Understanding Vectra AI

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Vectra AI

Updated for Software Version 7.5

February 2023
The Vectra Kill Chain 4
Vectra Scoring 5
Table of Contents Detect for Network 7
Command & Control 8
External Remote Access 9
Hidden DNS Tunnel 10
Hidden HTTP Tunnel 11
Hidden HTTPS Tunnel 12
Malware Update 13
Multi-home Fronted Tunnel 14
Peer-To-Peer 15
Stealth HTTP Post 16
Suspect Domain Activity 17
Suspicious HTTP 18
Suspicious Relay 20
TOR Activity 21
Threat Intelligence Match 22
Vectra Threat Intelligence Match 23
Botnet Activity 24
Brute-Force 25
Cryptocurrency Mining 26
Outbound DoS 27
Outbound Port Sweep 28
Reconnaissance 29
File Share Enumeration 30
Internal Darknet Scan 31
Kerberoasting: Cipher Downgrade 32
Kerberoasting: SPN Sweep 33
Kerberos Account Scan 34
Kerberos Brute-Sweep 35
RDP Recon 36
RPC Recon 37
RPC Targeted Recon 38
SMB Account Scan 39
Suspicious LDAP Query 40
Suspicious Port Scan 41
Suspicious Port Sweep 42
Lateral Movement 44
Automated Replication 45
Brute-Force 46
Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Account on Host 47
Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Host 49
Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Service 51
Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Service - Insider 53
Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Service from Host 55
Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Trio 57
Ransomware File Activity 59
SMB Brute-Force 60
Shell Knocker Client 61
Shell Knocker Server 63
SQL Injection Activity 65
Stage Loader 66
Suspicious Active Directory Operations 67
Suspicious Admin 69
Suspicious Remote Desktop 71
Suspicious Remote Execution 73
Threat Intelligence Match 75
Exfiltration 77
Data Gathering 78
Data Smuggler 79
Hidden DNS Tunnel 80
Hidden HTTP Tunnel 81
Hidden HTTPS Tunnel 82
Smash and Grab 83
Threat Intelligence Match 84
Info 85
Network Detection Profiles 87
Botnet 88
Cloud Services 89
External Adversary 90
Insider Threat: Admin 91
Insider Threat: User 92
IT Discovery 93
IT Services 94
Potentially Unwanted Program 95
Ransomware 96
Vulnerability Discovery 97
Worm 98
Observed Privilege Scores 99
Detect for Microsoft 365 102
Command & Control 103
M365 Power Automate HTTP Flow Creation 104
M365 Suspicious Power Automate Flow Creation 105
Reconnaissance 106
M365 Suspicious Compliance Search 107
M365 Unusual eDiscovery Search 108
M365 Suspect eDiscovery Usage 109
Lateral Movement 110
M365 Suspicious Mailbox Manipulation 111
M365 Suspicious Mailbox Rule Creation 112
M365 Attacker Tool: Ruler 113
M365 Disabling of Security Tools 114
M365 DLL Hijacking Activity 115
M365 External Teams Access 116
M365 Internal Spearphishing 117
M365 Log Disabling Attempt 118
M365 Malware Stage: Upload 119
M365 Ransomware 120
M365 Risky Exchange Operation 121
M365 Suspicious Teams Application 122
Exfiltration 123
M365 eDiscovery Exfil 124
M365 Exfiltration Before Termination 125
M365 Suspicious Download Activity 126
M365 Suspicious Exchange Transport Rule 127
M365 Suspicious Mail Forwarding 128
M365 Suspect Power Automate Activity 129
M365 Suspicious Sharing Activity 130
Detect for Azure AD 131
Command & Control 132
Azure AD Admin Account Creation 133
Azure AD MFA-Failed Suspicious Sign-On 134
Azure AD Redundant Access Creation 135
Azure AD Suspicious OAuth Application 136
Azure AD Suspicious Sign-on 137
Azure AD Suspected Compromised Access 138
Azure AD TOR Activity 139
Lateral Movement 140
Azure AD Successful Brute-Force 141
Azure AD Change to Trusted IP Configuration 142
Azure AD MFA Disabled 143
Azure AD Newly Created Admin Account 144
Azure AD Privilege Operation Anomaly 145
Azure AD Unusual Scripting Engine Usage 146
Info 147
Detect for AWS 149
Kingpin Technology 150
Command & Control 152
AWS Root Credential Usage 153
AWS Suspicious Credential Usage 154
AWS TOR Activity 155
Reconnaissance 156
AWS External Network Discovery 157
AWS Network Configuration Discovery 158
AWS Organization Discovery 159
AWS S3 Enumeration 160
AWS Suspect Credential Access from EC2 161
AWS Suspect Credential Access from ECS 162
AWS Suspect Credential Access from SSM 163
AWS Suspect Escalation Reconnaissance 164
AWS Suspicious EC2 Enumeration 165
AWS User Permissions Enumeration 166
Lateral Movement 167
AWS ECR Hijacking 168
AWS Lambda Hijacking 169
AWS Logging Disabled 170
AWS Ransomware S3 Activity 171
AWS Security Tools Disabled 172
AWS Suspect Admin Privilege Granting 173
AWS Suspect Console Pivot 174
AWS Suspect Login Profile Manipulation 175
AWS Suspect Privilege Escalation 176
AWS User Hijacking 177
Exfiltration 178
AWS Suspect External Access Granting 179
AWS Suspect Public EBS Change 180
AWS Suspect Public EC2 Change 181
AWS Suspect Public S3 Change 182
Botnet 183
AWS Cryptomining 184
Attack Campaigns 185
The Vectra Kill Chain
After an initial exploit, the malware will contact its Command
& Control server from which it will be remotely controlled in an
automated fashion or by a human.

The attack usually progresses along the opportunistic path – the

malware joins the host to a botnet and the bot herder steals
information from the infected host and makes use of your resources
to make money by attacking other systems across the Internet
(Botnet Activity).

The attack may also have you as its intended target, something that
is rarer, but also more threatening – in this case, the infected host will
orient itself in your network (Reconnaissance), spread laterally to get
closer to your crown jewels (Lateral Movement) and steal your data
and send it to an outside system (Exfiltration).

Command & Control

Reconnaissance Botnet Activity

Lateral Movement Exfiltration

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Vectra Scoring
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

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Vectra Scoring
Vectra’s AI correlates threat behaviors to a host or account and prioritizes them into one of four
severity rankings: Critical, High, Medium, and Low. This ranking is based on Vectra’s scoring
model’s understanding of how aligned the collective attacker behaviors are to a real escalating
attack. Security teams monitoring the Vectra console should primarily base their judgment on
which hosts or accounts to review first and based on the calculated severity ranking.

Hosts and accounts categorized as Critical or High severity have a high potential for doing
damage to business operations and exhibit behaviors associated with actively unfolding
attacks that warrant investigation. Accounts categorized as Low or Medium severity are
exhibiting less directly observed risks and can be leveraged for starting points in threat hunting
efforts rather than immediate investigation.

In addition to the severity ranking, threat and certainty scores are calculated for each prioritized
account based on the correlated behaviors to enable finer-grain ordering.

Detections also receive threat and certainty scores that characterize detection-specific
severities based on the threat of the associated behavior and certainty of the underlying
detection models. Details of how each detection’s threat and certainty are calculated are
presented on their respective detections one-pagers.

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Detect for Network

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Command & Control C&C

• A host or account appears to be under control of an external

Recon Botnet
• Most often, the control is automated as the host or account is
part of a botnet or has adware or spyware installed

• The host or account may be manually controlled from the outside

– this is the most threatening case and makes it highly likely that Lateral Exfil
this is a targeted attack

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External Remote Access
Command & Control

100 1 Initiate


25-70 10-95 2 Instruct

Threat Certainty

T1005 Data from Local • An internal host is connecting to an external server and the pattern looks reversed from
System normal client to server traffic; the client appears to be receiving instructions from the server
T1115 Clipboard Data and a human on the outside appears to be controlling the exchange
T1071 Application Layer • The threat score is driven by the quantity of data exchanged and longevity of the connection
Protocol • The certainty score is driven by the ratio of data sent by the internal host compared to data
T1125 Video Capture received from the server and the longevity of the connection
T1090 Proxy
T1113 Screen Capture Possible Root Causes
T1010 Application Window • A host includes malware with remote access capability (e.g. Meterpreter, Poison Ivy) that
connects to its C&C server and receives commands from a human operator
T1037 Boot or Logon • A user has intentionally installed and is using remote desktop access software and is
Initialization Scripts
accessing the host from the outside (e.g. GotoMyPC, RDP)
T1111 Two-Factor
Authentication Interception • This behavior can also be exhibited through very active use of certain types of chat software
that exposes similar human-driven behavior
T1572 Protocol Tunneling
T1573 Encrypted Channel
T1048 Exfiltration Over Business Impact
Alternative Protocol • Presence of malware with human-driven C&C is a property of targeted attacks
T1204 User Execution • Business risk associated with outside human control of an internal host is very high
T1056 Input Capture • Provisioning of this style of remote access to internal hosts poses substantial risks as
T1001 Data Obfuscation compromise of the service provides direct access into your network
T1571 Non-Standard Port
T1059 Command and Steps to Verify
Scripting Interpreter • Look at the detection details and the PCAP to determine whether this may be traffic from
T1518 Software Discovery chat software
T1176 Browser Extensions • Check if a user has knowingly installed remote access software and decide whether the
T1123 Audio Capture resulting risk is acceptable
T1008 Fallback Channels • Scan the computer for known malware and potentially reimage it, noting that some remote
T1219 Remote Access access toolkits leave no trace on disk and reside entirely in memory
T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer
T1133 External Remote
T1095 Non-Application Layer
T1132 Data Encoding

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Hidden DNS Tunnel
Command & Control


Hidden Tunnel



10-70 10-80
Threat Certainty

T1005 Data from Local • An internal host is communicating with an outside IP using DNS where another protocol is
System running over the top of the DNS sessions
• This represents a hidden tunnel involving multiple sessions over longer periods of time
T1071 Application Layer
Protocol mimicking normal DNS traffic
• The threat score is driven by the quantity of data sent and received via the tunnel
T1010 Application Window • The certainty score is driven by the similarity of the packet-level patterns to those of DNS
T1037 Boot or Logon
Initialization Scripts
Possible Root Causes
T1572 Protocol Tunneling • A targeted attack may use hidden tunnels to hide communication with command and control
T1573 Encrypted Channel
• A user is utilizing tunneling software to communicate with Internet services which might not
T1056 Input Capture otherwise be accessible
T1001 Data Obfuscation • Intentionally installed software is using a hidden tunnel to bypass expected firewall rules

T1059 Command and

Scripting Interpreter Business Impact
• The use of a hidden tunnel by some software may be benign, but it represents significant
T1008 Fallback Channels
risk as the intention is to bypass security controls
T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer • Hidden tunnels used as part of a targeted attack are meant to slip by your perimeter security
T1132 Data Encoding controls and indicate a sophisticated attacker
• Hidden tunnels are rarely used by botnets, though more sophisticated bot herders with more
ambitious goals may utilize them

Steps to Verify
• Check to see if the destination domain of the tunnel is an entity you trust for your network
• Ask the user of the host whether they are using hidden tunnel software for any purpose
• Before removing the offending software via antivirus or reimaging, take a memory snapshot
for future analysis of the incident
• If the behavior reappears shortly after a reimaging, this may be a hardware/BIOS tunnel

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Hidden HTTP Tunnel
Command & Control


Hidden Tunnel



10-60 10-80
Threat Certainty

T1005 Data from Local • An internal host is communicating with an outside IP using HTTP where another protocol is
System running over the top of the HTTP sessions
T1115 Clipboard Data • This represents a hidden tunnel involving multiple sessions over longer periods of time
mimicking normal Web traffic
T1071 Application Layer • The threat score is driven by the quantity of data sent via the tunnel
• The certainty score is driven by the number and persistence of the sessions
T1185 Man in the Browser

T1125 Video Capture Possible Root Causes

• A targeted attack may use hidden tunnels to hide communication with command and control
T1113 Screen Capture
T1010 Application Window • A user is utilizing tunneling software to communicate with Internet services which might not
Discovery otherwise be accessible
T1037 Boot or Logon • Intentionally installed software is using a hidden tunnel to bypass expected firewall rules
Initialization Scripts

T1111 Two-Factor Business Impact

Authentication Interception • The use of a hidden tunnel by some software may be benign, but it represents significant
risk as the intention is to bypass security controls
T1572 Protocol Tunneling
• Hidden tunnels used as part of a targeted attack are meant to slip by your perimeter security
T1204 User Execution controls and indicate a sophisticated attacker
T1056 Input Capture • Hidden tunnels are rarely used by botnets, though more sophisticated bot herders with more
ambitious goals may utilize them
T1001 Data Obfuscation

T1571 Non-Standard Port Steps to Verify

T1059 Command and • Check to see if the destination IP or domain of the tunnel is an entity you trust for your
Scripting Interpreter network
• Ask the user of the host whether they are using hidden tunnel software for any purpose
T1518 Software Discovery
• Before removing the offending software via antivirus or reimaging, take a memory snapshot
T1176 Browser Extensions for future analysis of the incident
T1123 Audio Capture • If the behavior reappears shortly after a reimaging, this may be a hardware/BIOS tunnel

T1008 Fallback Channels

T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer

T1132 Data Encoding

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Hidden HTTPS Tunnel
Command & Control


Hidden Tunnel



10-70 10-80
Threat Certainty

T1005 Data from Local • An internal host is communicating with an outside IP using HTTPS where another protocol is
System running over the top of the HTTPS sessions
T1115 Clipboard Data • This represents a hidden tunnel involving one long session or multiple shorter sessions over
a longer period of time mimicking normal encrypted Web traffic
T1071 Application Layer • When it can be determined whether the tunneling software is console-based or driven via a
graphical user interface, that indicator will be included in the detection
T1185 Man in the Browser • The threat score is driven by the quantity of data sent via the tunnel
• The certainty score is driven by the combination of the persistence of the connection(s) and
T1125 Video Capture
the degree to which the observed volume and timing of requests matches up with training
T1113 Screen Capture samples
T1010 Application Window
Discovery Possible Root Causes
T1037 Boot or Logon • A targeted attack may use hidden tunnels to hide communication with command and control
Initialization Scripts servers over SSL on port 443
• A user is utilizing tunneling software to communicate with Internet services which might not
T1111 Two-Factor
otherwise be accessible
Authentication Interception
• Intentionally installed software is using a hidden tunnel to bypass expected firewall rules
T1572 Protocol Tunneling

T1573 Encrypted Channel Business Impact

T1204 User Execution • The use of a hidden tunnel by some software may be benign, but it represents significant
risk as the intention is to bypass security controls
T1056 Input Capture
• Hidden tunnels used as part of a targeted attack are meant to slip by your perimeter security
T1001 Data Obfuscation controls and indicate a sophisticated attacker
• Hidden tunnels are rarely used by botnets, though more sophisticated bot herders with more
T1571 Non-Standard Port
ambitious goals may utilize them
T1059 Command and
Scripting Interpreter
Steps to Verify
T1518 Software Discovery • Check to see if the destination IP or domain of the tunnel is an entity you trust for your
T1176 Browser Extensions network
• Ask the user of the host whether they are using hidden tunnel software for any purpose
T1123 Audio Capture
• Before removing the offending software via antivirus or reimaging, take a memory snapshot
T1008 Fallback Channels for future analysis of the incident
T1132 Data Encoding • If the behavior reappears shortly after a reimaging, this may be a hardware/BIOS tunnel

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Malware Update
Command & Control



Downloading Malware
65-75 75-99
Threat Certainty

T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer • An internal host is downloading and installing software from the Internet
• The downloads are over HTTP, appear to be machine- driven, and follow a suspicious
pattern of checking for availability of files before downloading them
• The threat score is driven by the number of executable files being downloaded
• The certainty score is driven by the pattern of machine- generated HTTP requests

Possible Root Causes

• The initial exploit on this host may be loading malware to continue the attack
• Malware installed on the host may be updating itself to enhance its functionality
• Malware installed on the host may be updating itself to a new version of its software

Business Impact
• An infected host can attack other organizations (e.g. spam, DoS, ad clicks) thus causing
harm to your organization’s reputation, potentially causing your IP addresses to be black
listed and impacting the performance of business-critical applications
• If this is a targeted attack, it can spread further into your network and ultimately exfiltrate
data from it
• The malware which infected the host can create nuisances and affect user productivity

Steps to Verify
• Look up the domain and IP address to which the communication is being sent via reputation
services to see if this is known malware; such lookups are supported directly within the UI
• Search for the domain + “virus” via a search engine; this is effective for finding references to
known adware or spyware
• Download the supplied PCAP and look at the HTTP payload being sent to see if any data is
being leaked in clear text or whether the identity of the program is visible

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Multi-home Fronted Tunnel
Command & Control



0 X, Y, and Z
40‒95 50‒95
Threat Certainty

T1005 Data from Local • An internal host is communicating with an outside IP using HTTPS where another protocol is
System running over the top of the HTTPS sessions. The sessions appear to go to different domains
T1115 Clipboard Data but are all served by a single Content Delivery Network (CDN) and all utilize a JA3 hash
which is only used by this host with this one CDN.
T1071 Application Layer • This represents a hidden tunnel involving multiple shorter sessions over a longer period of
time mimicking normal encrypted Web traffic
T1125 Video Capture • The threat score is driven by the amount of data transfer spikes over the baseline beacon
and the number of unique second-level domains contacted
T1113 Screen Capture
• The certainty score is driven by the communication persistence, the total connection
T1010 Application Window volume, and how the traffic is spread across the different domains

T1037 Boot or Logon Possible Root Causes

Initialization Scripts • A targeted attack may use hidden tunnels to hide communication with command and control
T1111 Two-Factor servers over TLS on port 443 and other ports
Authentication Interception • Intentionally installed software is using a domain-fronted hidden tunnel utilizing multiple
benign domains to bypass expected firewall rules
T1572 Protocol Tunneling

T1573 Encrypted Channel

Business Impact
T1204 User Execution • The use of a hidden tunnel with multi-domain fronting is quite unusual, and it represents
T1056 Input Capture significant risk as the intention is to bypass security controls
• Hidden tunnels used as part of a targeted attack are meant to slip by your perimeter security
T1001 Data Obfuscation
controls and indicate a sophisticated attacker
T1571 Non-Standard Port

T1059 Command and Steps to Verify

Scripting Interpreter • Ask the user of the host whether they are using hidden tunnel software for any purpose and
if not, whether they intentionally connected to the list of domains in the detection (the JA3-
T1518 Software Discovery
hash in the detection may provide a clue to the software utilized)
T1176 Browser Extensions • Before removing the offending software via antivirus or reimaging, take a memory snapshot
T1123 Audio Capture for future analysis of the incident
• If the behavior reappears shortly after a reimaging, this may be a hardware/BIOS tunnel
T1008 Fallback Channels

T1132 Data Encoding

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Command & Control




20-70 10-95
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is communicating with a set of external IP addresses with a pattern and low
T1090 Proxy
data rate common to peer-to-peer command and control
• The threat score is driven by the length of time over which communication with peers occurs
• The certainty score is driven by the number of reachable and unreachable peers

Possible Root Causes

• The internal host is infected with malware which is using peer-to-peer communication for its
command and control; some botnets utilize this form of command and control as it is more
resilient to attempts at disrupting or sink holing it
• Legitimate peer-to-peer software is running idle in the background without any data (e.g.
Bittorrent) or voice (e.g. Skype) transfer activity and as such exhibits patterns similar to
command and control traffic

Business Impact
• An infected host can attack other organizations (e.g. spam, DoS, ad clicks) thus causing
harm to your organization’s reputation, potentially causing your IP addresses to be black
listed and impacting the performance of business-critical applications
• The host can also be instructed to spread further into your network and ultimately exfiltrate
data from it
• Software which infected the host can create nuisances and affect user productivity

Steps to Verify
• If the detection is generated as a result of a purposely installed peer-to-peer application,
make sure the software complies with IT security policy
• If the detection cannot be attributed to such an application, the host is likely infected with a
malware and should be fixed through the use of AV software or reimaged

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Stealth HTTP Post
Command & Control




Abnormal HTTP POST


20-50 10-95
Threat Certainty

T1071 Application Layer • An internal host is sending data to an external system in multiple HTTP Post requests
Protocol without being referred and without software identification
• These posts appear to be machine generated since they occur with a regular timing pattern
• The threat score is driven by the number of overall sessions and length of their duration
• The certainty score is driven by the number and persistence of HTTP Post requests

Possible Root Causes

• Adware, spyware or malware installed on an internal host is communicating back to its
command and control server
• The communication may include some data leakage from the local host, which is particularly
common with spyware

Business Impact
• An infected host can attack other organizations (e.g. spam, DoS, ad clicks) thus causing
harm to your organization’s reputation, potentially causing your IP addresses to be black
listed and impacting the performance of business-critical applications
• The host can also be instructed to spread further into your network and ultimately exfiltrate
data from it
• Software which infected the host can create nuisances and affect user productivity

Steps to Verify
• Look up the domain and IP address to which the communication is being sent via VirusTotal
or other reputation services to see if this is known malware; such lookups are supported
directly within the UI
• Search for the domain + “virus” via a search engine – this is effective for finding references
to known adware or spyware
• Download the supplied PCAP and look at the HTTP payload being sent to see if any data is
being leaked in clear text or whether the identity of the program is visible in the payload

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Suspect Domain Activity
Command & Control




10-90 10-90
Threat Certainty

T1568 Dynamic Resolution • An internal host is looking up suspicious external domains
• Suspicious activity may involve looking up machine-generated domain names or non-
existent domain names in rapid succession
• The threat score is driven by successful lookups
• The certainty score is driven by the breadth of domain lookups and the characteristics of
successful lookups

Possible Root Causes

• An infected host which is part of a botnet is using a domain generation algorithm (DGA) to
locate its command & control servers
• An infected host or adware installed by the user is accessing newly generated domains to
present ad impressions to the user
• An internal user visits newly registered domains with unusual names (e.g., letter sequences
not normally found in domains)

Business Impact
• An infected host can attack other organizations (e.g. spam, DoS, ad clicks) thus causing
harm to your organization’s reputation, potentially causing your IP addresses to be black
listed and impacting the performance of business-critical applications
• The host can also be instructed to spread further into your network and ultimately exfiltrate
data from it
• Software which infected the host can create nuisances and affect user productivity

Steps to Verify
• Do not go directly to the listed domain as it is likely to be malicious
• Look up the domain and IP address to which the communication is being sent via reputation
services to see if this is known malware; such lookups are supported directly from the UI
• Inquire whether the user of the host would likely have gone to the listed domain
• Check to see if the host is also exhibiting other detected behaviors to understand the intent
of the malware

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Suspicious HTTP
Command & Control


User Agent Header Content


10-70 10-90
Geo Beacon
Threat Certainty

T1071 Application Layer • Software on an internal host is initiating one or more suspicious HTTP requests which form
Protocol a pattern typically observed in command and control communications in recent malware
• The suspicious pattern may be the result of any combination of the following: (a) incorrect
or malformed User-Agent, (b) absence or presence and order of a variety of HTTP headers,
(c) presence and regularity of beaconing of the request and (d) connections to geographies
which have a higher likelihood of hosting command and control servers
• While beaconing is a key driver of the threat score, the presence of all four factors causes
the threat score to be at the top of the range. Combinations with fewer factors will score
successively lower with combinations that don’t include beaconing being at the very low
end of the range.
• Suspicious User-Agent and suspicious HTTP header contribute strongly to the certainty
score while geo and beaconing contribute weakly. Suspicious HTTP communication to
multiple domains further increases the certainty score.

