Menstrual Cycle in Females

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 During the reproductive period of human females the ovaries and the reproductive tract
undergoes series of cyclic changes which prepare them for fertilization and pregnancy and
collectively form the menstrual cycle.
 Most peculiar feature of the cycle is the periodic vaginal bleeding called menstruation.
 The length of the menstrual cycle varies widely in women but on an average is completed in
28 days.
 The first menstrual period is known as menarche.
 This cycle doesn't take place during pregnancy, May be suppressed during lactation and
permanently stops at menopause.
 menstrual cycle is divided into 4 phases
 Menstrual phase:It Lasts for about 3 to 5 days and extends from 1st to 4th day of the
menstrual cycle.
 if the egg remains unfertilised then the corpus luteum starts degenerating as a
result the label of progesterone in blood declines .
 due to low level of progesterone the thick endometrium layer cannot be maintained.
 the unfertilised egg along with a ruptured uterine epithelium, about 50 ml of blood
and some mucus is discharged through the vaginal orifice and is called menstrual
flow or menstruation .
 decrease in the level of progesterone and estrogen in blood stimulate pituitary to
release FSH which starts the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle.
 Follicular or proliferative phase: It lasts for about 11 to 12 days (from 5th to 14th
day of menstrual cycle) it involves the following changes.
 FSH Stimulates the change of primary follicle into graffian follicle .
 follicular cells of graffian follicle secrete estrogen . Estrogen has the following effects.
 Estrogen stimulates the growth, maintenance and functioning of secondary sex
 Endometrial lining of uterus becomes thick more vascular more glandular.
 The uterine gland becomes Corkscrew shaped and gets ready for implantation
 The epithelium of fallopian tube becomes thick and densely ciliated to conduct the
ovum and the zygote.
 High level of estrogen inhibits the secretion of FSH .
 high level of estrogen also initiates the secretion of LH.
 Ovulatory phase
 It involves release of egg from graffian follicle .
 it occurs on 14th or 15th day of menstrual cycle .
 ovulation is controlled by increased level of LH.(LH surge)
 egg is released in the secondary oocyte stage .
 LH also changes the empty graafian follicle into corpus luteum .
 ovum remains viable for 2 days .
 not much change in uterine endometrium is seen during this phase.
 Luteal or secretory phase
 It lasts for about 12 to 14 days and extends from 16th to 28th day of menstrual cycle.
 During this phase the following changes take place.
 Corpus Leutum is Formed from empty graffian follicle.
 It secrets progesterone which induces following changes.
 high level of progesterone decreases the secretion of FISH and LH also inhibits
maturation of new follicles and ovulation.
 uterine and endometrium further proliferates and become ready for implantation.
 uterine glands secretes uterine milk for the developing embryo
 it reduces the uterine movements
 If fertilization takes place then blastula undergoes implantation and a chorinic
placenta is formed which secretes hcg(human chorionic gonadotropin) which
maintains corpus luteum and progesterone secretion continues.
 progesterone maintains pregnancy and prevents ovulation during gestation.


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