AKD Fault Card EN Rev G

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Fault Card

Edition: September 2013, Revision G

Valid for Hardware Revision DG
Part Number 903-200002-00

Keep all manuals as a product component during the life span of the product.
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Record of Document Revisions:
Revision Remarks
C, 03/2012 Faults added for 1.6, AKD BASIC, and I/O option card.
D, 08/2012 Tamagawa faults added.
E, 11/2012 Faults added for 1.8.
F, 05/2013 Added F467 and F560.
G, 09/2013 Added F127, F468, F469, F623 – F627, F829 – F832, and F901

Copyright© Kollmorgen Danaher Motion Servotronix Ltd. 2013. All rights reserved.
Kollmorgen Danaher Motion Servotronix Ltd. holds the copyright to this manual. All
rights are resrved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means without prior written consent from Kollmorgen Danaher
Motion Servotronix Ltd.


The information in this manual was accurate and reliable at the time of its release.
However, Kollmorgen Danaher Motion Servotronix Ltd. reserves the right to change the
specifications of the product described in this manual withoutnotice at any time.

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Motion Servotronix Ltd.The contents of the document may not be disclosed to third
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express written permission of Kollmorgen Danaher Motion Servotronix Ltd.

Registered Trademarks

AKD is a registered trademark of Kollmorgen™ Corporation

Technical changes which improve the performance of the device may be made
without prior notice.

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This document is the intellectual property of Kollmorgen™. All rights reserved. No part
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September 2013
Table of Contents
1. AKD Fault Messages

F0 – F121 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
F123 – F135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
F136 – F248 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
F249 – F309 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
F312 – F419 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
F420 – F463 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
F464 – F485 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
F486 – F518 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
F519 – F534 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
F535 – F703 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2. AKD BASIC Faults

F801 – F817 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
F818 – F901 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1. AKD Fault Messages
When a fault occurs, the drive fault relay is opened, the output stage is switched off (motor loses all torque),
or the load is dynamically braked. The specific drive behavior depends on the type of fault. The LED display on
the front panel of the drive shows the number of the fault that occurred. If a warning is issued prior to the fault,
the warning is shown on the LED and has the same number as the associated fault. Warnings do not trip the
power stage of the drive or fault relay output.

The left side of the LED displays F for a fault or n for a warning. The right side displays the fault or warning
number as follows: 1-0-1-[break]. The highest priority fault is displayed on the LED, but multiple faults may
be present when a fault condition is occurring. Check the AKD WorkBench Fault screen or read the status of
DRV.FAULTS through the controller or HMI for the entire list of faults.

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy

F0 N/A Reserved. N/A

1. Insure adequate 24V

1. 24V Control Power input voltage dip. supply current capacity for
the system.
.. or
2. Auxillary encoder 5V (X9-9) shorted.
2. Check and fix X9 wiring.

F101 Firmware
Installed firmware is
not compatible with the drive hardware.
Load compatible firmware
into the drive.

Restart drive. If issue

F102 Resident
firmware Software failure detected. persists, contact
technical support.

Software failure detected. Load resident FPGA Restart drive. If issue

F103 Resident
FPGA failed.
failure occurred (several cases according to
flowchart, including incompatible image to persists, contact
FPGA type and fieldbus type). technical support.

Software failure detected. Load operational Restart drive. If issue

F104 Operational
FPGA FPGA failure occurred (several cases persists, contact
according to flowchart). technical support.

Reset the drive to default

F105 NV memory stamp
invalid. NV memory stamp is corrupted or invalid. memory values using
Parameter Load in

NV memory data is corrupted or invalid. Reset the drive to default

F106 NV memory data
invalid. This fault often occurs when downloading memory values using
Parameter Load in
firmware. WorkBench.

Check homing sensor,

F121 Homing error. Drive did not finish homing sequence. homing mode, and homing

AKD Fault Card | F123 – F135

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy

Check motion task settings and

parameters to make sure that
Invalid motion task. the values entered will produce
F123 Warning issued prior Invalid motion task. a valid motion task. Refer to the
to fault. motion task documentation for
additional guidance on specific
causes of invalid motion tasks.

Check fieldbus connection (X5

Synchronization lost. and X6 if you are using EtherCAT;
F125 Warning issued prior The fieldbus lost synchronization. X12 and X13 if you are using
to fault. CANopen) or the settings of your
EtherCAT or CANopen master.

