Standard G 105
Standard G 105
Standard G 105
Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Testing and
Quality Assurance Systems
to qualify as
Price: Rs 3100/-
1.0 Preface
This Standard, G – 105, is issued in supersession of G-93. This standard lays down
requirements of infrastructure, manufacturing, testing facilities, quality assurance systems
and the procedure for approval as Railway Wagon Builder. The standard is also intended to
make the existing as well as the prospective private manufacturers aware of the compliance
standards they have to fulfill to achieve certification. The Standard also lays down a system
to permits growth of a certified wagon manufacturer in respect of installed capacity and
types of wagons manufactured. The Standard also takes into account the possibility of
complacency towards conformance after certification and lays down a system of continued
conformance assurance and decertification under certain circumstances.
A certificate issued to this Standard shall form a prerequisite for a wagon Manufacturer to
be able to participate in wagon procurement RFP and Tenders issued directly by Indian
Railways. Un-certified private wagon manufacturing works will not be permitted to
manufacture wagons for Indian Railways.
However a wagon builder holding a certificate to this standard should have supplied a
minimum of 500 wagons against Indian Railway orders or WIS/MWIS/LWIS out of which at
least 250 numbers should have been in satisfactory service for a period of one year before
being considered for regular procurement.
1.1 Scope
This standard covers the norms for objective evaluation of the Infrastructure, Manufacturing,
Testing and Quality Assurance Requirements for manufacture & supply of Railway wagons.
It also incorporates a regime of certification to this standard, including registration, initial
audit, confirmatory audit, Grant of certificate, annual verification audit , periodic re-validation
and withdrawal of certification.
As this Standard replaces earlier system of verification against STR No. G 93 (Rev 5 of Feb
2009) , a special one time provision of issuing a provisional G 105 certificate has been
included to permit erstwhile G-93 compliant wagon manufacturers who were considered
eligible for placement of regular orders against centralized wagon procurement tender of
Railway Board for the year 2009-10. A provisional G 105 certificate shall be issued by
RDSO , suo-moto, along with publication of G 105 Standard. This certificate will be valid for
a period of 18 months from the date of issue and will cover all the facilities of a
manufacturer considered G-93 compliant against the centralized wagon procurement tender
2009-10 of Railway Board. The provisional certificate will not include type and capacity
endorsement. This is a special one-time measure adopted to provide continuity and grant
sufficient time to existing wagon manufacturers to migrate to new G-105 Standards. There
shall be no extension of the provisional certificate for any reason whatsoever on any
grounds and all existing regular wagon manufacturers are required to obtain G 105
certification for each of their wagon manufacturing works, failing which, the defaulter
manufacturing works of a private wagon manufacturer shall cease to be eligible for wagon
manufacture for Indian Railways. Such defaulter wagon manufacturing works shall require
fresh certification under these Standards.
1.2.1 Introduction
i. The prospective wagon builder will apply to Executive Director Standards (Wagon), RDSO,
Lucknow on prescribed application form for registration. The prescribed application form for
registration shall be uploaded on RDSO’s website for free down load. Lump sum fees, as
indicated in the application form shall have be deposited by the prospective wagon builder
in accordance with extant instructions on the subject. Supporting Documents, as need be,
may be attached with the registration form duly self attested by the prospective wagon
builder. Separate applications are required for each separate facility manufacturing facilities,
regardless of common ownership or control of those facilities. An indicated list of such
documents is listed at Annexure I. The applicant shall be liable for truthfulness and
correctness of disclosures and submissions made to RDSO during the process G 105
certification . Any misrepresentations or frauds as defined under Indian Contract Act 1872
(latest amendment) shall make the wagon manufacturer liable for black listing and
imposition of a ban for supply of wagons for running on Indian Railways for a minimum
period of three years , extendable to five years at the discretion of Indian Railways.
ii. The prospective wagon builder shall clearly state the category of wagons for which
certification is sought viz.
iii. The application shall also mention the requested manufacturing capacity for assessment
and certification in the following brackets :
iv. If the application form and supporting documents submitted by the prospective wagon
builder are found adequate and satisfactory by RDSO, the registration of the application for
certification to G 105 Standards shall be confirmed and the prospective wagon builder shall
be issued a letter for initial audit of the firm to the standard.
v. If the application form and supporting documents submitted by the prospective wagon
builder are not found adequate and satisfactory by RDSO; the prospective wagon builder
shall be communicated about the deficiencies and asked to address the same in a time
bound manner.
