Shaping A Modern Townscape in The City Centre Area The Case of Vilnius
Shaping A Modern Townscape in The City Centre Area The Case of Vilnius
Shaping A Modern Townscape in The City Centre Area The Case of Vilnius
Keywords Abstract
Contemporary, The development of a contemporary townscape within the historical urban structures is a
high-rise buildings, phenomenon of this period that has been going on in Lithuania for about 20 years. This is
historical landscape, an ongoing process with an uncertain outcome, as the rapidly changing urban design trends
methodology, townscape, require quick responses to current needs. It is necessary to modify, revise, and supplement
urban structure, urban the concepts and existing legislation accordingly. This article examines the factors leading to
design, Vilnius. the emergence and formation of the modern townscape in Vilnius, as well as the documents
governing the city’s development after gaining independence. It presents an evaluation of the
newly established urban structures in the central part of Vilnius and identifies the challenges
and problems in shaping the contemporary townscape. The results of the study allow us to
identify what actions must be taken in order to form a high-quality modern townscape, starting
with self-evaluation of what has been done and ending with the creation of a dynamic urban
model that would respond to constantly changing needs.
Gamze Fahriye Pehlivan
Architecture and Urban Planning Analysis of Cultural Heritage by Non-Destructive Methods:
2024 / 20 The Case of Sivas Congress Museum
of this scheme was based on the findings of the “Study of development) in a uniform manner. The desired result was
the urban formation of the Vilnius City approaches (“City expected to be achieved through the creation of lower-
Gate”)”, which focused on the operational planning aspect level spatial planning documents, specifically detailed
of the general plan [22]. The scheme divided the central plans, accompanied by design proposals. It is worth
part of Vilnius City into different zones based on the noting that until 2014, detailed plans could be created,
intended type of construction. According to this scheme, modified, or adjusted on a plot-by-plot basis [12]. Rarely
the central part of Vilnius was divided into zones that were considerations given to neighbourhood, district, or
determined the type of construction allowed: prohibited larger-scale structures, making it challenging to achieve
high-rise construction, permitted high-rise construction, the desired outcome. According to Z. Daunora, based on the
or high-rise construction allowed only after a socio- principle of building individual plots – an easy, unpromising
economic and urban impact analysis and the preparation path from the point of view of ensemble, expressiveness
of a comprehensive planning document for the area. and functionality, it is often possible to see how a unique
However, the approved scheme primarily focused on the urban situation, in which an important complex of public
layout of high-rise construction zones and overlooked purpose buildings could become the new symbol of the city,
the qualitative aspects of the urban environment and is occupied with ordinary architecture, profitable offices
methods of forming urban structures. Nevertheless, the or shops, centres, and residential buildings, without even
identified areas displayed on the diagram where high- having a high-quality detailed plan of the entire block [6].
rise construction was allowed created the necessary The initial stage of urban design, which should have been
conditions and indicated potential locations for the an integral part of detailed plan preparation, was not
emergence of a new type of townscape. included in the spatial planning legislation and remains
In 2007, another document, the General Plan of Vilnius absent to this day.
City Municipality until 2015, was approved, regulating the In 2008, the supplement to the concept of the Spatial
city’s spatial development. The General Plan had already Plan for the Location of High-Rise Buildings in Vilnius
defined regulations regarding the height and density provided clarity on the possibilities for constructing high-
of buildings for the entire city, as well as the primary rise buildings in the city. This plan established the first
function and key characteristics of the relevant districts. principles of contemporary external cityscape design,
In alignment with the prevailing territorial planning dividing zones for high-rise construction based on the type
documents, the plan designated specific areas for the of construction: a group of high-rise buildings (“hill”), a
construction of high-rise buildings [23]. These areas row of high-rise buildings, or a single high-rise building
included the territory on the right bank of the Neris River, [2]. However, the accompanying material of the Specific
between Konstitucijos Ave., Krokuvos St., and Kalvarijų St., Plan emphasised that the protection of immovable cultural
as well as the territory along T. Narbuto Street and other heritage, the natural framework, and key elements of the
areas with established detailed plans or granted building natural morphostructure were of utmost importance
permits. However, the General Plan primarily provided when assessing the feasibility of constructing high-rise
general guidelines for the positioning of high-rise buildings. buildings. It should be noted that the Monitoring Report
The purpose of the document was to establish the spatial on the Implementation of the General Plan of Vilnius City
structure of the city rather than focusing on the land use Municipality 2007–2014 indicates that three additional
of individual plots. However, the solutions provided by concepts for high-rise buildings were developed in 2009
the master plan were abstract and did not guarantee a as part of the elaboration of the Specific Plan [25]. These
high-quality outcome. They treated areas with different concepts provided specific locations for high-rise buildings
development characteristics (such as height and type of and regulations regarding their height.
