Test 24 Prelims Answer Paper (English)
Test 24 Prelims Answer Paper (English)
Test 24 Prelims Answer Paper (English)
19. Ans: C
18. Ans: B
● The revolutionary activity in the
In 1832, William Bentinck dispatched Punjab-United Provinces-Bihar
Colonel Pottinger to Sindh with the region was primarily dominated by
purpose of negotiating a treaty with the the Hindustan Republican
Amirs. The treaty contained the following Association / Army (HRA) which
stipulations: was Founded in October 1924 in
Kanpur by Ramprasad Bismil, Jogesh
Pair 4 is correct: Lord Ripon, the The award carries an amount of Rs. 1
Viceroy, established the Hunter Education crore, a citation, a plaque and an exquisite
Commission in 1882.It was aimed at traditional handicraft/handloom item. The
addressing issues related to the non- jury which decides the awardee of the
implementation of Wood’s Despatch of Gandhi Peace Prize comprises the
1854, evaluating the status of elementary ● Prime Minister of India
education in British territories, and
offering recommendations for its ● Leader of the Opposition in the
enhancement and expansion. Lok Sabha
● Chief Justice of India
21. Ans: C ● Speaker of the Lok Sabha and one
other eminent person.
Abaucin is a Antibiotic which is known
to compromise the normal function of a 23. Ans: C
protein called CCR2. Abaucin is also Exp:
“species-selective” and it only disrupts the Gravitational lensing occurs when light
growth of A. baumannii, not other Gram- from a distant object passes near a
negative bacteria. A. baumannii is a Gram- massive object in space, causing it to
negative bacteria, which means it has a bend or curve. When observed from
protective outer membrane that allows it to Earth, this bending alters the appearance or
resist antibiotics. It has been associated position of the distant object, much like the
with hospital-acquired infections in India. effect seen through a magnifier. An
Abaucin had “modest bactericidal activity important consequence of Gravitational
against A. baumannii” in a medium lensing distortion is magnification,
containing other compounds that the allowing us to observe objects that would
bacteria resisted. They also observed that otherwise be too far away and too faint to
when they removed abaucin from the be seen. This phenomenon offers
medium “after six hours of treatment”, the invaluable insights into astrophysics and
A. baumannii regrew. cosmology, aiding in the determination of
galaxy mass profiles and the refinement of
22. Ans: D cosmological parameters.
The Gandhi Peace Prize was established 24. Ans: C
in 1995 by the Union government on the Exp:
occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of The Mutwa and Rabari tribes are a part of
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The the nomadic pastoral communities that
award is conferred as a homage to the migrated to Kutch in Gujarat hundreds of
principles championed by Mahatma years ago. They lived in bhungas that were
Gandhi. Every year, it is conferred on mud houses, circular in shape to keep the
individuals and institutions in recognition houses cool during the harsh summers.
of their efforts in promoting social, Lippan means ‘clay’ or ‘dung’ in Gujarati
economic, and political transformation and ‘kaam’ is work. Hence, Lippan Kaam
through non-violence and other methods refers to the mud work that was done on
inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's principles. the interior as well as the exterior walls
were born: Hinayana and Mahayana Uparikara: Also an extra tax. Scholars
Buddhism. give different explanations about what it
was collected for.
● Hinayana Buddhism: The school
comprises followers adhering to the Hiranya: Literally, it means tax payable
original teachings of Buddha, on gold coins, but in practice, it was
leaning towards orthodoxy. They probably the king’s share of certain crops
reject idol or image worship of paid in kind.
Buddha. One of its sub-sects is Vata-Bhuta: Different kinds of cess for
Sthaviravada or Theravada. maintenance of rites for the winds (vata)
Scholars of Hinayana utilized the and the spirits (bhuta).
Pali language for communication
Sulka: A royal share of merchandise
with the masses.
brought into a town or harbour by
● Mahayana Buddhism: The school merchants. Hence it can be equated with
is characterized by a more liberal the customs and tolls.
outlook, affirming the divinity of
Klipta and Upakilpta: related to the sale
Buddha and Bodhisattvas as
and purchase of lands.
embodiments of Buddha Nature.