Too much movement. Too much movement was created Check that the system
F126 Warning issued prior during a Bode plot. Motor is unstable is closed loop stable. Refer to the
to fault. and is not following drive instructions. system tuning guide.

F127 Incomplete Emergency Incomplete emergency stop procedure

(problem with the emergency stop
Disconnect power from drive
and check emergency stop
Procedure. motion task). procedure.

an integer.
not Ratio of motor poles to feedback poles
must be a whole number.
Change to a compatible feedback

Check CANopen cabling.

F129 Heartbeat lost. Heartbeat lost. Reduce bus load or increase the
heartbeat update time.

F130 Secondary feedback

supply over current.
5V power supply was shorted out on
Check secondary feedback (X9

F131 Secondary
line break.
feedback A/B Problem in secondary feedback
Check secondary feedback (X9

F132 Secondary
line break.
feedback Z Problem in secondary feedback
Check secondary feedback (X9

F134 Secondary feedback

illegal state.
Feedback signals were detected in an
illegal combination.
Check secondary feedback (X9

Homing is needed. Attempt to issue motion task before

F135 Warning issued prior the axis is homed. Axis must be homed Change opmode or home axis.
to fault. before motion task can start.

AKD Fault Card | F136 – F248

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy

Firmware and FPGA The FPGA version does not match the Load the FPGA version that is
F136 versions are not firmware FPGA version constants. compatible with the firmware.

Drive current (IL.CMD) or velocity Change BODE.MODE if

F138 Instability
during feedback (VL.FB) exceeds allowable
limit. This fault only occurs in BODE.
appropriate. Otherwise the
motor is not stable and may
MODE 5. require manual tuning.

The drive cannot decelerate from its Change Motion task profile and
Target Position over current speed to reach the end point of clear fault with DRV.CLRFAULTS
F139 short due to invalid the second motion task without moving or change the value of
motion task activation. past it. Increase the deceleration rate in FAULT139.ACTION = 1 to ignore
the move or trigger the move earlier this condition.

F201 Internal
RAM failed. Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists,
contact technical support.

F202 External
RAM failed. Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists,
contact technical support.

F203 Code integrity failed. Software failure detected. FPGA Restart drive. If issue persists,
register access failure occurred. contact technical support.

failure detected. EEPROM failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists,
exchange drive.
F234 Control temperature
– sensor high. Warning High temperature Check cabinet ventilation system.
limit reached.
F237 issued prior to fault.
F240 Power temperature
– sensor low. Warning Low temperature Check cabinet ventilation system.
limit reached.
F243 issued prior to fault.

Users can configure a digital

This fault is user generated and is input to trigger this fault (DINx.
F245 External fault. caused by user settings. MODE = 10). the fault occurs
according to this input setting.
Clear the input to clear the fault.

F247 Bus voltage exceed

allowed thresholds.
Hardware problem in bus
Troubleshoot and repair
hardware problem.

F248 Option board EEPROM EEPROM failure detected.

Restart drive. If issue persists,
exchange drive.

AKD Fault Card | F249 – F309

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy

Option board Communications with the I/O on the DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists,
F249 downstream option board failed. contact technical support.

F250 Option board Communications with the I/O on the DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists,
upstream checksum. option board failed. contact technical support.

F251 Option board Communications with the I/O on the DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists,
watchdog. option board failed. contact technical support.

Firmware and option The option board FPGA is not Download the correct firmware file
F252 board FPGA types are compatible with this hardware. for this drive.
not compatible.

Firmware and option The version of the option board Download the correct firmware file
F253 board FPGA versions FPGA is not compatible with this for this drive.
are not compatible firmware.

F301 Motor overheated. Motor overheated. Check ambient temperature. Check

motor mounting heat sink capability.

F302 Over speed. Motor exceeded VL.THRESH value. Increase VL.THRESH or lower
velocity command.

Maximum motor power has been Current command to the motor

F303 Motor foldback. exceeded; the power has been is too high for too long. Reduce
limited to protect the motor. servo gains, or reduce command
trajectory aggressiveness.

Motor foldback. Maximum motor power has been Change move profile to reduce load
F304 Warning issued prior exceeded; the power has been on motor. Check for load jamming
to fault. limited to protect the motor. or sticking. Check that current limits
are set correctly.

F305 Brake Motor brake open circuit. Check cabling and general
open circuit. functionality.

F306 Brake Motor brake short circuit. Check cabling and general
short circuit. functionality.

F307 Brake closed during Motor brake Check cabling and general
enable state. closed unexpectedly. functionality.

