SOAL UAS Metlit Januari 2024 Take Home

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Ujian Matrikulasi
Ujian Tengah Semester
√ Ujian Akhir Semester

Mata Kuliah : Metodologi Penelitian

Hari/Tanggal : Rabu/
Sifat Ujian : Take Home Exam
Jawaban : Jawaban ditulis langsung di kertas double folio dan dikirimkan paling
lambat tanggal 21 Januari 2024.
Jawaban Ujian di scan dan di kirim langsung ke GCR Laman UAS
Hard copy dikumpulkan sekaligus dengan hard copy proposal penelitian

1. Explain what is meant by Research (Re-Search), and explain the characteristics of scientific
research according to Uma Sekaran, give examples of each characteristic contained in the
Proposal that are in accordance with your research

2. Explain what is meant by case study research according to several experts and conclude
in your opinion. Next, state the characteristics of case study research and state the
advantages and disadvantages of case study research along with examples

3. Explain the relationship between the concepts below and prove it with the proposal you made:
a. Title with phenomenon
b. Phenomenon with Problem Formulation
c. Formulating Problems with Hypotheses
d. Hypothesis with research methods
e. Research Methodology with Research Results
4. The following are the steps in case study research, explain them in detail and give appropriate

5. Explain some of the concepts below:

a. Transparadigmatic and transdisciplinary
b. Passive participant observation

c. Deep interview
d. Triangulation
e. Validity and Reliability Test
6. Below is a research model

δ1 δ2 δ3 δ4 δ5 δ6 δ7 δ8 δ9 δ10

X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10

l 11 l 22 l 23 l 34 l 35 l 36 l 22 l 23 l 34

Ec Sf Si Ec
(ξ 4) (ξ 5) (ξ 6) (ξ 7) ε1 ε2 ε3 ε4 ε5 ε6 ε7 ε8

o Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8
o o o
ρ14 ρ15 ρ16 ρ17
δ11 l 112 l 212 l 412 l 512 l 614 l 714 l 815 l 915
δ12 l 75 (ξ 8) (ξ 1)
Fle Int Acc Eou
(ξ (ξ (ξ18) (ξ 19)
16) 17)
δ13 X13
o o
ρ28 β1416 ρ1417 ρ1418 ρ1419
o o
δ14 Or
δ15 X15 ρ29 β214 (ξ 14) (ξ β1415
(ξ 2)
δ16 X16 o ρ210
β314 ρ1520 ρ1521 ρ1522 ρ1523
(ξ 10)
δ17 ρ211
o (ξ 3) Acr Tm Rel Com
δ18 X18 (ξ 20) (ξ21) (ξ 22) (ξ 23)
(ξ 11)
l 127 ρ312 ρ313
Ski o o o
l 1218 l 1418 l 1519 l 1619 l 1710 l 1720 l 1820 (ξ13) l 1820 o
o Kn
(ξ 12)

l 139 l 149 ol 159 l 1610 l 1710 Y9

Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16
X19 X20 X21 X22 X23
ε9 ε10 ε11 ε12 ε13 ε14 ε15 ε16

δ19 δ20 δ21 δ16 δ16

From the model above, provide an explanation of several things as follows:

a) State the title that can be proposed from the model above
b) Name the Independent Variable and Dependent Variable
c) If there are, state the Moderating Variables and Intervening Variables
d) Give a proposed research title from the model above
e) What data can be used from the model above, give reasons
f) Mention the statistical tools that can be used from the model above, give reasons

7. Give your analysis of the table below: Descriptive Statistical Test Results

Variabel N Minimum Maximum Mean

Fraud 30 0 69 8,4667 15,30998

NPF 30 0,10 35,15 4,9097 6,16318

ICG 30 1,00 3,00 1,8493 0,57400

BOPO 30 62,50 192,60 94,6090 23,75611

CAR 30 11,10 59,41 20,5773 11,55353

Sumber: data sekunder yang diolah

8. Give your analysis of the table below:

Adjusted R Square Durbin watson

R R Square Std. Error

0,612a 0,375 0,275 1,11482 1,798

a. Predictors: (Constant), ICG, NPF, BOPO, CAR

b. Dependent Variable: frd

9. Give your analysis of the table below:

Rangkuman Hasil Uji Statistik

Struktur Jalur Koefisien thitung* p-value R-Square
Pertama MS  KSIA 0,208 2,039 0,041 0,803
DMP  KSIA 0,473 4,451 < 0,001
KP  KSIA 0,315 2,703 0,007
Kedua KSIA  KIA 0,684 7,131 < 0,001 0,467
*tkritis = 1,96

10. Give your analysis of the table below:

Uji Glejser

Unstandardized Standardized

Coefficients Coefficients

Variabel Std. T Sig

B Error Beta

(Konstanta) -2,776E-16 2,507 0,000 1,000

NPF 0,000 ,174 0,000 0,000 1,000

ICG 0,000 ,935 0,000 0,000 1,000

BOPO 0,000 ,025 0,000 0,000 1,000

CAR 0,000 ,020 0,000 0,000 1,000

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