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ESP32 AT Instruction Set

and Examples

Version 1.1
Copyright © 2017
About This Guide
This document introduces the ESP32 AT commands, explains how to use them and provides
examples of several common AT commands. The document is structured as follows:

Chapter Title Content

Provides instructions on user-defined AT commands

Chapter 1 Overview
and downloading of AT firmware.

Chapter 2 Command Description Gives a basic description of AT commands.

Chapter 3 Basic AT Commands Lists AT commands of basic functions.

Chapter 4 Wi-Fi AT Commands Lists Wi-Fi-related AT commands.

Chapter 5 TCP/IP-Related AT Commands Lists TCP/IP-related AT commands.

AT Commands with Configuration Lists the AT commands whose configuration is

Chapter 6
Saved in the NVS Area saved in the NVS area.

Chapter 7 AT Commands Examples Gives examples of using ESP32 AT Commands.

Introduces how to create a device on

Chapter 8 OTA Update
and update the OTA BIN on it.

Provides information on where and how to consult

Chapter 9 Q&A
questions about ESP32 AT commands.

Release Notes

Date Version Release notes

2017.01 V1.0 Initial release.

2017.02 V1.1 Updated 5.2.3.

Table of Contents
1. Overview ................................................................................................................................................1
1.1. User-Defined AT Commands ......................................................................................................................1
1.2. Downloading AT Firmware into Flash ......................................................................................................... 1

2. Command Description ..........................................................................................................................3

3. Basic AT Commands .............................................................................................................................4

3.1. Overview .....................................................................................................................................................4
3.2. Commands ................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2.1. AT—Tests AT Startup.....................................................................................................................4
3.2.2. AT+RST—Restarts the Module .....................................................................................................4
3.2.3. AT+GMR—Checks Version Information ........................................................................................ 5
3.2.4. AT+GSLP—Enters Deep-sleep Mode ........................................................................................... 5
3.2.5. ATE—AT Commands Echoing .......................................................................................................5
3.2.6. AT+RESTORE—Restores the Factory Default Settings ................................................................5
3.2.7. AT+UART—UART Configuration ...................................................................................................6
3.2.8. AT+UART_CUR—Current UART Configuration, Not Saved in Flash............................................. 7
3.2.9. AT+UART_DEF—Default UART Configuration, Saved in Flash..................................................... 8
3.2.10. AT+SLEEP—Sets the Sleep Mode ................................................................................................ 9
3.2.11. AT+SYSRAM—Checks the Remaining Space of RAM .................................................................9

4. Wi-Fi AT Commands ...........................................................................................................................10

4.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................................................10
4.2. Commands ............................................................................................................................................... 11
4.2.1. AT+CWMODE—Sets the Wi-Fi Mode (Station/SoftAP/Station+SoftAP)..................................... 11
4.2.2. AT+CWJAP—Connects to an AP ................................................................................................ 12
4.2.3. AT+CWLAPOPT—Sets the Configuration for the Command AT+CWLAP .................................. 13
4.2.4. AT+CWLAP—Lists the Available APs.......................................................................................... 14
4.2.5. AT+CWQAP—Disconnects from the AP ..................................................................................... 14
4.2.6. AT+CWSAP—Configuration of the ESP32 SoftAP...................................................................... 15
4.2.7. AT+CWLIF—IP of Stations to Which the ESP32 SoftAP is Connected....................................... 16
4.2.8. AT+CWDHCP—Enables/Disables DHCP ....................................................................................16
4.2.9. AT+CWDHCPS—Sets the IP Address Allocated by ESP32 SoftAP DHCP (The configuration is
saved in Flash.) ...........................................................................................................................................17
4.2.10. AT+CWAUTOCONN—Auto-Connects to the AP or Not ............................................................. 17
4.2.11. AT+CIPSTAMAC—Sets the MAC Address of the ESP32 Station ...............................................18
4.2.12. AT+CIPAPMAC—Sets the MAC Address of the ESP32 SoftAP..................................................18
4.2.13. AT+CIPSTA—Sets the IP Address of the ESP32 Station ............................................................ 19
4.2.14. AT+CIPAP—Sets the IP Address of the ESP32 SoftAP ..............................................................19
4.2.15. AT+CWSTARTSMART—Starts SmartConfig ...............................................................................20
4.2.16. AT+CWSTOPSMART—Stops SmartConfig ................................................................................20
4.2.17. AT+WPS—Enables the WPS Function ........................................................................................ 21

5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands ..........................................................................................................22

5.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................................................22
5.2. Commands ............................................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.1. AT+CIPSTATUS—Gets the Connection Status ........................................................................... 23
5.2.2. AT+CIPDOMAIN—DNS Function ................................................................................................ 23
5.2.3. AT+CIPSTART—Establishes TCP Connection, UDP Transmission or SSL Connection .............24
5.2.4. AT+CIPSEND—Sends Data......................................................................................................... 26
5.2.5. AT+CIPSENDEX—Sends Data ....................................................................................................27
5.2.6. AT+CIPCLOSE—Closes TCP/UDP/SSL Connection ..................................................................27
5.2.7. AT+CIFSR—Gets the Local IP Address ...................................................................................... 28
5.2.8. AT+CIPMUX—Enables/Disables Multiple Connections ..............................................................28
5.2.9. AT+CIPSERVER—Deletes/Creates TCP Server .......................................................................... 29
5.2.10. AT+CIPMODE—Configures the Transmission Mode...................................................................29
5.2.11. AT+SAVETRANSLINK—Saves the Transparent Transmission Link in Flash ...............................30
5.2.12. AT+CIPSTO—Sets the TCP Server Timeout ...............................................................................31
5.2.13. AT+CIPSNTPCFG—Sets the Time Zone and the SNTP Server ..................................................31
5.2.14. AT+CIPSNTPTIME—Queries the SNTP Time.............................................................................. 32
5.2.15. AT+CIUPDATE—Updates the Software Through Wi-Fi ...............................................................32
5.2.16. AT+CIPDINFO—Shows the Remote IP and Port with "+IPD"..................................................... 32
5.2.17. +IPD—Receives Network Data ...................................................................................................33

6. AT Commands with Configuration Saved in the NVS Area ...............................................................34

7. AT Commands Examples....................................................................................................................35
7.1. ESP32 as a TCP Client in Single Connection ........................................................................................... 35
7.2. UDP Transmission.....................................................................................................................................36
7.2.1. UDP (with Fixed Remote IP and Port) ......................................................................................... 37
7.2.2. UDP (with Changeable Remote IP and Port)...............................................................................38
7.3. Transparent Transmission ......................................................................................................................... 39
7.3.1. ESP32 as a TCP Client in UART-Wi-Fi Passthrough (Single Connection Mode) ........................ 39
7.3.2. UDP Transmission (UART-Wi-Fi PassthroughTransmission) ....................................................... 42
7.4. ESP32 as a TCP Server in Multiple Connections ..................................................................................... 45

8. OTA Update .........................................................................................................................................47

9. Q & A ....................................................................................................................................................52
1. Overview

1. Overview
This document introduces the ESP32 AT commands, and explains how to use them.
The AT command set is divided into different categories: Basic AT commands, Wi-Fi AT commands,
TCP/IP AT commands, etc.

