Mathematics in Early Childhood Education

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Part 1

Question # 1

"Children's informal mathematical knowledge originates within the course of typically
occurring everyday activities," write Antony and Walshaw (2007, p.25). Rhymes and songs
help infants learn to tell time and recognise patterns, and free play helps them become more
physically active and aware of their surroundings.
The value of math education for young children is indisputable. It will profoundly affect the
future of mathematics education for children. Math is an essential part of any education. Most
schools devote at least five hours per week to teaching elementary school students basic
arithmetic concepts. At school, students will learn real-world applications for math skills,
which will motivate them to do better in the subject.
The concepts of first, second, and third will begin to emerge as children engage in school
activities or even just line up for class. As students move through elementary school, they
will have more and more opportunities to use their math skills in contexts outside of
mathematics. Young cooks can gain experience with volume measurement and the concepts
it introduces as they prepare meals. This shows students how mathematics is relevant in every
aspect of their lives. Children's cognitive growth is aided by this as well. The purpose of this
task is to gain an understanding of the two mathematical learning theories and how they can
be applied to the process of educating young minds in mathematics.

Theory #1
Jerome Bruner’s Three Modes of Representations
Bruner argues that a child's mind is profoundly influenced by the culture in which they are
raised. Like Piaget, Bruner divided childhood into stages determined by the extent to which
one is represented in one's environment. Passive, iconic, and symbolic are the three stages of
development he posited, he said. In contrast to Piaget, Bruner argued that developmental
stages weren't always related to chronological age.
In the first, or inactive, stage, the child learns about the world through the rudimentary
strategies he or she employs in navigating it. He "learns by doing" in this instance.
Information is primarily formed and stored as physical responses. The second stage is the
"iconic" representation. The infant begins to understand that images can be represented in
three dimensions at this stage. Most of our memories are stored in the form of images. At this
level, students may learn more quickly if the instructor uses visual aids like diagrams, graphs,
and drawings to help them conceptualise the material. In the third stage, known as symbolic
representation, the infant is able to translate nonverbal cues such as actions and pictures into
verbal ones. Information is stored as words, mathematical symbols, and other symbols.
Bruner proposed the spiral curriculum, which introduces students to current topics as early as
kindergarten before reviewing them in greater depth and breadth in later grades. Piaget's
argument that teachers should make students show readiness for learning was not one he
agreed with. A far more active intervention strategy based on spiral curriculum was what he
argued for instead. He thinks that a regular teacher in a regular classroom can show a regular
student how to structure a topic so that the student can create most of the content rather than
just memorise a bunch of facts. The belief that "any topic can be properly taught in some
intellectually authentic way to any child at any level of development" guided his teaching
philosophy. The role of the teacher should be to facilitate learning rather than simply to
impart information for memorization. This means that a competent educator will structure
lessons around encouraging students to draw connections between seemingly unrelated
concepts. To achieve this goal, educators must equip students with relevant information while
also facilitating their learning. A spiral curriculum is useful for encouraging students to learn
by doing. The spiral curriculum, proposed by Bruner, involves introducing students to
relevant topics as early as kindergarten and reviewing them in greater depth and breadth in
later grades. As a teacher, he did not agree with Piaget's stance that one should wait for a
child's developmental readiness before beginning instruction. Instead, he suggested a more
hands-on intervention strategy based on a spiral curriculum. He thinks that a typical
classroom teacher can show a typical student in a typical classroom how to structure a topic
so that the student can generate most of the content on their own rather than having to
memorise many unrelated facts. The belief that "any topic can be properly taught in some
intellectually authentic way to any child at any level of development" was central to his
teaching philosophy. The role of the educator is to facilitate learning, not to merely impart
information for memorization. A competent educator will therefore structure lessons so that
students can learn to draw connections between seemingly unrelated concepts. In order to
achieve this goal, educators must equip students with relevant information while also
facilitating their learning. Implementing a spiral curriculum structure can facilitate students'
engagement in the learning-by-doing strategy.

