You Begin The Game Standing at Point One
You Begin The Game Standing at Point One
You Begin The Game Standing at Point One
If you jump up on to the rightmost edge of the stairs, you can hop your way up to point ten, a small
alcove with a Platinum Helmet in it. Take the Helmet and jump back down onto the staircase. Now
proceed toward point 11. A horde of Ettins and an Afrit or two have appeared at the base of the stairs, and
you need to deal with them before proceeding. Remember to stay your distance from Ettins. If you run
into difficulty killing the Afrits, try hiding in the corner at point eight. The low ceiling forces the Afrits to
descend, returning them to eye level for you to bash. When you reach point 11, veer toward the mouth of
the cave at point 12. A few straggling Ettins will come out to greet you. Once you beat them into pulp,
enter the cave and walk all the way to point 13. Here, you find the Silver Key on a slightly raised
pedestal. Take the key. Next, leave the cave through the same tunnel by which you entered. This looks
like a difficult task, because a line of
crushing ceiling blocks stands
directly in the way. You can run
through these in the same way that
you ran through the crushing golden
doors. Wait until the nearest block
descends, then get right up next to it
and press the run key. When the
block finally raises, you will blast
through the tunnel toward point 12.
Now turn your attention to the tower
in front of you. At point 14 is a door
you can open with the Silver Key.
Walk up and open the door. Break the
vase inside and take the Quartz Flask, then climb the stairs all the way up to the top of the tower. At the
very top, you find a large bell. Hit the bell with your weapon, and it will ring. Now climb back down the
stairs and exit the tower. At this
time, make your way back to
point one, where you started the
game. Several Ettins and Afrits
were released when you rang the
bell, so take your time and fight
them as you proceed. When you
reach point one, change course
and proceed to point 15, the
teleporter in the middle of the
great hall. The wire cage that
once surrounded it has now
disappeared, and you're free to go
inside. The teleporter takes you to
point 16. Walk forward very slowly, and you notice that a wall panel slides open to your right. You can
now either walk through the opening that
the panel reveals, or you can go through
the mirror teleporter mounted on the wall
in front of you. If you choose to ignore the
teleporter for now, you can walk back out into the Winnowing Hall and explore the level for odds and
ends you might have missed. Otherwise, just enter the teleporter, which whisks you away to the first
major Hub, the Seven Portals.