F308 Voltage exceeds Drive bus voltage exceeds the Make sure that the motor fits the
motor rating. motor’s defined voltage rating. driving rating.

AKD Fault Card | F312 – F419

Fault Message/ Cause Remedy


Brake released Check cabling and general

F312 when it should Brake disengaged unexpectedly. functionality.
be applied.

F401 Failed to set Feedback is not connected or wrong feedback Check primary feedback (X10
feedback type. type selected. connection).

Analog signal Analog signal amplitude is too low. Analog Check primary feedback (X10
F402 amplitude fault. fault (resolver signal amplitude or sin/cos connection), resolver and sine/
amplitude). cos encoder only.

EnDat General communication problem with Check primary feedback (X10

F403 communication feedback. connection), EnDat only.

Hall sensor returns invalid Hall state (111, Check the feedback wiring;
000); either all Hall sensors are on or off. check all feedback connectors
F404 Hall error. Legal Hall states are 001, 011, 010, 110, 100, to ensure all pins are
and 101. This fault can be caused by a broken positioned correctly.
connection in any one of the Hall signals.

F405 BiSS Bad communication with the feedback device. Check primary feedback (X10
watchdog fault. connection), Biss only.

F406 BiSS Bad communication with the feedback device. Check primary feedback (X10
multicycle fault. connection), Biss only.

F407 BiSS Bad communication with the feedback device. Check primary feedback (X10
sensor fault. connection), Biss only.

F408 Check primary feedback (X10

SFD Feedback connection). If fault persists,
– Fault Bad communication with the SFD device. internal feedback failure.
Return to manufacturer for
F416 repair.

Broken wire In primary feedback, a broken wire was Check feedback

F417 in primary detected (incremental encoder signal cable continuity.
feedback. amplitude).

F418 Primary feedback Power supply fault for primary feedback. Check primary feedback (X10
power supply. connection).

Encoder init Phase find procedure did not complete Check encoder wiring, reduce/
F419 procedure failed. successfully. balance motor load prior to
phase finding.

AKD Fault Card | F420 – F463

Fault Message/ Cause Remedy

FB3 EnDat A communication error was detected with Check tertiary feedback (X9
F420 Communications the EnDat 2.2 device connected to the X9 connection).
Fault. connector.

SFD position Try resetting the fault. If it

F421 sensor fault. Sensor or sensor wiring failure inside motor. reappears return motor for
NV Failure, Home axis or disable multiturn
F423 Multiturn The position saved in memory is corrupted. overflow. If the fault persists,
Overflow. send the drive for repair.
Following Motor did not follow command values. Check for increased load,
F438 error (numeric) Motor exceeded maximum allowed position jamming or sticking. Is position
Warning issued following error (numeric). error set too low?
prior to fault.

Following Motor did not follow command values. Check feedback commutation
F439 error (user). Motor exceeded maximum allowed position setup and tuning parameters.
following error (user).

Following error Motor did not follow command values. Check feedback commutation
F450 (presentation). Motor exceeded maximum allowed position setup and tuning parameters.
following error (presentation).

The external battery voltage is too low. The

F451 Feedback battery F451 fault is generated if the AKD is not
powered. The n451 warning is generated Check or replace the external
fault. if the AKD is powered. This fault can be battery.
inhibited with FAULT451.ACTION.
Multiturn Connect multiturn feedback to
F452 overflow not Non-multiturn feedback is connected while the drive or disable multiturn
supported with FB1.PMTSAVEEN is active. overflow.
this feedback.

F453 Tamagawa Bas communication with the feedback Check the cabling to the drive
to communication device. Cabling or shielding fault, or internal and if the problem persists
F459 fault feedback failure. then return the feedback to the
manufacturer for repair.

Tamagawa This fault is generated when the shaft is

F460 encoder fault rotated above a maximum speed that can Reset the fault on the drive
(over speed) be maintained while the external battery is with DRV.CLRFAULTS.
powered and the drive is powered off.

When the feedback is powered on the Reset the fault on the drive
Tamagawa position (within one revolution) was incorrect with
F461 encoder fault because of a problem with the feedback DRV.CLRFAULTS. If the problem
(counting error) device. persists then clean the
feedback code plate.
F462 encoder fault Multi-turn counter has overflowed. Reset the fault on the drive
(counting with DRV.CLRFAULTS.

