B.A. Sociology
Programme Course
Sociology Core – 1
Introduction to Sociology 1.
Sociology core 2
Introduction to Sociology 2
1) India as a Plural Society: Religious, Linguistic and Cultural Diversity; Unity and
Diversity, Great Tradition and Little Tradition; Reconciling Traditional and Modern
2) Family, Kinship and Marriage in India: Forms of Family, Kinship and Marriage; Types
and Features of Joint Family, Its Advantages and Disadvantages, Changes in Family,
Kinship and Marriage – Nature and Factors Responsible.
3) Caste in India: Nature and Feature; Varna and Jati; Jajmani System: Relations, Changes in
Jajmani System; Changing Nature of Caste, Scheduled Caste and Other Backward
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
1) Kaviraj, s. 2010. The Imaginary Institution of India, Ranikhet: Permanent Black.
2) Haimendorf,C.V. F. 1967, ‘The Position of Tribal Population in India , in P. Manson
India and Ceylon: unity and diversity, New York: Oxford University Press.
3) Karve, I., 1994 ‘ The kinship map of India’, in P. Uberoi( ed.) Family, Kinship and
Marriage in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Srinivas M.N. and A.M Shah, 1968, ‘ Hinduism’, In D.L. Sills ( ed.) The International
Encyclopedia of Social Sciences,vol.6 , New York: Mcmillan.
Sociology core - 3
Sociological Thinkers
1) August Comte: Theory of Evolution and Progress – the Law of Three Stages – Hierarchy.
2) Herbert Spencer: Science and Society – Organic Analogy – The Theory of Evolution –
Social Darwinism.
3) Karl Marx: Dialectics and Methodology – Dialectical Materialism – Economic
Infrastructure and Socio-Economic Superstructure – The Theory of class and Class
4) Emile Durkheim: Social Fact – Social Solidarity – Functionalism and Methodology –
Suicide – Theory of Religion.
5) Max Weber: Sociology: Study of Social Action – The Ideal Type: Sociology of Religion
– Class, Status and Power – Bureaucracy.
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
2) Abraham, Francis and Morgan, John. 1985. Sociological Thought from Comte to
Sorokin. Macmilan India Ltd.
3) Allan, Kenneth. 2013. The Social Lens: An Invention to Social and Sociological
Theory (Part I: Modernity and the Sociological Response) Third Edition, Sage.
4) Aron, Raymond. 1986. Main Currents in Sociological Thought, Vol. I. Penguin
Books, Harmondsworth,Middlesex.
5) Bottomore, Tom and Goode, Patrick.1983. Readings in Marxist Sociology, Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
6) Coser, Lewis A. 1977. Masters of Sociological Thought : Ideas in Social and
Historical Context, Second Edition. New York. Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch.
Sociology core – 4
Methods of Sociological Enquiry
1Scientific research : characteristics , aims and types; steps in scientific research; theory and
1) Barker,T.L. 1990. Doing Social Research. Mcgraw Hill.
2) Bryman,A. 2002. Social Research Methods. Oxford University press: New York.
3) Goode,G and P.K.Hatt. Methods in Social Research. Mcgraw Hill.
4) Ram Ahuja, Research Methods, Rawat pub.
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
Conducting Survey
Reading List:
Bryman, A. 2002. Social Research Methods. Oxford University Press: New York.
Goode, G and P.K. Hatt. 1952. Methods in Social Research. McGraw-Hill.
Gender Sensitization
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
3.3.2 Rape
SEC – 3
Framing Questionnaire and conducting Interview.
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
3. Counsellor-Client Communication
Reading List:
Gladding, S.T. 2004. Counselling Theories: Essential Concepts and Applications, Prentice Hall.
Woolfe, R and Dryden, W. 1996. Handbook of Counseling Psychology, New Delhi, Sage
Asch, M. 2000. Principles of Guidance & Counselling. ND: Sarup & Sons.
Jones, A.J. 1970. Principles of Guidance & Counselling (6th ed.) McGraw Hill, New York.
