Gape Model
Gape Model
Gape Model
The Iigure below shows the "GAP" model oI service quality Irom Parasuraman et al. (Zithaml &
Bitner 1996). This model oIIers an integrated view oI the consumer-company relationship. It is
based on substantial research amongst a number oI service providers. In common with the
Grnroos model it shows the perception gap (Gap 5) and outlines contributory Iactors. In this
case expected service is a Iunction oI word oI mouth communication, personal need and past
experience, and perceived service is a product oI service delivery and external communications
to consumers.
O Parasuraman et al. CAP model (Zeithaml 199)
owever the GAP model goes Iurther in its analysis oI these key contributory Iactors. It not only
provides a more rigorous description oI the contributory Gaps, it lists key drivers Ior each gap
and generic breakdown oI each oI these drivers. These are illustrated below in summary Iorm
Gap 1
O nadequate market research orientation
O ack of upward communication
O nsufficient relationship focus
Gap 2
O Absence of customer driven standards
O nadequate service leadership
O Poor service design
Gap 3
O Deficiencies of human resource policies
O ailure to match supply and demand
O ustomers not fulfilling roles
Gap 4
O neffective management of customer expectations
O verpromising
O nadequate horizontal communications
O ey factors in the CAP model (Zeithaml 199)
This level oI detail allows powerIul analysis oI the contributory Iactors to a perception gap at a
practical level. The model shows the importance oI marketing, business leadership quality and
# systems in the management oI the expectation gap.
Customer gap: The difference between customer expectations and perceptions - the
service quality gap.
O ap 1: The difference between what customers expected and what
management perceived about the expectation of customers.
O ap 2: The difference between management's perceptions of customer
expectations and the translation of those perceptions into service
quality specifications and designs.
O ap 3: The difference between specifications or standards of service quality
and the actual service delivered to customers.
O ap 4: The difference between the service delivered to customers and the
promise of the firm to customers about its service quality