Team WIN
Zain ul abidin (AS21LHB0801)
Supervised by
Mr. Naveed Ul Hassan
Table of Content
1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................4
1.1 PURPOSE...................................................................................................................................4
1.2 WEB SCOPE..............................................................................................................................4
1.3 WEB NAME...............................................................................................................................4
1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.....................................................................4
1.4 DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS......................................................................................................4
1.5 REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.................................................................................5
2 OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM...........................................................................................................5
2.1 VISITORS/CUSTOMERS..............................................................................................................5
2.2 HOME PAGE..............................................................................................................................5
2.3 ABOUT US…………………………………………………………………………………..5
1.5 PRODUCTS................................................................................................................................5
1.5 LOGIN/REGISTER.......................................................................................................................5
1 SYSTEM ANALYSIS....................................................................................................................4
5 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS…….....................................................................................7
5.1 ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................................7
6.1 Security
7.1 SECURITY..................................................................................................................................8
7.2 PORTABILITY............................................................................................................................8
7.3 MAINTAINABILITY....................................................................................................................8
1. Introduction
This e commerce website allows visitors to online shopping to collect items in a visual
shopping cart. They may view the contents of their shopping cart at any time and may add or
delete items as well. The program automatically calculates the subtotals, sales tax, shipping
charges, and grand total.
This is website which helps you to do major part of your online shopping by using this site
you can do the all major transaction in a secured way. Here the customer will feel a virtual
shopping by adding the selected product to his cart. To ensure the authentification of the
customer. He/She must have to register before proceeding. It provides the following standard
features of website:
1.1 Purpose
E-commerce is fast gaining ground as an accepted and used business. The objective of this
project is to develop a general purpose e-commerce store where product like clothes can be
bought from the comfort of home through the Internet. Our purpose is to make an easy and
fastest processing and to make an easy access in online shopping market.
In this present research, we are making an online fashion designing website. Our purpose is
to make an easy and fastest processing and to make an easy access in online shopping market.
It will be a brand named as “WEAR AND WEARING”. In this website we are willing to do
same day delivery in local areas as soon as possible. After providing cash on delivery as
compulsory, we’re providing local online banking methods like microfinance banking as well
as international online banking. For the communication we are providing the facility of
whatsapp chat so that customer can easily communicate with us.
2. Overview of system
The individuals will be the end users of the website. They will be able to perform following
This will work as welcome screen for the visitors/customers. Customers can get to know
about different products which is available on our site. Customer also can explore all main
‘ABOUT US’ will provide information about the website or our business like inception of the
business, how the business grew, etc.
Customers can find all the products on the website and can purchase the products from the
same website itself. There can be different drop down subpages or the product categories
can be individual pages as well. That can be decided during design phase.
Customers can login and register and then proceed to checkout of products what they
added in their cart. If the customer already have a login id he can login but if customer is not
a member, he/she will have to register to proceed.
A ‘contact us’ page contains our business contact information, address, a map and a form
where our customers can submit queries, feedback, suggestions, comments, sales enquiry
etc. These details are sent out to an email address selected by you.
3. Operating System
3.5 Constrains
The system of different constraints and dependent on condition:
4. Interface Requirements
5 Functional Requirements
5.1 Analysis
6.External Interface Requirements:
7.2 Reliability:
Even for developing would not be difficult not only ensure reliability but also to carry on the
maintenance user as their large number of user systems will be made sure developing team would
coordinate with user.
7.3 Security
There is no need to be worried. Our website is fully secured.