The Devil of Murder Cliffs
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
Author Fifth Edition Conversion Front Cover Art
Casey W. Christofferson Richard M. Meyer Adrian Landeros
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Table of Contents
The Devil of Murder Cliffs .............................................. p. 4
Part 1: The Arrival................................................... p. 7
Part 2: To Hunt The Devil ....................................... p. 17
Part 3: The Devil Among Us .....................................p. 25
Player Maps .................................................................p. 30
Legal Appendix ............................................................. p. 37
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Important Characters
referred to as the Devil of Murder Cliffs in reference to a local legend —
have increased in frequency. These attacks threaten travelers on the road
and are bad for business.
Others say a true devil released from its bondage once again stalks the
Listed below are some of the important NPCs the characters encounter
region of the Murder Cliffs. Despite these troubles, the Von Klarch Inn
during the course of the adventure.
is the only reasonably civilized place to spend the night in the bandit-
infested Murder Cliffs.
Lady Elis Von Klarch
Adventure Background Lady Elis Von Klarch (see the Appendix) is the head of the Von Klarch
estate. She is a spoiled only child who would much prefer a life spending
The Devil of Murder Cliffs is an adventure for 4–6 characters of levels money in a large city to running her family’s ruined backwater estate. The
3–5 though it can easily be scaled for lower- or higher-level adventurers. widow is beautiful though her age is catching up to her, almost as quickly
The adventure assumes at least one wizard, one cleric, and one rogue are as her money is running out. If ruthlessness and avarice had a name, it
in the party though there is a fair amount of opportunity for other character would be Lady Elis Von Klarch.
classes, especially meat shields and sword swingers, to shine. Several years ago, Lady Elis made the acquaintance of Krateis. The
You can place the Von Klarch Inn in any mountainous region in your mercenary commander had fallen out of favor due to his fiercely brutal
campaign, in a wilderness where beasts still roam the land. Lumberjacks cut tactics and tendency to deny quarter, even to nobles with the ability to pay
the trees, but they are the exception within the woods. For the most part, the a hefty ransom.
adventurers are much more likely to encounter gnolls and other humanoids. For many years, Lady Elis and Krateis enjoyed a working relationship
You may begin the adventure within the wilderness region of the where he and his bandits would tip off the Von Klarches about returning
Murder Cliffs at a point when the characters trek far away from their town, adventurers laden with treasures who were perhaps too difficult or
village, or city of choice, or they may use it as a waystation for a larger dangerous a mark for his band. The bandits would give a bit of chase to
adventure involving expeditions into the north. hustle the quarry back to the Von Klarch estate, and they would split the
profits once the adventurers were dealt with. For other quarry, the bandits
handled the situation themselves and did their best to keep the numbers of
Part 1: The Arrival gnolls scouting the peaks to a manageable number.
Recently, Lady Elis and Krateis have been on the outs. As Krateis’
The characters arrive at the Von Klarch Inn as the local bandit warlord band has grown in strength and numbers, Elis has become suspicious that
Krateis attacks. The staff, with the characters’ help, stave off the attack, Krateis intends to take all the treasure and leave her to wither in destitution.
but not before Krateis and his men destroy several outbuildings and kill Her anger has become such that she is willing to hire a rival band of
a good number of the valiant defenders. The management of the inn mercenaries to hunt down Krateis and bring him to justice. Her ultimate
implores the characters to find Krateis — alleged to be the “Devil of hope is that she can get Krateis to see the value of their partnership and for
Murder Cliffs” — and smash his bandit operation once and for all. The her newly hired mercenaries to thin the herd of bandits the chieftain has
characters are encouraged to bring Krateis in alive so he can be hung in gathered to his devil’s head banner.
the courtyard as a warning to all other would-be bandits and highwaymen. Lady Elis is educated and trained in magic, focusing mostly on charms
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
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Captain Krateis
Captain Krateis (see the Appendix) is a tall, powerfully built man
of indeterminate age with a thick sandy beard and a mane of hair shot
with red, gold, and gray. His eyes are cold blue, and his face is rough and
ruddy though it is often split with a cunning smile when not encased in
his signature devil’s head helm. Krateis is the sometime lover and partner
in crime of Lady Elis Von Klarch though currently their relationship is
on ice.
Captain Krateis was a mercenary for years serving various lords and
kinglets. He developed a reputation for disobedience, something most
nobles can do without. Banditry was second nature to Krateis, but during
one particular raid, Krateis came across a treasure that defined him for the
last half-decade of his career: a devil’s head helm. The previous owner, a
southern potentate, had commissioned a helm that would strike fear into the
hearts of his foes. The result was an enchanted bascinet with a pair of spiked
horns that protrude from the top of the brow and a tooled, inlaid facepiece
resembling a fiendish countenance. The helm’s eye slits glow an ominous
red, and a thin fog escapes the fanged mouth when the wearer speaks.
Krateis is something of a historian and a lover of fine, exotic, and
ancient things. Because of this, he was quick to bring his operations north
to capitalize on the legends of the Devil of Murder Cliffs. This brought
him to his on again, off again relationship with Lady Elis and continued
the friction with her advisor Svan Dorian.
Krateis’ recent studies have raised his suspicions that more is going on
at the Von Klarch estate than the obvious murder and robbery schemes
he and Lady Elis Von Klarch organized. Krateis figures to eventually get
to the bottom of it should his relationship with Lady Elis thaw again. If
it cannot, he figures to raise a force to sack the estate and research his
suspicions personally. To do this, however, he needs an in for himself and
his crew, and he needs Svan Dorian eliminated.
to get what she wants out of life. Her larger goal is to trap the spirit of
Aspdu, the true Devil of Murder Cliffs, to control and gain power over
him. She requires the talisman of Aspdu but has been unable to ascertain Old Orlak
its location. Should she find the talisman, she will place it around the neck
of the clone she is growing within her laboratory. She’ll then summon Orlak (see the Appendix) is a timber guide who has gotten on in years
Aspdu’s spirit to occupy the empty vessel, then command the pit fiend to and spends less time working as a guide and more time drinking at the inn.
do her bidding as the wizard king of Murder Cliffs did in the days of old. He offers his services as a guide to merchants plying the road from the
cities in the south to the mining encampments of the north.
Orlak is something of a storyteller and takes credit for all sorts of deeds
Svan Dorian in the mountains from his younger years that he probably wasn’t actually
a part of. If asked about the Devil of Murder Cliffs, he may slip up and ask
Svan Dorian (see the Appendix) is an ambitious man in his mid-30s which one before quickly having another drink and making up some story
with carefully coiffured black hair, a patrician’s nose, and sharp gray eyes. or other about Krateis’ atrocities.
He stands about 5-feet-10-inches tall and seems powerfully built under the Orlak has a deal worked out with Lady Von Klarch to ensure
velvet finery of a professional butler and herald. Lady Elis brought Svan that wealthy travelers with the right sort of goods end up at the
with her from the city five years ago to replace the old family butler who inn and out of the grasp of Krateis. Orlak sticks to the north-south
died shortly after the passing of her father. roads and refuses to venture deeper into the mountain passes —
Svan Dorian serves as seneschal of the estate and runs the inn’s for good reason. Krateis has threatened to crucify the old man
operations with Lady Elis. Svan Dorian is secretly a vicar in service of if he ever catches him attempting to lead assassins to his lair.
Moloch and extensively refurbished the shrine beneath the estate using Orlak is attempting to woo Velanika into hiring him as a guide for
Lady Elis’ coin in a costly restoration. her merchant trains, hoping to move through the mountains with
Svan is fully knowledgeable of the various hidden pits, traps, and armed guards to protect him. After Krateis’ most recent assault on
switches rigged throughout the estate. He hates Krateis with a burning the manor, however, he refuses to take anyone until after someone
passion. He wishes for nothing more than to get his hands on the bandit deals with Krateis.
and sacrifice him to Moloch to draw out the spirit of Aspdu. But Svan
knows that he can get away with this only if he can stoke Lady Elis’ anger
to the boiling point. Svan would replace Krateis with Dusana and Lujub Velanika Rosnin
as leaders of the bandit confederation. He has already converted the pair
to his cause. Velanika (N female human veteran) is a shrewd businesswoman hailing
from the southern city-states. She has a four-wagon caravan to haul trade
goods up to the silver camps of the north that is currently stuck at the inn
Head Matron Jelena Kukas because of the bandit attacks on travelers. She may offer the characters 50
gp per wagon to get her and her drivers to the silver camps to drop off her
Jelena (NG female human commoner) is a square-built woman in wares and to haul a load of silver back unscathed. She realizes now that
her 50s who runs the day-to-day operations of the estate with an iron fist she is going to need more protection than her bosses in the southern cities
though she does not run the inn’s business operations. She sees to the have offered her and is willing to spend the money to get the job done.
maids and the careful cleanup of the recently “vacated” chambers of the She currently has eight guards in her retinue, and they split time between
inn. Several of her children work for Lady Elis Von Klarch. guarding the wagons and sharing a pair of upstairs rooms.
