Teks Anggi Fix
Teks Anggi Fix
Teks Anggi Fix
First of all, let’s give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT who has given us
blessings and health so that we can attend this agenda without any troubles.
Secondly, shalawat and salam may always be aimed to the Prophet
Muhammad SAW, the best creature that we always make as a role model in
every step of the way.
Well, I want to ask a question first. Do you have Instagram? Or maybe Tiktok?
Or just enjoying Facebook? There, we often see videos of young woman
wearing inappropriate clothes and dancing inappropriately. We also often
hear the news about some teenagers consuming drugs. And after pandemic,
some teenagers are commonly having bad behaviours, such as drinking
alcohol and even serious bullying. Then, consciously they uploaded to the
social media. Is it a good example of what teenagers should do? Of course
not, is it?
But on the other hand, these conveniences keep away our lives from the real
world to the virtual one. In this case, many teenagers are too comfortable with
the virtual world, and they forget how to live in the real world. On the one
hand they can be close to people who are far away, but in fact they are far
away from people close to them. All of this is possible because of social
That's what I can say today. I hope it’s useful. Thank you for your attention and
the last I say …