Negligence: Chelsea & Kensington Hospital (1969) 1 QB 428 Case Summary. However, in
Negligence: Chelsea & Kensington Hospital (1969) 1 QB 428 Case Summary. However, in
Negligence: Chelsea & Kensington Hospital (1969) 1 QB 428 Case Summary. However, in
Duty of care
The legal test for imposing a duty of care varies according to the type of loss.
• For personal injury and property the first two stages of the Caparo test
apply (case summary). See more here Youtube clip on duty of care for
property damage and personal injury
Breach of duty
An objective test is applied to determine if the defendant is in breach of duty.
(Vaughan v Menlove (1837) 3 Bing. N.C. 467 Case summary). See further on
breach of duty here.
Causation is generally decided by applying the 'but for' test from Barnett v
Chelsea & Kensington Hospital [1969] 1 QB 428 Case summary. However, in
some situations other considerations apply. See more on causation here.
Remoteness of damage
The Wagon Mound no 1 [1961] AC 388 Case summary test applies.
This provides that the defendant is only liable for loss which was of a
foreseeable kind. If the loss was of a foreseeable type, the defendant is liable
for the full extent of the loss, even if the loss was much greater than expected.
See further on remoteness of damage here.
Negligence - duty of care
Duty of care refers to the circumstances and relationships which the law
recognises as giving rise to a legal duty to take care. A failure to take such
care can result in the defendant being liable to pay damages to a party who is
injured or suffers loss as a result of their breach of duty of care. Therefore it
is necessary for the claimant to establish that the defendant owed them a duty
of care. The existence of a duty of care depends on the type of loss and
different legal tests apply to different losses. This lecture considers the position
in relation to personal injury and property damage. See the other lectures
for psychiatric injury, pure economic loss and defective items.
Lord Atkin:
"The rule that you are to love your neighbour becomes m law you must not
injure your neighbour; and the lawyer's question " Who is my ' neighbour ?"
receives a restricted reply. You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or
omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your
neighbour. Who then in law is my neighbour? The answer seems to be persons
who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to
have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind
to the acts or omissions which are called in question."
The neighbour test for establishing a duty of care can be broken down in to two
1. Reasonable foresight of harm
2. A relationship of proximity
The first stage was essentially the elements of the neighbour test, however in
order to address the fears of the floodgates, this was subject to the second
stage which provided a get out clause for defendants where there existed
policy reasons for denying the imposition of a duty of care.
Despite the efforts to allay fears of the floodgates, the Anns test was still
considered too wide. In Caparo, the House of Lords overruled Anns and went
back to the incremental approach whereby the claimant may only bring their
action where they can establish an existing duty situation. In novel situations
the question of whether a duty of care is now subject to the Caparo test.
Loss allocation:-
Which of the parties have insurance/ is the situation one subject to compulsory
The floodgates:-
These issues often arise in the context of publicly funded bodies and in
particular in relation to the police, the CPS, Local authorities and emergency
1. The police
Hill v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire [1988] 2 WLR 1049 Case summary
Alexandrou v Oxford [1993] 4 All ER 328 Case summary
Osman v Ferguson [1993] 4 All ER 344 Case summary
Osman v United Kingdom Case No 87/1997/871/1083 Case summary
The common law principles are not to be extended to comply with the ECHR
where the case involves death threats and right to life:
Hertfordshire Police v Van Colle [2008] UKHL 50 Case summary
d. A duty of care is owed in respect of selecting which officers have access to
Attorney General v. Hartwell (British Virgin Islands) [2004] UKPC 12 Case
2. The CPS
The Crown Prosecution Service do not owe a duty of care in decision making
regarding prosecutions:
Elguzouli-Daf v Commissioner of Police [1995] QB 335 Case summary
This immunity was subsequently lifted and solicitors and barristers now owe a
duty of care in the conduct of advocacy in court:
Arthur Hall v Simons [2000] 3 WLR 543 Case summary
3. Local authorities:
The courts are reluctant to impose liability on local authorities particularly
where it would impact on decision making or allocation of resources:
Stovin v Wise [1996] 3 WLR 389 Case summary
JD v East Berkshire Community NHS Trust [2005] 2 WLR 993 Case summaries
Phelps v Hillingdon LBC [2000] 3 WLR 776
W v Essex County Council [2000] 2 WLR 601 Case summary
4. Emergency services:
A duty of care may arise where ambulance services accept a call and do not
arrive within a reasonable time without being able to provide an explanation
for the delay:
A duty of care will be imposed where the emergency service attend and their
actions increase the damage:
Capital & Counties Plc v Hampshire County Council [1997] QB 1004 Case
See also the duty owed to fire fighters:
Ogwo v Taylor [1987] 3 WLR 1145 Case summary
Salmon v Seafarer Restaurant [1983] 3 All ER 729 Case summary
Thus, a person who sees a child drowning in shallow water, is not under a legal
obligation to save the child and will incur no liability for their failure to do so.