Theory # 2
Theory of Zoltan P. Dienes
Dienes shifted the focus of mathematics instruction away from abstract principles and toward
active, hands-on learning through play. Mathematical expression, in Dienes's view, is a form
of artistic expression. He argued that teaching math to kids is a win-win because it
encourages independent and creative thought. Even if we don't put Dienes's suggestions into
practise in our own classrooms, we can at least appreciate his arguments. When it makes
sense, we can incorporate those specific cases into lessons. Dienes argues that games are an
integral part of the context in which mathematical ideas are developed.
This is the time for unstructured play, which is the foundation of education. Most people will
engage in what is known as "trial and error" behaviour when faced with a situation they have
no idea how to handle. It's human nature to try everything under the sun until some pattern
emerges when trying to solve a riddle. In the second phase, after some unstructured play,
patterns in the scenario become apparent and can be codified as "game rules." If it is found
that rules may bring interesting activities into play, then it is only a small step to developing
regulations to create a "game." The completion of a game is determined by the player's ability
to meet predetermined goals and the game's rules.
The third stage is the evaluation, or contrast, phase. Now that the kids have tried out a variety
of math games, we can discuss our impressions and make some comparisons. It's helpful to
introduce several games with similar rule structures but different materials, as this helps
students see the unity at the game's core despite their superficial differences.
This phase is called the representation phase. When a student understands the core ideas
behind numerous different games, he or she is practically begging for a visual representation
of the shared elements among them. Now it's time to give the student a visual representation
of the common core, whether it be an arrows diagram, a table, a coordinate system, or
anything else. The fifth step is the symbolic representation phase. Now that we have a
representation, or "map," we can examine it and determine whether certain characteristics are
universal to games. For instance, it could be determined if two distinct sets of steps result in
the same output. This is the formalisation phase. We need some order when the tangle of
justifications becomes too much to bear. In this case, we're at the outset of the process of
discovering that the following set of statements can serve as our Axiom, and that the other
characteristics we've derived can serve as our Theorem, with the PROOFS bridging the gap
between the two.

In conclusion, Jerome Bruner's theory is applied to elementary school students, and it has
been shown to be effective in the context of mathematics instruction. This can be used to
improve students' mathematical literacy and enjoyment in all math courses. Students would
gain an understanding of the rationale behind and the origins of these mathematical abilities.
No longer will they muddle through math by rote without really understanding what they're
doing. He found that Zoltan Dienes’ theories, like other complex conceptual frameworks, are
constructed using the same kinds of logic and mental processes. And he saw the potential for
guiding children toward more complex thought patterns at a much younger age than you
might expect by teaching these frameworks at the elementary level. Dienes also found a way
to put this game-based learning approach into practise in classrooms around the world,
capitalising on the natural inclination of young people to learn through play.

Zoltan Dienes’ six-stage theory of learning mathematics | Studymode. (2013, May 18). Six
Stages of Zoltan Dienes’s Theory.

Zoltan Dienes’ six-stage theory of learning mathematics – Zoltan Dienes’ Web Site. (2022).
Six Stages of Dienes’s Theory.

Mcleod, S. (2008). Bruner - Learning Theory in Education | Simply Psychology.

Jerome Burner.

Walshaw, M. (2014). Effective pedagogy as a local experience. Journal of Mathematics

Teacher Education, 17(4), 299–301.

Wen, P. (2018, November 26). Application of Bruner’s Learning Theory in Mathematics

Studies. Atlantis Press.
Preschool math lesson plan geared toward a group of four-year-olds.

Day & Date: Mon ,10-9-2022

Class: P2 tulip
Time: 10am-10.45am
Age: 4
Duration: 5 min.
Numbers of Children: 15
Subject: Mathematics
Lesson Title: Numbers 1-5

Learning Objective(s):
 The numbers 1-5 are taught to children.
 The second important skill that kids pick up is number sorting.
 Third, kids get practise counting and learning one-to-one correspondence.
 Students practise colouring the digits 1-5
Prior Knowledge(s):
 Able to know counting.
 Able to use fine and gross motor skills.
 Able to know about colours.

Introduction to number 1-5

Duration:10 min.

Teacher activity Materials/ Teaching aid

The cards with the numbers are posted on  Flash cards
the board by the teacher. Teacher will read  Number song
off the numbers as you point to them on the
flash cards. As a result, students will flock *Source from YouTube
to their teacher's every instruction.
the numbers and have the students say what
they are. Do you think you can?

Once the children have been introduced to

numbers, the teacher will show them a
YouTube video of a number’s song.
A teacher can then instruct the class in
singing the song with motions after the
song has been sung.

Children activity
Children will need to be able to recognise
and say the numbers as they are introduced:
During class, when the teacher is
introducing the concept of numbers, it is
important for the students to know what
kinds of numbers they will be learning.

Activity # 1 Sorting Numbers

Duration:10 min.
Teacher activity Materials/ Teaching aid
The teacher will use the number cards that  White board
are stick on the white board after a brief  Number cards
introduction to numbers with the children.  A4 papers
The class will go over number sequences,  Number stickers
with the teacher having the kids repeat the
sequences aloud.
Teachers will require a sheet of white paper,
some permanent markers, and some number
stickers after going over the rules for
number sequences.

Instructor, cut the sheet of white cardboard

into five equal parts. Number the top of the
cardboard from 1 to 5.

The class receives the number stickers and

cardboard from the teacher.

Get the kids to stick the stickers in order

from 1 to 5 starting with 1.