i. The Initial Audit will be performed for all applicants seeking fresh
certification to G-105 Standards , including those whose existing certificate
has been withdrawn or whose revalidation period has lapsed. Initial audit
will not be required for wagons builder seeking re-validation of pre-existing
G-105 certificate within permissible time limit as laid down in this Standard.
ii. The initial audit of the prospective wagon builder will be done by auditor (s)
to be nominated by EDSW, RDSO for verification of their facilities and
capabilities as per requirements of G 105. The minimum requirements
mentioned in Annexure III against an outturn of 2 wagons per day per
facility to be certified shall be the benchmark for initial audit. Auditor under
these standards will mean be one or more Indian Railway functionaries
specifically assigned by EDS (Wagon), RDSO for the purpose.
iii. The initial audit of the prospective wagon builder shall be done to verify the
compliance of the prospective wagon builder to the mandatory
requirements specified in this standard.
iv. In case, no non conformities are found during the initial audit, a letter of
initial audit completion shall be issued to the prospective wagon builder by
v. In case, non conformities are found during the initial audit, a Non
Conformity Report shall be generated after the initial audit and shall be
communicated to the prospective wagon builder for rectification in a time
bound manner.
vi. Upon receipt of Action Taken Report from the prospective wagon builder, a
follow up audit shall be done on the action taken by the Auditor.
vii. In case, non conformities found during the initial audit are found have been
adequately and satisfactorily addressed during the first follow up audit, a
letter of initial audit completion shall be issued to the prospective wagon
builder by EDSW.
viii. In case, non conformities are found during the follow up audit, a second
Non Conformity Report shall be generated & the prospective wagon builder
shall be again communicated about the same by RDSO. The prospective
wagon builder shall be asked for rectification in a time bound manner.
ix. Upon receipt of Action Taken Report from the prospective wagon builder, a
second follow up audit shall be done on the action taken by The Auditor.
x. In case, non conformities found during the initial audit & first follow up audit
are found have been adequately and satisfactorily addressed during the
second follow-up audit, a letter of initial audit completion shall be issued to
the prospective wagon builder by EDSW.
xi. After issue of letter of Initial Audit Completion, confirmatory Audits for full
certification shall be under taken, manufacturing facility-wise as described
in these Standards.
xii. In case, during the second follow up audit it is found that the non
conformities found during the initial audit & first follow up audit have been
not addressed adequately and in a satisfactory manner, the registration of
the prospective wagon builder shall be cancelled. The same shall be
communicated to the prospective wagon builder. The decision of EDSW in
this regard shall be final. In such a case, the prospective wagon builder
shall have to apply afresh after a of minimum 6 months from the date of
cancellation of registration for the specific wagon manufacturing facility,
along with the requisite fees, to RDSO in the manner prescribed in these
Standards even if certification is sought for the same facility again.
ii. The confirmatory audit shall be done to verify the compliance of the
prospective wagon builder to all the requirements specified in this standard,
to the extent applicable to the applicant for the manufacturing facility
registered for G-105 certification. The applicant shall be communicated the
dates of confirmatory audit at least 30 days in advance.
iii. The confirmatory audit of the prospective wagon manufacturing facility will
be done by the auditor (s). Auditor under these standards will mean be
one or more Indian Railway functionaries specifically assigned by EDS
(Wagon), RDSO for the purpose. Items likely to be checked in the
confirmatory audit are listed in Annexure II. This is an indicative list only
and the actual audit may expand the scope of the audit depending upon the
documents submitted and results observed in previous audits.
iv. In case, non conformities are found during the confirmatory audit, a Non
Conformity Report shall be generated and shall be communicated to the
applicant for rectification in a time bound manner.
vi. In case, non conformities are found during the follow up audit, a second
Non Conformity Report shall be generated and shall be communicated to
the applicant for rectification in a time bound manner.
vii. Upon receipt of Action Taken Report from the prospective wagon builder, a
second follow up of confirmatory audit shall be done on the action taken by
the Auditor.