📖 Note:

For codes related to ESP32 AT instruction set, please refer to

1.1. User-Defined AT Commands

Please use only English letters or an underscore (_), when naming user-defined AT commands. The AT
command name must NOT contain characters or numbers.
AT firmware is based on the Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF). Espressif Systems’ AT
commands are provided in libat_core.a, which is included in the AT BIN firmware. Examples of
customized, user-defined AT commands are provided in esp-at.
The structure, at_cmd_struct, is used to define four types of a command. Examples of implementing
user-defined AT commands are provided for the users in /esp-at/main/at_task.c.
To compile the AT firmware, users need to configure the environment variable IDF_PATH in the file
esp-at, which is accessed through the terminal.
export IDF_PATH=/home/genmisc/software_output/xcg/esp32_at/esp-idf

1.2. Downloading AT Firmware into Flash

Please refer to esp-at/ for instructions on how to download AT firmware into flash.
Please use Espressif’s official Flash Download Tools to download the firmware. Make sure you select
the corresponding flash size.
Espressif’s official Flash Download Tools:

BIN Address Description

bootloader.bin 0x1000 Boot loader area

partitions_at.bin 0x8000 partitions area

phy_init_data.bin 0xF000 phy_init area, RF parameter area

esp-at.bin 0x10000 OTA1 area

Non-volatile storage (NVS) area, used for saving the

blank.bin 0xFA000
configuration of Wi-Fi, AT and other parameters.

blank.bin 0x1FD000 Area for OTA configuration

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1. Overview

⚠ Notice:

Change the UART interface for AT commands to GPIO16 and GPIO17. Use GPIO16 as ESP32’s Rx and GPIO17 as
ESP32’s Tx.

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2. Command Description

2. Command Description
Each command set contains four types of AT commands.

Type Command Format Description

Queries the Set Commands’ internal parameters and their range of

Test Command AT+<x>=?

Query Command AT+<x>? Returns the current value of parameters.

Sets the value of user-defined parameters in commands, and runs these

Set Command AT+<x>=<…>

Execute Command AT+<x> Runs commands with no user-defined parameters.

⚠ Notice:

• Not all AT commands support all four variations mentioned above.

• Square brackets [ ] designate the default value; it is either not required or may not appear.

• String values need to be included in double quotation marks, for example: AT+CWSAP="ESP756290","21030826",
• The default baud rate is 115200. The configuration of serial options is shown in Figure 2-1.

• AT commands have to be capitalized, and must end with \r\n, as Figure 2-2 shows.

Figure 2-1. Configuration of Serial Options

Figure 2-2. New Line Mode

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3. Basic AT Commands

3. Basic AT Commands
3.1. Overview
Commands Description

AT Tests AT startup.

AT+RST Restarts a module.

AT+GMR Checks version information.

AT+GSLP Enters Deep-sleep mode.

ATE Configures echoing of AT commands.

AT+RESTORE Restores the factory default settings of the module.

AT+UART UART configuration.

AT+UART_CUR Current UART configuration.

AT+UART_DEF Default UART configuration, saved in flash.

AT+SLEEP Sets the sleep mode.

AT+SYSRAM Checks the remaining space of RAM.

3.2. Commands
3.2.1. AT—Tests AT Startup

Execute Command AT

Response OK

Parameters -

3.2.2. AT+RST—Restarts the Module

Execute Command AT+RST

Response OK

Parameters -

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3. Basic AT Commands

3.2.3. AT+GMR—Checks Version Information

Execute Command AT+GMR

<AT version info>

<SDK version info>
Response <compile time>


• <AT version info>: information about the AT version.

Parameters • <SDK version info>: information about the SDK version.

• <compile time>: the duration of time for compiling the BIN.

3.2.4. AT+GSLP—Enters Deep-sleep Mode

Set Command AT+GSLP=<time>


<time>: the duration of ESP32’s sleep. Unit: ms.

ESP32 will wake up after Deep-sleep for as many milliseconds (ms) as <time> indicates.

3.2.5. ATE—AT Commands Echoing

Execute Command ATE

Response OK

• ATE0: Switches echo off.

• ATE1: Switches echo on.

3.2.6. AT+RESTORE—Restores the Factory Default Settings

Execute Command AT+RESTORE

Response OK

The execution of this command will reset all parameters saved in flash, and restore the
Parameters factory default settings of the module. The chip will be restarted when this command is

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3. Basic AT Commands

3.2.7. AT+UART—UART Configuration

Set Command AT+UART=<baudrate>,<databits>,<stopbits>,<parity>,<flow control>

Response OK

• <baudrate>: UART baud rate

• <databits>: data bits

‣ 5: 5-bit data
‣ 6: 6-bit data
‣ 7: 7-bit data
‣ 8: 8-bit data
• <stopbits>: stop bits

‣ 1: 1-bit stop bit

‣ 2: 1.5-bit stop bit
Parameters ‣ 3: 2-bit stop bit
• <parity>: parity bit

‣ 0: None
‣ 1: Odd
‣ 2: Even
• <flow control>: flow control

‣ 0: flow control is not enabled

‣ 1: enable RTS
‣ 2: enable CTS
‣ 3: enable both RTS and CTS

1. The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area, and will still be valid when the
chip is powered on again.
2. The use of flow control requires the support of hardware:
‣ IO15 is UART0 CTS
‣ IO14 is UART0 RTS
3. The range of baud rates supported: 80 ~ 5000000.

Example AT+UART=115200,8,1,0,3

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3. Basic AT Commands

3.2.8. AT+UART_CUR—Current UART Configuration, Not Saved in Flash

Set Command AT+UART_CUR=<baudrate>,<databits>,<stopbits>,<parity>,<flow control>

Response OK

• <baudrate>: UART baud rate

• <databits>: data bits

‣ 5: 5-bit data
‣ 6: 6-bit data
‣ 7: 7-bit data
‣ 8: 8-bit data
• <stopbits>: stop bits

‣ 1: 1-bit stop bit

‣ 2: 1.5-bit stop bit
Parameters ‣ 3: 2-bit stop bit
• <parity>: parity bit

‣ 0: None
‣ 1: Odd
‣ 2: Even
• <flow control>: flow control

‣ 0: flow control is not enabled

‣ 1: enable RTS
‣ 2: enable CTS
‣ 3: enable both RTS and CTS

1. The configuration changes will NOT be saved in flash.

2. The use of flow control requires the support of hardware:
Notes ‣ IO15 is UART0 CTS
‣ IO14 is UART0 RTS
3. The range of baud rates supported: 80 ~ 5000000.

Example AT+UART=115200,8,1,0,3

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3. Basic AT Commands

3.2.9. AT+UART_DEF—Default UART Configuration, Saved in Flash

Set Command AT+UART_DEF=<baudrate>,<databits>,<stopbits>,<parity>,<flow control>

Response OK

• <baudrate>: UART baud rate

• <databits>: data bits

‣ 5: 5-bit data
‣ 6: 6-bit data
‣ 7: 7-bit data
‣ 8: 8-bit data
• <stopbits>: stop bits

‣ 1: 1-bit stop bit

‣ 2: 1.5-bit stop bit
Parameters ‣ 3: 2-bit stop bit
• <parity>: parity bit

‣ 0: None
‣ 1: Odd
‣ 2: Even
• <flow control>: flow control

‣ 0: flow control is not enabled

‣ 1: enable RTS
‣ 2: enable CTS
‣ 3: enable both RTS and CTS

1. The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area, and will still be valid when the
chip is powered on again.
2. The use of flow control requires the support of hardware:
‣ IO15 is UART0 CTS
‣ IO14 is UART0 RTS
3. The range of baud rates supported: 80 ~ 5000000.

