A Young Child With Recurrent Pneumonia and Hemopty
A Young Child With Recurrent Pneumonia and Hemopty
A Young Child With Recurrent Pneumonia and Hemopty
CASE PRESENTATION: In July 2020, a previously healthy 6-year-old boy was evaluated in a
pulmonary clinic in New York after two episodes of pneumonia in the previous 3 months.
For each episode, the patient presented with cough, fever, and hemoptysis, all of which
resolved with antibiotic therapy and supportive care. The patient never experienced dyspnea
during these episodes of pneumonia. He was asymptomatic at the current visit. The patient
had no history of travel, sick contacts, asthma, or bleeding disorders.
CHEST 2022; 162(2):e77-e80
AFFILIATIONS: From the Renaissance School of Medicine (Z. Zhao, CORRESPONDENCE TO: Helen Hsieh, MD, PhD; email: helen.hsieh@
R. C. Kim. T. Van Brunt), the Department of Pathology (F. Tavernier, stonybrookmedicine.edu
R. Choksi, J. E. Davis), the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Copyright Ó 2022 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by
Pulmonology (K. Kevill), and the Department of Surgery, Division of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Pediatric Surgery (H. Hsieh), Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2022.03.053
chestjournal.org e77
Figure 1 – Chest radiography demonstrating right lower lobe opacity in (A) Initial chest radiograph and (B) chest radiograph at 2 months.
chestjournal.org e79
Histopathology revealed a low-grade, mucus-secreting Other contributions: CHEST worked with the authors to ensure that
the Journal policies on patient consent to report information were met.
tumor (e-Fig 2) positive for CK7, and negative for
Additional information: The e-Figures are available online under
thyroid transcription factor 1, CK20, and p63. A positive “Supplementary Data.”
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diagnosis of MEC. After an uneventful recovery from Suggested Readings
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Acknowledgments Jichlinski A, Kilaikode S, Koumbourlis AC. Case 1: recurrent pneumonia
Financial/nonfinancial disclosure: None declared. in a 15-year-old girl. Pediatr Rev. 2018;39(9):464.