The prospective wagon builder may be asked, by EDSW/RDSO, to
manufacture a prototype wagon (s) (of the category/categories for which
certification is sought) to be checked and tested as per the concerned
specification by audit team during the initial audit, New entrant may be
further asked to manufacture second prototype during manufacture of the
development lot to establish maturity of manufacturing process and
adherence to quality standard. The prototypes will be tested as first article
as per laid down drawings, specification etc.
viii. In case, non conformities found during the confirmatory audit, at any stage
,are found have been adequately and satisfactorily addressed during the
first follow up audit, a certificate of compliance to G 105 standard, in the
format given in Annexure V, shall be issued by RDSO to the applicant for
the respective Wagon Manufacturing Facility. The overall capacity
mentioned in the certificate shall only be indicative.
ix. In case, during the second follow up audit it is found that non conformities
found during the confirmatory audit & first follow up audit have been not
addressed adequately and in a satisfactory manner, a notice of 3 months
shall be given to the applicant to remove all non-conformances, call for the
final follow up audit and satisfy the Auditor within the notice period. In case
non-conformities persist at this stage, the registration of the prospective
wagon builder shall be cancelled. The same shall be communicated to
the applicant. The decision of EDSW in this regard shall be final. In such a
case, the applicant shall have to apply afresh after a gap of at least 6
months from the date of cancellation of registration, along with the requisite
fees, to RDSO in the manner prescribed in these Standards, even if
certification is sought for the same facility again.
Annual Verification Audits of the wagon builder shall be done by the auditor (s)
nominated by EDSW. Verification audits may address all or selected requirements
stated in this standard. Product audits may be conducted in lieu of or in conjunction
with verification audits at the discretion of the EDSW, RDSO. Non Conformity
Report (NCR), generated during such audits, if any, shall have to be cleared by the
wagon builder and confirmation issued to RDSO within 6 months of issue of the
NCR. Conduct of annual verification audits of the applicant under these Standards
may be entrusted by EDSW/RDSO to suitable quality auditing agencies of
international repute at his discretion.
ii. The wagon builder will apply to Executive Director Standards (Wagon), RDSO, Lucknow on
prescribed application form for re-validation at least six months before the expiry of the
certificate. The prescribed application form for re-validation shall be uploaded on RDSO’s
website for free down load. Supporting Documents, as need be, may be attached with the
re-validation form duly self attested by the prospective wagon builder. Separate applications
are required for each separate facility manufacturing facilities, regardless of common
ownership or control of those facilities. Registration for enhancement of certificate can be
done at any time during the validity by applying on a prescribed form along with supporting
documents mentioned therein.
iii. If the application form and supporting documents submitted by the wagon builder are found
adequate and satisfactory by RDSO, the prospective wagon builder shall be issued with a
letter for Confirmatory audit for revalidation/ Enhancement of G-105 certificate for the
applicant’s manufacturing facility . This letter, in case of revalidation application, along with
a copy of expired certificate , shall fulfill the requirement of “ a Valid G-105 certificate” for a
wagon builder to participate in Wagon Procurement tenders of Railway Board provided, the
firm has not been served with the letter of De-certification by RDSO.
iv. If the application form and supporting documents submitted by the wagon builder are not
found adequate and satisfactory by RDSO; the prospective wagon builder shall be
communicated about the deficiencies and asked to address the same in a time bound
v. Enhancement of certificate for addition of capacity or an additional wagon type to an
existing certified wagon manufacturing facility may also be requested as a part of the
application for revalidation of G-105 certificate. The procedure for revalidation shall be
applicable in such cases.
vi. The procedure for re-validation / enhancement audit will be same as that for confirmatory
audits described in these Standards which shall be performed by the auditor .
vii. In case, non -conformities found during the re-validation / enhancement audit are found
have been adequately and satisfactorily addressed at any stage during confirmatory audits
for revalidation, a certificate of conformance to G 105 standard, in the format given in
Annexure V, shall be issued to the wagon builder by RDSO. The revalidated certificate shall
indicate the certificate no. and expiry date of the previous certificate and shall be valid for a
period of 3 years from the date of expiry of the previous certificate. In case of mid term
enhancement of a valid certificate, a fresh enhanced certificate will be issued with the same
date of validity as the original certificate. The overall capacity mentioned in the certificate
shall only be indicative
viii. In the event de-certification, the concerned wagon builder may, if so preferred, seek a
review by submitting a request to EDSW/RDSO within 30 days of the date of de-
certification letter.
ix. In case de-certification is upheld after appeal, the prospective wagon builder shall have to
apply afresh for certification, along with the requisite fees, to RDSO in the manner
prescribed in these paras even if certification is sought for the same facility again. Such an
application can be made after a gap of at least 6 months from the date of the letter of De-
ii. G 105 certification of railway wagon builder may also be withdrawn in case the entire factory
has produced no wagons continuously for a period of 12 months on account of any reason
including closure/shutdown/lock out but excluding lack of orders.
iii. In case the certificate of the wagon builder is proposed to be withdrawn, a show cause
notice shall be served by EDSW/RDSO to the wagon builder for submission of reply within
30 days from the date of notice.
iv. Withdrawal of certification shall be communicated in writing to the concerned wagon builder.
