Fly The Maddog X User Manual
Fly The Maddog X User Manual
Fly The Maddog X User Manual
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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 2
REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................... 10
FUEL/ROUTE PLANNER.................................................................................................. 14
FS2Crew ........................................................................................................................... 18
CREDITS .......................................................................................................................... 19
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You have purchased one of the most sophisticated and complex add-on ever
developed for Lockheed Martin Prepar3D and Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
- 64bit edition: Fly the Maddog X for Prepar3D v4.1 and v4.2.
- 32bit edition: Fly the Maddog X for FSX SP2/XPACK/SE and Prepar3D v3.4.
Fly the Maddog X features advanced, study level aircraft systems that cannot be
matched by any standard aircraft; it can be flown by following the operations manual of
the real aircraft. We even encourage you to use such documentation to experience the
level of detail that has been accomplished with this aircraft. Fly the Maddog X also
features the undocumented intriguing details that real pilots experience when flying the
• User Manual (this document): describes the load manager and setup of the
aircraft, built in route and fuel planner, failures management.
• Quick Guide: describes interaction with the virtual cockpit and the other 2D
windows, special commands, tip and tricks for an easy and smooth transition to
this marvelous add-on.
In our YouTube channel you will find a full set of tutorial videos.
Fly the Maddog X cockpit and systems simulation level is much more advanced than
the standard aircrafts; the accuracy of systems simulation is so high that, if available,
the real MD82 Operational Manual would be the perfect source for aircraft cockpit and
systems information.
The setup utility for the aircraft is accessed from Fly the Maddog X Manager by clicking
on the Setup tab. There are four tab buttons to access the pages that group the setup
parameters and one to access the registration page.
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This tab shows all the customizable options of the panel and other and other general
• PFD and ND Style. Select “FD cross bar” to display the flight director cross bar
and the glide slope indicator on the right. Select “FD single cue” to display the
flight director as single cue and the glide slope indicator on the left.
• PFD Color. Select the background color for the Primary Flight Display’s “sky”
and “terrain” areas.
• Tail style. Select the exterior model tail style, between “flat” screwdriver tail and
“cone” tail.
• Measurements Units. Sets weight units, KG or lbs.
• PFD wired to opposite NAV. Set this option to visualize the G/S scale of the
opposite NAV (NAV2 for PFD1 and NAV1 for PFD2).
• Show Armed altitude as flight level. Select this option to show the armed
altitude in the FMA with the flight level instead of the text ALT.
• Auto Arm Altitude. Check this option to enable the guidance to automatically
arm the altitude selected with the alt knob.
• Fuel quantity display with green LEDs. Select this option to have the display
in green instead of the standard amber color.
• Autopilot disconnects when flight controls are moved manually. This option
should be left checked for better realism, however if the AP disconnects without
reason the cause could be a noisy joystick; in this case disabling this check may
solve the problem.
• Show Ground Speed on PFD. Show/Hide GS indication on PFD display.
• Always play aural when autopilot disconnects. If disabled, aural is played
only when AP disconnects during an autoland.
• Show Rising Runway. Select this option to display the rising runway on PFD
during ILS approach.
• Boarding music. Select a file WAV which will be automatically played in the
background during the boarding simulation.
• Crew audio files set. Select from the menu the audio set to be used for F/O
calls and flight assistant messages. To add a file set, copy the audio files in a
subfolder of <your documents>\Maddog X Files\Crew\. Every audio file must
have the correct file name. Please refer to the files present in the Maddog folder
for the exact file names.
• Filter NAVDATA database. This option is used to limit the loading of the
NAVDATA database to an area specified by an airport and a radius in nautical
miles, and to filter airports based on a minimum runway length available.
• Automatic update aircraft weight e cg. Select this option to let the load
manager automatically update ZFW and takeoff C.G. If this option is disabled TO
C.G. and ZFW must be set manually (in the fuel quantity gauge and takeoff
condition computer).
• Refueled aircraft. Enable this option to let the load manager automatically load
the fuel in the aircraft at startup.
• Enable PNF calls. Select this option to enable first officer’s calls.
