IEEE Bookstore

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Online Bookstore Using Cloud Computing

Senthil Kumar S AnandhaselvamM
Department of Information
Department of Information Department of Information
Technology Technology Technology
Velammal College Of Engineering Velammal College Of Engineering Velammal College Of Engineering
and Technology and Technology . Madurai,
and Technology India.
Madurai, India. Madurai, India. [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT access the server and the server interacts with the
The project objective is to create an online book database to carry out necessary operations.
store that provides a user-friendly platform for
customers to search, select, and purchase books
online. The website allows customers to search for METHODOLOGY
books based on title, author, and subject. The
selected books are displayed in a tabular format, The main aim is to create a software using PHP
and customers can add them to their shopping cart programming language that can interact with a
and make payments using credit cards.The website database without needing human intervention,
also provides customers with the option to create an making it easier to use. The software will be used
account by providing their name, contact number, for an online book store where customers can
and shipping address. Additionally, customers can
purchase books and browse them by category. It's
rate books by giving them a score out of five.The
books are categorized based on subject, such as similar to a shopping cart but only for books.Users
software, database, English, and architecture, to can access the information they need quickly and
make it easier for customers to find what they are easily. This online bookstore system can save time
looking for.The website is built using PHP and money and is convenient for everyone. It can
programming language and uses master pages, also help improve the logistics industry and
data sets, data grids, and user controls to develop benefit everyone involved. In today's global
the online bookstore. The administrator has
economy, the online bookstore system has
additional functionalities to add, delete, and update
book details, book categories, member information, practical significance for promoting exchange
and confirm placed orders. between countries and encouraging future
INTRODUCTION One major issue faced in developing the Online
Book Store System was difficulty in adding
The Online Book Store System is a software books, photos, and content simultaneously, as
project that aims to make it easy and convenient well as learning a new programming language.
for people to buy books online. It uses the Dart However, with the help of tutorials and sample
programming language to create a user-friendly codes, these issues were resolved efficiently. The
interface that lets you shop for books easily, with architecture of the system is based on a three-tier
different categories for genres. The goal is to structure, with logical tiers for presentation,
save time and effort for users and make the middle, and data storage. This architecture was
software more efficient. The system also has a chosen for its flexibility, allowing for easier
web interface for managing data and a user management of data and business logic, faster
interface for finding the store and selecting books migration to new graphical environments, and re-
to buy. By making it easy to buy books online, usability of business logic in future projects.
the system can help save money and promote the Overall, the Online Book Store System aims to
logistics industry. It's a mutually beneficial provide a user-friendly interface and attract more
solution that benefits customers and businesses, users, while reducing costs and promoting the
and helps promote global commerce.The internet development of the logistics industry.
has made it easy for people to shop and read
books without leaving their homes. Online
bookstores have become popular because they EXISTING SYSTEM
are convenient and offer a wide range of books at
lower prices. Businesses benefit too because they The current system for buying books requires
can reach more customers and don't need to pay people to physically visit bookstores or suppliers
for expensive rent. The B/S structure is a three- to purchase books, and often pay with cash due to
tier model that helps manage and maintain the a lack of knowledge about advanced technology
system easily. The user uses a web browser to in some areas. This process is time-consuming
and involves physical effort, which can be
inconvenient. Additionally, the traditional book
shopping method is not efficient for both
shopkeepers and customers, as there are often
crowds in the stores. The old methods involve
either going to the store and asking the
shopkeeper for the book or contacting a store or
shopkeeper by phone to have the book delivered,
which can be slow and costly. These methods
may also be difficult for those who are new to
marketing or purchasing new items. As a result, a
new online book store management system is
being developed to address these issues.


The system architecture of a Book Store

Management System, which includes a login
activity that allows consumers to access various
features related to sales, inventory, books,
publications, and stocks. Once logged in,
consumers can interact with the different pages
USE CASE Diagram and perform necessary operations. The login
page ensures that only authorized users can
A use case diagram is used to capture the access the system and its features. The pages for
behavior of a system and its requirements, both publications, sales, inventory, books, and stocks
internal and external. It helps to identify the are fixed and accessible only to authorized
actors involved in the system and the users. The diagram provided illustrates how the
functionalities it provides. In our project's use login page works and how the different pages
case diagram, we can see that authorized users interact with each other.
can access the system and activate it by entering
a password. They can then provide voice
commands to the system, which will recognize
the speech and provide results accordingly.


A flow chart is a graphical representation of an

algorithm, which uses various symbols to depict
different stages of the process. In the device
being discussed, the first step is user
authentication. Once the user is authenticated, a
voice assistant runs in the background and The functions of the foreground module:
listens for available voice commands. When the
user gives a command, the voice assistant The online bookstore system includes five main
processes it based on the pre-determined functions. Firstly, users can register as members,
conditions and provides the necessary output. modify their personal information, change their
This output is then sent to the Speech password, and log out. Secondly, the system
Recognition module which converts the speech displays book categories on the left navigation
into a format that can be read by the device. bar, including primary and secondary
Finally, based on the input received, the classifications and book information under each
personal voice assistant performs the desired category. Thirdly, users can search for books by
task. title, keyword, advanced query (by title, author,
and publisher), and category. They can also
view book details. Fourthly, users can manage
their shopping cart by adding, modifying, and
deleting books. Fifthly, the system provides
order management, allowing users to submit and
review orders, confirm receipt of goods, and
cancel orders. Users can also evaluate books and
display their reviews on the Book Details page.

