Grease Character Descriptors 1
Grease Character Descriptors 1
Grease Character Descriptors 1
DANNY ZUKO - The leader of the Burger Palace Boys; good-looking, strong and confident, with an air of easy-going charm.
Vocal range: Tenor. D-high B. Good falsetto to high D flat if possible.
SANDY DUMBROWSKI - New girl in town; sweet, wholesome, naive, cute, and innocent. Vocal range: Soprano. Low A to E flat
BETTY RIZZO - Leader of the Pink Ladies; tough, sarcastic and outspoken, but vulnerable. Vocal range: Alto. Low A to D Lead
in Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee. Lead in There Are Worse Things I Could Do. Female Quartet accomp in All Choked Up.
FRENCHY - A dreamer; good-natured but not too smart, she is heavily made up, fussy about her appearance, particularly her
hair. She can't wait to finish high school so she can be a beautician. Vocal range: Mezzo Soprano. C to D flat. Female Quartet
accomp in All Choked Up.
MARTY - The 'beauty' of the Pink Ladies; pretty and looks older than the other girls, but betrays her real age when she opens
her mouth. She tries to act sophisticated. Vocal range: Alto. C to D flat. Lead in Freddy My Love. Female Quartet accomp in All
Choked Up.
JAN - Funny, loud, compulsive eater and awkward member of the Pink Ladies. Loud and pushy with the girls, but shy with boys.
Vocal range: Alto. Low F to C sharp. Duet with Roger in Mooning. Female Quartet accomp in All Choked Up.
KENICKIE - The second in command of the Burger Palace Boys; tough-looking, surly and avoids any show of softness. He has
an offbeat sense of humour. Vocal Range: Tenor. C to F sharp. Lead in Greased Lightning. Features in Alone at the Drive In
Movie. Male Quartet accomp in All Choked Up.
SONNY LaTIERRI - A member of the Burger Palace Boys; funny Italian-American, he is a braggart and wheeler-dealer who
thinks he's a real lady-killer. Vocal Range: Baritone. Low G to A. Features in Alone At the Drive-In Movie. Male Quartet accomp
in All Choked Up.
ROGER - The anything-for-a-laugh stocky type of boy; a clown who enjoys winding people up, he is full of mischief and is always
dreaming up half-baked schemes and ideas. Vocal Range: Tenor. F to G. Lead in Mooning (with Jan). Features in Alone at the
Drive-In Move. Duet with Doody in Rock and Roll Party Queen. Male Quartet accomp in All Choked Up.
DOODY - The youngest of the guys; small, boyish and open, with a disarming smile and hero-worshiping attitude towards the
other guys. He also plays the guitar. Vocal Range: Tenor. D to A with good falsetto to high E flat if possible. Lead in Those
Magic Changes. Features in Alone at the Drive In Movie. Duet with Roger in Rock and Roll Party Queen. Male Quartet accomp
in All Choked Up.
EUGENE FLORCZYK - The class valedictorian; physically awkward, with weak eyes and a high-pitched voice. He's a typical
'apple-polisher' - both smug and pompous, but gullible. Vocal Range: Baritone. Sings with ensemble
VINCE FONTAINE - A typical 'teen audience' disc jockey; slick, egotistical and fast-talking. He is also a veteran "Greaser." Vocal
Range: Non-singing role.
CHA CHA, a.k.a. Charlene DiGregorio - The best dancer at St. Bernadette's; a loud mouth, she wins the dancing competition
with Danny. Vocal Range: Non-singing role
JOHNNY CASINO - All-American, rock-star "greaser" student at Rydell High, whose real name is Clarence. Vocal Range: Tenor
G to E with Good falsetto to high C if possible. Lead in Born to Hand Jive
MISS LYNCH - A no-nonsense, serious, loud, English teacher. Vocal Range: Mezzo Soprano
RADIO VOICE: Vocal Range: Mezzo Soprano. Low A to C. Featured Duet with Sandy It’s Raining on Prom Night
TEEN ANGEL – Vocal Range: Tenor. E to F sharp. Good Falsetto to high E if possible. Lead in Beauty School Drop Out and
Students of Rydell High