EE561 Modern Control Theory

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Department of Electrical Engineering

End-Semester Examination, Session: 2021-22 (ODD)
M. Tech. 1st Semester/PhD/OE
Subject: Modern Control/Systems Theory, Subject Code: EE561/EE581
Number of Pages: 3 Full Marks: 100 Duration: 24 Hours

Figures at the right hand margin indicate marks.

All parts of a question should be answered at one place.

Answer all questions.

1. Starting with the constituent equations of an armature voltage controlled DC motor, obtain
the state-space model of the system. Demonstrate a position control system configuration
using a DC motor in block-diagram form. [5]
0 1 0  
2. Consider a linear system ẋ = Ax + Bu,y = Cx, with A= ,B= and C= 1 1 .
−1 −2 1
Describe the system into observable canonical form and then design a full order state observer
so that the closed-loop poles of the error dynamics are at -11 and -12. [5]

3. State Lyapunov Theorem for stability. Following Lyapunov theorem, derive a stability criterion
for the system ẋ = Ax. Compute Lyapunov matrix P for a given system ẋ = Ax with
0 1
A= with the choice Q = 10I. Then comment on the stability of the system. Derive
−10 −2
a Riccati equation based stabilization criterion for linear system following Lyapunov theorem. [5]

4. Find A for the system ẋ(t) = Ax(t) with the following state-responses.
− e−3t
e 0
(i) x(t) = for x(0) =
3e−3t − 2e−2t 1
− 2e−3t
3e 1
(ii) x(t) = for x(0) =
6e−3t − 6e−2t 0


5. For the example system considered in Assignment 1, design appropriate state feedback controller,
full-order and reduced-order observers. Obtain the simulation results of the same in Simulink
and show the state and control input responses of the system. [15]

6. A group of students plans to give the representation of the physical objects using some well
defined mathematical abstractions. They have to proceed in the following way:

• Step 1: First they fixed the definition of physical objects by defining a System.
• Step 2: Once the definition of the System is fixed. They have defined collection of all
possible unordered as well as ordered object by a mathematical abstraction A and their
small part by a mathematical abstraction B.
• Step 3: Later they found that dealing with ordered object is more relevant from the
application point of view and they have coined a mathematical abstraction C.

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Modern Control/ Systems Theory (EE561/EE581)End-Sem Exam Page 2 of 3

• Step 4: By using abstraction C, they have defined the generalized notion of Machine and
for that they have coined a mathematical abstraction D. Later, they found that in some
cases, defined Machine may lost Uniqueness of relation between input and output and
they coined a mathematical abstraction E.
• Step 5: Using abstraction E they have defined binary operation F.
• Step 6: In Step 5, they found that operation F may generate some kind of symmetry
relative to some particular manipulation/operation and they have coined a new mathematical
abstraction G for that.

Answer the following questions.

a Define the system and identify at least one example which does not satisfy the definition
of system.
b Identify and define the proper mathematical objects for A, B, C, D, E, F and G.
c What is basic difference between mathematical object G and the concept of Field?


7. In order to provide certain mathematical guarantee to a physical system, a group of students

have studied the concept of Vector spaces more carefully. Later, they found following difficulties:

• In some particular cases, they define a mathematical object A in order to capture a subset
of a vector space which is itself a vector space.
• Given a collection of vectors, there is a mathematical way B to tell whether one is a linear
combination of the others or not.
• There is a consistent mathematical abstraction C to define how big a vector space is.
• It is possible to label vectors by defining a mathematical object D.

Answer the following questions.

a Identify and briefly define the proper mathematical objects for A, B, C, and D.
b Is the mathematical object C has always finite number of elements?
c Is the mathematical object D is unique for a particular vector space? Justify your
observation by taking at least one example.


8. A group of students have decided to develop a mathematical model of a physical system A.

After obtaining mathematical model, they have checked two properties P1 and P2 in order to
further categorize the systems into two parts. They found that the property P1 is satisfied
however P2 is not. Due to this reason, they have characterized the system A as a Nonlinear
Dynamical System. After further analysis of the mathematical model, they found that it
contains n number of states variables x, m number of input variables u and p number of
output variable y. Answer the following questions.

a Identify and briefly define the properties A and B.

b Give the mathematical representation of forced system A by using proper symbols of Set,
Cartesian product and Functional Space.

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c Define proper composite functional u such that the forced system is converted into an
autonomous system.


9. Define the equilibrium point of dynamical systems. Show that infinite number of equilibrium
points may exist for a nonlinear system by taking mathematical model of a pendulum. [5]

10. Consider the digital circuit which satisfy the following relations

0 + 0 = 0; 0+1=1
1 + 0 = 1; 1+1=0

Now, suppose that the output of digital circuit is xi = 0 or 1, for i = 1, 2, where xi are the
fields of the following logic circuit represented as:
V =

Prove that V is a vector space. [10]

11. A group of IIT (BHU) students finds that there is no notion of distance or proximity in linear
vector space. This limitation is the motivation for introducing the normed linear space, which
is basically a linear vector space with a measure of the ‘length’ or more generally the ‘norm’
of a vector. In order to geometrically visualize the notion of different norms, one group of
students has taken linear vector X ∈ R2 together with the function ∥ · ∥p : R → R+ . Answer
the following question:

(a) Draw the geometrical visualization of ∥X∥∞ = ∥X∥1 = ∥X∥2 = 1 on the same plot.
(Note: Approximate plot is fine, so use your answer-sheet only.)
(b) Prove that mapping X = C[a, b] into X with the integral operator T (x) = a k(t, τ )dτ
where k(t, τ ) is a function continuous on the square a ≤ t ≤ b ; a ≤ τ ≤ b satisfies
the criteria of Linear Transformation where C[a, b] represents the space of continuous
functions on the interval [a, b].


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