• Set simulator weather from Planner METARs. Select this option to
automatically set the Sim weather based on the latest METARs downloaded in
the Planner page.
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• Enable build in 3D view selector panel. Enable or disable the built-in camera
view system and control panel. Please note that if you use a 3rd part add-on for
cameras handling, this option should be left disabled.
• Enable mouse wheel acceleration. By default, the acceleration function for the
mouse wheel is activated only when the middle button is pressed or the TAB key
is pressed; check this option to have the acceleration function always available.
• Synchronize CM1/CM2 Baro Settings. When this option I selected, manually
changing the BARO setting on one of the two altimeters will also change it on the
other one.
• Virtual cockpit resolution. Select virtual cockpit texture resolution between
Medium (2048x2048) or High (4096x4096). Higher settings may have impact on
simulator performance. Default is medium.
• WX Radar client. Select weather radar client between “HiFi ActiveSky” and
“REX Advantage”. One of the two add-ons must be installed to enable the WX
radar functionality.
• Aircraft state for new Flights. Select the default aircraft state that will be used
when creating new Flights in the SIM. Available options are “Cold and Dark”,
“Ready to Start”, and “Ready to Fly”.
• RealLight resolution (P3D V4 only). Select RealLight texture resolution
between Low (1024x1024), Medium (2048x2048), High (4096x4096). Higher
settings may have impact on simulator performance. Default is medium.
Selecting Disable RealLight will not affect TrueGlass, which can be
enabled/disabled from his own add-on menu option.
• External flood lights (P3D V4 only). Select the desired effect for external flood
lights. “None”: disable any external flood effect. Select this option if you are
experiencing performance issues and you have dynamic lights enabled in P3D.
“Legacy”: select this option if you have dynamic lights disabled in P3D.
“Dynamic lts”: select this option for best visual effect, dynamic lights must be
enabled in the P3D graphic settings. It may affect performances.
• Cockpit flood lights (P3D V4 only). Select either “RealLight” or “Fx effects”.
Note that Alt Thndr, Floor, Breakers and separated fluorescent/incandescent
lights are available only for the “Fx effects” option. Either option can affect
performances in different ways depending on your particular hardware spec and
P3D graphic settings.
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This page permits to change the volumes of all the sounds used by the aircraft.
The master volume slider will set a volume level for all sounds while maintaining the
different ratios. To change a single sound, select it from the list and use the slider to set
the desired volume.
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This page is used to assign key combination or joystick buttons to a specific Fly the
Maddog X commands.
Check the Enable joystick/keyboard events for aircraft commands check box to
enable the use of the keyboard.
The list shows all the assigned commands, the selected command can be deleted by
pressing the Delete button, while the Add button is used to assign a new key.
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The load manager can be used to set the aircraft loading and fuel quantity.
The Load manager and the Fuel/Route Planner are the perfect tools to prepare your
flight and they will provide you with pro-like load sheet and route documents both
printed or in electronic format to be consulted directly inside the SIM.
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The program will automatically calculate the aircraft C.G. (as percentage of mean root
chord value) which is used in the TAKE OFF CONDITION COMPUTER to calculate the
takeoff trim setting, and check that aircraft loading, weight and C.G. are within operating
limits. If any of the above values inserted or calculated is outside operating limit the
takeoff C.G. value will be displayed in RED, together with the field which causes the
Cabin and cargo areas are divided in to sections, indicated with A/FWD, and with
Insert here any extra cargo items that are carried on this flight.
The buttons ▲ and ▼ can be used to transfer cargo loads from the FWD to the AFT
compartments and vice versa.
Insert here the fuel quantity divided between wing (left and right) and center tank.
A yellow background in the left and right fields indicates that the ZFW falls below the
MZFW limited wing. When this happen, the total fuel loaded in the wing tanks is limited
to 4762Kg, any extra fuel needed must be loaded in the center tank.
The fuel quantity will be written in the default situation selected in the setup page.
The buttons ▲ and▼ can be used to transfer fuel from the center to the wing tanks.
Every time a value is inserted or modified the program will recalculate ZFW and TOW
weights as well as aircraft balance.
This box displays the weights used for C.G. calculation.
• DOW. Dry Operational Weight.