A copy shall also be marked to Mechanical, Finance and Stores Directorate of Railway
v. G 105 certification of railway wagon builder can also be withdrawn directly by RDSO in
case the wagon builder is black listed or business dealing with the wagon builder is banned
by Government of India or its offices on communication of such a ban by Railway Board. In
such a case, no show cause notice shall be given to the wagon builder.
1.5.2 Requirements
The prospective wagon builder must fulfill the requirements as listed in Annexure-III, to the
extent applicable (depending upon the type of wagon proposed for manufacture).
The Railways have recently entered in to a consultancy contract for developing many other
things procedures and standard for wagon manufacturing and quality assurance. The
outcome of these measures will lead to further upgradation of these standards.
Annexure I
1. Organization Chart
2. Quality Control Organization Chart
3. Name, Qualification & Experience of Key Personnel of Quality Control Organization
4. Description of Quality Control of raw material, free supply items, bought out items, tooling, jigs,
fixtures, templates, dies, cutting, welding, riveting, shot blasting, painting, etc.
5. Compliance Status of G 105 Requirements (Separately for Mandatory and Others) with
Description, Quantity, Machine No, Identification Number, Make, Capacity, Year of
Commissioning, Status (working/not working), Ownership & Calibration Status.
6. Calculation of manufacturing capacity of the facility
7. List with description, quantity, identification number, make, year of
manufacturing/commissioning, calibration frequency and calibration status of following:
a. Drilling jigs b) Welding fixtures, c) Marking templates, d) Profile Templates, e) Forging
dies, f) Gauges
8. Procedure of Calibration of M& P, tools, equipments, jigs, fixtures, templates, etc.
9. Production Flow Chart
10. Sequence of Operations with list of components in the format containing following columns (it
should include all components of an assembly/sub-assembly):-
a) Name of Assembly/Sub-assembly/Component
b) Nos. required per Wagon/Assembly/Sub-assembly
c) In-house or Bought Out
d) Grade of Material
e) Dimensions of sheets (L X W x H/T)
f) Approx. Weight (in Kg)
g) Acceptance Criteria/Tolerance
h) Operation performed
i) Done by (means)
j) Sample size of Internal Inspection
k) Frequency of internal inspection
11. List of bought out items.
12. List of shop made components
13. Inspection formats
14. List of welding personnel, along-with their qualification & experience
15. Format for checking of welding equipment
16. Procedure of purchase of components
17. Procedure of removal of non-conformities
18. ERP Capabilities Details
19. Customer complaint redressal system:
a. Key person responsible for complaint redressal (Give contact No. also).
b. Complaint redressal mechanism.
G 105
Annexure II
Indicative Checklist for Confirmatory Audit of Prospective Wagon Builders
In addition to verifying the facilities mentioned in Annexure III, as applicable to the prospective wagon builder, the following would also be checked during the
confirmatory audit:
1. Management and Line Supervision Status of the firm
1.1 Does wagon builder’s quality assurance policy indicate recognition of separation of
responsibility for production and quality control supervision functions?
1.2 Does the organization chart clearly show lines of plant management authority and
responsibility down to principal plant departmental supervisors?
1.4 Are assigned personnel for key positions in manufacturing qualified by training and
1.5 Are supervisors qualified by experience and/or education or training programs?
2. Specifications
2.1 Are there adequate procedures to ensure that obsolete drawings and documents are destroyed
or isolated from use?
2.2 Are there adequate procedures for distributing new and revised drawings to the shop force?
2.5 System for raw materials inspected upon receipt and marked for permanent identification?
2.6 System for all other purchased materials (wheels, brakes, castings, etc.) checked for
conformance with the purchasing document upon receipt?
2.8 System for raw material test reports kept on file?
2.10 Marking system that ensures the intended application of material cut from larger pieces?
3.7 Are electrode wire, and gas shield properly stored and identified?
4. Quality Control
4.1 Does the quality control organization include a quality control supervisor who can demonstrate
an adequate knowledge of the car construction process?
