Ee Laws Codes and Professional Ethics
Ee Laws Codes and Professional Ethics
Ee Laws Codes and Professional Ethics
-The Board shall duly authenticate all SECTION 9. Roster of Foreign Electrical
applications for temporary/special permit Engineers Issued Temporary/Special Permits.
received in the proper and complete form and,
after having passed upon such applications -An official roster listing the names of the
shall, not later than thirty (30) calendar days foreign Electrical Engineers holding
after the application is filed, recommend temporary/special permits and their expiry
approval or denial of the application, to the dates, shall be kept current/updated by the
Commission. Board and tl).e Secretary of the Commission.
Copies of such a roster shall be made freely
SECTION 6. Issuance of the Temporary Special available to all concerned agencies involved in
Permit. - The Board subject to approva1 by the the review and approval of Electrical
Commission shall issue to the applicant Engineering documents and shall be made
agencies, organizations or individua1s the available to the public upon request and
corresponding Temporary/Special Permit, payment of the prescribed fee.
allowing the concerned foreign Electrica1
Engineer to legally engage in the general SECTION 10. Services that can and cannot be
practice of Electrical Engineering or to legally Undertaken by Foreign Electrical Engineers
undertake any part of the scope of Electrical Holding Temporary/Special Permits.
Engineering practice as defined under Section -A foreign Electrical Engineer holding a
2 (a) (1)-(7), Article I of R.A. No. 7920 during the temporary/special permit can gainfully and
permitted period only. Unless sooner revoked, legally engage in the general practice of
cancelled or withdrawn, said Electrical Engineering and legally undertake
Temporary/Special Permit shall be valid for a any part of the scope of Electrical Engineering
period of one hundred eighty (180) calendar practice as defined under Section 2 (a) (1)-(7),
days, renewable for another or subsequent one Article I of RA No. 7920; among such services
hundred eighty (180) calendar days, at the are the preparation of plans/ designs relating to
discretion of the Board. Electrical Engineering, site planning, physical
Section 7. Renewal of Temporary/Special planning and the like as well as assistance,
coordination· or supervision in the preparation
Permit. - The temporary/special permit issued
of Electrical Engineering plans and Electrical
to a foreig n Electrical Engineer shall be
Engineering documents. While a foreign
renewed by the applicant forms, agencies,
Electrical Engineer holding a temporary/special
organizations or individuals before its expiry
permit can act as a Consulting Electrical
date, upon full payment of the prescribed fees
Engineer or as an Electrical Engineer in charge
in full accord with the Guidelines. Renewals of
of installation (EEici), he/she cannot act as the
the Temporary/Special Permit must indicate
Professional Electrical Engineer-of-record
changes in work scope that shall take place (as
(PEEor), as this position is reserved solely for
the Filipino counterpart, who shall assume the
SECTION 8. Use of the Temporary/Special full professional responsibility and the
Permit. - The Temporary/Special Pe rmit attendant civil liability for the Electrical
number and the name of the foreign Electrical Engineering work, including the signing and
Engineer concerned shall be displayed in a sealing of Electrical Engineering documents. A
prominent place on Electrical Engineering foreign Electrical Engineer holding a
documents, with the pertinent information as temporary/sped~ permit can only engage in
to his/her in the preparation of the Electrical group Electrical Engineering practice in the
Engineering document/s. Philippines wherein he/she shall be mandated
to work closely with his/her designated Filipino
R.A. No. 7920, without holding a valid applying for examination and for a certificate of
Special temporary Permit; registration as associate electrical engineer
6. Employing foreign Electric Engineers shall, prior to admission to examination,
from countries with which the establish to the satisfaction of the board:
Philippines has no reciprocal Electrical
(a) That he is at least twenty-five years of age;
Engineering practice arrangements; and
7. Violating any of the provision of R.A. No. (b) That he is of good reputation and moral
7920 and 8981 and their implementing character; and
rules and regulations and of the
guidelines. (c) That he has completed the high school
course or its equivalent;
SECTION 27. Penal Provisions, Consistent with
(d) That he has graduated in electrical
Section 40.Atticle IV of R.A. No. 7920, any
engineering from a university, school, college,
person (natural or juridical) w shall violate any
academy, or institute duly constituted and
.of the provisions of R.A. No. 7920, its
recognized as such by the Government or the
implementing rules and regulation (particularly
state in which it is established after completing
under this Resolution), the Code of Ethical
a resident collegiate course of not less than
Conduct, or any policy of the Board and the
four years and, in addition, has a specific
Commission, shall be guilty of misdemeanor
record of two years or more of active practice in
and charged in court by the Commission
electrical engineering of responsible character
and/or the Board, or by any person and shall,
indicating that the applicant is competent to
upon conviction be sentenced to a fine of not
take charge of or supervise any electrical
less than ten thousand pesos (PlO,OOO.OO)
construction or installation, or the operation,
but not more than Fifty thousand pesos
tending and maintenance of any electric
(P50,000.00) or to suffer imprisonment for a
generating plant, or take charge of the sale or
period not less than six (6) months nor more
distribution of any electric supply or utilization
than five (5) years, or , at the discretion of the
equipment requiring engineering calculations
Court. Violation of Section 7, Subparagraph (1)
and/or application of engineering principles
of (I). No. 8981 shall be punishable under Sec.
