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International Journal of Health Medicine and Current Research

Vol. 7, Issue 02, pp.2187-2195, December 2022

10.22301/IJHMCR.2187-2195.2140 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL
Article can be accessed online on:
http://www.ijhmcr.com CURRENT RESEARCH


(Crinum asiaticum L.)

Lusianti Worabai,1 Karim Latuconcina,2 Bernard Fambrene,3Ismail4,Sarah Gabriella Mapanawang5

DIII- Pharmacy Study Program, Makariwo Halmahera College of Health Sciences (STIKMAH) – Tobelo
Medika Mandiri Foundation – Tobelo

ARTICLE INFO ________________________________________________________
Article History: Background: Lily plant is a plant that has efficacy in traditional medicine, the
Received 15th November, 2022 Latin name of the lily plant is Crinum asiticum L. The lily plant provides
Received in revised form antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-emetic, laxative, diuretic,
20th November, 2022 rheumatic, and bleeding control effectiveness. Objective: The population in this
Accepted 25th December, 2022 study was lily roots taken from Tunuo Village, North Kao District, North
Published online 31th December, Halmahera Regency. Method Research: phytochemical screening method The
2022 sample used in this study was 100-gram lily root Simplicia powder. Maceration
was carried out for 3 days, at room temperature protected from direct sunlight while
Key words: stirring occasionally. for 3 days the maceration was filtered and the dregs were
Daffodil Root (C. asiaticum L.), squeezed out. then the dregs were macerated with 400 ml of 70% ethanol solvent
Phytochemical Screening, for 3 days, then filtered the filtrate was collected and evaporated with a rotary
Secondary Metabolites evaporator to produce a thick ethanolic extract of lily roots.
*Correspondence to Author: Research Results: results of phytochemical screening tests for secondary
metabolites found in ethanol extract of lily root. Contains flavonoids, alkaloids,
Lusianti Worabai
saponins, and tannins.
Student Pharmacy Study Program
Makariwo Halmahera College of Conclusion: ethanolic extract of the lily root contains secondary metabolites
Health Sciences because it contains flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and saponins.
Copyright © 2022, Lusianti
Worabai..This is an open-access article
Citation: Lusianti Worabai,1 Karim Latuconcina,2 Bernard Fambrene,3Ismail4,Sarah Gabriella
distributed under the creative Mapanawang5 “Pharmacy Study Program”, International Journal of Health Medicine and Current
commons attribution License, Research, 7, (02), 2187-2195
which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited International Journal of Health Medicine and Current Research |2187
PRELIMINARY antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant, antiemetic, laxative, diuretic,
The Indonesian nation is rich in rheumatic, and bleeding properties.13
natural resources; almost all kinds of plants
can be grown in this country.1 especially In a previous study of lilies, the
medicinal plants. The lily plant is one of the ethanol extract of the lily consisted of
herbal plants consumed by the community as alkaloids, flavonoids, sapiens, triterpenoids,
medicine.2 and steroid secondary metabolites.
Flavonoids, sapiens, and tannins are
Plants are widely used as medicine. examples of secondary metabolites found in
The knowledge of the people of North lilies. Alkaloids can be found in roots, seeds,
Maluku about medicinal plants was passed and tubers.2
down from one era to another. Currently,
there is a great deal of aid for the scientific Secondary metabolites themselves
exploration of plants whose abilities are are organic molecules that have a function for
generally not seen as utilization and growth and development. Several plant
decoration, but also as medicinal plants. 3 organs, such as roots, leaves, flowers, fruits,
and seeds, can make secondary metabolites.4.
Traditional medicine is a material
sourced from minerals, animals, and plants Based on the description, the
that have been used for generations for researcher wants to do additional research on
treatment, disease prevention, or health the identification of secondary metabolites of
maintenance. 11 Currently, herbal medicines ethanol extract samples taken in the study,
are increasing in both developing and namely the lily root extract, which is
developed countries. There are several currently being found by many people,
factors that cause, among others, history, especially the coastal area of Tunuo Village,
culture, and individual attitudes. Herbal North Kao District.
medicines that are widely used throughout
the country or region are plants.