Mahayana adherents endorse idol or Statement 2 is incorrect: The successors
image worship of Buddha. The of Chandragupta II had to face the invasion
notion of Bodhisattva originates by the Hunas from Central Asia. While
from this school. Skandagupta managed to repel the attack,
the war drained the empire of its resources
and thus became a major factor
37. Ans: A contributing to the decline of the Gupta
Exp: Empire. Hunas excellent archery and their
Statement 1 is incorrect: Halivakara skilled horsemanship gave them a
was a plough tax paid by every cultivator considerable edge over the Gupta rulers.
owning a plough. However, Kara was a Statement 3 is correct: Chandragupta II
periodic tax levied on the villagers (not a records the prosperity of the Gupta
part of the annual land tax). Other taxes Empire. He was the first Gupta ruler to
Bhaga: King’s customary share of the issue silver coins. His rule thus formed the
produce normally amounts to one-sixth of peak period of Gupta’s territorial
the produce paid by cultivators. expansion.
43. Ans: B
44. Ans: B
A geographical indication (GI) is a sign
used on products that have a specific The ‘Five Eyes’ is a multilateral
geographical origin and possess qualities intelligence-sharing network shared by
or a reputation that are due to that origin. over 20 different agencies of five English-
In order to function as a GI, a sign must speaking countries:
identify a product as originating in a given ● Australia
place. ● Canada
Pair 1 is correctly matched: ‘Udaipur ● New Zealand
Koftgari Metal Craft’ crafts from
Rajasthan was given GI tag. In this type ● United Kingdom
of metal crafting, weapons are exquisitely ● United States.
ornamented by a complicated process of The Five Eyes Intelligence Oversight and
etching designs, heating, and then cooling, Review Council (FIORC) was created in
intertwined with embedding gold and 2016 as the “non-political intelligence
silver wire into the metal, pressing and oversight, review, and security entities” of
flattening it to a smooth surface with the member countries to exchange views
moonstone, and finally polishing it. on subjects of mutual interest, compare
Pair 2 is correctly matched: At Jalesar in best practices, explore areas of
Uttar Pradesh’s Etah district, once the cooperation, and maintain contact with
capital of Magadha king Jarasandha, non-Five Eyes countries, among other
over 1,200 small units are engaged in aims.
making ‘Jalesar Dhatu Shilp’, including
Zodiac signs, portraits and literary verses Statement 3 is incorrect: Indian sculpture
and the excellent calligraphy that came to considerably progressed during the
characterise his coins took Mughal Mauryan period and was largely
coinage to new heights. influenced by Buddhism. However,
sculptures of the Mauryan period are
related to all three religions - Jainism,
Hinduism and Buddhism. Example:
Didarganj Yakshini, The Torso of a
male figure found at Lohanipur (Bihar)
probably represents a Jain Tirthankara etc.
making and resource allocation. The idea ● Biosparging entails the injection of
behind DAOs is to create self-sustaining, pressurized air beneath the water table
community-driven entities governed by to elevate groundwater oxygen levels,
smart contracts on blockchain networks. thereby accelerating the biological
These smart contracts automatically breakdown of contaminants by
execute predefined rules without the need bacteria.
for intermediaries, ensuring trust through
code rather than traditional authorities.
58. Ans: C
The process for a decentralised
autonomous organisation (DAO)
involves defining rules on the Beyond the Dihang gorge, the Himalayas
blockchain, followed by a funding phase bend sharply to the south and spread along
where tokens are issued and sold to fill the eastern boundary of India. They are
the DAO treasury. Token holders gain known as the Purvanchal or the Eastern
proportional voting rights in exchange for hills and mountains. The Purvanchal
their fiat contributions. Once funded, the comprises the Patkai hills, the Naga
DAO is prepared for deployment, utilising hills, the Manipur hills and the Mizo
the treasury for its decentralised hills.
operations. The specific steps may vary, ● Patkai hills: They are located in the
and compliance with regulations is crucial. Indo-Myanmar border falling in the
north-eastern Indian states of
57. Ans: D Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and
Upper Burma region of Myanmar.
