Evaluating Part-Of-speech Tagging and Parsing

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Chapter 4

On the Evaluation of Automatic Parsing
of Natural Language

Patrick Paroubek
Laboratoire d’Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l’Ingénieur
LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France
[email protected]

Abstract The aim of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the evaluation of part-of-
speech (POS) taggers and parsers. After a presentation of both POS tagging and
parsing, describing the tasks and the existing formalisms, we introduce general
considerations about evaluation of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Then
we raise a point about the issue of input data segmentation into linguistic units,
a crucial step in any evaluation related to language processing. We conclude by
a review of the current evaluation methodologies and average levels of perfor-
mance generally achieved for POS tagging and parsing.

Keywords Natural language processing; Evaluation; Part-of-speech (POS) tagging;


1 POS Tagging
Part-of-speech (POS) tagging is the identification of the morphosyntactic
class of each word form using lexical and contextual information. Here is how
Brill’s tagger (Brill, 1995) tags the first sentence of this paragraph. Each line
holds respectively: a token number, a word form, a POS tag, and a short tag
0 part-of-speech tagging VBG verb, gerund or present participle
1 is VBZ verb, present tense, 3rd person, singular
2 the DT determiner
3 identification NN noun, singular or mass
4 of IN preposition or subordinating conjunction
L. Dybkjær et al. (eds.), Evaluation of Text and Speech Systems, 99–124.

c 2007 Springer.

5 the DT determiner
6 morphosyntactic JJ adjective
7 class NN noun, singular or mass
8 of IN preposition or subordinating conjunction
9 each DT determiner
10 word NN noun, singular or mass
11 form NN noun, singular or mass
12 using VBG verb, gerund or present participle
13 lexical JJ adjective
14 and CC conjunction, coordinating
15 contextual JJ adjective
16 information NN noun, singular or mass

Brill’s tagger uses the Penn Treebank1 tagset (Marcus et al., 1993). The
tagset regroups all the tags used to represent the various word classes. Ideally, a
tagset should have the capacity to integrate all the morphosyntactic information
present in the lexical descriptions of the words, if any is available. It should
also have the capacity to encode the information needed to disambiguate POS
tags in context, and last of all, it should have the capacity to represent the
information that will be needed by the linguistic processing to which POS
tagging is a preliminary processing phase. We give below a short description
of the 36 tags of the Penn Treebank tagset (Marcus et al., 1993).
1. CC Coordinating conjunction
2. CD Cardinal number
3. DT Determiner
4. EX Existential there
5. FW Foreign word
6. IN Preposition or subordinating conjunction
7. JJ Adjective
8. JJR Adjective, comparative
9. JJS Adjective, superlative
10. LS List item marker
11. MD Modal
12. NN Noun, singular or mass
13. NNS Noun, plural
14. NP Proper noun, singular
15. NPS Proper noun, plural
16. PDT Predeterminer
17. POS Possessive ending
18. PP Personal pronoun
19. PP$ Possessive pronoun
20. RB Adverb
21. RBR Adverb, comparative
Evaluating Part-of-Speech Tagging and Parsing 101
22. RBS Adverb, superlative
23. RP Particle
24. SYM Symbol
25. TO to
26. UH Interjection
27. VB Verb, base form
28. VBD Verb, past tense
29. VBG Verb, gerund or present participle
30. VBN Verb, past participle
31. VBP Verb, non-third person singular present
32. VBZ Verb, third person singular present
33. WDT Wh-determiner
34. WP Wh-pronoun
35. WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun
36. WRB Wh-adverb

The selection of the linguistic features from the lexical descriptions and
how they are associated to POS tags is always a difficult choice. Arbitrary
linguistic choices, the application for which tagging is done, the performance
expected of the tagger, and finally the disambiguation power offered by the
current language technology are all important factors in determining lexical
feature selection. For instance, Chanod and Tapanainen (1995) have shown
that one way to improve the performance of a POS tagger for French, is to
exclude the gender information from the tags of nouns and adjectives (there
is less ambiguity to solve, and therefore less chance for the tagger to make
an error). The gender information can be recovered afterwards by means of a
lexicon and a few rules (Tufis, 1999).
It is very difficult to draw a precise boundary around the morphosyntac-
tic information associated with POS tags, since it concerns morphology (e.g.,
verb tense), morphosyntax (e.g., noun/verb distinction), syntax (e.g., identifi-
cation of the case for pronouns, accusative versus dative), and semantics (e.g.,
distinction between common and proper noun). Often it is represented by lexi-
cal descriptions which make explicit the way linguistic features are organised
into a hierarchy and the constraints that exist between them (some features are
defined only for some specific morphosyntactic categories, like the notion of
tense which is restricted to the category of verbs). Here is an example of a
lexical description of the word form “results”:
[ word form = ‘‘results’’
[ category = noun
subcategory = common
morphology = [ number = plural
gender = neuter2
lemma = ‘‘result’’ ]]

[ category = verb
subcategory = main
morphology = [ form = indicative
tense = present
number = singular
person = third
lemma = ‘‘result’’]]]