and data; or
16 of the said law.
(e) That he has a specific record of eight years
or more of active practice in electrical
engineering of responsible character indicating
[D] Article V: TRANSITORY PROVISIONS that the applicant is competent to take charge
of or supervise any electrical construction or
Section 41. Terms of Office of Board installation or the operation, tending and
Members. maintenance of any electric generating plant,
or take charge of the sale or distribution of any
- Upon approval of this Act, the incumbent
electric supply or utilization equipment
chairman and two (2) members of the Board
requiring engineering calculations and/or
shall continue to serve until their terms of
application of engineering principles and data:
office expire or until their replacements have
Provided, however, That experience on
been appointed by the President and shall have
installation or wiring of utilization equipments
been duly qualified.
only shall not be considered as complying with
-RA. 184- the requirements of this paragraph.
l. Institutional buildings - are school RA 7920 and those Mes who were
buildings, hospitals, museums, display registered as Mes under RA 184 and
centers, government buildings and the subsequently registered as RME under
like. RA 7920,
m. Watercraft - is any waterborne unit m. IIEE – Institute of Integrated Electrical
which is designed and built to have an Engineers
electric plant. n. DECS – Department of Education,
n. Electric locomotive - refers to the Culture and Sports
power plants mounted on wheels as o. CHED – Commission on Higher
used in the railroad transportation Education
industry. p. TESDA – Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority
profession, such as, but not limited to: from receipt of the copy thereof. The
electric plants, substation, industrial decision of the Commission may be
plants of factories, commercial appealed to the Court of Ap peals in
establishments, institutional buildings, accordance with the procedures
watercrafts, electric locomotives, provided in the Rules of Court;
engineering offices, repair shops and m. After due notice and hearing, cancel
similar places to deter mine and enforce examination pa pers and/or bar any
compliance with this Act. The Board examinee from future examination;
shall authorize the duly integrated and refuse or defer his registration;
accredited electrical engineering reprimand the registrant with stern
association and other registered warning; suspend him from the practice
electrical engineering associations to of his profession; revoke his certificate
render assistance in this function; of registration; delist his name from the
h. Promulgate rules and regulations roll of professional electrical engineers,
including a code of ethics, registered electrical engineers, and
administrative policies, orders, and registered master electricians for
issuances to carry out the provisions of continuous non-payment of annual
this Act; registration fees and non-compliance
i. Investigate violations of the Act and the with the Continuing Professional
rules and regulations, code of ethics, Education (CPE) requirements; reinstate
administrative policies, orders, and or reenrole his name in the said roll,
issuances promulgated by the Board. reissue or return his certificate of
The rules on administrative investigation registration. A decision of suspension,
promulgated by the Commission shall revocation of the certificate of
govern in such investigation; registration, or delisting from the roll by
j. Issue subpoena or subpoena duces the Board as provided herein, may be
tecum, to secure the attendance of appealed initially to the Commission
respondents or witnesses or the pro within fifteen (15) days from receipt
duction of documents at and relative to thereof. The decision of the
the investigation conducted by the Commission may be appealed to the
Board; Court of Appeals in accordance with the
k. Delegate the investigation of the case to procedure provided in the Rules of
the chairman, member of the Board or a Court.
