NEW SSAA WA Mandar Rulebook 2023 V4 2
NEW SSAA WA Mandar Rulebook 2023 V4 2
NEW SSAA WA Mandar Rulebook 2023 V4 2
NO 4
1.1 Mandar match is intended to offer a challenging and active sport which will
test the capacity of the competitor and their equipment.
1.2 Mandar is open to all financial SSAA members who are trained in the use of
2.1.2 Classes of Firearms – There shall be two different classes for both Rimfire
and Centrefire guns.
Rimfire – Shall consist of a metallic sight class with a maximum barrel length of 6
Inches and an unrestricted class which allows optic sights, all other specifications as
per section 2 apply.
Centrefire – Shall consist of a metallic sight class with a maximum barrel length of
6 Inches and an unrestricted class which allows optic sights, all other specifications
as per section 2 apply.
2.2.1 Grips - Standard left or right hand grips. No orthopaedic type grips that
provide support to the hand or wrist that will prevent the handgun from falling freely
to the ground when the hand is opened.
2.2.2 Calibre:
Rimfire: Any Rim fire in .22 Long rifle. At all registered matches or
State titles only .22 long rifle ammunition to be used.
Centrefire: For Centrefire competition maximum of .38 Special/.357
calibre shall be used.
2.2.3 Sights:
Metallic Sights: Any Metallic Sights allowed
Maximum barrel length for Metallic sights is 6 inches
Unrestricted – Any Optic sights as long as no image is projected on the
target. eg Laser Sights.
2.2.4 Triggers - There shall be no restrictions on the weight of the trigger pull,
provided it functions safely and as originally intended. Trigger shoes or extensions of
any kind will not protrude beyond the dimensions of the trigger guard.
2.2.6 Handguns used in the match shall be serviceable and safe. If any handgun is
observed to be unserviceable or unsafe it shall be withdrawn at the request of the
range officer.
2.2.7 Competitors handguns may be inspected at any time throughout the conduct
of the competition to ensure that it complies with the competition rules.
2.2.8 One handgun only will be used by a competitor in all stages of a match. If
during a match the original handgun becomes unserviceable, the competitor may
continue to compete using another handgun, of the same calibre provided the
competitor doesn’t gain an advantage over their prior handgun.
2.3.1 Each competitor must only load a maximum of 6 rounds per magazine, speed
loader or cylinder.
2.3.2 All ammunition used must be safe. Jacketed ammunition is prohibited from all
matches. Any ammunition considered unsafe by the range officer must be removed
from the range.
2.3.3 No replacement time will be allowed for ammunition failure, or failure of the
handgun to feed the ammunition. In the event of ammunition failure or malfunction
you may rectify and continue to fire provided you can do so in the allocated time left
but you can only fire the designated number of rounds each time the target faces.
3.1.2 Cased Handguns - Handguns must be carried to the firing line in its case.
3.2.1 Ear and eye protection - It is strongly recommended that ear and eye
protection be worn at all times by persons who are in the vicinity of the firing line
whilst shooting is underway.
3.2.2 Closed shoes or boots - It is recommended that suitable clothing, including
enclosed shoes or boots, be worn at all times by a competitor whilst engaged in the
competition and in the vicinity of the firing line.
3.2.3 Medical Equipment - A competitor may wear medical equipment which may
be seen as giving support if a medical certificate confirming the competitors need to
wear such a device for health reasons is submitted before a match.
4.1 Match Director - The official in charge of the entire match including,
administration, squadding, scheduling, co-coordinating other staff and services.
4.2 Chief Range Officer – Will be responsible for the overall conduct of the
course of fire, briefing competitors & answering questions about the course of fire.
The Chief Range Officer is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of the
match, directing the range officers for the matches, directing the competitors and
spectators in matters concerning safety.
4.3 Range Officers - There shall be at least one range officer per match. They
are responsible for conducting the competitors through the match, ensuring that the
rules are applied equally and impartially to all competitors. The Range Officers prime
concern is safety.