POS tagging is said to be one of the easiest linguistic tasks to implement,

since the performance level that one can get with simple algorithms is several
orders of magnitude above human performance in terms of speed and very near
the level of human performance in terms of quality. Most of the complex lin-
guistic phenomena that lie beyond the range of the current language technology
occur relatively rarely. In fact, the apparent high performance level displayed
by taggers in general is slightly misleading, since it is the result of the pre-
ponderant number of unambiguous word forms over the ambiguous ones in
natural language. For instance, when we look at the performance on a per tag
basis of one the best systems in the GRACE (Adda et al., 1999) evaluation
campaign of French POS taggers, the error rate is 0.03% (4 tagging errors
over 13,246 occurrences) for the punctuation category, while it goes up to 7%
(1,449 tagging errors over 20,491 occurrences) for the noun category. Charniak
et al. (1993) showed that the simple strategy of selecting the most likely tag for
each word correctly tagged 90% of the word forms present in its data. The dif-
ficulty of POS tagging also varies greatly with the language considered; for
instance, the fact that nouns are capitalized in German texts helps a lot. But
problems arise from the morphological productivity of German, which results
in a large number of lexical parameters, at least in the standard Markov model
approach (Schmid, 1995). How to measure the performance of POS taggers is
precisely the topic addressed in Section 4.

2 Parsing
Parsing is an analysis task aiming at identifying any constraint that controls
the arrangement of the various linguistic units into sentences, and hence the
ordering of words. An automatic parser tries to extract from the textual data it
is given as input a description of the organization and function of the linguistic
elements it finds in the data. The syntactic description can then be used by the
application for which the parser was developed.
In Natural Language Processing (NLP), parsing has been studied since
the early 1960s, first to develop theoretical models of human language syn-
tax and general “deep”3 parsers. After a period during which the formalisms
have evolved to take into account more and more lexical information (linguistic
descriptions anchored in words), the last decade has seen a regain of interest
Evaluating Part-of-Speech Tagging and Parsing 103

in “shallow parsers” since for many applications deep configurational analyses

of a sentence are completely irrelevant. Often shallow parsers are qualified in
the literature as “robust”. But one should not think that robustness is implied
by a shallow analysis. It is true that since the function of a shallow parser is
not to produce a full analysis, the number of constraints it must satisfy ought
to be less than for a deep parser. Consequently, its chances of producing a valid
analysis ought to be better. However, for any system this reasoning remains a
hypothesis until proper tests have been conducted to assess the robustness of
the parser considered. In parallel, the past few years have seen the emergence
of the concept of a “treebank”, a large corpus, fully annotated with deep syn-
tactic information (see Cieri, Chapter 8, this volume), and of great value for
machine learning and evaluation.
Today parsing a sentence can be approached from two different directions:
first, there are the constituent-based models, which put the emphasis on cate-
gorial aspects of the linguistic units; second, there are the dependency-based
models, for which the elements of interest are the syntactic functions of the
linguistic units.
With constituent-based analysis, the structure of a sentence is represented
by nested constituents, tagged with their syntactic category (noun phrase, verb
phrase, etc.) In this model, the syntactic functions are derived from the rela-
tions existing in the constituents structure. For each syntactic function there
is a particular constituent configuration: for instance, the derivation of a noun
phrase (NP) from a sentence constituent indicates that the NP has the subject
function. Here is an example of constituent annotation from Monceaux, (2002)
(translation: Jean looks like Paul ):
[S [NP Jean] [VP [V ressemble] [PP [Prep à] [NP Paul]]]]
In the dependency model introduced by Tesnière (1966), structural con-
nections between the words fall into two classes: dependency relations (sub-
ordination) and junction relations (coordination). A dependency relationship
is established between two words or linguistic units as soon as the syntactic
and semantic features of one word constrain the possibilities for the other to
co-occur. In this model, syntactic analysis is performed from left to right, and
syntactic functions are carried out by specific words, i.e., the heads, and not
by the constituents, as is the case with the constituent-based model. Figure 1
shows an example of dependency annotation.
Constituent models and dependency models are considered globally com-
plementary since they offer two different points of view on the same data, and
equivalent since it is theoretically possible to perform an automatic
conversion (Bohnet and Seniv, 2004) in both directions, but sometimes this
conversion is quite complex. We will now briefly present a few syntactic
formalisms among the ones encountered most frequently in the literature,
without in any way trying to be exhaustive. Ait-Mokhtar and Chanod (1997)


subj: obj:

<joan> <suits>
subj: obj:

<likes> <her>
subj: obj:

obj: infmark:

<John> <whatever> <to>

Figure 1. An example of dependency annotation of the sentence “John likes to decide what-
ever suits her” from Monceaux (2002).

describe a parser realised with finite state automata. An introduction to the use
of statistical methods for parsing is proposed in Manning and Schütze (2002).
A presentation of the various approaches that have been tried for parsing along
with the main milestones of the domain is given in Wehrli (1997) and Abeillé
and Blache (2000); in Abeillé (1993) we find a description of all the formalisms
that were inspired from logic programming (based on unification operation)
like the “lexical functional grammar” (LFG), the “generalized phrase structure
grammar” (GPSG), the “head-driven phrase structure grammar” (HPSG), and
the “tree adjoining grammar” (TAG).
LFG is a lexical theory that represents grammatical structure by means of
two kinds of objects linked together by correspondences: the functional struc-
tures (f-structures), which express grammatical relations by means of attribute-
value pairs (attributes may be features such as tense, or functions such as
subject); and the constituent structures (c-structures), which have the form of
phrase structure trees. Information about the c-structure category of each word
as well as its f-structure is stored in the lexicon. The grammar rules encode con-
straints between the f-structure of any non-terminal node and the f-structures
of its daughter nodes. The functional structure must validate the completeness
and coherence condition: all grammatical functions required by a predicate
must be present but no other grammatical function may be present.
In GPSG, phrase structure is encoded by means of context-free rules, which
are divided into immediate dominance rules and linear precedence rules. The
formalism is equipped with the so-called slash feature to handle unbounded
movements in a context-free fashion. GPSG offers a high level, compact rep-
resentation of language at the cost of sometimes problematic computation.
Evaluating Part-of-Speech Tagging and Parsing 105

