SACRISTAN LP - Visual Information and Media
SACRISTAN LP - Visual Information and Media
SACRISTAN LP - Visual Information and Media
I. Objectives: At the end of the class the students are able to;
1. Identify the different visual information and media.
2. Appreciate the importance of visual information and media.
3. Create their own visual information and media with the use
of the different elements and principles.
A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of different resources of media and
information, their design principle and elements, and selection
B. Performance Standard Produces a living museum or electronic portfolio or any other
creative forms of multimedia showcasing their/his/her
understanding, insights, and perceptions of the different resources
of media and information.
C. Essential Learning Skills A. Describe the different dimensions of visual information and
(MELC) media
B. Comprehend how visual information and media are formally
and informally produced, organized, and disseminated
C. Evaluate the reliability and validity of visual information and
media and their sources using selection criteria
D. Produce and evaluate a creative visual-based presentation
using design principle and elements
II. Subject Matter Visual Information and Media
III. Teaching Material/s: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, and Cellphone (Backup)
A. References: MELC (Media and Information Literacy)
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Syllabus, Course Outline and Curriculum Guide
b. Learner’s Material Pages
c. Text book Pages
B. Activity List of Learning Slides from Microsoft PowerPoint and Internet.
Resources for Development and
Engagement Activities
IV. Procedures: a. Prayer
A. Introduction b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review of the previous lesson
The teacher will show the list of alphabets with their
corresponding numbers. Instead of words, the word needed to be
answered is written in numbers. The students will use the
alphabet to look for the corresponding number if the letters to
form the word needed. The students will raise their hand once
they know the answer and they will be given corresponding
points for every correct answer.
C. Development MY INSIGHT
The students will give their insight about how they understand
the picture. They will write 3 to 5 sentences to explain their
* Visual Information and Media
A. Definition, characteristics, format and types, sources,
advantages and limitations, and value
B. Visual Message Design
C. Selection Criteria
D. Design principle and Element
E. Assimilation MY VISUAL MEDIA
The students will be asked to create their own visual media
applying the different elements and principles discussed. They
will also write a short explanation about what they have done and
how they applied the elements and principles. They will be given
10 minutes to work on it.
Answer the following questions:
1. Would you consider a person’s output to be unappealing if
the majority cannot easily perceive his or her intended visual
representation? Why or why not?
2. Would you consider visual representation to be subjective
since it is regarded to be a form of art?
3. For a visual information to be influential and relevant, what
should be the consideration of a media literate person?
The students will write a critique about the given infographic
using the following questions.
1. What is the purpose of the infographic?
2. What is the message of the infographic?
3. How was the information presented? Did it make use of
appropriate design elements and principles?
H. Assignment Review the next topic and be ready for the next discussion.
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