Possible Root Causes

• Malware installed on the host may be communicating back to its command and control
• Adware or spyware installed on the host may be communicating to its command and control
server(s) or may be leaking data acquired on the host
• Software installed on the host is emitting HTTP requests that share two or more patterns
with recent known malware samples: (a) malformed User-Agent, (b) unusual collection of
HTTP headers, (c) communicating in an automated pattern and (d) communicating to out-
of-the-ordinary geographies

Business Impact
• An infected host can attack other organizations (e.g. spam, DoS, ad clicks) thus causing
harm to your organization’s reputation, potentially causing your IP addresses to be black
listed and impacting the performance of business-critical applications
• The host can also be instructed to spread further into your network and ultimately exfiltrate
data from it
• Software which infected the host can create nuisances and affect user productivity

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Steps to Verify
• Look up the domain and IP address to which the communication is being sent via reputation
services to see if this is known malware; such lookups are supported directly within the UI
• Search for the domain + “virus” via a search engine; this is effective for finding references to
known adware or spyware
• Download the supplied PCAP and look at the HTTP payload being sent to see if any data is
being leaked in clear text or whether the identity of the program is visible
• If there is no known reason why the user of the system would communicate to the
geography in question, ask the end-user for a possible reason for the communication

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Suspicious Relay
Command & Control

1 3


30‒95 10‒95 2 4
Threat Certainty

• This host appears to be acting as a relay for communication between an external system to
T1090 Proxy
another internal host—relays of this type involve a first (external) leg and a second (internal)
T1104 Multi-Stage Channels leg
• This host also has another active command and control detection
• The threat score is driven by how close the durations of the connections involved in relay
activity are on the two legs of the relay
• The certainty score is driven by how close the ratio of sent to received bytes are in the two
legs of the relay

Possible Root Causes

• A host is compromised and is being used to relay information to and from a host deeper
inside the network
• An internal host is hosting some form of approved proxy (e.g. SOCKS) to allow other internal
hosts to communicate with the Internet through it

Business Impact
• An infected host which is enabling another internal host to hide its communication with the
Internet by acting as a relay represents a high risk as this may allow a host which normally is
not allowed to communicate with the outside to do so
• For hosts that have approved proxy software installed, ensure all the necessary security
controls are in place to prevent unauthorized use

Steps to Verify
• Determine whether this host should be providing relay services to other internal hosts; if not,
this is likely malicious behavior
• Look at the outside destination of the traffic and the payload of traffic, available in the PCAP,
to determine what it being sent and where it is going; this will help further calibrate the risk

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TOR Activity
Command & Control


1 5 7


10-70 10-95
Threat Certainty The Onion Router (TOR)

• An internal host establishes connections with outside servers where protocol usage
T1090 Proxy
approximates communicating via The Onion Router (TOR)
• The algorithm inspects the protocol handshake of each session and triggers if
characteristics of the session setup are similar to those observed in TOR connections
• The threat score is driven by volume and similarity to command and control traffic; it is
low for browsing, high for command and control or when there is a significant amount of
outbound data observed
• The certainty score is driven by the similarity of the session characteristics to those
observed in TOR sessions

Possible Root Causes

• A targeted attack is utilizing TOR to hide communications with command and control
servers or to exfiltrate your organization’s data
• An infected host which is part of a botnet is utilizing TOR to communicate with its command
and control servers or to leak small amounts of stolen data
• A user is utilizing a TOR-enabled program to anonymously communicate with servers
available on the Internet or ones available only through TOR

Business Impact
• The use of TOR as part of a targeted attack is meant to slip by most standard perimeter
defenses and indicates attacker sophistication
• The use of TOR as part of a botnet is relatively rare and would indicate a more sophisticated
• The intentional use of TOR by employees may be allowed, but it does represent significant
risk as the intention of TOR is to mask traffic source and destination

Steps to Verify
• Ask the user of the host whether they are using TOR for any purpose
• Check to see if any TOR-enabled software is installed on the host
• Check the TOR entry nodes listed in the detection against lists of known TOR entry nodes
(e.g., search for “tor entry node list”), but note that these lists are seldom complete and shift
over time

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Threat Intelligence Match
Command & Control



50‒99 30‒90
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is connecting to an external system and the connection has met criteria
specified in one or more configured threat feeds
• The threat score is driven by the combination of the indicator type in the STIX file (with
watchlist and anonymization being lowest, malware artifacts being medium, and C2 channel
and exfiltration being highest) and the quantity of data received on the flagged connections
• The certainty score is specified as part of the threat feed configuration and ranges from low
(30) to medium (60) and high (90)

Possible Root Causes

• A host includes malware which is initiating the connection that triggered the detection
• A user on the host manually initiated the connection which triggered the detection

Business Impact
• Presence of command & control is a property of most attacks that originate from the outside
• The threat intel feed may have included additional context tied to the specific criteria that
the connection met
• Business risk associated with outside control of an internal host is very high

Steps to Verify
• Refer to the information accompanying your threat feed as it may include verification and
remediation instructions
• Determine which process on the internal host is sending the traffic which was flagged; in
Windows systems, this can be done using a combination of netstat and tasklist commands
• Check if a user has knowingly installed remote access software and decide whether the
resulting risk is acceptable
• Scan the computer for known malware and potentially reimage it, noting that some
infections leave no trace on disk and reside entirely in memory

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Vectra Threat Intelligence Match
Command & Control



50‒99 30‒90
Threat Certainty

T1008 Fallback Channels • An internal host has been observed either generating DNS activity or making direct
connections associated with malicious external IPs or Domains identified by Vectra Threat
T1041 Exfiltration Over C2
• The threat score is driven by the quantity of data received on the flagged connection
T1048 Exfiltration Over • The certainty score is related to Vectra’s confidence in active use of the indicator and ranges
Alternative Protocol
from low (30) to medium (60) and high (90)
T1059 Command and
Scripting Interpreter
Possible Root Causes
T1071 Application Layer • A host is communicating with a confirmed malicious IP or Domain that may be associated
Protocol with staged malware, command and control, or client-side attacks.
T1095 Non-Application Layer • A user has been redirected to a site associated with phishing or credential compromise.
Protocol • A host is communicating with a benign service co-hosted on an IP or Domain with a poor or
T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer malicious reputation.

T1132 Data Encoding

Business Impact
T1189 Drive-by Compromise
• Compromised assets or user credentials provide adversaries with the internal foothold
T1219 Remote Access necessary to begin to stage an attack.
Software • The identification of internal connections to known bad IP addresses or domains
T1571 Non-Standard Port demonstrates positive risk to organizational assets and users and may indicate active attack

T1573 Encrypted Channel progression.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the host and accounts associated for further indications of compromise.
• Using appropriate operational security and safeguards, verify the risk posed by this known
bad IP or Domain by consulting external third party sources.
• Verify if supplemental preventative security controls protected the asset from full
• In the case of phishing, verify with the user if credentials may have been compromised
or take appropriate risk-based containment activities to include session revocation and
password resets.
• Verify host integrity, the presence of new, unauthorized, or malicious software, and take
appropriate incident handling or response activities.

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Botnet Activity C&C

• A host is making money for its bot herder

Recon Botnet
• The ways in which an infected host can be used to
produce value can range from mining bitcoins to
sending spam emails to producing fake ad clicks

• The bot herder is utilizing the host computer, its

network connection and, most of all, the unsullied Lateral Exfil
reputation of the assigned IP to turn a profit

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Botnet Activity



10-30 40-95
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is making an unusually high number of login attempts, a behavior which is
T1110 Brute Force
consistent with a brute-force password-guessing attack on one or more external servers
• Such attacks can be performed via a number of different protocols
• The threat score is driven by the rate of attempts and timing at which the attack is
• The certainty score is driven by total number of sessions in the attack

Possible Root Causes

• An infected host is trying to guess passwords on one or more external systems; this is
common botnet behavior where the host is instructed to breach internet-accessible systems
that can be used as way points for command and control and data leakage
• A misconfigured internal host is constantly trying to connect to one or more external

Business Impact
• Botnet activity presents several risks to the organization: (1) it creates noise which may hide
more serious issues; (2) there is a chance your organization’s IP will end up on black lists;
and (3) the compromised host can always be instructed to perform a direct attack on the
• Even if triggered due to a misconfiguration, the identified behavior is creating significant
noise that may mask more serious issues and should be cleaned up

Steps to Verify
• If the internal host should not even be connecting to the external servers, this is likely
malicious behavior
• Determine which process on the internal host is sending traffic to the external IP address(es)
and ports; in Windows systems, this can be done using a combination of netstat and tasklist
• Verify that the process on the infected host should even be running and whether the process
is configured correctly

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Cryptocurrency Mining
Botnet Activity


0 11101100111010

10-50 90
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is mining units of cryptocurrency of which Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and
T1496 Resource Hijacking
Monero are some of the most common variants
• Cryptocurrency mining is a common way for botnet operators to make money
• Cryptocurrency mining may involve communication via HTTP or via the Stratum mining
• The threat score is driven by the rate at which cryptocurrency mining activity is performed

Possible Root Causes

• An infected host is mining cryptocurrency for its bot herder
• Some cryptocurrency mining can occur in the user’s browser as a side effect of visiting
compromised or low-reputation websites
• The user of the host on which the behavior has been detected has installed cryptocurrency
mining software and is making money using your organization’s systems, power, and
network resources

Business Impact
• Botnet activity presents several risks to the organization: (1) it creates noise which may hide
more serious issues; (2) there is a chance your organization’s IP will end up on black lists;
and (3) the compromised host can always be instructed to perform a direct attack on the
• If the user of the host intentionally installed cryptocurrency mining software, the risk may be
minimal, though such a user may also be prone to installing other “money making” software
which may not prove to be as benign

Steps to Verify
• If the user intentionally installed cryptocurrency mining software, decide whether it should
be removed
• If the user did not install cryptocurrency mining software, the host is likely infected and part
of a botnet that performs “silent mining”
• Use anti-virus software or reimage the host to remove the malware

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Outbound DoS
Botnet Activity



10-40 10-95
Threat Certainty

• An internal host appears to be taking part in a Denial- of-Service (DoS) campaign on an
T1498 Network Denial of
Service external IP address
• The form of DoS detection has two types: “SYN Flood” and “Slowloris”
• The threat score is driven by the volume of data sent in the detected DoS sessions
• The certainty score is driven by the volume of DoS sessions and the length of period the
attack is sustained

Possible Root Causes

• The internal host is infected and has become part of a botnet and is being instructed by its
bot herder to perform a DoS attack on an external system, which is a relatively common way
for a botnet to make money
• An internal host is misconfigured and continually, in high volume, tries to connect to an
external IP address

Business Impact
• Botnet activity presents several risks to the organization: (1) it creates noise which may hide
more serious issues; (2) there is a chance your organization’s IP will end up on black lists;
and (3) the compromised host can always be instructed to perform a direct attack on the
• The sheer volume of flood attacks may materially affect the amount of bandwidth available
for legitimate functions which need to access the Internet

Steps to Verify
• Explore if there is a legitimate reason for the host to be connecting to the suspected victim
of the attack
• Contact the user of the host to see whether they are trying to perform some unusual task
which might trigger the DoS detection
• Check the host for presence of malware that is participating in a DoS attack

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Outbound Port Sweep
Botnet Activity



20-50 10-95
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is generating many more unsuccessful attempts to connect to external
T1018 Remote System
Discovery services than successful ones
• The threat score is driven by the breadth of IP addresses scanned and the pace at which the
scan occurs
• The certainty score is driven by the failure rate of outbound connection attempts

Possible Root Causes

• An internal host is part of a botnet and is being used by its bot herder to find other external
services that could subsequently be attacked
• An internal host is misconfigured and is making many connection attempts to different IP
addresses on the Internet

Business Impact
• Botnet activity presents several risks to the organization: (1) it creates noise which may hide
more serious issues; (2) there is a chance your organization’s IP will end up on black lists;
and (3) the compromised host can always be instructed to perform a direct attack on the
• A misconfigured internal host may be using unnecessary bandwidth and slowing down both
the host itself and other applications as a result of the traffic it is sending

Steps to Verify
• Look at the pattern of IP addresses being scanned to determine the intent of the scan
• Verify whether there is misconfigured software on the host which is causing the scan
• If the behavior cannot be explained by user action or known software behavior, the host is
likely infected and should be remediated

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Reconnaissance C&C

• A host or account is mapping out the inside of your

network or cloud environment Recon Botnet

• The activity may indicate that this is a targeted attack

• Detection types cover fast scans and slow scans

– your vulnerability scanner will show up here as it
Lateral Exfil
performs much the same activity as an attacker

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File Share Enumeration



20-70 10-95
Threat Certainty

• A host accesses a number of file shares significantly in excess of the number of file shares
T1039 Data from Network
Shared Drive normally accessed in the network
• The threat score is proportional to the diversity of shares being mounted with a higher threat
T1119 Automated Collection score for larger number of shares across a few file servers vs. a small number of shares
T1135 Network Share across many file servers
Discovery • The certainty score is driven by the volume of shares mounted

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is looking for data to exfiltrate or is looking for files which provide additional
information necessary for achieving the goals of the attack
• The host is accessing a large number of file shares as an end user attempts to find a
particular file or directory

Business Impact
• An enumeration of the available file shares in a network is an effective way for an attacker to
find data to exfiltrate or data that helps further the attack
• Reconnaissance within a network is a precursor to active attacks which ultimately exposes
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
• This form of reconnaissance is often a lot less noticeable than a port sweep or a port scan
so attackers feel they can use it with relatively little risk of detection

Steps to Verify
• Ask the user of the host whether they have any knowledge of accessing the listed file shares
• Check the file server logs to see what files were accessed on the shares
• If the file share access continues and remains unexplained, determine which process on
the internal host is accessing the file shares; in Windows systems, this can be done using a
combination of netstat and tasklist commands

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Internal Darknet Scan

Dark IP

Dark IP

Dark IP
Dark IP
30-60 20-80
Threat Certainty

• An internal host has contacted a number of internal IPs that have not been active in the
T1082 System Information
Discovery recent past
• Darknet detections cover longer periods than port scans and ignore contact to systems
T1018 Remote System which do not respond to this host, but which are otherwise active
• The threat score places large weight on the spread of IPs, medium for spread of ports and
T1072 Software Deployment low for the total number of dark IPs contacted
Tools • The certainty score places equal weight on the spread of IPs, spread of ports and number of
T1046 Network Service dark IPs contacted

T1016 System Network Possible Root Causes

Configuration Discovery • An infected internal system that is part of targeted attack is performing slow reconnaissance
of your network by reaching out to different IP addresses in your network
• A vulnerability scanner or asset discovery system is mapping systems in your network
• A host has been moved to a new network and is unsuccessfully attempting to connect to
many previously available services

Business Impact
• Slow reconnaissance of your systems may represent the beginning of a targeted attack in
your network
• Authorized reconnaissance by vulnerability scanners and asset discovery systems should be
limited to a small number of hosts which can be whitelisted for this behavior

Steps to Verify
• Check to see if the detected host should be authorized for network scans
• Look at the pattern of IP addresses being scanned to determine the intent of the scan
• If the pattern appears random and distributed over time, determine which software on the
host could be causing the connection requests

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Kerberoasting: Cipher Downgrade



30-60 30-95
Threat Certainty

• A host that does not typically work with weak encryption types receives a service ticket that
T1558.003 Kerberoasting
was signed using a weak cipher.

Possible Root Causes

• Malicious Detection: An attacker is requesting service tickets with weak encryption so that
they may attempt to learn the service account’s password.
• Benign Detection: Legacy systems may still require the use of weak encryption ciphers
simply because they do not support newer, more secure ciphers.

Business Impact
• Specific Risk: Kerberoasting may result in the discovery of a privileged account’s password.
• Impact: Depending on the level of privilege a cracked account has (e.g. service account with
domain admin), this could lead directly to a full domain compromise.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the host, user, and service accounts involved when weak ciphers are returned to
a host that doesn’t typically request them.
• Conventionally, service accounts with a sufficiently complex password (cryptographically
random, minimum 25 characters, rotates often) can be ignored, since these take long
enough to crack that the cracked password has likely expired by the time its discovered.

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Kerberoasting: SPN Sweep



30-60 30-95
Threat Certainty

• A host is observed requesting service tickets for a high volume of SPNs.
T1558.003 Kerberoasting

Possible Root Causes

• Malicious Detection: An attacker is performing recon in a domain to find favorable targets for
offline password cracking.
• Benign Detection: Enterprise vulnerability scanners may also submit requests for a large
volume of SPNs.

Business Impact
• Specific Risk: Kerberoasting may result in the discovery of a privileged account’s password.
• Impact: Depending on the level of privilege a cracked account has (e.g. service account with
domain admin), this could lead directly to a full domain compromise.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the host making requests for high volume of SPNs, this behavior is not typical for
general users and should only be conducted by authorized hosts.