If, however, the person attempts to save the child, but in doing so, acts
carelessly and causes harm, they become liable. This rule can be seen as
operating harshly in many situations it could be argued that there may well be
a moral obligation to act and there is a need for the law to reflect this. There
are exceptions to this rule where the law will impose a duty of care in certain
1. Undertaking
Where the defendant agrees to act or voluntarily accepts a responsibility, his
later failure to do so will render him liable:
Barrett v Ministry of Defence [1995] 1 WLR 1217 Case summary
Stansbie v Troman [1948]2 KB 48
2. Special relationship
Where there exists a special relationship, eg parent and child, employer and
employee, school and pupil, doctor and patient, between the parties there is a
legal duty to act.
3. Control of 3rd party who causes damage:
Carmarthenshire County Council v Lewis [1955] AC 549
Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd [1970] AC 1004
Behrens & ors v Bertram Mills Circus Ltd. [1957] 2 QB 1 Case summary
Initially psychiatric injury claims were limited to those who feared for their own
Dulieu v White [1901] 2 KB 669 Case summary
The law has since developed to allow more wide ranging circumstances but is
still quite restricted. A distinction is drawn between primary and secondary
victims see:
Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [1992] 1 AC 310 Case summary
Primary victims
This was later restricted to those in the zone of physical danger. See:
White & Ors v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [1998] 3 WLR 1509 Case
Primary victims only need to establish that physical harm was foreseeable.
There is no requirement that psychiatric injury was foreseeable provided
personal injury was foreseeable:
A primary victim does not owe a duty of care to a secondary victim in relation
to self-inflicted harm:
This will be presumed in parent and child and between spouses but must be
proved in other relationships. In particular siblings are not normally considered
to have a close tie of love and affection.
In Alcock, the relatives that had visited the make shift mortuary to identify
loved ones, were held not to come within the immediate aftermath of the
event. See also:
Taylorson & Anor v Shieldness Produce Ltd [1994] PIQR 329 Case summary
This excludes those who suffer psychiatric injury as a result of the long term
process of providing care for a loved one who has suffered severe injuries due
to the defendant's negligence:
See also:
Dooley v Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd [1971] 1 Lloyd's Rep 271 Case summary
A duty of care may exist even where the defendant would have a defence to an
action in defamation:
Spring v Guardian Assurance [1994] 3 WLR 354
White v Jones [1995] 2 WLR 187
Williams v Natural Life Health Foods [1998] 2 All ER 577
Defective items
The objective test can be variable and may depend on the circumstances of
the particular defendant or the situation. For example:
An amateur footballer is not expected to meet the standard of a footballer in
the first division:
Condon v Basi [1985] 1 WLR 866 Case summary
In the context of 'horseplay', there is a breach of duty of care only where the
defendant's conduct amounts to recklessness or a very high degree of
Blake v Galloway [2004] 3 All ER 315 Case summary
• "I myself would prefer to put it this way, that he is not guilty of
negligence if he has acted in accordance with a practice accepted as
proper by a responsible body of medical men skilled in that particular
art . . . Putting it the other way round, a man is not negligent, if he is
acting in accordance with such a practice, merely because there is a body
of opinion who would take a contrary view."