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
The bandits use hit-and-run tactics as they ride past the characters,
Arcenaur the Druid firing and then moving on. The bandits avoid direct melee if possible and
retreat after they lose half their hit points or if any of their number are
Arcenaur (see the Appendix) is commonly mistaken for the Devil killed. Krateis departs as soon as his bandits engage the characters.
of Murder Cliffs as he silently wages war on the gnolls, highwaymen, After the battle, Lady Elis Von Klarch and her seneschal Svan Dorian
and lumberjacks who violate his domain. He prefers frightening off the greet the characters. Lady Elis reveals the name of her nemesis to be
lumberjacks over outright murder though, if pressed, he has no problem Captain Krateis, a bandit leader also known as the Devil of Murder Cliffs.
spilling their blood on the high-country ground. She further explains that Krateis is in league with bands of gnolls and
Lady Elis would like nothing more than to see Arcenaur flayed a twisted druid known as Arcenaur. Together, this league of villains has
and hurled to the crows. She would readily implicate Arcenaur as an set out to ruin her business and have brought silver and lumber trade
accomplice to the Devil of Murder Cliffs. throughout the mountains to a standstill.
She asks the characters to hunt these foes down and break their hold
on the mountain passes. In return, she offers them 10 sp per confirmed
Aspdu’s Evil Spirit gnoll or bandit slain. She further offers the characters 300 gp for bringing
Krateis in dead or alive (although she prefers alive), and an additional 100
Aspdu is the true Devil of Murder Cliffs. Once a powerful pit fiend in gp for Arcenaur. The bandits, she insists, must be taught a hard lesson. If
service to Moloch, Aspdu was reduced in power when a wizard king of old asked what she means, she points to a tree in the yard that would easily
attempted to break his contract with the devil. Aspdu’s bones were melded support a rope and 300 pounds or more of weight.
to the mountainside, and the pit fiend’s evil spirit now haunts the cliffs, Characters attempting to gather more information that make a successful
possessing others as he attempts to reunite with his old bones and return to DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check will note that the lady’s dress
Hell with the 99 souls his master tasked him to gather. Aspdu is particularly seems a bit threadbare. It was obviously very expensive at one time but
interested in capturing the soul of Lady Elis as he believes she is descended seems about a decade out of date. Otherwise, it quickly becomes apparent
from the ancient wizard who blasted his flesh across the mountainside. that everything about the inn seems just a bit shabby and run down. It
Aspdu’s ghost is merely a ghost though he may take other forms and could be surmised that Lady Von Klarch is short on money. It is also
possess NPCs (and possibly the characters). The ghost has power only during
the nights of the Devil’s Moon when he can project a somewhat corporeal
form, typically appearing in the guise of a handsome traveling merchant.
Aspdu’s motivations are to regenerate his body and return to Hell —
after he wreaks as much evil and havoc as he possibly can. He needs the
Ghost of a Devil
talisman of Aspdu and an empty vessel to achieve his plan. Lady Elis’ Listed here are Aspdu’s actions and activities based on whom he
desire to take control of the pit fiend using the clone in her conjuring possesses. The only beings the ghost of Aspdu does not attempt to
chamber may provide the pit fiend with a new body so he can return to possess are Krateis and Lady Elis. You may decide whom the ghost
the world. possesses or may roll 1d6 and select from below.
Aspdu uses the statistics of a ghost, except for the following: 1. Arcenaur: If Aspdu possesses Arcenaur, he uses the druid’s
• His Challenge Rating is 5 (1,800 XP). powers to harass the denizens of the inn as he seeks access to the
empty vessel hidden inside. If the characters attempt to capture or
• He has proficiency in Dexterity (+4), Constitution (+3), and Wisdom kill Arcenaur while Aspdu is possessing him, he puts up a meager
(+4) saving throws. defense and almost immediately surrenders.
• He has truesight out to 120 feet. 2. Velanika Rosnin: If Aspdu possesses Velanika, he uses her
to get the characters to help him find the talisman. Once within a
• He has 54 (12d8) hit points.
few miles of the talisman, Velanika disappears as Aspdu leads her
• The saving throw DC for Aspdu’s Horrifying Visage and Possession is 14. to collect the item. She is later found in the custody of Arcenaur or
• Aspdu’s Possession recharges on a 5–6, and Aspdu can use all the class Krateis.
features of the possessed creature, if it has any. In addition, Aspdu can 3. Orlak: If Aspdu possesses Orlak, he offers to guide the
use an action to attempt to delve into the creature’s thoughts, as if he had characters through the mountains. Instead, he leads them to within
cast the detect thoughts spell (DC 14 spell save). Once he has done so, he a few miles of the Devil’s Dolmen then disappears while he goes to
cannot do so again for 24 hours. collect the talisman. He abandons the characters, only to arrive later
claiming to have escaped from the bandits.
4. Aspdu’s Ghost: Aspdu’s ghost approaches a solitary character
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apparent that although several rooms are available at the inn, very few
of them are currently rented. If asked about customers and the rundown C. Breastworks
quality of the inn, Lady Elis feigns embarrassment and says the bandit The breastworks are 5 feet tall and 3 feet wide and afford firing
“situation” has strapped her inn financially. positions for guardians of the inn against attackers. The breastwork offers
The characters’ actions at this point flavor their interactions with the half-cover to those standing behind it.
Von Klarches for the first part of the adventure and, specifically, the sort
of deal offered to them by Lady Elis Von Klarch. Characters have the
opportunity to briefly interact with various members of the Von Klarch D. Mountain Gate
retinue, their men-at-arms, and the workers before setting out on the The mountain gate is a wrought-iron gate attached to the breastworks
next leg of their journey. The workers at the estate are detailed in the that has seen better days. One of the inn’s guards usually mans the gate,
descriptions of the Von Klarch Inn. which is locked and unlocked as visitors to the inn make their way to and
The encounters with the staff are friendly, and the Von Klarch clan seems from the northern reaches of Murder Cliffs.
very concerned about solving the bandit and gnoll problem they face. The
characters are properly wined, dined, fed, and given fine rooms facing the
mountains (not those facing the gorge). The rooms are not trapped in any E. Velanika’s Wagons
way. You should make the characters feel safe and introduce some of the Four trade wagons laden with trade goods are circled here along the
other travelers visiting the region. The overall atmosphere should be one southern grounds of the inn. The wagons belong to a merchant named
of casual comfort. Velanika Rosnin who is attempting to travel to the silver camps in the
It is during this time that the characters may first encounter Aspdu’s north. Each wagon contains 500 gp worth of trade goods ranging from
ghost and the NPC the ghost currently possesses during this lunar phase rope, dried food, blankets, tents, tent stakes, tools, lamp oil, and the like.
(see the Ghost of a Devil sidebar). The possessed individual has its own The exact nature of the supplies is left up to you. The four drivers (various
motivations and seeks to convince the characters to find the talisman of commoners) and 8 guards protect the wagons.