Exp: The Pangsau Pass offers the most
Statement 1 is incorrect: Lakes are important route through the Patkai.
classified into oligotrophic (low in ● Naga hills: The Naga hills are a
nutrients), mesotrophic (moderately mountain range located in the
nutrient-rich), and eutrophic (highly northeastern Indian state of Nagaland.
nutrient-rich) categories based on their The highest point of the Naga hills is
nutrient content. The majority of lakes in Mount Saramati .
India tend to be eutrophic or mesotrophic
due to the influx of nutrients from their ● Manipur hills: The Manipur hills are a
surroundings or the introduction of organic mountain range located in the
waste. northeastern Indian state of Manipur.
Statement 2 is incorrect: Bioremediation ● Mizo hills: The Mizo hills, also known
harnesses microorganisms such as bacteria as the Lushai hills, are a mountain
and fungi to break down environmental range located in the northeastern Indian
pollutants into less harmful substances. state of Mizoram. Phawngpui, also
Genetic engineering techniques can be known as Blue Mountain, is the
employed to tailor microorganisms for highest mountain peak in the Mizo
specific bioremediation purposes. Hills.
63. Ans: C
Jet streams are bands of strong wind that
generally blow from west to east all across
the globe. They impact weather, air travel
and many other things that take place in
our atmosphere.
62. Ans: C Statement 1 is correct: When the
Exp: temperature contrast reaches its peak, the
jet stream tends to flow along a nearly
The term ‘drought’ is applied to an extended straight trajectory. However, as the
period when there is low water availability temperature contrast diminishes, the jet
due to inadequate precipitation, excessive stream begins to adopt a winding course.
rate of evaporation and over-utilization of Therefore, the degree of meandering is
water from the reservoirs and other contingent upon the temperature
storages, including the groundwater. gradient. If a meander points towards the
Statement 1 is incorrect:. Hydrological poles, it's termed a peak or ridge, while if
drought results when the availability of it points towards the equator, it's referred
to as a trough.
water in different storages and
reservoirs like aquifers, lakes, Statement 2 is incorrect: Jet streams
reservoirs etc. falls below what the travel just beneath the Tropopause
precipitation can replenish. layer. Polar jet streams operate at altitudes
ranging from 6 to 9 kilometers above
Statement 2 is incorrect: Agricultural
ground level, while sub-tropical jet
drought, also called soil moisture
streams operate at altitudes between 10
drought, is characterised by low soil and 16 kilometers above ground level.
moisture that is necessary to support the
Statement 3 is correct: Jet streams play a
crops, thereby resulting in crop failures.
significant role in determining the weather
Moreover, if an area has more than 30 %
conditions in the lower atmosphere. The
of its gross cropped area under irrigation,
path followed by temperate cyclones or
the area is excluded from the drought-
mid-altitude weather disturbances is
prone category.
largely controlled by these upper
Meteorological drought is a situation circulations. The movement of jet streams
when there is a prolonged period of is also important in determining prolonged
inadequate rainfall marked with mal- periods of floods or droughts. Jet streams
distribution of the same over time and also affect the regularity of monsoonal
space. winds.
64. Ans: C
Statement 1 is correct: A subsequent
river is created when headward erosion Statement 2 is correct: The China-type
occurs along underlying rock after the climate, as experienced in most parts of
primary drainage pattern (known as a
China, exhibits more rainfall than the
consequent river) has been established.
Mediterranean climate in the same
Within the Ganga river basin, rivers such
latitudes, with the precipitation mainly
as the Chambal, Sind, Ken, Betwa, Tons,
occurring during the summer.
and Son intersect the Yamuna and Ganga
rivers perpendicularly, showcasing During summers, the monsoon here does
subsequent drainage patterns. not "burst" or "pour" as strongly as it does
Statement 2 is correct: Consequent in India while in winters, there is little
rivers are those that flow in alignment rainfall in the region. Typhoon frequency
with the general slope of the land. The is another aspect of the climate in southern
majority of rivers in peninsular India are China that is linked to the China type of
consequent rivers. For instance, the climate.