Example AT+UART=115200,8,1,0,3

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3. Basic AT Commands

3.2.10. AT+SLEEP—Sets the Sleep Mode

Set Command AT+SLEEP=<sleep mode>

Response or


<sleep mode>:
‣ 0: disable the sleep mode.
‣ 1: Modem-sleep mode.

Example AT+SLEEP=0

3.2.11. AT+SYSRAM—Checks the Remaining Space of RAM

Query Command AT+SYSRAM?

+SYSRAM:<remaining RAM size>


Parameters <remaining RAM size>: remaining space of RAM, unit: byte

Example +SYSRAM:148408

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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4. Wi-Fi AT Commands
4.1. Overview
Commands Description

AT+CWMODE Sets the Wi-Fi mode (STA/AP/STA+AP).

AT+CWJAP Connects to an AP.

AT+CWLAPOPT Sets the configuration of command AT+CWLAP.

AT+CWLAP Lists available APs.

AT+CWQAP Disconnects from the AP.

AT+CWSAP Sets the configuration of the ESP32 SoftAP.

AT+CWLIF Gets the Station IP to which the ESP32 SoftAP is connected.

AT+CWDHCP Enables/disables DHCP.

Sets the IP range of the ESP32 SoftAP DHCP server.

Saves the setting in flash.

AT+CWAUTOCONN Connects to the AP automatically on power-up.

AT+CIPSTAMAC Sets the MAC address of ESP32 Station.

AT+CIPAPMAC Sets the MAC address of ESP32 SoftAP.

AT+CIPSTA Sets the IP address of ESP32 Station.

AT+CIPAP Sets the IP address of ESP32 SoftAP.

AT+CWSTARTSMART Starts SmartConfig.

AT+CWSTOPSMART Stops SmartConfig.

AT+WPS Enables the WPS function.

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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4.2. Commands
4.2.1. AT+CWMODE—Sets the Wi-Fi Mode (Station/SoftAP/Station+SoftAP)

Query Command: Set Command:

Test Command: AT+CWMODE? AT+CWMODE=<mode>
AT+CWMODE=? Function: to query the current Wi-Fi Function: to set the current Wi-Fi
mode of ESP32. mode of ESP32.

+CWMODE:<mode> +CWMODE:<mode>
Response OK


Parameters ‣ 1: Station mode

‣ 2: SoftAP mode
‣ 3: SoftAP+Station mode

Note The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area.

Example AT+CWMODE=3

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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4.2.2. AT+CWJAP—Connects to an AP

Query Command: Set Command:

Commands AT+CWJAP? AT+CWJAP=<ssid>,<pwd>[,<bssid>]

Function: to query the AP to which the ESP32 Function: to set the AP to which the ESP32 Station
Station is already connected. needs to be connected.

+CWJAP:<ssid>,<bssid>,<channel>,<rssi> or
OK +CWJAP:<error code>

• <ssid>: the SSID of the target AP.

• <pwd>: password, MAX: 64-byte ASCII.

• [<bssid>]: the target AP’s MAC address, used

when multiple APs have the same SSID.
• <error code>: (for reference only)
<ssid>: a string parameter showing the SSID of ‣ 1: connection timeout.
the target AP. ‣ 2: wrong password.
‣ 3: cannot find the target AP.
‣ 4: connection failed.
This command requires Station mode to be active.
Escape character syntax is needed if SSID or
password contains any special characters, such as ,
or ” or \.

Note The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area.


For example, if the target AP’s SSID is "ab\,c" and the password is "0123456789"\", the command is
as follows:
If multiple APs have the same SSID as "abc", the target AP can be found by BSSID:


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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4.2.3. AT+CWLAPOPT—Sets the Configuration for the Command AT+CWLAP

Set Command AT+CWLAPOPT=<sort_enable>,<mask>

Response or


• <sort_enable>: determines whether the result of command AT+CWLAP will be listed according to
‣ 0: the result is ordered according to RSSI.
‣ 1: the result is not ordered according to RSSI.
• <mask>: determines the parameters shown in the result of AT+CWLAP; 0 means not showing the
Parameters parameter corresponding to the bit, and 1 means showing it.
‣ bit 0: determines whether <ecn> will be shown in the result of AT+CWLAP.
‣ bit 1: determines whether <ssid> will be shown in the result of AT+CWLAP.
‣ bit 2: determines whether <rssi> will be shown in the result of AT+CWLAP.
‣ bit 3: determines whether <mac> will be shown in the result of AT+CWLAP.
‣ bit 4: determines whether <ch> will be shown in the result of AT+CWLAP.

The first parameter is 1, meaning that the result of the command AT+CWLAP will be ordered
Example according to RSSI;

The second parameter is 31, namely 0x1F, meaning that the corresponding bits of <mask> are set to
1. All parameters will be shown in the result of AT+CWLAP.

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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4.2.4. AT+CWLAP—Lists the Available APs

Set Command:
Execute Command:
Commands AT+CWLAP=<ssid>[,<mac>,<ch>]
Function: to query the APs with specific SSID and
Function: to list all available APs.
MAC on a specific channel.

OK +CWLAP:<ecn>,<ssid>,<rssi>,<mac>,<ch>
or OK


• <ecn>: encryption method.

‣ 0: OPEN
‣ 1: WEP
‣ 2: WPA_PSK
‣ 3: WPA2_PSK
Parameters ‣ 4: WPA_WPA2_PSK
‣ 5: WPA2_Enterprise (AT can NOT connect to WPA2_Enterprise AP for now.)
• <ssid>: string parameter, SSID of the AP.

• <rssi>: signal strength.

• <mac>: string parameter, MAC address of the AP.

Examples or search for APs with a designated SSID:

4.2.5. AT+CWQAP—Disconnects from the AP

Execute Command AT+CWQAP

Response OK

Parameters -

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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4.2.6. AT+CWSAP—Configuration of the ESP32 SoftAP

Query Command: Set Command:

Commands AT+CWSAP? AT+CWSAP=<ssid>,<pwd>,<chl>,<ecn>[,<max

conn>][,<ssid hidden>]
Function: to obtain the configuration parameters of the
ESP32 SoftAP. Function: to list all available APs.

+CWSAP:<ssid>,<pwd>,<chl>,<ecn>,<max conn>,<ssid
Response or

• <ssid>: string parameter, SSID of AP.

• <pwd>: string parameter, length of password: 8 ~ 64

bytes ASCII.
• <chl>: channel ID.

• <ecn>: encryption method; WEP is not supported.