However, the opinion must be defensible and rooted in logic:
Bolitho v City & Hackney Health Authority [1997] 3 WLR 1151
A child is not expected to meet the standard of a reasonable adult, but will be
judged by the standard of a reasonable child of the same age:
Mullin v Richards [1998] 1 WLR 1304 Case summary
The courts have not taken a consistent approach in relation to where the
defendant's conduct is affected by illness. Compare the cases:
Roberts v Ramsbottom [1980] 1 WLR 823 Case summary
Mansfield v Weetabix [1997] EWCA Civ 1352 Case summary
The defendant is not expected to guard against events which can not be
Roe v Minister of Health [1954] 2 WLR 915 Case summary
See also
Bolton v Stone [1951] AC 850 Case summary
Haley v London Electricity Board [1965] AC 778 Case summary
2. Seriousness of harm:
The Wagon Mound No.2 [1967] 1 AC 617 Case summary
Paris v Stepney [1951] AC 367 Case summary
3. Cost of prevention:
Latimer v AEC [1953] AC 643 Case summary
For application of the 'but for' test in establishing causation in tort law see:
Barnett v Chelsea & Kensington Hospital [1969] 1 QB 428 Case summary
Chester v Afshar [2004] 3 WLR 927 Case summary
Where the new act is of a third party, the test is whether the act was
foreseeable. If the act of the third party was foreseeable, the defendant
remains liable and the chain of causation remains in tact. If the act of a
third party is not foreseeable this will break the chain of causation and the
defendant is not liable for the actions of the third party:
Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd [1970] AC 1004 Case summary
Where the act of the third party was negligent, this is more likely to break the
chain of causation:
Knightley v Johns & Ors [1982] 1 WLR 349 Case summary
Where the new intervening act is that of the claimant, the test is whether the
claimant acted reasonably in the circumstances. If the claimant's actions
are deemed reasonable the chain of causation remains in tact and the
defendant is liable for the actions of the claimant. If, however, the claimant's
actions are unreasonable in the circumstances the chain of causation is
broken and the defendant is not liable for the actions of the claimant:
McKew v Holland [1969] 3 All ER 1621 Case summary
Baker v TE Hopkins & Son Ltd [1959] 1 WLR 966 Case summary
Reeves v Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [2000] 1 AC 360
Loss of a chance
Where the claimant submits the defendant's conduct lost them a chance of
avoiding harm or injury as opposed to causing the harm or injury itself, the
courts have been reluctant at imposing liability. This most commonly comes up
in relation to medical negligence whereby a failure to diagnose a condition
correctly may prevent the claimant from receiving vital treatment which may
have saved their life or avoided a deteriation in their condition. The House of
Lords has twice considered this issue of causation and on each occasion has
refused to impose liability:
Hotson v East Berkshire Area Health Authority [1987] AC 750 Case summary
Gregg v Scott [2005] 2 WLR 268 Case summary
However, outside the context of medical negligence the courts have been more
willing to accept loss of a chance as an actionable head of damage:
Allied Maples v Simmons & Simmons [1995] 4 All ER 907 Case summary
Remoteness of damage
Remoteness of damage relates to the requirement that the damage must be
of a foreseeable type. In negligence claims, once the claimant has established
that the defendant owes them a duty of care and is in breach of that duty
which has caused damage, they must also demonstrate that the damage was
not too remote. Remoteness of damage must also be applied to claims
under the Occupiers Liability Acts and also to nuisance claims.
This was largely considered unfair as a defendant could be liable for damage
which was not foreseeable and therefore could not take steps to prevent it. The
direct consequence test was overruled in the Wagon Mound no 1 and replaced
with a new test for deciding if damages are too remote:
Following the Wagon Mound no 1 the test for remoteness of damage is that
damage must be of a kind which was foreseeable. Once damage is of a
kind that is foreseeable the defendant is liable for the full extent of the damage
no matter whether the extent of the damage is foreseeable.
Volen non t injuria is a defence of limited applica on in tort law. A direct transla on of the la n
phrase volen non t injuria is, 'to one who volunteers, no harm is done'. Where the defence of
volen applies it operates as a complete defence absolving the Defendant of all liability. It is o en
stated that the Claimant consents to the the risk of harm, however, the defence of volen is much
more limited in its applica on and should not be confused with the defence of consent in rela on
to trespass. The defence of volen non t injuria requires a freely entered and voluntary
agreement by the Claimant, in full knowledge of the circumstances, to absolve the Defendant of
all legal consequences of their ac ons. There is a considerable overlap with contributory
negligence and since the introduc on of the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945, the
courts have been less willing to make a nding of volen preferring to appor on loss between the
par es rather than taking an all or nothing approach.
2. Agreement
1. Voluntary
The agreement must be voluntary and freely entered for the defence of volen non t injuria to
succeed. If the Claimant is not in a posi on to exercise free choice, the defence will not succeed.
This element is most commonly seen in rela on to employment rela onships, rescuers and suicide.