North Maluku is a society full of RESEARCH METHODS

natural resources. Especially plants used in
A. Type of Research
traditional medicine. Lilies have a significant
impact on the treatment of diseases. The This type of research uses a
people of North Kao District often use this phytochemical screening method to find
plant as one of the herbal medicines they use secondary metabolites in the ethanolic extract
to treat various diseases of lily root on a laboratory scale.
Currently, the people of North Kao Sub- B. Population and sample
district, especially in Tunuo Village, many
people tend to use lily as herbal medicine to 1. Population
eliminate poisoning caused by the rabies This study used lily roots from Tunuo
virus. This lily plant also has leaves, flowers, Village, North Kao Districtand, North
stems, roots, and tubers.3 Halmahera Regency as the population.
2. Sample
The Latin name of the lily plant is This study uses a sample of 100 grams of
Crinum asiaticum L. The lily plant is useful lily root Simplicia powder.
in traditional medicine because of its

International Journal of Health Medicine and Current Research |2188

How it works 2. Alkaloid Test
10 mg of the lily root was taken, 10 mL
1. Material collection Lily roots taken from of HCI was added, and the mixture was
Tunuo Village, District, North Kao, Kab, heated for 2 minutes with constant
and North Halmahera were used. Sorted stirring. Then the extract mixture was
wet, washed with running water, and then filtered. A few drops of Wanger's reagent
dried by aerating at room temperature. were added to the filtrate, if it was a
2. Making Daffodil Root Ethanol Extract 1 brown precipitate then the alkaloids were
kg of dried samples of lily roots was re- positive.
sorted from the remaining dirt, the
simplicia which had been sorted and then
mashed by coarsely ground until a small RESEARCH RESULT
powder was obtained, then sieved using an
80 mesh sieve, intended for uniformity of A. Results
Simplicia size making it easier for
Table 4. 1 Phytochemical Screening Results
processing extraction. After
of ethanol extract of lily root


The manufacture of lily root extract was EMICAL T OR ATIONS LTS
carried out using the maceration technique. SCREENIN
100 grams of lily root Simplicia powder and G
600 ml of 70% ethanol solvent.
Flavonoids Ethan Shaped
Maceration was carried out for three days ol black
at room temperature, under indirect sunlight, color +
while stirring occasionally. The rest is FeCl3
squeezed after maceration and filtered for
three days. After that, the pulp was macerated Alkaloids HCI In the
for three days in 400 milliliters of 70%. form of a
ethanol solvent, filtered, then evaporated Wang brown +
using a rotary evaporator to produce a thick er precipitat
ethanol extract of lily root. e

3. Identification of secondary metabolite Saponin Aqua Bubble

compounds. A phytochemical screening test des
was carried out to determine the secondary +
metabolite compounds contained in the roots
of the lily.
Tanin Aqua In the
1. Flavonoid Test des form of
10 Mg lily root samples, 5 ml ethanol, green- +
and a few drops of FeCl3 were added to FeCl3 brown
the solution until a color change
occurred. If there was a color change to
black, blue, purple, green, or red, and no
color change occurred, up to 20 drops
occurred. FeCl3, then negative

International Journal of Health Medicine and Current Research |2189

The table above, the results of the dry sorting by separating the remaining
phytochemical screening test for secondary impurities in the dry simplicia.
metabolites in the ethanolic extract of the lily
root. Contains saponins, alkaloids, tannins, The simplicia was mashed using a
and flavonoids. blender, refining was done to make it easier
for the solvent to enter the simplicia and
Table 4.2 Yield of thick extract of lily root attract more compounds into it. The simplicia
was sieved using a sieve, the sieving was
Simplicia Powder Ekstract yield carried out to separate the small particles
sample (%) mixed in the simplicia and facilitate the
(grams) (grams)
extraction process.
Daffodil 100 15 15
The maceration method, which
involves immersing the simplicia in a solvent
at room temperature (without heating) to
prevent the breakdown of the simplicia
The yield of the thick extract of lily root metabolites, is used in the extraction
based on the table above is 15% with a weight procedure because of its simplicity and wide
of 100 grams of simplicia powder and 15 use. Because ethanol can be polar, it is used
grams of thick extract. as a solvent because it can extract polar and
non-polar compounds in various polarities.15
a. Yield calculation formula 27
% Yield = weight of thick extract (grams) x The weight of simplicia macerated
100% with ethanol solvent is 100 grams of
Simplicia weight (grams) simplicia dissolved with 600 ml of ethanol
% Yield = 15 gram x 100 % for 3 days while occasionally stirring.
100 grams Because the longer the simplicia is soaked,
% Yield = 15 % the higher the yield value.15 This can happen
because there is a continuous extraction
The chemical components or
A. Discussion compounds in the sample are isolated
This research was conducted in the effectively through repeated filtration with a
laboratory of the Faculty of Health Sciences relatively constant amount of solvent. 16 The
Makariwo Halmahera. In this study, the solvent will penetrate the cell wall and then
sample used was 100 grams of lily root enter the cell cavity which contains the active
powder taken from Tunuo Village, North substance. the active substance will dissolve.
Kao District, North Halmahera Regency. If this is done again, the solution outside and
Samples were cleaned using clean and inside the cell has the same concentration. To
speed up the extraction process, stirring is
running water, washing was carried out to
remove dirt attached to the simplicia. done.7
The macerated simplicia is
Simplicia is dried at room
temperature and protected from direct evaporated to evaporate the solvent. With a
variety of compounds contained in the roots
sunlight, the purpose of drying is to reduce
the water content in simplicia. Simplicia in of the lily, with different chemical structures
can have an impact on the solubility and