Aspdu. The ghost explains cryptically that finding the talisman may be the
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
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as visitors’ “introduction” to the family estate. The marble facades that
decorate this room are now cracked, revealing the native limestone of the 7. Hunters’ Lounge
building’s exterior. This room is filled with hunting memorabilia. Its doors are flanked with
Currently, a house porter (N male human commoner) stands at the stuffed black bears that have been dressed in hunter’s caps and armed
porch, offering aid and assistance to visitors and a truncheon to trespassers with bows. The lounge is small and cozy, with seating for perhaps 10. It
without the coin to rent a room for the night. The porter keeps an eye out is open by reservation only. Guests sit in the lounge and smoke pipes as
for visitors who may need a groom for their horses or a bellhop to carry they tell tales from overstuffed armchairs and receive bottle service from
luggage to the guestrooms. If the grounds are in imminent danger, he bars the terrace bar. Renting the room is 10 sp for an entire evening. Drinks
the doors to the vestibule and the grand hall beyond. and tips are extra, of course, and you may set their prices appropriately for
your campaign. There is a 50% chance that Old Orlak is having a glass of
2. Grand Hall brandy and a cigar here, reservations be damned.
The vestibule opens into the grand hall, a great T-shaped hall paneled in
polished hardwood and marble. The great hall is a far cry cleaner and far 8. North and South Towers, Ground Floor
statelier to the eye than the vestibule outside and shows that a considerable The towers flanking the vestibule tower serve as the main defense for
amount of work goes into keeping it that way. To the right is a broad the yard and main entrance to the estate. The ground floor towers serve as
enclosed desk where guests can check in, as well as a bellhop station. barracks for 5 guards who occupy each tower. The guards keep 2d6 gp
Beyond the entry, the hall turns north and south with entrances to the and a clean uniform in their footlockers.
ballroom, grand dining room, terrace bar, hunters’ lounge, lavatories, The guards rotate shifts so there are always at least 3 guards up
servants’ quarters, and the vast kitchens. Staircases at the north and south and working per tower at any given time and 2 guards sleeping in the
of the hall lead to the upper stories and the guest rooms found there. The bunkroom on the ground floor. Each working guard mans a different level
rooms once served the noble family but now serve the inn’s guests. of the tower (Areas 23 and 31) although they can run up or down the stairs
Paintings and sculptures in the grand hall represent various members of to assist each other.
the Von Klarch family over the last 300 years. Bare spots on the wall mark
where other more valuable paintings once hung, but they have been sold
off in recent years to settle family debts. 9. Head Matron’s Quarters
Head Matron Jelana Kukas (see above) lives in this room in the north
wing, which is conveniently located next to Lady Elis’ ground-floor
3. Check-in Desk and Office office. Jelena has a small chest that holds a velvet sack containing two
Characters entering the inn for the first time are greeted by Taniya (N small sapphires worth 25 gp each, as well as 28 gp, and 30 sp.
female human commoner), a youngish local girl who asks if they need
lodging and indicates the prices for a night, a week, a month, or a yearly
stay. Her mother is Head Matron Jelena Kukas, who manages the staff for 10. Lady Elis’ Office
Svan Dorian. Taniya is bored with her job to say the least and spends most Lady Elis’ office is the ground-floor nerve center of the estate. It is
of her time frustrating Gravnic. She flirts with new arrivals, believing this locked with a well-made lock, which can be opened with a DC 19
drives Gravnic crazy. She reminds characters to ring the bell in their room Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
should they need anything from her at all. Within is a broad walnut desk, a safe, a window, and a fireplace. A
The ledger indicates a variety of travelers coming from the south and painting of Lady Elis’ late grandfather Shukov Von Klarch hangs behind
heading north though it rarely lists return visits. This information could be the desk. The painting slides to the side to reveal a map of all three levels
gathered with a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check. of the house with buttons over the bathrooms as well as several of the
second- and third-floor bedrooms; noticing the secrets behind the painting
requires a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check if the characters
4. Bellhop Station attempt to look for secrets. When the buttons are pressed, they activate
Also at the desk is the bellhop station where Gravnic waits to haul bags the covered pits in the selected rooms. The purpose of the buttons may
when not busying himself with polishing doorknobs, brass, or whatever not be obvious to those snooping around in the office as pressing them
else he can do to stay busy. Gravnic is very strong and asks few questions. here triggers the pit trap elsewhere in the inn. A brass and crystal bowl
For this reason, Lady Von Klarch and Svan Dorian put his brawn to use in filled with silvery liquid sits upon the great wooden desk, which radiates
the “other” family business whenever necessary. divination magic to magic senses (it is a bowl of scrying). A creature who
A secret door in the back of the bellhop station leads to an access hallway. touches the silvery liquid must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
Gravnic uses the statistics of a thug, except that he wields a club (+4 or be poisoned for 24 hours.
to hit, 4 [1d4 + 2] bludgeoning damage) instead of a mace and does not The safe is locked with a devilish combination lock and is trapped to
have a heavy crossbow. spray acid in the face of any intruder. The lock can be opened with a DC
20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. Should the check fail, the trap is
5. Access Hallway triggered, and the creature directly in front of the safe must make a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) acid damage on a failed saving
A hidden hallway is located between the supply closet and the bellhop throw, or half as much damage on a successful saving throw. The trap
station. A stairway descends to the caves and dungeon below the inn, can be disabled before the attempt to open the safe is made with a DC 20
ending right next to the hidden jail (Area 43). Secret doors lead to the Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
bellhop station, the supply closet, and a secret entrance from the main hall Within the safe are Lady Elis’ spellbooks, 424 gp, 533 sp, the deed to
that is hidden behind a portrait of Markus Von Klarch. the estate and title to the surrounding lands, and a scroll denoting her coat
of arms and the legitimacy of the holding. Also included are the title and
6. Supply Closet deed to an apartment on the lower ring of the Hill District of Bard’s Gate,
a teacup full of gold wedding rings worth 2d10 gp each, and a champagne
The supply closet is filled with mops, brooms, soap, vinegar, brass glass full of two dozen gold teeth worth 3 gp each. Not all of the teeth are
polish, and other cleaning supplies used by the staff to keep the estate from the same person; some are dwarf teeth, some are halfling teeth, and
clean. A secret door hidden behind a rack of fresh linens leads to the at least one is a half-orc tusk.
access hallway.
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
rebranding steeds for resale when their owners no longer need them.
11. Ballroom Honnor uses the statistics of a veteran, save that he also carries a whip
The smallish ballroom was once reserved for guests who used it for (+3 to hit, 3 [1d4 + 1] slashing damage) and wears studded leather armor
private wedding receptions and personal functions when the great hall and carries a shield, giving him a 15 Armor Class if he is wielding it.
was being used for larger functions and events. The ballroom has two
fireplaces and an orchestra pit located just beneath the floor that allows 16-A. Carriage House
dancers to hear the music clearly but hides the orchestra, providing more This portion of the stables is where the Von Klarches keep their
room on the dancefloor. An archway to the south opens to the terrace bar, monogrammed carriage. The carriage is chased with gold and silver inlay
while an opening to the west leads to a balcony that affords a stunning and is enameled a deep black and red. It is worth 300 gp and seats four
view of the gorge beyond. inside and two atop comfortably. Stowage is tied to a luggage rack in the
The orchestra pit contains a bass, a viola, a flute, a cello, and a harp. The rear or atop the carriage.
instruments are worth about 20 gp each in their current condition. Honnor keeps his sword and shield here while working, and in his room
when he is not.
12. Terrace Bar 16-B through D. Guest Stables
Once a popular spot at the Von Klarch Inn, the terrace bar is open only
during nice weather from spring through fall. Currently, it is the roost of These stables have room for 2–3 horses each. A groom sleeps in the loft
a swarm of crows. The crows (which use the statistics of a raven swarm) above the stable and sees to the upkeep and care of the horses below. The
are accustomed to people and tend to leave them alone unless bothered. stables are currently filled with draft horses for Velanika’s wagon train.
They stare hungrily at the characters.
Locked in the cabinets of the bars that flank the entrance are a case of 16-E. The Lady’s Stable
dwarven whiskey, a case of vodka, 10 bottles of average champagne, 10 This stable is where the hitch for the mistress’s carriage is kept, as well
bottles of average wine, and 2 kegs of ale. The lock can be opened with a as her personal riding pony. Five horses in all are kept here. A secret door
DC 14 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. in the southern wall known only to Lady Elis and her trusted confidants
The balcony below the terrace connects the ballroom balcony and opens onto a hidden hallway that leads to the kitchens. It is intended as an
dining room balconies. escape route should anything go awry.
16. Stables
The stables occupy the southern wing of the estate. Honnor, the groom,
manages the stables. He is a loyal retainer to the Von Klarch family
and assists Gravnic when the lady demands it. He is also an expert at
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The Devil of Murder Cliffs
The Manor, Second Floor Third Floor
21. Hall 29. Hall
These broad halls are covered in woven rugs that are threadbare and This hall is identical to the second-floor hall (Area 21). It contains more
shabby with age. Stairwells to the east and west lead to the upper and threadbare and shabby woven rugs. Stairwells to the east and west lead
lower floors. down to the second floor.
30. Vestibule Tower
22. Vestibule Tower This tower room standing over the entryway to the inn is manned by a
The tower rooms that stand over the entryway to the inn are manned by guard armed with a light crossbow. It is otherwise similar to the vestibule
a guard armed with a light crossbow. tower room below (Area 22).