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Kerberos Account Scan



30-60 50-95
Threat Certainty

• A Kerberos client attempts a suspicious amount of authentication requests using a large
T1087 Account Discovery
number of user accounts with many of them failing as a result of non-existent accounts
• The threat score is driven by the number of unique non-existent accounts used in
authentication attempts during the scan
• The certainty score is highest when each non-existent account is used only once and gets
progressively lower the more times each non-existent account is used during the scan

Possible Root Causes

• The internal Kerberos client is part of targeted attack which aims to spread horizontally
within the network by first discovering the existence of user accounts and then stealing the
account’s credentials or Kerberos tickets
• A client is initiating a large number of authentication attempts with many of them failing

Business Impact
• An account scan to a Kerberos or Active Directory server is an effective way for an attacker
to determine what accounts are available inside an organization’s network
• Reconnaissance within a network is a precursor to active attacks which ultimately exposes
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
• This form of reconnaissance is often a lot less noticeable than a port sweep or a port scan
so attackers feel they can use it with relatively little risk of detection

Steps to Verify
• Examine the Kerberos or Active Directory server logs for a more detailed view of activity by
this host
• Inquire whether the host should be utilizing the user accounts listed in the detection
• Verify that the host on which authentication is attempted is not a shared resource as this
could generate a sufficient variety of authentications to resemble an account scan

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Kerberos Brute-Sweep



30‒60 50‒95
Threat Certainty

T1110 Brute Force • A host attempts a suspicious amount of authentication requests using a large number of
user accounts with some of them failing because the accounts don’t exist and others failing
because the password is incorrect
• The threat score is driven by the number of failed authentications for accounts that exist
• The certainty score is driven by the regularity in the frequency of failed authentications for
accounts that exist

Possible Root Causes

• The host is part of targeted attack which aims to spread horizontally within the network by
first discovering the existence of user accounts and simultaneously attempting to login to
them using credentials from a common set of passwords
• The host may be a portal (a shared resource) and the authentication requests are being
performed on behalf of other systems inside or outside the organization

Business Impact
• An account brute sweep to a Kerberos or AD server is an effective way for an attacker
to determine what accounts are available inside an organization’s network and to
simultaneously try to guess the accounts’ passwords
• Reconnaissance within a network is a precursor to active attacks which ultimately exposes
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
• This form of reconnaissance is often a lot less noticeable than a port sweep, a port scan,
or even the widespread use of RPCs to many hosts, so attackers feel they can use it with
relatively little risk of detection

Steps to Verify
• Examine the Kerberos or Active Directory server logs for a more detailed view of activity by
this host
• Inquire whether the host should be utilizing the user accounts listed in the detection
• Verify that the host on which authentication is attempted is not a shared resource as this
could generate a sufficient variety of authentications to resemble an account brute sweep

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RDP Recon



20-70 10-95
Threat Certainty

• A host is making multiple RDP connection attempts with most of the connections failing to
T1033 System Owner/User
Discovery complete
• The connection attempts can target one or more RDP servers
T1018 Remote System • Even when a single RDP server is targeted, multiple accounts may still be involved in the
encrypted part of the RDP connection setup
• The threat score is driven by the connection failure rate, which is the ratio of failed
connections to total connection attempts, and the time window over which the failures are
• The certainty score is driven by the total number of failed connection attempts

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is trying to determine the existence of accounts in order to progress to the next
step in the attack
• The attacker is working through a list of accounts with well-known default passwords in an
attempt to find a working account/password combination
• This host is a jump server and several users are unsuccessfully attempting to RDP to other
servers from it

Business Impact
• A scan via RDP is an effective way for an attacker to determine what accounts are available
inside an organization’s network and which RDP servers accept logins via the accounts
• If one of the targets has not been normally accessed via RDP, the nature of the target server
will provide additional guidance regarding the potential business impact
• Reconnaissance within a network is a precursor to active attacks which ultimately exposes
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
• This form of reconnaissance is often a lot less noticeable than a port sweep or a port scan
so attackers feel they can use it with relatively little risk of detection

Steps to Verify
• Inquire whether the target of the RDP connection attempts should even be setup to accept
RDP connections
• Inquire whether this host should be initiating the number of RDP connections to the targets
listed in the detection
• If this host is a jump server, retrieve the logs of the jump server to see what upstream
connections are the originators of the large number of failed RDP connections

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RPC Recon



30-70 10-95
Threat Certainty

• This host is making RPC calls to a large number of other hosts
T1082 System Information
Discovery • The number of hosts being contacted far exceeds the number of hosts normally contacted
as observed on this network
T1201 Password Policy • The threat score is driven by how commonly the UUIDs used in the RPCs are seen in
reconnaissance tools and how useful they are to creating a map of the network
T1087 Account Discovery • The certainty score is driven by how much the number of hosts contacted exceeds locally
learned normal threshold and how useful the observed UUIDs used in the RPCs are in
T1124 System Time Discovery
performing reconnaissance tasks
T1049 System Network
Connections Discovery
Possible Root Causes
T1007 System Service • An attacker is active inside the network and is mining information from individual hosts in
Discovery order to build a better map of assets in the network
T1057 Process Discovery • The information mined can include what accounts have recently logged into which hosts
and can be used in deciding where to steal privileged account credentials
T1069 Permission Groups
• An admin is completing authorized system management activity
• Endpoint management software installed on a central server is performing periodic system
T1033 System Owner/User management activity
Discovery • Specialized hardware, including IoT, is utilizing RPC for peer discovery and identification
T1135 Network Share
Discovery Business Impact
• A scan of neighboring hosts’ information is an effective way for an attacker to complete a
detailed map of what happens where inside the target organization’s network
• Reconnaissance within a network is a precursor to active attacks which ultimately exposes
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
• This form of reconnaissance is often a lot less noticeable than a port sweep or a port scan
so attackers feel they can use it with relatively little risk of detection

Steps to Verify
• Examine the local logs on the host making the RPC queries for a more detailed view of
activity by this host
• Inquire whether the host should be contacting the hosts listed in the detection
• If the behavior continues and remains unexplained, determine which process on the internal
host is establishing the connections over which the RPC requests are made; in Windows
systems, this can be done using a combination of netstat and tasklist commands

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RPC Targeted Recon



30-70 10‒95
Threat Certainty

T1007 System Service • This host is making one or more RPC function calls indicative of information gathering to
Discovery one or more other hosts
• The RPC function calls related to information gathering being made differ from ones
T1082 System Information
normally made by this host or received by the target host
• The threat score is driven by the number of recon functions used during a single connection
T1124 System Time Discovery made by this host and the score is boosted if some of the functions are in the list of
T1077 Windows Admin Shares functions associated with known attacker techniques
• The certainty score is driven by how far the list of RPC functions used during a connection
T1049 System Network
diverges from the list of RPC recon function that were previously observed in use by this
Connections Discovery
T1057 Process Discovery

T1069 Permission Groups Possible Root Causes

Discovery • An attacker is active inside the network and is mining information from individual hosts in
T1087 Account Discovery order to better understand the usefulness of the target host to furthering the attack
• The information mined may include recently logged on accounts, running services, available
T1135 Network Share
network shares, or password hashes
• An admin is completing authorized system management activity
T1201 Password Policy • Endpoint management software installed on a central server is performing periodic system
Discovery • management activity
• Specialized hardware, including IoT, is utilizing RPC for peer discovery and identification

Business Impact
• Retrieval of a key host’s information is an effective way for an attacker to further a “low-and-
slow” attack on an organization’s network
• Reconnaissance within a network is a precursor to active attacks which ultimately exposes
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
• This form of reconnaissance is often a lot less noticeable than a port sweep, a port scan,
or even the widespread use of RPCs to many hosts, so attackers feel they can use it with
relatively little risk of detection

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SMB Account Scan



20-70 10-95
Threat Certainty

• A host rapidly makes use of multiple accounts via the SMB protocol which can be used for
T1087 Account Discovery
file sharing, RPC and other activity
• The threat score is driven by the number of unique IPs or accounts scanned relative to the
total number of accounts scanned
• The certainty score is driven by the number of accounts scanned

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is trying to determine the existence of accounts in order to progress to the next
step in the attack
• The attacker is working through a list of accounts with well-known default passwords in an
attempt to find a working account/password combination
• This host provides services through a portal and many users are using the portal by logging
in and requesting services which require an SMB connection to fulfill

Business Impact
• An account scan is an effective way for an attacker to determine what accounts are available
inside an organization’s network
• Reconnaissance within a network is a precursor to active attacks which ultimately exposes
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
• This form of reconnaissance is often a lot less noticeable than a port sweep or a port scan
so attackers feel they can use it with relatively little risk of detection

Steps to Verify
• If logs of user session activity are available, examine the logs for a more detailed view of
activity by this host
• Inquire whether the host should be utilizing the user accounts listed in the detection
• Verify that the host from which authentication is attempted is not a shared resource as this
could generate a sufficient variety of account usage to resemble an account scan

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Suspicious LDAP Query



20‒70 10‒95
Threat Certainty

T1087 Account Discovery • This host is querying Active Directory using the LDAP protocol in a manner that appears like
reconnaissance behavior
T1018 Remote System
• The LDAP queries are either unusually broad in scope or are specifically targeting accounts
and groups that have names which imply administrative privilege
T1482 Domain Trust • The threat score is driven by the volume of returned objects across the suspicious queries
observed: a high volume of returned objects leads to a higher score and a low volume leads
to a lower score
• The certainty score is driven by the number of suspicious queries observed: hosts that make
multiple suspicious queries will have a higher certainty

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is active inside the network and is mining information from one or more Active
Directory servers in order to build a better map of assets in the network
• An admin is retrieving information from AD in order to complete a certain task or create a
• An auditing application installed on this host is retrieving information from AD as part of its
core functionality

Business Impact
• A scan of information in an Active Directory server is an effective way for an attacker to
determine what accounts are privileged inside an organization’s network and what the
names of servers and infrastructure components are
• Reconnaissance within a network is a precursor to active attacks which ultimately exposes
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
• This form of reconnaissance is often a lot less noticeable than a port sweep or a port scan
so attackers feel they can use it with relatively little risk of detection

Steps to Verify
• Examine the Kerberos or Active Directory server logs for a more detailed view of activity by
this host
• Inquire whether the host should be making the queries listed in the detection
• If the LDAP queries continue and remain unexplained, determine which process on
the internal host is making the queries; in Windows systems, this can be done using a
combination of netstat and tasklist commands

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Suspicious Port Scan



30-60 10-80
Threat Certainty

• An internal host has attempted contact with many ports on a small number of internal IP
T1082 System Information
Discovery addresses
• The threat score is driven by the number of ports being scanned
T1018 Remote System • The certainty score is driven by the number and frequency of scanning attempts

T1072 Third Party Software Possible Root Causes

T1046 Network Service • An infected internal system that is part of a targeted attack is trying to locate any services
Scanning which may be active on a small number of hosts by attempting connections on different
ports on one or more IP addresses
T1016 System Network
Configuration Discovery • An IT-run vulnerability scanner or asset discovery system is mapping out system services on
a host
• The detected host is communicating with another host using a peer-to-peer protocol and
the traffic configuration on the switch is only supplying one direction of the traffic to the
Vectra sensor

Business Impact
• Reconnaissance of individual systems may represent the beginning of a targeted attack in
your network
• If the system being scanned is an important or critical asset, any unauthorized scan should
be treated with utmost suspicion
• Authorized reconnaissance by vulnerability scanners and asset discovery systems should
be limited to a small number of hosts which can be whitelisted for this behavior using triage

Steps to Verify
• Check to see if the detected host is authorized to perform port scans on the target hosts
• Look at the pattern of ports being scanned to try to determine what the detected host may
be searching for
• If the pattern appears random and distributed over time, it is likely some form of
reconnaissance and should be dealt with before the attack progresses further

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Suspicious Port Sweep



30-60 10-80
Threat Certainty

T1082 System Information • An internal host has attempted contact with a large number of internal IP addresses on a
Discovery small number of ports
• The threat score is lower for scattered scans and higher when a single port is scanned
T1018 Remote System
across many IP addresses
• The certainty score is driven by the number and frequency of scanning attempts
T1072 Third Party Software

T1046 Network Service Possible Root Causes

Scanning • An infected internal system that is part of a targeted attack is contacting a large number
T1016 System Network of internal IP addresses on a small number of ports to find systems which are running
Configuration Discovery particular software that may be vulnerable to an attack
• An IT-run vulnerability scanner or asset discovery system is mapping out system services in
your network
• A host with an unusual discovery mechanism is looking for a service on its local subnet
• Alarm equipment or IP cameras are performing large-scale scans due to misconfiguration or
firmware bugs

Business Impact
• Reconnaissance of your systems may represent the beginning of a targeted attack in your
• Authorized reconnaissance by vulnerability scanners and asset discovery systems should
be limited to a small number of hosts which can be whitelisted for this behavior using triage

Steps to Verify
• Check to see if the detected host is authorized to perform port sweeps
• Look at the pattern of ports being scanned to determine the intent of the scan
• If the pattern appears random and distributed over time, it is likely some form of
reconnaissance and should be dealt with before the attack progresses further

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 42

Steps to Verify
• Examine the local logs on the host making the RPC queries for a more detailed view of
activity by this host
• Inquire whether the host should be contacting the hosts listed in the detection
• If the behavior continues and remains unexplained, determine which process on the internal
• host is establishing the connections over which the RPC requests are made; in Windows
systems, this can be done using a combination of netstat and tasklist commands

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Lateral Movement C&C

• Covers scenarios of lateral action meant to further a

targeted attack
Recon Botnet
• This can involve attempts to steal account credentials or
to steal data from another resource

• It can also involve compromising another host or account

to make the attacker’s foothold more durable or to get Lateral Exfil
closer to target data

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Automated Replication
Lateral Movement



22-67 22-72
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is sending very similar payloads to several internal targets
T1072 Software Deployment
Tools • This may be the result of an infected host sending one or more exploits to other hosts in an
attempt to infect them
T1210 Exploitation of Remote • The certainty score is driven by the number of targeted hosts and the detection of an
upstream propagator
• The threat score is driven by the number of targeted hosts and number of different exploits,
particularly exploits on different ports

Possible Root Causes

• An infected host which is part of a botnet is trying to expand the botnet’s footprint by
infecting additional hosts
• An infected host which is taking part in a targeted attack is trying to spread laterally in an
effort to get closer to data it wants to exfiltrate
• An agent on the host is utilizing unusual techniques to discover an available service

Business Impact
• Internal spreading of botnet-related malware often is repeated by the next infected host,
thus mimicking a computer worm and rapidly infecting all possible hosts
• A wide scale spread of botnet-related malware will incur significant remediation costs
• Lateral spread which is part of a targeted attack makes the attack more resilient and gets it
closer to your crown jewels

Steps to Verify
• Look at the protocol and port listed in the detection to determine what network service is
being exploited
• Determine if there’s any reason for this host to be communicating these services on the
listed targets
• Try to ascertain what software on this host would emit the traffic being seen
• Examine the packet capture file to see if this appears to be a network discovery attempt

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Lateral Movement



30-80 40-95
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is making many login attempts on an internal system, behavior which is
T1110 Brute Force
consistent with a brute-force password attack
• Such attacks can be performed via different protocols (e.g. RDP, VNC, SSH) and may also
be a Heartbleed attack (e.g. memory scraping)
• The threat score is driven by the number of attempts and timing with which the attack is
• The certainty score is driven by the total number of sessions in the attack

Possible Root Causes

• An infected host or a malicious insider in control of the host is trying to guess passwords on
another internal system
• A misconfigured host is constantly trying to connect to one or more other internal systems

Business Impact
• Successful harvesting of account credentials (usernames and password) of other accounts,
particularly more privileged accounts, is a classic progression of a targeted attack
• Even if triggered due to a misconfiguration, the identified misconfiguration is creating
significant stress on the target system and should be cleaned up

Steps to Verify
• Determine whether the internal host in question should be connecting to the target host; if
not, this is likely malicious behavior
• Determine which process on the internal host is sending traffic to the internal IP address(es)
and ports; in Windows systems, this can be done using a combination of netstat and tasklist
• Verify that the process should be running on the infected host and whether the process is
configured correctly

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Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Account on Host
Lateral Movement



0 Service
20‒55 30‒95
Threat Certainty

T1078 Valid Accounts • A privileged account is used to access a privileged service, but is doing so from a host
which the account has not been observed on but where the host (using other accounts) has
T1098 Account Manipulation
been seen accessing the service
T1552 Unsecured Credentials • The threat score is driven by the privilege scores of the three entities (account, host, and
T1555 Credentials from service)
Password Stores • The certainty score is driven by the observed stability of the account, host, and service

T1040 Network Sniffing clusters and the extent of the abnormality of the access and is inversely affected by the
number of hosts on which the account is used
T1033 System Owner/User
Possible Root Causes
T1212 Exploitation for
• The privileged account has been compromised and is being used to access a privileged
Credential Access
service normal for the account, but from a host that the account is typically not used from;
T1484 Group Policy additionally, the host used for the access is itself a normal place from which to connect to
the privileged server, just not with this account
T1556 Modify Authentication • A privileged employee has borrowed another privileged user’s machine (either due to their
Process primary laptop crashing or because they are away from their desk) to perform what is
T1558 Steal or Forge Kerberos otherwise normal work for the account

T1550 Use Alternate Business Impact

Authentication Material • Lateral movement within a network involving privileged accounts, hosts, or services exposes
T1539 Steal Web Session an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
Cookie • Unexplained unusual patterns of use of privileged accounts, hosts, and services are involved

T1003 OS Credential Dumping in almost all major breaches

• Attacks carried out by rogue insiders will often exhibit unusual patterns of use as well
T1136 Create Account
• The accounts and hosts used and the services accessed provide a possible perspective on
the potential business impact

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Steps to Verify
• Examine the Kerberos or Active Directory server logs for a more detailed view of activity by
this account since, if it has been compromised, all hosts the account has been on must be
considered to be compromised as well
• Carefully inquire into whether the owner of the host in question would expect the account
listed in the detection to be used on this host
• Verify that the host from which authentication is attempted is not a shared resource as this
could mean that the attacker is using it as a pivot point

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Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Host
Lateral Movement



0 Service
30‒75 30‒95
Threat Certainty

T1078 Valid Accounts • An account is used to access a service from a host which the account is not usually on
and from which the service is not usually accessed and at least the service (and likely the
T1098 Account Manipulation
account) has a high privilege score OR the privilege score of the host is suspiciously low in
T1552 Unsecured Credentials
comparison to the privilege levels of the account and service
T1555 Credentials from • The threat score is driven by the privilege scores of the three entities (account, host and
Password Stores service) OR the closeness of the privilege score of the most privileged entity to the threshold
T1040 Network Sniffing denoting high privilege
• The certainty score is driven by the observed stability of the account, host and service
T1033 System Owner/User
Discovery clusters and the number of entities in each relationship (e.g. the number of services the
account has been observed to access) and the extent of the abnormality of the host
T1212 Exploitation for
compared to the hosts typically used with the account and the service OR the number of
Credential Access
times the anomaly is triggered
T1484 Group Policy
Possible Root Causes
T1556 Modify Authentication
• The account is under the control of an attacker and is being used from an unusual host to
connect to one or more services which are normal for the account but abnormal from the
T1558 Steal or Forge Kerberos host
• An employee or contractor with approved access to the network who pretty consistently
T1550 Use Alternate works from a particular set of hosts has been assigned a new host or has temporarily
Authentication Material decided to work from another host
T1539 Steal Web Session
Cookie Business Impact
T1003 OS Credential Dumping • Lateral movement within a network involving privileged accounts, hosts or services exposes
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
T1136 Create Account
• Unexplained unusual patterns of use of privileged accounts, hosts and services are involved
in almost all major breaches
• Attacks carried out by rogue insiders will often exhibit unusual patterns of use as well
• The accounts and hosts used and the services accessed provide a possible perspective on
the potential business impact

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 49

Steps to Verify
• Examine the Kerberos or Active Directory server logs for a more detailed view of activity by
this account across all hosts
• Carefully inquire into whether the owner of the host in question should be using the specified
accounts to access the listed services
• Verify that the host from which authentication is attempted is not a shared resource as this
could mean that the attacker is using it as a pivot point

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Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Service
Lateral Movement



0 Service
55‒75 30‒95
Threat Certainty

T1078 Valid Accounts • An account which is typically used from this host is accessing a service which the account
has not been observed accessing from any host and at least two entities (account and
T1098 Account Manipulation
service) have high privilege scores
T1552 Unsecured Credentials
• The threat score is driven by the privilege scores of the three entities (account, host and
T1555 Credentials from service)
Password Stores • The certainty score is driven by the observed stability of the account, host and service
T1040 Network Sniffing clusters and the number of entities in each relationship (e.g. the number of services the
account has been observed to access) and the extent of the abnormality of the service
T1033 System Owner/User
Discovery compared to the services typically used with the account and the host

T1212 Exploitation for

Credential Access Possible Root Causes
• The host is under the control of an attacker and the account on the host is being used to
T1484 Group Policy
connect to one or more services which are abnormal for the account and may or may not be
abnormal for the host
T1556 Modify Authentication
• An employee or contractor with approved access to the network has been assigned a new
project or job which involve new privileged services which are quite abnormal given their
T1558 Steal or Forge Kerberos prior role
T1550 Use Alternate Business Impact
Authentication Material
• Lateral movement within a network involving privileged accounts, hosts or services exposes
T1539 Steal Web Session an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
Cookie • Unexplained unusual patterns of use of privileged accounts, hosts and services are involved
T1003 OS Credential Dumping in almost all major breaches
• Attacks carried out by rogue insiders will often exhibit unusual patterns of use as well
T1136 Create Account
• The accounts and hosts used and the services accessed provide a possible perspective on
the potential business impact

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 51

Steps to Verify
• Examine the Kerberos or Active Directory server logs for a more detailed view of activity by
this host and account since if the host is compromised, the account must be considered to
be compromised as well
• Carefully inquire into whether the owner of the host in question should be using the specified
accounts to access the listed services
• Verify that the host from which authentication is attempted is not a shared resource as this
could mean that the attacker is using it as a pivot point

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Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Service - Insider
Lateral Movement



0 Privileged Service
20–50 10‒60
Threat Certainty

T1078 Valid Accounts • An account with a low privilege score is used from a host that has a low privilege score to
access a service which has a substantially higher privilege score
T1098 Account Manipulation
• The threat score is driven by the privilege scores of the three entities (account, host and
T1552 Unsecured Credentials
service) when the service privilege is high; for medium privilege services being accessed
T1555 Credentials from from low privileged hosts and accounts, the threat score is driven by the degree of mismatch
Password Stores in the privilege scores
T1040 Network Sniffing • The certainty score is driven by the observed stability of the account, host and service
clusters and the number of entities in each relationship (e.g. the number of services the
T1033 System Owner/User
Discovery account has been observed to access) and the extent of the abnormality of the service
compared to the services typically used with the account and the host; for medium privilege
T1212 Exploitation for
services being accessed from low privileged hosts and accounts, the certainty score is
Credential Access
driven by the number of anomalous transactions observed
T1484 Group Policy
Possible Root Causes
T1556 Modify Authentication
• The host is under the control of an attacker and the account on the host is being used to
connect to one or more higher privileged services
T1558 Steal or Forge Kerberos
• The account is under the control of an attacker and is being used from multiple hosts to
connect to one or more higher privileged services
T1550 Use Alternate • A new admin has been hired and as the account used by the admin is new and the machine
Authentication Material
assigned to the admin is new, both have low privilege scores; when the admin then begins
T1539 Steal Web Session to perform legitimate work, detections are triggered until the privilege scores of the admin’s
Cookie account and host are raised based on observed activity
T1003 OS Credential Dumping • A new service is being rolled out and it was initially only used by higher privileged admin
accounts (and thus considered to be a high privilege service) but then release for use by a
T1136 Create Account
broader set of lower privileged accounts
• A rarely used service is generally accessed by higher privileged accounts, but is technically
also available to lower privileged accounts is accessed by one such low privileged accounts