Fig. 2. Characteristics of the architectural spatial composition of the Vilnius city centre, view of the first row of construction
on the right bank of the Neris River. Drawing by Algimantas Nasvytis [13].
Gamze Fahriye Pehlivan
Architecture and Urban Planning Analysis of Cultural Heritage by Non-Destructive Methods:
2024 / 20 The Case of Sivas Congress Museum
It is important to consider that the “hill” concept for a fabric. The study conducted a comprehensive spatial
group of high-rise buildings mentioned in the Specific Plan analysis of the structures and proposed a model of the
was not a new invention. In the 1964 competition for the “architectural hill” as a compositional element within the
development of the right bank of the Neris River, architect urban fabric. According to the author, improving the urban
Algimantas Nasvytis proposed a novel architectural spatial structure of the new city centre requires considering a
composition model for the centre of Vilnius, featuring an broader territorial context. This approach allows for the
urban hill (Fig. 2). During the competition, the main change identification and demonstration of a methodically sound
in the site’s function was the transition from residential morphotype of the territory’s development, including
to public use [9]. However, the economic, political and background elevation, potential locations for vertical
social factors that prevailed during the Soviet period, landmarks, and their physical characteristics [14]. It is
when analysing the central part of the city of Vilnius, worth noting that this model introduced a new type of
determined the realization of only one high-rise building – building morphotype, which could be either a stylobate
the “Lietuvos” hotel [3]. with vertical accents (towers) or a stylobate with lower,
In the same year, the municipal company Vilniaus more elongated horizontal upper volumes [14]. To provide
Planas, led by the project manager S. Motieka, prepared a a morphological comparison, one building in the new city
conceptual model for high-rise development in the central centre is equivalent in size to an entire block in the old town.
part of Vilnius (Fig. 3). One of the primary objectives was The model presented here has been analysed in various
to determine the parameters of urban and architectural sections, resulting in criteria for both the external and
quality to be achieved in the area under consideration, internal design of the townscape. Based on this concept, a
along with the principles governing their formation. new urban structure, the new city centre, began to emerge
This approach represented a groundbreaking and in Vilnius.
contemporary method of constructing and assessing the However, the development of the new city centre has
potential environmental impacts of Vilnius city’s urban been influenced by unreasonable investment demands.
Fig. 3. Conceptual model of the development of high-rise buildings in the central part of Vilnius (regulation of the external
townscape) [14].
Gamze Fahriye Pehlivan
Architecture and Urban Planning Analysis of Cultural Heritage by Non-Destructive Methods:
2024 / 20 The Case of Sivas Congress Museum
The Vilnius City Master Plan until 2015 allowed for the To summarise the ongoing development processes in
possibility of surpassing the Master Plan’s indicators with the city, there is a growing trend towards the development
the approval of the Municipal Council, which facilitated of city centres and sub-centres characterised by new and
the development of high-rise buildings [23]. In 2016, an unconventional high-rise buildings. Many of the designated
international architectural competition was held for development areas identified in the spatial planning
the construction of a multifunctional complex at 18B documents remain undeveloped. It is important to highlight
Konstitucijos Ave. in Vilnius. No high-rise buildings had that the needs of developers, who now play a more prominent
been planned on this site so far. The competition was won role in the design process, have changed between 1999 and
by Daniel Libeskind Studio, and the project aligns well with the present. While maximising the floor area used to be the
the height profile outlined in the conceptual model for the primary objective at the beginning of the century, today’s
development of high-rise buildings in the central part focus is on creating attractive buildings, improving ground
of Vilnius. However, the inclusion of a high-rise building floors, enhancing the quality of public spaces, and creating a
requirement in the competition caused dissatisfaction more human-friendly environment. These changing trends
within the architectural community. In 2017, there was an and the requirements of investors contribute to the dynamic
unsuccessful attempt to challenge this provision in court, process of forming new urban structures. Established
aiming to contest the clause in the Master Plan. planning principles in these areas of the city are evolving,
In 2021, a new Master Plan for Vilnius City Municipality necessitating timely and responsive actions.