Professional Regulations Commission n. Administer oaths in connection with the
attorney (PRC attorney). If the case administration, implementation, or
concerns strictly the practice of the enforcement of this Act;
profession, the investigation shall be o. Submit an annual report on the
presided by the chairman or a member proceedings and accomplishments
of the board with the assistance of a during the year and on recommendation
PRC attorney; of the Board to the Commission after
l. Render decision, order or resolution on the close of each fiscal year;
preliminary investigation or inquiry, on p. Prosecute or institute criminal action
undocketed cases and on docketed against any viola tor of the Act and/or
administrative cases against examinees the rules and regulations of the Board;
or registrants which shall become final q. Adopt an official seal;
and executory unless appealed with the r. Coordinate with the Commission and
Commission within fifteen (15) days the Department of Education, Culture
and Sports (DECS) in prescribing, administrative, and not affecting the public,
amending and/or revising the courses; and not penal or disciplinary in nature.
s. Prescribed guidelines and criteria on the
CPE program for professional electrical (iii.) Rule 9. Opinion on and Interpretation of
engineers and registered master R.A. 7920 and the Board’s Rules and
electricians and renew their Regulations. — The Board in the discharge of
professional li censes after compliance its quasi-legislative (rule-making) power may
with the CPE requirements; issue an opinion on, construction, or
t. Prescribed guidelines and criteria on the interpretation of any provision of R.A. 7920, of
CPE program for professional electrical the Board’s Rules and Regulations, Code of
engineers and registered master Ethics, policies, issuances, etc. The issuance
electricians and renew their of the herein Board’s official action shall be
professional licenses after compliance released through the Chairman, or a Board
with the CPE requirements; Perform Member, or the Secretary of the Professional
such other functions and duties as Regulatory Boards as signatory if authorized by
maybe necessary to implement the Chairman.
effectively this Act. The policies,
(c.) Section 5. Qualifications of Board
resolutions, rules and regulations,
Members.- Each Board member must, at the
orders or decision issued or
time of his appointment:
promulgated by the Board shall be
subject to the review and approval by a. Be a natural-born Filipino citizen and a
the Commission; however, the Board’s residence of the Philippines for at least
decisions, resolutions or orders which (5) consecutive years;
are not interlocutory, rendered in an b. be at least thirty-five (35) years of age, of
administrative case, shall be subject to proven integrity with high moral values
review only if on appeal. in his personal as well as his
professional conduct;
(ii.) Rule 5. Promulgation of Decisions, Rules,
c. Be a person with no final conviction by
etc.— To promulgate a decision, resolution, or the court of an offense involving moral
order in an administrative case, or a policy, rule turpitude;
and/or regulation, measure, directive, order d. Be a holder of the degree of Bachelor of
circular, or other resolution for the Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE)
implementation of RA 7920, the Board shall from a university, school, college,
meet en banc and vote personally. Both a academy, or institute duly constituted,
quorum and a majority vote are prerequisites recognized, and accredited by the
for the validity of any of the foregoing actions. A Philippine government;
quorum or majority vote shall consist of two (2) e. Be a professional electrical engineer
members of the Board. with a valid certificate of registration
Any official action of the Board other and a valid professional license duly
than a decision, resolution or order issued in qualified to practice electrical
an administrative case shall be valid, engineering in the Philippines;
enforceable, and effective only after it shall f. Have practiced electrical engineering
have been approved by the Commission and for a period of not less than ten (10)
published in the Official Gazette or newspaper years prior to his appointment, with a
of general circulation. Publication shall not be sworn statement as such; and
required of a Board’s resolution, order, g. Not be an official nor a member of the
directive, or circular which is internal, faculty of, nor have a pecuniary interest
in, any university, college, school or of the Board’s decision, the Board, out of equity
institution conferring a bachelor’s and justice, may recommend to the
degree in electrical engineering for at Commission the issuance of the certificate of
least three (3) years prior to his registration to the applicant.
appointment, and is not connected with
a review center or with any group or Moral Turpitude - A phrase that describes
association where classes or lectures in wicked, deviant behavior constituting an
preparation for the licensure immoral, unethical, or unjust departure from
examinations are offered or conducted ordinary social standards such that it would
at the time of his appointment. shock a community.
Almost all crimes are classified moral turpitude
(i.) ARTICLE IV: Citizenship
as there’s no consistent basis for this in courts.