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 53

Business Impact
• Lateral movement within a network involving privileged accounts, hosts or services exposes
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
• Unexplained unusual patterns of use of privileged accounts, hosts and services are involved
in almost all major breaches
• Attacks carried out by rogue insiders will often exhibit unusual patterns of use as well
• The accounts and hosts used and the services accessed provide a possible perspective on
the potential business impact

Steps to Verify
• Examine the Kerberos or Active Directory server logs for a more detailed view of activity by
this host and account since if the host is compromised, the account must be considered to
be compromised as well
• Carefully inquire into whether the owner of the host in question should be using the specified
accounts to access the listed services
• Verify that the host from which authentication is attempted is not a shared resource as this
could mean that the attacker is using it as a pivot point

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Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Service from Host
Lateral Movement



0 Service
20‒50 30‒95
Threat Certainty

T1078 Valid Accounts • A privileged account is used to access a privileged service, and is doing so from a host
which the account has been observed on but where the host has not been seen accessing
T1098 Account Manipulation
the service
T1552 Unsecured Credentials
• The threat score is driven by the privilege scores of the three entities (account, host, and
T1555 Credentials from service)
Password Stores • The certainty score is driven by the observed stability of the account, host, and service
T1040 Network Sniffing clusters and the extent of the abnormality of the access and is inversely affected by the
number of hosts on which the service is used
T1033 System Owner/User

T1212 Exploitation for

Possible Root Causes
Credential Access • The privileged account has been compromised and is being used to access a privileged
service normal for the account, but from a host that the service is typically not accessed
T1484 Group Policy
from; additionally, the host used for the access is itself a normal place for this account, but
not a place from which this service is accessed by any account
T1556 Modify Authentication
• A privileged employee has decided to use their backup/secondary machine (either due to
their primary laptop crashing or because they are away from their desk) to perform what is
T1558 Steal or Forge Kerberos otherwise normal work for the account
T1550 Use Alternate Business Impact
Authentication Material
• Lateral movement within a network involving privileged accounts, hosts, or services exposes
T1539 Steal Web Session an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
Cookie • Unexplained unusual patterns of use of privileged accounts, hosts, and services are involved
T1003 OS Credential Dumping in almost all major breaches
• Attacks carried out by rogue insiders will often exhibit unusual patterns of use as well
T1136 Create Account
• The accounts and hosts used and the services accessed provide a possible perspective on
the potential business impact

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 55

Steps to Verify
• Examine the Kerberos or Active Directory server logs for a more detailed view of activity by
this account since if it has been compromised, all hosts the account has been on must be
considered to be compromised as well
• Verify that the host in question is a secondary machine owned by the account owner
• Verify that the host from which authentication is attempted is not a shared resource as this
could mean that the attacker is using it as a pivot point

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Privilege Anomaly: Unusual Trio
Lateral Movement



0 Service
60‒95 30‒95
Threat Certainty

T1078 Valid Accounts • An account is used from a host to request access to a service where none of the pairings
(account-host, account-service and host-service) are consistent with prior observed
T1098 Account Manipulation
behavior and at least the service is considered privileged
T1552 Unsecured Credentials
• The threat score is driven by the privilege scores of the three entities (account, host and
T1555 Credentials from service)
Password Stores • The certainty score is driven by the observed stability of the account, host and service
T1040 Network Sniffing clusters and the number of entities in each relationship (e.g. the number of services the
account has been observed to access) and the extent of the abnormality of the transaction
T1033 System Owner/User
Discovery with regards to each of the three entities involved

T1212 Exploitation for

Credential Access Possible Root Causes
• The account or host (or both) are under the control of an attacker and are being used to in a
T1484 Group Policy
manner which is abnormal for all three entities (account, host and service) involved
• An employee or contractor with approved access to the network is attacking the
T1556 Modify Authentication
organization by using their account on an unusual host or someone else’s account on their
host to access a service which neither the account nor the host usually connects to
T1558 Steal or Forge Kerberos
Business Impact
T1550 Use Alternate • Lateral movement within a network involving privileged accounts, hosts or services exposes
Authentication Material
an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
T1539 Steal Web Session • Unexplained unusual patterns of use of privileged accounts, hosts and services are involved
Cookie in almost all major breaches
T1003 OS Credential Dumping • Attacks carried out by rogue insiders will often exhibit unusual patterns of use as well
• The accounts and hosts used and the services accessed provide a possible perspective on
T1136 Create Account
the potential business impact

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 57

Steps to Verify
• Examine the Kerberos or Active Directory server logs for a more detailed view of activity by
this host and account and requests made for the service
• Carefully inquire into whether the owner of the host in question should be using the specified
accounts to access the listed services
• Verify that the host from which authentication is attempted is not a shared resource as this
could mean that the attacker is using it as a pivot point

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Ransomware File Activity
Lateral Movement



0 C B A
50-99 50-99
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is connected to one or more file servers via the SMB protocol and is rapidly
T1486 Data Encrypted for
Impact reading files and writing files of roughly the same size and with roughly the same file name
• This pattern is highly correlated with how ransomware interacts with file servers
• Given the potential for damage, the threat score for detections of this type is high
• The certainty score is driven by the volume and persistence of the observed activity

Possible Root Causes

• The internal host is infected with a variant of ransomware
• A benign application on the host is rapidly reading files from and writing files to a networked
file share
• A user is compiling a large set of source files located on a file share, causing a pattern of
reading and writing files that exhibits a similar pattern

Business Impact
• Ransomware encrypts files and transmits the encryption key to the attacker
• The attacker then attempts to extract a ransom (typically payable in an untraceable cyber
currency) from the organization in return for a promise to release the encryption key which
allows the files to be recovered
• Even if your organization is willing to pay the ransom, there is no guarantee that the
encryption key will be provided by the attacker
• Absent the encryption key, files will have to be restored from a backup and any changes
since the last backup will be lost

Steps to Verify
• Examine the sample files referenced in the detection and see if the original files are missing
and the files that have replaced them carry strange but similar file names or file extensions
• Check the directory in which the files reside for ransom notes with instructions on how to
pay the ransom and retrieve the encryption key

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SMB Brute-Force
Lateral Movement



20-70 10-95
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is utilizing the SMB protocol to make many login attempts using the same
T1110 Brute Force
account(s), behavior which is consistent with a brute-force password attack
• Many, though not necessarily all, of these authentications are observed to fail
• The threat score is driven by the rate of login attempts
• The certainty score is driven by the overall number of login attempts

Possible Root Causes

• An infected host or a malicious insider in control of the host is trying to guess passwords for
an account on another internal system
• A misconfigured host is constantly trying to connect to one or more other internal systems
using an incorrect password or trying to log into an account which no longer exists or is
locked out

Business Impact
• Successful harvesting of account credentials (usernames and passwords) of other accounts,
particularly more privileged accounts, is a classic progression of a targeted attack
• Even if triggered due to a misconfiguration, the identified behavior is creating significant
stress on the target system and should be cleaned up

Steps to Verify
• Determine whether the internal host in question should be connecting to the target host
using the indicated account(s); if not, this is likely malicious behavior
• Determine which process on the internal host is initiating the SMB requests; in Windows
systems, this can be done using a combination of netstat and tasklist commands
• Verify that the process should be running on the internal host and whether the process is
configured correctly

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Shell Knocker Client
Lateral Movement



20-70 10-70
Threat Certainty

• The host is communicating in an unusual manner with an internal server on a port that has
T1205 Traffic Signaling
previously shown a stable pattern for requests and responses
• The request sent to the internal server and the response received from it don’t conform to
any of the previously observed patterns
• The threat score is driven by either the duration of the connection between the client and the
server; if the server returns a null response, the threat score is driven by the size of the client
• The certainty score is driven by the level of dissimilarity between normal patterns of
communication and the flagged communication

Possible Root Causes

• The server has been compromised and the port has been hijacked to enable communication
to the compromised part of the system without requiring a new port to be utilized for the
• The client or the server has been recently upgraded and the pattern of use on the server port
has changed
• This client has an unusual configuration in that it communicates with the port on the server
in a manner unlike all the other observed communication on that port

Business Impact
• Port hijacking is a technique attackers use to enable communication to a compromised
server without raising alarms which may go off when a new port is used on an existing
• Compromised servers are often more valuable than compromised laptops as they remain
on the network at all times and are often located in the data center where most of an
organization’s important data resides

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 61

Steps to Verify
• See if the pattern of the flagged request and response represent acceptable deviations
from the normal patterns or are significant departures such as binary data in an otherwise
character-based protocol
• Inquire whether the software which emitted the request on this host has recently been
updated as this may cause detections for a short period of time after the update
• Inquire whether the software on the server which responded to the request has recently
been updated as this may cause detections for a short period of time after the update
• If the changed pattern remains unexplained, boot the client and server using a known good
image on a USB device, then mount the local drive and scan it for signs of compromise

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Shell Knocker Server
Lateral Movement



20-70 10-70
Threat Certainty

• The server is communicating in an unusual manner with an internal client on a port that has
T1205 Traffic Signaling
previously shown a stable pattern for requests and responses
• The request received by the server and the response sent by it don’t conform to any of the
previously observed patterns
• The threat score is driven by either the duration of the connection between the client and the
server; if the server returns a null response, the threat score is driven by the size of the client
• The certainty score is driven by the level of dissimilarity between normal patterns of
communication and the flagged communication

Possible Root Causes

• The server has been compromised and the port has been hijacked to enable communication
to the compromised part of the system without requiring a new port to be utilized for the
• The client or the server has been recently upgraded and the pattern of use on the server port
has changed
• The client which triggered the detection has an unusual configuration in that it
communicates with the port on this server in a manner unlike all the other observed
communication on the port

Business Impact
• Port hijacking is a technique attackers use to enable communication to a compromised
server without raising alarms which may go off when a new port is used on an existing
• Compromised servers are often more valuable than compromised laptops as they remain
on the network at all times and are often located in the data center where most of an
organization’s important data resides

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 63

Steps to Verify
• See if the pattern of the flagged request and response represent acceptable deviations
from the normal patterns or are significant departures such as binary data in an otherwise
character-based protocol
• Inquire whether the software which emitted the request on the client has recently been
updated as this may cause detections for a short period of time after the update
• Inquire whether the software on this server which responded to the request has recently
been updated as this may cause detections for a short period of time after the update
• This type of backdoor is most likely to be in a kernel module, so produce a list of all installed
kernel modules and verify against list of good known kernel modules
• If the changed pattern remains unexplained, boot the client and server using a known good
image on a USB device, then mount the local drive and scan it for signs of compromise

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 64

SQL Injection Activity
Lateral Movement





30-80 10-95
Threat Certainty

• An internal host sends requests to a Web server and embeds SQL fragments into HTTP Post
T1190 Exploit Public Facing
Application data or the URL to gain access to the backend database; the requests appear machine-
generated due to the large volume and rate of arrival
• The threat score is driven by the volume of HTTP requests containing SQL fragments and
the size of the returned data
• The certainty score is driven by the number of requests sent and their classification as SQL

Possible Root Causes

• An infected system that is part of targeted attack is looking for vulnerabilities in an
internal Web app through which to access the database integrated into it, or is harvesting
information for later exfiltration
• An IT-operated vulnerability scanner is scanning for Web app vulnerabilities
• A software application on the host uses the unsafe practice of passing passes SQL
statements in HTTP Post data or in a URL

Business Impact
• Probing and potentially exploiting an internal Web application’s vulnerabilities can be a
prelude to a targeted attack getting access to data and then exfiltrating it
• Application software that passes SQL statements in HTTP Post data or as part of a URL
may be vulnerable to attackers as they can send very different input than the application
writer expects

Steps to Verify
• Verify systems identified as the source of SQL injection attacks should be communicating
directly with SQL servers; download the PCAP to see the entire HTTP Post data or the URL
to determine if its behaving as expected
• If this pattern is coming from neither an IT-run vulnerability scanner nor from software that by
design sends SQL statements in requests, check for presence of malware on the host

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 65

Stage Loader
Lateral Movement



30‒90 50‒95
Threat Certainty

T1210 Exploitation of Remote • The detection results from the observation of two closed sessions where an internal host is
Services attacking another internal host by uploading a payload which causes the destination host to
T1570 Lateral Tool Transfer connect back to the initial host to download additional stages of software
• The threat score is higher if the count of connections made back to the initial host’s callback
port is low; it is also higher the smaller the time-gap is between the initial payload upload
connection and the connection made to download the stage; and callback ports of 4444 or
1337 (commonly used in post-exploit command and control) further boosts the threat score
• The certainty score is driven by the similarity of the exchange to a model trained on
malicious samples—the model includes bytes sent, bytes received, time-gap between initial
payload and callback, protocol-difference between the two connections, and the durations
for both first and second connection

Possible Root Causes

• The initial host is transmitting an exploit to a destination host which runs a stage loader and
connects back to the initial host to load the rest of the malware necessary for the attacker to
make progress toward their goal
• Bidirectional transaction-based protocols where commands or requests are issued over
one port/protocol and data is returned shortly thereafter over another port/protocol can also
trigger the detection—common protocols which behave in this manner include the WinRM
2.0 Framework (used for Windows remote management), PostgreSQL, and SNPP (Simple
Network Paging Protocol)

Business Impact
• Lateral movement within a network expands an attacker’s footprint and exposes an
organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
• Lateral movement through exploits or leveraging stolen credentials is involved in almost all
high-profile breaches
• The destination host which is attacked provides a possible perspective on the potential
business impact

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Suspicious Active Directory Operations
Lateral Movement



90 20
Threat Certainty

• Either a new or non-domain controller host successfully triggered an anomalous Active
TA0006 Credential Access
T1207 Rogue Domain Control Directory replication request against a legitimate domain controller. This functionality is
normally limited to usage by domain controllers and limited high-privilege service accounts.

Possible Root Causes

Malicious Detection
• Provided the malicious actor has the required permissions and connectivity to a domain
controller, they can leverage the DRS RPC protocol to successfully execute the following
• DCSync: A malicious actor mimics a domain controller and targets a legitimate domain
controller to invoke a Replication request (GetNCChanges) of the targeted AD Database
containing hashed passwords.
• DCShadow: A malicious actor creates a rogue domain controller by targeting a legitimate
domain controller to add itself to a group of hosts permitted to receive these requests
(domain controllers). The attacker will then force replication, dumping the Active Directory
database and hashed password to the rogue domain controller. The attacker then typically
removes itself from the list of hosts permitted to receive the requests.

Benign Detection
• A new domain controller has been deployed and hasn’t had enough history to be identified
as a domain controller.

Business Impact
• Specific Risk: Successful execution of either attack results in access to both usernames
and hashed passwords of the targeted Active Directory infrastructure. An attacker can then
perform offline attacks against the hashed passwords to escalate access.
• Impact: These attacks likely result in a full domain compromise due to malicious actor
having access to privileged account hashed passwords which will either be cracked or used
to authenticate (NTLM) to other services/hosts.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the host involved in the alert, verify if the host is a true domain controller through
either an internal CMDB or Active Query of Domain Controller hosts on your environment.

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- Either the addition or removal of a domain controller on an environment is a rare event
in comparison to other events within the environment and more specially within the RPC
metadata stream.
- Usage of requests like GetNCChanges, ReplicaAdd, or UpdateRefs are explicit are
specific to only domain controllers.
- If this host is a domain controller you should add it to the Domain Controllers Group, and
apply a triage filter to exclude this host from generating a detection.
• Based on your environments configuration the replication requests should occur on a timely
interval (default 15 minutes). In normal usage, you should see subsequent replication events.
In malicious cases, these events will typically occur once, as there is no requirement for
another replication of the database.
• Review logs for indications of either privileged accounts with the following:
- Privileged accounts using old/odd authentication types such as NTLM to new hosts and
- Privileged accounts invoking actions across multiple hosts on network within the RPC
metadata stream

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Suspicious Admin
Lateral Movement



25-70 10-95
Threat Certainty

T1003 OS Credential • The host is using protocols correlated with administrative activity (RDP, SSH, IPMI, iDRAC,
Dumping etc.) in ways which are considered suspicious
• The threat score is driven by the number of other administrative connections made by this
T1078 Valid Accounts
T1212 Exploitation For • The certainty score is driven by the number of other recognized administrators of the target
Credential Access systems using the same administrative protocol
T1552 Unsecure Credentials

T1555 Credentials From Possible Root Causes

Password Stores • The host has begun using an administrative protocol to connect to a system for which one
or more other hosts have already been observed to be regular administrators using the same
T1021 Remote Services
T1563 Remote Service • Administrative connections via a particular administrative protocol to a system which has no
Session Hijacking known regular administrators using that protocol will not result in a detection
• Administrative connections to a system which has a known regular administrator host
using the chosen protocol will also not result in a detection if there is significant overlap
in administrative connections to other systems between this host and the other known
administrator host
• If such an administrative connection recurs over a period of several days, it is considered
normal and no longer will trigger a detection
• The detection may be benign when it involves a host assigned to a new employee
authorized to administrate the target systems or when the role of the employee has
undergone a significant change

Business Impact
• Administrative protocols are a primary tool for attackers to move laterally inside a network in
which they have already established a toehold
• Given that administrative connections are typically used in conjunction with administrative
credentials, the attacker may have almost unconstrained access to systems and data that
are the organization’s key assets
• Unexpected and unexplained administrative connections represent a huge potential risk in
the lifecycle of a major breach

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Steps to Verify
• Verify whether the host belongs to an employee whose job function requires administrative
access to other systems
• Verify whether the employee who has been assigned the host should be using the particular
administrative protocol to administer the identified system
• Inquire whether the owner of the host actually initiated the administrative connection in order
to determine whether the host has been compromised
• Check the logs on the administered target for the creation of new accounts, the launch of
abnormal processes and the modification of registry key
• If employee associated with this host was not the originator of the admin session, reset all
domain and local admin credentials belonging to the employee across the local machine
and the network
• If the credentials of the employee whose machine was compromised had domain
administrative privileges, the secret key of the domain controller may have been
compromised and may need to be reset – search for “krbtgt account password change” to
find instructions on how to do this
• Verify that the host from which the administrative connection was originated is a jump
system as this may mean that the originator of the administrative connection is an upstream
host which connected to the jump system

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Suspicious Remote Desktop
Lateral Movement


50 RDP

Product ID
20-70 10-70
Threat Certainty

• A host connects to an internal RDP server with a keyboard layout or a product ID different
T1003 OS Credential
Dumping than the one usually seen in conjunction with the specified RDP client token
• A host connects to an internal RDP server with a keyboard layout that is unusual for that
T1078 Valid Accounts RDP server
T1212 Exploitation For • The threat score is driven by the types of anomalies observed with keyboard anomalies
Credential Access scoring higher and product ID anomalies scoring lower
• The certainty score is driven by the duration an RDP client token or server has been
T1552 Unsecure Credentials
monitored for construction of the baseline with a higher quality baseline resulting in a higher
T1555 Credentials From certainty
Password Stores • A host connects to an internal RDP server with a keyboard layout that is different from those
T1021 Remote Services usually seen on the network

Possible Root Causes

• An external foreign attacker who has taken over control of an internal host is using it with
unusual keyboard layouts to connect to RDP servers to move laterally in the network
• An external attacker who has taken over control of an internal host has brought along their
own RDP stack and is using it to connect to internal RDP servers to move laterally in the
• An employee has switched to their native keyboard layout while accessing an RDP server
• An employee has installed a new RDP client with a new product ID and is accessing an RDP

Business Impact
• Along with SSH, RDP is one of the most useful lateral movement protocols for attackers as it
allows remote control of the target as well as the copying of files across the connection
• This type of control and data acquisition may happen well in advance of actual exfiltration
attempts and represents a great chance to head off attacks before any substantial damage

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Steps to Verify
• For keyboard layout anomalies, inquire whether the user of the internal host is fluent in the
language of the flagged keyboard layout
• For an RDP product id anomaly, inquire whether IT has installed new RDP client software or
ask the user of the host whether they have done so

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Suspicious Remote Execution
Lateral Movement



20-70 10-95
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is utilizing the SMB or DCE RPC protocol to make one or more suspicious
T1569 System Services
RPC requests and referencing functions related to remote execution of code
T1021 Remote Services • The combination of source host, destination host, user account and RPC UUID has not
T1047 Windows Management previously been observed
Instrumentation • The threat score is driven by the number of destinations that received suspicious RPC
T1053 Scheduled Task/Job
• The certainty score is lower if the RPC UUID is broadly used and higher when it is not
T1078 Valid Accounts commonly used
T1570 Lateral Tool Transfer