was approved [24]. The zones designated for high-rise
construction in the city remained unchanged in the General
Plan until 2015, continuing the policy of concentrating high- III. New Urban Clusters in Vilnius City
rise buildings in specific areas as outlined in the General Centre, Contemporary Townscape
Plan of Vilnius City Municipality. However, the provision
for exceeding the targets set by the General Plan with the In the central part of Vilnius, specifically in the valley
approval of the Municipal Council was removed. of the River Neris, four emerging urban clusters can be
Fig. 4. Urban cores in the central part of the city of Vilnius [created by the author].
Gamze Fahriye Pehlivan
Architecture and Urban Planning Analysis of Cultural Heritage by Non-Destructive Methods:
2024 / 20 The Case of Sivas Congress Museum
Fig. 5. The “Vilnius Gate” architectural urban complex [15]. Fig. 6. The “Vilnius Triangle” architectural urban complex [16].
identified where new architectural developments are although the previously designed districts differ in
converging. These clusters include the New City Centre terms of their development morphology, they share
on the right bank of the Neris River, the “Vilnius Gate” architectural elements such as materials, colours, and
(Vilniaus vartai) architectural urban complex, the roof configurations, which allows them to be combined and
“Vilnius Triangle” (Verslo trikampis) architectural urban treated as a cohesive townscape. The future development
complex, and the northern part of the Žvėrynas district of these clusters should focus on integrating them into the
(Fig. 4). These new structures are incomplete due to the Gediminas Avenue neighbourhood group, creating high-
fragmented and plot-by-plot nature of their development. quality urban complexes. Unfortunately, the progress of
Consequently, there is a lack of a coherent system of public these complexes has halted.
spaces, inconsistent principles governing the type of Another rapidly developing area is the northern part
development, and undefined spatial parameters. When of Žvėrynas, or Saltoniškės (Fig. 7). It houses shopping,
examining these areas more closely, it is important to entertainment, and administrative business centres.
note that the emergence of new formations and complexes During the Soviet era, this area was occupied by industrial
does not fundamentally alter or create a specific urban and warehousing buildings. After the restoration of
structure. Instead, it lays the groundwork for future independence, these factories were relocated from the city
development, particularly when dealing with undeveloped centre to the outskirts. Unlike the two aforementioned
or underutilised areas. This distinction is crucial in the complexes, there is only one high-rise building in this
formation of a new townscape, as not all of these urban area, namely the Hanner 2 office building. The remaining
clusters can be considered fully developed townscapes. parts of the area are witnessing the construction of large
The “Vilnius Gate” (Fig. 5) and “Vilnius Triangle” 6–7-storey business centres and the Panorama shopping
(Fig. 6) architectural urban complexes, situated on the and entertainment centre. Again, the development in
western side of the lower terrace of the New Town, which this area is happening on a plot-by-plot basis, lacking a
were the least developed areas of the city at that time. comprehensive development concept. This is evident in
Both complexes are integrated into the existing urban the development morphology of the site, as some parts
development, but they differ significantly in terms of are attempting perimeter development while others have
height, size, and architectural style. Despite being new already been developed with a free-planning approach.
