,500 psig.
from the 7-in. shoe through the Heira carbonate water source
This “sandwich scheme” lasted up to 1981 when water
injection was halted and gas injection continued until today.
The main reason for stopping water injection was the result of
Mode of Operation
the comparative evaluation between water and gas swept
During field development the mode of operation has changed
efficiency that showed the latter being more efficient than the
several times: from October 1968 to March 1969, natural
former, and the possibility to continue gas injection in the
depletion ; then, from March 1969 to January 1970,
volume of the reservoir already swept by waterflooding
secondary recovery with bottom water injection; next, from
(tertiary oil recovery). This mode of operation defined two
February 1970 to September 1981, secondary recovery
zones into the reservoir: Water Swept Zone (WSZ), from the
process with bottom water injection and crestal gas injection;
original oil water contact (OOWC ~ 9500 ft) up to water oil
from October 1981 to December 2002, secondary recovery
contact in 1981 (WOC@1981 ~ 9200 ft ) and Gas Swept
crestal gas injection and finally, from January 2003 until now
Zone (GSZ), everything else. Therefore, the mode of reservoir
tertiary oil recovery with gas injection 4,5,6,7.
operation changed: gas injection to continue at the crest, so
GOC to continue moving down, and water production was
increased on purpose so WOC could move down to allow gas
SPE 104619 3
1981 2005
Gas Injector Producer Wa ter Injector
Gas Injector
Sorg= 10%
Gas Swept Zone
Sorg= 10%
OWC@1981 OWC@1981
Tertiary Gas Swept Zone Sorg= 15%
Sorw= 28% GOC
Sorw= 28%
According to reservoir performance and using the full field Component Injected Injected Injected Injected
reservoir model, the recovery factor to gas injection up to 1968- 1973- 1981- 1988-
December 2002 (end of gas injection as secondary recovery 1972 1980 1987 present
process) was evaluated as 81%, which means the remaining (Mole (Mole (Mole (Mole
oil saturation to gas injection is 10%. %) %) %) %)
N2 0.75 0.64 0.50 0.61
C1 72.31 76.02 77.14 81.65
This extremely good recovery efficiency can be explained due CO2 2.75 3.44 3.30 4.23
to the performance of three phenomena: phase effect, gravity C2 13.61 12.84 11.81 11.36
effect and swelling effect. C3 7.23 5.20 4.99 1.65
Phase effect: dry gas injected tends to vaporize some of the iC4 1.00 0.68 0.63 0.18
intermediate components –sometimes some of the heavy ones nC4 1.53 0.91 0.82 0.23
– out of the oil remaining behind the initial gasflood front. So, iC5 0.43 0.12 0.16 0.05
phase effects strips oil as the dry gas picks up intermediate nC5 0.32 0.10 0.11 0.03
components from reservoir oil,
C6+ 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.01
Gravity effect: in Intisar “D”, flow is vertical and due to large
pay, gravity drainage stabilizes gasflood front preventing
Table 2. Gas composition injected in Intisar ‘D’.
viscous fingering in the reservoir; in this way, a huge gas cap
is being built with a pretty homogeneous front pushing oil
Comparing the light components (C1 + N2) composition of
each solvent, as time progresses, show that gas injected is
Swelling effect: dissolution of gas in oil phase under pressure
getting liner, losing the heavier components going from
gives rise to swelling of oil which reduces oil viscosity
73.06% of C1 + N2 in 1968-1972 to 76.66% during 1973-
making easy for oil to move; in addition swelling reduces
1980 to 77.64% from 1981 to 1987 and finally to 83.60% from
interfacial tension between oil and gas, reducing capillary
1988 to the present.
pressure and residual oil saturation. The swelling effect is
proportional to pressure: higher the pressure, then higher the
swelling effect.
Figure 5 shows simultaneously MMP and reservoir pressure
for 103D EOR project over all production time.
Miscibility of injected solvent in oil is a unique function of Reservoir Pressure
hydrocarbon and solvent involved and pressure environment. RESERVOIR PRESSURE / MMP
In an immiscible process gas conning and channelling and 5000
due to higher gas mobility compared with oil mobility, so gas 4600
reduced. 4200
As solvent has heavier components, the Minimum Miscibility
for several reasons; in this case the main reason is because gas 3000
injection composition is diferent from gas production 2600
composition. 2400
using oil from 103D to determine MMP under different gas 2000
Table 3. Gas composition injected in 1992 slim tube test. Oil Cumulative (MMSTB) 904.4
Water Cumulative (MMSTB) 71.9
Gas Cumulative (MMSCF) 1006.8
A full range of pressures were evaluated, from 4600 psi to Water Injected (MMSTB) 676.7
5200 psi (although for operational difficulties encountered in Gas Injected (MMSCF) 1482.3
the field, injection pressure could not be higher than 4800 psi);
as a result of these tests, the MMP was located somewhere in Table 4. Cumulative Production/Injection stage 1.
between 5000 and 5200 psi.