Aneshensel, Carol S. and Phelan, Jo C. 2006. Handbook of the Sociology of Mental Health,
Springer Publishing Company.
Hershenson, D.B and Power, P.W. 1987. Mental Health Counselling: Theory & Practice, Allyn
& Bacon Publications.
Bernard J. Gallagher (4th Ed.) 2001. The Sociology of Mental Illness, Prentice-
Hall Publication
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
1. 1.India as a Plural Society: Religious, Linguistic and Cultural Diversity; Unity and
Diversity, Great Tradition and Little Tradition; Reconciling Traditional and Modern
2. Family, Kinship and Marriage in India: Forms of Family, Kinship and Marriage; Types
and Features of Joint Family, Its Advantages and Disadvantages, Changes in Family,
Kinship and Marriage – Nature and Factors Responsible.
3. 3.Caste in India: Nature and Feature; Varna and Jati; Jajmani System: Relations, Changes
in Jajmani System; Changing Nature of Caste, Scheduled Caste and Other Backward
3.Karve, I., 1994 ‘ The kinship map of India’, in P. Uberoi( ed.) Family, Kinship and
Marriage in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
4.Srinivas M.N. and A.M Shah, 1968, ‘ Hinduism’, In D.L. Sills ( ed.) The International
Encyclopedia of Social Sciences,vol.6 , New York: Mcmillan.
5. Ram Ahuja: Indian Social System- Rawat.
6. Ram Ahuja: Society in India- Rawat.
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
b) Social issues in India 1
1. Poverty : Concept & Magnitude : Causes & Consequences ; Strategies for Alleviating
2. 2. Unemployment : Concept & Types ; Magnitude ; Causes & consequences.
3. 3. Child and Women Abuse : Child ; Labour-Concept ; Causes & Consequences, Policy
4. 4.Population Explosion : Concept ; Causes & Consequences ; Population Policy &
Family Welfare in India.
5. 5. Health Problems : AIDS, Drug Addiction, Alcoholism - Concept, Causes & Social
1.Ram Ahuja. Social Problems in India, Rawat.
2.Ram Ahuja. Society in India, Rawat.
3.Ram Ahuja. Violence against Women. Rawat Publication.
4.Neera Burra. Born to Work.
5.Datt and Sundharam, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company.
2. Descent, Alliance
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
Discipline Specific Elective
Social Stratification
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
3. Social Mobility
Generic Elective 01
Invitation to Sociology
1. Society, institution and Structure: Social Institution; Social System; Association; Group
and its form, Culture.
2. Socialization : meaning , types and agencies.
3. Social Change: meaning, types and causes.
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
Generic Elective 02
1. Society in India II
2. Unity in Diversity.
3. Caste system in India: caste, varna and sub- caste, changes in caste system, concept of
sanskritization and dominant caste.
4. Family, marriage and kinship: types, functions and change.
5. Tribal society in India: Distingtive features and tribal problems.
6. Rural and urban society in India: definition and characteristics.
1. Ahuja Ram, Indian Social System, Rawat pub.
2. Ahuja Ram, Society in India, Rawat pub.
3. Kapadia K.M., Marriage and Family in India, Oxford.
4. Doshi S.L. and Jain P.C. Rural Sociology, Rawat Pub.
Social issues in India II
1.Poverty : Concept & Magnitude : Causes & Consequences ; Strategies for Alleviating Poverty.
3. Child and Women Abuse : Child ; Labour-Concept ; Causes & Consequences, Policy
4.Population Explosion : Concept ; Causes & Consequences ; Population Policy & Family
Welfare in India.
5. Health Problems : AIDS, Drug Addiction, Alcoholism - Concept, Causes & Social Effects.
Bankura University B.A.(Programme) Sociology CBCS w.e.f. 2017-18
1.Ram Ahuja. Social Problems in India, Rawat.
2.Ram Ahuja. Society in India, Rawat.
3.Ram Ahuja. Violence against Women. Rawat Publication.
4.Neera Burra. Born to Work.
5.Datt and Sundharam, Indian Economy, S.Chand and Company.