Godavari, Krishna, and Cauvery rivers,
originating from the Western Ghats and
streaming into the Bay of Bengal, 66. Ans: C
exemplify some of the consequent rivers Exp:
of Peninsular India.
Statement 3 is correct: Superimposed Statement 1 is correct: Mangroves
drainage occurs when a river, flowing thrive in tropical and subtropical areas,
over a softer rock layer, encounters harder primarily inhabiting intertidal zones
basal rocks but maintains its original spanning latitudes between 24° N and
course, seemingly unaffected by the 38° S. Their presence is facilitated by a
underlying harder stratum. The Damodar, sophisticated salt filtration system inherent
Subarnarekha, Chambal, Banas etc. are in mangrove vegetation, allowing them to
notable examples of superimposed efficiently manage water loss at the root
drainage. level and adapt to brackish environments.
These adaptive processes require
65. Ans: B substantial energy and are dependent on
Exp: sufficient exposure to solar radiation.
Statement 1 is incorrect: The China
Statement 2 is correct: The Sundarbans
Type Climate is found on the eastern
in West Bengal stands as the largest
margins of continents in warm
temperate latitudes, just outside the mangrove forest area globally and holds
tropics. It is a modified form of the designation of a UNESCO World
Heritage Site. Within this forest, one can
find habitats for the Royal Bengal tiger,
Statement 2 is correct: The beetle is ● The Act stipulates that the Central
known to bore fuel pipes that lead to fuel government is responsible for
leaks causing automobile fire. The appointing:
species is also feared to become pests to ○ Management Authority: This
natural rubber trees, a vital cash crop in the authority is tasked with issuing
State of Kerala. export or import permits for the
trade of specimens.
69. Ans: B ○ Scientific Authority: This
authority offers guidance on
matters pertaining to the impact
Statement 1 is correct: Under the Act, on the survival of the specimens
both Central and state governments being traded.
have the authority to designate areas ● The Central government has the
neighbouring national parks and authority to control or forbid the
sanctuaries as conservation reserves importation, trade, possession, or
aimed at safeguarding flora, fauna, and spread of invasive alien species.
their habitats.
● The Act assigns the responsibility of
Statement 2 is incorrect: Amendment to overseeing, managing, and preserving
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, has all sanctuaries within a state to the
reduced the total number of schedules Chief Wildlife Warden, who is
from six to four. appointed by the respective State
Schedule I pertains to animal species
receiving the utmost level of protection.
Schedule II encompasses animal species 70. Ans: C
with a reduced level of protection. Exp:
Schedule III pertains to protected plant Statement 1 is incorrect: Coastal
species. Regulation Zone-I encompasses
ecologically sensitive areas and the zone
Schedule IV pertains to specimens listed
between the High Tide Line (HTL) and
under CITES.
Low Tide Line (LTL). Within this zone,
The schedule for vermin species has been new construction is generally
removed. prohibited, except for specific essential
activities such as support services for
Statement 3 is incorrect: The Act allows
Atomic Energy Plants and Defense
individuals to voluntarily relinquish any
needs, facilities needed for the disposal
captive animals or animal products to the
of treated effluents, and other port-
Chief Wildlife Warden. No compensation
related waterfront activities.
will be provided to the individual for
surrendering such items. Upon Statement 2 is incorrect: In 2019, the
surrender, these items will become the Government of India introduced new CRZ
property of the state government. Rules with the aim of promoting
sustainable development, which includes
Additional Information encouraging tourism in coastal regions,
Other provisions of Wildlife (Protection) while also emphasizing the conservation
Amendment Act, 2022 of coastal environments. The revised rules
establish two distinct categories for
CRZ-III (Rural) areas:
CRZ-IIIA: In densely populated rural ○ CRZ-IIIB
regions categorized as CRZ-IIIA with a ● CRZ-IV: Activities affecting sea and
population density of 2,161 per square tidal-influenced water bodies will be
kilometre according to the 2011 Census, regulated, with the exception of
the no-development zone has been traditional fishing and associated
reduced to 50 meters from the high-tide activities carried out by local
level, compared to the previous communities. Discharge of untreated
stipulation of 200 meters. sewage, effluents, and pollution from
oil drilling is strictly prohibited.