The same as above.
‣ 0: OPEN
‣ 2: WPA_PSK ⚠ Notice:
Parameters ‣ 3: WPA2_PSK
‣ 4: WPA_WPA2_PSK This command is only available when SoftAP
• [<max conn>] (optional): maximum number of is active.
Stations to which ESP32 SoftAP can be connected;
within the range of [1, 10].
• [<ssid hidden>] (optional):

‣ 0: SSID is broadcast. (the default setting)

‣ 1: SSID is not broadcast.

Note The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area.

Example AT+CWSAP="ESP32","1234567890",5,3

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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4.2.7. AT+CWLIF—IP of Stations to Which the ESP32 SoftAP is Connected


<ip addr>,<mac>

• <ip addr>: IP address of Stations to which ESP32 SoftAP is connected.

• <mac>: MAC address of Stations to which ESP32 SoftAP is connected.

Note This command cannot get a static IP. It only works when both DHCPs of the ESP32 SoftAP, and of
the Station to which ESP32 is connected, are enabled.

4.2.8. AT+CWDHCP—Enables/Disables DHCP

Set Command:
Query Command:
Commands AT+CWDHCP=<operate>,<mode>
Function: to enable/disable DHCP.

Response DHCP disabled or enabled now? OK

• Bit0: • <operate>:

‣ 0: Station DHCP is disabled. ‣ 0: disable

‣ 1: Station DHCP is enabled. ‣ 1: enable
• Bit1: • <mode>:

‣ 0: SoftAP DHCP is disabled. ‣ Bit0: Station DHCP

‣ 1: SoftAP DHCP is enabled. ‣ Bit1: SoftAP DHCP

• The configuration changes will be stored in the NVS area.

• This set command interacts with static-IP-related AT commands (AT+CIPSTA-related and AT

Notes +CIPA-related commands):
‣ If DHCP is enabled, static IP will be disabled;
‣ If static IP is enabled, DHCP will be disabled;
‣ Whether it is DHCP or static IP that is enabled depends on the last configuration.

Enable Station DHCP. If the last DHCP mode is 2, then the current DHCP mode will be 3.
Disable SoftAP DHCP. If the last DHCP mode is 3, then the current DHCP mode will be 1.

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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4.2.9. AT+CWDHCPS—Sets the IP Address Allocated by ESP32 SoftAP DHCP (The configuration is
saved in Flash.)

Set Command:
Query Command: AT+CWDHCPS=<enable>,<lease time>,<start IP>,<end IP>
AT+CWDHCPS? Function: sets the IP address range of the ESP32 SoftAP
DHCP server.

+CWDHCPS=<lease time>,<start
Response OK
IP>,<end IP>

• <enable>:

‣ 0: Disable the settings and use the default IP range.

‣ 1: Enable setting the IP range, and the parameters below have to be set.
• <lease time>: lease time, unit: minute, range [1, 2880].

• <start IP>: start IP of the IP range that can be obtained from ESP32 SoftAP DHCP server.

• <end IP>: end IP of the IP range that can be obtained from ESP32 SoftAP DHCP server.

• The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area.

Notes • This AT command is enabled when ESP8266 runs as SoftAP, and when DHCP is enabled. The IP
address should be in the same network segment as the IP address of ESP32 SoftAP.

Examples or
AT+CWDHCPS=0 //Disable the settings and use the default IP range.

4.2.10. AT+CWAUTOCONN—Auto-Connects to the AP or Not

Set Command AT+CWAUTOCONN=<enable>

Response OK


Parameters ‣ 0: does NOT auto-connect to AP on power-up.

‣ 1: connects to AP automatically on power-up.
The ESP32 Station connects to the AP automatically on power-up by default.

Note The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area.


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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4.2.11. AT+CIPSTAMAC—Sets the MAC Address of the ESP32 Station

Set Command:
Query Command:
Commands AT+CIPSTAMAC=<mac>
Function: to set the MAC address of the ESP32 Station.

Response OK

Parameters <mac>: string parameter, MAC address of the ESP8266 Station.

• The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area.

• The MAC address of ESP32 SoftAP is different from that of the ESP32 Station. Please make sure that
you do not set the same MAC address for both of them.
• Bit 0 of the ESP32 MAC address CANNOT be 1. For example, a MAC address can be “1a:…” but not
• FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF and 00:00:00:00:00:00 are invalid MAC and cannot be set.

Example AT+CIPSTAMAC="18:fe:35:98:d3:7b"

4.2.12. AT+CIPAPMAC—Sets the MAC Address of the ESP32 SoftAP

Query Command: Set Command:

Function: to obtain the MAC address of the ESP32 Function: to set the MAC address of the ESP32
SoftAP. SoftAP.

Response OK

Parameters <mac>: string parameter, MAC address of ESP32 SoftAP.

• The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area.

• The MAC address of ESP32 SoftAP is different from that of the ESP32 Station. Please make sure you
do not set the same MAC address for both of them.
• Bit 0 of the ESP32 MAC address CANNOT be 1. For example, a MAC address can be “18:…” but not
• FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF and 00:00:00:00:00:00 are invalid MAC and cannot be set.

Example AT+CIPAPMAC="1a:fe:36:97:d5:7b"

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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4.2.13. AT+CIPSTA—Sets the IP Address of the ESP32 Station

Query Command: Set Command:

Commands AT+CIPSTA? AT+CIPSTA=<ip>,[,<gateway>,<netmask>]

Function: to obtain the IP address of the ESP32 Function: to set the IP address of the ESP32
SoftAP. SoftAP.

Response OK

• <ip>: string parameter, the IP address of the

⚠ Notice: ESP32 Station.
Only when the ESP32 Station is connected to an AP • [<gateway>]: gateway.
can its IP address be queried.
• [<netmask>]: netmask.

• The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area.

• The set command interacts with DHCP-related AT commands (AT+CWDHCP-related commands):

‣ If static IP is enabled, DHCP will be disabled;
‣ If DHCP is enabled, static IP will be disabled;
‣ Whether it is DHCP or static IP that is enabled depends on the last configuration.

Example AT+CIPSTA="","",""

4.2.14. AT+CIPAP—Sets the IP Address of the ESP32 SoftAP

Query Command: Set Command:

AT+CIPAP? AT+CIPAP=<ip>,[,<gateway>,<netmask>]
Function: to obtain the IP address of the ESP32 Function: to set the IP address of the ESP32
SoftAP. SoftAP.

Response OK

• <ip>: string parameter, the IP address of the ESP32 SoftAP.

Parameters • [<gateway>]: gateway.

• [<netmask>]: netmask.

• The configuration changes will be saved in the NVS area.

• Currently, ESP32 only supports class C IP addresses.

Notes • The set command interacts with DHCP-related AT commands (AT+CWDHCP-related commands):

‣ If static IP is enabled, DHCP will be disabled;

‣ If DHCP is enabled, static IP will be disabled;
‣ Whether it is DHCP or static IP that is enabled depends on the last configuration.

Example AT+CIPAP="","",""

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4. Wi-Fi AT Commands

4.2.15. AT+CWSTARTSMART—Starts SmartConfig

Execute Command: Set Command:

Function: to start SmartConfig. (The type of Function: to start SmartConfig of a designated
SmartConfig is ESP-TOUCH + AirKiss. type.

Response OK


Parameters ‣ 1: ESP-TOUCH
‣ 2: AirKiss
‣ 3: ESP-TOUCH+AirKiss

• For details on SmartConfig please see ESP-TOUCH User Guide.