The temperatur of the encoder substrate Reset the fault on the drive
F463 Feedback exceeds overheating detection temperature with DRV.CLEARFAULTS after
overheat fault. during main power-on. temperature of encoder has

AKD Fault Card | F464 – F485

Fault Message/ Cause Remedy

Tamagawa Any bit-jump occurs in the multi-turn signal Return to the origin. Reset the
F464 encoder fault fault on the drive with DRV.
(multi-turn error). during main power-on. CLRFAULTS.
Feedback fault Check FB1.FAULTS for detailed
F467 (See FB1.FAULTS The Hiperface DSL device malfunctioned. fault information.
for details).
Feedback Type 44 is being used, which
FB2.SOURCE requires FB2 to be setup with a working Connect an encoder to FB2 and
F468 not set, Remote
encoder input. If FB2 is not configured, then
Feedback Type 44 cannot complete remote configure FB2.SOURCE and FB2.
not possible. commutation from an external feedback ENCRES.
If the remote feedback device’s
FB1.ENCRES is Feedback Type 43 requires that the feedback resolution is a power of two,
not power of resolution be a power of two. Feedback enter that value in FB1.ENCRES.
F469 two, Remote Type 43 is not supported for all feedback Otherwise, choose a feedback
Commutation resolutions. device with a supported
not possible. resolution (power of two) and
enter that value in FB1.ENCRES.
Wake and Shake. There was less movement than defined by Increase WS.IMAX
F473 Insufficient WS.DISTMIN. and/or WS.T. Or try using
movement. WS.MODE 1 or 2.

Wake and Shake. WS.DISTMAX has been exceeded in Increase WS.DISTMAX value or
F475 Excess WS.MODE 0. Or more than 360 degrees was reduce WS.IMAX or WS.T. Note:
movement. traveled in WS.MODE 2. Wake and Shake is not supported
for vertical/overhung loads.
Wake and Shake.
F476 Fine-coarse delta The angle difference between the coarse and Modify WS.IMAX or WS.T and
fine calculation was larger than 72 deg. try again.
too large.

F478 Wake and Shake. WS.VTHRESH was exceeded.

Increase WS.VTHRESH value or
reduce WS.IMAX or WS.T.

Wake and Shake.

F479 Loop angle delta The angle between complete loops was
larger than 72 deg.
Modify WS.IMAX or WS.T and
try again.
too large.
Fieldbus Fieldbus command velocity exceeds Lower fieldbus command
F480 command trajectory or increase the value
velocity too high. VL.LIMITP of VL.LIMITP
Fieldbus Fieldbus command velocity exceeds Increase fieldbus command
F481 command trajectory or decrease the value
velocity too low. VL.LIMITN of VL.LIMITN
The motor requires the commutation
initialization (there are no encoder Clear any faults, activate the
F482 Commutation
not initialized. commutation tracks, Hall sensors, etc.) and Wake and Shake procedure (WS.
no successful Wake and Shake sequence ARM) and enable the drive.
has been performed.
– Wake and Shake Motor U, Motor V, or Motor W phase
missing. No current was detected in the
Check the motor connections
and WS.IMAX (very low current
error. phase during initialization (Mode 0 only). may produce this error).

AKD Fault Card | F486– F518

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy

Motor velocity Motor velocity exceeds the maximum Reduce value of

F486 exceeds EMU- speed the emulated encoder output DRV.EMUEPULSEIDTH.
speed. can generate.
Wake and Shake - After applying a positive current, Check motor phase wiring and
F487 Validating positive motor moved in the wrong direction. motor encoder wiring is correct.
movement failed
Wake and Shake - After applying a negative current, Check motor phase wiring and
F489 Validating negative motor moved in the wrong direction. motor encoder wiring is correct.
movement failed.

Wake and Shake - During one of the W&S validation

F490 Validating Comm. stages the drive stopped responding Contact customer support.
angle timed out. to commands.