CRZ-IIIB: Areas falling under the CRZ-
IIIB classification (rural areas with a ● The new Rules establish a 20-meter
population density below 2,161 per square no-development zone for all islands
kilometer) will maintain a no-development near the mainland coast and for all
zone extending up to 200 meters from the backwater islands on the mainland.
high-tide line.
Statement 3 is correct: Projects situated 71. Ans: B
within CRZ-I (Ecologically Sensitive Exp:
Areas) and CRZ IV (areas extending from
Pair 1 is incorrect: The Malabar Large-
the Low Tide Line to 12 Nautical Miles Spotted Civet, also known as the Malabar
seaward) will be handled for CRZ Civet, is a medium-sized carnivorous
clearance by the Ministry of Environment, mammal resembling a cat.
Forests, and Climate Change (MoEF).
● Range: Exclusive to the southern
Clearances for CRZ-II and III projects
regions of the Western Ghats.
have been delegated to the state level.
● Habitat: Found in lowland forests
Additional Information
and swamps within coastal plains.
Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Rules
● Threats: Facing habitat loss
2011 primarily due to agricultural
● CRZ I: expansion and plantation activities.
● CRZ II: The area developed up to or ● Conservation status: Classified as
near the shoreline, including Critically Endangered by the IUCN,
designated urban areas that are largely listed under Appendix III of CITES,
built up. Construction is allowed only and categorized under Schedule I of
on the inland side of existing the Wildlife Protection Act (WPA).
authorized structures. Pair 2 is incorrect: The Sangai, also
● CRZ III: These are the areas that known as the Brow-antlered deer or
remain relatively untouched and do not Dancing deer, is a subspecies of Eld’s deer
found in South and Southeast Asia.
fall under either CRZ-I or CRZ-II,
Endemic to Manipur, it holds the
comprising primarily rural regions and
distinction of being the state animal.
areas within designated urban zones
that are not extensively developed. The ● Distribution: Exclusively located
revised rules of 2019 establish two within Keibul Lamjao National Park,
distinct categories for CRZ-III where it resides on the floating biomass
(Rural) areas: known locally as phumdi in the Logtak
and high altitudes. The exercise aims to measures to prevent and suppress
exchange experiences and best practices in transnational crimes in the region. It would
Counter Terrorism and Special Forces further enhance the operational synergy by
Operations in Built-up Area and exchange of information and conduct of
Mountainous Terrain under Chapter VII of coordinated operations to handle maritime
United Nations Charter. The exercise will incidents/ accidents.
emphasise on developing Special Forces
skills, advanced techniques of insertion
77. Ans: C
and extraction.
Pair 3 is correctly matched: Ex-
Ayutthaya is the name of the first Statement 1 is correct: A Wholesale
bilateral maritime exercise between the Price Index (WPI) measures change in the
Indian Navy and the Royal Thai Navy. overall price of goods before they are sold
The Indo-Thai Bilateral Exercise is being at retail. In the case of India, services are
named as ‘Ex-Ayutthaya’, which literally excluded from the wholesale price index
translates to ‘The Invincible One’ or (WPI).