HPSG is a lexical formalism, in which language is a system of types of

linguistic objects (word, phrase, clause, etc.) rather than a collection of sen-
tences. HPSG represents grammar by declarative constraints. A grammar is a
multiple-inheritance hierarchy of linguistic types. The lexicon is a subhierar-
chy in the grammar. A linguistic object type is represented by an underspeci-
fied feature structure, while a fully specified one identifies a unique linguistic
object of the type considered. Constraints are resolved by feature structure uni-
TAG is a lightly context-sensitive formalism that represents grammar with
two types of syntactic trees: elementary and auxiliary. Elementary trees hold
the lexical information. In each elementary tree, a unique lexical item is at-
tached to a leaf node. Auxiliary trees encode constraints on phrase structures.
Trees are combined by means of two operations: substitution (replacement of a
leaf node by a tree) and adjunction (replacement of a non-leaf node by a tree).
Substitution and adjunction are constrained both by the labels of the nodes
involved and by unification of the linguistic information stored in the feature
structures associated to nodes.
A state-of-the-art description of dependency grammar is presented in
Kahane (2000). Blache (2001) explores the contribution of contraint solving to
parsing. Clément (2003) presents the latest development in parsing research.
Vergne (2002) presents a multilingual parser that uses very few linguistic
Parsing is an attempt at linking the linguistic phenomena naturally occurring
in corpora with their encoding in a given syntactic formalism. We will see in
Section 5 how evaluation attempts to qualify the way such linking is done.

3 Evaluation and Natural Language Processing

The purpose of evaluation is to provide an assessment of the value of a
solution to a given problem; in our case, the purpose is to determine the per-
formance of the POS tagging function or of the parsing function used in an
application. When evaluating, we need to identify precisely the subject of eval-
uation. However, for NLP it is rather difficult to identify in a complete system,
independent variables representative of the function to be observed. Often in
NLP systems, the various functions involved are tightly coupled. When evalu-
ating, the need to take into account the operational set-up adds an extra factor
of complexity. This is why Sparck Jones and Galliers (1995), in their analysis
and review of NLP system evaluation, stress the importance of distinguishing
evaluation criteria relating to the language-processing goal (intrinsic criteria)
from the ones relating to its role with respects to the purpose of the whole
set-up (extrinsic criteria). One of the key questions is whether the operational
set-up requires the help of a human, in which case, evaluation will also have to
take into account human variability in the test conditions. The European project

EAGLES (King and Maegaard, 1998) used the role of the human operator as
a guide to recast the question of evaluation in terms of users’ perspective. The
resulting evaluation methodology is centred on the consumer report paradigm.
EAGLES distinguishes three kinds of evaluation:

1. Progress evaluation, where the current state of a system is assessed

against a desired target state
2. Adequacy evaluation, where the adequacy of a system for some intended
use is assessed
3. Diagnostic evaluation, where the assessment of the system is used to find
where it fails and why

Among the other general characterisation of evaluation encountered in the

literature, we retained the following ones, useful for comparing evaluation

1. Blackbox or whitebox evaluation – whether only the global function

performed between the input and output of a systems is accessible, or
whether all its subfunctions are also accessible for investigation
2. Subjective or objective evaluation – whether the measurement is per-
formed directly on data produced by the process under test, or whether it
is based on the perception that human beings have of the process under
3. Qualitative or quantitative evaluation – whether the result is a label des-
criptive of the behaviour of a system or whether it is the value resulting
from the measurement of a particular variable
4. Technology or user-oriented evaluation (see King, Chapter 5, this vol-
ume) – whether one measures the performance of a system on a generic
task (the specific aspects of any application, environment, culture, and
language being abstracted as much as possible from the task), or whether
one considers the actual performance of a system in the framework of a
specific application, environment, culture, and language, in which case,
not only technical aspects are compared, but also usability criteria like
the human/machine synergy

An important point is whether the performance of a language-processing

system is measured against a theoretical objective (the maximal performance
value defined by the evaluation metrics), or rather against the performance
level displayed by a human performing the task under consideration, as Peak
(2001) proposes to do when evaluating spoken language dialogue systems.
Evaluating Part-of-Speech Tagging and Parsing 107