This gas composition is very similar to the one injected in the Oil Cumulative (MMSTB) 296.3
thrid period of the previous analysis (Period 1981-1987); Water Cumulative (MMSTB) 94.1
accoding to 1973 lab test, for this gas the MMP was 4600 psi Gas Cumulative (MMSCF) 1779.7
but due to change in gas composition, from 1973 to 1992 the Water Injected (MMSTB) -----
MMP increase more than 400 psi. Gas Injected (MMSCF) 2333.6
The first indications of the excess in gas production occurred From these results, it is evident the exceptional efficiency of
at the beginning of 1979, when GOR rose to 3000 SCF/STB gasflood which has been reached due to reservoir properties
from 1650 SFC/STB in late 1978. Most of the well (homogeneous reservoir with no barriers) and a successful
experienced gas breakthrough at the end of this stage but reservoir management over the years.
global GOR was below 4000 SCF/STB; watercut increased
gradually to 20% in 1981 when water injection was When Tertiary Oil Recovery starts in the WSZ, the total
terminated; since then, watercut decreased and reached 10% at remaining oil in this zone was 395MMSTB; up to December
the end of stage 1. 2005 cumulative production has been 17.5 MMSTB, meaning
4.4% of the available oil for the tertiary process.
Stage 2: At the beginning of this stage oil production
experienced a drastic reduction to keep pressure above 4000 Historical production and injection performance of the Intisar
psia; therefore oil production was controlled to 60 MSTB/D ‘D’ field during 37 years of operation is illustrated in Figures
and pressure grown up confirmed the success of this oil 6, 7 and 8. The oil production rate has ranged from a high of
production policy; during 1986-1988 problems with facilities 390,000 STB/D in August 1975 to a low of 16,000 STB/D at
system forced a gas injection reduction which diminished the present time.
reservoir pressure therefore oil production rate was further
constrained to 50 MSTB/D at the end of 1989 when the
previous lack of gas injection was reflected on reservoir
pressure behaviour. In 1993 another reduction in oil
below the WOC and watercut started to increase steadily till 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009
the end of 1996; in 1997, an aggressive well completion
program to deep perforations and prepare the reservoir for the
tertiary proccess began therefore watercut grown up to 65% by 5000
pressure has been stable at around 4400 psia during this stage.
GOR and Watercut experienced moderated increments going
from 12 to 15 MSCF/D and from 55 to 73% respectively.
separately. Table 7, summarizes results for each zone up to 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009
December 2002 when secondary drive process finished and
began tertiary oil recovery. Figure 6. Oil production rate and pressure
Average gas injection rates exceeding 600 MMSCF/D were
attained at the end of 1979 after the fourth compressor was
At the end of July 1980, control of well D9 was lost during a
Once gas is injected through any of the 7 gas injectors, a
fraction of this gas goes to the gascap (due to gravity
segregation) and the other fraction is produced. In the
0 production current there is also gas coming from the gas
1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 dissolved into the oil.
Figure 7. GOR and WCUT Performing a gas material balance, the total volume of the
gascap to December 2005 can be estimated as 1,858
On the other hand, to same date, for this volumetric reservoir,
31% of cumulative water injected has been produced.
One of the key issues related to the success of secondary and
200 tertiary process implemented in 103D is the workover strategy
used. After water shut-in, Intisar ‘D’ plan of exploitation
included continue with gas injection as a secondary process
100 and when GOC will reach WSZ, continue gas injection as
tertiary recovery process to swept oil left behind
waterflooding. As previously mentioned, Sor to water was
0 estimated to be around 28% instead Sor to gas around 10%; the
1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009
difference between these two figures being the windows
opportunities for the tertiary process.
In December 2005, Intisar ‘D’ has produced 1,218 MMSTB of
oil, meaning a recovery factor of 69.2%; the three forecasts
shows Intisar ‘D’ is still capable of producing additional oil in
a range from 50 to 125 MMSTB, depending on gas supply,
2005 2009 2013 2017 2021 2025
which implies its final recovery factor could be between 72.1
%and 76.3 % . Those recovery factor numbers are excellent
Figure 11. Forecast Oil Cumulative Production for any standard worldwide.
can still be produced on a “sandwich” phase injecting
produced gas and shut-in well completions below WOC to
reduce as much as possible water production and reduce
3800 pressure decline rate; in this “sandwich” phase, the goal is to
produce as much oil as possible from the oil column; after this
3600 phase, gas cap blowdown must start. It is important to point
out that, once EOR is stopped and start gas cap blowdown or
“sandwich” recovery, there is no way go get back to the EOR
project, and the oil reserves in the reseroir will be definite lost;
the reason for this is that gas re-dissolution in oil is a very
3000 slow process and only occur at the surface contact between oil
2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 and gas.
1. Crestal high pressure gas injection has given
excellent results with a recovery factor of 81%.
2. Waterflood, although less effective than gas
injection, gave also excellent results comparable with
the more successful waterflooding projects around
the world with a recovery factor of 48.5%.
3. Gas injection has been an immiscible process more of
the time; the success of this process can be attributed
due to the combination of three main phenomena:
phase effect, gravity effect and swelling effect.
4. After three years of tertiary process in the WSZ the
results are in agreement with previously expected and
the performance is excellent.
5. Phase effect and Swelling effect, both phenomena
involved in this EOR project, are highly depended on
reservoir pressure: higher the pressure higher the