4.3 Is there an in-process inspection procedure to ensure that the car is properly fabricated and
4.4 Does Quality Control have authority to stop and responsibility to inform operating supervision
of nonconforming work?
4.5 Are there adequate procedures for correcting nonconforming material or work in process
rejected by Quality Control forces?
4.7 Are there adequate procedures for the inspection of purchased material and manufactured
4.9 Are contract specifications and special provisions in the Quality Control file?
4.11 Do all wagons receive an adequate final inspection, and is a record kept of this inspection?
4.12 Is there office space for outside inspectors?
4.13 Are there procedures for liaison with outside inspectors?
5. Facilities
5.1 Does the wagon builder have a mechanism to simulate minimum curve requirements?
5.2 Does the wagon builder have possession of weighbridge with valid calibration by weight and
measures department of the concerned state government?
5.3 Does the wagon builder have designated level track for adjustment of side bearings and
coupler height?
5.7 Is there proper storage for paint and brake components, particularly valves, cylinders, and
6. Operations
6.1 Are grade of material and marking verified prior to fabrication?
6.2 Is raw material blocked and handled to prevent permanent distortion?
6.3 Does the facility have yard space, handling, and other equipment to store and handle
7. Test Devices
7.1 Does the wagon builder have brake force measuring devices available?
7.3 Does the wagon builder have a single car test device?
7.4 Is the single car test device tested in accordance with the latest RDSO requirements?
7.5 Are torque wrenches periodically calibrated?
8. Maintenance of Equipment
8.1 Is there an adequate plan for the systematic maintenance of equipment?
8.2 Are the equipment and tools periodically inspected and restored to intended tolerance?
8.3 Are welding machines periodically checked to ensure correct amperage and voltage readings?
9. Engineering and Drafting
9.2 Do personnel have an adequate knowledge of the applicable codes and specifications?
9.3 Is there a current reference library of specifications, including the latest revisions of all relevant
RDSO/IS/AAR/UIC codes/manuals
9.6 Is a current list of design and shop detail drawings with latest revisions maintained?
9.7 Are copies of approved special procedures, in addition to welding, furnished to quality control
and production supervisors?
9.10 Does the wagon builder have access to engineering testing support facilities? A list of major
testing equipment should be provided.
Annexure III
Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Testing and Quality Assurance Requirements to qualify as Railway Wagon Builder
1. General Requirements
g) The tank wagon manufacturers should have Mandatory Yes Yes Yes
hydraulic/pneumatic test facilities for testing of the barrel
up-to the pressure specified in the particular
h) Sub-merged arc welding machines provided with welding Mandatory Yes Yes Yes
booms & mechanical/ motorized rotators should be
i) A facility to check the barrel / barrel plates by ultrasonic Mandatory Yes Yes Yes
test as per specified ASTM after its manufacture should
be available (this is applicable for BTPGLN Wagons only).
j) It has to be ensured that a system exist for testing of LPG Yes Yes Yes
dome fittings. Method of certification should be suitably
k) It has to be ensured that suitable stands and gantry are Mandatory Yes Yes Yes
available for attending to diaphragm plates fitted with
pipes and LPG dome fittings.
l) Plate rolling machine of the capacity up to 2.5 m or above Mandatory Yes Yes Yes
x12 mm should be available
11. Use of components like Bogie, Air Brake System, Couplers etc during wagon manufacturing
Government of India Hkkjr ljdkj & jsy ea=ky;
Ministry of Railways vuql/a kku vfHkdYi vkSj ekud laxBu
Research Design & Standards Organisation ekud uxj ] y[kuÅ & 226011
Manak Nagar, Lucknow – 226 011
VsyhQksu % (0522) – 2465165
QSDl % (0522) – 2452494
[email protected]
No. : Dated :
M/s ------------------------------------------
In terms of letters refereed at above and initial audit of your works at ---------------------
------------- conducted on -------------------- followed by follow up audits conducted on -------------
------ & ----------------------, the non conformities communicated vide this office’s letters no. -----
------------------------ dated ----------------- & --------------------- are found to be adequately and
satisfactorily addressed.
In view of the above, the Initial Audit of your works at ---------------------------------- for
compliance to G 105 Standard is considered as completed.
Kindly advice your readiness for confirmatory audit within six months of issue of this letter.
Executive Director Standards (Wagon)
1. EDME (Freight), Railway Board, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 001
Note: * The overall capacity mentioned in the certificate shall only be indicative.