T1571 Non-Standard Port Possible Root Causes

• An infected host, a malicious insider or a red team participant who is in control of the host is
T1572 Protocol Tunneling trying to spread laterally by executing code on systems to which it has connected
• Newly installed software or software that is infrequently used is legitimately making use
of remote execution RPCs; this behavior is relatively common for system management

Business Impact
• Lateral movement via remote execution is a key element of many different attacks and the
SMB channel allows both for the copying of executables and the use of RPCs to execute
• Even systems which are permitted to perform remote execution should be monitored
because those systems are the most valuable for an attacker to compromise

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Steps to Verify
• Determine whether the internal host in question should be using remote execution RPCs
• Determine whether the user account flagged in the detection is one with administrative
privileges and whether that administrator logged into the host which triggered the detection
• Determine whether the user account flagged in the detection is a service account associated
with a specific product and whether that product should be running on the host which
triggered the detection
• Determine which process on the internal host is initiating the SMB requests that includes
the RPC request; in Windows systems, this can be done using a combination of netstat and
tasklist commands
• Verify that the process should be running on the internal host and whether the process is
configured correctly

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Threat Intelligence Match
Lateral Movement



50‒99 30‒90
Threat Certainty

• An internal host has initiated communications with another internal host and the connection
has met criteria specified in one or more configured threat feeds
• The threat score is driven by the combination of the indicator type in the STIX file (with
watchlist and anonymization being lowest, malware artifacts being medium and C2 channel
and exfiltration being highest) and the quantity of data sent and received on the flagged
• The certainty score is specified as part of the threat feed configuration and ranges from low
(30) to medium (60) and high (90)

Possible Root Causes

• A host includes malware which is initiating the connection that triggered the detection
• A user on the host manually initiated the connection which triggered the detection

Business Impact
• The internal connection may be used by the originating host to compromise the target host
or to maintain communication with a previously compromised host
• If the connection is to a target host which contains important data, this may represent an
attempt to acquire data for later exfiltration
• The threat intel feed may have included additional context tied to the specific criteria that
the connection met
• Lateral movement and data acquisition are present in almost all large-scale breaches

Steps to Verify
• Refer to the information accompanying your threat feed as it may include verification and
remediation instructions
• Determine which process on the internal host is sending the traffic which was flagged; in
Windows systems, this can be done using a combination of netstat and tasklist commands
• Check if a user has knowingly installed remote access software and decide whether the
resulting risk is acceptable
• Scan the computer for known malware and potentially reimage it, noting that some
infections leave no trace on disk and reside entirely in memory

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Steps to Verify
• Determine whether there is any reason for the two hosts involved in a stage loading
sequence to be communicating with each other
• Check to see whether any connections between the initial and destination host (in either
direction) persist after the stage loading sequence
• Run all available endpoint checks on both the initial and the destination host to check for
unwanted malware, but realize that fileless malware will typically escape detection

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Exfiltration C&C

• Covers scenarios where data is being sent outside or

collected in a way meant to hide the data transfer
Recon Botnet
• While data is constantly being sent out of the network
or cloud environment, it usually does not involve the
use of techniques meant to hide the transfer

• The host or account transmitting the data, where it Lateral Exfil

is transmitting the data, the amount of data and the
technique used to send it all provide indicators of

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Data Gathering



30-70 50-95
Threat Certainty

• Pre-exfiltration behaviors have been observed on a host that has received abnormally high
T1213 Data From Information
Repositories amounts of data from one or more hosts within a short period of time.
• The certainty score is based on a combination of how abnormal the data gathered volume
T1074 Data Staged and the relative data gathered versus data sent volume is from the host’s baselines.
T1119 Automated Collection • The threat score is based on the total volume of data gathered and the number of hosts from
Alternative Protocol which data was gathered from.

T1039 Data from Network

Shared Drive Possible Root Causes
• An attacker has pivoted to a host to use for dumping/staging data prior to exfiltrating, likely
taking advantage of the trusted nature of this host to bypass security controls and evade
• A malicious insider is collecting data they intend to steal from a position of trust.
• A user has joined a new team, changed organizational roles, or otherwise been given reason
to significantly depart from their typical data access and retrieval activities.
• An application has been observed on an unusual or infrequent backup or update cycle.

Business Impact
• Failure to identify and respond to pre-exfiltration activities in an organization increases the
likelihood of data loss.
• When successful, data exfiltration places an organization at the risk of the loss of intellectual
property, financial data, or other regulated or sensitive data sources.

Steps to Verify
• Verify if the data gathered supports valid and authorized business activities.
• Investigate the host and associated accounts for other signs of compromise.

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Data Smuggler



60-95 10-95
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is acquiring a large amount of data from one or more internal servers and is
T1041 Exfiltration Over C2
Channel subsequently sending a significant amount of data to an external system
• The threat score is driven by the amount of data transmitted
T1213 Data From Information • The certainty score is driven by the relationship between the time and size of the data
acquired and the time and size of the data sent
T1560 Archive Collected Data

T1074 Data Staged Possible Root Causes

• A host infected with malware as part of a targeted attack or a malicious insider may be
T1048 Exfiltration Over
acquiring and exfiltrating company data
Alternative Protocol
• While acquiring and transmitting a large quantity of data to the outside within a short period
T1020 Automated Exfiltration of time may be pure coincidence, the outbound data transfer is significant enough to
T1030 Data Transfer Size warrant further examination

T1567 Exfiltration Over Web Business Impact

Service • The detection signals possible exfiltration of company data
• The internal servers from which the data was retrieved provides some indication of the data
which was acquired; if those servers contain valuable information and the external service to
which data was uploaded is not an IT- sanctioned service, the potential business risk is high

Steps to Verify
• Decide whether this may be a malicious insider or an infected host
• If the signs point to an infected host, contact the user to inquire if they initiated the
uploading behavior in question
• For potential malicious insiders, perform a complete analysis of recent behavior
• Look up the external system IP addresses and domain names on sites that maintain
reputation lists as this may provide a clear indication that the internal host is infected; such
lookups are supported directly within the UI

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Hidden DNS Tunnel


Hidden Tunnel



30-95 10-80
Threat Certainty

T1005 Data from Local • An internal host is communicating with an outside IP using DNS where another protocol is
System running over the top of the DNS sessions
• This represents a hidden tunnel involving multiple sessions over longer periods of time
T1115 Clipboard Data
mimicking normal DNS traffic
T1071 Application Layer • The threat score is driven by the quantity of data sent via the tunnel
Protocol • The certainty score is driven by the distinctness of the names being looked up, with more
T1125 Video Capture distinctness resulting in higher certainty

T1113 Screen Capture

Possible Root Causes
T1572 Protocol Tunneling
• A targeted attack may use hidden tunnels to hide exfiltration activity
T1123 Audio Capture • A user is utilizing tunneling software to communicate with Internet services which might not
otherwise be accessible
T1041 Exfiltration Over C2
Channel • Intentionally installed software is using a hidden tunnel to bypass expected firewall rules

Business Impact
• The use of a hidden tunnel by some software may be benign, but it represents significant
risk as the intention is to bypass security controls
• Hidden tunnels used as part of a targeted attack are meant to slip by your perimeter security
controls and indicate a sophisticated attacker
• Hidden tunnels are rarely used by botnets, though more sophisticated bot herders with more
ambitious goals may utilize them

Steps to Verify
• Check to see if the destination domain of the tunnel is an entity you trust for your network
• Ask the user of the host whether they are using hidden tunnel software for any purpose
• Before removing the offending software via antivirus or reimaging, take a memory snapshot
for future analysis of the incident
• If the behavior reappears shortly after a reimaging, this may be a hardware/BIOS tunnel

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Hidden HTTP Tunnel


Hidden Tunnel



30-95 10-80
Threat Certainty

T1005 Data from Local • An internal host is communicating with an outside IP using HTTP where another protocol is
System running over the top of the HTTP sessions
• This represents a hidden tunnel involving multiple sessions over longer periods of time
T1115 Clipboard Data
mimicking normal Web traffic
T1071 Application Layer • The threat score is driven by the quantity of data sent via the tunnel
Protocol • The certainty score is driven by the number and persistence of the sessions
T1125 Video Capture

T1113 Screen Capture Possible Root Causes

• A targeted attack may use hidden tunnels to hide exfiltration activity
T1572 Protocol Tunneling
• A user is utilizing tunneling software to communicate with Internet services which might not
T1123 Audio Capture otherwise be accessible
• Intentionally installed software is using a hidden tunnel to bypass expected firewall rules
T1041 Exfiltration Over C2
Business Impact
• The use of a hidden tunnel by some software may be benign, but it represents significant
risk as the intention is to bypass security controls
• Hidden tunnels used as part of a targeted attack are meant to slip by your perimeter security
controls and indicate a sophisticated attacker
• Hidden tunnels are rarely used by botnets, though more sophisticated bot herders with more
ambitious goals may utilize them

Steps to Verify
• Check to see if the destination IP address or domain of the tunnel is an entity you trust for
your network
• Ask the user of the host whether they are using hidden tunnel software for any purpose
• Before removing the offending software via antivirus or reimaging, take a memory snapshot
for future analysis of the incident
• If the behavior reappears shortly after a reimaging, this may be a hardware/BIOS tunnel

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Hidden HTTPS Tunnel


Hidden Tunnel



30-95 10-80
Threat Certainty

T1005 Data from Local • An internal host is communicating with an outside IP using HTTPS where another protocol is
System running over the top of the HTTPS sessions
• This represents a hidden tunnel involving one long session or multiple shorter sessions over
T1115 Clipboard Data
a longer period of time mimicking normal encrypted Web traffic
T1071 Application Layer • When it can be determined whether the tunneling software is console-based or driven via a
Protocol graphical user interface, that indicator will be included in the detection
T1125 Video Capture • The threat score is driven by the quantity of data sent via the tunnel
• The certainty score is driven by the combination of the persistence of the connection(s) and
T1113 Screen Capture
the degree to which the observed volume and timing of requests matches up with training
T1572 Protocol Tunneling samples
T1123 Audio Capture

T1041 Exfiltration Over C2 Possible Root Causes

Channel • A targeted attack may use hidden tunnels over SSL on port 443 to hide exfiltration activity
• A user is utilizing tunneling software to communicate with Internet services which might not
otherwise be accessible
• Intentionally installed software is using a hidden tunnel to bypass expected firewall rules

Business Impact
• The use of a hidden tunnel by some software may be benign, but it represents significant
risk as the intention is to bypass security controls
• Hidden tunnels used as part of a targeted attack are meant to slip by your perimeter security
controls and indicate a sophisticated attacker
• Hidden tunnels are rarely used by botnets, though more sophisticated bot herders with more
ambitious goals may utilize them

Steps to Verify
• Check to see if the destination IP or domain of the tunnel is an entity you trust for your
• Ask the user of the host whether they are using hidden tunnel software for any purpose
• Before removing the offending software via antivirus or reimaging, take a memory snapshot
for future analysis of the incident
• If the behavior reappears shortly after a reimaging, this may be a hardware/BIOS tunnel

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Smash and Grab



60-95 10-95
Threat Certainty

T1041 Exfiltration Over C2 • A host transmits unusually large volumes of data to destinations which are not considered
Channel normal for this network
• The threat score is driven by the number of IPs the destination domain maps to and if this
T1213 Data From Information
Repositories host is on a public IP also takes into account whether the destination is in another country
• The certainty score is driven by the rate of data being exfiltrated
T1560 Archive Collected Data

T1029 Scheduled Transfer Possible Root Causes

T1119 Automated Collection • An attacker is rapidly exfiltrating large volumes of data from your network
• The host is sending large volumes of data to destinations that have not been previously used
T1048 Exfiltration Over
for large data transfers
Alternative Protocol

T1020 Automated Exfiltration

Business Impact
T1030 Data Transfer Size • The detection signals possible exfiltration of company data
Limits • The host from which the data was sent, the destination to which the data was sent and the
T1567 Exfiltration Over Web volume of data transmitted may provide some clues to what data was transmitted
Service • If the external service to which data was uploaded is not an IT-sanctioned service, the
potential business risk is high

Steps to Verify
• Check to see if the destination IP or domain to which data was moved is an entity you trust
for your network
• Ask the user of the host whether they have any knowledge of the data transfer
• If the data transfer is unexplained and your endpoint security solution logs such things,
determine what software on the host was responsible for the data transfer

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Threat Intelligence Match



50‒99 30‒90
Threat Certainty

• An internal host is connecting to an external system and the connection has met criteria
specified in one or more configured threat feeds
• The threat score is driven by the combination of the indicator type in the STIX file (with
watchlist and anonymization being lowest, malware artifacts being medium, and C2
channel and exfiltration being highest) and the quantity of data transmitted on the flagged
• The certainty score is specified as part of the threat feed configuration and ranges from low
(30) to medium (60) and high (90)

Possible Root Causes

• A host includes malware which is initiating the connection that triggered the detection
• A user on the host manually initiated the connection which triggered the detection

Business Impact
• The detection signals exfiltration of company data
• The host from which the data was sent, the destination to which the data was sent and the
volume of data transmitted may provide some clues to what data was transmitted
• The threat intel feed may have included additional context tied to the specific criteria that
the connection met
• If the external service to which data was uploaded is not an IT-sanctioned service, the
potential business risk is high

Steps to Verify
• Refer to the information accompanying your threat feed as it may include verification and
remediation instructions
• Determine which process on the internal host is sending the traffic which was flagged; in
Windows systems, this can be done using a combination of netstat and tasklist commands
• Check if a user has knowingly installed remote access software and decide whether the
resulting risk is acceptable
• Scan the computer for known malware and potentially reimage it, noting that some
infections leave no trace on disk and reside entirely in memory

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• Reports on new and novel events without directly
impacting scoring

• New and novel events occur normally in most network

and cloud environments and in most cases are not
directly linked to threats

• Awareness of new and novel events support better

situational awareness and provide additional context
when observed with kill chain alerts

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New Host
• Reports on the first time a host was seen on the internal network.

New Host Role

• Reports when a host began operating with a particular infrastructure role.

Novel MAC Vendor

• Reports when a host appears with an unusual MAC vendor for the network.

Novel Admin Protocol Usage

• Reports when a host uses an administrative protocol (e.g., SSH) for the first time.

Novel External Destination Port

• Reports when a host is seen making an outbound connection on a destination port that is
rare for the environment and lasted longer than 5 minutes.

Novel Access to SMB Admin Share

• Reports when a host is seen connecting to another host’s SMB admin share and it is
unusual for this host to connect to other systems in this way.

Vectra Indicator Match

• A host was seen with network artifacts that are sometimes associated with attacker
infrastructure. These events should be reviewed in the context of other threat detections.

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Network Detection Profiles

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Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• Programmatic discovery and asset monetization techniques
• External, persistent Command and Control behaviors

Possible Root Causes

• A host has been infected and is participating in a botnet
• SaaS enabled asset discovery services have been observed

Business Impact
• Investigations of entities matching this profile should be prioritized in alignment with
malware remediation procedures and urgency
• Failure to take timely steps to respond to entities that match this profile may allow
crypto-mining activities to persist, or open the door to more aggressive attacks from the
compromised host over time

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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Cloud Services
Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• Complex, active external Command and Control and/or Data Exfiltration Services
• NOT PRESENT: Lateral movement focused behaviors

Possible Root Causes

• Entities are leveraging unauthorized cloud services

Business Impact
• Investigations of entities matching this profile may generally be prioritized in alignment with
addressing the presence of unauthorized IT Services, or with risks associated with data
exfiltration and data loss

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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External Adversary
Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• Technically sophisticated, objective-oriented activities
• Advanced discovery and lateral movement techniques
• External, persistent Command and Control and/or Data Exfiltration

Possible Root Causes

• Advanced Persistent Threat
• Full scope Red Team / Penetration Test

Business Impact
• Investigation of entities matching this profile should be considered urgent
• Failure to take timely steps to respond to entities that match this profile may increase the
risk of a breach

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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Insider Threat: Admin
Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• Technically sophisticated, objective-oriented activities
• Advanced discovery and lateral movement techniques
• NOT PRESENT: External Command and Control and/or Data Exfiltration

Possible Root Causes

• Technically sophisticated insider threat with local network access
• Emerging External Adversary with out-of-band communication
• An Admin has begun performing authorized activities that were previously unknown to the

Business Impact
• Investigations of entities matching this profile should be prioritized above less critical
severity tasks
• Failure to take timely steps to respond to entities that match this profile may increase the
risk of unauthorized or malicious activities

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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Insider Threat: User
Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• Low-sophistication, human-based network reconnaissance and objectives
• Data Exfiltration

Possible Root Causes

• A user is collecting and exfiltrating data outside of the organized authorized storage
• A user has been granted additional roles and privileges not previously known, or is moving
data to previously unauthorized cloud storage locations

Business Impact
• Investigations of entities matching this profile should be prioritized in alignment with
organizational tolerance to data loss
• Failure to take timely steps to respond to entities that match this profile may allow for the
loss of intellectual property, competitive advantage, legally protected, or regulated data

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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IT Discovery
Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• Low-sophistication discovery and reconnaissance techniques

Possible Root Causes

• Asset Management or Change Management Infrastructure
• IP Address Management (IPAM) Infrastructure

Business Impact
• Investigations of entities matching this profile may generally be prioritized after more urgent
activities are complete
• Failure to take timely steps to investigate may allow the perpetuation of unauthorized IT
Discovery Services

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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IT Services
Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• Low-sophistication reconnaissance and discovery
• Lateral machine-to-machine communication
• Simple external data exfiltration services

Possible Root Causes

• IT Services are exhibiting machine-to-machine communication patterns

Business Impact
• Investigations of entities matching this profile may generally be prioritized after more urgent
activities are complete
• Failure to take timely steps to investigate may allow the perpetuation of unauthorized IT

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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Potentially Unwanted Program
Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• External, persistent Command and Control behaviors
• Programmatic Discovery behaviors
• NOTE PRESENT: Asset monetization techniques

Possible Root Causes

• Adware or Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP) are active.
• SaaS enabled asset discovery services have been observed

Business Impact
• Investigations of entities matching this profile may generally be prioritized in alignment
with addressing the presence of unauthorized IT Services, or Unwanted or Unauthorized
Software, or Policy and Acceptable Use violations.

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• Behavioral patterns associated with ransomware

Possible Root Causes

• Malicious ransomware activity
• Technical services exhibiting behaviors similar to ransomware

Business Impact
• Investigation of entities matching this profile should be considered urgent
• Failure to take timely steps to respond to entities that match this profile may increase risk of
loss of data and system availability

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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Vulnerability Discovery
Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• Discovery, Reconnaissance, Lateral movement, and/or Exploitation
• NOT PRESENT: External, persistent Command and Control and/or Data Exfiltration

Possible Root Causes

• An adversary that has yet to exhibit the full range of malicious behaviors, or a limited scope
penetration testing activity
• Vulnerability discovery and management infrastructure behaviors observed

Business Impact
• Investigations of entities matching this profile should be prioritized in alignment with
procedures associated with unauthorized vulnerability discovery or limited scope penetration
• Failure to take timely steps to investigate may allow additional dwell time for an adversary
with unobserved, persistent command and control or allow the presence of unauthorized,
rogue vulnerability discovery infrastructure

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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Detection Profile

General Behavioral Profile

• Wide-but-shallow network recon, searching for specific services.
• Lateral machine-to-machine communication.
• NOT PRESENT: Deep, thorough network enumeration of many services on individual

Possible Root Causes

• Malicious software is actively performing worm-like spreading behaviors across network
• Authorized IT software is leveraging risky, rare machine-to-machine discovery and update

Business Impact
• Investigations of entities matching this profile may generally be prioritized in alignment with
addressing the presence of destructive malware, ransomware, and worms.

About Detection Profiles

Cognito supports security analyst investigative workflows by classifying the behavioral profile
of an entity based on the active detections it has exhibited – the assignment of these profiles
are useful for quickly wrapping context around the types of real world profiles that exhibit
similar behaviors to the one under investigation.

When determining a behavioral profile for a host, only active detections are considered – this
means that if detections on a host are triaged as marked-as-custom, marked-as-fixed, or
become inactive, that host’s behavioral profile may change.

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Observed Privilege Scores

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Cognito displays observed privilege scores for accounts, hosts, and services in some host and
detection pages. The concept of “observed privilege” is distinct from that of “granted privilege”.
A user may be given an account that has been granted a lot of privilege, but if the user only
makes very modest use of that privilege, the observed privilege of the account will be low.
Cognito focuses on observed privilege as it provides a clearer basis for implementing effective
detection strategies related to advanced attackers’ use of stolen credentials.

All observed privilege scores, regardless of the object (account, host, or service) to which they
refer, are expressed on the same scale. Each privilege score consists of two components: a
numerical score from 1 to 10 (ranging from low to high privilege) and a label (low, medium, or
high). Scores of 1 and 2 are labeled “low”, scores of 3 to 7 are labeled “medium”, and scores
of 8-10 are labeled “high”. Cognito detection algorithms that are part of the Privileged Access
Analytics (PAA) feature make extensive use of these privilege scores.