Since the goal of evaluation is to provide answers to questions raised about

the working of a given information-processing system, it is very likely that
some decisive questions may have nothing to do with the ability to process a
particular language. They may concern issues like software portability (choice
of programming language, operating system compatibility, interoperability
with other modules), or the capability of the system to handle various lan-
guages. On one occasion, decision makers preferred to select a unique multi-
lingual system over a set of monolingual systems, for maintainability reasons,
even though the multilingual system displayed lower performance on some
language than its specific counterpart.
Finally we can say that any evaluation dealing with language processing
resolves itself to proposing (partial) answers to the following three questions:
1. Which linguistic phenomena need to be taken into account and how
frequently do they occur?
2. What kind of analysis is performed on them?
3. How will the result of their analysis be used by the application consid-
Note that, in practice, the question of which linguistic phenomena to adopt
not only concerns the phenomena subject to the language processing consid-
ered, but also deals with the definition of more basic elements like affixes,
word stems, types, lemmas, syntactic chunks, phrases, sentences, paragraphs,
or even documents. Unfortunately, no standard exists for these.
Very often the evaluation process is based on a corpus4 (Kilgarriff and
Grefenstette, 2003). Thus we can have reproducible tests, if no human interven-
tion is required by the application under test. If the latter cannot be achieved,
a solution is to record the human intervention and reuse it at a later time. Thus
the working of the application can be reproduced exactly. Fortunately, there is
now enough knowledge available from corpus linguistics to ensure that a given
corpus is representative of the language phenomena corresponding to the eval-
uation task.
The aim of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the evaluation of POS
taggers and parsers for natural language textual data.5 We will look at both
POS tagging and parsing, two kinds of analysis almost always brought into
play when processing natural language data.
With the current state of NLP technology, POS tagging and parsing deal
essentially with the appearance of words, relegating semantic and pragmatic
issues to other processing stages. Note that POS taggers and parsers are among
the more readily available kinds of NLP software.
More precisely, by POS tagging is usually meant the identification of
the morphosyntactic class of each word form6 using lexical and contextual

information. The classes are either a refinement of the ones inherited from the
Latin grammar (where, for instance, the class of nouns regroups the words des-
ignating entities, objects, notions, and concepts), inferred from statistical data
according to an arbitrary feature set, or a mix of both of the previous cases.
By definition, the task of parsing aims at identifying any constraint that con-
trols the arrangement of the various linguistic units into sentences, and hence
the ordering of words.
If we use basic linguistic terminology in the example of “The program prints
results”, POS tagging will identify the word form “prints” as a verb, at the third
person singular of the indicative present tense (and not as a noun), and pars-
ing will tell that the form “program” is the subject of the verb form “prints”,
and that the form “results” is the direct object complement of the verb form
Note that the majority of parsing algorithms require the result of a prelim-
inary POS tagging analysis or incorporate a POS tagging function. Note also,
that the definitions we have just given of POS tagging and parsing rely on the
definition of what constitutes a word, a not so trivial task as we will see in
Section 3.1.

3.1 Identifying the Boundaries of Basic

Linguistic Units
“What is a word?” (Grefenstette and Tapanainen, 1994) is a trivial question,
it seems, but we will see that it is not the case. Usually, the transformation of
a character stream into the sequence of basic units that any analysis requires
is called tokenisation, and the basic units tokens. They are built on the basis
of purely orthographic considerations, taking into account exclusive character
classes, namely separators versus non-separators (Habert et al., 1998; Man-
ning and Schütze, 2002). However, no one-to-one correspondence exists be-
tween the tokens and the word forms (Adda et al., 1997). Despite the help
provided by separator characters (for the languages whose written form has
them7 ), the correct identification of the various word forms cannot be done
only on the basis of their appearance because language is ambiguous by nature.
To perform word segmentation, the use of syntactic or semantic and sometimes
even pragmatic knowledge may be required. Such knowledge is generally not
available during tokenisation, since it implies the prior identification of the
various word forms present. For instance, in the following examples recourse to
syntax and semantics is required to distinguish between the two analyses
of“of course”, a noun preceded by a preposition in the first excerpt, and an
adverb in the second one:
Evaluating Part-of-Speech Tagging and Parsing 109

1. Early parental absence as an indicator of course and outcome in chronic

2. This is an impossibility of course and the manufacturers admit so in private.

Since evaluation generally implies comparing several systems or different

versions of the same system, it is very likely that each will use its own spe-
cific word segmentation. Segmentation variation could have an impact either
on the POS tagging or parsing process (i.e., different segmentations produce
different analyses), or on the performance measurement (i.e., different word
segmentations entail different performance measures). Providing different spe-
cific reference data for each system to limit the influence of word segmentation
would be too costly in addition to raising questions about the universality of
the evaluation results. Nevertheless, to limit the influence of word segmenta-
tion, it is possible either to take an average performance measurement across
all the possible segmentations, or to choose arbitrarily a reference word seg-
mentation, but if so, which one? Alternatively, the various word segmentations
can be mapped onto a common underlying token segmentation that serves as
the reference segmentation. Adda et al. (1999) propose to represent explicitly
the word segmentation information through indices associated to the tokens,8
which Cloeren (1999) calls ditto tags. With this scheme, any word segmenta-
tion can be represented, provided that the smallest word of any segmentation
has a size equal to, or larger than, the one of the smallest token.
However, using the token segmentation instead of the word segmentation for
counting correct/incorrect events distorts the counts. For instance, with such a
scheme an erroneous word made of two tokens will be counted twice instead
of once (see Table 1). In general, the distortion introduced by the change of
segmentation is somehow compensated by the fact that it applies to both the
erroneous cases and the correct ones. Thus, even though the values of the event
counts are different for each of the two segmentations, the relative positions
of the various systems in the performance graph are often preserved across
segmentation change.
The problem of splicing the input stream is not limited to small linguistic
units like word forms, but concerns also larger units like sentences. Neither

Table 1. Example of error amplification when using token segmentation instead of word
segmentation (2 errors instead of one).