SECTION 1. The following are citizens of the
The ff. should generally not be classified as
moral turpitude:
(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at
• Driving under the influence, for first-
the time of the adoption of this Constitution;
time offenders
(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens
• False imprisonment, and
of the Philippines;
• Involuntary manslaughter.
(3) Those born before January 17, 1973, of
Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine • Self-defense
citizenship upon reaching the age of majority;
This is based on Los Angeles Criminal Defense
(4) Those who are naturalized in accordance
with law. (d.) Section 6. Term of Office.- The members of
the Board shall hold office for a term of three
SECTION 2. Natural-born citizens are those (3) years from the date of appointment or until
who are citizens of the Philippines from birth their successors shall have been appointed
without having to perform any act to acquire or and qualified. They may, however, be reap
perfect their Philippine citizenship. Those who pointed for a second term. Each member shall
elect Philippine citizenship in accordance with qualify by taking an oath of office before
paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be entering upon the performance of his duties.
deemed natural-born citizens.
Vacancies in the Board shall be filled by
(ii.) Under Section 28 of Article II, Refusal to the President from the list of recommendees
Issue Certificates. — The Board of electrical selected by the Commissioner who were from
engineering shall not issue a certificate of the list of nominees submitted by the
registration to any person convicted by the integrated and accredited association for the
court of any criminal offense involving moral unexpired term only.
turpitude or to any person guilty of immoral or
(e.) Section 7. Removal of Board Members.-
dishonorable conduct or to any person of
Any members of the Board may be removed by
unsound mind. In the event of refusal to issue
the President of the Philippines, upon the
certificates for any reason, the Board shall give
recommendation of the Commissioner for
the applicant a written statement setting forth
neglect of duty, incompetence, malpractice,
the reasons for such action, which statement
commission of tolerance of irregularities in the
shall be incorporated in the records of the
examinations, or for unprofessional, unethical,
Board. After no less than a year from the finality
or dishonorable conduct, after having been is to be treated as especial fund for the
given the opportunity to defend himself in a programs, projects and activities of the
proper administrative investigation. Commission and the remaining ten percent
(10%) shall be set aside as a trust fund for the
(f.) Section 9. Executive Officer of the Board.- establishment and maintenance of the center
The commissioner shall be the executive offer for continuing education and research.
of the Board and shall conduct the examination
given by the Board and shall designate any Section 13. Registration Fees, License Fees
subordinate officer of the Commission to act and Fines.- All applicants for registration and
as secretary and custodian of all records license to practice as professional electrical
including all examination papers and minutes engineer, registered electrical engineer, and
of the deliberation of the Board. registered master electricians, shall be subject
to the payment of registration fees, license
fees, and fines in case of violation of the
pertinent rules and regulation for the
prescribed by the Board and approved by the
Commission: Provided, That fifty percentum
(50%) from these collections are to be treated
as a special fund for programs, projects and
activities of the Commission and the other fifty
percent (50%) shall be set up in a separate
special fund for the supervisory and regulatory
functions of the Board.
Article III.
(c.) Section 14. Exemption from Examination
(a.) Section 10. Examination Required.- All a. Examination and registration shall not
applicants for registration for the practice of be required of foreign electrical
electrical engineering in the Philippines shall engineers, erection/commissioning/
be required to pass a technical examination as guarantee engineers employed as
hereafter provided, except as otherwise technical consult ants by the Philippine
specifically allowed under this Act. government or by private firms, for
(b.) Section 11. Registration and License which the pertinent professional society
certifies that no qualified Filipino
Required.- A valid certificate of registration and
professional is available, or of foreign
a valid professional license from the
electrical installers for the erection and
Commission are required before any person is
installation of a special project or for
allowed to practice electrical engineering in the
any other specialized work, subject to
Philippines except as otherwise allowed under
the following conditions:
this Act.
i. That the abovementioned foreign
Section 12. Examination Fees.- All applications professionals are legally
for oral examinations for professional electrical qualified to practice their
engineer and written examinations for profession in their own country in
registered electrical engineer and registered which the requirements are
master electrician shall be subject to payment qualifications for obtaining a
of fees prescribed by the Commission: license or certificate of
Provided, That ninety percent (90%) of the fees