architectural additions, neither of them can be regarded as To humanise the area, a spatial system should be created
distinct townscapes. According to the author’s perspective, not only within individual building groups but also by
a townscape is formed within a specific historical period establishing connections with the Old Town, the southern
and is directly influenced by political, economic, and social part of Žvėrynas, and the entire built-up area. From a
decisions. It is characterised by a collection of architectural systematic perspective, developing such an area should
aesthetics that serve as its physical manifestation [15]. be simpler as there are no protected sites to consider and
Applying this definition of townscape, these complexes established development principles are not required.
can only be considered as part of the New Town district, However, the three existing large-scale blocks cannot
as they do not fulfil the requirements for constituting a be regarded as a distinct townscape since the individual
new urban structure in terms of their territorial scope components (building groups) lack interrelationships.
and architectural expression. It is uncommon in Vilnius The fourth urban cluster in the city centre is the New
to have districts with a single morphotype [26]. However, City Centre, situated on the right bank of the Neris River
Gamze Fahriye Pehlivan
Architecture and Urban Planning Analysis of Cultural Heritage by Non-Destructive Methods:
2024 / 20 The Case of Sivas Congress Museum
Fig. 7. The developing area is the northern part of Žvėrynas, Fig. 8. The New City Centre [photo by the author, 2023].
or Saltoniškės [8].
(Fig. 8). The New City Centre in Vilnius is the largest area formation of the contemporary townscape. Due to the rapid
of new development and the only one that can be described pace of urbanisation, the once meaningful urban tradition
as an emerging contemporary townscape. Let us explore of the area has lost its significance and cannot be regarded
the reasons behind this. as a valuable characteristic anymore. The destruction of the
Before the end of the 20th century, the area where historic street network, infrastructure, and development
the New City Centre is currently being constructed was has resulted in the loss of valuable attributes of the site.
considered a suburb of Vilnius (Fig. 9). The main landmark However, its visual connections to the river, the left bank
in the area was the St. Archangel Raphael Church and the of the Neris, and the historic city centre, namely the Old
buildings of the Jesuit monastery. The remaining buildings Town, can still be considered noteworthy features. Further
at that time were wooden houses along Ukmergė and development of the area should be dictated by the overall
Verkiai avenues. After World War II, when Lithuania was development processes of the city and the coherence of
part of the Soviet Union, a decision was made to develop the site with its natural and visual surroundings while
the right bank of the Neris River as a modern part of the preserving the historically established north-south visual
city. Competitions were organised, and different visions for and physical axis [14].
the area were developed. In all cases, the existing planned Significant further development took place in the area
spatial structure of the site was altered. The construction after 2000. Buildings such as the Europa Business Centre,
of Konstitucijos Avenue in the 1970s and the development Europa Tower, Vilnius Municipality Building, and an
of a new social centre led to the destruction of the historical apartment block were constructed by 2004. The emergence
structure of the area, although some fragments of the of these structures necessitated regulations for high-rise
former layout were preserved. This pivotal moment in the construction, leading to the creation of a specific plan in 2004.
territory’s development serves as the foundation for the Both the specific plan and accompanying documents were
Fig. 9. The changes of the New City Centre on the right bank of the Neris River 1944–2020 [created by author].
Gamze Fahriye Pehlivan
Architecture and Urban Planning Analysis of Cultural Heritage by Non-Destructive Methods:
2024 / 20 The Case of Sivas Congress Museum
insufficient to manage the ongoing development processes. lack of consensus on the desired outcome, specifically
In 2008, a conceptual model for high-rise development in the the contemporary townscape’s appearance allowing for
central part of Vilnius was prepared, and the fundamental individual interpretations and variations of the final
principles outlined in this model, particularly the “hill” result [26]. The process of urban development becomes
model for external townscape design, are followed today. increasingly complex, posing methodological and practical
In the New Centre, the development of the planned spatial challenges in its implementation.
structure is subject to change based on investment needs. The absence of an established urban model for the
An example of this is the ongoing construction of a “high- townscape presents a significant issue. Until the beginning
rise office building project” on the White Bridge axis, which of the 21st century, the city’s development followed
deviates from the previously envisioned concept that led to architectural trends influenced by the political, economic,
the Europa Tower. It is important to note that the conceptual and social context of that time. These trends persisted for
model established the principle of shaping both the external decades. However, in today’s rapidly changing landscape,
and internal townscape, emphasising the concept of retreat, trends shift almost annually, driven by evolving needs,
but this principle was often not adhered to. The reason for increased investment interests, and changing regulations.