System output [of course] adjective 1 error

Normalised system output [of] adjective/1.2 [course] adjective/2.2 2 errors
Reference [of] adverb/1.2 [course] adverb/2.2 –

a standard nor a clearly established definition of what constitutes a sentence

exists. Furthermore, sentence segmentation may or may not be part of the
function performed by a parser. For instance, Brill’s tagger (Brill, 1995)
expects to receive input that is already segmented into sentences. The quality
of the sentence segmentation has a direct bearing on the quality of the pars-
ing, since the beginning and end of sentences are elements of context that
strongly determine parsing. If sentence segmentation is considered solved by
some (Mikheev, 2000), this holds only for written language of good qual-
ity where punctuation marks obey typographic rules most of the time. It is
quite another thing for emails or speech transcriptions. For instance, in the
EASY-EVALDA evaluation campaign for parsers of French of the TECH-
NOLANGUE program (Mapelli et al., 2004), the sentence boundaries for the
manual speech transcription9 data had to be set by hand only after the reference
syntactic annotation had been done, since the annotators needed the syntactic
information to assign end-of-sentence markers in a consistent manner.
Sometimes, it may even be the document boundary which is problematic, for
instance when segmenting a continuous audio stream (Gauvain et al., 2001),
where the limits of the different programmes (news, advertising, shows, etc.)
need to be identified.

4 POS Tagging Evaluation Methodology

Accuracy is certainly the most intuitive and the most used among the per-
formance measures mentioned in the literature. It is defined as the ratio of the
number of word forms correctly tagged over the total number of word forms
tagged.10 Note that the exact signification of this measure depends on what
is meant exactly by “correct” tagging, the simplest definition of which requires
that the following two conditions be met:
1. The word segmentation convention used by the tagger must be the same
as the one used for the reference data, otherwise there is a need to deploy
realignment procedures (cf. Adda et al., 1999).
2. The tagset used by the tagger must be the same as the one used to anno-
tate the reference data, otherwise specific mapping procedures need to
be applied (cf. Adda et al., 1999).
For POS tagging, everybody agrees that the accuracy of a tagger cannot be
properly evaluated without a comparison with an annotated reference corpus,
which has a distribution of linguistic phenomena that is representative of the
POS tagger target application. A test suite can give interesting insights on
the way the tagger handles particular linguistic phenomena. However, the
relatively small size of the test suites (up to a few thousand words in gen-
eral), compared to the one of a corpus (at least a million words; Paroubek and
Evaluating Part-of-Speech Tagging and Parsing 111







0.84 0.86 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1

Figure 2. Variation of POS tagging accuracy depending on text genre. The graph (Illouz,
2000) gives the number of texts of a given genre (ordinate) in function of tagging precision
(abscissa), measured on the Brown corpus (500 texts of 2000 words), with the Tree Tagger
using the Penn Treebank tagset.

Rajman, 2002) does not permit to obtain enough information either on the lan-
guage coverage or on the robustness of the tagger.
Not only the size of the corpus, but also its type can have an influence on
the accuracy measure. To show how the performance of a POS tagger varies
depending on the kind of data it processes, we give in Figure 2 the variation
of tagging accuracy of the Tree Tagger (a freely available probabilistic POS
tagger which uses the Penn Treebank tagset) as a function of the text genre,
measured on the Brown corpus (500 texts of 2,000 words each). The accuracy
varies from 85% to 98% with an average value of 94.6% (Illouz, 2000). Of
course, it is recommended for testing to use material different from that which
served for training of the system, since performance will invariably be better
on the training material (van Halteren, 1999).
Things get more complicated as soon as we start considering cases other
than the one in which both the tagger and the reference data assign only
one tag per token. Then the accuracy measure no longer permits a fair com-
parison between different taggers, if they are allowed to propose partially
disambiguated taggings. Van Halteren (1999) proposes in such cases to use

