Pearson VUE Online Testing Guide 050924
Pearson VUE Online Testing Guide 050924
Pearson VUE Online Testing Guide 050924
testing route
An all-inclusive guide to taking
your exam online
Welcome to your
online testing
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Welcome to your online testing journey!
But don’t worry. It’s a bit like taking that long awaited vacation—
with a little planning and preparation you’ll have smooth sailing.
There’s a lot you can do before your test to make it the best experience
possible. You wouldn’t travel to an exciting new destination without
Pack the right gear
doing some research, making reservations, packing your bags, and
planning how and when to get to the airport… so you’ll want to do some
When testing online, you’ll provide your own computer
similar planning before taking your exam online.
equipment, so be sure you’ve got the following before
exam day:
First, do some prep work • A desktop or a laptop computer. Tablets may be used only
as a screen, paired with an external keyboard. Touchscreen
Run a system test (or two). technology cannot be used when testing online.
(Don’t forget your power cord!)
To take your exam online, you’ll need a computer* equipped with
• A single monitor. Remove extra monitors from the
a webcam and a strong internet connection. About one week before testing room, or at least unplug them before taking
you’d like to take your exam, run a system test, which you’ll find on your test-space photos during check-in.
your program’s online testing page. Be sure to run it on the computer • An external mouse, keyboard and webcam. You’ll only
need these if you plan to use either a tablet as a screen, or an
and internet connection you plan to use for your exam. (For example,
external monitor with a laptop—in which case you’ll need to
don’t run the test at home, then plan take your exam in an office keep your laptop lid closed.
where you may run into firewall or other connectivity issues.)
Also, plan to use the best internet connection possible.
The system test checks your hardware and network connection, A connection failure or interruption can interfere with,
then runs a short exam simulation to determine if your equipment is or even end, your testing session. To avoid disconnection:
compatible with OnVUE. Running the test well in advance gives you • Use a wired internet connection rather than Wi-Fi, if possible.
the opportunity to make any necessary upgrades or decide that you • If using Wi-Fi, ask that others do not use the internet
during your exam.
should take your exam in a physical test center instead.
• Disconnect any VPNs if you have them; OnVUE does
We recommend running the system test again two to three days not work well with VPNs.
before your exam. This will identify any issues that might arise from
Questions about your equipment? Find detailed OnVUE
automatic software downloads, background upgrades, etc. technical requirements here.
Speaking aloud. You may not read the test questions aloud, nor
may you cover your mouth, attempt to hide your face, or move out
of view of the webcam.
Using the whiteboard. Some programs allow the use of the built- Snacking, smoking, and so on
in electronic whiteboard feature for scratch work during the exam. Taking breaks. Breaks may not be taken during your
Learn more and practice using the whiteboard here. exam unless your program allows them. Visit your
program’s online testing page to find out if breaks are allowed,
Test questions. You may not copy/paste or attempt to remember
how many, duration, etc.
test questions or test answers from the exam, and you may not
share or discuss the test questions or test answers with anyone. • If your test includes scheduled breaks, instructions will appear
on your computer screen at the appropriate time. Be sure to
What not to wear
follow the steps provided to begin your scheduled break.
Clothing and accessories. You must be fully clothed
If you do not, or if you take an unscheduled break or take
throughout your exam. You may not wear the following
a break during a test that doesn’t allow them, your exam
during your exam:
will be revoked.
• Coats or jackets • Review your exam program’s policies related to accessing
• Barrettes or hair clips larger than ¼ inch (½ centimeter) wide previously stored personal items during the break (with the
exception of comfort aids and medication, which you may
While taking your exam you may wear head scarves, hair wraps,
access without permission during the exam). Unless permitted
billed caps (e.g., baseball caps), brimmed hats (e.g., fedoras) and
by your exam program, you cannot access mobile phones,
religious apparel. Generally, all head coverings and hat types
watches, test notes or study guides during your break.
are allowed as long as your eyes remain visible to the proctor
throughout the exam. Eating, drinking and smoking. Beverages in any container are
allowed—but remember, you may not get breaks during your
exam, so plan accordingly. You may not eat, smoke or use other
tobacco products at any time.
• Storing your phone: - If you lose your OnVUE connection, or to reach Pearson VUE
- Once your exam has started, keep your mobile phone in the room Support after your exam, use the chat feature on your
where you’re testing, but out of arm’s reach. Your phone may not program’s online testing page.
be kept in your immediate testing workspace. We recommend
• Silencing your phone:
placing it on the floor beneath you or a desk/table behind you.
- If you need to silence your phone after the exam has begun, first
• Incoming calls: alert a proctor, then wait for their acknowledgement to ensure
- If your phone rings during the exam, limit your interaction to they understand you are accessing your phone only to silence
identifying the caller. To do so, you may reach for your phone, but any notifications.
you must stay within the webcam view. The proctor must be able - Once you have silenced your phone, move it back to a place
to see you access the phone. where you won’t have immediate access to it.
- If a proctor is contacting you, the number will display as 617-379-
• Other notifications:
0635, and/or caller ID may identify the number as Pearson VUE.
- We will not text you during your exam. If you receive a text
If this number or contact appears, please answer the call.
notification, ignore the notification and continue testing.
- Any mobile phone use other than engaging with a proctor is strictly
- If an alarm sounds on your phone, first alert a proctor, then wait
prohibited and will result in your exam being revoked. If your phone
for their acknowledgement to ensure they understand you are
rings and the call is not from Pearson VUE, do not answer it.
accessing your phone only to silence the alarm.
• Outbound calls. - Once you have silenced the alarm or notification, move your phone
- You may not make outbound calls for any reason. back to a place where you won’t have immediate access to it.
- If you need help during your exam, click the Chat icon at the top
of the screen to contact a proctor.
Check in
Once you’re ready, you can check in 30 minutes before to 15 minutes
after your scheduled appointment time. The steps below will guide
you through the check-in process.
Sign in.
To check in for your exam, sign in just as you did when
scheduling it, either on your test sponsor’s external landing page or
your program’s online testing page. Next, find your exam and click Measures to foil the fraudsters
the Begin Exam button.
You’ve done a lot of hard work to get here and we want
• Click the Copy Access Code button when you see it; the access you to succeed. Unfortunately, there are others who look
code is your unique code for your OnVUE testing session. for ways to cheat or try to steal test content. Because these
attempts are all too common, we take measures to protect
• A final system check will take place, and you’ll re-download the both your efforts and exam content. This means a greeter
OnVUE application. (You don’t need to delete any previously may ask you to:
downloaded versions of OnVUE.)
• Show your ears to verify that no Bluetooth
• Before launching the software, shut down all other applications devices are present
running on your computer. If you do not, OnVUE will attempt to • Roll up your sleeves to confirm there is no
take this action automatically, but this could disrupt your exam writing on your arms
start. Additionally, the exam may not load as expected and you • Empty your pockets to ensure nothing is in them
could forfeit your exam fee. Tip: Don’t forget any applications that • Complete a full 360-degree room scan either
may deliver pop-up/unprompted reminders or messages. during check-in or your exam
- On Microsoft Windows, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to access Task Manager We appreciate your understanding and cooperation!
- On a Mac, press Command+Option+Esc to access Force Quit
If any testing violations are suspected, the proctor(s) monitoring your exam will intervene. Depending
on the severity of the violation, you may first receive a warning and reminder of the policy in question.
If the behavior continues, we may be required to revoke your exam session. Please note that some
violations are severe enough to warrant immediate exam revocation without a warning.
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