‘Undefeatable’, and symbolises the Statement 2 is incorrect: The GDP
significance of two of the oldest cities deflator represents the ratio of the GDP
Ayodhya in India and Ayutthaya in at current prices to that of constant
Thailand, the historic legacies, rich prices, indicating the increase in GDP
cultural ties and shared historical value due to inflation between the base
narratives dating back to several centuries. year (i.e., the year of constant prices) and
the current year. It encompasses the
76. Ans: B entire spectrum of goods and services
produced in the economy, it is
Exp: considered a more comprehensive
Statement 1 is incorrect: The Colombo measure of inflation than the Consumer
Security Conclave (CSC) was Price Index.
established in 2020 when India, Sri Statement 3 is incorrect: The Consumer
Lanka and Maldives agreed to expand Price Index measures the overall change in
the scope and membership of their consumer prices based on a representative
Trilateral Meeting on Maritime basket of goods and services over time.
Cooperation. Mauritius joined the The Consumer Price Index for
conclave at the 5th NSA-level meeting of Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) comprises
the Conclave in 2022 held in Male, a basket of 260 items (including services)
Maldives. with the base year set as 2001. Primarily,
Statement 2 is correct: CSC Focused this index pertains to government
Operation’ is being conducted with an employees excluding personnel from
aim of keeping this vital part of the banks and embassies. The wages or
Indian Ocean Region safe and secure salaries of central government employees
for commercial shipping, international are adjusted based on fluctuations in this
trade and conduct of legitimate maritime index, with dearness allowance (DA)
activities. The Focused Operation would revisions announced biannually. During
help to build understanding and pay revision recommendations by the
interoperability between the lead maritime Pay Commission, the CPI (IW) serves as
security agencies, and facilitate institution of the benchmark.
RBI, such as CRISIL, ICRA, etc. With the raised through issuance of units via
objective of expanding investor follow-on offer, preferential issue,
involvement, in October 2019, SEBI institutional placement and rights issue
permitted the listing of commercial papers. of units. REITs can also raise debt
Statement 3 is correct: Cash capital through issuance of debt
Management Bills (CMBs) are non- securities. REITs are required to list the
standardized instruments issued at a debt securities issued by them on
discount for maturities shorter than 91 recognised stock exchanges.
days. These bills possess characteristics Statement 3 is incorrect: Angel investors
similar to Treasury Bills, being issued at a are allowed to invest in companies that
discount to their face value, being tradable, are not older than 3 years, according to
and being eligible for the ready forward SEBI regulations. They are required to
facility. Banks consider investment in invest in startups at an early stage, and the
CMBs as an acceptable form of
funds need to be invested in a firm for at
investment in government securities for
least three years, supporting small and
statutory liquidity ratio (SLR)
young enterprises.
Statement 4 is incorrect: While existing
Treasury Bills fulfill a similar purpose as 83. Ans: A
that of CMBs, they were placed under the Exp:
provisions of Ways & Means Advances
(WMAs) by the Government of India in Statement 1 is correct: Reverse Charge
1997. Consequently, they no longer means the liability to pay tax is on the
provide a discretionary avenue for the recipient of supply of goods or services
government to access funds as needed in instead of the supplier of such goods or
the short term. In contrast, Cash services in respect of notified categories of
Management Bills (CMBs) do not fall supply.
under similar WMAs provisions. A supplier cannot take an Input Tax Credit
of GST paid on goods or services used to
82. Ans: D make supplies on which the recipient is
Exp: liable to pay tax.
Statement 1 is incorrect: Alternative Statement 2 is incorrect: Supplies of
Investment Funds (AIFs) are not goods under the reverse charge mechanism
primarily focused on investments in
include Cashew nuts (not shelled or
publicly traded securities like stocks
peeled), Bidi wrapper leaves (tendu),
and bonds. They are a newly created class
Tobacco leaves, Raw cotton, Supply of
of pooled-in investment vehicles for real
lottery, etc.
estate, private equity, and hedge funds, and
their investments can encompass a wide
range of alternative assets, including those 84. Ans: A
that are not publicly traded.
Statement 2 is incorrect: Real Estate
Investment Trusts (REITs) can raise unit Statement 1 is correct: The Market
capital from investors through issuance of Intervention Scheme (MIS), akin to
units via initial offer. Such units are Minimum Support Price (MSP), is
required to be listed on recognised stock initiated at the request of state
exchanges. Further unit capital can be governments to procure perishable and