International Journal of Health Medicine and Current Research |2190

stability such as light, air. With evaporation Identification of alkaloids in the
in the maceration process to prevent damage ethanolic extract of lily roots which was
to the extract, because evaporation is better added with HCl and the addition of positive
and it is easy to separate solvents from wanger resulted in a change in the form of a
different extracts with light. during the brown precipitate. The purpose of the
maceration process it must be evaporated to addition of HCl is to extract alkaline
produce a thick extract.13 with an extract alkaloids using an acid solution. alkaloids to
weight of 15 grams and an extract yield of form a complex that precipitates. 19 while
15%. Aisyah Mentari and Nurul Hidayah tested the
lily leaf alkaloids.
The thick extract from the root of the
lily was tested for flavonoid compounds, In the identification of alkaloids with
alkaloids, saponins, and tannins, using the a phytochemical screening method where
phytochemical test method. The purpose of Meyer's reagent is in the form of a yellow
the phytochemical test of this study was to lumpy precipitate, Dragendrof's reagent is in
determine the content of the secondary the form of an orange precipitate and
metabolites of simplicia.12 Bouchardat's reagent is in the form of a dark
brown precipitate.
In this follow-up study, the ethanolic
extract of the lily root was used for testing
secondary metabolites using the
phytochemical screening method.
Identification of flavonoids in the
ethanolic extract of the lily root which was
added to an ethanol solution and the addition
of positive FeCl3 resulted in a change in the Figure 5.2 Basic structure of alkaloids. 29
color of the solution to black. This is because
Identification of tannins in the
flavonoid compounds undergo a reduction
ethanolic extract of lily roots added with
reaction caused by FeCl3 and ethanol. In
distilled water and the addition of positive
previous studies, it was written that flavonoid
FeCl3 resulted in a change in the color of the
compounds found in plants were useful as
solution in the form of a green-brown color.
medicines, both as antibleeding and
This is because aquadest is polar so it easily
antihypertensive.18 Asiyah Mentari and
reacts with FeCl3. A previous study wrote
Nurul Hidayah tested flavonoids in daffodils.
that tannins are polar compounds because
on the identification of flavonoids with a
they have an OH group in them. Therefore, a
phytochemical screening method in which
green-black color change occurs when FeCl3
0.5 M Mg and HCl react to become yellow. 7
is added to the sample, indicating the
presence of tannin compounds.20 Aisyah
Mentari and Nurul Hidayah conducted a
tannin test on C. asiaticum L. leaves to
identify tannin with a phytochemical
screening method where there is no
precipitate of FeCl3 which gives a negative
Figure 5.1 The Figure 5.1 The basic structure result.7
of flavonoids.28

International Journal of Health Medicine and Current Research |2191

A. Conclusion
Based on the results obtained from
the research, it is concluded that The
ethanolic extract of the lily root contains
secondary metabolites because it contains
tannins, alkaloids, flavonoid compounds, and
Figure 5.3 basic structure of tannins. 28 saponins.

Identification of saponins in the B. Suggestion

ethanolic extract of lily roots added with Based on the conclusion of the
distilled water. Positive is in the form of research on secondary metabolites of the
foam. This is because saponins can reduce ethanolic extract of the lily root, the authors
the surface pressure of the water, so that foam provide suggestions for other researchers to
forms on the surface of the water after conduct further research using the
shaking.21 Aisyah Mentari and Nurul fractionation method.
Hidayah conducted a saponin test on
daffodils on the identification of saponins by
the method phytochemical screening in
which 2N HCl formed foam which gave a BIBLIOGRAPHY
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