2. Agreement
The second requirement for the defence of volen non t injuria is agreement. The agreement may
be express or implied. An example of an express agreement would be where there exists a
contractual term or no ce. However, this would be subject to the controls of s.2 of the Unfair
Contract Terms Act 1977. An implied agreement may exist where the Claimant's ac on in the
circumstances demonstrates a willingness to accept not only the physical risks but also the legal
Ne leship v Weston [1971] 3 WLR 370 Case summary
Lord Denning:
• "Knowledge of the risk of injury is not enough. Nothing will su ce short of an agreement to
waive any claim for negligence. The plain must agree expressly or impliedly to waive any
claim for any injury that may befall him due to the lack of reasonable care by the defendant:
or more accurately due to the failure by the defendant to measure up to the duty of care
which the law requires of him".
• "In its applica on to ques ons between the employer and the employed, the maxim as now
used generally imports that the workman had either expressly or by implica on agreed to
take upon himself the risks a endant upon the par cular work which he was engaged to
perform, and from which he has su ered injury. The ques on which has most frequently to
be considered is not whether he voluntarily and rashly exposed himself to injury, but
whether he agreed that, if injury should befall him, the risk was to be his and not his
3. Knowledge
The Claimant must have knowledge of the full nature and extent of the risk that they ran:
Wooldridge v Sumner & Anor [1963] 2 QB 43 Case summary
The test for this is subjec ve and not objec ve and in the context of an intoxicated Claimant, the
ques on is whether the Claimant was so intoxicated that he was incapable of apprecia ng the
nature of the risk:
Morris v Murray [1991] 2 QB 6 Case summary
As long ago as 1891, the House of Lords recognised that an employee who complained of unsafe
prac ce, but nevertheless con nued to work could not truly be said to have voluntarily agreed
to waive their legal rights:
Smith v Charles Baker & Sons [1891] AC 325 Case summary
As a ma er of public policy, the defence is not generally available where an employer is in breach
of statutory duty, however limited excep ons exist to this:
If however, there is no real need to rescue, the Claimant may be held volens:
Cutler v United Dairies [1933] 2 KB 297 Case summary
Volen non t injuria - Suicide
Where the Claimant commits suicide, originally it was held that they would be treated as volens if
they were of sound mind, but if they were of unsound mind the defence of volen non t
injuria would have no applica on:
Kirkham v Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police [1990] 2 QB 283 Case summary
However, this dis nc on was abandoned as it would essen ally deprive the duty of substance:
A par cipant in spor ng events is taken to consent to the risk of injury which occurs in the course
of the ordinary performance of the sport.
This principle has also been held to apply outside of sports, to a high spirited 'game':
In Dann v Hamilton [1939] 1 KB 509 (Case summary) it was held that a person accep ng a li from
a drunk driver was not to be treated as volens unless the drunkenness was so extreme and so
glaring that accep ng a li would be equivalent of to intermeddling with an unexploded bomb or
walking on the edge of an unfenced cli .
The impact of s.148(3) of the Road Tra c Act 1972 (Now s.149(3) RTA 1988) was considered in Pi s
v Hunt and it was held that it precluded the applica on of the defence of volen in circumstances
where a person accepted a li from an intoxicated driver in circumstances where the driver was
subject to compulsory insurance.
Pi s v Hunt [1990] 3 All ER 344 Case summary
Volen non t injuria - Occupiers Liability
S. 2(5) Occupiers' Liability Act 1957 and s. 1(6) of the Occupiers' Liability Act 1984 provide that
occupiers owe no duty in respect to risks willingly accepted by that person as his. It appears that
there is no need to establish an agreement.
2. Contributory negligence
Imp cases
Capps v Miller [1989] 1 WLR 839
Courts are reluctant to make a finding of ex turpi causa preferring the defence
of contributory negligence:
Contributory negligence
At common law, contributory negligence acted as a complete defence.
However, under the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945,
contributory negligence operates as a partial defence whereby the courts can
apportion loss between the parties. This makes it a more attractive option to
the courts than other defences which can operate harshly and absolve a
defendant of liability no matter how much at fault they may be. Consequently
the defences of volenti non fit injuria and ex turpi causa are perhaps of less
significance. Contributory negligence will often succeed where other defences
fail. For example Revill v Newbery [1996] 2 WLR 239 Case summary,
Nettleship v Weston [1971] 3 WLR 370 Case summary.
S.1(1) Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945 provides that where a
person suffers damage as a result partly of his own fault and partly the fault of
another(s), a claim shall not be defeated by reason of the fault of the person
suffering damage. Thus contributory negligence operates as a partial defence.