4.4 Chief Scorer - The official who receives all score cards from the range staff,
enters the scores in the computer and publishes the results.
4.5 Scorers - There should be at least two scorers per match, they will work
closely with, and as instructed by the Range Officer.
4.6 Patchers - There should be enough patchers so the match does not get held
up, they will follow the scorers and patch the targets.
5.1 Where the outside diameter of the shot touches the line it will be given the
higher value. An “Eagle Eye” or overlay scoring slide of the appropriate calibre may
be used by the scorer to check the value of a shot, a bullet hole shall only be plug
gauged once by the disputes committee.
5.2 Skid Shots - On a turning or disappearing target, any bullet hole greater
than one and a half times the calibre will not be scored.
5.3 Crossfires - If more than the required number of shots appear on the target,
any shot which can be identified as not being fired by the competitor assigned to
that target, or having been fired in the previous string, those shots will be
disregarded and not scored. If more than the required number of shots then remains
on the target, the competitor will receive the highest scoring shots.
5.4 Visible shots and close groups - As a general rule only those shots which
are visible will be scored. An exception will be made in a case where a group of 3 or
more shots is so close that it was possible that the required number of shots could
have gone through the enlarged hole and there is no evidence that shots have gone
through elsewhere on the assigned target. In such a case the competitor will be
given the benefit of doubt and scored hits for non-visible shots on the assumption
they passed through the enlarged hole
5.5 After the stage has been shot, a competitor shall not approach closer than 1
metre of their target until the score has been entered onto the score sheets, any
competitor failing to observe this rule will have the target scored as a "missed
target" (no score) and may be called before the disputes committee.
5.6 It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure the correct scores are entered
on the Score sheets.
5.7 A competitor may challenge the score on any target. In the first instance the
Range Officer will rule on the target but their decision may be appealed to the Chief
Range Officer or Match Director. Their decision may only be challenged by raising a
formal protest with the Disputes and Appeals Committee. The target will not be
patched until the challenge is settled. The target should be removed and a new one
5.8 Once the score sheet has been signed by the competitor it may not be
changed except for arithmetic errors.
a Not loading the correct number of rounds for the stage to be shot.
b Not firing the correct number of rounds for the stage being shot
d Not returning to 45 degrees during and after firing as per stage course of fire.
d Any discharge after the load command and before the standby command
e Allowing the handgun to swing excessively from the downrange position while
loading, clearing or correcting a malfunction
Competitors are called to the line, they may take guns out of bags, cases or holsters,
charge speed-loaders, load magazines, turn on Red Dot if necessary and open
The competitors may ask for any information or clarification on the course of fire. If
there is no response the range officer will give the next command.
The competitor facing down range will load the firearm. The competitor may practise
sight alignments on the target.
NOTE – At the load command Revolvers will be loaded with cylinder closed, semi
auto’s will have the magazine inserted and may close slide.
If a competitor is not ready they must clearly state “not ready” If no answer is given
the range officer will give the next command.
The competitor must be at the 45-degree position before commence fire is given,
The cue may be verbal, visual, audible, or self-starting and will be given within 3
seconds of the “Stand By” command being given.
After the designated time it will be cued by a verbal, visual or audible signal.
The range officials will now move forward to score and patch the targets.
8.1 It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that their equipment meets the
rules and is serviceable.
8.2 In the event of a malfunction of the firearm and the malfunction can be
rectified before the end of the stage, the competitor may continue until the time
limit expires for that stage.
8.3 All competitors and their guests shall behave in a sportsmanlike manner as
befitting membership of the SSAA and should refrain from boisterous conduct on or
behind the firing line during the conduct of an event. A shooting range is no place
for pranks and any competitor failing to observe this will be disciplined by the range
officer. In the event of boisterous or unsportsmanlike behaviour by a competitor the
range officer shall caution the offender once, and if there is any repetition of such
conduct the offender shall be disqualified and asked to leave the firing line
8.4 It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that they understand the course
of fire. Competitors may ask as many questions as necessary of the Range officials
to ensure they understand the published details of the stage.