Children activity
The goal of this activity was to teach kids to
recognise numbers and put them in order.
Students must be able to identify and recite
the numbers as the teacher goes through
The kids will use the numbered stickers to
arrange themselves on the cardboard,
starting with 1 and working their way up to

Image 1 sorting numbers Children Activity

Activity #2 counting
Duration: 10 min.
Teacher activity
Children can practise counting and sorting Material / Teaching aids
by having their buttons matched to the  Plastic cups
corresponding numbers written on plastic  Number sticker
cups (1–5).  buttons
In time, kids learn to succeed without
constant adult supervision.
If they are having trouble counting, the
teacher will help them.

Children activity
A child can learn counting and numbers in
this activity.
The children will each receive five
numbered plastic cups. Moreover, buttons
will supply.
The children will count the buttons and sort
them into the appropriate plastic cups based
on the numbers printed on the cups.

Image 2 Counting time Children Activity

Activity #3 colouring
Duration: 10
Teacher activity Material /teaching aid
Just before diving into the worksheet, we'll  Worksheets
do a quick review of basic arithmetic.  Colour pencils
To ensure that the students fully grasp the
objectives of the worksheet, the teacher will
go over the steps with them after they have
been revised.
After that, the instructor will give each
student a copy of the worksheet and some
coloured pencils.
Children activity
Children can use their imaginations while
colouring the digits in this activity. And
they pick up colour theory as well!
Children's fine motor skills can benefit from
The kids will get to express their creativity
by colouring in the lines of a worksheet
provided by the teacher.
Image 3 Colouring fun Children Activity

Duration:5 min.

Teacher activity
Provide comprehensive evaluations of each child (encourage those who fall short while
praising the progress of the high achievers).
Explain what was learned and how the activity contributed to that.
Ask a select group of students to recite the lesson's takeaway and then check with the rest of
the group. In the absence of questions from the students, you may dismiss the class.

Children activity
Take in the comments of your instructor and remember them.
Please do your best to respond to the instructor's inquiries.
If you have any inquiries, feel free to approach the instructor.
Students' responses and the lesson's success are highlighted in the Reflection.We kicked
off the math lesson with a review of the numbers 1-5 as part of Activity 1. I like to conduct a
quick math review before each class. I hang the number flash cards on the whiteboard. I'm in
charge of their arithmetic education. Then I have the kids flow following me as I point to
each number. The pupils are bored and not paying attention when I teach them numerical
flash cards. My takeaway from this is to incorporate mini-games and quizzes into future class
plans. As a result, I'll be able to get kids interested in mathematics and encourage them to
learn them. I play a number song on YouTube to get their focus back. The music made the
kids happy. I emphasised that the kids learn their numbers from 1 to 5.
I then had them sort numbers using stickers and an A4 sheet divided into five columns, one
for each of the numbers from one to five.
I hand out the papers and the stickers with the numbers to the kids. I have the kids’ put
numbers in the correct column. One challenge I see when kids undertake this project is
getting the stickers off the sheet. I assist them in peeling the stickers from the backing.
For the third task, I started by sorting buttons into plastic cups by number. I had some plastic
cups and buttons ready for this game. I've seen kids get excited about counting once they start
this activity. They enjoy a game that involves counting.
We'll wrap up with some number-themed colouring fun. There are between one and five
numbers involved in this task. The kids need to colour the numerals in the style specified.
Kids can easily learn to recognise numbers while developing their fine motor skills by
colouring pictures of them. Therefore, children's motor skill development has been facilitated
by this exercise. Their affinity for numerical coloration impressed me.At the end of the class,
I provide a summary of the lesson's activities and focus on its learning outcome, while the
other students observe and provide targeted praise. Their capacity for new knowledge
astounded me. When I'm done teaching a topic, I like to test the students' comprehension with
a few questions. When I ask the kids, "what number is this?" and hold out a flash card with
numbers, they invariably call out, "2. Having tested my mathematics lesson plan with actual
students, I can attest to its success in helping students develop skills in number recognition,
counting, and classification. I encourage the kids who are falling short of expectations and
give them a pat on the back if they accomplish something right, while also rewarding those
who go above and above.
In conclusion, the activities in my mathematics lesson plan demonstrate the effectiveness of
my approach to teaching children to recognise numbers and to sort and count numbers.
Further, I talk about how the value of math education for pre-schoolers, both now and in the
future, is immeasurable. Studies show that nearly all kids have the potential to learn
mathematics and excel at it. Young children should enjoy their first casual encounters with
mathematics. Numerous children, especially those from low-income families, do not reach
their full mathematical potential. This is associated with a dearth of early-on mathematical
experiences in the context of schools and everyday life. When taught at a young age,
mathematics can provide the foundation for a child's future success in school and beyond.
Part 2
Online class participation

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