• SmartConfig is only available in the ESP32 Station mode.

• The message Smart get Wi-Fi info means that SmartConfig has successfully acquired the AP
information. ESP32 will try to connect to the target AP.
• Message Smartconfig connected Wi-Fi is printed if the connection is successful. Use command AT
+CWSTOPSMART to stop SmartConfig before running other commands. Please make sure that you do
not execute other commands during SmartConfig.


4.2.16. AT+CWSTOPSMART—Stops SmartConfig

Execute Command AT+CWSTOPSMART

Response OK

Parameters -

Irrespective of whether SmartConfig succeeds or not, before executing any other AT

Note commands, please always call AT+CWSTOPSMART to release the internal memory taken up by


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4. Wi-Fi AT

4.2.17. AT+WPS—Enables the WPS Function

Set Command AT+WPS=<enable>

Response or


‣ 1: enable WPS/Wi-Fi Protected Setup (implemented by PBC/Push Button Configuration).
‣ 0: disable WPS (implemented by PBC).

• WPS must be used when the ESP32 Station is enabled.

• WPS does not support WEP/Wired-Equivalent Privacy encryption.


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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands
5.1. Overview
Commands Description

AT+CIPSTATUS Gets the connection status.


AT+CIPSTART Establishes TCP connection, UDP transmission or SSL connection.

AT+CIPSEND Sends data.

AT+CIPSENDEX Sends data when length of data is <length>, or when \0 appears in the data.

AT+CIPCLOSE Closes TCP/UDP/SSL connection.

AT+CIFSR Gets the local IP address.

AT+CIPMUX Configures the multiple connections mode.

AT+CIPSERVER Deletes/Creates TCP server.

AT+CIPMODE Configures the transmission mode.

AT+SAVETRANSLINK Saves the transparent transmission link in flash.

AT+CIPSTO Sets timeout when ESP32 runs as a TCP server.

AT+CIUPDATE Updates the software through Wi-Fi.

AT+CIPDINFO Shows remote IP and remote port with +IPD.

AT+CIPSNTPCFG Configures the time domain and SNTP server.

AT+CIPSNTPTIME Queries the SNTP time.

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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

5.2. Commands
5.2.1. AT+CIPSTATUS—Gets the Connection Status

Execute Command AT+CIPSTATUS

+CIPSTATUS:<link ID>,<type>,<remote IP>,<remote port>,<local port>,<tetype>

• <stat>: status of the ESP32 Station interface.

‣ 2: The ESP32 Station is connected to an AP and its IP is obtained.

‣ 3: The ESP32 Station has created a TCP or UDP transmission.
‣ 4: The TCP or UDP transmission of ESP32 Station is disconnected.
‣ 5: The ESP32 Station does NOT connect to an AP.
• <link ID>: ID of the connection (0~4), used for multiple connections.

• <type>: string parameter, "TCP" or "UDP".

• <remote IP>: string parameter indicating the remote IP address.

• <remote port>: the remote port number.

• <local port>: ESP32 local port number.

• <tetype>:

‣ 0: ESP32 runs as a client.

‣ 1: ESP32 runs as a server.

5.2.2. AT+CIPDOMAIN—DNS Function

Execute Command AT+CIPDOMAIN=<domain name>

Response +CIPDOMAIN:<IP address>

Parameter <domain name>: the domain name.

AT+CWMODE=1 // set Station mode

Example AT+CWJAP="SSID","password" // access to the internet
AT+CIPDOMAIN="" // DNS function

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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

5.2.3. AT+CIPSTART—Establishes TCP Connection, UDP Transmission or SSL Connection

Establish TCP Connection

Single TCP connection (AT+CIPMUX=0): Multiple TCP Connections (AT+CIPMUX=1):

Command AT+CIPSTART=<type>,<remote IP>,<remote AT+CIPSTART=<link ID>,<type>,<remote
port>[,<TCP keep alive>] IP>,<remote port>[,<TCP keep alive>]

Response or

• <link ID>: ID of network connection (0~4), used for multiple connections.

• <type>: string parameter indicating the connection type: "TCP", "UDP" or "SSL".

• <remote IP>: string parameter indicating the remote IP address.

Parameters • <remote port>: the remote port number.

• [<TCP keep alive>]: detection time interval when TCP is kept alive; this function is disabled by
‣ 0: disable TCP keep-alive.
‣ 1 ~ 7200: detection time interval; unit: second (s).

Examples AT+CIPSTART="TCP","",1000

For more information please see Chapter 7: AT Command Examples.

Establish UDP Transmission

Multiple connections (AT+CIPMUX=1):

Single connection (AT+CIPMUX=0):
AT+CIPSTART=<link ID>,<type>,<remote
Command AT+CIPSTART=<type>,<remote IP>,<remote port>[,
IP>,<remote port>[,(<UDP local port>),
(<UDP local port>),(<UDP mode>)]
(<UDP mode>)]

Response ERROR
If TCP is already connected, the response is:


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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

• <link ID>: ID of network connection (0~4), used for multiple connections.

• <type>: string parameter indicating the connection type: "TCP", "UDP" or "SSL".

• <remote IP>: string parameter indicating the remote IP address.

• <remote port>: remote port number.

Parameters • [<TCP keep alive>]: detection time interval when TCP is kept alive; this function is disabled by
‣ 0: disable the TCP keep-alive function.
‣ 1 ~ 7200: detection time interval, unit: second (s).

⚠ Notice:

To use <UDP mode> , <UDP local port> must be set first.

For more information please see Chapter 7: AT Command Examples.

Establish SSL Connection

AT+CIPSTART=[<link ID>,]<type>,<remote IP>,<remote port>[,<TCP keep alive>]


Response ERROR

If TCP is already connected, the response is:


• <link ID>: ID of network connection (0~4), used for multiple connections.

• <type>: string parameter indicating the connection type: "TCP", "UDP" or "SSL".

• <remote IP>: string parameter indicating the remote IP address.

Parameters • <remote port>: the remote port number.

• [<TCP keep alive>]: detection time interval when TCP is kept alive; this function is disabled by
‣ 0: disable the TCP keep-alive function.
‣ 1 ~ 7200: detection time interval, unit: second (s).

• ESP32 can only set one SSL connection at most.

Notes • SSL connection does not support UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode (transparent transmission).

• SSL connection needs a large amount of memory; otherwise, it may cause system reboot.

Example AT+CIPSTART="SSL","",8443

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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

5.2.4. AT+CIPSEND—Sends Data

Set Command:

1. Single connection: (+CIPMUX=0)

2. Multiple connections: (+CIPMUX=1)
Execute Command:
AT+CIPSEND=<link ID>,<length>
3. Remote IP and ports can be set in UDP
transmission: Function: to start sending data in transparent
transmission mode.
ID>,]<length>[,<remote IP>,<remote
Function: to configure the data length in normal
transmission mode.

Wrap return > after executing this command.

Send data of designated length. Enter transparent transmission, with a 20-ms
Wrap return > after the set command. Begin interval between each packet, and a maximum of
receiving serial data. When the requirement of data 2048 bytes per packet.
length is met, the transmission of data starts. When a single packet containing +++ is received,
If the connection cannot be established or gets ESP32 returns to normal command mode.
disrupted during data transmission, the system Please wait for at least one second before
returns: sending the next AT command.