the average tagging perplexity, i.e., the average number of tags per word as-
signed by the system,11 or to have recourse to precision and recall, the now
well-known evaluation measures from Information Retrieval.
Let us denote with ti the set of tags assigned to the ith word form wi by
a tagger and ri the set of tags assigned to the same word form in the refer-
ence annotations. The value of the precision and recall for this word form are,
respectively, the ratio of the number of correct tags over the number of tags
assigned by the system P (wi ) = |ti|t∩r
, and the ratio of the number of correct
tags over the number of tags assigned in the reference R(wi ) = |ti|r∩r
. By aver-
aging the respective sums of the two previous quantities 
for all the word forms,
we obtain the measures over the whole corpus P = N1 N i=1 pi and similarly
for R. Often precision and recall are combined together into one single value,
the f-measure whose formula accepts as parameter α the relative importance12
given to precision over recall, F = α (1−α) (Manning and Schütze, 2002).
+ R
In the very frequent case where only one tag per word form is assigned in
the reference annotation, precision and recall take very intuitive interpretations.
Recall is the proportion of word taggings holding one correct tag. Precision is
the ratio between the recall and the average number of tags assigned per word
by the tagger. This second measure is relatively close to the average ambi-
guity (Tufis and Mason, 1998), the average number of tags assigned by a
lexicon to the words of a corpus. It integrates both the a priori ambiguity of
the corpus and the delicacy13 of the tagset used in the lexicon. Average am-
biguity can be used to quantify the relative difficulty offered by the task of
tagging the corpus, i.e., how much ambiguity remains to be solved, since some
word forms have already an unambiguous tagging in the lexicon.
Note that precision is a global performance measurement which does not
give any information about the error distribution over the various linguistic
phenomena or the various genres of text, or on the types of error. It is not
because two taggers have similar precision values that they make the same
errors at the same locations. Therefore, it may be of interest to quantify the
similarity between two taggings of the same text. There exists a measure ini-
tially developed for this very purpose, but for human annotators. It is the κ
(kappa) coefficient (Carletta, 1996), which compensates for the cases where
the two taggings agree by chance.
Other approaches use measures from Information Theory (Resnik and
Yarowsky, 1997), like the per word cross-entropy, which measures the dis-
tance between a stochastic process q and a reference stochastic process p. In
this approach, tagging is considered to be a stochastic process which associates
to each word form a probability distribution over the set of tags. If we suppose
that the reference process is stationary14 and ergodic,15 and that two subse-
quent taggings are two independent events, then for a sufficiently large corpus,
the cross-entropy can be easily computed (Cover and Thomas, 1991).
Evaluating Part-of-Speech Tagging and Parsing 113

Let us mention another set of measures which has been used in the GRACE
evaluation campaign (Adda et al., 1999): precision and decision. The precision
measures the number of times a word was assigned a single correct tag. The
decision measures the ratio between the number of words which have been
assigned a single tag and the total number of words. The originality of this
measure lies with the possibility to plot the whole range of performance values
reachable by a system, if one were to attempt to disambiguate some or all of
the taggings that were left ambiguous by the tagger.
In the literature, most of the results mention precision values which are
almost always greater than 90% and sometimes reach 99%. Already in de Rose
(1988), the Volsunga tagger had achieved 96% precision for English on the
Brown corpus. The best result in the GRACE evaluation of French taggers
was 97.8% precision on a corpus of classic literature and the Le Monde news-
paper. In the same evaluation, a lexical tagging (assigning all the tags found in
the lexicon associated to the considered word form) achieved 88% precision.
This result dropped to 59% precision16 when a few contextual rule files were
applied to try to artificially reduce the ambiguous taggings to one single tag
per word. But let us remind the reader that all these measures must be con-
sidered with caution since they highly depend on the size and composition of
the tagset as well as on the segmentation algorithms and on the genre of the
text processed. Furthermore, evaluation results are given on a per word basis,
which is not necessarily an appropriate unit for some applications where units
like the sentence, the paragraph, or the document are often more pertinent. For
instance, for a 15-word sentence and a tagging precision of 96% at the word
level, we only get a tagging precision of 54.2% at the sentence level, i.e., almost
1 sentence in 2 contains a tagging error. Conversely, to achieve a 95% tagging
precision at the sentence level, we would need to have a tagger which would
achieve a 99.67% precision at the word level.
Although POS tagging seems to be a task far simpler than parsing, a
POS tagger is a complex system combining several functions (tokeniser,
word/sentence segmenter, context-free tagger, POS tag disambiguator) which
may use external linguistic resources like a lexicon and a tagset. Evaluat-
ing such systems implies clear choices about the criteria that will be effec-
tively taken into account during evaluation. Evaluation cannot resume itself
to the simple measurement of tagging accuracy; factors like the processing
speed (number of words tagged per second), the software portability (on which
operating system can the tagger run, how easily can it be integrated with other
modules), its robustness (is the system tolerant to large variations of the input
data characteristics), the delicacy of the tagset (how fine a linguistic distinction
can be made between two word classes), and the multilingualism of the system
all constitute different dimensions of the evaluation space, the importance of
which varies depending on the purpose of evaluation.