Wake and Shake - This indicates a poor motor phase

Validating Comm. After applying a current, the motor angle was found by Wake and
F491 angle moved too far moved too far (>15 electrical degrees). Shake. Revise Wake and Shake
- Bad Comm Angle. parameters, and re-run Wake and

This indicates one of the following:

1. Phase angle is incorrect due

Wake and Shake - to a bad wake and shake.
F492 Validating Comm. A current larger than MOTOR.ICONT 2. Motor has very high friction,
angle required more was used to excite the motor. requiring high current to
than MOTOR.ICONT. break free.
3. Motor power cable is
disconnected or improperly
1. Check motor phase wiring
Invalid commutation The velocity of the motor exceeded
detected – motor WS.CHECKV and the sign of the 2. Reconfigure wake and shake
F493 accelerating in the current was not equal to the sign (if mode 0 or 1 is used).
wrong direction. of motor acceleration or the sign of
Motor phase may be motor velocity for a period of time 3. Re-run wake and shake
incorrect. larger than WS.CHECKT. to determine correct
communication angle.
Reduce load or change motion
F501 Bus over voltage. Bus voltage too high. Usually, this profile. Check system regen
problem is load related. capacity; add capacity if needed.
Check mains voltage.
Bus under voltage.
F502 Warning issued prior Bus voltage below threshold value. Check mains voltage.
to fault.
Bus capacitor Single phase AC input on a drive
F503 overload. Warning only rated for three-phase input or Check mains voltage.
issued prior to fault. excessive single-phase power load.
Internal supply Check wiring for electromagnetic
– voltage fault. Internal supply voltage fault detected. compatibility (EMC). If issue
persists exchange drive.

AKD Fault Card | F519– F534

Fault Message/ Cause Remedy


F519 Regen short circuit. Regen resistor short circuit. Regen IGBT short circuit. Contact technical

F521 Regen over power. Too much power stored in Either get larger regen resistor or use DC bus
regen resistor. sharing to dissipate power.

F523 Bus over voltage Bus over voltage hard fault. Check mains voltage and check system brake
FPGA. capacity.
Maximum drive power has
F524 Drive foldback. been exceeded. The power Motion requires too much power. Change
has been limited to protect profile to reduce load.
the drive.
F525 Output over current. Current exceeds drive peak. Check for short or feedback faults.

F526 Current sensor short Current sensor short circuit. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact
circuit. technical support.

F527 Iu current AD Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact
converter stuck. technical support.

F528 Iv current AD Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact
converter stuck. technical support.

F529 Iu current offset Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact
limit exceeded. technical support.

F530 Iv current offset Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, contact
limit exceeded. technical support.

F531 Power stage fault. Hardware failure detected. Restart drive. If issue persists, replace drive.

Issue the command DRV.SETUPREQLIST to

display the list of the parameters that you must
configure. Configure these parameters either
manually or automatically. You can manually
Before a motor can configure these parameters in three ways: (1)
be enabled, you must set each parameter individually; (2) use the
Drive motor configure a minimum set setup wizard to select the motor; or (3) select
F532 parameters setup of parameters. These the motor type from the motor data base in
incomplete. parameters have not been the Motor window (MOTOR.AUTOSET must be
configured. set to 0 (OFF)). If you use the Motor window,
you must first select the feedback type. If the
motor has Biss Analog, Endat, or SFD feedback
(feedback with memory), then these parameters
are set automatically when MOTOR.AUTOSET
is set to 1 (ON).

Try to read parameters again by clicking

the Disable and Clear Faults button, or by
Motor either does not have using DRV.CLRFAULTS. If this attempt is not
Failed to read motor motor feedback memory, or successful, then set MOTOR.AUTOSET to
the motor feedback memory 0 (false) and program the parameters using
F534 parameters from is not programmed properly the setup wizard or manually set up the
feedback device. so the parameters cannot parameters. If the motor has motor memory
be read. (Biss Analog, Endat, and SFD motors have
motor memory), return the motor to have the
memory programmed.

AKD Fault Card | F535 – F703

Fault Message/ Cause Remedy


The power-board
F535 Power-board over- temperature sensor Reduce the load of the drive or ensure better cooling.
temperature fault. indicates more than
85 °C.

An F501 Bus Over

Regen near Voltage has occured
F560 capacity, could while the Regen Increase the size of regen resistor to be able to
not prevent over Resistor was at or dissipate more power.
voltage. above 75% of its
dissipation capacity.

F601 Modbus data rate Modbus controller Reduce data rate.

is too high. data rate is too high.

Safe torque off Reapply supply voltage

F602 Safe torque off. function has been to STO if safe to do so.

F621 Control Board CRC Communications

with the Power Board DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists If issue persists,
fault. Failed contact technical support.

F623 Power Board CRC Communications

with the Power Board DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists If issue persists,
fault. Failed contact technical support.

Power Board Communications

F624 Watchdog fault. with the Power Board DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists If issue persists,
contact technical support.