ERROR This command can only be used in transparent

transmission mode which requires single
If data is transmitted successfully, the system connection.
For UDP transparent transmission, the value of
SEND OK <UDP mode> has to be 0 when using AT

• <link ID>: ID of the connection (0~4), for multiple

• <length>: data length, MAX: 2048 bytes.
Parameters • [<remote IP>]: remote IP can be set in UDP -
• [<remote port>]: remote port can be set in UDP

Example For more information please see Chapter 7: AT Command Examples.

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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

5.2.5. AT+CIPSENDEX—Sends Data

Set Command:

1. Single connection: (+CIPMUX=0)

2. Multiple connections: (+CIPMUX=1)
AT+CIPSENDEX=<link ID>,<length>
3. Remote IP and ports can be set in UDP transmission:
AT+CIPSENDEX=[<link ID>,]<length>[,<remote IP>,<remote port>]
Function: to configure the data length in normal transmission mode.

Send data of designated length.

Wrap return > after the set command. Begin receiving serial data. When the requirement of data length,
determined by <length>, is met, or when \0 appears in the data, the transmission starts.

Response If connection cannot be established or gets disconnected during transmission, the system returns:

If data are successfully transmitted, the system returns:


• <link ID>: ID of the connection (0~4), for multiple connections.

• <length>: data length, MAX: 2048 bytes.

Parameters • When the requirement of data length, determined by <length>, is met, or when \0 appears, the
transmission of data starts. Go back to the normal command mode and wait for the next AT
• When sending \0, please send it as \\0.

5.2.6. AT+CIPCLOSE—Closes TCP/UDP/SSL Connection

Set Command (for multiple connections): Execute Command (for single

Commands AT+CIPCLOSE=<link ID> connection):

Function: to close TCP/UDP connection. AT+CIPCLOSE

Response OK

<link ID>: ID number of connections to be closed; when ID=5, all

Parameters -
connections will be closed.

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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

5.2.7. AT+CIFSR—Gets the Local IP Address


+CIFSR:<SoftAP IP address>
Response +CIFSR:<Station IP address>

<IP address>:
Parameters IP address of the ESP32 SoftAP;

IP address of the ESP32 Station.

Notes Only when the ESP32 Station is connected to an AP can the Station IP can be queried.

5.2.8. AT+CIPMUX—Enables/Disables Multiple Connections

Set Command:
Query Command:
Commands AT+CIPMUX=<mode>
Function: to set the connection type.

Response OK

‣ 0: single connection
‣ 1: multiple connections
• The default mode is single connection mode.

• Multiple connections can only be set when transparent transmission is disabled (AT+CIPMODE=0).
Notes • This mode can only be changed after all connections are disconnected.

• If the TCP server is running, it must be deleted (AT+CIPSERVER=0) before the single connection mode is

Example AT+CIPMUX=1

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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

5.2.9. AT+CIPSERVER—Deletes/Creates TCP Server

Set Command AT+CIPSERVER=<mode>[,<port>]

Response OK

• <mode>:

‣ 0: delete server.
‣ 1: create server.
• <port>: port number; 333 by default.

• A TCP server can only be created when multiple connections are activated (AT+CIPMUX=1).

Notes • A server monitor will automatically be created when the TCP server is created.

• When a client is connected to the server, it will take up one connection and be assigned an ID.

5.2.10. AT+CIPMODE—Configures the Transmission Mode

Query Command:
Set Command:
Commands AT+CIPMODE=<mode>
Function: to obtain information about transmission
Function: to set the transmission mode.

Response OK

Parameters ‣ 0: normal transmission mode.
‣ 1: UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode (transparent transmission), which can only be enabled in TCP
single connection mode or in UDP mode when the remote IP and port do not change.

• The configuration changes will NOT be saved in flash.

Notes • During the UART-Wi-Fi passthrough transmission, if the TCP connection breaks, ESP32 will keep
trying to reconnect until +++ is input to exit the transmission. If it is a normal TCP transmission and the
TCP connection breaks, ESP32 will give a prompt and will not attempt to reconnect.

Example AT+CIPMODE=1

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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

5.2.11. AT+SAVETRANSLINK—Saves the Transparent Transmission Link in Flash

Save TCP Single Connection in Flash

Set Command AT+SAVETRANSLINK=<mode>,<remote IP or domain name>,<remote port>[,<type>,<TCP keep


Response or


• <mode>:
‣ 0: normal mode, ESP32 will NOT enter UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode on power-up.
‣ 1: ESP32 will enter UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode on power-up.
• <remote IP>: remote IP or domain name.
Parameters • <remote port>: remote port.
• [<type>] (optional): TCP or UDP, TCP by default.
• [<TCP keep alive>] (optional): TCP is kept alive. This function is disabled by default.
‣ 0: disables the TCP keep-alive function.
‣ 1 ~ 7200: keep-alive detection time interval; unit: second (s).
• This command will save the UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode and its link in the NVS area. ESP32 will
enter the UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode on any subsequent power cycles.
• As long as the remote IP (or domain name) and port are valid, the configuration will be saved in

Example AT+SAVETRANSLINK=1,"",1002,"TCP"

Save UDP Transmission in Flash

Set Command AT+SAVETRANSLINK=<mode>,<remote IP>,<remote port>,<type>[,<UDP local port>]

Response or


• <mode>:
‣ 0: normal mode; ESP32 will NOT enter UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode on power-up.
‣ 1: ESP32 enters UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode on power-up.
• <remote IP>: remote IP or domain name.
• <remote port>: remote port.
• [<type>] (optional): UDP, TCP by default.
• [<UDP local port>] (optional): local port when UDP transparent transmission is enabled on

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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

• This command will save the UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode and its link in the NVS area. ESP32 will
enter the UART-Wi-Fi passthrough mode on any subsequent power cycles.
• As long as the remote IP (or domain name) and port are valid, the configuration will be saved in

Example AT+SAVETRANSLINK=1,"",1002,"UDP",1005

5.2.12. AT+CIPSTO—Sets the TCP Server Timeout

Query Command: Set Command:

Commands AT+CIPSTO? AT+CIPSTO=<time>

Function: to check the TCP server timeout. Function: to set the TCP server timeout.

Response OK

Parameter <time>: TCP server timeout within the range of 0 ~ 7200s.

• ESP32 configured as a TCP server will disconnect from the TCP client that does not communicate
Notes with it until timeout.
• If AT+CIPSTO=0, the connection will never time out. This configuration is not recommended.

Example AT+CIPSERVER=1,1001

5.2.13. AT+CIPSNTPCFG—Sets the Time Zone and the SNTP Server

Execute Set Command:

Query Command:
Commands Command:
AT+CIPSNTPCFG server1>,<SNTP server2>,<SNTP server3>]

,<SNTP server1>[,<SNTP
Response server2>,<SNTP server3>] OK OK


• <enable>: Clear the SNTP

‣ 1: the SNTP server is
information. • <timezone>: time zone, range: [-11,13].
‣ 0: the SNTP server is not • <SNTP server1>: the first SNTP server.
• <SNTP server2>: the second SNTP
• <timezone>: time zone, range: server.
Parameters [-11,13].
• <SNTP server3>: the third SNTP server.
• <SNTP server1>: the first
SNTP server. If the three SNTP servers are not configured,
the following default configuration is used:
• <SNTP server2>: the second "", "",
SNTP server.
• <SNTP server3>: the third
SNTP server.