5 Methodology and Evaluation Measures

for Parsing
Historically, the first comparative evaluation of the output of automatic par-
sers has been done by human experts, who formulated a diagnostics based on
the processing of a set of test sentences. Very often this way of performing
evaluation implies the use of an analysis grid (Blache and Morin, 2003) that
lists evaluation features. To our knowledge the first publication on the sub-
ject for French is from Abbeillé (1991). In order to limit the bias introduced
by the views of a particular expert and to promote reuse of linguistic knowl-
edge, the community started to devise test suites compare, for instance, the
European project TSNLP (Oepen et al., 1996). It produced a syntactic
test suite for several European languages, with each test suite containing
both positive and negative examples of annotations, classified by linguis-
tic phenomena. Although they are of a great help to experts, test suites
have nevertheless several drawbacks. First, they do not reflect the statis-
tical distribution of the phenomena encountered in real corpora and they
are also too small to be reused for evaluation (except for non-regression
tests), because once they have been disclosed, it is relatively easy to cus-
tomise any parser for the specific examples contained in the test suite. The
second drawback concerns the formalism, because very likely the test
suite and the parser under test will use different syntactic formalisms;
thus a mapping between the formalisms will be required, which may gen-
erate some information loss. To answer this criticism, a new approach
inspired by statistics and machine learning has emerged, helped by the recent
progress in NLP and the development of standards for mark-up, i.e., the tree-
banks. A treebank is a relatively large corpus (at least more than 1 million
word forms), completely annotated with a particular formalism in a consistent
way. The first and certainly the most famous is the Penn Treebank (Marcus
et al., 1993), which has inspired other developments like Brant et al. (2002) and
Abbillé et al. (2000) for French. However, while treebanks provide a solution
to the problem of language coverage, they do not solve the main problem of
parsing evaluation, i.e., which pivot formalism should we use to obtain a faith-
ful evaluation? A faithful evaluation is an evaluation that preserves both the
information present in the reference data and in the data output by the parser. It
should also provide the means to describe all the linguistic phenomena of the
test data. Defining such a formalism is precisely one of the objectives of pars-
ing, i.e., providing a universal formalism for all the phenomena of a language.
Up to now many propositions have been made in that direction. Some use
annotation mappings (Gaizauskas et al., 1998); others propose to compare in-
formation quantity (Musillo and Simaán, 2002), which unfortunately obliges
one to build a parallel corpus per formalism; and others again propose to use
Evaluating Part-of-Speech Tagging and Parsing 115

automatic grammar-learning procedures (Xia and Palmer, 2000) or computa-

tions based on the “edit” distance (Roark, 2002). The oldest approach (Black
et al., 1991) focused on evaluation measures and used the constituent bound-
aries to compare parsers by measuring the percentage of crossing brackets
(number of constituent boundaries output by the parser that cross17 a con-
stituent boundary of the reference) and recall (number of constituent bound-
aries output by the parser that exist in the reference data). Precision was
added to the two previous measures to constitute what was called the GEIG 18
scheme (Srinivas et al., 1996) or PARSEVAL measures (Carroll et al., 2002).
Unfortunately these measures were applicable in practice only on unlabelled
constituents, i.e., without any information as to which category the constituent
belongs to, since the output of the parsers that participated in these experiments
was too diverse to allow for the use of such information. The PARSEVAL
scheme takes into account only part of the information produced by a parser.
Furthermore, it is more easily applied to constituent-based parsers.
To try to solve this problem, Lin (1998) suggested to use dependencies
rather than constituents for evaluation. Briscoe et al. (2002) and Caroll et al.
(1998, 2003) propose to go even further by annotating tagged grammati-
cal relations between lemmatised lexical heads, in order to work on both
the logic and grammatical relations that are present in the sentence, in-
stead of looking at the topological details of a parse tree. The most recent
developments in large-scale evaluation effort concern French with the TECH-
NOLANGUE program (Mapelli et al., 2004) and its evaluation campaign for
parsers, EASY (Vilnat et al., 2003) of the EVALDA project, which proposes
to use an annotation formalism inspired by Carroll et al. (2003) with an initial
level of constituents and grammatical relations, but without any explicit notion
of head (Gendner et al., 2003; Vilnat et al., 2003).
The EASY annotation scheme recognises 6 types of syntactic chunks and
14 functional relations. The xml-like tags (cf.) Figure 3 indicate syntactic

<NV>Il arrive</NV><GP>en retard</GP>, avec,<GP> dans sa poche </GP>, <GN>un discours</GN>
cpl-v cod
qu’<NV>il est </NV><GA>obligé</GA><PV>de garder</PV>

suj att-s mod-a

Figure 3. Example of reference annotation of the EASY evaluation campaign for the
sentence: “He arrives late, with in his pocket, a discourse which he must keep.”

chunks: N V = verb chunk, including clitics, as in “Il arrive” “He comes”;

GP = prepositional chunk; GN = nominal chunk; GA = adjectival chunk;
P V = prepositional-verbal chunk (i.e., for infinitive forms introduced by a
preposition). The arrows indicate the functional relations, relating either syn-
tactic chunks or tokens; suj means subject; comp represents “complementiser”
mainly for conjunctive subordinates, with the subordinate conjunction and the
verbal chunk of the subordinate as arguments, but it is also used, like here,
to annotate the relation between a preposition and a nominal chunk or ver-
bal chunk when they cannot be annotated as GP or P V , for instance, in
the presence of an insertion (“dans sa poche”, “in his pocket”); cpl-v means
verb complement; cod encodes direct object; mod-n stands for noun modifier;
mod-a for adjective modifier; atb-s means subject attribute.