Account Scores
Observed privilege scores for accounts derive from the number of services an account
connects to, either exclusively or in partnership with a small number of other accounts. An
account that connects to 200 services, each of which is used by only a small number of other
accounts, will score high. An account which connects to 5 services, each of which is used by a
large number of other accounts, will score low.

Using this approach, service accounts tend to score high as they usually connect to many
services that only the service account can access. Privileged users (aka admins) are typically
given a normal account (to be used for normal non-privileged activity such as getting onto WiFi,
requesting vacations, etc.) and a privileged account (to be used only for activities which require
privileges). The first of these accounts will typically have a low score, the second a high score.

Service Scores
Let’s begin by defining what a “service” is. Given that PAA is constructed on Kerberos traffic
and Active Directory data, a service is any distinct place (server) to which a system (client) can
connect to request a service. Using this definition, RDP is not a service, but RDP to a particular
system (e.g. RDP to serverA) is a service. Given such a methodology, it’s easy to see how a
network can contain many services.

Observed privilege scores for services derive from the scores of the accounts that are used
to connect to the service. Thus, if a service is only accessed via accounts that predominantly
have high privilege scores, the service will also have a high privilege score. This can, for
instance, happen when a small number of privileged accounts belonging to admins are used
from each admin’s laptop to exclusively connect to a particular service. Another example is
when a service account for a backup server connects to an agent running on 1,000 laptops. In
both instances, the accounts used are high privilege—in the latter example, there is only single
account in use. Conversely, a vacation request portal used by everyone in an organization
(each logging in with their user accounts) will rate low on the privilege scale. And a service used
exclusively by a low privilege account will also have a low privilege score.

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Host Scores
Observed privilege scores for hosts derive from the scores of the accounts that are seen on
the host. If a particular host has only high-privileged accounts on it, the host will have a high
privilege. A jump system from which only privileged users initiate connections to downstream
servers is an example of a high-privileged host. A laptop on which a privileged user uses both
their normal account and their privileged account will score quite high (though not as high as
the jump system described above).

Privilege scores for hosts often indicate how interesting the hosts would be to an attacker. If
an attacker compromises a high privilege host, they can harvest the credentials of one or more
high-privilege accounts on that host. In a scenario where an attacker wants to move laterally
through the use of stolen credentials, this is exactly their goal. After all, stealing credentials
which have little or no privilege won’t get the attacker closer to their goal.

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Detect for Microsoft 365

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Command & Control C&C

• A host or account appears to be under control of an external

Recon Botnet
• Most often, the control is automated as the host or account is
part of a botnet or has adware or spyware installed

• The host or account may be manually controlled from the outside

– this is the most threatening case and makes it highly likely that Lateral Exfil
this is a targeted attack

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M365 Power Automate HTTP Flow Creation
Command & Control



80 70
Threat Certainty

• An account has congured an internal resource for remote interaction through the use of a
T1041 Exfiltration Over C2
Channel Power Automate HTTP Connector.

T1008 Fallback Channels

Possible Root Causes
T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer • An attacker is leveraging Power Automate HTTP connectors to extend malicious access into
T1059 Command and internal resources.
Scripting Interpreter • In rare cases, a Power Automate HTTP connector is used to enable legitimate external
connectors which trigger approved internal actions.
T1020 Automated Exfiltration

Business Impact
• Adversaries using this technique may gain malicious access to a wide range of internal
resources including forms, pages, files, and emails.
• Use of this technique allows an adversary to bypass login and MFA requirements once the
Power Automate flow is installed.

Steps to Verify
• Given the risk and relative rarity associated with Power Automate HTTP connectors, the
legitimacy of associated flows should be investigated.

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M365 Suspicious Power Automate Flow Creation
Command & Control



70 60
Threat Certainty

• Power Automate Flow creation has been observed by a user not typically associated with
T1041 Exfiltration Over C2
Channel this activity.

T1008 Fallback Channels

Possible Root Causes
T1105 Ingress Tool Transfer • An adversary has leveraged Power Automate as a persistence mechanism inside the
T1059 Command and environment.
Scripting Interpreter • One of a small set of users who are authorized to perform Power Automate Flow creation
has been observed doing so.
T1020 Automated Exfiltration

Business Impact
• Adversaries using this technique may gain malicious access to a wide range of internal
resources including forms, pages, files, and emails.
• Use of this technique may enable persistence or lateral movement, or may be used to
establish a means for subsequent data exfiltration.

Steps to Verify
• Power Automate activities from unauthorized users should be immediately investigated
• Users authorized for Power Automate activities should be explicitly triaged in this system to
avoid future detections.

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Reconnaissance C&C

• A host or account is mapping out the inside of your

network or cloud environment Recon Botnet

• The activity may indicate that this is a targeted attack

• Detection types cover fast scans and slow scans

– your vulnerability scanner will show up here as it
Lateral Exfil
performs much the same activity as an attacker

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M365 Suspicious Compliance Search


50 !

50 50
Threat Certainty

• The Exchange compliance search functionality was observed being used by an account that
T1119 Automated Collection
does not normally use this functionality.
T1213 Data from Information • The threat score is statically assigned.
Repositories • The certainty score is statically assigned.
T1083 File and Directory
Discovery Possible Root Causes
• Attackers may use compliance searches to search across Exchange mailboxes for sensitive
data to collect and exfiltrate.
• Some internal users may use compliance searches to support legitimate business
operations like legal and HR for litigation, audit, and compliance purposes.

Business Impact
• Compliance search capabilities provide an enticing target for adversaries to abuse and may
result in the loss of sensitive information up to and including passwords, encryption keys,
and even financial data or intellectual property.

Steps to Verify
• Review the account in question to ensure they should be issuing compliance searches
within the environment.
• Review the search being done to determine if the data being sought may be particularly
interesting to attackers.
• Contact the user to ensure the searches are being done in compliance with company policy.

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M365 Unusual eDiscovery Search


50 !

50 50
Threat Certainty

• A user is creating or updating an eDiscovery search.
T1119 Automated Collection

T1213 Data from Information

Possible Root Causes
• An adversary has gained access to eDiscovery capabilities and is using that access to
T1083 File and Directory perform reconnaissance across the environment.
Discovery • One of a small set of users authorized to perform eDiscovery has been observed doing so.

Business Impact
• eDiscovery capabilities provide an enticing target for adversaries to abuse and may result in
the loss of sensitive information up to and including passwords, encryption keys, and even
financial data or intellectual property.
• eDiscovery capabilities may include data traditionally inaccessible through other means but
preserved as part of a litigation hold.

Steps to Verify
• eDiscovery search from unauthorized users should be immediately investigated.
• Users authorized for eDiscovery should be explicitly triaged in this system to avoid future

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M365 Suspect eDiscovery Usage



65 50
Threat Certainty

• Behaviors commonly associated with covering up a potentially malicious eDiscovery search
T1119 Automated Collection
have been observed.
T1213 Data from Information • The threat score is statically assigned.
Repositories • The certainty score is statically assigned.
T1083 File and Directory
Discovery Possible Root Causes
T1562 Impair Defenses • An attacker has compromised the eDiscovery system, is using it to actively collect and
exfiltrate data, and is hiding their tracks.
• A legitimate user has abused the eDiscovery system to gain information and has deleted the
search quickly to go unnoticed.
• An improperly created eDiscovery Search has been flagged for removal based on deviation
from enterprise policies on accepted eDiscovery usage.
• An authorized test of the eDiscovery system has been observed and clean up actions from
that test have been flagged as suspicious.

Business Impact
• eDiscovery search capabilities provide an enticing target for adversaries to abuse and may
result in the loss of sensitive information up to and including passwords, encryption keys,
and even financial data or intellectual property.
• Abuse of eDiscovery search could result in sensitive data exfiltration as well as advancing an
attack deeper into the organization.

Steps to Verify
• Review the account in question to ensure they should be issuing compliance searches
within the environment.
• Review any remaining and undeleted artifacts associated the search being done to
determine if the data being sought may be particularly interesting to attackers.
• Contact the user to ensure the searches are being done in compliance with company policy.

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Lateral Movement C&C

• Covers scenarios of lateral action meant to further a

targeted attack
Recon Botnet
• This can involve attempts to steal account credentials or
to steal data from another machine

• It can also involve compromising another host or account

to make the attacker’s foothold more durable or to get Lateral Exfil
closer to target data

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M365 Suspicious Mailbox Manipulation
Lateral Movement


50 !

80 70
Threat Certainty

• Access has been granted to more resources than a user has had historically and has
T1098 Account Manipulation
occurred outside of learned administrator behaviors.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker has escalated the account’s Exchange access rights to enable business email
compromise or the collection of additional information to aid in the next step of the attack.
• Employee life-cycle activities such as permanent separation or temporary leaves of absence
may legitimately require mailbox modifications which could trigger this detection.
• Some service-specific mailboxes are intentionally granted these permissions.

Business Impact
• Sensitive data and content may be contained within Exchange which may be useful or
desirable to an adversary.
• Data may leak from a user’s mailbox by being transmitted to unauthorized entities.

Steps to Verify
• Validate that the permissions granted are appropriate to the entity in question.

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M365 Suspicious Mailbox Rule Creation
Lateral Movement


50 !

40 60
Threat Certainty

• An account was observed creating suspicious mailbox rules in Exchange that allow an
T1564 Hide Artifacts
attacker to manipulate, hide, or delete incoming emails.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker with control of an account created mailbox rules that hide or manipulate emails
to either evade notice by the mailbox owner or impact business processes.
• A user created a benign but broad or abnormal inbox rule as part of normal business email

Business Impact
• Instances of malicious mailbox rules may indicate an adversary has control of an internal
mailbox and can access the users email data and send emails internally and externally on
behalf of the user.
• A successful attack can result in immediate data theft or reputation loss from the
compromised account.
• A successful attack can result in additional business impact through targeted phishing from
the internal account, as they are often trusted and subsequent to less strict security controls
relative to external accounts.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account that performed the action for other indications of malicious activity
• If review indicates possible malicious actions, revert configuration and disable credentials
associated with this alert, then perform a comprehensive investigation.

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M365 Attacker Tool: Ruler
Lateral Movement



80 70
Threat Certainty

T1114 Email Collection • The Ruler attack tool has been observed.

T1137 Office Application

Startup Possible Root Causes
• An adversary has used compromised account credentials in conjunction with the Ruler
attack tool to enable malicious code or command execution.
• As this is a known attacker tool, there are no non-malicious use cases.

Business Impact
• Use of this tool may allow an adversary to install malware or execute commands on the
endpoint running the exchange client associated with this compromised account. Malware
or arbitrary command execution may be used for a variety of malicious activities, such
as additional credential compromise, data collection and exfiltration, or to further attack

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the compromised account for additional malicious actions and respond
according to findings.

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M365 Disabling of Security Tools
Lateral Movement



50 50
Threat Certainty

• Activities which weaken or disable Office 365 protective security features and tools.
T1562 Impair Defenses

Possible Root Causes

• Attackers will attempt to disable or downgrade Office 365 security mechanisms to blind
defenders or to enable further malicious activities without the risk of detection.
• In some cases, administrators may disable security mechanisms while troubleshooting

Business Impact
• Attackers who have successfully degraded, disabled, or bypassed security controls can
more easily progress towards their objectives.
• Degraded or disabled security controls increase the potential impact of both present and
future attacks against the organization.

Steps to Verify
• Review if this configuration is expected and appropriate in light of any available
compensating controls.
• If this is a temporary configuration for troubleshooting purposes, confirm it has been
reenabled once that troubleshooting is complete.

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M365 DLL Hijacking Activity
Lateral Movement


50 !

70 60
Threat Certainty

• An account that may not download DLLs typically has been observed downloading a DLL
T1574 Hijack Execution Flow
file under conditions that highlight the risk of DLL hijacking, such as both a non-DLL and
DLL file being downloaded from the same directory in a short time frame.
• Threat scores are statically assigned.
• Certainty scores are statically assigned.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker has abused the way applications search for DLLs by placing a malicious DLL
file into a shared directory with the intention of compromising any endpoint that loads the
malicious DLL file rather than the intended application DLL file.
• In some cases, developers collaborating from a cloud hosted repository could intentionally
download and access DLLs this way.

Business Impact
• DLL Hijacking may result in the complete compromise of a targeted system, and associated
accounts and data.
• Endpoints compromised through DLL Hijacking give an attacker an additional foothold in
the environment and an opportunity for additional lateral movement, increasing the risk of
impact to enterprise systems, users, and data.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the user associated with this action, and verify if this user would be downloading
DLL files as part of their expected workflows.
• Investigate presence of additional files accessed as part of this detection, and assess if this
is indicative of an authorize remote application, used for legitimate business purposes.

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M365 External Teams Access
Lateral Movement



0–100 0–100
Threat Certainty

• A new team member has been added to a team in O365 Teams consisting of an external
T1213 Data from Information
Repositories account from a domain rarely associated with O365 Teams access.
• The threat score is driven by the value of the team being modified.
• The certainty score is driven by how certain we feel about the maliciousness of the action.

Possible Root Causes

• An adversary has added an external account under their control as a new member of a team
by abusing an existing O365 Teams account.
• Sometimes legitimate external users (such as partners, contractors, lawyers, auditors, etc.)
are added to an O365 Team as part of an authorized activity.

Business Impact
• This type of access enables an attacker to perform additional discovery or collection
activities by exposing sensitive business information which may include shared files,
meeting content, or chat transcripts.
• The impact of such access may include information necessary to enable further attack
progression or facilitate the loss of proprietary information or intellectual property, and
regulated data.
• In some cases, access to the team’s communication fabric and conversation history can
enable successful blackmail or extortion against enterprise personnel.

Steps to Verify
• Validate that the account added is an authorized member of the O365 Team.

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M365 Internal Spearphishing
Lateral Movement



70 60
Threat Certainty

• A user was observed sending multiple emails to internal recipients which were flagged by
T1534 Internal Spearphishing
O365 reputation scanning as likely phishing emails.
• The threat score is statically assigned.
• The certainty score is statically assigned.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker has compromised a single account and is abusing its access and implicit trust
within an organization to attack additional accounts via spearphishing emails.
• Benign emails have been flagged as suspicious based on their content or attachments,
which are most frequently associated with invoices sent to distribution lists.

Business Impact
• Spearphishing is one of the predominant ways attackers gain and expand access to
credentials within an environment and is particularly effective when utilizing the implicit trust
of an internal sender.
• Successful internal spearphishing campaigns result in broad access to a large range of
resources within the environment, resulting in a significant increase in overall impact of a
compromised account incident within an organization.

Steps to Verify
• Review the details and contents of the email to validate it is malicious.
• Review additional detections and events by the source user which may indicate their
account has been compromised.
• Validate the source user is aware of and sent the email that was flagged.

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M365 Log Disabling Attempt
Lateral Movement


50 !


0 O365
80 90
Threat Certainty

• An attempt has been made to disable important Office 365 logs that enhance security.
T1562 Impair Defenses

Possible Root Causes

• Attackers will seek to disable logging to blind detection mechanisms and cover their tracks.
• Logging may be temporarily turned off by an admin while changing configuration or
troubleshooting a problem.

Business Impact
• An attacker who has disabled logging may progress parts of an attack without being
detected, and without producing an auditable record to aid in forensics.
• Disabling logging degrades a critical component of an organization’s security architecture.
• Many audit and compliance requirements can only be met through the collection of activity

Steps to Verify
• Review whether this logging configuration is expected and appropriate.
• If this is a temporary configuration for troubleshooting purposes, confirm it has been
reenabled once that troubleshooting is complete.

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M365 Malware Stage: Upload
Lateral Movement


50 !

75 80
Threat Certainty

• Files which were subsequently flagged as malware were uploaded into the environment by
T1203 Exploitation for Client
Execution this account.

Possible Root Causes

• Attackers will stage malicious files in preparation for an attempt to infect other users from a
trusted file repository.
• On rare occasions, benign files may be classified as malicious.

Business Impact
• An attacker who has disabled logging may progress parts of an attack without being
detected, and without producing an auditable record to aid in forensics.
• Disabling logging degrades a critical component of an organization’s security architecture.
• Many audit and compliance requirements can only be met through the collection of activity

Steps to Verify
• Review whether this logging configuration is expected and appropriate.
• If this is a temporary configuration for troubleshooting purposes, confirm it has been
reenabled once that troubleshooting is complete.

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M365 Ransomware
Lateral Movement



90 70
Threat Certainty

• A series of file modifications typically associated with ransomware.
T1486 Data Encrypted for
Possible Root Causes
• An account is being used to access an organization’s cloud storage and encrypt and rewrite
• In some cases, automated jobs or services that perform widespread file renaming may
trigger this detection.

Business Impact
• Ransomware attacks directly impact access to the organization’s data and are popular
among attackers due to the possibility of a quick transition from attack to monetization.
• After files have been encrypted, the attacker will ask the organization to pay a ransom
in return for a promise to provide the encryption key which would allow the files to be
• Even if an organization is willing to pay the ransom, there is no guarantee that the encryption
key will be provided by the attacker or that the decryption process will work.
• Absent the encryption key, an organization must rely on restoration of files from backups.

Steps to Verify
• Review the integrity of the affected files and determine whether they appear encrypted.

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M365 Risky Exchange Operation
Lateral Movement



40 60
Threat Certainty

• High risk Exchange operations which range from allowing the exfiltration of data, the
T1484 Group Policy
Modification creation of backdoor rules, execution of VBS scripts, or forwarding and collecting sensitive
T1098 Account Manipulation

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is manipulating Exchange to gain access to a specific set of data or to enable
continued attack progression.
• In some cases, these operations may be authorized activities for a small set of highly
privileged users who perform them so infrequently that they are outside what the detection
model considers normal.
• Authorized configurations in cases of a permanent employee separation or temporary leave
of absence may involve activities that would otherwise compromise mailbox integrity.

Business Impact
• Sensitive data and content may be contained within Exchange which may be useful or
desirable to an adversary.
• Compromising Exchange may allow an attacker to continue their attack progression.

Steps to Verify
• Verify whether these changes to the configurations are intentional and have been made with
appropriate compensating safeguards.

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M365 Suspicious Teams Application
Lateral Movement



0–100 0–100
Threat Certainty

• A rarely used, third-party Microsoft Teams integrated application has been granted
T1550 Use Alternate
Authentication Material excessive or risky permissions that may enable malicious activities to be taken on behalf of
the authorizing user
T1528 Steal Application • The threat score is statically assigned.
Access Token
• The certainty score is statically assigned.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is trying to trick the user into authorizing a third-party app that will allow the the
attacker to execute malicious actions.
• In some cases rare, legitimate applications do require a set of permissions that are
authorized despite the risk they present.

Business Impact
• Malicious third-party apps can be used to undermine existing security controls, such as
multi-factor authentication (MFA), and enable malicious action on behalf of the authorizing
user, increasing risk to enterprise system and data and increasing the likelihood of further
attack progression.
• A suspicious teams application could result in outcomes ranging from the compromise of an
individual account or host, to broader compromise of a full teams channel.
• Malicious apps may enable a foothold into the environment as a means of maintaining
persistent access.
• Malicious apps could may allow the collection of sensitive information or act as a
mechanism to support data exfiltration.

Steps to Verify
• Verify that the application in question is authorized for the associated user.
• Validate that the required permission set is appropriate for the authorized business process
associated with this application.
• Investigate for additional malicious indicators associated with this application or user.

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Exfiltration C&C

• Covers scenarios where data is being sent outside or

collected in a way meant to hide the data transfer
Recon Botnet
• While data is constantly being sent out of the network
or cloud environment, it usually does not involve the
use of techniques meant to hide the transfer

• The host or account transmitting the data, where it Lateral Exfil

is transmitting the data, the amount of data and the
technique used to send it all provide indicators of

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M365 eDiscovery Exfil



50 50
Threat Certainty

• A user is previewing or downloading the results of an eDiscovery activity.
T1048 Exfiltration Over
Alternative Protocol
Possible Root Causes
• An adversary has gained access to eDiscovery capabilities and is using that access to
collect or exfiltrate data.
• One of a small set of users authorized to perform eDiscovery has been observed doing so.

Business Impact
• eDiscovery capabilities provide an enticing target for adversaries to abuse and may result in
the loss of sensitive information up to and including passwords, encryption keys, and even
financial data or intellectual property.
• eDiscovery capabilities may include data traditionally inaccessible through other means but
preserved as part of a litigation hold.

Steps to Verify
• eDiscovery activities from unauthorized users should be immediately investigated.
• Users authorized for eDiscovery should be explicitly triaged in this system to avoid future

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M365 Exfiltration Before Termination


50 !

70 60
Threat Certainty

• The risk of insider threat has been observed by an account downloading or exfiltrating files
T1213 Data from Information
Repositories prior to that account being deleted or disabled.
• Threat scores are assigned a static value.
• Certainty scores are assigned a static value.

Possible Root Causes

• A user with foreknowledge of separation or reassignment has intentionally acquired or stolen
organizational data prior to departure with the intent to retain access to information or data
for which they will no longer be authorized access.
• In some cases, suspicious data acquisition by a user prior to a separation or reassignment
event may be part of an authorized activity.