At first instance in Pitts v Hunt [1990] 3 All ER 344 (Case summary) the
court used this section to find that the Claimant was 100% contributory
negligent. However, this was held to be illogical and inconsistent with the
wording of the Act which requires the damage to be partly the fault of both
1. The claimant failed to take proper care in the circumstances for their own
2. The failure to take care was a contributory cause of the damage suffered
1. The claimant failed to take proper care in the circumstances for their
own safety
Lack of proper care for own safety differs from the standard for breach of duty:
The standard is variable and all circumstances are taken into account
Note that the failure to take care must be a contributory cause to the damage
suffered as oppose to the causing the incident that resulted in damage. This
point was made clear in Capps v Miller [1989] 1 WLR 839 Case summary.
Common examples of what constitutes failing to take care for own safety
Contributory negligence can operate in three party situations. The courts must,
however, always assess the degree to which the Claimant contributed to his
own injury before assessing the responsibility of the tortfeasors:
The courts are reluctant to make a finding of ex turpi causa preferring the
defence of contributory negligence:
The courts are less likely to find that the act of the claimant breaks the chain of
causation, prefering a finding of contributory negligence:
3. Ex turpi Causa
Imp cases
Vellino v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester [2002] 1 WLR 218
The latin maxim ex turpi causa non oritur actio refers to the fact that no
action may be founded on illegal or immoral conduct. This maxim applies
not only to tort law but also to contract, restitution, property and trusts. Where
the maxim of ex turpi causa is successfully applied it acts as a complete bar
on recovery. It is often referred to as the illegality defence, although it
extends beyond illegal conduct to immoral conduct:
Lord Hoffman:
The public policy factor often cited for ex turpi causa non oritur actio, is
that it is wrong to allow a criminal to profit from his crime. However, such
reasoning is difficult to reconcile in tort law where the Claimant is seeking
compensation for a loss rather than seeking to make a gain. Some
commentators have argued that it should have no application in a modern law
of tort and that an apportionment approach would be preferable. Some
principles which have emerged but are not always consistently applied include:
Clunis v Camden and Islington Health Authority [1998] 3 All ER 180 Case
Inextricably linked
Closely related to the reliance test is the inextricably linked test. Where it is
not necessary for the Claimant to plead the illegality, the claim may be
defeated if it is inextricably linked to the cause of action:
The public conscience test looks at whether in all the circumstances it would be
an affront to the public conscience to allow the Claimant to succeed. It also
considers whether allowing recover would deter or encourage criminal
Thackwell v Barclays Bank Plc [1986] 1 All ER 676 Case summary
The public conscience test was criticised in Tinsley v Milligan where it was
rejected in favour of the reliance test:
In Clunis and Cross v Kirkby, the Court of Appeal was of the opinion that the
public conscience test had been rejected.
Clunis v Camden and Islington Health Authority [1998] 3 All ER 180 Case
Statutory influence
The courts may also be influenced by statutory policy objectives. For example
in Revill v Newberry the fact that the Occupiers Liability Act 1984 provided
protection to non-visitors, it was assumed that Parliament's intention was not
to preclude recovery to burglars who suffered injury:
Ex turpi causa in
specific circumstances
Claims arising from negligence where Claimant was in police custody:
Suicide and injuries arising from escape
However, in the following two cases, the Court of Appeal held that public policy
precluded recovery:
Clunis v Camden and Islington Health Authority [1998] 3 All ER 180 Case
This reasoning of ex turpi was upheld in the following case and is based on the
inability of the court to assess the scope of such a duty:
The Law Commission has reviewed the principle of ex turpi causa non oritur
actio twice over the past decade and found that the law is uncertain in ambit
and application. However, its most recent Consultation Paper has decided
against legislative reform preferring development by the courts. In doing so
they gave guidance to the court:
"The courts should consider in each individual case whether the application of
the illegality defence to a claim in tort can be justified on the basis of the
policies that underlie that defence. These include: (a) furthering the purpose of
the rule which the illegal conduct has infringed;
(b) consistency;
(c) that the claimant should not profit from his or her own wrong;
(d) deterrence; and
(e) maintaining the integrity of the legal system.
In reaching its decision the court will need to balance the strength of these
policies against the objective of achieving a just result, taking into account the
relative merits of the parties and the proportionality of denying the claim.
Whenever the illegality defence is successful, the court should make clear the
justification for its application"
Since the publication of the Consultation Paper there have been two decisions
from the House of Lords.
5. Exclusion of liability