non-compliance lies in the absence of such documents in Such swift transformations necessitate adaptability,
the Lithuanian legal framework, rendering them only as leading to the question of whether existing urban patterns
guidelines. Consequently, the final result depends solely on can meet these evolving demands or if a pattern is required
the individual project author, the builder’s needs, and their that can accommodate potential variations and adjust to
mindset. changing trends while preserving the cohesive structure of
In the present day, even though a definitive outcome the townscape. In this context, it is necessary to transition
has not yet been agreed upon, the right bank of the Neris from a static planning approach to a dynamic one that
River is experiencing rapid and extensive development, is responsive and adaptable to ongoing changes and
to the extent that it can already be identified as a distinct processes. A notable challenge in this shift is the absence of
townscape. This is primarily due to significant ongoing a methodology tailored to such a planning process. Just as
development that has taken place in the 21st century, with the architectural designs need to be adjusted, so should the
buildings exhibiting architectural expression, scale, and methodology and framework within which the planning
other characteristics that align with contemporary trends takes place. Addressing this task requires comprehensive
and interact with one another. The inclusion of not just scientific analysis, practical application, and legislative
business centres, but also state and municipal institutions changes to facilitate the desired approach.
within the New Centre signifies the aspiration to present Another aspect to consider is the transformation of
Vilnius as a powerful, appealing, and, above all, modern the city’s historic silhouette and the interaction between
capital within the context of European cities. existing historical townscapes and the introduction of new
Examining the emerging urban structures in the city architectural elements. When examining the emergence of
centre, it becomes evident that the mere introduction contemporary urban structures in Vilnius, it is essential
of new architecture and high-rise buildings does not not to overlook the development of new urban clusters
fundamentally alter the urban fabric or establish new on the outskirts of the Old Town. Vilnius’ historic centre
townscapes. However, it does lay the groundwork for such was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994,
transformations in the future, particularly if undeveloped meeting Criteria II and IV. Criterion II recognises Vilnius
or deteriorated areas are integrated into the urban fabric. as a significant medieval city that greatly influenced
the development of Eastern European architecture and
culture over several centuries. Criterion IV highlights
IV. Current Issues and Challenges in the architectural landscape of Vilnius and the preserved
Contemporary Townscape Design diversity of buildings as a remarkable example of the
organic growth of a Central European city spanning
Cities can only fulfil their purpose when there is a five centuries. Considering these criteria in the context
harmonious balance in their environment. The success of current development, it is evident that the silhouette
of a city seems to depend on a combination of both the of Vilnius is undergoing significant changes, greatly
physical appeal of the surroundings and the activities that influenced by new architectural additions. In this regard,
facilitate informal and spontaneous interactions among it is crucial to address the compatibility and interaction
individuals [16]. In the case of the development of the new between different townscapes, giving priority to the
Vilnius city centre, it is the environment and relations with preservation of valued elements and the natural heritage
the adjacent structures that lack equilibrium to this day, encompassing the Neris River valley.
because there is no agreement on what the final result, Furthermore, the creation of a distinct local visual
i.e., the modern townscape, should look like. There is a identity is an important factor to consider in the process
Gamze Fahriye Pehlivan
Architecture and Urban Planning Analysis of Cultural Heritage by Non-Destructive Methods:
2024 / 20 The Case of Sivas Congress Museum
of shaping the new townscape. In Lithuania, there is into existing townscapes and the creation of an entirely
a noticeable lack of emphasis on the formation of the new townscape, allowing all urban structures to evolve
urban landscape within the inner city. While individual harmoniously within their respective contexts.