5.1 Which Performance can Current Parsing

Technology Achieve
Because there are many more different formalisms and these vary more than
the ones used for POS tagging, the amount of reliable, widely available pars-
ing software is smaller than for taggers. Even more so, since the analysis to
perform is much more complex in the case of parsing. With the same reserva-
tion as for what was said about POS tagging, we will now give some results
indicative of the level of performance achievable by current parsing technolo-
gies, without any claim of being exhaustive.
Black (1993) gives for five systems a percentage of correct sentences (with-
out any constituent boundary crossing) varying from 29% to 78%. He gives
for two systems respective values of 38% and 51% of exact match between the
constituent boundaries of the parsers and the ones of the reference annotation.
Similarly, John Carroll (Carroll et al., 2002) mentions, that describes a com-
parative evaluation done by the GEIG in 1992, recall measures on constituent
boundaries varying from 45% to 64%, a mean rate of constituent boundary
crossing between 3.17 and 1.84, and a sentence percentage, for which the
best analysis contains at least one constituent boundary crossing, between 84%
and 34%.
Srinivas et al. (1998) report that the XTAG (Doran et al., 1994) analyses
correctly 61.4% of the sentences of the TSNLP test suite (Oepen et al., 1996)
and 89.6% of the sentences of a weather forecast bulletin corpus. Srinivas
et al. (1998) have achieved a precision value of 84.2% for another version of the
same parser, measured on the dependencies extracted from the Penn Treebank,
and Xia and Palmer (2000) computed on the same corpus a value of 97.2% of
structure similarity for the syntactic patterns. Crouch et al. (2002) present val-
ues of f-measure lying between 73% and 79%, measured on the Penn Treebank
for an LFG parser enhanced with a stochastic disambiguating mechanism.
Evaluating Part-of-Speech Tagging and Parsing 117

Table 2. Performance range of four parsers of French and their combination, on questions of
the Question and Answer TREC track corpus.

Precision Recall
Noun phrase from 31.5% to 86.6% from 38.7% to 86.6%
Verb phrase from 85.6% to 98.6% from 80.5% to 98.6%
Prepositional phrase from 60.5% to 100% from 60.5% to 100%

For a Category Combinatory Grammar (CCG), Clark and Hochenmaier

(2002) give PARSEVAL results of 85.5% precision for unlabelled constituents
(and 81.6% for labelled ones) and 85.9% recall on unlabelled constituents (and
81.9% on labelled constituents).
For French, Francopoulo and Blache (2003) have obtained a value of 74%
for the f-measure with a chunk parser. Monceaux (2002) and Monceaux and
Vilnat (2003) have studied the combination of parsers for the analysis of ques-
tions. The performance ranges of the four parsers and their combination are
presented in Table 2.
As we have just seen, getting a clear idea of the level of performance achiev-
able by the current parsing technology is rather difficult since the formalisms
vary greatly and the results of evaluation display important differences, dep-
ending on the evaluation procedure applied and on the reference data used,
even more so since evaluation results are scarce for languages other than

6 Conclusion
When POS taggers and parsers are integrated in an application, only quan-
titative blackbox methodologies are available to gauge their performance. This
approach is characteristic for technology-oriented evaluation, which interests
mostly integrators and developers, contrary to user-oriented evaluation, for
which the interaction with the final user is a key element of the evaluation
Although the corpus-based automatic evaluation procedures do provide
most of the information useful for assessing the performance of a POS tagger
or parser, the recourse to the opinion of an expert of the domain is essential,
not only to provide an interpretation of the results returned by the automatic
evaluation procedures, but also to provide the knowledge needed to define the
conditions under which the evaluation measures will be taken.
POS tagging evaluation methodology is now mature, and there exist enough
results in the literature to be able to compare POS taggers on grounds suffi-
ciently sound if one has the proper evaluation tools and an annotated corpus,

the cost of which is rather high, not only because of the manpower needed, but
also because of the annotation quality required.
For parsing, the situation is less clear, possibly only because of the greater
variety of the syntactic formalisms and of the analysis algorithms. It is very
difficult to compare on a fair basis systems that use different formalisms.
However, the situation begins to change with the emergence of new evalu-
ation protocols based on grammatical relations (Carroll et al., 2003) instead
of constituents, and large-scale evaluation campaigns, like the French EASY-
EVALDA of the TECHNOLANGUE program for parsers of French (Vilnat
et al., 2003).

1. A Treebank is a large corpus completely annotated with syntactic information (trees) in a consistent
2. In English, gender for nouns is only useful for analysing constructions with pronouns.
3. A “deep” parser describes for all the word forms of a sentence, in a complete and consistent way, the
various linguistic elements present in the sentence and the structures they form; on the contrary, a “shallow”
parser only provides a partial description of the structures.
4. This is particularly true of any batch-processing activity like POS tagging and parsing.
5. Of all kinds, including emails or produced by automatic speech transcription.
6. We will refrain from using the term type to refer to word forms, to avoid any confusion with other
meanings of this term.
7. Languages like Chinese are written without separators.
8. Tokens are indexed with indices made of the position of the current token in the compound word,
associated with the total number of tokens in the compound, e.g., of/1.2 course/2.2.
9. Transcription of oral dialogues, recorded in various everyday life situations.
10. The error rate is simply the 1’s complement of the accuracy.
11. Note that this measure takes all its sense when given with the corresponding measure of the standard
12. In general α = 0.5.
13. The level of refinement in linguistic distinction offered by the tagset, in general, correlated with the
number of tags: the finer the distinctions, the larger the tagset.
14. A stochastic process is stationary when its statistical characteristics do not depend on the initial
15. Observations made at any time over a succession of process states are the same as the observations
made over the same states but on a large number of realisations.
16. The precision decreases, because as the ambiguous taggings are resolved, they become unambiguous
and thus are taken into account in the computation of the precision, while before they were only taken into
account in the measurement of the decision.
17. Here is an example where the A parentheses cross the B parentheses: (A (B A)B).
18. Grammar Evaluation Interest Group.

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