Business Impact
• Insider threat places an organization at risk of loss of sensitive information such as
intellectual property, financial data, or other data associated with legal and compliance
• The successful exfiltration of data by an insider may lead to regulatory fines or penalties,
loss of competitive advantages, or other outcomes detrimental to business and
organizational success.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the reason this account was disabled or deleted, and if maintaining access to
these files continues to be authorized.
• Investigate if the files associated with this detection include sensitive information.

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M365 Suspicious Download Activity
Lateral Movement


50 !

0-100 0-100
Threat Certainty

• An account was seen downloading an unusual number of objects compared to the user’s
T1567 Exfiltration Over Web
Service past behavior or the behavior of other O365 users.
• The Threat score is driven by a combination of factors which include the quantity of objects
downloaded, the relative rarity associated with downloading those objects, and rarity of
downloading from the source sites for those objects.
• The Certainty score is driven by a combination of factors which include a historic baseline
of that user’s download volumes, a comparison of that user relative to other users, and
dimensions related to the locations where these objects have been downloaded from.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker may be using SharePoint / OneDrive download functions to exfiltrate data.
• Users downloading an unusually large number of files as they start new projects, back up
data or access multiple files to support their job function.

Business Impact
• Ability to exfiltrate a significant number of sensitive files from the enterprise is often the last
stage of the security compromise.
• Exfiltration of sensitive business data may lead to loss of control of company secrets and
intellectual property.

Steps to Verify
• Review the details and contents of the files to assess risk, and validate these are authorized
• Review additional detections and events by the source user which may indicate their
account has been compromised.

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M365 Suspicious Exchange Transport Rule


50 !

50 60
Threat Certainty

• A new Exchange transport rule has been created with a potentially risky action that may
T1114 Email Collection
provide email collection, exfiltration, or deletion capabilities (BlindCopyTo, CopyTo, Delete).
• The threat score is statically assigned.
• The certainty score is statically assigned.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker has gained Exchange administrator access with the capabilities of forwarding
sensitive emails prior to their arrival in a user’s inbox to an attacker controlled email address
(internal or external).
• An attacker may be preparing to delete important emails prior to their arrival in a user’s inbox
to prevent important alerts or notifications from occurring.
• A legitimate transport rule was added to support business requirements or prevent
dangerous emails from reaching user inboxes.

Business Impact
• Because email services are critical to so many enterprise activities, attackers prioritize
access both as a means of progressing an attack as well as a mechanism for data
• Forwarded emails may expose sensitive data.
• Deleted emails may mask security alerts or important emails alerting an organization to a
• The combination of forwarded and deleted emails may allow an external party to
impersonate internal users to further their goals.

Steps to Verify
• Validate the new transport rule serves a business purpose, does not create a risk of data
exposure, and has been implemented according to proper change control processes.

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M365 Suspicious Mail Forwarding


50 !

60 50
Threat Certainty

• Mail forwarding which may be used as a collection or exfilltration channel for an adversary
T1114 Email Collection
has been observed.

Possible Root Causes

• An external attacker has established persistent access to contents of a specfic mailbox
without the need to otherwise maintain any kind of persistence through installing software.
• Employee life-cycle activities such as a permanent separation or a temporary leave
of absence may legitimately require mailbox modifications which could triggering this
• Emails belonging to executives may be forwarded to their associated administrative
• Emails for service accounts may be forwarded to the staff members who manage those

Business Impact
• Attackers who have gained persistence through the email systems may passively collect and
exlfiltrate data.
• Sensitive business information often resides in email systems and may be leaked through
e-mail theft.

Steps to Verify
• Verify if sensitive data has been unintentionally forwarded using this feature.

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M365 Suspect Power Automate Activity


50 !

70 60
Threat Certainty

• Abnormal Power Automate activity was observed from a user in the environment.
T1041 Exfiltration Over C2
Channel • A user leveraged a Power Automate flow connector that was unusual for either the user or
the environment.
T1008 Fallback Channels • A user modified another user existing flow in a suspect manner.
T1059 Command and Script-
ing Interpreter Possible Root Causes
T1020 Automated Exfiltration • An attacker may be creating automated tasks within the environment to secretly exfil,
manipulate data for impact, or create network control channels.
• A normal user is attempting to subvert normal IT policies by leveraging native Microsoft
infrastructure without authorization.
• One of a small set of users who are authorized to leverage Power Automate flow was
observed doing so.

Business Impact
• Power Automate, Microsoft’s native and on-by-default O365 automation tool, can be
leveraged by attackers to interact directly with internal data and infrastructure to facilitate
data exfil or attack automation.

Steps to Verify
• Power Automate activities involving unauthorized connectors should be investigated
• Users modifying other user’s Power Automate flows should have explicit permission to do
• Users authorized for Power Automate activities should be explicitly triaged to avoid future

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M365 Suspicious Sharing Activity


50 !

0 O365
30-50 30-60
Threat Certainty

• An account was seen sharing files and/or folders at a volume that is higher than is normal for
T1213 Data from Information
Repositories both the environment and for the account.
• Threat is driven by the number of objects shared.
• When mosts users do not share normally the, certainty is drive by how uncommon sharing
is for all users. When sharing is normally observed, certainty is driven by a combination of
the amount of deviation from the user’s normal shared object volume and the proportion of
objects shared from directories other than the user’s personal directory.

Possible Root Causes

• Attackers may use SharePoint/OneDrive sharing functions to exfiltrate data and enable on-
going access to data over extended periods of time.
• Use of sharing enables attackers to maintain access to data after an a compromised
account is remediated
• Users who rarely share files may periodically share more files than most other users in the
environment as part of their job function.

Business Impact
• While some level of sharing may be normal for an environment or user, those users who
emerge as sharing unusual amounts of data should be reviewed to validate the sharing is
legitimate and does not pose a risk.
• Sharing of a large volume or breadth of files or folders exposes the organization to an
increased risk of data theft or loss.

Steps to Verify
• Review the data being shared to determine if the information should be exposed to external
• Review the sharing permissions to ensure the least possible data is exposed.
• Validate with the user that the sharing was intended and follows organizational policies on
data sharing with external parties.

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Detect for Azure AD

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Command & Control C&C

• A host or account appears to be under control of an external

Recon Botnet
• Most often, the control is automated as the host or account is
part of a botnet or has adware or spyware installed

• The host or account may be manually controlled from the outside

– this is the most threatening case and makes it highly likely that Lateral Exfil
this is a targeted attack

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Azure AD Admin Account Creation
Command & Control


50 !

80 70
Threat Certainty

• An account has been created with administrative privileges (TenantAdmins,
T1528 Steal Application
Access Token PrivilegedRoleAdmins, ApplicationAdministrators) that provide broad access to the
T1550 Use Alternate • The threat score is statically assigned.
Authentication Material
• The certainty score is statically assigned.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker that has gained administrative rights has added additional administrative
accounts to the environment as a back-up access method if their existing access is disabled
or otherwise removed at a future date.
• Existing legitimate administrators may add additional administrative users unintentionally or
via social engineering.
• A new, legitimate, administrative account was added.

Business Impact
• Unauthorized administrative users have complete control within the environment, creating
significant on-going risk to a broad range of resources.
• Attackers with access to the identified administrative rights will be able to operate unfettered
within the environment.
• Attackers using multiple administrative accounts improve their resilience to an incident
response and are able to silo operations to prevent the detection of a single compromised
admin account from affecting access and actions undertaken from other compromised
admin accounts.

Steps to Verify
• Validate the administrative account was created according to organizational change control
policies and that the access granted is appropriate and necessary.

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Azure AD MFA-Failed Suspicious Sign-On
Command & Control


50 !

40-60 40-60
Threat Certainty

• A login attempt occurred to an account where both conditional access policies were not met
T1078 Valid Accounts
and where sign-on attributes (such as location, device, etc.) that are unusual for the account.

Possible Root Causes

• An adversary has stolen a valid account and is attempting to use it as part of an attack but
had not yet succeeded in circumventing MFA or other conditional access policies.
• A user has moved and performed a full refresh of their devices and failed to pass MFA or
other conditional access policies.

Business Impact
• Adversaries will continue to attempt to bypass security controls until successful unless
directly stopped.
• The compromise of a valid account may lead to the loss of confidentiality and integrity
of any data and services that the account may access, and it may be used in service of
additional lateral movement or attacks against other internal users.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate irregularities associated with this user’s login events for indications of a
successful compromise.
• Validate whether these attempts were performed by the account’s proper owner.

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Azure AD Redundant Access Creation
Command & Control


50 !

50 50
Threat Certainty

• A service principal, application, or user has been provisioned membership into to the
T1098 Account Manipulation
‘Privileged Role Administrator’ AzureAD role.

Possible Root Causes

• An adversary has provisioned access into a sensitive role to create redundant access into
the network.
• In some cases, administrators performing deployment testing will grant permissions
associated with this role to the app or related service principal.

Business Impact
• Adversaries will create redundant access mechanisms so that they are able to continue to
maintain persistence despite their primary access method being discovered and remediated.
• Redundant access allows malicious activities to continue well beyond initial discovery and
response phases, increasing risks to enterprise services or data.

Steps to Verify
• Validate that this activity is not associated with authorized administrative testing activities.

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Azure AD Suspicious OAuth Application
Command & Control



80 70
Threat Certainty

• A third-party cloud application has requested excessive or risky access, which may allow
T1550 Use Alternate
Authentication Material malicious activities to be performed on behalf of the granter of the permission.

T1528 Steal Application

Access Token Possible Root Causes
• An attacker is trying to trick the user into delegating permissions to them which will enable
further malicious activities.
• A new legitimate 3rd party application is installed in the organization which requires elevated
permissions from users.

Business Impact
• Malicious applications are able to perform actions with delegated permissions without a
user’s knowledge and may be difficult to detect.
• Depending on the delegated privileges involved, the impact may range from single account
takeover to full subscription compromise.

Steps to Verify
• Validate that this is an authorized application which has been vetted for risk by the security

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Azure AD Suspicious Sign-on
Command & Control


50 !

80 70
Threat Certainty

• A successful login has occurred to an account with sign-on attributes (such as location,
T1078 Valid Accounts
device, etc.) that are unusual for the account.
• The threat score is statically assigned.
• The certainty score is statically assigned.

Possible Root Causes

• An adversary has stolen a valid account and is using it as part of an attack.
• A user has moved and performed a full refresh of their devices and performed login activities
across these devices with new sign-on attributes.

Business Impact
• Adversaries frequently bypass security controls through the malicious, unauthorized use of
valid credentials.
• The compromise of a valid account may lead to the loss of confidentiality and integrity of
any data and services that account may access, and it may be used in service of additional
lateral movement or attacks against other internal users.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate irregularities associated with these login events for indications of compromise.
• Validate the login activities have been performed in accordance with organizational MFA
policies, enforcing re-login with MFA if required.

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Azure AD Suspected Compromised Access
Command & Control



90 90
Threat Certainty

• A successful login has occurred to an account with many characteristics that are both
T1078 Valid Accounts
unusual for the account and highly correlated with account compromise.
• The threat score is statically assigned.
• The certainty score is statically assigned.

Possible Root Causes

• An adversary has stolen a valid account and is using it as part of an attack.
• A user has shifted multiple aspects of their normal sign-on behavior which match multiple
behaviors associated with malicious account takeovers.

Business Impact
• Adversaries frequently bypass security controls through the malicious, unauthorized use of
valid credentials.
• The compromise of a valid account may lead to the loss of confidentiality and integrity
of any data and services that the account may access, and it may be used in service of
additional lateral movement or attacks against other internal users.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate irregularities associated with these login events for indications of compromise.
• Validate the login activities have been performed in accordance with organizational MFA
policies, enforcing re-login with MFA if required.

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Azure AD TOR Activity
Command & Control



70 60
Threat Certainty

• A user was observed accessing the environment from a known anonymized (TOR) exit node,
T1090 Proxy
post authentication.
• The threat score is statically assigned.
• The certainty score is statically assigned.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is using an anonymizing proxy like TOR to obfuscate details of their source
connection or make investigation more difficult by using multiple source IP addresses.
• A user may be intentionally using TOR to circumvent restrictions preventing access to the
resources in question, such as those applied by the country they are accessing from.

Business Impact
• Attackers identified under this detection are actively operating within the environment while
maintaining some level of operational security by obfuscating their source details.
• Attackers operating using TOR will reduce the ability of teams to connect identified attacker
behavior with other behaviors not yet identified since it enables the attacker to regularly
change the source detail of their connections while undertaking operations within the

Steps to Verify
• Review the actions being undertaken by the user during and just before the identified activity
to determine resources accessed and potential risk posed by that access.
• Review security policy to determine if use of TOR is allowed.
• Discuss with user to determine if use of TOR is known and legitimate.
• If review determines there is a high risk to data or the environment, disable the account and
perform a comprehensive investigation.

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Lateral Movement C&C

• Covers scenarios of lateral action meant to further a

targeted attack
Recon Botnet
• This can involve attempts to steal account credentials or
to steal data from another machine

• It can also involve compromising another host or account

to make the attacker’s foothold more durable or to get Lateral Exfil
closer to target data

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Azure AD Successful Brute-Force
Lateral Movement



50 50
Threat Certainty

• A successful login with suspicious IP Address or User-Agent after frequent failed login
T1110 Brute Force

Possible Root Causes

• Adoption of weak or reused credentials is common among users and attackers exploit this
behavior by repeatedly attempting to login to discovered accounts using leaked or common
• Legitimate users who repeatedly mistype their password may trigger this detection
• Automated systems or services may attempt to continuously login with incorrect credentials.

Business Impact
• Accounts compromised through brute-force attacks provide attackers a foothold in the
• Attackers who have taken over administrative, executive, or high-value accounts put the
enterprise at considerable risk.

Steps to Verify
• Brute-force attacks that end with a successful login should immediately be investigated for
abnormal or threatening behavior.

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Azure AD Change to Trusted IP Configuration
Lateral Movement



0 O365
70 80
Threat Certainty

T1562 Impair Defenses • A change to a trusted IP configuration in Azure was observed in either the AzureAD
Known Networks configuration or the configuration for trusted networks for multi-factor

Possible Root Causes

• Attackers may add networks to the trusted networks ranges to allow them to bypass
security controls under conditional access policies or to bypass MFA requirements.
• System administrators may add trusted networks to allow trusted environments to have
different security policies applied to them.

Business Impact
• Modifications to the trusted network configuration may introduce risks by allowing particular
IP addresses/ranges to bypass critical security controls.
• Trade-offs in favor of usability over security can be achieved through the configuration of
trusted IPs, but when abused or misconfigured can increase risk to an organization by
disabling expected security controls.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the IP addresses to determine if they should be trusted by the organization.
• Contact the owner of the account that made the change to verify it was done legitimately.

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Azure AD MFA Disabled
Lateral Movement


50 !

60 70
Threat Certainty

• An account was observed disabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for another account.
T1562 Impair Defenses
• The threat score is statically assigned.
• The certainty score is statically assigned.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is disabling MFA on an account to bypass this security control as a means of
maintaining or acquiring additional access to the environment.
• Administrators may disable MFA for accounts used by automated processes or to
temporarily enable users to access an environment after losing their second factor device.

Business Impact
• MFA is a critical security control that if bypassed may be indicative of an active threat in the
environment or increase risk of the account becoming compromised in the future.
• Compromised accounts provide attackers with access to critical systems and data which
may be stolen, modified, or deleted.

Steps to Verify
• Review the account and internal policy to determine if MFA should be enabled for this
• Verify the action of disabling MFA on this account was intentional and followed internal
security policies and change control processes.

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Azure AD Newly Created Admin Account
Lateral Movement




80 70
Threat Certainty

• An account has been created with administrative privileges (TenantAdmins,
T1136 Create Account
PrivilegedRoleAdmins, ApplicationAdministrators) that provide broad access to the
• The threat score is statically assigned.
• The certainty score is statically assigned.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker that has gained administrative rights has added additional administrative
accounts to the environment as a back-up access method if their existing access is disabled
or otherwise removed at a future date.
• Existing legitimate administrators may add additional administrative users unintentionally or
via social engineering.
• A new, legitimate, administrative account was added.

Business Impact
• Unauthorized administrative users have complete control within the environment, creating
significant on-going risk to a broad range of resources.
• Attackers with access to the identified administrative rights will be able to operate unfettered
within the environment.
• Attackers using multiple administrative accounts improve their resilience to an incident
response and are able to silo operations to prevent the detection of a single compromised
admin account from affecting access and actions undertaken from other compromised
admin accounts.

Steps to Verify
• Validate the administrative account was created according to organizational change control
policies and that the access granted is appropriate and necessary.

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Azure AD Privilege Operation Anomaly
Lateral Movement



0–100 0–100
Threat Certainty

• Abnormal Azure AD operations that may be associated with privilege escalation or account
T1078 Valid Accounts

Possible Root Causes

• Attackers may be escalating privileges and performing admin-level operations after regular
account takeover.
• A user whose learned activity baseline has been lost as a result of a prolonged leave of
absence or a change in job function has returned to their regular job.
• A user’s role may have evolved as part of a special project or assignment and the user is
performing Azure AD activities previously outside of their learned baseline.

Business Impact
• Users substantially deviating from their learned baseline in ways that correspond to threats
associated with privilege escalation or account takeover often indicate an adversary
• Account takeover and privilege escalation can lead to sensitive information leakage,
ransomware attacks, and other abuses.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate both the target and result of these operations to understand the potential impact.

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Azure AD Unusual Scripting Engine Usage
Lateral Movement


50 !

70 60
Threat Certainty

• An account has executed O365 operations with either tools, scripting engines or command
T1059 Command and
Scripting Interpreter line interfaces which could be\u00a0maliciously used by attackers.
• The threat score is driven by the quantity of operations executed by the account.
• The certainty score is driven by the uniqueness of the User Agent reported for the account.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is \”living off the land\” through the misuse of authorized tools (curl,
AutoHotKey32, etc.) to extend their attack.
• An attacker has used a scripting engine (Powershell, Python, and others) to build and
execute attack tools.
• When attacker is not careful, the default User Agent strings are submitted by these tools,
indicating that the operation is not done interactively by a legitimate human user.
• Automation tools and scripts are sometimes used by power users and IT personnel to
access O365.

Business Impact
• Automated tools increase attack speed and volume while reducing human error, and
attackers that successfully leverage them have an opportunity to move faster and in some
cases with a lower chance of detection.
• Use of automation tools is a \”force multiplier\” that increases chances of successful
breaches and data exfiltration, significantly increasing risks to the enterprise.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate O365 operation in context of the user, verify if this user would reasonably
conduct these types of operations.
• Investigate tooling or scripting engine to validate if this is an appropriate and approved tool
for a user of this type.

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 146

• Reports on new and novel events without directly
impacting scoring

• New and novel events occur normally in most network

and cloud environments and in most cases are not
directly linked to threats

• Awareness of new and novel events support better

situational awareness and provide additional context
when observed with kill chain alerts

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Azure AD Login Attempt to Disabled Account
• A login attempt for an account that has been explicitly disabled was observed within the
environment, potentially indicating environment probing or attempted access by former

M365 Brute Force Attempt

• Reports when one or more external IPs are seen attempting to brute-force into an account
without any successful attempts.

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Detect for AWS

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Kingpin Technology

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Vectra attributes all of our detections to actionable User identities such as IAM Users, SAML
Users, an External Account, or AWS Services.

This is a complex problem because users in AWS are encouraged to assume other roles to
perform actions, and actively discouraged to perform actions as the account they logged in
with. In some cases, users will even assume roles after assuming a role in order to be able to
perform certain actions. Our dedicated team of Data Scientists use advanced machine learning
techniques to attribute any activity up to the original actor based on logged activity across
your AWS account. When you see any AWS detections in our product, you will be able to see a
chain of roles assumed by the actor before performing their action, which will explain how this
user assumed this role.

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 151

Command & Control
• An attacker is controlling an AWS account to orchestrate their
attack against AWS infrastructure and services

• Attackers will access credential through various methods

• Attackers will control accounts in order to then perform

reconnaissance and lateral movement in the name of achieving
an object like data exfiltration or resource impact

• Actions are associated with Command and Control, Initial

Access, Reconnaissance MITRE Tactics

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AWS Root Credential Usage
Command & Control



90 90
Threat Certainty

• An action was taken by the root account.
T1078 Valid Accounts

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker has compromised the root account and is using the unfettered access it grants
to further their attack.
• Administrators are using the root account for normal activities, which is against best
practices and should not be done.

Business Impact
• Malicious use of the root account indicates significant opportunity for negative impact to
organizational assets, services, and data to include disruptive impact and sensitive data
• Misuse of the root account by admins for routine activities greatly elevates the risk of
accidental damage or disruption.

Steps to Verify
• Review the activity completed by the root account for indications of malicious activity.
• Validate with the team responsible for administering AWS that they used the root account for
an authorized activity.

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AWS Suspicious Credential Usage
Command & Control


50 !

80 70
Threat Certainty

• EC2 generated temporary credential used outside of EC2.
T1078 Valid Accounts

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker has extracted a temporary credential from an EC2 instance and is using it to
further their attack.
• An application is using temporary credential generation via EC2s in an unusual way.