complexes are being developed with attention to their In the case of the city of Vilnius, the emergence of a new
internal structures, the overall interconnections between cityscape in the central part of the city was determined
them are weak. Human perception of the environment is by the changed political and economic environment after
closely tied to movement and the experience of traversing the restoration of independence, the return of state land
different spaces [5]. In this regard, streets, river avenues, to private individuals – in the absence of the state as
and public urban spaces should possess humane the main institution regulating urban development, the
interconnections, points of attraction, symbolic elements, implementation of private interests began, the goal of
and well-designed ground floors that serve functional which was not urban quality, but the maximum scope of
purposes. Unfortunately, this is lacking in the New City realization. The weak regulation of high-rise construction
Centre, as perfectly illustrated by Konstitucijos Avenue, at the time allowed such private initiatives to take place
which divides the area into two parts and offers only one quite quickly, regardless of the context. Finally, with
underground connection. The buildings along the avenue the appearance of individual high-rise buildings, it was
are monumental, yet there is a lack of appealing features. necessary to look for new regulatory principles that were
The legislation governing urban development and urban based on the methodological principles of creating urban
planning in Lithuania plays a crucial role in the design structures. As a result, the “urban hill” model of the New
process. In principle, detailed planning could be employed, City Centre was created.
as the Law on Spatial Planning allows for exemptions where Assessing the current affairs of the day, in Vilnius, while
the municipality can request the submission of an urban the general concept of the new townscape, the “urban hill”
concept and supporting analysis. However, in almost all model, is already reasonably clear, it is not a final outcome
cases, both investors and municipalities often perceive the but rather an ongoing process of design and adaptation in
planning process as a bureaucratic procedure rather than response to changing conditions, therefore, the created
an opportunity to establish well-defined urban structures. model only works partially. In order to ensure the further
Consequently, the resulting outcomes often lack quality. successful creation of the new townscape, the following
Compounding the issue is the fact that detailed plans are steps must be taken:
typically initiated by private or legal entities, which relegates • To ensure effective townscape formation, it is
townscape considerations to a secondary concern compared important to undertake an evaluation of emerging
to the clarification of property relations [7]. Returning to the townscapes and compare them with international
concept of dynamic planning mentioned earlier, it becomes processes and projects. This assessment will aid
evident that the existing legal framework is ill-prepared and in identifying key criteria that will guide future
does not currently accommodate such an approach. development.
In order to achieve the highest quality of the • It is crucial to examine the interaction between the new
architectural urban environment, a shift in developers’ townscape and the historic townscape and implement
attitudes is necessary. The focus should be placed on the appropriate regulatory measures.
architectural quality of the objects and their surroundings, • Shifting the approach to the design process of urban
rather than solely prioritizing the maximum volume of structures from a static to a dynamic perspective is
realisation stipulated in planning documents and meeting essential. This necessitates the development of a novel
unreasonably fast project deadlines. methodology that emphasises continuous adaptation.
• Greater emphasis must be placed on visual identity and
the shaping of internal urban structures, encompassing
Conclusions interrelationships, public spaces, and building scale.
• The establishment of a comprehensive legal framework
The emergence of contemporary architectural urban tailored to urban design is imperative.
structures within the existing urban fabric should not be • When forming a new townscape, great attention
regarded as inherently good or bad; rather, it is a natural must be paid to ensuring the needs of various social
outcome of the city’s evolutionary process. Each era leaves groups. Equally good conditions must be created for
its imprint on the urban fabric, and when architecture pedestrians, cyclists, and motor vehicles.
effectively reflects the spirit of the times, new townscapes • It is necessary to gradually educate the public and
are born. Urban design is a process that spans decades, developers on the issue of urban design, highlighting
and in the context of 21st-century urban development, it that the creation of architectural quality and a humane
can be said that we are still in the early stages. It is crucial environment brings not only economic but also social
to differentiate between new complexes that integrate and cultural benefits.
Gamze Fahriye Pehlivan
Architecture and Urban Planning Analysis of Cultural Heritage by Non-Destructive Methods:
2024 / 20 The Case of Sivas Congress Museum
Gamze Fahriye Pehlivan
Architecture and Urban Planning Analysis of Cultural Heritage by Non-Destructive Methods:
2024 / 20 The Case of Sivas Congress Museum