Power Board Communications

F625 Communication with the Power Board DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists If issue persists,
contact technical support.
fault. Failed

Power Board Communications

F626 FPGA not with the Power Board DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists If issue persists,
contact technical support.
configured. Failed

Control Board Communications

F627 Watchdog fault. with the Power Board DRV.CLRFAULTS. If issue persists If issue persists,
contact technical support.

F701 Fieldbus runtime. Runtime Check fieldbus connections (X11), settings, and control
communication fault. unit.

Fieldbus All fieldbus Check fieldbus connections (X11), settings, and control
F702 communication communication was unit.
lost. lost.

F703 timeout occurred Motor did not stop in Change timeout value, change stop parameters,
while axis should the timeout defined. improve tuning.

2. AKD BASIC Faults
AKD BASIC faults are caused by runtime errors in the program view.

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy

F801 Runtime: Divide by User program attempted to divide by zero.


F802 Runtime: Stack User program contains an infinite recursion or

Overflow. incorrectly declared array.

F803 Runtime: Insufficient User program creats an excessive demand for

memory. memory.

F804 Runtime: No interrupt User program is missing an interrupt service

handler defined. routine, but an interrupt is being called.

F805 Runtime: Interrupt User program contains an error in an interrupt

error. routine.

F806 Runtime: Max string User program attempted to use a string

length exceeded. exceeding 255 characters.

F807 Runtime: String User program has a programming exception

overflow. causing excessive string usage.

F808 Runtime: Array out of User program exception caused an array to Clear Fault, Fix user
bounds. exceed its bounds. program, recompile,
download and attempt
to run the program
F809 Runtime: Feature not User program contains a feature that the again.
supported. current firmware version does not support.

Runtime: Internal User program attempted to perform an action

F810 firmware/hardware that causes a firmware or hardware error.

F812 Runtime: Parameter User program calls a parameter that is not

not supported. supported by the firmware.

F813 Runtime: Parameter User program contains a parameter access

access error. error.

F814 Runtime: Data not User program attempted writing an invalid

found. recorder parameter.

F815 Runtime: Data invalid. User program attmpted executing an invalid


F816 Runtime: Data too User program contains a parameter that is

high. above the accepted range.

F817 Runtime: Data too low. User program contains a parameter that is
below the accepted range.

AKD Fault Card | F818 – F901

Fault Message/Warning Cause Remedy

F818 Runtime: Param type out of User program attempted to write a value
range. which was out of a parameter's range.

F819 Runtime: Data not divisible User program executed a function that
by 2. requires it to be divisible by two.

F820 Runtime: Invalid position User program contains an incorrectly

modulo setting. configured modulo setting.

F821 Runtime: Cannot read from User program attempted to perform a read of
command. parameter that is a command or statement.

F823 Runtime: Enable drive first. User program is attempting to execute a

motion that requires the drive to be enabled.

F824 Runtime: DRV.OPMODE User program is attempting to execute motion

must be 2 (position). that requires the drive to be in program mode.

F825 Runtime: DRV.CMDSOURCE User program is attempting to execute motion

must be 5 (program). that requires the drive to be in position mode. Clear Fault, Fix
user program,
F826 Cannot execute during a User program is attempting an invalid download and
move execution during a move. attempt to run the
program again.

F827 Writing to read-only User program attempted writing to a read-only

parameter. parameter.

F828 Disable Drive first. User program is attempting to execute a

function that requires the drive to be disabled.

F829 Opcode not supported - User program contains unsupported Opcode.

upgrade firmware.

F830 No negative values User program uses illegal negative value.


BASIC program is invalid.

F831 May need firmware User program contains invalid c.

F832 BASIC program is missing. User program is missing.

F901 Too many cams. User program contains too many cams.

About Kollmorgen
Kollmorgen is a leading provider of motion systems and components
for machine builders. Through world-class knowledge in motion,
industry-leading quality, and deep expertise in linking and integerating
standards and custom products, Kollmorgen delivers breakthrough so-
lutions that are unmatched in performace, reliability, and ease-of-use,
giving machine builders an irrefutable marketplace advantage.

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203A West Rock Road Pempelfurtstraße 1 Rm 2205, Scitech Tower, China
Radford, VA 24141 USA 40880 Ratingen Germany 22 Jianguomen Wai Street
Phone: 1-540-633-3545 Phone: +49 (0) 2102 9394 0 Phone: +86 - 400 666 1802
Fax: 1-540-639-4162 Fax: +49 (0) 2102 9394 3155 Fax: +86 - 10 6515 0263
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


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