Business Impact
• Attackers may use temporary credentials as a means of maintaining persistent command
and control in an environment, which increases the risk of data loss or impacted assets and

Steps to Verify
• Review the actions being undertaken by the credential after the identified activity and
potential risk posed by that access.
• Discuss with the EC2 instance owners to determine if the use of instance generated
temporary keys outside of EC2 is known and legitimate.
• If the review determines there is a high risk to data or the environment, disable the
credentials and perform a comprehensive investigation.

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AWS TOR Activity
Command & Control


! !


80 70
Threat Certainty The Onion Router (TOR)

• A credential was observed accessing the environment from a known anonymized (TOR) exit
T1090 Proxy

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is using an anonymizing proxy like TOR to obfuscate details of their source
connection or make an investigation more difficult by using multiple source IP addresses.
• A user may be intentionally using TOR to circumvent restrictions preventing access to the
resources in question, such as those applied by the country they are accessing from.

Business Impact
• Attackers identified under this detection are actively operating within the environment while
maintaining some level of operational security by obfuscating their source details.
• Attackers operating using TOR will reduce the ability of teams to connect identified attacker
behavior with other behaviors not yet identified since it enables the attacker to regularly
change the source detail of their connections while undertaking operations within the
• Authorized users that have adopted TOR may be in violation of IT Policies and be placing
organizational assets at risk.

Steps to Verify
• Review the actions being undertaken by the user after the identified activity and potential
risk posed by that access
• Review security policy to determine if the use of TOR is allowed.
• Discuss with the user to determine if the use of TOR is known and legitimate.
• If the review determines there is a high risk to data or the environment, disable the
credentials and perform a comprehensive investigation.

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 155

• An attacker is surveying and learning about AWS infrastructure

• Attackers with control of an account will look to identify paths to

their final objectives

• Attackers will probe AWS services in-order to find credentials to

gain additional access

• Attackers will identify services in order to collect, exfiltrate, or

impact data

• Actions are associated with the Discovery MITRE Tactic

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 156

AWS External Network Discovery


50 !

30 30
Threat Certainty

• An AWS control-plane API was observed programmatically enumerating the configuration
T1049 System Network Con-
nections Discovery details associated with Cloud-Native network integrations such as VPC Peering
Connections, VPN Connections and/or DirectConnect Gateways.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker may be actively enumerating how external networks are connected into the
environment, in order to further their attack.
• An administrator may intentionally be enumerating network configurations as part of their
normal duties.

Business Impact
• Reconnaissance may indicate the presence of an adversary gaining details necessary to
support additional malicious activities within the environment. A successful attack may yield
information that can be used by an adversary to mount a campaign against any external,
connected network

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the Principal that performed the action for other signs of malicious activity.
• Investigate if any modifications were made to the enumerated DirectConnect Gateways,
VPN or VPC Peering Connections configurations.
• Validate that any changes were authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration change:
▪ Revert configuration change.
▪ Disable credentials associated with this alert.
▪ Perform a comprehensive investigation to determine initial compromise and the scope of
impacted resources.

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 157

AWS Network Configuration Discovery


50 !

30 30 AWS
Threat Certainty

• An AWS control-plane API was observed programmatically enumerating the configuration
T1526 Cloud Service
Discovery details associated with the Virtual Private Network (VPC) such as Network Interfaces,
Gateways, Network ACLs and Route Tables.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker may be actively enumerating how networks in the environment are configured in
order to further their attack.
• An administrator may intentionally be enumerating network configurations as part of their
normal duties.

Business Impact
• Recon may indicate the presence of an adversary gaining details necessary to support
additional malicious activities within the environment. A successful attack may yield
information that can be used by an adversary to mount a campaign within the AWS

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the Principal that performed the action for other signs of malicious activity.
• Investigate if any modifications were made to the enumerated VPCs such as changes to
Network Interfaces, Gateways, Network ACLs or Routing Tables.
• Validate that any changes were authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration change:
▪ Revert configuration change.
▪ Disable credentials associated with this alert.
▪ Perform a comprehensive investigation to determine initial compromise and the scope of
impacted resources.

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 158

AWS Organization Discovery


50 !

20 20 AWS
Threat Certainty

• A user lists AWS account aliases via ListAliases or retrieves details for the AWS organization
T1580 Cloud Infrastructure
Discovery via DescribeOrganization

T1614 System Location Dis-

covery Possible Root Causes
• An attacker is enumerating details on the AWS organization to further their attack planning
and next steps.
• An administrator or user is retrieving organization details as part of their normal duties.
• Automation in the environment is collecting these details to support additional activities.

Business Impact
• Recon may indicate the presence of an adversary gaining details necessary to support
additional malicious activities within the environment.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 159

AWS S3 Enumeration


50 !

40 40
Threat Certainty

• Credential was observed performing a set of anomalous API requests that can be
T1526 Cloud Service
Discovery associated with the discovery or subsequent phases of an attack.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker may be actively looking for privilege escalation opportunities.
• A security or IT service may intentionally be enumerating these APIs for monitoring reasons.

Business Impact
• Privilege escalation may indicate the presence of an adversary that is modifying permissions
to progress towards an objective.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 160

AWS Suspect Credential Access from EC2


50 !

70 50
Threat Certainty

• A set of AWS control plane APIs commonly used to search EC2 user data on EC2 resources
T1552 Unsecured Credentials
for credentials was invoked in an unusual way that may be associated with a potential

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is searching for credentials inside of the EC2 user data to pivot in the
• An authorized administrator is performing an unusual activity commonly associated with
attack progression.

Business Impact
• Lateral movement may indicate that an adversary has established a foothold in the
environment and is progressing towards their objective, increasing the risk of material

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 161

AWS Suspect Credential Access from ECS


50 !

70 50 AWS ECS
Threat Certainty

• Credential was observed performing a set of API requests to retrieve a broad range of
T1552 Unsecured Credentials
container configuration details which may further their attack through the leak of credentials
or other data about the environment.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker may be actively looking for privilege escalation opportunities.
• A security or IT service may intentionally be enumerating these APIs for monitoring or
configuration management reasons.

Business Impact
• Stolen credentials allow an adversary to leverage authorized services and APIs to extend
their attack which can be difficult for traditional security solutions to detect.
• Abused credentials are typically associated with impactful attacks, and if unmitigated may
increase the likelihood that an adversary may inflict a loss of data or service availability.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 162

AWS Suspect Credential Access from SSM


50 !

70 50
Threat Certainty

• Credential was observed performing a set of API requests to list and then retrieve
T1552 Unsecured Credentials
parameters within the AWS parameter store.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker may be actively looking for privilege escalation opportunities.
• A security or IT service may intentionally be enumerating these APIs for monitoring or
configuration management reasons.

Business Impact
• Stolen credentials allow an adversary to leverage authorized services and APIs to extend
their attack which can be difficult for traditional security solutions to detect.
• Abused credentials are typically associated with impactful attacks, and if unmitigated may
increase the likelihood that an adversary may inflict a loss of data or service availability.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that parameters requested do not contain sensitive details, such as credentials. If
they do, investigate those credentials for potential malicious use.
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

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AWS Suspect Escalation Reconnaissance


50 !

40 40
Threat Certainty

• Credential was observed performing a set of unusual API requests that can be associated
T1069 Permission Groups
Discovery with the discovery or subsequent phase of an attack.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker may be actively looking for privilege escalation opportunities,
• A security or IT service may intentionally be enumerating these APIs for monitoring reasons.

Business Impact
• Privilege escalation may indicate the presence of an adversary that is modifying permissions
to progress towards an objective.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 164

AWS Suspicious EC2 Enumeration


50 !

40 40
Threat Certainty

• Credential was observed performing a set of anomalous API requests that can be
T1526 Cloud Service
Discovery associated with the discovery or subsequent phases of an attack.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker may be actively looking for privilege escalation opportunities.
• A security or IT service may intentionally be enumerating these APIs for monitoring reasons.

Business Impact
• Privilege escalation may indicate the presence of an adversary that is modifying permissions
to progress towards an objective.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 165

AWS User Permissions Enumeration


50 !

40 40
Threat Certainty

• Credential was observed performing a set of unusual API requests that can be associated
T1069 Permission Groups
Discovery with the discovery or subsequent phase of an attack.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker may be actively looking for privilege escalation opportunities,
• A security or IT service may intentionally be enumerating these APIs for monitoring reasons.

Business Impact
• Privilege escalation may indicate the presence of an adversary that is modifying permissions
to progress towards an objective.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 166

Lateral Movement
• An attacker in the AWS environment is spreading and taking
actions that ensure continuous undetected access

• Attackers after gaining access to the credentials and discovering

the environment will propagate and solidify their access

• Attackers will take actions to modify services and identifies to

ensure continued access

• Attackers will leverage credentials within their defined

permissions but for non-intended purposes to further the
attacker’s objective

• Actions are associated with Execution, Persistence, Privilege

Escalation, Defense Evasion, Lateral Movement, Credential
Access MITRE Tactics

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 167

AWS ECR Hijacking
Lateral Movement


50 !

80 70
Threat Certainty

• After enumerating ECR repositories and enumerating the images within those repositories,
T1525 Implant Internal Image
the attacker requests an authorization token for an image.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is inserting a backdoor into an existing image.
• An ECR administrator is making an authorized change to the image.

Business Impact
• Lateral movement may indicate that an adversary has established a foothold in the
environment and is progressing towards their objective, increasing the risk of material
• An inserted backdoor may provide hidden access persistence within the environment,
allowing attackers to return to the environment after eviction.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 168

AWS Lambda Hijacking
Lateral Movement



80 70
Threat Certainty

• After enumerating Lambda functions and IAM roles, create a Lambda function, and add a
T1525 Implant Internal Image
new rule to that Lambda function.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is creating a Lambda function that serves as a backdoor into the environment.
• An administrator is creating a Lambda function with a trigger for legitimate reasons.

Business Impact
• Lateral movement may indicate that an adversary has established a foothold in the
environment and is progressing towards their objective, increasing the risk of material
• An inserted backdoor may provide hidden access persistence within the environment,
allowing attackers to return to the environment after eviction.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

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AWS Logging Disabled
Lateral Movement


50 !

90 90
Threat Certainty

• Disable or delete CloudTrail logging within a region where the logging is already enabled.
T1562 Impair Defenses

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker has deleted CloudTrail logs to hide their tracks and/or has deleted the logs to
prevent investigation of their historical activities.
• An administrator has disabled CloudTrail logging as part of normal changes to the

Business Impact
• Inability to detect future attacks, investigate future or historical attacks, or audit activity
within the environment.
• Increased risk of activity that may negatively impact the business going unnoticed.

Steps to Verify
• Review the actions being undertaken by the user after the identified activity and potential
risk posed by that access in regions where logging remains (if any).
• Review security policy to determine if the removal of logging capabilities is allowed.
• Discuss with the user to determine if the activity is known and legitimate.
• If the review determines there is a high risk to data or the environment, disable the
credentials and perform a comprehensive investigation.

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 170

AWS Ransomware S3 Activity
Lateral Movement


50 !

90 80
Threat Certainty

• A large number of S3 objects were copied in a way that may indicate the encryption phase
T1486 Data Encrypted for
Impact of ransomware activity in the environment.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker leveraging AWS APIs to encrypt S3 objects with the goal of demanding a
ransom for the key to decrypt.
• Security or IT operations are manipulating and encrypting S3 objects in bulk as part of
normal operations.

Business Impact
• Ransomware attacks directly impact access to the organization’s data and are popular
among attackers due to the possibility of a quick transition from attack to monetization.
• After files have been encrypted, the attacker will ask the organization to pay a ransom
in return for a promise to provide the encryption key which would allow the files to be
• Even if an organization is willing to pay the ransom, there is no guarantee that the encryption
key will be provided by the attacker or that the decryption process will work.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• resource.
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, disable credential
associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive investigation.

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 171

AWS Security Tools Disabled
Lateral Movement


50 !

90 90
Threat Certainty

• Credential was observed performing a set of API requests capable of disabling native AWS
T1562 Impair Defenses
security measures.

Possible Root Causes

• Attackers are attempting to disable or downgrade AWS security mechanisms to blind
defenders or to enable further malicious activities without the risk of detection.
• A security or IT service may intentionally be disabling security tools while troubleshooting

Business Impact
• Attackers who have successfully degraded, disabled, or bypassed security controls can
more easily progress towards their objectives.
• Unintentional disabling of security controls increases the potential impact of both present
and future attacks against the organization.

Steps to Verify
• Review if this configuration is expected and appropriate in light of any available
compensating controls.
• If this is a temporary configuration for troubleshooting purposes, confirm it has been
reenabled once that troubleshooting is complete.

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AWS Suspect Admin Privilege Granting
Lateral Movement



60 50
Threat Certainty

• Apply a highly permissive inline policy (i.e. “:” or “*:*”) to a user, role, or group.
T1078 Valid Accounts

T1098 Account Manipulation

Possible Root Causes
• An attacker is changing the permissions of a user, role, or group to enable them to leverage
those permissions to gain additional or persistent access to the environment.
• An administrator has been granted highly permissive policies to enable them complete
access to the environment.

Business Impact
• Lateral movement may indicate that an adversary has established a foothold in the
environment and is progressing towards their objective, increasing the risk of material

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Review whether this account should have access to the console for their normal duties.
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

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AWS Suspect Console Pivot
Lateral Movement


50 !

80 70
Threat Certainty

• An account enumerates users or obtains details on their own account, after which they
T1538 Cloud Service Dash-
board request a token for console login and use that token to login to the console.

T1098 Account Manipulation

Possible Root Causes
• An attacker is pivoting from the AWS API to the AWS management console to continue their
attack progression.
• An administrator has started to use the AWS management console in an unusual way.

Business Impact
• Lateral movement may indicate that an adversary has established a foothold in the
environment and is progressing towards their objective, increasing the risk of material

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Review whether this account should have access to the console for their normal duties.
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

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AWS Suspect Login Profile Manipulation
Lateral Movement


50 !

80 70
Threat Certainty

• A source AWS account modifies the login profile of a target account, following which the
T1098 Account Manipulation
target account accesses the AWS console.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is enabling access to the console for credentials they have access to, to further
their attack.
• An administrator has enabled console access for another user within the environment.

Business Impact
• Lateral movement may indicate that an adversary has established a foothold in the
environment and is progressing towards their objective, increasing the risk of material

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• resource.
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 175

AWS Suspect Privilege Escalation
Lateral Movement



80 70
Threat Certainty

• Credential was observed performing a set of unusual API requests that enumerate privileges,
T1098 Account Manipulation
following which a modification of privileges was observed which may be indicative of a
privilege escalation occurring within the environment.

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker has attempted to escalate privileges within the environment.
• An account misconfiguration has weakened IAM protections associated with resource
• A security service, administrator, or other automation completed these actions as part of
normal environment operation.

Business Impact
• Privilege escalation may indicate the presence of an adversary that is modifying permissions
to progress towards an objective.
• IT misconfigurations may act to increase the risk of impact to assets, data, or services.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that made the change for other signs of malicious activity.
• Validate that the modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 176

AWS User Hijacking
Lateral Movement


50 !

80 70
Threat Certainty

• After enumerating users in the environment, add an access key to another user in the
T1098 Account Manipulation

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is expanding access to additional users within the environment.
• Authorized IT Automation is using access keys to interact on behalf of other users within the

Business Impact
• Lateral movement may indicate that an adversary has established a foothold in the
environment and is progressing towards their objective, increasing the risk of material

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed the action for other signs of malicious
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 177

• An attacker with access to the AWS environment is collecting
and removing data from the environment

• Attackers after gaining access and gaining sufficient permissions

will steal high value data

• Attackers will take actions to modify services and identifies to

ensure continued access

• Attackers will leverage credentials within their defined

permissions but for non-intended purposes to further the
attacker’s objective

• Actions are associated with Execution, Persistence, Privilege

Escalation, Defense Evasion, Lateral Movement, Credential
Access MITRE Tactics

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AWS Suspect External Access Granting



80 70
Threat Certainty

• A credential was observed enabling external access to AWS resources through an IAM role.
T1078 Valid Accounts

T1098 Account Manipulation

Possible Root Causes
• An attacker may be creating a means of accessing data from a separate AWS account.
• A sanctioned third-party security or IT service may be granted access to AWS resources in
order to perform normal activities.

Business Impact
• Once an adversary achieves persistent access, they’ve established the opportunity to stage
subsequent phases of an attack.

Steps to Verify
• Validate that the access is authorized, given the purpose and policies governing these
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, delete the created
IAM role and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 179

AWS Suspect Public EBS Change


50 !

60 40
Threat Certainty

• A credential was observed performing a set of AWS control plane API actions related to
T1213 Data from Information-
Repositories exfiltration EC2 snapshots.

T1530 Data From Cloud Stor- Possible Root Causes

age Object • An attacker may be actively looking for privilege escalation opportunities
• A security or IT service may intentionally be enumerating these APIs for monitoring reasons.
T1537 Transfer Data to Cloud
Business Impact
• Exfiltration by an attacker of EC2 snapshots may expose details that support further attack
progression, or lead to data loss.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that performed this action for other signs of malicious
• Investigate for data loss.
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert applicable
configurations and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a
comprehensive investigation.

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 180

AWS Suspect Public EC2 Change


50 !

70 60 AWS EC2
Threat Certainty

• After enumerating the existing security group policies, the ingress policy for an EC2 instance
T1213 Data from Information-
Repositories is modified.

T1530 Data From Cloud Stor- Possible Root Causes

age Object • An attacker is enabling external access to an EC2 instance to maintain persistence.
• An EC2 instance is exposed to external access as a part of its normal operation.
T1537 Transfer Data to Cloud
Business Impact
T1578 Modify Cloud Compute • Once an adversary achieves persistent access, they’ve established the opportunity to stage
Infrastructure subsequent phases of an attack.

Steps to Verify
• Validate that any modifications are authorized, given the purpose and policies governing this
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 181

AWS Suspect Public S3 Change


50 !

70 60
Threat Certainty

• A credential was observed suspiciously invoking a set of S3 APIs that permits public access
T1213 Data from Information-
Repositories to a given bucket.

T1530 Data From Cloud Stor- Possible Root Causes

age Object • An attacker may be scanning and maliciously modifying configurations around an S3 bucket
to enable data exfiltration.
T1537 Transfer Data to Cloud
• An IT misconfiguration may have been made by an authorized user which could weaken the
posture around an S3 bucket and promote the risk of data loss.
• An internal tool is scanning the buckets for security reasons.

Business Impact
• Malicious or unintentional weakening of security posture controls around S3 buckets are
commonly associated with data loss.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the account context that made the change for other signs of malicious activity.
• Investigate for data loss.
• Verify if the S3 bucket in question is authorized for public access.
• If review indicates possible malicious actions or high-risk configuration, revert configuration
and disable credentials associated with this alert then perform a comprehensive

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 182

• An attacker with access to the AWS environment is leveraging
AWS infrastructure for financial gain

• Actions are associated with the Impact MITRE Tactic

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 183

AWS Cryptomining


50 !

70 60
Threat Certainty

• Using a compromised EC2 instance token, multiple high-powered EC2 instances are
T1496 Resource Hijacking

Possible Root Causes

• An attacker is leveraging a compromised EC2 instance and/or token to create powerful EC2
instances for use in cryptomining.
• Internal infrastructure and applications are configured to create highly powered EC2
instances to enable compute intensive operations to occur in support of that application.

Business Impact
• High powered EC2 instances utilized for cryptomining result in significant costs billed to the
organization that owns the AWS account.

Steps to Verify
• Investigate the source of the EC2 instances being started to determine if this resource
should be creating new, high-powered, EC2 instances.
• Investigate the newly created EC2 instances to determine their purpose and ensure they are
not malicious.
• If review indicates possible malicious actions, perform a comprehensive investigation
to determine initial source of EC2 compromise, remove EC2 access and remediate
compromised resources and accounts.

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 184

Attack Campaigns

- Top - © 2023 Vectra Networks, Inc. | 185

How is a campaign formed?
Campaigns are formed when there is at least one active advanced command & control
detection and several other hosts are observed to be communicating with the same domain or
IP address. In the future, there will be additional scenarios on which campaigns will be based.

When is a campaign closed?

A campaign is closed when all advanced command & control detections underlying the
campaign become inactive (time out as a result of prolonged inactivity), are triaged out (either
whitelisted or modified to “custom” category) or are marked as fixed. Once a campaign is
closed, it will not be reopened.

What is included in the campaign?

The campaign UI will display objects for all the internal hosts involved in the campaign and
the external IP or domain to which the advanced command & control is taking place. Lines
connecting the host objects in the UI to the external IP or domain either denote a detection or
the presence of communication without a detection (they look the same when zoomed out on
a dense campaign – labels for the detections emerge upon zoom in). Lines connecting internal
host objects to each other denote the presence of lateral detections in which one host is
targeting another host in the campaign.

Can I be notified of the creation of a campaign?

Under Settings > Notifications, you can request email notifications when a new campaign is
closed or an existing campaign is closed. You can also configure syslog notifications to the log
server of your choice for these same events.

How can I see the sequence of events in the campaign?

The View Events action on the individual campaign page displays a list of details related to the
evolution of the campaign and activity within it. Individual connections to the external domain
or IP and updates to detections included in the campaign are detailed in the order in which they
were observed. The event log can also be downloaded in CSV format for audit reasons or to
enable offline analysis.

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