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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

Example AT+CIPSNTPCFG=8,"",""

5.2.14. AT+CIPSNTPTIME—Queries the SNTP Time



Parameters -

+CIPSNTPTIME:Mon Dec 12 02:33:32 2016

5.2.15. AT+CIUPDATE—Updates the Software Through Wi-Fi



• <n>:
‣ 1: find the server.
‣ 2: connect to server.
‣ 3: get the software version.
‣ 4: start updating.

• The speed of the upgrade is susceptible to the connectivity of the network.

Notes • ERROR will be returned if the upgrade fails due to unfavourable network conditions. Please wait
for some time before retrying.

• If using Espressif’s AT BIN (/esp-idf/bin/at), AT+CIUPDATE will download a new AT BIN from the
Espressif Cloud.

Notice • If using a user-compiled AT BIN, users need to make their own AT+CIUPDATE upgrade. Espressif
provides a demo as a reference for local upgrade (/esp-idf/example/at).
• It is suggested that users call AT+RESTORE to restore the factory default settings after upgrading
the AT firmware.

5.2.16. AT+CIPDINFO—Shows the Remote IP and Port with "+IPD"

Set Command AT+CIPDINFO=<mode>

Response OK

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5. TCP/IP-Related AT Commands

‣ 0: does not show the remote IP and port with "+IPD".
‣ 1: shows the remote IP and port with "+IPD".


5.2.17. +IPD—Receives Network Data

Single connection: multiple connections:

Command (+CIPMUX=0)+IPD,<len>[,<remote (+CIPMUX=1)+IPD,<link ID>,<len>[,<remote
IP>,<remote port>]:<data> IP>,<remote port>]:<data>

The command is valid in normal command mode. When the module receives network data, it will
send the data through the serial port using the +IPD command.

• [<remote IP>]: remote IP, enabled by command AT+CIPDINFO=1.

Parameters • [<remote port>]: remote port, enabled by command AT+CIPDINFO=1.

• <link ID>: ID number of connection.

• <len>: data length.

• <data>: data received.

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6. AT Commands with Configuration Saved in the NVS Area

6. AT Commands with Configuration

Saved in the NVS Area
Commands Examples

AT+UART AT+UART=115200,8,1,0,3

AT+UART_DEF AT+UART_DEF=115200,8,1,0,3


AT+CIPSTAMAC AT+CIPSTAMAC="18:fe:35:98:d3:7b"

AT+CIPAPMAC AT+CIPAPMAC="1a:fe:36:97:d5:7b"






AT+CWJAP AT+CWJAP="abc","0123456789"

AT+CWSAP AT+CWSAP="ESP32","12345678",5,3


⚠ Notice:

NVS parameter area is 0xFA000 ~ 0x110000, and it is 88 KB in size.

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7. AT Commands Examples

7. AT Commands Examples
Herein we introduce some examples of how to use Espressif’s AT Commands.

7.1. ESP32 as a TCP Client in Single Connection

1. Set the Wi-Fi mode:
AT+CWMODE=3 // SoftAP+Station mode


2. Connect to the router:

AT+CWJAP="SSID","password" // SSID and password of router


3. Query the device’s IP:


Response: // device got an IP from router

4. Connect the PC to the same router which ESP32 is connected to. Use a network tool on the PC to
create a TCP server.

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7. AT Commands Examples

5. ESP32 is connected to the TCP server as a client:

AT+CIPSTART="TCP","",8080 // protocol、server IP & port

6. Send data:
AT+CIPSEND=4 // set date, such as 4 bytes
>DGFY // enter the data, no CR


⚠ Notice:

If the number of bytes sent is bigger than the size defined (n), the response will be busy. After sending the first n number
of bytes, SEND OK will be returned.

7. Receive data:
+IPD,n:xxxxxxxxxx // received n bytes, data=xxxxxxxxxxx

7.2. UDP Transmission

UDP transmission is established via AT+CIPSTART. There is no such distinction between UDP server
and UDP client.
1. Set the Wi-Fi mode:
AT+CWMODE=3 // SoftAP+Station mode



2. Connect to the router:

AT+CWJAP="SSID","password" // SSID and password of router



3. Query the device’s IP:


+CIFSR:STAIP,"" // IP address of ESP32 Station

4. Connect the PC to the same router which ESP32 is connected to. Use a network tool on the PC to
create UDP transmission.

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7. AT Commands Examples

Below are two examples of UDP transmission:

7.2.1. UDP (with Fixed Remote IP and Port)

In UDP transmission, whether the remote IP and port are fixed or not is determined by the last
parameter of AT+CIPSTART, namely 0. 0 means that the remote IP and port are fixed and cannot be
changed. A specific ID is given to such a connection, ensuring that the data sender and receiver will
not be replaced by other devices.
1. Enable multiple connections:


2. Create a UDP transmission, with the ID being 4, for example.



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7. AT Commands Examples

📖 Notes:

• "" and 8080 are the remote IP and port of UDP transmission on the remote side, i.e., the UDP
configuration set by PC.
• 1112 is the local port number of ESP32. Users can define this port number. The value of this parameter will be random if
it is not defined beforehand.
• 0 means that the remote IP and port are fixed and cannot be changed. For example, if another PC also creates a UDP
entity and sends data to ESP32 port 1112, ESP32 can receive the data sent from UDP port 1112. But when data are
sent using AT command AT+CIPSEND=4,X, it will still be sent to the first PC end. If parameter 0 is not used, the data will
be sent to the new PC.

3. Send data:
AT+CIPSEND=4,5 // send 5 bytes to transmission NO.4
>DGFYQ // enter the data, no CR



⚠ Notice:

If the number of bytes sent is bigger than the size defined as n, the response would be busy. After sending the first n
number of bytes, SEND OK will be returned.

4. Receive data:
+IPD,4,n:xxxxxxxxxx // received n bytes, data=xxxxxxxxxxx

5. Close UDP transmission No.4:



7.2.2. UDP (with Changeable Remote IP and Port)

1. Create a UDP transmission with the last parameter being 2.


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7. AT Commands Examples

📖 Notes:

• "" and 8080 here refer to the IP and port of the remote UDP transmission terminal which is created on
a PC in Section 7.2.1.
• 1112 is the local port of ESP32. Users can define this port. The value of this parameter will be random if it is not defined
• 2 means the means the opposite terminal of UDP transmission can be changed. The remote IP and port will be
automatically changed to those of the last UDP connection to ESP32.

2. Send data:
AT+CIPSEND=5 // send 5 bytes
>DGFYQ // enter the data, no CR



⚠ Notice:
If the number of bytes sent is bigger than the size defined as n, the response would be busy. After sending the first n
number of bytes, SEND OK will be returned.