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The Devil of Murder Cliffs
an aura of evil that makes creatures viewing it uncomfortable and has a 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.Bookshelves in the room contain
blasphemous effect: creatures that are not evil-aligned and begin their turn copies of Lady Elis’ spellbooks, with 2d6 spells per level of levels 1–4.
within 10 feet of the painting must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw. Characters can also find 10 scrolls containing the following spells: sleep,
On a failed saving throw, the creature rolls 1d4 and subtracts the result charm person, suggestion, charm monster, magic missile, lightning bolt,
from any ability check, attack roll, or saving throw they make that turn. haste, mirror image, invisibility, and dispel magic. A shelf holds the
An evil collector may pay upward of 500 gp for the painting. following potions: a potion of healing, a potion of lesser restoration, a
A locked iron chest contains Svan’s unholy vestments, his black potion of fire resistance, and a potion of poison.
candles, 4 vials of unholy water, an obsidian holy symbol of Moloch, and Also found here are 20 pounds of powdered lead in ceramic jars.
a flame-bladed ceremonial dagger that deals double damage to goodly A large crystal jar in the center of the room contains what appears to be
aligned beings. The chest also contains 5 black opals worth 25 gp each, a semi-formed human baby suspended in a thick jelly-like fluid. The jar is
135 gp, and 233 sp. capped with a copper lid and affixed with copper wires. It sits on an iron
pedestal in the center of a pentagram drawn with silver dust. An open book lies
on a pedestal outside of the pentagram. The book is titled The Artis Simulacra.
35. Velanika Rosnin’s Room Within the jar is a partial clone that Lady Elis intends to use as an empty
Velanika Rosnin currently rents this room. The traps in the room haven’t vessel to trap and command Aspdu’s spirit. The half-formed clone is
been triggered to dump her into the dungeon as she hasn’t yet gathered the designed based on instructions found in the pages of The Artis Simulcra (see
silver from her trading expedition to the north. the Appendix) that recently came into Lady Elis’ possession. After reading
The room is otherwise similar to others of its type in the inn, with a the tome, she believes capturing and enslaving the fiend is the simplest way
secret door in the north wall and a covered pit concealed in the closet. to overcome her financial hardships. She is now hoping to find the talisman
of Aspdu to complete the ritual. She suspects Krateis is withholding the
36. Trapped Suite location of the talisman as well as her cut of the silver taken from travelers.
Destroying the clone renders it impossible for Aspdu to gain his true
This suite is trapped with a pit trap similar to those found throughout form until a new clone is prepared.
the inn. The suite is much nicer than some of the other rooms found within
the inn but just as deadly to rich patrons.
Von Klarch Dungeon
37. Lady Elis’ Suite A large cave complex beneath the Von Klarch Inn serves as a dungeon for
This series of rooms overlooking the gorge are the private chambers the building above, containing guardrooms and jails, a shrine to Moloch, and
of Lady Elis Von Klarch. The door is locked with an arcane lock and a the spiked pit traps where unsuspecting guests are unceremoniously dumped.
traditional lock, which can be opened with a DC 20 Dexterity check using
thieves’ tools.
38. Tower Entrance
37-A. Greeting Room Stairs from the ground-floor access hallway between the lounge (Area
7) and Gravnic’s room (Area 20) lead to the dungeon. The stairs open
The greeting room is a combination of study and lounge. A pair of immediately into this guardroom occupied by 2 guards loyal to the Von
stuffed leather couches stand around a coffee table, above which hangs an Klarch household. A door to the south leads to the barracks.
oil-rubbed bronze chandelier lit with ever-burning candles. The western
wall is made of stained-glass featuring the images of a golden-robed man
with a crown standing upon a stone at the edge of a cliff, unaware that a 39. Guard Barracks
flock of crows is winging toward his back. Opposite him are the flaming The barracks has three sets of bunkbeds for the 6 guards who typically
bones of an enormous horned fiend, its jaw open in rage and horror as it patrol the dungeons. At least 2 guards can be found resting in the barracks
stands grasping a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. at any given time. Each guard has a footlocker containing 2d10 sp and
Doors between the panels of stained-glass open onto the balcony personal effects such as ivory dice, a dish, cup, eating utensils, and a
overlooking the gorge beyond. change of clothes.
The greeting room has a stocked bar cart that contains 12 bottles of spirits A set of stairs leads to a short, hidden hallway on the ground floor near
including rum, brandy, whiskey, and schnapps worth 5–10 gp per bottle. the larder (Area 15) and a secret door located there.
Frog God Games
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
Moloch summons a bearded devil that appears to defend the altar. Once
it has done so, it cannot do so again for 24 hours.
The idol is gold-covered clay and is very old. If an evil-aligned cleric
touches the idol of Moloch, the creature can use an action to cast one of the
Part 2: To Hunt the Devil
following spells: bestow curse, charm person, fear, or suggestion. Once it In this section, allow the characters to explore the region as they like
has cast one of these spells, it cannot cast that spell again for 24 hours. although they likely have a goal of finding Krateis and Arcenaur if they
If a creature casts the dispel evil and good spell on the idol, its magic is are going along with Lady Elis’ wishes. Eventually, a captured bandit,
suppressed for 24 hours. successful tracking, or pure luck should lead the characters to Krateis’
mountain hideout. Of course, a possessed NPC may very well lead the
characters into the wilderness — headed in the direction of the Devil’s
41. Cave Dolmen, so Aspdu can reclaim the talisman.
The dungeon of the Von Klarch Inn is built over a large cave complex Once the characters discover Krateis’ hideout, they’ll have to figure out
almost as long as the house itself. Large stone pillars support the tons of the best way to bring the bandit chieftain to justice. They may also have
rock above and divide the cave into several narrow galleries. to deal with the druid Arcenaur (or may believe he has something to do
The cave is patrolled by 4 zombies made from the corpses of fallen with the attacks on the inn if they believe Lady Elis). Once they complete
guests. They ignore folk wearing the crest of the Von Klarch estate, but their mission, they’ll need to return to the Von Klarch Inn for their reward.
attack anyone else. They are ultimately under the control of Svan Dorian. Krateis and Arcenaur may be their prisoners, or the pair may have escaped
to make their own way to the inn for vengeance.
42. Cave Opening
These openings in the cliff face overlook the roaring rapids 1,000 feet
below. The footing is damp, requiring a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
The Murder Cliffs . . .
check if a creature attempts anything more strenuous than slowly walking. The wilderness area to the east of the Murder Cliffs is a thickly grown
Any character who slips can make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw to alpine forest at around 1,200 feet to 2,500 feet. The climb up to the level of
attempt to crawl back to safety. If failed, they are dashed on the cliff wall the trail increases travel time by one-third due to the height of the peaks.
as they fall to their death. Lumber camps dot the forest, but it is also home to dangerous gnolls,
A horde of crows (which use the statistics of a raven swarm) rests on bandits, and more.
the cliffs 50% of the time, and there is a 25% chance that several larger The Murder Cliffs are so named for the preponderance of crows that
specimens (which use the statistics of a blood hawk) rest here as well. nest along the cliffs along the river gorge. The area is a wild land, and
The dire corbies and crows ignore folk dressed in the attire of the Von the mountain roads are narrow and frequently blocked by boulders and
Klarches’ servants and staff but caw madly when anyone else approaches. rockslides that need to be cleared before passage is possible again.
Murdered victims of the Von Klarch clan are often hurled from the The tables below detail random encounters that could take place day
cliffs where their bodies are dashed on the rocks below for the crows to or night as characters explore the heavy wilderness around the Murder
pick apart. Bodies that hit the water are as often as not broken apart by the Cliffs. You could also use these encounters to challenge characters as they
rapids slamming them back into the rocks. travel to the Von Klarch Inn.
44. Stairs
A set of stairs leads to the hidden hallway between the bellhop
station (Area 4) and the supply closet (Area 6) on the ground floor.
Frog God Games
characters have positive interactions with the paladins, the warriors may
Random Daytime Wilderness Encounters
come to the characters’ rescue later in the adventure at your discretion.
1d20 Encounter Lumberjack Band: This is an encounter with 2d4 lumberjacks
heading into the cut or coming back from the cut for a drink at the inn.
1 Merchant caravan
The lumberjacks use the statistics of thugs, except they wield greataxes
2 Holy pilgrimage (+4 to hit, 8 [1d12 + 2] slashing damage).
3 Owlbears Merchant Caravan: The merchant caravan consists of 2–4 guards,
a merchant (N male or female human commoner), 2–4 wagons, and
4 Bears* drivers. The wagons wind their way along the trail.
5 1d4+2 perytons* The merchant has 1d6 x 100 gp in a locked strongbox that can be
opened with a DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. Their
6 Ranger band wagons are long, four-axle affairs drawn by a team of six draft ponies.
7 Wolves* There is a 50% chance the wagons are empty and on their way to a lumber
camp. If the wagons are full, they are loaded with logs being hauled to the
8 Lumberjacks lumber mill.
9 A murder of crows (1d4 raven swarms) Murder of Crows: This encounter is with a swarm of overly aggressive
and hostile crows near the cliffs. The crows are infested with lice and a flu
10 Arcenaur the druid virus that they, themselves, are immune to but which causes a debilitating
11 Aspdu’s evil spirit illness to those who are pecked by them.
The murders use the statistics of 1d4 raven swarms, but if a creature
12–20 No Encounter
takes damage from them, they must make a DC 11 Constitution saving
throw or contract sewer plague.