Background module function:

The online bookstore system has four main

modules for the background administrator.
Firstly, the administrator can manage the
classification by viewing, adding, modifying,
and deleting primary and secondary
classifications. Secondly, the administrator can
manage books, including searching for books,
adding new books, editing book information,
and deleting book information. Thirdly, the
system provides order management for the
administrator to view orders by status, view
order details, cancel orders before shipping, and
SYSTEM FUNCTION DESIGN confirm orders after buyer payment. Finally, the
administrator can manage comments by viewing
The online bookstore system modules are all reviews of the book by consumers, adding
categorized into two groups: front-end replies to reviews, and displaying them under
functional modules for consumer book demand the Book Details page.
and back-end functional modules for
administrators. Order management is a shared Logical Structure Design of System
function between these two groups. The order Database:
system in this system has five states: State:1 -
waiting for payment State:2 - waiting for Based on the system's functional design, it is
delivery. State:3 - waiting for confirmation. determined that there are 8 data tables required
State:4 - transaction success and canceled to support the system's structure and
(order can only be canceled in states 1 and 2). requirements. These tables are Users (T_user),
Once an order is in state 4, its status cannot be Book Categories (t_category), Book List
changed. The administrator can cancel orders (t_book), Shopping Cart (t_cartitem), Order
only in the background. Form (t_order), Order Entry (t_orderitem),
Administrators (t_admin), and Comments
(T_comment). Each of these tables serves a solves real-life problems related to book
unique purpose and is interconnected with one acquisition. While some features of the system
another to form the system's database module. may not be perfect due to time limitations, the
Below is a sample of some of the data tables. main functionalities have been implemented.
The website design is essential in attracting and
retaining customers, and our project aims to
provide accessible navigation, information
t_user: retrieval, and valuable feedback. Customers can
name type status
Primar Foreign easily view the contents of books and enjoy a
ber y key key
comfortable shopping experience. The project
1 uid
not null Y utilizes cloud computing to develop a prototype
varc for online bookstore management.
loginn har(5 default
ame 0) null
loginp default
3 har(5
ass 0) null REFERENCES:
eamai har default
l ˄50 null [1] Bakos, J. Y. (1997) discusses the
varc potential benefits of electronic marketplaces in
addre har(8
ss 0)
not null 5 address reducing buyer search costs.
6 name har(2 6 name
0) null [2] Carbaugh, R., & Ghosh, K. (2005)
questions the fairness of textbook pricing for
college students.

t_category: [3] Carlson, S. (2005) criticizes the

effectiveness of online textbooks for higher
num Primar Foreign education.
name type status
ber y key key
1 cid har(3 not null Y [4] Chevalier, J., & Goolsbee, A. (2003)
examine the pricing strategies and competition
cnam between Amazon and BarnesandNoble online
2 har(5 unique
e 0)
char( default
3 pid Y
32) null
default [5] Krey, N., Clow, K.E., & Babin, L.A.
4 desc har(1
00) null (2009) investigate the impact of funding sources
order int(1 auto_in on the buying and selling of college textbooks.
By 1) crement

[6] Limayem, M., Khalifa, M. & Frini, A.

(2000) conduct a study on what motivates
consumers to purchase items online.

The online bookstore system is a popular and

[7] Malone, T., JoAnne, Y., & Benjamin,
practical platform that meets the needs of
R,. (1987) discuss the potential advantages of
customers who are interested in purchasing
electronic markets and hierarchies.
books. It differs from traditional physical
bookstores by overcoming limitations such as a
[8] Mui, Y., & Kinzie, S. (2008) report on
limited variety of books, fixed locations, limited
the unlikelihood of a significant reduction in
space, and narrow sales channels, providing
textbook costs.
people with greater convenience when buying
books. The online bookstore system allows
[9] Pollitz, J., & Christie, A. (2006) explore
users to easily find information and purchase
the possible reasons behind the high costs of
books in a user-friendly environment, which
textbooks, including the role of academic
libraries, campus bookstores, and publishers.

[10] Rabil, S. (2006) outlines alternative

options for textbook purchasing besides
traditional bookstores.

[11] Stein, M., Stuen, C., Carnine, D., &

Long, R. (2001) discuss the evaluation and
adoption process of textbooks.

[12] Vassos, T. (1996) presents the concept

of strategic internet marketing.

[13] Yang, B. (2003) examines the feasibility

of purchasing textbooks online.

[14] Yang. J., Zielinski, J., and Cheng, L.

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purchasing college textbooks from e-bookstores.

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[16] Churchill, G. A paradigm for

developing better measures of marketing
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[17]Gefen, D., and Straub, D. The relative

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