8.5 A junior competitor shall be any SSAA member under the age of 18 at the
date of the competition.
In the event of a malfunction which results in a stuck live round which cannot be
simply removed from the breech end of the barrel, the firearm is to be made safe
and removed from the range to a competent person for repairs. Under no
circumstance is an attempt to be made to remove the round by insertion of a
cleaning rod or similar object from the muzzle end of the firearm.
9.1 An Association or Branch of the SSAA (W.A.) Inc wishing to host a registered
competition shall notify their State Delegate, who will inspect the range (if
necessary) and notify the State Secretary no later than 7 days before the
9.2 No club level competition will be registered at the same time as a State
registered competition and only one state level competition will be registered at one
time within a state.
9.3 The host club will decide and advertise the nomination fee. There will be no
late nomination fee, however the host club may give a discount for early
9.4 The host club will be responsible for providing the range equipment, targets,
range staff and trophies for the competition.
9.5 The minimum trophies will be for 2 Gun Aggregates and 4 Gun aggregate and
Junior Aggregates. Medals will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each grade and
9.6 Host clubs may choose to award additional trophies for stage winners, ladies,
veterans if they wish.
9.8 Grades shall be confirmed in writing from competitors clubs prior to the
event; any competitor without a grade shall compete in the highest grade contested
on that day.
10.1 At all registered competitions there shall be a Protest and Appeals Committee
(hereinafter called the "appeals committee"), which shall be formed by the host
association or club organisers to hear and decide protests and appeals.
10.2 The Appeals Committee shall consist of a minimum of three people one of
whom shall act as chairman, any of whom may be competitors in the competition,
but in no case shall an appellant or protester be included as part of the Appeals
Committee (notwithstanding any rule or rules of law to the contrary). In
tournaments where more than one Club is represented a delegate from any of the
clubs may be appointed to be a member of the said committee and such
appointments shall be at the discretion of the host association or club.
10.4 The protest must be lodged in writing and accompanied by a fee, the amount
nominated by the organizers of the competition. If the protest or appeal is upheld,
the applicant is to be refunded the amount of the fee. If the protest or appeal is
disallowed then the fee shall be forfeited to the organizers conducting the
10.5 The protest is to be lodged with the Range Officer or other persons
nominated by the organisers of the competition to receive the protest or appeal. A
protest may be lodged during the conduct of a competition or after the competition
has been completed but no later than 30 minutes after the scores for that
competition have been announced or posted. When received the protest or appeal
must be given to the chairman of the appeals committee as soon as possible.
10.6 The chairman shall convene the appeals committee without undue delay and
the Appeals committee shall be empowered to hear evidence from the protester, the
Appellant and persons involved in the protest, to require the Range Officer, Scorers,
or organisers to produce targets, score sheets, or any other material relevant to the
protest. To call evidence from any other person(s) who may be able to help the
appeals committee and to do all such other things that the appeals committee
believes will enable it to reach an unbiased and just decision.
2 Be advised of the time and place the appeals shall hear evidence of the
protest and appeal.
7 Immediately the appeals committee has made a decision, the chairman shall
verbally announce it to a gathering of competitors, summoned to hear the decision,
or post the decision of a notice board. The decision of the appeals committee shall
be final and binding of the protest and on all persons concerned therein.
15 metres 1 round in 2 seconds for 12 rounds. Targets will face the competitor for 2
seconds and away for 3 seconds, 1 shot will be fired for each 2 second exposure.
10 metres 2 rounds in 2 seconds for 12 rounds. Targets will face the competitor for
2 seconds and away for 3 seconds, 2 shots will be fired for each 2 second exposure
0 - 444 C grade
0 – 439 C grade
To qualify for the next grade these scores must be shot three times.