Random Night-Time Wilderness Encounters Owlbears: This is an encounter with 1d4 + 1 owlbears that have come
1d20 Encounters down from the mountaintops in search of easy prey. The owlbears ambush
the party unless they are noticed.
1–2 Gnoll band Perytons: These encounters take place nearer the Murder Cliffs. The
2–3 Bandit band encounter is with 1d4+2 perytons* that swoop down using their horror
effects to disorient characters as they attack.
4 Wolves
Ranger Band: This is an encounter with either Farseekers or
5 Owlbears Longhunters. The encounters are either with 1d4 + 1 elf scouts or 1d4 +
6 Dire corbies 1 human scouts.
The ranger bands are hunting gnolls. If the characters have a positive
7 Wraith interaction, the rangers may arrive at some later point to offer aid and support.
8 Ranger Wolves: This encounter is with a pack of the wolves. Roll 1d6 to
determine the type:
9 Murder of crows
10 Arcenaur the druid 1d6 Type
11 Aspdu’s evil spirit 1–2 2d4+2 wolves
12–20 No encounter 3–4 1d4+1 dire wolves
Arcenaur the Druid: Arcenaur’s lair is detailed in Area G. 5–6 1d4+1 worgs
Aspdu’s Evil Spirit: See the Ghost of a Devil Sidebar above for more
details. If Aspdu’s ghost has not yet been encountered, the spirit sets The wolves attack only if the characters were recently wounded and
upon an unsuspecting character, attempting to possess him or her. The have not yet healed. They otherwise hide and follow the characters,
possessed immediately heads toward the Devil’s Dolmen (Area F) to waiting for an opportunity to pick off slow, weak, or wounded characters.
retrieve the talisman.
Bandit Band: This is an encounter with 2d6+2 bandits in allegiance
with Krateis. Due to the truce between the gnoll chieftain and Krateis, they A. Von Klarch Inn
are given free passage by any gnolls they meet. There is a 50% chance that
This ancient manor sitting on the banks of the river is the once-proud
the highwaymen are set up to ambush the characters.
home of the Von Klarch family. The family, though long in decline, still
Bears: Roll 1d4. The result is the type of bear encountered:
wields some power in these parts of the wilderness. The ruins of their
family home now serve as a bed and breakfast for travelers heading to the
1d4 Type fabled treasures of the north, and for merchants and their mercenaries who
1–2 Black bear plus 1d2 cubs provide supplies and protection for the lumber camps.
The Von Klarch Inn is detailed in Part 1: The Arrival.
2 Brown bear plus 1d2 cubs
4 Dire bear* plus 1d2 cubs
B. River Forest Road
There is a 50% chance that the bear attacks. If the characters avoid a
The River Forest Road runs parallel to the river. Mostly a lumber camp
confrontation and stay away from the bear’s cubs, they should be fine.
road for those woodsmen working the cuts along the southern spur of the
Dire Corbies: These bird-like creatures fly about the wilderness,
mountains, the northern reaches of the road are often beset by bandits and
swooping down upon prey for their meals. These larger than average
disorganized bands of gnolls who are as often at war with one another as
crows use the statistics of a blood hawk.
they are with the timber barons and their bands of woodcutters.
Gnoll Band: This is an encounter with 2d4 gnolls armed with bows,
battle axes, or heavy maces, and shields.
Holy Pilgrimage: This is a pilgrimage of 4 paladin initiates* and a
priest en route to the ruins of their ancient temple. The pilgrims invite the
characters to eat lunch or dinner with them and indicate their intent to stay
in the stables of the Von Klarch Inn due to their oaths of poverty. If the
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
C. Gnoll Encampments
Dotting the mountains are gnoll encampments hidden within caves or females of the tribe fight as males and are considered equals on the
built into the ruins of abandoned dwarven outposts. They are all set up in field of battle.
a similar pattern. A sample map is provided, but you may create differing The gnolls have 2d4 pieces of ivory worth 2d6 gp each, as well as 1d4
floorplans as needed. pelts and furs worth 2d6 gp.
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
Frog God Games
Dusana and Lujub are a brother and sister pair of mounted archers
who have served Krateis since they were children. They each command
a contingent of Krateis’ raiders that is composed of around 10 horsemen.
There is a 25% chance that they are in the officers’ quarters after dark.
Molyvus Diabolos:
Otherwise, they wander the hilltop checking on the bandits or are out on
a raid. The Leaden Devil
The officers have their own ale keg that contains about 10 gallons of In ages past, a tricky devil walked the lands in the guise of a
brew. They are allowed to partake as much as they wish so long as they wealthy merchant, tempting those who would take his bargain of
maintain order among the bandits. power and glory in exchange for the taste of a traveler’s mortal
Footlockers: Each footlocker is locked with a good lock, which soul. Being a very clever devil, the fiend was careful not to reveal
requires a DC 14 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools to unlock, and the his true nature until the time the contract was up. One traveler took
keys are found with the owners. up the deal and quickly gained riches and wealth. Enough, in fact,
Footlocker 1: Gia Gaguri’s footlocker contains a set of silverware to buy land and title. Of course, the road to riches did not come
worth 10 gp, one setting of cups, a saucer, a bowl, bread, and a plate of easy, and as often as not, it involved a high degree of theft, graft,
bone china worth 5 gp, and a sack with 190 gp, two sapphires worth 50 and murder to accomplish the traveler’s goal.
gp each, a potion of heroism, and a hard block of fine cheese worth 5 gp. To avoid paying the cost of his soul, however, the traveler sought
Footlocker 2: Antun’s footlocker contains a cleaver taken off a dead a second bargain with the now-revealed fiend who had arrived to
orc that is enchanted as a +1 battleaxe in the hands of an orc or half-orc, a collect his debt. If he could but exchange other souls for his own
potion of invisibility, a potion of climbing, a sack containing 150 gp, 300 wretched one, could he not forestall the inevitable damnation that
sp, an aquamarine worth 50 gp, a pair of dice carved from the metatarsals was to come? Being a clever devil, the fiend thought on this and
of an ogre worth 10 gp, and an old steel helmet affixed with a dyed red agreed. For every fresh and unsullied soul the traveler could turn to
roach comb that runs perpendicular to the faceplate. damnation, the applicant could apply for another year of life.
Footlocker 3: Dusana’s footlocker contains a spare suit of studded Thus, the new-made lord set about his task while also
leather that looks common, a pair of silvered shortswords, a potion of formulating a plan to keep his life, his lands, and his wealth, while
healing, and a sack containing 200 gp, a pair of 50 gp emeralds, a 200 gp ridding himself of the fiend who had led him to his riches. The lord
diamond, and a scroll of raise dead. spent his time studying the mysteries of the arcane, all the while
Footlocker 4: Lujub’s footlocker contains a spare suit of leather armor, faithfully making offerings in a shrine built for the worship of his
a longsword, five silvered arrows, two gut bow strings, a sack with 150 gp, fiendish patron.
a large citrine worth 100 gp, and a bottle of rotgut moonshine worth 15 gp. Eventually, the lord came upon a ritual that would break the
fiend’s grasp upon his soul. The lord created a hollow vessel made
E-9. Limestone Tower in the shape of a newborn child. Within the vessel he placed a trap
that would bind the devil and force him to relinquish the lord’s
This old tower is spotted with greenish patches of fungus and algae. contract. As he passed the child into the fiend’s hands, the fiend
The tower appears to be three stories tall and is affixed with an ironbound realized the trap. The devil exploded in fury after releasing his prey,
oaken door that appears to be newer than the rest of the building. Windows leaving his leaden bones blasted across the mountainside above the
on the north and south of the tower look across the plateau to the wooded cavern where the lord had kept his shrine.
valleys north and south of the bandit encampment. The lord then took the accursed vessel, and as his last act, he
hurled the newborn simulacrum from the cliffs. As he did so, a
Ground Floor: murder of crows rose up from the cliffs and descended upon the
The ground floor has a hearth, table, and chairs. A complete iron lord in a cacophony of caws. Blinded and flailing, the lord slipped
cookware set hangs over the fire. An extensive map of the back trails and upon the wet rocks and tumbled into the gorge below and was never
woodlands areas, including the various gnoll encampments, hangs on the seen again.
wall and is marked with chalk for areas to avoid and places along the trail Since that time, other lords have come and gone, kingdoms have
where prospectors are most likely to be ambushed. risen and fallen just like the rising of the tides, and control of the
Murder Cliffs has changed hands a dozen times between men,
Second Floor: dwarves, elves, orcs, and gnolls. Whatever became of the old lord
The second floor serves as Krateis’ storeroom for the loot he has helped has been lost to time though the proof that the devil walked the
himself to along the way. An examination of the chests and wardrobes in cliffs lies on the western peak with its leaden bones emblazoned
this small tower room indicates some odd predilections of the bandit lord. in the stone. Some say the fiend’s diabolical spirit still stalks the
He likes very old things and seems to have a fixation with the region. spaces in between the earth and the hells, searching for the one
Among books on warfare, strategy, and the repatriation and who betrayed it.
redistribution of wealth is a book titled The Leaden Devil.
