Detailed Lesson2

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TIME: 10:00-11:30am DAY: MONDAY

At the end of lessons, the learners are expected to
a. Discuss the Metacognition and Metacognition knowledge and Metacognition experience or
b. Enumerate and discuss the Metacognition knowledge variables including the Omrod and
Huitt Metacognition questions.
c. List down the difference between the novice and export learner
MAJOR TOPIC: Metacognition
MINIOR TOPIC: Metacognition knowledge variables knowledge strategies
REFERENCE: Module 1 in EDUC. 6a ( Facilitating Learner Centered)
MATERIALS: Visual aid, Printed Pictures, Speaker Mobile phone
STRATEGIES: Collaborative Learning
PROCESS: listening, questioning, reading
MULTI- INTELLIGENCE: Verbal linguistics, interpersonal and interpersonal
VALUES: cooperation
Checking of attendance
Okay class good morning!!!
Good morning sir
Okay who's absent class???
None sir
Very good!!
Okay before we proceed to our discussion
let's have first a short review about the topic
last meeting.
Anyone of the class???
Sir our last topic it's about the six part
aspects of study habits.
Okay thank you everyone
Okay who can give the six part aspects of the
study habits?? Class???
Sir the six part aspects of study habits are..
Part 1: motivation
Part2: Organizing and planning your work
Part3: working with others, utilizing resources
and feedback
Part4: managing school work stress
Part5: note taking and reading
Part6: preparing an assignment and project
Okay thank you!!
Okay class before we start of our discussion
let's have first a exercise karate that related
to our topic
Okay sir .
Okay listen first class, you just need to
followed the mechanics. Let's practice first
and after that with music , and follow my
( Students will do the activity)
How do you feel class??
We're just happy sir
Okay that's good...
Our topic this morning is about the
Metacognition and the knowledge Variables.
After this topic, the learner should be able to.
a. Discuss the Metacognition and
Metacognition knowledge and Metacognition
experience or regulation
b. Enumerate and discuss the Metacognition
knowledge variables including the Omrod and
Huitt Metacognition questions.
c. List down the difference between the
novice and export learner.
Okay class we will have an activity I have
some words here and you should be able
identify what type of these?? Okay sir
( Students will do the activity)
Fail to set goals.
Do not monitor their learning.
Self evaluate.
Choose specific strategies to succeed.
Rely on feedback.
Based from your activity how did you come
up with that ideas???
Sir because that related to our topic
especially in Metacognition.
Okay thank you everyone!!!!
How did you know if thats an expert or
novice ???
Sir as a learner were just could easily to
identify that because as I said we're just do
Okay thank you thank right... that strategies.
Okay class let's have first discuss the
What is Metacognition???? Sir Metacognition is the process which help
the students to find out strategies to learn an
Okay thank you!!!.
Metacognition is the process of thinking
about thinking and learning !!
The term " Metacognition" was coined by
John Flavell .
According to Flavell (1979) Metacognition
consists of both Metacognition knowledge
and Metacognition experience or regulation.
Know what is the differentiate between that
Sir in my own opinion the Metacognition
knowledge is refers what individuals know
about themselves in cognitive
process.However the Metacognition
experience is involves such as Metacognition
Okay thank you for that idea!!! awareness and monitoring.
Metacognition knowledge is refers what
individuals know about themselves in
cognitive processor about different
approaches that can be used for learning and
problem solving ..
Metacognition experience is involves such as
Metacognition awareness and monitoring
people have to be aware of their activities
before they can regulate them .
And now Flavell he divide the metacognitive
knowledge into 3 categories.
Person Variables , task variables and
strategies variables.
What is person Variables?
Person Variables is the common knowledge
of how individuals received and process
information and the personal understanding
Thank you of learning procedure.
Person Variables - refers to knowledge about
how human being learn and process
How about the task variables??
Sir task variables include knowledge about
nature of the task as well as the type of
processing .
Thank you
Task variables include knowledge about
nature of the task as well as the type of
processing demands that it will place upon
the individual.
And now the strategy variables??
Sir the strategy variables involves awareness
of the strategy you are using to learn a topic
and evaluating this strategy is affected .
strategy variables involves awareness of the
strategy you are using to learn a topic and
evaluating this strategy is affected.
Okay class you really understand about
these?? Yes sir
And now about the 2 various of strategy
Meta Attention, Meta memory .
What is Meta Attention first??
Sir Meta Attention is a form of Metacognition
that relates to one's knowledge and
awareness of the cooperation and
controllability of one attentional system.
Okay thank you for your idea!!
Meta Attention is the awareness of specific
strategies so that you can keep your
attention focused on the topic or task at
hand .
And now what is Meta memory??
Sir Meta memory is your awareness of
strategy memory that work best for you.
And now we will discuss also about practice
apply the Metacognition by Omrod and
Metacognition by Huitt.
Omrod practice apply Metacognition
* Knowing the limits of one's own learning
and memory capacities .
* Knowing which learning strategies effected
and which are not.
* Using effected learning strategies to
process and learn new materials.
Huitt Metacognition questions .
* What do I know about this subject , topic
* Do I know , what do I need to know?
* Do I know where I can go to get some
information , knowledge?
Understand class??
Good!!! Yes sir
As a learner think yourselves or your own
knowledge and capabilities which learner that
include to expert or novice learner? Why?
Sir I think my knowledge and capabilities
which include to novice ...because I'm not a
fast learner although I have a own strategies
how to learn better within as novice learn
Okay thank you thank right!!
Okay class get I/2 sheet of paper and answer
1. is the process of thinking about thinking
and learning? -metacogniton
2. Who was consist the Metacognition
knowledge and experience?
3-5. Give the 3 metacognitive knowledge - John Flavell
- person Variables
- task variables
- strategy variables
6. is refers what individuals know about
themselves in cognitive processor about
different approaches that can be used for
learning and problem solving? - Metacognition knowledge
7. experience is involves such as
Metacognition awareness and monitoring
people have to be aware of their activities
before they can regulate them ? - Metacognition experience
8. is a form of Metacognition that relates to
one's knowledge and awareness of the
cooperation and controllability of one - Meta Attention
attentional system?
9-10. Give the 2 characteristics of learners?
- expert learner
- novice learner
Okay class are you done ?
Not yet sir
Okay faster ..
Class submit your paper please .. thats

Okay class for your make a essay about how
did you come as a expert learner, and what
can you do to able as a expert learner??
Okay sir
Okay understand??
Yes sir
Okay you can go now..!!!
Thank you sir

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