• ZFW. Zero fuel weight.
• TOW. Takeoff weight.
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An INDEX value will be calculated for any of the above weight. The INDEX is used to
evaluate the C.G. from the chart.
• DOI. Dry Operational Index.
• ZFI. Zero Fuel Index (the corresponding ZFW C.G. is indicated by a blue dot in
the chart).
• TOI. Takeoff Index, the corresponding takeoff C.G. is indicated by a green dot in
the chart.
• C.G. The calculated takeoff C.G. which must be inserted in the takeoff condition
If any of the values inserted or calculated is outside operating limit the take off
C.G. value will be displayed in RED, together with the field which causes the
When everything is correct the cyan dot in the chart indicates the zero fuel weight C.G.
value, while the magenta dot indicates the takeoff C.G. value.
Press the button to save the current balance data and setup to the simulator.
Press the button to save the current balance data and setup to the simulator and
quit the Manager & Setup.
The Fuel/Route Planner page is used to create a flight plan with fuel calculation and
meteo information; it is also possible to import flight plan in Flight Simulator format.
The flight plan must be saved to be used in the Maddog X FMS as a COROUTE (FMS
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Departure (ICAO): Insert the ICAO code of the departure airport.
Arrival (ICAO): Insert the ICAO code of the arrival airport.
Alternate (ICAO): Insert the ICAO code of the alternate airport.
Distance to dest.: Calculated distance along the route from the departure airport to the
arrival airport.
STA: Scheduled Time of Arrival calculated from the inserted STD.
Use the ADD and DELETE buttons to add and remove waypoints or airways from the
route. To insert a direct to waypoint the ‘VIA’ field should be left empty.
The route is inserted in the same way as in the ROUTE PAGE of the FMS.
Select LOAD or SAVE to load and save the route. The routes for the FMS must be
saved in the folder <your documents>\Maddog X Files\Routes, in order to be later
loaded in the FMS as COROUTEs.
Date: Data of the flight.
STD: Scheduled Time of Departure.
Flight Number: flight number, as scheduled.
Cruise level FL: Insert here the estimated cruise level for the flight in hundreds of feet.
Cruise speed: Insert the IAS or the MACH speed for the flight. A MACH value can be
input as decimal number or as a whole number (i.e. 0.760 or 760).
Captain: Captain’s name.
Trip: Calculated fuel for the route inserted.
Contingency: Default 750kg, can be modified if necessary.
Alternate: Calculated fuel from destination to the alternate airport.
Final Reserve: Desired reserve fuel.
PLN takeoff: Calculated fuel at takeoff.
Extra: Extra fuel to take into accounts delays, holdings or other situations during the
Taxi: Fuel for taxiing (default 300kg, normally burned before takeoff).
Block fuel: Fuel to load in the aircraft.
Pressing the Transfer fuel QTY to Load Page will automatically transfer the calculated
fuel in the fuel fields of the Load page.
Press the Download button to download from internet METARs and TAFs of the
departure, arrival and alternate airports (a connection to internet must be active). The
text box can be edited before printing the flight plan.
This page has two sections, one for the automatic failure generator and one for the
management of deferred inoperative systems according to the MEL (Minimum
Equipment List).
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Move the slider to set the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) from 1 hour to infinite
(no failures).
Failures are classified in light, serious and dangerous.
This section will list, aircraft by aircraft, the deferred inoperative systems added
automatically if a failure occurs or manually using the Add button. Even with any of the
system inoperative the aircraft is allowed to fly but with the limitations listed in the
corresponding MEL (see Operation Manual, Volume II, chapter 7).
MEL category set the maximum time that the system can stay inoperative, and after this
time is elapsed it will be automatically ‘fixed’:
CAT A: maximum time according to MEL
CAT B: 3 days
CAT C: 10 days
CAT D: 120 days
Use the Reset button to delete the selected item from the list (system failure fixed).
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The FS2Crew tab is only visible if FS2Crew for Fly the Maddog X is installed in the
system. It provides source of information for FS2Crew, and a check box to Enable or
Disable FS2Crew. Please refer to the FS2Crew website for documentation on how to
use the add-on.
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