The meaning of the manuscript is up to the interpretation of the reader
and should serve more to add another layer of mystery to the adventure. Third Floor, Krateis’ Room:
A map shows the location of the Devil’s Dolmen. Written across it in A locked door opens to Krateis’ room. Opening it requires a DC 16
Krateis’ handwriting are the words “Devil’s Hour, Innocent Sacrifice, Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
Horned Moon.” Krateis room is well appointed with a canopy bed, silk and satin sheets,
A successful DC 15 Intelligence check reveals that the Devil’s Hour a wardrobe, dressing table, and other finery that seems out of place in the
is between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. The horned moon refers to either waxing ancient pile of limestone that makes up the tower and even more out of
gibbous or waxing crescent moons. For the purposes of the adventure, place for the rawboned figure of a feared bandit chieftain.
such a moon can be seen on one of the Lost Lands’ two moons during A locked case is hidden under the bed. The lock is trapped with a poison
the characters’ visit to the Murder Cliffs. A two-quart cask contains 75 gp needle trap. Opening the chest without the proper key causes the needle
worth of dwarven whiskey, while a chest contains five silk dresses worth to spring out, delivering a dose of poison. When the trap is triggered, the
50 gp each. A second box contains 10 pairs of ladies’ shoes worth 25 gp needle extends 3 inches out from the lock. A creature within range takes
per pair. The sizes are all outlandishly large and wide. There is a makeup 1 piercing damage and 5d8 poison damage, and must succeed on a DC 15
kit worth 25 gp, and six hat boxes with fine silk hats of various sizes and Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour. A successful DC 20
shapes featuring beadwork, feathers, pearls, and the like worth about 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check allows a character to deduce the trap’s
gp each. presence from alterations made to the lock. A successful DC 17 Dexterity
check using thieves’ tools disarms the trap, removing the needle from the
lock. Unsuccessfully attempting to pick the lock triggers the trap.
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
Within the case are Krateis’ spellbooks that contain his memorized spells saving throw ends the stunned effect early, allowing it to act; levels of
plus two 1st-level spells and two 2nd-level spells, 424 sp, 211 gp, a string exhaustion must be removed normally, however.Hanging over the hole is
of pearls worth 100 gp, a set of three very large gold rings affixed with a 10-foot-wide stone cauldron attached to 100 feet of heavy bronze chain
princess-cut diamonds worth 150 gp each, a potion of lesser restoration, a wrapped around a large winch. Inside the cauldron, held immobile to the
potion of protection from evil and good, and a silver shortsword. base of the stone by an invisible bubble of magical force, is the talisman
of Aspdu. No amount of magic or force can destroy the bubble holding the
talisman to the stone cauldron. See below for the ways characters might
Running the Bandit Camp free the talisman.
The bandits only focus on their guard duty at the gate as it is largely the
only entrance to the camp. Otherwise, security is lax unless a horn sounds, Hell Pit
which causes the bandits in the camp to form up ranks with their various The cauldron can be lowered 100 feet into the hell pit before the
captains and await instruction from Krateis if he happens to be available. stone base touches a portal of blazing hellfire blocking the shaft. Up to
In this event, Dusana and Lujub each take a platoon of 15 bandits, with 2 characters could ride down into the pit. Incredible heat radiates off the
Gia Gaguri joining Dusana, and Shimek joining Lujub as sub-captains. fiery portal as they near it, but anyone remaining inside the stone cauldron
Antun and his 2 men stay behind to guard the storehouse from attack. does not suffer any damage.
Dusana and Gia move to guard the corral, while Lujub and Shimek Anyone foolish enough to actually touch the portal takes 17 (5d6) fire
move to guard the pass into the camp. If the camp is already breached, damage and must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a failed
they move to the parade grounds around the tower, with Lujub and 5 men saving throw, the creature is drawn into the sixth plane of Hell ruled by
staying at the tower and Shimek directing two 5-men patrols to scout the Moloch. Characters find themselves as prisoners on Moloch’s plane — a
perimeter. flat, stinking place of acrid smoke and soot — unable to leave unless they
Dusana and Lujub use the statistics of a bandit captain, save that both find a gate out or can bargain with the duke of Hell for their freedom.
prefer to use longbows (+5 to hit, range 150/600 ft., 7 [1d8 + 3] piercing Retrieving the talisman of Aspdu can be accomplished in a few different
damage). They can make two ranged attacks with their longbows using ways.
their Multiattack ability. First, a humanoid can be sacrificed on the altar above, then the body
Krateis (see the Appendix) arrives to take command two rounds after lowered into the hell pit during the Devil’s Hour. The cauldron fills with
a horn sounds. blood as hellfire consumes the sacrifice. The talisman of Aspdu floats to
Krateis, Lujub, and Dusana fight to 50% of their health before they the surface and can be winched back to the top of the pit and removed
surrender. If Krateis surrenders, his band surrenders as well. The bandits from the cauldron.
surrender if they lose more than 50% of their force (around 16 bandits). Second, characters can willingly sacrifice at least 30 hit points of blood
Krateis always assumes surrender is a path to escape. Besides, surrender (either from a single character or a combination) and pour it over the altar
puts him closer to Lady Elis and an opportunity to charm his way back during the Devil’s Hour. The stone cauldron fills with blood as before but
into her good graces or possibly to murder Svan Dorian. rises from the cauldron as a blood golem* and attacks. The talisman floats
inside the golem’s form.
Third, any being possessed by the ghost of Aspdu may enter the
F. Devil’s Dolmen cauldron, descend, and reach through the magical bubble to collect the
talisman without suffering any damage whatsoever. The cauldron must
The pair of high peaks looming over the Murder Cliffs are called the be touching the blazing portal before the possessed character can retrieve
Devil’s Dolmen. The relatively difficult climb requires a successful DC the talisman.
17 Strength (Athletics) check and takes six hours. Failed checks mean no
progress is made for one hour.
At the top of the mountain is a flattened plateau that looks as if it were
artificially sheared off in some forgotten time. In the center of the plateau
G. Arcenaur’s Lair
is a circle of stones about 3 feet tall. A taller stone at the northern end of the This cave hidden among the alpine cliffs is home to the druid Arcenaur,
plateau stands 10 feet tall and is made from a shiny black horn of obsidian. who is angry at the imbalance of the Murder Cliffs. He sees the creeping
Within the center of the circle of stones is the blasted skeletal remains of evil as a sign of the imbalance, and the clear cutting of the foresters and
a large figure that appears to be an admixture of reptilian, bovine, and the incursion of gnolls as a threat to nature. Thus, Arcenaur has taken it
humanoid. The figure may have been 20 feet tall with a wingspread close upon himself to ambush bandits, gnolls, and foresters alike with equal
to 30 feet. The bones are imbedded in the rock face of the mountaintop abandon.
and appear to be coated in thick lead. The entire area is devoid of life, Arcenaur wears a headdress made from the skull of a red deer that
insomuch as not even a fleck of lichen grows upon the mountaintop. The gives him a frightful appearance as he roams the mountains. He is known
area seems sick with the sense of evil, and visitors must make DC 18 to take various animal forms and tends to hunt his foes when they are
Wisdom saving throw or be poisoned until they take a long rest; because most vulnerable, such as during bathroom breaks or when they become
of the palpable aura of evil, taking a long rest here is impossible. separated from a larger host.
The standing stones are aligned so that standing by a stone during the There is a 20% chance that Arcenaur is encountered in his lair.