3. If you want to send data to any other UDP terminals, please designate the IP and port of the target
terminal in the command.
AT+CIPSEND=6,"",1000 // send six bytes
>abcdef // enter the data, no CR


4. Receive data:
+IPD,n:xxxxxxxxxx // received n bytes, data=xxxxxxxxxxx

5. Close UDP transmission:



7.3. Transparent Transmission

AT Demo supports transparent transmission only when ESP32 works as a TCP client in single
connection or UDP transmission.

7.3.1. ESP32 as a TCP Client in UART-Wi-Fi Passthrough (Single Connection Mode)

Here is an example of the ESP32 Station working as a TCP client in single connection mode of
transparent transmission.
1. Set the Wi-Fi mode:

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7. AT Commands Examples

AT+CWMODE=3 // SoftAP+Station mode


2. Connect to the router:

AT+CWJAP="SSID","password" // SSID and password of router


3. Query the device’s IP:


Response: // device's IP that got from router

4. Connect the PC to the same router to which ESP32 is connected. Use a network tool on the PC to
create a TCP server.

5. Connect the device to the TCP server as a TCP client:
AT+CIPSTART="TCP","",8080 // protocol, server IP & port


6. Enable the transparent transmission mode:



7. Send data:

> // From now on, data received from UART will be transparent transmitted to server

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7. AT Commands Examples

8. Stop sending data:
If a packet of data that contains only +++ is received, the transparent transmission process will be
stopped. Please wait for at least one second before sending the next AT command.
Please note that if you input +++ directly by typing, the +++, may not be recognized as three
consecutive + because of the time needed for typing it. It is recommended that users deploy the
following software:

• Input String: +++;

• Do NOT select Send With Enter;

• Click Send Command.

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7. AT Commands Examples

⚠ Notice:

The aim of ending the packet with +++ is to exit transparent transmission and to accept normal AT commands, while TCP
still remains connected. However, users can also deploy command AT+CIPSEND to go back into transparent transmission.

9. Exit the transparent transmission mode:



10.Close the TCP connection:



7.3.2. UDP Transmission (UART-Wi-Fi PassthroughTransmission)

Here is an example of the ESP32 working as a SoftAP in UDP transparent transmission.
1. Set the Wi-Fi mode:
AT+CWMODE=3 // SoftAP+Station mode



2. Connect the PC to the ESP32 SoftAP:

3. Use a network tool on PC to create a UDP.

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7. AT Commands Examples

4. Create a UDP transmission between ESP32 and the PC with a fixed remote IP and port.


5. Enable the transparent transmission mode:



6. Send data:

> // from now on, data received from UART will be transparent transmitted to server

7. Stop sending data:

If a packet of data that contains only +++ is received, the transparent transmission process will be
stopped. Please wait for at least one second before sending the next AT command.

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7. AT Commands Examples

Please note that if you input +++ directly by typing, the +++ may not be recognized as three
consecutive + because of the prolonged time needed for typing this. It is recommended that users
deploy the following software:

• Input String: +++;

• Do NOT select Send With Enter;

• Click Send Command.

⚠ Notice:

The aim of ending the packet with +++ is to exit transparent transmission and to accept normal AT commands, while TCP
still remains connected. However, users can also use command AT+CIPSEND to go back into transparent transmission.

9. Exit the transparent transmission mode:



10.Close the UDP transmission:




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7. AT Commands Examples

7.4. ESP32 as a TCP Server in Multiple Connections

When ESP32 works as a TCP server, multiple connections should be enabled; that is to say, there
should be more than one client connecting to ESP32.
Below is an example showing how a TCP server is established when ESP32 works in the SoftAP
mode. If ESP32 works as a Station, set up a server in the same way after connecting ESP32 to the
1. Set the Wi-Fi mode:
AT+CWMODE=3 // SoftAP+Station mode



2. Enable multiple connections:




3. Set up a TCP server:

AT+CIPSERVER=1 // default port = 333


4. Connect the PC to the ESP32 SoftAP:

5. Connect the device to the PC, with the PC working as a TCP client:

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7. AT Commands Examples

⚠ Notice:

When ESP32 works as a TCP server, there is a timeout mechanism. If the TCP client is connected to the ESP32 TCP
server, while there is no data transmission for a period of time, the server will disconnect from the client. To avoid such a
problem, please set up a data transmission cycle every two seconds.

6. Send data:
// ID number of connection is defaulted to be 0
AT+CIPSEND=0,4 // send 4 bytes to connection NO.0
>iopd // enter the data, no CR


⚠ Notice:

If the number of sent bytes is bigger than the size defined as n, the response will be busy. After sending the first n number
of bytes, SEND OK will be returned.

7. Receive data:
+IPD,0,n:xxxxxxxxxx // received n bytes, data = xxxxxxxxxx

8. Close the TCP connection:

AT+CIPCLOSE=0 // delete NO.0 connection


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8. OTA Update

8. OTA Update
The following steps guide the users in creating a device on and updating the OTA BIN
on it.
1. Open the website

2. Click “Join” in the upper right corner of the webpage, and enter your name, email address, and

3. Click on “Device” in the upper right corner of the webpage, and click on “Create” to create a

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8. OTA Update

4. A key is generated when the device is successfully created, as the figure below shows.

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8. OTA Update

5. Use the key to compile your own OTA BIN. The process of configuring the AT OTA token key is as

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8. OTA Update

6. Click on “Product” to enter the webpage, as shown below. Click on the device created. Enter
version and corename under “ROM Deploy”. Rename the BIN compiled in Step 5 as “ota.bin” and
save the configuration.

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8. OTA Update

7. Click on the ota.bin to save it as the current version.

8. Run the command AT+CIUPDATE. If the network is connected, OTA update w.

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9. Q & A

9. Q&A
If you have any questions about the execution of AT commands, please contact us via Espressif
Technical Inquiries. Please describe the issues that you might encounter, including any relevant details,
as follows:
• AT Version information or AT Command: You can use command AT+GMR to acquire information
on your current AT command version.
• Hardware Module information: for example, ESP-WROOM-32.

• Screenshot of the test steps, for example:

• If possible, please provide the printed log information, such as:

Guru Meditation Error of type StoreProhibited occurred on core 0. Exception was unhandled.
Register dump:
PC : 40135735 PS : 00060f30 A0 : 800f913b A1 : 3ffd66c0
A2 : 00000000 A3 : 3ffd6828 A4 : 00000b68 A5 : b33f0000
A6 : b33fffff A7 : 3ffb004c A8 : 00000003 A9 : 3ffd66a0
A10 : 3ffd6828 A11 : 00000b69 A12 : 00060020 A13 : 3ffc2d30
A14 : 00000003 A15 : 00060023 SAR : 00000000 EXCCAUSE: 0000001d
EXCVADDR: 00000038 LBEG : 00000000 LEND : 00000000 LCOUNT : 00000000

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Disclaimer and Copyright Notice
Information in this document, including URL references, is subject to change without
All liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to the use of
information in this document, is disclaimed. No licenses express or implied, by estoppel or
otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein.
The Wi-Fi Alliance Member logo is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. The Bluetooth logo is
a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG.
All trade names, trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned in this document are
Espressif IOT Team property of their respective owners, and are hereby acknowledged. Copyright © 2017 Espressif Inc. All rights reserved.

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