LE Kumar Project Paper 3
LE Kumar Project Paper 3
LE Kumar Project Paper 3
K Rashmi RM Noorullah
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE
Institute of Aeronautical Engineering Institute of Aeronautical Engineering
Hyderabad, India Hyderabad, India
[email protected] [email protected]
Abstract— Abstract—Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a major show any sign until the later stages. Lack of early and
cause of blindness, and it is important to identify symptoms accurate detection of DR further worsens the condition.
early enough to allow appropriate intervention and vision-
saving treatment. For this reason, the early diagnosis of DR is
of crucial importance to ophthalmologists. Recently, many
advances have been made in handling big datasets as the
demand for diagnosis and analysis of large numbers of images
and telemedicine has risen considerably, and with the help of
these developments, computers are now taking over many of
those tasks. Since disease diagnoses can be very subjective,
involving intuition and experience, trained systems based on
complex calculations are gaining popularity. This is a study
that employs hybrid convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for
automated DR screening based on fundus images. Researchers
adopt 2 well-known deep learning architectures (VGGNet and
ResNet) for DR diagnosis, train the models separately, and
argue that combining both nets improves accuracy and
generalization in the diagnosis of DR. This hybrid view will be
able to capture a wider range of features due to ResNet. the
vanishing gradient problem is addressed using (2). The deep
learning-based diagnosis is able to recognize and classify 4
labels of DR. This is a decision function. The weight Fig 1. Microaneurysms, Hemorrhages, and Exudates.
parameters will be trained under several input images and
tested by standard performance metrics: accuracy, sensitivity,
precision and f1-score on a well-known dataset. It is believed
By the time it is detected, the patients might have already
that using the proposed method will improve patient outcomes started losing their sight. [9] When an ophthalmologist
and alleviate the global burden of blindness, avoiding and perceives leakage or exudates shown from the inner-back
detecting DR early to make sure it remains in its early stages, surface, there are several signs such as microaneurysms,
when it is more manageable. hemorrhages and exudates. Conventionally,
ophthalmologists perform thorough examinations in
Keywords— Diabetic retinopathy, VGG16, ResNet50, Residual retrieving signs from the retinal images or fundus
Connection. photographs captured from the victim of this condition. By
doing so, we can diagnose the problem. However,
ophthalmologists could miss signs due to their subjective
I. INTRODUCTION judgment and due to the limited time given for the
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the most common examination. Furthermore, ophthalmologists are always
complications among diabetic patients and has been a not always available, especially in rural areas. Deep
global health burden over the past three decades. This learning, an advanced machine learning technique
condition destroys the fine tissue on the inner-back surface mimicking the human brain, could help us overcome these
of the eye called the retina, rendering sight incapacitation limitations. [10] When it comes to reviewing medical
if not treated properly. Severe situations can lead to images, the deep learning architecture can explain the
permanent blindness. [1] The worst part is that it might not medical data given. It is known to have a capability of
analyzing a significant amount of data, making it suitable
figure 5
figure 11
figure 9
figure 12
Table 3. Results:
5 99.41% 99.60% 98.91% 99.25%
V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE local private data is used to train the models, and the learnt
weights are subsequently imported into a global model.
Conclusion : Retinal diseases are highly intricate, so it is Lightweight Network Architecture: The majority of deep
vital to analyze them in detail to make prompt and definitive learning models created for the diagnosis of retinal diseases
diagnosis. This work was the first to apply a hybrid deep operate effectively, albeit at a significant computational cost.
learning model which combines VGG (which specializes in This is a significant barrier to using these models on mobile
the global pattern structure) and ResNet (which specializes in edge devices. Creating innovative lightweight models to
the structure of local lesions) to enhance our network’s lower the computational parameters while keeping
ability to diagnose retinal diseases. In contrast to isolated performance is another important research avenue in this
VGG or isolated ResNet models which only specialize in area.
global patterns or local lesions, our hybrid model
incorporates the overall disease status. Performance is
considerably improved, and we found that our hybrid model VI. REFERNCES
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