Devil’s Hour (between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.) causes the bones to glow bright Arcenaur is sure that the evil spirit of Aspdu haunts the region of the
red and a pathway to open that leads into the mountainside through a red Murder Cliffs and has for a long time.
archway of hellish fire. If the characters manage to have a positive encounter with Arcenaur, he
The rocky pathway travels roughly 1,500 feet downward into the shares what he knows of the legend of Aspdu and how the devil relates to
mountainside to an ancient and unholy shrine. Within the shrine are the the Murder Cliffs. If the characters have not yet seen the devil’s bones, he
fastidiously stacked bones of hundreds of men, women, and children that gives them directions and warns them of the dangers of the place.
appear to have been encased in lead. A stone altar covered in dried blood
stands before a 15-foot-wide pit of indeterminate depth that glows with a
reddish light and smells of brimstone and death.
A venomous conflation of molten lead and sulfuric fumes escapes
the pit, forcing a creature within 10 feet of the pit to make a DC 18
Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute. After 1 minute,
if the creature remains within 10 feet of the pit, the creature must make
another DC 18 Constitution saving throw to take a level of exhaustion.
This repeats as long as the creature remains in the area, repeating the
saving throw at the end of each minute. A creature who succeeds on a
Frog God Games
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
point she immediately flies into a rage. She orders the prisoners to be
Part 3: found, screaming at her men-at-arms to search the house and grounds.
This is detailed in The Search below.
If Krateis and Arcenaur are dead, or if neither was taken prisoner,
The Devil Among Us proceed instead to Goodnight Friends.
The Search
This part of the adventure takes place back at the Von Klarch Inn after
the characters return from their missions in Part 2: To Hunt the Devil. During the search of the house, you may place Krateis or Arcenaur
There are a lot of potential moving parts in the adventure, especially anywhere on the second or third floors of the house. Using a separate
during the third act. Ultimately, how these situations play out depends map, you should move the escapees around as they try to stay hidden.
entirely on the actions of the characters and your guidance. With that in The escapees each have a goal: Arcenaur wants to escape, while Krateis is
mind, what follows is a list of conditions and events that may transpire intent on murdering his rival Svan Dorian before he tries to escape to raise
based on possible actions the characters have taken. They are provided to a new army of bandits to eventually take the inn.
help you decide how to bring about an exciting end to the adventures of During the search, Aspdu’s spirit makes his presence known as he uses
the Murder Cliffs! the confusion to possess NPCs so he can murder residents of the inn. See
What Possessed You? for more details.
Frog God Games
As this is going on, any surviving gnolls and bandits converge on the Spellcasting. Karteis is a 5th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
household. Add 1d4 of either as necessary to keep the action going. ability is Intelligence (DC 15 spell save, +7 to hit with spell
Meanwhile, Aspdu’s ghost possesses whomever he can and leads the attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:
victims to slaughter as the spilled blood increases his strength! This means Cantrip (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, ray of frost, shocking
Aspdu may jump from character to character. grasp
If the talisman is present, Aspdu seeks to take custody of an NPC or 1st level (4 slots): burning hands, feather fall, shield,
character so they can retrieve the talisman and place it around the neck of thunderwave
the clone growing in the vat within Lady Elis’ conjuring hall (Area 37-C). 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, mirror image
If this happens, Aspdu assumes his true form as a pit fiend in 2d4 rounds 3rd level (2 slots): counterspell, haste
as he grows from a half-formed baby to a full-sized devil! At that point,
the pit fiend tears through the house looking for Lady Elis, whom he kills Actions
if she is not already dead. He then uses his powers to set the inn on fire.
For the most part, he ignores the characters and others unless they are in Multiattack. Karteis makes two attacks with his greatsword.
his way or if they openly attack him. Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Once Lady Elis is killed and the inn is in flames, Aspdu opens a gate target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage, plus 3 (1d6) cold
and returns to his master Moloch, leaving a smoking crater and a pool of damage.
molten lead in his wake and the characters with one hell of a story to tell.
Fighting the Ghost: The evil spirit of Aspdu can be fought as if he
were any other ghost. If defeated, Aspdu’s spirit returns to the hell pit Lady Elis
(Area F) to reform over 3d10 days. Defeating the ghost, destroying the Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
clone, or returning the talisman of Aspdu to the hell pit are all ways to Armor Class 14 (17 with mage armor)
temporarily defeat Aspdu. Destroying the talisman may prove a quest unto Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15)
itself and likely requires the power of a relic or a holy dragon to devour Speed 30 ft.
it. That said, it is unlikely that the characters can truly defeat Aspdu at
this time.
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
and a ring of fire resistance, carries with her a potion of
invisibility, a potion of fly, and a potion of climbing, as well
as a +1 dagger. Finally, she carries a wand of paralysis.
Enchanter (3/day). Whenever a creature makes a saving
NPCs throw against one of Lady Elis’ enchantment spells, Lady
Elis can cause the creature to reroll the saving throw, using
the lower of the two results.
Krateis Spellcasting. Lady Elis is a 13th-level spellcaster. Her
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil spellcasting ability is Intelligence (DC 15 spell save, +7 to
Armor Class 19 (+1 breastplate, devil’s helm) hit with spell attacks). She has the following wizard spells
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) prepared.
Speed 30 ft. Cantrips (at will): firebolt, light, mage hand, ray of frost,
shocking grasp
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1st level (4 slots): charm person, mage armor, magic missile,
17 (+3) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, hold person, invisibility
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, lightning bolt, hypnotic
Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +4 pattern
Skills Arcana +7, Perception +4, Performance +4 4th level (3 slots): banishment, blight, confusion
Damage Resistances cold 5th level (2 slots): dominate person, hold monster
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 6th level (1 slot): eyebite
Languages any three languages 7th level (1 slot): prismatic spray
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Special Equipment. Karteis wears the devil’s helm and wields
a frost brand greatsword. He wears a +1 breastplate and a Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
pair of boots of striding and springing. 5 ft. or ranged 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing
Arcane Strike. When Karteis hits with a weapon attack, he can damage.
expend a spell slot to cause the weapon attack to deal an
additional 16 (3d10) force damage. If he expends a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by
1d10 for each level above 1st.
Sidestep. Karteis can take a bonus action on his turn to take
the Disengage or Dash action.
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
Special Equipment. Orlak carries a +1 shortsword as well as 2
Svan Dorian potions of healing.
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil Favored Enemy. Orlak has two groups of favored enemies,
Armor Class 16 (+1 chain shirt) chosen from the following list: aberration, beasts, celestials,
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) constructs, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, giants,
Speed 30 ft. monstrosities, oozes, plants, or undead. The warden gains
advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track his
favored enemies as well as on Intelligence checks to recall
information about them. In addition, when Orlak hits with
16 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) a weapon attack on a favored enemy, he can deal an
additional 10 (3d6) damage to the target of the attack.
Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +6 Keen Hearing and Sight. The warden has advantage on
Skills Deception +4, Insight +6, Medicine +6, Perception +6, Wisdom (Perception) checks related to hearing or sight.
Religion +4
Senses passive Perception 16 Actions
Languages Common, Infernal
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Multiattack. The warden can make two attacks each round
with either longbow or longsword.
Special Equipment. Svan carries a +1 mace and wears a +1 Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
chain shirt. target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage.
Devilish Eminence. As a bonus action, Svan can expend a Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 150/600
spell slot to cause his melee weapon attacks to magically ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.
deal an extra 10 (3d6) fire damage to a target on a hit. This
benefit lasts until the end of the turn. If Svan expends a spell
slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by Arcenaur
1d6 for each level above 1st. Medium humanoid (half-elf), neutral
Spellcasting. Svan is a 10th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting Armor Class 15 (+1 hide armor)
ability is Wisdom (DC 14 spell save, +6 to hit with spell Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
attacks). He has the following cleric spells prepared. Speed 30 ft.
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, guidance, mending, produce
flame, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): bane, command, hellish rebuke, protection STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
from evil and good, shield of faith 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 9 (-1)
2nd level (3 slots): aid, blindness/deafness, hold person, lesser
restoration, silence Saving Throws Int +2, Wis +5
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, bestow curse, dispel magic, Skills Animal Handling +5, Medicine +2, Nature +2, Perception
spirit guardians +5, Survival +5
4th level (3 slots): banishment, locate creature, wall of fire Senses passive Perception 15
5th level (2 slots): insect plague, planar binding Languages Common, Druidic
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Special Equipment. Arcenaur wears a set of +1 hide armor
Multiattack. Svan makes two attacks with his mace. and wields a +1 scimitar.
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Spellcasting. Arcenaur is a 5th-level spellcaster. His
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. spellcasting ability is Wisdom (DC 13 spell save, +5 to hit with
spell attacks). He has the following druid spells prepared.
