Ex 02
Ex 02
Ex 02
Applied Theoretical Physics Due: 06.05.2024
Prof. Dr. J. Dzubiella
a) Propose a Bravais lattice and a basis to describe the primitive cell of the 2D NaCl crystal
b) Calculate the Madelung constant of ion i numerically, e.g., using Python by considering
neighboring ions up to the nth coordination shell. The latter can be defined by all particles
within a sphere of radius n·r0 . Consider different values of n and try to obtain a converged
result for large n. Can you estimate an error? Compare the calculated Madelung constant
to value from the literature.
where P is the pressure, V the volume, and T the fixed temperature, and the lattice energy of
N ion pairs for NaCl is now approximated by
e2 B X 1
U (r) = N − A+ n , (3)
4πϵ0 r r pnij
where A = 1.748 is the Madelung constant and pij = rij /r with rij and r being the distance
between ions i and j and the separating distance between first nearest neighbors, respectively.
a) Use the lattice energy per ion pair, u(r) = U/N , for NaCl, to express the bulk modulus
κ as a function of u(r) and its derivatives with respect to r in the limit of vanishing
Hint: The pressure reduces to P = − ∂V T,{Ni }
for T = 0 K, because entropic effects
vanish. Express volume changes by the changes in the lattice distances.
b) Finally, express κ in equilibrium as a function of A and the equilibrium nearest distance
r0 .
Hint: The dependencies between B, r0 and A can be found from the energy minimization
principle in equilibrium.
z-axis with respect to the direct (i.e., real-space) lattice. Which ratio c/a of the hexagonal
Bravais lattice leads to the same ratio crec /arec of the reciprocal lattice.
d) What is the relation between the volumes of the primitive cells in real and reciprocal
e) The Bravais lattice generated by three primitive vectors of equal length a, making an equal
angle, θ, with one another is known as the trigonal Bravais lattice. Show that the reciprocal
of a trigonal Bravais is also trigonal, with angle θ∗ given by cos θ∗ = − cos θ/[1 + cos θ],
and a primitive vector length, a∗ given by a∗ = (2π/a)(1 + 2 cos θ cos θ∗ )−1/2 .