Detailed Lesson Plan Math 9 (Sum and Product of Roots)
Detailed Lesson Plan Math 9 (Sum and Product of Roots)
Detailed Lesson Plan Math 9 (Sum and Product of Roots)
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
derive the formula of sum and product of the roots
of quadratic equations; and
solve for the sum and product of roots of quadratic
Let us first ask the guidance of our Almighty A student representative will come in front
God, class president can you please lead the class to lead the prayer.
with a short prayer?
Students will bow their heads and feel the
presence of the Lord.
(Sample Prayer)
Dear Lord may we through your blessings,
add purity to the world, subtract evil from
our lives multiply the good news of your
son, and divide your gifts and share them
with others.
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
Before you take your sit, kindly pick up the
pieces of trash under your chair and put it in your Students will check their surroundings and
bag for a while. pick-up things if there are any.
B. Review
Before we start our lesson for today let us first have a
quick review about the nature of the roots of quadratic
(Posting the problem)
C. Motivation
The Sum and Product Game (Group Activity) Student’s Answers:
Instruction: Find a pair of numbers that matches the
given criteria.
There are 10 cards which contains the sum
and the product of two numbers.
The group will choose 1 category at a time
and the amount of money they wanted.
If the group answered it correctly, then they
will get the money from the card but if they
got it wrong the money will be subtracted to
Sample Cards:
D. Lesson Proper
Our lesson for today is about sum and products of
After doing the activity, what do you think about our two numbers.
lesson for today?
Let us find the sum of the roots of quadratic equation. To add similar fractions, copy first the denominator
then add the numerator.
−b + √ b2−4 ac −b−√ b2 −4 ac
x 1+ x2 = + .
2a 2a
How to add similar fraction?
Cancel out + √ b2 −4 ac and −√ b2−4 ac in the
Very good! So, now we will have, numerator.
−b + √ b2−4 ac−b−√ b 2−4 ac
x 1+ x2 = .
How are we going to simplify the numerator?
Simplify further,
−2 b
x 1+ x2 =
Finally, the sum of the roots of quadratic equation is,
x 1+ x2 = .
In multiplying fractions, we simply multiply
Solving for the product of the roots of quadratic
numerator to numerator and denominator to
−b+ √ b 2−4 ac −b− √ b 2−4 ac
x 1 • x 2=( )( ) The product of (−b + √ b2−4 ac ) and
2a 2a
¿) is(−b)2−¿.
How to multiply fractions?
(2a)(2a) = 4 a2.
By simplification,
2 2
b −b + 4 ac
x 1 • x 2= 2
Now, let us try to solve for the sum and the product of
the roots using their given formulas.
Example 1. Find the sum and the product of the roots
of x 2+ 3 x +5=0.
E. Application
Instruction: Solve for the sum and the product of roots
of the given quadratic equation.
F. Generalization
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Determine the sum and product of roots of the following
quadratic equations. Write your answer in your big notebook and
show your solutions. 2pts. Each.
1. x 2+ 10 x +16=0
2. 6 x 2−x−2=0
3. x 2−5 x−2=0
2 3
4. x −4 x+ =0
2 1
5. 3 x + x +9=0
1. x 2+ 10 x +16=0
2 3
Sum of the Roots: 4. x −4 x+ =0
−b −10
x 1+ x2 = = = -10 Sum of the Roots:
a 1
−b −(−4)
Product of the Roots: x 1+ x2 = = =4
a 1
c 16
x 1 • x 2= = =16 Product of the Roots:
a 1
c 3
x 1 • x 2= = 4 =
2. 6 x 2−x−2=0 a 4
Sum of the Roots:
−b −(−1) 1 2 1
x 1+ x2 = = = 5. 3 x + x +9=0
a 6 6 2
Product of the Roots: Sum of the Roots:
c −2 1 1
x 1 • x 2= = =- −b −( ) 1 1
a 6 3 x 1+ x2 = = 2 = ¿ )( ) = -
a 3 6
3. x 2−5 x−2=0
Sum of the Roots: Product of the Roots:
−b −(−5) c 9
x 1+ x2 = = =5 x 1 • x 2= = =3
a 1 a 3
Product of the Roots:
c −2
x 1 • x 2= = = -2
a 1
Direction: Connect the given sum and product of roots in column A by
the segment to the corresponding equation in column B.
1. G
2. J
3. D
4. I
5. A
6. E
7. H
8. B
9. F
10. C
Checked By:
Cooperating Teacher