Reactions Cantrips (at will): guidance, mending, produce flame
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, speak with animals,
Sacrificial Offering. Whenever Svan reduces a creature to 0 thunderwave
hit points, he can destroy the body entirely. Svan regains a 2nd level (3 slots): find traps, heat metal, pass without trace,
1st-level spell slot and the creature cannot be returned to spider climb, spike growth
life save by magic such as true resurrection or wish, as the 3rd level (2 slots): conjure animals (2 dire wolves), lightning
soul is offered to Moloch. bolt, meld into stone
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armor Class 17 (studded leather) target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Hit Points 100 (12d10 + 24) Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 150/600
Speed 30 ft. ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Change Shape (2/short or long rest). Arcenaur magically
polymorphs into a beast or elemental with a challenge
rating of 1 or less and can remain in this form for up to 2
14 (+2) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) hours. Arcenaur can choose whether his equipment falls to
the ground, melds with his new form, or is worn by the new
Saving Throws Str +6, Dex +9 form. He reverts to his true form if he dies or falls unconscious,
Skills Nature +6, Perception +7, Stealth +9, Survival +7 or if he uses a bonus action on his turn to end the effect.
Senses passive Perception 17 While in a new form, Arcenaur retains his game statistics and
Languages Any two languages ability to speak, but his AC, movement modes, Strength,
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) and Dexterity are replaced by those of the new form, and
Frog God Games
he gains any special senses, proficiencies, traits, actions, On each of its turns while berserk, the golem attacks the
and reactions (except class features, legendary actions, nearest creature it can see. If no creature is near enough
and lair actions) that the new form has but that he lacks. to move to and attack, the golem attacks an object, with
He cannot cast spells in this form. preference for an object smaller than itself. Once the blood
golem goes berserk, it continues to do so until it is destroyed
or regains all its hit points.
Paladin Initiate The golem’s creator, if within 60 feet of the berserk golem,
Medium humanoid (any), any alignment can try to calm it by speaking firmly and persuasively. The
Armor Class 19 (chain mail, shield) golem must be able to hear its creator, who must take an
Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4) action to make a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If
Speed 30 ft. the check succeeds, the golem ceases being berserk. If it
takes damage while still at 40 hit points or fewer, the golem
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA might go berserk again.
Blood Ooze. The blood golem takes up its entire space.
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) Other creatures can enter the space, but a creature that
does so is subjected to the blood golem’s Engulf and has
Saving Throws Wis +2, Cha +4 disadvantage on the saving throw.
Skills Athletics +5, Religion +2 Creatures inside the blood golem can’t be seen and have
Senses passive Perception 10 total cover.
Languages Common A creature within 5 feet of the blood golem can take an
Challenge 3 (700 XP) action to pull a creature or object out of the cube. Doing
Divine Smite. When the paladin initiate hits with a melee so requires a successful DC 12 Strength check, and the
weapon attack, it can expend a spell slot to deal additional creature making the attempt takes 10 (3d6) necrotic
radiant damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage.
damage. The extra damage is 9 (2d8) for a 1st-level spell The blood golem can hold only one Large creature or up to
slot, plus 4 (1d8) for each spell level higher than 1st, to a four Medium or smaller creatures inside it at a time.
maximum of 21 (5d8). The damage increases by 4 (1d8) if Blood Sense. The blood golem can magically sense the
the target is a fiend or undead. presence of blood in living creatures up to 1 mile away. It
Paladin Training. The paladin initiate adds 1 to its Armor Class knows the general direction they’re in but not their exact
(included in its statistics). locations.
Spellcasting. The paladin initiate is a 1st-level spellcaster. Blood Splatter. Any time the golem is hit in combat, a gout
Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (DC 12 spell save, +4 to of blood erupts from its body. All creatures within 10 feet of
hit with spell attacks). It has the following paladin spells the golem must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw
prepared. or be blinded until the end of the creature’s next turn.
1st level (2 slots): cure wounds, protection from evil and good, Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or effect
shield of faith that would alter its form.
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving
Actions throws against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons. The golem’s weapon attacks are magical.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Split. When a blood golem reaches its maximum hit points for
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 8 (1d10 + 3) its Hit Dice, it splits into two identical golems. Each golem
slashing damage if wielded with two hands. has hit points equal to half the maximum hit points of the
original golem. New golems are one size smaller than the
original golem.
Blood Golem
Large aberration, neutral Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks.
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Hit Points 102 (12d10 + 36) target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the
Speed 20 ft. target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On
a failed save, the target takes 22 (4d8 + 4) bludgeoning
damage plus 14 (3d6 + 4) necrotic damage; its hit point
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA maximum is reduced by the amount equal to the necrotic
14 (+2) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 2 (–4) 14 (+2) 1 (–5) damage, and the blood golem regains hit points equal
to that amount. The reduction in the target’s hit point
Damage Immunities fire, poison, psychic; bludgeoning, maximum lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that dies if this reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
aren’t adamantine Engulf. The blood golem moves up to its speed. While doing so,
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, it can enter Large or smaller creatures’ spaces. Whenever
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned the blood golem enters a creature’s space, the creature
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.
Languages understands the languages of its creator but On a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed
can’t speak 5 feet back or to the side of the blood golem. A creature
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) that chooses not to be pushed suffers the consequences of
a failed saving throw.
Amorphous. The blood golem can move through a space as On a failed save, the blood golem enters the creature’s
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. space, and the creature takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage
Berserk. When the blood golem starts its turn with 40 hit and is engulfed. The engulfed creature can’t breathe, is
points or fewer, roll a d6. On a 6, the golem goes berserk. restrained, and takes 21 (6d6) necrotic damage at the start
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
of each of the blood golem’s turns. When the blood golem
moves, the engulfed creature moves with it.
An engulfed creature can try to escape by taking an action
Magic Items
to make a DC 12 Strength check. On a success, the
creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 Bowl of Scrying
feet of the blood golem. Wondrous item, very rare
This bowl of scrying can cast the scrying spell (save DC 17), as long as
you are standing over it and pour 100 gp worth of quicksilver, which is
Dire Bear expended when you cast the spell.
Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 51 (6d10 + 18) Devil’s Helm
Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft. Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
This magical helm bears a fearsome, devilish aspect, and two horns jut
from its forehead. The eyes glow with dull red light, and fog drifts from
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the shaped mouthguard. While you wear the helm, you have a +2 bonus to
20 (+5) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) your Armor Class. In addition, you can use an action to cast the fog cloud
and fear spell (spell save DC 14). Once you have cast one of the spells,
Skills Perception +3 you cannot cast that spell again until you finish a long rest.
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages —
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
The Artis Simulcra
Wondrous item, artifact
Keen Smell. The dire bear has advantage on Wisdom The ancient text details the creation of a blank and soulless artificial
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. body grown from living tissue. If you study the Artis Simulcra for 6 days,
and succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check, you can decipher
Actions the book’s powers. Using the book, you must spend 60 days working on
the soulless creation and expending 2,000 gp in resources. Once you’ve
Multiattack. The dire bear makes three attacks: one with its completed this work, the artificial body grows from a small, single-celled
bite and two with its claw. organism to an infant over the course of 270 days. After this point, the
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. vessel is readied. The soulless body grows to maturity at the normal rate
Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage. of the originally donated tissue.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. The soulless body can be used in two ways. Firstly, it can be used in
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. conjunction with a magic jar spell as an empty vessel for a spirit or soul.
Secondly, the soulless body can be used as the material components of the
clone spell, which the book allows you to cast. Once you have cast the
Peryton spell, you cannot do so again for 100 years.
Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Talisman of Aspdu
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. Wondrous item, artifact
The talisman of Aspdu contains a small part of the pit fiend Aspdu’s
essence. Because of this, it has power over both the ghost of Aspdu, as
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA well as other creatures similar to him.
17(+3) 16(+3) 17(+3) 11(+0) 12(+1) 10(+0) You can use an action to cast the protection from evil and good spell.
In addition, Aspdu cannot attack you while you hold the talisman. If
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +5 you hold the talisman, you can also use an action to cause the ghost of
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing Aspdu to teleport to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you, Finally, if
from nonmagical attacks the talisman is placed on the soulless body in Area 37-C, Aspdu can enter
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 the body and take control of it.
Languages understands Common but cannot speak
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Multiattack. The peryton makes one gore attack and one
talon attack.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage.
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The Devil of Murder Cliffs
Frog God Games
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
Frog God Games
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
Frog God Games
The Devil of Murder Cliffs
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